HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-1-24, Page 5Broken in Health
That. Tired Feeling, Constipation
and Pain in the Back
Appetite and Health Restored by
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Mr. Chas. Steele
St. Catherine's, Ont.
i' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"For a number of years I have been troubled
with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath,
pain in the bank, and constipation. I could get
only little rest atniglit on account of the pain,
and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
in My limbs that I gave out before half the day
was gone. I tried a great number of so-called
blood purifiers, but with no good results. I was
also under the Dare of several doctors. Fro-
, quently I had such bad spells that I had to be
Brought Home from Work
during the clay and have a doctor called in, but
did not get any permaneut'relief from any
source until, upon recommendation of a friend,
I purchased a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which made me feel better at once. I have con-
tinued its use, having taken three bottles, and
1 Feel Like a New Man.
I have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I
did, and enjoy perfect rest at nicht. I have
much pleasure in recommending Rood's Sarsa-
parilla." CHARLES STEELE, with Erie Pre-
serving Co., Si. Catherine's, Ontario.
Headache and impure Blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla Quickly Cured.
"0.1. Hood 8t Co., Lowell,. Mass.;
"About a year ago I had an attack of the grip,
followed by a continued Headache and dizzi-
ness. And shortly after this my face broke out
In blotches like ring -worms. I tried numerous
medicines to see what they would do for me,
but never found anything to take effect until, at
cast, I thought I:wouid give Hood's Sarsaparilla
a trial. I purchased one bottle which soon took
effect for the better, and by the time I had taken
T(i1!Rim OF P FE T10 G eat Britain's oapital m United ,Stater.DHE r j Q tatlroada is said, to amount to St/00,000,000:
The French government is About to .in-
troduce a bill fining railway companies for
late trains,
The first horse railroad was made in
1629. Now every country town leas its
street car line, end even Constantinople
and Jerusalem have such facilities,,
On some railroads the oars are provided
by the Bible society and other religious
organizations with Bibles that are kept in
reeks, and curiously enough the racks are
systematically robbed.
The Central railroad of Brazil carried
10,684,135 passengers in 1893, against
9,394,069 in 1892. The freight traffic) de-
creased from 607,800 tons to 591,700 tons.
The number of locomotives Imo increased
from 192 to 225.
Japan's railroads at present have a total
locomotive equipment of two hundred and
six engines, two hundred of which are of
English, four of German and two of
American make. The last are of the
mogul type and were built at the Baldwin
works. The German engines are rack -rail
locomotives built on the Abt system.
half the bottle the headache had ceased and the
blotches had all ]eft my face. I have never felt
better than I do now, and I think Hood's Sarsa-
parilla the best blood purifier on the market
and readily recommend it to anyone in need of
the same." Miss LoUISE LoNG, Belly's Com-
mercial House, Cul -de -Sac Street. Quebec, P. Q.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
.easy iu action. Sold by all druggists. 25c.
Diamond Dyes Supe-
rior to ail others.
Colors bear a relation to each other
some thing litre that of the musical
notes; and there is a harmony of colors,
analogous Go that of musical sounds.
An exquisite taste sn the combination
of colors may be the result of a nice
preception of these relations, in the
same way that an exquisite taste re-
lations of musical sounds. It is un.
questionable that there are some .com.
hi nation of color which are universally
disagreeable, independently of any as
sociations or acquired habits. To the
connoisseur and lover of colors, no more
lovely or beautiful sight can be pre
seated, than the tasteful arrangement
of over forty standard colors 'of Dia-
mond Dyes, and the one hundred rich
shades and tints which, are produced
from them. Diamond Dyes colors are
scientifically prepared, and when used
according to directions in the home, the
results are pleasing and truly grand.
It would require a good sized volume
to describe their uses and possibilities,
and to tell the comfort, joy and pleas
ure they are capable of giving.
Mother's and daughter's dresses are
made new by then; their wraps, jack-
hts, shawls, ribbons and hose are with
tittle trouble renewed for home al,d.
street wear. Father's and son's suits
are made to look brand new; and any
cast off article of wearing apparel can
be made to blossom as the rose. This
work of transformation, remember, can
only be successfully accomplished by
the invincible Diamond Dyes.
Lord. Randolph Churchill was much
weaker yesterday, aid it is believed
the end is near.
Poor Digestion.
Leads to nervousness, fretfulness,
peevishness, chronic Dyspepsia and
great misery. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
the remedy. It tones the stomach, ere
a,tes an appetite, and gives a relish to
food. It makes pure blood and gives
healthy action to all the organs of the
body. Take Flood's for Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. Cures. •
Hood's Pills become the favorite
•cathartic with every one who tries
The latest estimate is that 60 persons
were killed in the powder explosions at
Butte, Montana:
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
In time. Sold by druggists
British Columbia is the largest of the
Provinces and embraces an area of 382,000
square miles.
Prince Edward Island is the smallest -
2,000 square miles.
The smallest of the seven is the most
densely populated, having a little over 54
people to the square mile, while the larg-
est is the most sparsely peopled, with a
little over three square miles to each per-
There is coal in four out of the seven
Provinces, Nova Scotia being the greatest
producer with an output of about two and
a quarter million tuns per annum.
British. Columbia is the greatest gold
producer, the produce of her mines for
thirty years having been valued at forty-
six and a half million dollars.
Nova Scotia has the most valuable fish-
eries, her annual catch averaging about
seven million dollars in value.
Quebec takes the
lead in the supply PP1Y
timber, her output of saw logs amounting
to 5.000,000,000 feet board measure, and
of square timber to three and a quarter
million cubic feet.
Ontario is the banner cheese Province,
the production running up to about, eight
million dollars a year.
seven have e re-
Combined, the o
sources unequally by those of any other
country in the world.
For Over Fifty fears.
Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their chtic ren while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes thechild, softens
the gums, allays a1;1 pain, cures wind colic
and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is
pleasant to the taste.. Sold by Druggists In
every part of the
every Twenty-five cents
a bottle.. Its value is incaloulablo. Be sure
and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
General Booth in Winnipeg yester-
Sir Mackenzie Bowell had a drive out
Loudon, Huron and Bruce.
Passer ger.
8.05A21 4,80rDI
0.07 5.47
9.37 615
0 44 6,20
0.52 6.28
10.12 " 6.85
10.20 7.14
10 88 7.23
10.52 7 87
11.10 8.00
6.85 A.11 8.25 r nr
8.50 8.47
7,08 4.01
7,10 408
7.80 4,28
7.57 4,58
808 468
8.25 12
8,40' 5.28
GOING No1Ep1-•
London, depart.........
if ensall.
- Clinton
Londes baro
Ralgrave .........
'Wthgham arrivo........
Wingham, depart
Clinton. ..
Irlpnsn ... ..
Ren Sall ...
B1ii 1YE1ii,
For where we love is home, home that
our feet may leave but not our hearts. -
Jean Ingelow.
Do the duty which lies nearest to you.
Every duty which is bidden to wail re-
turns with seven fresh duties at its back.
It is an old proverb that he who aims at
the atm, to he sure will not .reach it, but
his arrow will fly higher than if he aimed
at an object on a level with himself.--
Every vice and folly has a train of secret
and necessary punishment. If we are lazy,
we must expect to be poor; if intemperate,
to be disc .sed; if luxurious, to die prema-
Our Ciubbllla Offer•
The Climate of the southern polar region
is much more severe than that of corres-
ponding regions in the north.
Medieval doctors considered chips from
the gallows on whioh somebody bad been
hanged a good remedy for ague.
At the time of the Persian wars all
Greek men wore long hair, tied on the top
of the head in a knot and fastened with a
Palindroues, words or sentences which
spell or read the same backward as for-
ward, in superstitious ages were supposed
to possess magical virtues.
In some of the hotels of Lucknow and
Cawnpore, much frequented by foreign
travelers. there are signs which read thus:
"Please Do Not Strike the Servants."
This year is 5654 of the Jewish era,
7402 in the Byzantine era; 2554 in the
Japanese era; 1314 of the Mohammedan,
and the 27th year of the Dominion of
The mariner's compass was used for
centuries by the Chinese before it was
brought to Europe. Its invention or in-
troduction is credited to Flavio Gioja,
iu the fourteenth century.
The AnvocaTs is anRiouy that its snb-
scribers should have the advantage of the
Agents fees on city weeklies and with thi
enrl in view we have arranged with the fol.
lowing papers to be dubbed with the An
vocA'rE. We will furnish •the ADVOCATP
and any of the following papers at the peic,
set opposite: -
Free Press.......... $1.70
Advertiser ........ 1 76
Empire 1.75
Globe.:... 1.05
Witness (Montreal) 1.75
News (Toronto) 2 75
Mail. 1.75
Star (Montreal)...... 1.75
Farmers' Advocate . 175
Farmer's Sun (Patron)'.......... 1.t+0
a. x-st_
Has now in stook
The tallest tree on earth is a gum tree
in Australia -four hundred and fifteen
A curious growth is noted at Hartford,
Conn, A cucumber vine has wound itself
around the stalk of a large sunflower plant,
and a cucumber has grown under the
leaves of the sunflower.
India has perhaps a greater variety of
plants than any other country in the world,
having fifteen thousand native species,
while the flora of the entire continent of
Europe only embraces about ten thousand.
The gulf weed (fuous natans) which,
with its little round "berries," is not un-
like the mistletoe in form, but of a brown-
ish yellow color, has been thought to have
Iost its property of rooting on rocks and.
to have acquired the power of living afloat.
The vine at Hampton Court is believed
to be the largest in Europe, its branches
extendiug over a space of two thousand
three hundred feet. It was planted :from
a slip iu the year 1768 and generally bears
upward of two thousand bunches of grapes
of the black Hamuro' kind.
DUIJIIOSS o�Oxfora O . 5!
EllT e....
ant, is computed, to be 100,000,000,000
miles distant from the sun..
The Sierra Nevada range of mountains
its California is nearly 500 miles long, 70
Wide, and from 7,000 to nearly 15,000 feet
Lieut. Bernier of the French dory bas
invented a compass which does away with
a steersman, as the compass steers the
vessel itself,
The hair has a growth of its own apart
from that which animates the human
body; This aocounts for the growth of
the hair in the dead long after inter-
Seasoned timber is but little liable to
decay under the influence of a dry atmos-
phere, and will resist decomposition for an
indefinite period when kept totally sub-
merged in water.
The aerial space within the limit of our
vision is calculated to have a diameter of
420,000,000 miles and in circumference of
1,329,742,000,000 miles. And. this isconly
a fragment of the immensity of space.
Dr. Schaff, of Vienna, has. applied
photography to the study of the. human
skin. A bright light is projected on the
part of the skin to be examined„ and by
direct exposure many small details' of the
skin, including markings not usually dis-
"How about the new cook? Does she
make your favorite dishes now?" Mrs.
Newed-No, but she breaks a lot of them.
"Miss Wayback carries her age wonder-
fully well, doesn't she?" She -Yes, con-
sidering the number of years in it.
"That horrid old Miss Blabton came of
good family? I don't see why you think
so. He -Well, don't good blood always
tell? "Yes, indeed." "Well, . I never
knew her to keep anything she happened
to hear."
"I never saw such impudence as that
Mr. Puffup at the five-oent counter die-
plays." "Well, what did he do?"' "Really
presumed to act as if we were acquaint-
ances, when we were only engaged for a
month at the seashore."
"Sueezer seemed to get acgvaiuted with
every one here thefirst day." "Yes, it
was a pretty clever scheme he worked to
bring it about," "What did he do?"
"Took a violent gold and then everyone
wanted an introduction so as to offer a
cernible are. photographed.
Martin Van Buren began life as an office
boy for a lawyer, rising slowly to the peal -
tion of a clerk, copyist and finally becom-
ing a pleader in the courts of justices of
the peace.
Bernadotte, one of Napoleon's marshals.
who afterwards became king of Sweden;
was educated in the office of a country no-
tary, and spent his time in copying legal
Southey, the poet, spent most of his boy-
hood in his father's linen shop. He
wrote verses 4.n the intervals of business
and kept his papers hidden among the
goods on the shelves.
West, the painter, showed his talent at a
very early age. He made sketches in char-
coal before he was ten, and some of hie
early work displays great rease in the use
of the crayon.
John Howard showed in boyhood the
philanthropic traits that afterwards made
his name famous. He was continually on
the outlook for some case of distress that
he might relieve.
Wolsey's early life is said to have been
passed mainly in the slaughter house of
his father, who was a butcher. He was
sometimes called by his enemies "The
Butcher's Dog,"
The unicycle is expected by the inventor
to go a mile in twenty seconds.
The bi'iycle is coming into favor with
the cotenoysas a substitute for the horse.
Lovers will welcome a new safety en-
velope which has just been patented. It
is so pasted and folded that it cannot be
opened without being tore.
A bosom shirt, which is open in front,
and made to button like a coat, is a recent
invention. Ib was exhibited in a Broadway
window the other day and attracted mush
Steel caskets for the bodies of those who
die suddenly on shipboard are being tar•
rind on many of the transatlantic lines. The
leinains are placed in them and hermetic-
ally sealed.
Soft snaps help to make hard times.
fa diplomacy lying becottlea a fins art.
Value depe:,tls upctn quality, not price.
00=+„ Truth and falsehood often seem twine.
West o4 t1and Suiti gs and Tree Thea
it practice
always s
(rings, handed.
Scotchuitile ' It is easier to make a congregation yawn
Tweed S
gs and Proust ir than yearn.
inks. I Men will abandon a principle to die for
French and English Wttrrited t. lot ':a sentiment.
.4,11 lade up in the Latest 1 The biggest fools do not commit the
greatest blunders.
Sold, til best � di,t,4art. The premature is always in danger of
e nt# res i en
Study does not necesstirily imply obser-
Our Patent Duplex Flue
Insures • an oven that works
uniformly in all parts and is
perfectly ventilated, .
The Fire Linings
Fronted by the draft from
the Duplex Flue. Las
double the usual time,
A Perfect Stove
Ouaranteed in all respects,
There are fifty-seven thousand women
engaged in farming in the United States.
The first known iustance of the use of
coal was in England in the year. 850. It
was then called "fossil foal.
A Philadelphia colored man lived for
three days on nothing btt�t sponges which
he stole from watering troughs and dried.
A horse at Passaic, N.J., committed sui-
cide by wading into a canal and holding
its head under water until unconsciousness
The action 'of the human breath will
corrode aluminum. This was discovered
by the experiment of using the metal as
the diaphragm iu the mouthpiece of a
.Among the royal riders of the wheel are
the king of the Belgians, Queen Wilhel-
mina, Princes 'Waldemar and Carl of Den-
mark and Princes George. and Nicholas of
1?n o Ont.
TorontThe Gurneg L � dti Co.,
For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.
A firm in .august, Me.,. fiends to potteries.
abroad photographs of places of note,, and.
these views are artistically reproduced on
pieces of ehthat.
A1u English officer has discovered work-
telephone between two temp%es of
Paujiin India. The system is said•tobave•
bean in operation for over two thonsandi
A speoial mouthpiece for pnblio tele-
phones has bean introduced) in Germany
with the object of avoiding the spread} of
diseases carried by the condensed moisture'
of the' breath.
A baby carriage,. designed especially for
those who live in flats, which can be folet-
ed together, so that one person can handily
carry it up and downstairs, is a.New York
The mixture of cotton and wool in the,
mauufacture of cloth has been Ieart'ed so -
thoroughly that feeling will not detect the
presence -of cotton. A piece of the •goods
boiled inia solution of caustic potash will
leave only the cotton fiber intact.
Wood pulp has been put to, many uses;
but the most extraordinary is in adulterat-
ing woolan. yarn. A way of spinning the
pulp has been discovered, and the product
can be combined with wool in making.
yarn, in the proportion of one part of wood:
to two parts of wool. Much of this com-
posite yarn is said to have been made into -
hosiery, and few complaints as to wear
have been received.
Porcelain is to be substituted for gold
filling in teeth.
Phoenicians invented the first alphabet
about 1500 B. 0.
Over -crowding of street cars is forbidden
in England.
The majority of self-taught congressmen
are farmers.
Lettut e was deemed by the ancients the
food of the dead.
The Mississippi delta is settling six
inches per century.
Japanese bamboo has been profitably
grown in Louisiana.
Diamonds are sometimes smuggled in
hollow heeled shoes.
In 1893 Parisians consumed 21,291 horses,
229 donkeys and 40 moles.
In 'Maud it is penal offence to speak
Palish in any public resort,
"Lord, Thy glory fills the Heaven" was
the work of Richard Mant. It was trail -
slated from a hymn in the Roman brevi-
"Blow yet the trumpet, blow," was one
of the sever .1 hymns written by Charles
Wesley for New Tear's day. .It was first
need in 1750.
"Come Saviour, Jesus," is a translation.
of a French hymn by the pions mystic ,p.n-
toiecette Bouriguon, The translator is un-
"Come, 0 my soul in leered lays" was
I written by Thomas 13hteklock, a blind
1 man. 'It contains a pathetic allusion to
i the poet's condition,
".Brightest and best of the sans of the
morning" wast written by Itegivald Heber
and first published in the "Christian Ob-
server" in 1811.,
One hated opened in charity may be
in prayer.
tvot•th one hundred folded p y
Itiere oddity is often mistaken for wit
and of teller for wisdom.
A liberal supply of ear trumpets should
go. with ell great'truths.
Special legislation troy produce eclipses,
but can't make sunlight.
Wedding presents have much to do with
i making married life a failtri'e, •
I Tltere are �t.ues when n week ruler is
more dangerous than a strong enemy.
There are elnergeocies in Which an ounce
c ainat
o l a ton:
of powder is Worth a ton of pr
Itt order to be called good fellows some
folks are the moaned kind of ones to those
y�"���� b i f tb'tt , that love them beet:
"She is a great favorite"with the•male
sex." "Yes." "Why doesn't she marry?"
re cut her."
numerous II s 0me a v
r use gp }3
N. Y Press..
"Can I see you apart for a moment?
"You mean. alone, don't you?" "Yes; a
loan -that's. it, exactly. I want to bor-
row five." Indianapolis Journal
Possible Purchaser -Now,. is this mule.
perfectly gentle? Uncle Mos ,.
sale, I nebbah.knowed 'him to bite any-
body yit.-Cinoinuati Tribune.
S!EKINB 91.p.
Thousands in Dire Dis-
kAPviil.t"l %tifilNE
rptsv owe not rn ver"
Used to else every-
thing,butsisnpty head.
aches. Ob -y then, it
will cost but Zit uelnta
a box Athos/A *
_tier hal-tutees.
Thuy are note tends.
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages
And. Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of th;
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and Greater Bargains
Greater Choice ! r
Lowest Prices. ! ! 1
The latest and newest At-
tachments. for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north Dr. ]Lutz' drug store
Many are Near Death.
Mrs. Durant is Cured.
Mauufacttuers and Dealers in
Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters
Root Pulper-6-Knife
spot cash
$* -9 ®5 ( Also general Eoun-
��1I�J .1L • dry work. Castings
in iron and brass
to order. ,
1000 cords ofhard
and soft wood
for sale.
At the present time there are thous•
ands of valuable lives in jeopardy in
aur country, and men and women are
,curiously seeking for heap. 8lany are
cruelly suffering and in deep distress
Kidney and liver complaints, heart
troubles, dyspepsia, indigestion aied
rheumatism hare brought many to the
verge of the gr•nve. Menial anxiety,
failures with doctors, acrd the thought
of leaving near and dear ones behind,
adds to the weight of agony and physi-
cal tort nes, •
It is the duty of all who know what
Peitte's Celery Compound has done in
the past to, urge, every sufferer to give
it a trial; it cannot fail; its mission is to
cure and sa e..
Mrs, Gem go Durant, a lady living in
Eima, Dundas Co. Ont, was cured of
liver and kidney trotibles after the
failure of several physicians; she writes
as follows: -
"Permit me to record my testirnotey
in favor of your excellent' preparation,
Pa ne s Celery Compound, For many
years I have been a sufferer from liver
;it'd kidney troubles, and have doctored
with several physicians, but 0111yfnund
relief for a very short time. My bus,
band advised me to try your Compound
I did so, and found so, much relief from
the tirst bottle that 1 contiitued, geld am
now using, the third bottle. V: our cam-
poundhas dobe more fns' tee than any
physician Vol' months before Using
the Compound I never hid, one night
of sound sleep; but uow I can go to
bt.d diad sleep sotindly and naturally,
and feel like a new creature il't thn.
n orning"
If you want your linen tr
look whiter than snow, take
it to . . -
EXETER'S: Popular Tonsorial Arils
Late, ` and Children'
v Specialty.
Loadrnan's ____
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at l3 awksbaws)
Motel, or at the Livery
Stable,(Christe'sold Stand'
will receive prompt *t
.L arin'ltiiel►s•tiarbla;
4 ,t ,
trelepl ane