HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-1-24, Page 2Sehseribere who de it reeeive their pape
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weeve Onnejnerciatk »UL1
Th only apparent stimulus to trade tet
Toronto this week has been the cold
weatherhe orders from travellers show
some improvement parrieularly in heavy
dry goodsand this feetof course, has
created a little better feelhq. An import-
ant faetor in the situation is that stoeks
Of general merchandise throughout the
countryare probably lower than. formally
. years. Another feature that will -kml to
bring about a more satisfactory state of
things is the rigid econemy that, has
forcet'd itse upoethe masses ot: the peo-
ple the pastltwo years.
In Montreal trade circles there is noth-
especially new to note. There has b en a
general studying of balance sheets atu.ing
the past week, and from ell we 'Can glean
there are few wholesale houses who can
lay Claim to having made any substantial
addition to stirplus, while many consider
they have done well, if they can honestly
say they have held their own. There is
no notable revival in business activity as
yet. Boot andshoe faktories are again
wetting under easy way, but there is no
free buying of ,eather being done. In
dry goods some fair orders for spring
goods are reported, but travellers have
barely got fairly to work yet in the coun-
try. Payments due on he 4th inst. for
domestic goods sold three months. October
1st, 1894, were pretty -well met, but gene-
ral remittances are not encouraging. In
the grocery line there have been. some
good sales of teas to jobbers at firm prices,
and also a good. many inquiries from To-
ronto, and Western Amerman points, but
in the general run of goods, matters have
ruled quiet.
IntereStIngIens W(0 Ifiddelatfis IMPOr,
tant and 'normal ve, Gathered from.
the Various Provinces.
Here and There.
A stitch in titae saves nine. But most
raen would rather buy a whole new suit
of clothes than ask their wittee five hun-
dred times to put in. the needed stitch.
Belleville has s soup kitchen.
Oolwater sporte are ralsbit hunting.
&anis, N.S., has a pig 'without ears.
Kingsville's brass band may be re-or-
Stroaliroy -will soon have a Y. NI. C. A.
Chew Brosnull atMidland is being re-
Dehoruing cattle is very popular about
Owen Sound wants an electric railway
to Ileaford.
A. cheese factory is to be established at
The Quebec Legislature was prorogued
on Satarday.
Renfrew's new creamery is about to bee
giu operations.
Mr. Andrew MeNab, an old. resident of
Barrie, is dead.
Glencoe is to have a new town hall aud
a Pioneer's Club„
°idea ou a division, resulting ia a ma.
jority of $4 aldermen.
The Peakering hotel -keepers who ap
pealed against the locial opt's% by-law
have lost their case, and the costa will
exceed, $500.
The Fraser valley, in &Welk Connubial
is again flooded., very warm weather hav-
ing prevailed on teus Pacific coast for the
past three days, .
A. Chatham school teacher laid infor-
mation against two of her soll+.1ars for
using a
stginuanasots. ultiengslanguage, and one was
Luelm w mug pay a woman $200 be-
cause she feU and broke her shoulder
while dodging a football kicked by boys
playing on the street,
John Chick, of Windsor, while but-
chering. a cow, found a very fine darning
needle an one of her main arteries within
two Melee of the heart,
The Leamington cannon will givs any
new factory or workshop locating there,
freedom from taxation and water and gas
if ten hands are employed.
At the test of tb.e Paris fire service by
the Underwriters' Inspector, the brigade
had 900 feet of hose laid and. three
streams working in five minutes after the
Alarm was given.
It is understood that in the big suit en-
tered by Mr. E. 8. Eddy, of Hull, against
his daughter, Mrs. Bessey, for $187,006,
she has decided to test her claim to the
property in court.
Freemasons at Scluieber are trying to
organize a lodge.
A. valuable Bradford colt died from eat-
ing frozen. cabbage.
Elmira's new town hall was formally
opened last week.
W. J. Freeland, a well-known citizen of
Stratford, is dead.
Stratford's Charity Ball netted $200 for
the Hospital there.
The Nova Scotia Kegislature is sum-
moned for January 31.
Wm. B. Richardson, an esteemed citi-
zen of Aurora, is dead. e
The next Provincial Poultry Show will
be held at Port Hope.
x X x
People who found their financial shoes
large and. roomy at Xmas time are now
pamed by the corus of penury induced
by the contraction of the same footwear.
x x
Some people distort their countenances
to such an extent when they are think-
ing hard that an onlooker gets the idea
that a hair has got into the balance
wheel of the watehworks of their intel-
x x X
True. the japs have had the best of the
war so far, but up to date old Li Hung
-Chang, the paragrapher's friend, has had
three squ.are meals a day, and. is still on
deck, albeit he now uses the stub-encl of
his peacock feather for a toothpick.
x x x
Men who can keep warm by talking
shoved remember that while their auditors
might stand the draft from an open win-
dow., the combination of open window
and open mouth makes a room too airy
for either health or comfort.
x x x
Possibly it was because the citizens of
Ottawa feared that the weather might not
be cold enough to produce ice that they
were orieivally so anxious that his Excel-
lency ofcAberdeen. should lend the carni-
val his distinguished eountenance.
x x x
Just because Sohn. Burns doesn't espec-
torate tobacco juice on every pieee of
Brussels carpet he notices, the great mass-
es of Uncle Sam's realna concludethat he is
too un-American to lead anything except
the street march of an Uncle Tom's Cabin
In. Guelph a beautiful cactus is in bloom
bearing: 150 flowers.
The Goderich Signal has entered upon
its tarty -seventh volume.
"Taylor" is the name of the new post -
office near Gananoque,
The Christian Scientists have with-
drawn from Oraiageville.
Hon. Mr. Taillon. Priemier of Quebec,
is improved., but still very ill..
Joseph Sharp is the new proprietor of
Windsor's Grand Union Hotel,
The Portage La Prairie Club has for-
mally opened its new quarters.
0. A. Hand, proprietor of the well-
known Vendome of Sarnia, is dead. .
Forty cords of wood were cut at a Ban-
da village "bee one day last week.
The iron works at Cowans, recently de-
stroyed by fire, will not be rebuilt.
Before Christmas the Orangeville school
trustees gave each pupil an orange.
The nanae of the postoffice ea Tilbury
Oen.ter has been changed to Tilbury.
There was a large attendance at the
December monthly fair at Orangevill.e.
Michie's store, Fergus, recently had a
narrow escape from destruction by fire.
Dr. Griffin, of Hamilton, has disposed
of nearly all the dogs in his famous ken-
There are twelve applications for a
vacant position on the Windsor police
The Niagara Falls High School has
been raised. to the rank of Collegiate In-
Six sons were pall -bearers at their mo-
ther's funeral, Mrs. Elton, Woodstock,
last week.
In St. Catharines the other day a white
owl was chasing sparrows about the
A. conductor
fined the other
The Windsor telephone exchange has
increased in eight years from 54 to BOO
Saved His Life.
"I now weigh nearly 200 pounds," said.
a fine, robust -looking man the other day;
and yet this same man was given up to
die of consumption less than two years
ago. What cured him? Miller's Emul-
sion of Cod Liver Oil did. He took it
when at a low ebb, when his weight was
less than 100 pounds. It created new
blood for him, and that, combined with
his will power, raised. him up to a life of
usefulness and. happiness. If you are
threatened with constunation or an.ylung
trouble try Miller's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. Miller's Emulsion is the great
nerve strengthener and. blood maker, and
cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ScrOfula,
and all Lung afiections. In. Big Bottles,
50e. and $1, at all Drug Stores.
Stewed rabbit is a s easonaole dish in
the country. City people would as soon
eat a cat.
There are so many cough medicines in
the market that it is sometimes difficult
to tell which to buy; but if we had. a
cough, a cold or any affliction of the
throat or lungs, we would try Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Those who
have used it think it is far ahead of all
other preparations recommended for such
complaints. The little folks like it as it
is as pleasant as syrup.
Everybody does not yet know that
broiled or roast quail is infinitely improv-
ed by a strip of good bacon.
The Welland. police magistrate has dis-
missed. the charge against Rev. Father
McIntee, of Port Colborne, for having il-
legally performed a marriage, there being
no evidence to warrant conviction.
Notice of action for damages for libel
has been served on the Hamilton Specta-
tor at the instance of the T., H. and. B.
Railway Company, all because the Spec-
tator, in an editorial, said that the road
was being constructed cheaply and. was
as crooked as a ram's horn, and. so forth.
A Washington despatch says Robert
A. Kellond, of Montreal, has been de-
barred from practice before the United.
States Patent Office. He sent a check in
payment of a Government fee, which
went to protest, and would not make it
F. W. Hartley, of New Durham, who
recently disappeared from that place, re-
turned home again Friday. He was ar-
rested, charged with misappropriating
$416 worth of school funds he having
been a trustee. He pleaded: not guilty
and has been allowed out on $800 bonds.
vegetables to England during winter see -
Lady Sessoon, wife a Sir Albert Sas-
Boort, merehant and banker at Bombay,
Lidice is dead..
The country between the Yalu and
Liao -Ho rivers in China is said, tie be des-
olate in the extreme.
It is reported Oita King Alexander, of
Servia, will shortly be betrothed to Prin-
cess Sybille, of Hesse,
In the fora:se:ming -British naval esti-
mates provision will be made for the
baildieg of four first-class eruisere,
Professional bicycle riders of Frence
have deeided to forxn themselves into a
syedioa,te for the safeguarding of their
By the recent improvements in the
English postal service a letter posted in
Paris at mid-day can be delivered in Lon-
doniest 8 p.m.
The number of laborers at work on the
Panama canal has been reduced to 200.
Their wages are ouly $1 a day in Colum-
bian currency.
The Navaho Indians, of New Mexico,
are said to be starving. They have kill-
ed eattle and eheep on the ranch, s to keep
theinselves from death.
A. Dinner Pill.—Many persons suffer
excradating- agony after partaking of a
3aearty dinner. The food partaken of is
like a ball of lead upon the stomach, and
instead of being a healthy nutriment it
becomes a poison to the system. Dr.
Parmelee's vegetable Pills are wonderful
correctives of such troubles. They eor-
rect acidity, open the secretions and con-
vert the food partaken of into healthy
nutriment. They are just the medieine
to take if troubled with indigestion or
on the H. G. and B. -was
day for over -charging a
The Manchu princes are said to have
taken the defence of the counery into
their own hands, in order to prevent in-
trieues of Chinese officials.
War is again threatened in Samoa, a's-
cording to news brought by the steam-
ship Miewera, which arrived at Vancou-
ver Friday from Australia. ese=rsee=e1
-4. severe earthquake (marred Friday at
Patna, the principal seat of the foreign
trade of Greece. The shock caused a
panic among the inhabitants of the city.
The preliminary debate on the anti -
revolution bill was concluded in the Ger-
man Reichstag on Saturday, and the bill
was referred. to a committee of twenty-
eight members.
geThe Governor of Alaska says that the
seals have all gone. On St. George and
St. Paul islands alone 80,000 dead seal
pups had been found last year. This was
due to the Isilliug of their mothers by the
Yellow fever has again appeared in
Rio Janeiro. The steamers Mitchell and
Twickenham, -with, cholera. on. board,
have been ordered to Isis Grande. After
shipping new erew.s they will be escorted
to the sea limit by a warship.
ilovias Axioms Tim LINE.
The Unitea. States Furesiehoess Number
of !tenni that wiii be round Inter -
The Seraanault, fll., bank was robbed
of $8,000 by safeblowers.
The U. S. flagship Baltimore has ar-
rived at Cheraulpo, Chorea,
A. strike is agaia feared at the Carnegie
steel works at Homestead, 13a.
Scarlet fever has broken out in the State
Reform School at Meriden, Coun.
A. city hospital ear has been equipped
to run on the street railroad of St. Loins.
The water is receding in the Pittsburg
district, and danger of a serious flood Is
Mia. Joseph Monarch, of Peshtigo,Wis.
is in her 100th year and is the mother of
four generations.
The remains of ''eight peeple have been
recovered from the ruins of the Delevan
hotel fire in Albany.
Letters patent of Incorporation have
been issued at Ottawa to the Union Car
and Paper Company (limited), with head-
quarters at Montreal and a capital gook
of $100,000. The Montreal Watch -case
Company (limited),another Montreal
concern, has been incorporated, with a
,capital of $50,000. The Canada Engrav-
ing and Lithographic Company, another
Montreal enterprise, has been incorporat-
ed, with a capital of $150,000.
According to the London (Eng„) Board
of Trade returns for 1894, British imports
from Canada 'increased during the year
£489,000, or nearly 5 per cent., as coin -
pared with 1893. The increases include
sh ep, £280,000; cheese, £100,000; eggs,
17,000; fish, £290, and wood, *80,000.
The decreases include butter, £100,Q00;
wheat, 2270,000, and metals, £4,000. Ex-
ports from Great Britain. to Canada dur-
ing the same period compared. with 1898
declined £1,300,000, or nearly 28 per
The Canadian Minister of Agriculture
has issued an. invitation to the leading
photographers of the Dominion asking
their co-operation in an exhibitien to be
held. this year at the Imperial Institute in
London, illustrative of photography in
its application to the sciences, the arts
and. iudustiies. The circular asks photo-
graphers who decide to co-operate in this
exhibition to state what photographic
specimens they desire to send. The De-
partment of Agriculture will defray the
cost of transport, consequently the Min-
ister reserves to himself the right to
limit the number and size of specimens.
A, lady had $50 stolen from her purse
while standing in. the Bank of Hamilton
at Hamilton.
Mr. Sohn Forrest, a Grand. Trank en-
gineer of St. Thomas, shot himseli dead
with a revolver.
Mrs. T. S. Black has been appointed
commercial master in the Chatham Col-
legiate Institute.
The police of British Columbia have
arrested a mam who sold. a white boy to
an Indian chief.
Jeremiah Tharnhato, Princeton, taken
from his bed to vote, caught cold and
died, aged eighty-one.
Wm. 3 -ordeal, a deaf painter, was killed
on. the C.P.R. track near Toronto Junc-
tion Satueday morning.
Venison is not sufficiently plentiful to
be elmap. O'he funny men will say that
th.e meat is dear at any ',rite, of eourse.
No artiele takes hold of blood diseases
like Northrop & Lymans Vegetable Dis-
eovery. It works like magic. Miss
0—, Toronto, evtites t "I have to
.0:milk you fot what Nortlarcp ee Lyman's
Vegetable Discovery has done for me. I
had a sore on my Irma as large as the
palm of my hand, and could. get nothing,
to 40 any good -until I used the Diseovery.
'Pour bottles eompletely mired me."
Direful, but faneiful,: stories about thn
probable seareity of terrapin me heard.
Why go lemma g an d whining zi.botityottr
earns atlien 8,25 cent bottle of Hollowey'e
Corn. Cure will remove them? Give it a
trial, and you will hot regret it.
Mrs. Alex. McCormick, Garrow aged
rtinety-three, can make crazy quilts: with-
out the help of spectacles.
Mr. Francis Wright, of Monis, one
mile east of Blyth, was found dead on.
Friday in his cow steble.
Fred, Totted Berlin'has been sentenc-
ed to the penitentiary for five years for
forging farmers' names.
In December, Hamilton isected
permits fur $12,500, an increase on
these of the year before.
Dan McDonald, proprietor ef theAlbion
hotel, Winnipeg, and formerly of
cardine, Ont., died last week.
In apparently healthy cow from a Win-
nipeg dairy when slaughtered was found
to be selected with tuberculosis in a most
advanced and dangerous form.
The Aurora tentery proprietors gave
each married man a Christmas goose and
(web single one a quart of oysters.
A. ferry steamer from Port Huron. to
Sarttia, lase week, sprung a leak and had.
to be beaehed to save the passengers.
Lady Aberdeen's Christmas presettt to
Flis Xxcelleney annsisted of a portrait of
Lady 1Vlarjone Gordon, their daughter,
John Hardman has been dommitted
for trial at Stratford charged with shoot-
ing at 8..4.. Cameron with intent to kill.
The Essex Bar Assoeiation has decided
to take motions and other business be-
fore eounty judges rather than to To-
Good Thoughts.
A mistake is apt to attract more atten-
tion to us than a virtue.
There are seals in this world that have
the gift of finding joy everywhere.
The real. happiness of life cannot be
bonght with raoney, and the poor may
have it as well as the rich.
Good manners are part of good morals,
and it is as raueh your duty as your in-
terest to practice both.
Man and wife are like a pair of scissors
so long as they are together, but they be-
c,ome daggers as soon as they are disuni-
world. The Turkish minister at Washe-
ington said there were only 900,000.
Mr. Sohn A. McKenzie, a prominent
real estate man of Duluth, fell sixty feet
to the lobby f oin the stairway in the
Spaulding House Friday, He lived only
a few minetes. Be was a nephew of Sir
George McKenzie, a genera in the Ihitish
army. .
George W. Davis, aged twenty -ix
years, suicidecl at Cleveland Monday
night whi e his prospective bride, Miss.
Anna Natnan was v, aiting for him at
her home. They were to have been mar-
ried, that night, and Davis' mother, it is.
said, upbraided her son and opposea the,
marriage on social grounds.
Chicago representatives of the two big --
gest plate glass companies in, the United
Stales have received notice that the price
had been advanced 20 per cent., the
figures going back to those fixed October -
27. The reinstatement of price seems to
indicate that the plate glass companies
have come to an agreement, and presages.
the formation of a plate glass monopoly.
Gen. R. A. Alger, of Detroit, gave 1,000
overcoats to the newsboys of that city for
a Christmas present.
Keystone in the Black Hills, is enjoy-
ing a boom because of a rich vein of gold
ore recently opened.;
The price of bread in Cincinnati hs,s
been reduced from five to three cents a
loaf in raany bakeries. .
The President has approved the act es-
tablishing a national military park on
the battlefield of Shiloh:
Statues of Daniel Webster and Gen.
John Stark have been unveiled in the
Capitol at Washington.
Officers searching for a stolen body in
Indianapolis found twenty bodies of vari-
ious ages in aix empty house.
Henry A. Leendon, a noted. horse thief,
died in prison in Baltimore and left all
his property to a clergyman.
Mrs. S. G. Thea has been appointed as-
sistant pastor of the South Congregational
church, of Bridgeport, Conn.
A Leadville justice has decided that
there is no law in Colorado to prohibit a
man from burning his own house.
Failures in the United States for 1894
were 1,000 less than in 1893, involving a
decrease in amount of $200,000,000.
Mrs. Levi P. Morton has been elected
president -general of the order of "The
United States Daughters, 1776-1812."
The exports of specie from the port of
New York for last week amounted to $2,-
099,800 in gold; and of silver, $1,791,718.
The people in the mining districts of
Ohio: are in great destitution, and car-
loads of provisions have been sent for-
Father Breuck, of East Tawas, Mich„
is becoming locally famou.s as a faith
healer. Re charges nothing for his
There is a medium between velocity
and torpidity.. The Italians say it is not
necessary to be a stag, but one ought not
to be a tortoise.
Too much idleness fills up a man's time
much more completely and leaves him
less his own master than any sort of em-
ployment whatever.
There is a care for trifles whice pro-
ceeds from a love of conscience and is
most holy, and A care for trifles which
comes of idleness and frivolity, and is
most base.
Miss Violet Graves, Tetterville, Ont,
aged eleven years, invested five cents in
popcorn on. Christmas, 1898; she sold the
popcorn on Brantfordmarket for 75 cents;
bought a hen for 25 cants and feed.for the
sarae for 12 cents; sold. eggs from the hen
for $1.24, and the hen for 15 cents;
bought seed potatoes for seed, 45 cents;
paris green 3 cents; plater, 5 cents;
paid. for cultivating, 25 cents; digging,
25 cents; rent of land, 50 cents. Then
she sold the potatoes for $12, showing a
gain of $12.19 on. a 5 -cent capital from
Christmas, 1893, to Christmas. 1894.
Hetty Green is not more thrifty than this
Cana& an. girl.
The Royal letuna,ne Societyhas award. -
ed its testimonial in vellum to Messrs.
John C. Dance, his son, W. H. Dense,
and Henry Wyburn, all of Wiartoa,
Ont., for their gallantrescue of three
persons who were dro-w-ning in Colpoy's
Bay on the 27th of June, 1892. The res-
eue was effected at considerable risk.
Nine persons had been upset from a boat
and the rescuers went out in a very small
and. leaky craft and succeeded in bring-
ing the three safely to shore. Mr. Mc-
Neill, M.P.'brought the ease before the
Humane Society through the Marine De-
partment, and he will be asked to present
the teetimonials.
The Ontario :Poultry A ssoeiation show
at New Ifarnbill-gi just held, was the
most successful in the history of the as-
Brantford's council spout half an hour
day night de:hating whether two v/o-
men should be paid $3 or $4 for washinw
or scrubbing,. i.the matter was only de!
Is projected in. th e Cattadian North west,
in addition to that proposed to be run
from Winnipeg to Daup/iin Lake, there
to connect with lines from Duluth. Pre-
inier Greenway has just returned. to Win-
nipeg from the South, where he has been
endeavoring to influence capitalists in
favor of a road from Winnipeg south-
easterly to the boundary line, there to
eonneet with United. States lines. The
line will then be pu.shed. oix northWest-
ward along the route originally intended
fot the Canadian Paeific Railway,
through the Great Saskatchewan Valley,
to the base of the Rocky Mountains, there
eannecting with a line to be built with
the aid of the British Columbian Govern-
ment through the Yellowhecid Pass to the
Pacific Coag, thus making another trane-
tentinental lin.e from the United States
via Winnipeg to the Pacific Ocean. Legis-
lation will be asked at the next session of
the Manitoba Legislature with this object
in. view.
Fight Against Children's Diseases.
Whereas in European cities the battle
of the municipal and health authorities,
SO far as epidemics were concerned, was
until a few years ago waged chiefly
against small -pox, typus, and occasional
outbreaks of cholera, it is now considered
that the victory has in the main been
won against these bolder and. grosser
enemies of the race, and the conflict has
set in against the diseases which are -hos -
tie to chilli life. Scarlet fever and diph-
theria are the ehief of these children's
maladies, with measles as a less dreaded
but extremely mischief third. Thus far
the weapons have been mainly those of
vigilant, never -ceasing inspection, imme-
diate isolation, disinfection through the
aid of highly organized official disinfect-
ing staffs, and in general the sharp block-
ing up of those avenues through which
intection is most likely to be communi-
cated. The difficulty of perfect isolation
in tenement hous s has led to the great
extension of public hospitals. for the re-
ception of children, ill with diphtheria,
sea,rlet fever an.c1 measles. The great ob-
jects of the administrators of the public
health system are (1) to abolish the
plague spots which are the sources of in-
fection, and (2) when infection has ap-
peared to prevent its spread. This of
course, is the sound policy to be pursued.
•But, (3) and concurrently,. every possible
effort is made to SEING the lives of the poor
children actually seized with infectious
maladies. If we are rightly informed with
regard to the anti -toxins euro foediph-
theria, its application is to be beneficial
botb as a preventiveagainst attack and
also, where not previously applied, as a
remedy to be administered in the early
stages of the disease. Its immediate in-
terest naturally lies in its use as a rem-
edy. A considerable amount of experi-
ence, tested in the light of comparative
statistics, would be necessary in order to
show the preventive value of such treat-
ment, and even then it would be difficult
to distribute the honors between a reme-
dial epecific of this kind.: and a generally
efficient sanitary administration. As in
the case of .vaccina,tion, no one could ever
tell us conelesively whist part the partic-
ular treatment has played, and what part
improved the conditions of public and
private cleanliness have had in the grati-
fying diminution of the malady.—From
"The Progress of the World," in the Jan -
nary Review of Reviews.
Destriictive gales prevailed Fridayon.
the Irish Coast.
The Argentite wheat crop is estimated
at 1,50%000 tons.
The Baring liquidation at Londen hes
been finally and formally concluded.
Striking seamen and dock laborers are
growing tutbuient at Buenos Ayres,
Australia, will ship althiary
EX -Supreme Chief Ranger of the iIlli-
rzois Forreeters, H. Rosenbaum, and
m\ ,
Deputy Supreme Chief Rtr
Ranger, A. E. , '
Stevenson, of the Canadian older, were
held to the criminal court, ChiC.46, on
charges cif acting as agents of a fraternal
insurance ageney witheut a license. This.
is the outcome of a long and bitterly
waged warfare between the Canadian
Order of Foretters and the Illinois orga-
nization. Matters reached a climax when
it was learned that Rosenbaum, who was
at that time high chief ranger for the
Illinois order, was co-operatiag with Mr..
Stevenson with a view to the absorption
of the Illinois organisation by that of
Canada. Rosenbaum we. asked to resign,.
and his resignation was hardly acted upon
by the high court, before he and Mr.
Stevenson were forming new conrts for
the Canadian order, wbieh courts were
refused a license bythe superintendent of
insurance for Illinois, because the organi-
zation was not under inspect on. The
members, however, did not cease their
work, and were finally araestea on the,
advice of the attorney -general.
In a let er to Naval Constructor Wil-
son, ex -Secretary Tracy cemmonts thus
on the upbuilding of the ew navy: "The
construction and development of the new
navy during thisperiod is absolntely with-
out parallel in the history of this or any -
other country. Thus. in the course of the
work which in.volved the creaeion of a
modern steel fles-. of battleships and crui-
sers o. the highest dass, oet of nothing,
in the space of ten years, some mistakes
have been made, is probably true. Such
a weak, starting from such conditions,
could not be acco plished without it, but.
I think it safe to say nu other a untry in
the world has approximated such a result
with so small percentage of errurs. Et has
rests ed completely the reputatin of
Americans as the io emost naval archi-
tects of the werld."
The Diamond Hate Glass Company, of
Rokoma, Indiana, says the plate glass
combine is a "go." The capital is $20,-
The Standard Oil Company has gobbled
the Sun Craig and Crystal Oil companies
of Tolede and the Merriam Company, of
Cleveland Ohio.
Sohn M. Taylor, of Fort Smith, Ark.,
was sentenced to five years' imprisonment
for perjury in eonn.ection with an appli-
cation for a vension.
Mrs. Frnily Robbins Talcott, of West
Hartford, said to be the oldest person in
Connecticut, celebrated the 104th anni-
versary of her birth.
Provisions will be shipped from Cincin-
nati and Columbus to miners in various
parts of Ohio, where there is said to be
widespread destitution.
A building on Twenty-sixth street New
York, which was being altered, collapsed
at noon on Saturday. Five men were
buried in the ruins.
In New York state the largest bean -
growers estimate the crop as not over two-
thirds of a full crop. In general it may he
estimated as a small crop.
Timothy Johnson, a negro boy who was
asked to dance for the amusement of some
white toughs in Bay Minette, Ala., was
killed because he refused.
Workmen at the Delavan House ruins
at Albany, N.Y., have unearthed the re-
mains of three more bodies. There were
no means of identification.
Alexander Williamson and William
Perry, of Coalberg, Ala., killed each other
in aNduel Over Nannie Bell, who was en-
gaged to marry each of them.
The Horse—noblest of brute creation-
-when suffering from a out, abrasion or
sore, derives as much benefit as its master
in a like predicament, from the healing,
000thipg action of Dr. Themes' Eclectrie
Oil. Laroetess, swelling of the amok,
stiffnees of the joints, throat and lungs
are relieved by it.
BM Cook, the outlaw whose gang has
been terrorizing the leiclia,n territory for
months past, ha,s beenecaptured. Itevao
be who re organized the Dalton gang of
entire cett be a differoxice of opinion on
most subjects, but there is only one cipin-
ion as to the reliability of Mother Greyest'
Worm Extetininater. It is safe eurc;etzul
Choosing. a Wife.
"Have you careful y considered all
that I have said, my by ?" asked the old
gentleman, the other day af er he had
given his son a little fatherly advice.
"Yes, fatlaer," replied the young man
meekly. „
"You are getting near the age at which
a yonng man naturally begins to look
around for a wife, and I don't want you
to make a mistake."
"I'll try not to, fath r."
"No butterflies of fashion, my boy, buti
a girl of sume solid worth ; one with prac-
tical accomplishments."
"Yes, father."
"Never mind. the piano -playing and
Delsarte lessens ; never mind the (lanc-
ing and the small talk. le hen you find
a girl who can coo. , my boy, it will be
time to think of marrying. Ne hen you
find a girl who earl make up her own bed,.
knows how to set tho table without for-
getting something, is able to put up the
preserves, and, and a eve all, is good at,
sewing, go in and win her, my buy, 'and.
yoa will have my blessing."
"I have resolved, father, to seek such a
wife as you descril e," said the young
man with determination. "I see the folly
of seeking a wife in suciety. I will go to
an intelligence office this afternoon, and
see if T can find on that will answer.
And then I will have mother call oix her,
and—and "
"Young man, 1,11 break your neck in a
minnte !"
"But you said—"
"Never mind what I said, I've changed
my mind." '
Postmaster A. Wallbaum of Wallbaum,
Ill., has been arrested for paying debts
with postage stamps in order to increase
his percentage from their sale.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's
report for the past year shows a surplus
of $127,070.49, and the Lehigh Valley
Coal Company a surplus of $62,284.07.
Gustave A. Meyer, an attorney in Cin-
cinnati, attached the receipts of Colonel
Breckinridge's lecture in that city. The
colonel owed him. for taking depositions.
Dolly Varden., who twenty years ago
was a popular clown, was found dead last
week in New York. The gas was turned
one and it is thought he committed
Albert Gordon. twenty-two years old,
was arrested at Rockford, Ga., on a charge
of gambling. He felt the disgrace eo
keenly that he hanged himself in lxis cell
in jail.
The biggest carload of shingles ever
shipped east was sent out of Washington
a few days ago. It contained 346,000
shingles, beating the previotte record by
W. W. Thomas, ex -Minister to Sweden
and Norway, saye that, relative to its
size and population, the railroad erstem
of Sweden is the most complete in the
The profits of the British syndicate,
which control beer breweries at Chicago
and Milwaukee rose from $659,270 in 18.02
to $1,587,980 in 18 and to $940,020 last
Harty Westcott, of Bridgeston, N.
who has been for two or three seaton.s a
Member of the life-saving stations of Cape
May arid Atlantic City, has saved forty-
three lives.
Neatly 700 unioa mechanies, employed
on four large buildings in course of con-
struction in New York, struck Wednece
day morning against the emplOyMent of
non-iunion plunibers,
eM.r. W. H. Oulesian s er•etary of the
Arteenien Society, of Bo ton, elainas
there are 5490,000 Axme 'ans in the
Give Unto the Lord.
. We cannot have too raueh gi• ing, but
we must remember that this is only one
form of goodness. We must not magnify
it to the overshadowing of othergraces,
nor in a way to leave the impression that
he who contributes liberally is alone en-
titled to distinetion, or is per excellence a
Christian. Faith, love and humility eon.-
stitute the root graces. They eater into
enduring Christ-chitrecter, and produce a
sweet, blessed and glorious life. They
send men to the closet and the Bible and
the sanctuary. Thence come the inspira-
tion and force that win in life's battles,
that sustain and quicken in adversity as
well as in prosperity, aurl that secare the
commendation of God as well as due
praise of men,
A. Life Beyond Life.
It is given to us in the asrvice of Clhrist
to have a life beyond lite, a living and an
influence OA earth beyondthe limits of ,
our own short mortality. A. rep,
it is in a splendid sense of the parent liv-
ing better in the child, end, the tea cher in
the pupil, and the pastor in the people,
and each lowliest Christian disciple living
on in the world to be a blessing and a,joy
in the lives and works of those we lead to
Christ, in whom alone is eternal, life.
A. Spiritual Life.
The well-deftned spiritual life is not
only the highest life, but it is also the
most easily lived. The whole cross is.
more easily carried tam, the half. It is
the man who tries to make the best of
both worlds who makes nothing of either.
And he who seeks to serve two masters
misses the benediction of both. Bat he
who has taken his stand, who hae drawn
a boundary line, sharp and deep, about
his religious life, who has /narked off all
beyonl asforever forbidder' ground to
him, thiag the yoke easy and the burden
IS That the Beason I
"I saw in a soeietry paper that acteenee
ad wOthen have practieelly baniehed
pttnettiation points !tom their letter serif, -
"Perhaps they do not atieh to be known.
as wOrnea of the period:"