HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-1-24, Page 1The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855,)
Paid np Capital .. $2,000,000
Rest Fund , .. . ... 1,200,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced rood Farmer's on their
own notes w.. 'A, one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from 1.0 a. re. to 8 p.
m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. in
A.genera.1 banking business transacted
• CURRENT RATES allowedror mon-
ey on Deposit. Reoeibts. Savings Bank at 8
per emit.
, E. E, WARD.
ter,.Tan 28, '88. Sub.Manager
(15XV:tiOV Abroicate3.
Is published ever,y Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
tiv the --
One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance
$1.50 if not so paid..
27,..6.-ircerts.gaat.e. mate=
No paper discontinued en til tillarrearage s
•are paid. Advertisements witliont specific
directions will be published till•fbrind and
eharged accordingly. Liberal disecrunt mad e
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description. of TOB
PRINTING turned out in. the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,inoneyord
ers. &o. for advertising, subScriptions,e te.to
be reads pava ble to
Sanders & Dyer
Church. 111rector3'..
TuiViTT MEMORIAL Ontriscu.--Itev. E W.
Hunt, Rector. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. m
and 7. p. in. Sunday School and Bible Class
for Adults, 3 p. m. Roly Communion, ist
Sunday of each month at morning Service
METHODIST CHUB on --Tam es-st , Rev, J. G.
C1KSON Pastor.SundayServices, 10.30 a,. m ,
and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET RSV. H. W. Locke, Past-
or. Sun lay Services, 10 30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m
Sabbath School 2.30 m.
Pastor. Sunday Ser vices, 11 a. fn. and 6.10 p.
re. Sabbath Sch.00l, 945 a, m
Professional Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L. D S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Oarling Store
MAIN ST, ENTITER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Lunen every Wed-
nesday, iiensall tst Friday; Blyth, first Dion -
day said Zurich on last Thursday of each.
r College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over. Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic. given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold.
Fillings as reeuired.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dent-
al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the
Toon to.University (wi th honors). Special
attention given to preservation of the nat-
ural teeth.. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law
office -opposite Central Rotel-Exeter.
has moved one door south.
Residenees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building-sonth
A Rollins, M. D. May ist. 1,898
T. A, Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Ace° ach-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
101=1,0161.11411.601.. VAS
ils. OR, Conveyancer, Notary. Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Monev to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con.-
veyaneer, Commissioner, &e.Mon.ey to loan
Oitice-Panson's Blook,Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &o.
"re BROWNIVirinchelsea. Licensed knot-
ioneor for the Counties of Pertb and
Middlesex, also for the township of 'Osborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
••••666.6•66. ifiraI•••••..
EBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie-
. eased Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
1J RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil. Engineer. °face,
Over Post Office, Main street.. -Exeter, Ont.
-VDWARD C. S CEELE, P. L. S. Ontario
Ali Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
Goclericb, Ont.
REPERENCES1 St, Marys, Yournal; and the
Rectory, Kirkton.
Insurance Agent,
?train S • Exeter
Anblior, Allan, Allan State, Beaver, Dein
inion, American, WlliteStar,_Nether-
lands, and American Lines to England,
Ireland., Scotland, Holland, Germany,
Cape, Australia and New Zealand.
Lancashire, London and Lancashire,
Northern, North British and Mercantile,
and Pertb Mutual Fire Insurance Co1s,
London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co.
London Guarantee and Accident Co.
EerierEST RATES. (apt, Geo, Kemp,
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel $0.55 to 0.57
Barley ....... .... 86 to 88
Oats ...... 26 to 27
Pea ........ ....... 50 to 52
Butter 666600 .16••••
••• 66 16
• 6 6 • 15
.... 85 to .40
. . 6.50 to .700
. .06
. . . .05
to $5.25
4.25 to 5.25
, 1,75 to 2,15
Eggs • .. • • A • • 6
Potatoes per ous
Hay per tou ..
Ducks per pound.,
Geese per potind..
Turkeys per ponticl
Alsike per bushel
Red Clover "
Timothy "
• ,,,e.esseee," •
„ S'i
. . , .
•'...' , ' n ,i'i. •
sent free on appli-
Single buggy,
tlo the worse
paymen t.
cutter and harness, very lit-
for wear. Wood taken in part
Apply to
Richard. Manning, Extor
-Large sums of
at five and a half
The Council
County of Huron
Retire in the Town
the 22nd, day of
new, Jan. 905.
money to loan on farm lands
per cent. Private funds.
.Solieitors &o,, F,xeter.
of the Oorporation of the
will meet in the Court
of GI oderich on Tnesday
January at 3 o'cloek P.M
Co, Clerk.
FLOUR petes.
not return ing -flour bags and
belongingt6 ine, before
be charged. with. the same.
G. W..Smith Centralia.
All parties
Feb. 1st will
The 'Undersignecl will receive sealed tenders
until Feb. 1st, 1893. for the erection of a foun-
dation and veneer ng with brick, and oth-
er repairs, on school house No 1, Osborne. ,
Plan t and specifications can be seen at the
residence of the undersigned, Lot 23, Con, 3,
Osborne. Lowest tender not necessarily I
accepted, war OR'S,
• Hay P. 0. 1
Miss Hillen,
Vlurray of Exeter,
Miss Wanless.
vival team, will
arm week in the
ier the auspices
mencing u Friday
dr. Wm. Johnson
3stimable young
tliss Letitia Dignan
dr. Warren Dignan,
narriage ceremony
lensall by Rev.
he young couple
he Parr Line,
arm containing
r,rratt. Deputy -Reeve
he sum of $4,500e
ilrrat's and is a
noney, Mr. Turner
• few years ago
s in a high state
ontains good buildings.
re sorry to chronicle
11exander Mclven.
resident, of Stanley,
ears and has
labylon Line
ramie. Quite
he operation of
aoved from his
'mild recover but
laimed him as
1 which took place
f Scotland and
Id age of 76 years
- I
of 1iIcKillop1 and. Miss 4
are the guests of (
-The Crusaders, a re. t
held meetings here for
Temperance Hall un
of the R. T. of T., com-
evening next.
Friday of last week i
took to himself a very
lady in the person, of ..,
eldest daughter of
of Fa.ntown. The t
was performed in
Mr. Swan. We wish E
every success.
-Mr. Robert Turner, of ;
Stanley, has sod his e
100 acres to Mr. Isaac
of Stanley, for
The farm joins4V1r. e
good bareain at the
could have sold it e
for $6000. The farm 2
of cultivation and c
OLD PIONEER. -7, W:e q
the death of Mr. e
Deceased has been
for a great many
always resided on the
about two miles from
recently he underwent E
having a tumor re-
lip. It was thought he
on Thursday death
its victim. The funer- e
on Saturday was
Deceased was a native e,
had reached the good '"
a l'E
Goderich tp: Victoria Association P
'atrons of Industry has at last ceased al
) exist. This association was organ- S.
sed about a year ago, although not Ai
ery strong in membership. -it had en- g
eavored to keep up with the require- lx)
lents of the organization until after p1
le Smith's Hill connection, when its SC
gradually decreased until 113
• Snow is flying and wedding bells are
J Williams and Miss Le-
vine. behroeder were joined in holy
horde of matrimony on Tuesday Jan.
8th at the residence of the bride's fath-
er, Mr. John Scroeder, sr., a large nein-
her ot invited guests were present and
a very enjoyable time was spent. The
young ,gentlemati speak highly of the
host aka hostess in the liberal manner
they entertained so large a gathering.
Champagne, wine and cigars were
among the delicacies served. • We wish
the couple every prosperity through
life, Miss Maud Wille has moved to
her .fornier home in Crediton. •
ANOTT1EFILM---Thi.e morning
(Thursday 17th inst.,) the. storehoese
and elevator, the property .of R. S. Hod
gins was totally destroyed by fire. Tho
storehouse contained some 5000 bushels
grain atthe time, mostly barley, which
was entirely destroyeell. Thloss is
heavy, not only to Mr. Hodgins but to
the feiming community, es the store
1101180 WRS considered one of the finest
on the line. The grain etc. was worth
$6000, and was fully covered by insur.
ance. The ause of the fire was no
doubt incendiarism, frsrn whinh cause
Lucen has suffered severely. -Miss All.
away, has returned from Lundell and
intends opening out a, dress4naking
establishment in Woodham soon.
Mr; J. Sprciat has •issued a •writ in
hancery, against Mr, John Hannah,
or the sum of $266. -Mr. Jas. Lands-
orough has a pretty sore hand, the re-
ult of beieg kicked by a horse. -Mr.
and Mrs. Johnston left last , week for
heir future home near Grand Forks,
N. Dakota. -Mr Robert White, who
as been engaged in wood cutting in
;he northern part of the country, has
eturned home, having had his hands,
oisoned with poison ivy. -Miss Annie
Isteshal, of Blyth, spent part of last
eek with friends her. -Miss Walters
eturned to Wingham last week. -The
ale at Mr. Ondmore's on Wednesday;
onducted by Mr. Ceiling, was well at -
ended, and article e sold at a fair price.
Miss Ella Langford, of Mornington'
s visitipg friends here this week, the
nest of Mr. Richard Raycraft.-The
ood sleighing of the past weekmakes.
usiness lively. -We are much pleased
o here that Miss Annie Hodgins, who
as been seriously ill is again on the
end, under the careful treatment of
r. Sutton. --Joseph Raycraft, of Mein
ngton, is at present visiting friends
ere. -It is announced that the Rey. I.
V. Hodgins, of Seaforth, Rural Dean of
Huron C,ountry, will exchange duty
with Rev. Mr, Steele to officiate and
reach the Annual Missionary Sermon
St.Patrick's Church on Sunday, Jan
7th, at 11 a. m -and in St. Paul's
hurch, Kirkton, at 7 p. m, on the
me day. A special offertory is re
nested in aid of the Diocesan Mission
odgerville cheese company held their
nnual meeting on Wednesday last.
he business of last season proved quite
tiszactory, though the amount of
nese made was comparatively small,
trig to the dry weather. The old
cers were re-electdd as follews: Di
ctors:-M. Robertson, D. McColl, M
. Moir, James Moir, Mr. P Ryckman;
resident., Mr. James Moir; Secretary
d Treasurer. Mr, James. Murray;
lesman, Mr George McTaggart and
r. James Moir. The Company re -en -
aged George E.MeTeggart as cheese
aker for the coming season, The
ospects are muchbetter than for
me years past for a large increase of
eke, and the Company earnestly so-
isease -- '' arty it the patronage of all who are in
range of the factory.
thfil ROaE
tilis "Ar
• Our goods are marked in plain figures and marked
away down to suit the hard times. We have a big
lot of tweeds right at manufacturers' prices and away
below any other house in the country. See our
Our Worsted Suitiugs
Scotch Tweed Suitings;
and compare our prices with so-called half -priced
goods and you will find ours away below. The only
thing we advertise at half-price is a big lot of tweed
remnants rangmg from 1 to 6 yards. Come and see
what we are doing before you buy and if you want
goods by the yard., we have them from 30 cents up.
We cut our goods free of charge, Bring along your
boys and hare them suited.
Grigg's Old Stand, J. H. CR1EVE
M the regular meeting of Victoria
Hive, L 0 T. M, held on the 17th last
there was an average attendeece; and
after general business, the following of-
ficers were installed for the current
year. L. 0, 0. Hodgins; L. St, 0, E.
Bice; L. R. K., M. Rau; L. F. K., M.
Geiser; L. Chap, G. Hill; L. Sce'y, M.
Brown; L. M. at A, E, Redden; L. Seat.
E. hire: L,. Pick„ E Either; Pst. L
M. Wolf acting as installing officers. -
Mr, Wm. Heddee„ well and favorably
known in these parts, has rented that
splendid and well equiped brick yard,
know as "Mitchell's brickyard," situat
ed north of this village, for five years.
He will take possession AprIllst next.
We congratulate Will acid hope his
undertaking may be crowned with sac
• Ailsa Oraig.
The second Shooting Tournament
of the Ailsa Craig Gun Club was held
here on Tuestley and although not as
well attended as was the first one. it
was a success, the following is the
Group No. 1
J. Morgan
E. Mahler
r. Rive
W. Draught
Group No. 2
o 11 01 0 1 0 11-6
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0-7
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1-7
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 11-8
A. 14b
ortiai elnrd 0 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 0 1-8
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-4
J. C. &nylon 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1-6
W. Simpson 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0-5
J. C. Sheardown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1-9
Group No. 8
J. D McOoiI 1 0 1, 0 1 1 1 1 1 1-8
Bert Munro •1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10
W, Dsrh,otiogt,hotff
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-7
W Holland 1 11 1 1 0 0 1 0-6
J. D. McColl 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
Bert Munro took 1st money, $1.0 J.
Sheardown 2nd., $7; W. Drought, W.
Holland and 3. D. McColl each shot 8
birds and after shooting off the tie; Wni
Drought secured 8rd mooey, $5 and
Vtrm„ Holland 4th, $8. Amon°.. those
from a distance who took partin the
math were noticed, Ed. Bissett, Forest,
W. Simpson, Exeter :,E. Mahler, Clifford
Ira Bice, Crediton; J. Sherdown. Cen-
tralia; W. Holland and J. D. McColl,
Park hill.
Owing to the thaw on Sunday and
Monday there was very little teaming
done the fore part of the week, -Mrs.
Charlie Schroeder, jr„ pretented her
husband with a fine baby -girl on Wed-
nesday of last week. -Mr. Christian
Walper has purchased a farm on the
Mollard line, near Grand Bend, and in-
tends moving thereon sometime in Feb-
ruary. Mr Walper being a good gen-
erous hearted fellow we are loathe to
part with him from our village, but we
know our loss will be others' gain and
we wish our friend every success in his
undertaking. -Mr. Chas Steinhagen,
jr., has purchased the house and owned
by Mr, C. Walper. Success Charlie. -
The L. 0. T. M. are rushing things just
now initiating five members at their
last review with two or three snore to
foliate. They are to have an entertain -
mut in the near future which Omni -
es to be a success. -Mr. J. hn Hall is
buying a lot of clover seed just now,
paying therefore the highest market
price. -If reports are true their will be
several of our young men join the army
of benedicts ere long. We'll mention
no names, but give full particulars of
the event as they occur. -A rattling
good joke has come to light on one of
the fair sex of this neighborhood and
those who are fortunate enough to
know the affair "laugh in their sleeve"
to think that Miss"would like -to know"
really des not know the thing she
wanted to. "Murder will out" is an old
adage -we may safely go by. -Mr.
Grill still continues poorly and at his
advaneed age it will be a wonder if he
gets around again. -Mr. and Mrs Shett
ler visited at Mrs. Shettler's mothers in
Willett Township over Sunday, -An-
drew Musser is still under the weath
er, but we hope he will soon be
around again. -It is reported that a
wedding occurred in the village Satur
day evenittg, the contracting parties
being Aaron Vincent and Miss Bella
Grigg. Long may they live.
OBITXTVARY-Deathbasagain visited
our neighborhood and claimed as its
prey Mr. William Willert, whose im
mortal spirit took its flight on Saturday
evening. Deceased had only beensick
a week and all medical skill was
of no avail, death claimed him as its
own. He leaveto mourn his loss
wife and six small 'Mildred an aged
father and mother and nine brothers
besides a host of other relatives and
friends For many years he lied been
a resided of the village but last spring
moved to his mill three miles westanore
commonly known as Yager's mill, He
has been connected with the Lutherian
Church of this plate for many years,
.As he had followed the carpenter trade
In this Beaton for many years he ',Nita
well and favorably ktoWn and his ear.
ly and sudden demise has east a gloom
over the entire community. The sor.
row -stricken friends have the heartfelt
sympathy Of the community in this
their sad hour of trial.
SAD DEA.TH -It becomes our Sad and
painful duty this week to record the
death of Mrs. Nieholas Beaver, which
took place at the family residence, Lot
15, Con. 4, on 'Tuesday last at the age
of 42 years. Deceased had given birth
to a child about 2 weeks ago, and was
thought to ho doing nicely until a sud-
den change came upou her and. finally
death claimed her. She /eaves to mourn
her demise a husband and eight small
children, who have the sympathy of
the whole commueity.
• Centralia,
Edgar Pym has got a position on the
G. T R,. as night operator at Belle
River. -Mrs, James Sorrell, of Crystal
City, Manitoba, has been visiting her
brother, Rey. W. .H. Butt. -Wo are
likely to have a new harness shop,
opened out here, which is much needed.
W. R. Elliott has been appointed dele-
gate to the County Sabbath School
Ceti volition at Goderich. -Considerable
dissatisfaction is expressed in =nee -
tion with the Royal Templars and there
is talk of forming a new and independ-
ent or,,e'anization.-Mrs, J. Campbell.
of Steulev, was here last week visiting
her brother, James Delgaty, principal
of our public, school.
Tan WORLD'S Fain. -The annual
meetine*of rhe members of the Hav
BranchAgricultural Society was held
in the •town hall in this village on
Thursday of last week, The following
officers and directors were aopoiuted:
Fred Hess, President; D. 8. Faust,
Secretary-Treasnrer, Directors --John
Diechert Christopher Oswald, Louis
Walpole John Laporte, W. B. Battler,
G. Holtzman, John Gelman, John Geitz,
and. Henry Reichert. Auditors -J. A.
Williams and S. Hardy. The receipts
for the year amounted to $596 and the
disbursements to $502. The year corn
menoed with a deficit of $44 and closed
with a surplus of $94. The members
subseriptions for the year amounted to
$216 and the gate receipts at the Fall
show numbered 779, divided as follows:
Horses, 65: cattle 55; sheep 33; swine,
88; poultry, 60; dairy produce, 24;
grain and seeds, 82; roots and other
hoed crops, 129; orchard and garden
prodace,114; implements and mane.
factures, 12; Fine arts, 26;ladies work,
191 The amount offered in prizes was
$425 and the sum of $327 was paid. -
At the first session of the new council
board, the printing for Hay township
for 1895 was let to the Hensel! Observer
for $36.50, which is $5 25 less than the
same amount of printing was done for
ast year.
Mr. C. H. Wilson delivered a load of
hay in Shieka last week that only
lacked a few pounds of two tons. -Mr
Ruben Wilson sold to Mr. Snell, of
Exeter, the heaviest horse known in
this part. He turned the scales at 1765.
-The public installation of the officers
of Union Tent, No 48, Knights of the
Maccabees, took place in W. J. Wilson's
Hall, last Tuesday night. The hall
was well filled and the following officers
were duly installed by Sent. Past Com-
mander, Thomas Mollard:-Comman-
inander, C. 13 Wilson; Lieut., Brown;
Finance Keeper, J. Love, Prelate, Jas.
Young; Physician, Philip Baker; Mas-
ter at Arms, Robert Euglish: First Mas
ter of Guards, Stephen Webb; Second
Master of Guards, James Pollock-; Sent-
inel, William Prance; Picket. William
Bloomfield. After the installiation Sir
Knight, C. H. Wilson, gave a very in-
teresting address, showing the growth
and srength of the order. The enter
tainment after this, consisting of music
by the Lovely String Band, songs by
W. A. Wilson. addresses by Rev. J. H.
Chant and W. H. Ta lor, M.. P. P,
were loudly applauded. -Mrs. Bella
Little, who has been visiting friends
and relatives in Bayfield during the
past two weeks, returned here last Sun
day. -Mr. Thos, Stinson, of Bayfield,
is visiting friends here. -A number of
our young man have decided to start a
night school and take a course in read-
ing, writing,arithmetic and grammer.
Mrs. Grace W. Wilson has been engag-
ed as teacher. This Is a profitable way
to spend the long winter evenings and
no doubt our young men will leok
back in after life with pleasure and
thankfulness to those that took inter
est in helping them when they were
willing to help theinselves.-'The Gos-
pel Temperance meeting and enter-
tainment will be held next Friday 25th.
-Mr. Albert C. Wilson 'eturned to
College last Tuesday. -Mr. Ulens
lost a valuable steer last week by • a
straw stack falling on it.
Stanley: Mr. Geo, Baird has been
engaged in teaching, at Baird's schoel
• house, 2nd con. of Stanley, for 84 eon-
seentive years. During that time he
has kept the school fully abreast of tho
times, and many of his pupils are now
filling some important and responsible
positions. The standing of this school
has never fallen behind in any respeet,
and is a decided credit to his patietice
and industry. We doubt if there is
another teacher in the whole Dominion
'who has remained, with effieiencse so
long in one Section, and the indications
are that Mr. Baird wIlt mullein here for
a considerable, number of years yet,
NO 393
Around About Us,
Egmondvillet-Mr. 3. F. Reid, head.
miller at Ogilvie's got his left hand
caughtlp cue of the Conveyers'ao the
mill, one day last week One of Mr.
Reid's fingers was badly smashed, and
the and is very painful,
Kippem ' Mr, W. Simons, while en-
gaged chopping wood in Mr. R. Bell's
bush the other de v, cut a terrible gask
in his foot, cutting the second and third
toes completely otr, add almost seyere
ing the lint and fourth ones.
Creditont Deputy Game Warden
Gill, of Exeter, had three Crediton
young men before. the 'heals one day
lat week charged .with shooting white
rabbits out of season, The eykletice
being insaffleieut ..the ease was dis-
Eden: Mr. James A Dempsey, who
has taught school here for rhe past nine
years, left here last week for High
Bluff, Manitoba, where he hes been en-
gaged as prinzipal of the public school
at a good salary, We wish him sac -
cess in the Prairie Province
arucefield: The Ocidfellows of 33ruee•
field had an interesting time at the in.
stalletion of their officers, one evening
this week. Mr. Popplestone, of Exeter,
being present. After the exercises
about 40 members sat down to supper,
at Witt's Hotel, aail enjoyed the even-
ing in speeches, etc.
Lakelet: The son of Mr. Rennie met
with a very serious accident on Friday,
lith • inst., while firing a gun. He
thoughtlessly put a very Jabge
ty of powder into the barrel, and while
in the act of firing, the powder ex-
ploded, cansing the gun to burst. The
poor boy's hand is terribly lacerated,
• McGillivray: Mr. John Johnston, of
Moline, Wis., formerly of the 18th con.
of McGillivray, died on Friday last.
He was stricken with paralysis on the
16tb. of December, and never recovered
from the effects of the stroke, A widow
and four children survive him. De-
ceased was a brother of Mrs. Gilbert
Grieve, who lives on the 20th con. of
McGillivray, and Mrs. Johnston, is a
hcoilulsin of Mr. J. T. Appleton, of Park -
Blyth: We understand that •the
managers of the private bank here
bare decided to close up there business.
The amount owing. depositors is said to
be about 60,000, and Messrs. Tanner &
Co, it is said propose to meet this, as far
as poesible, by the notes in their posses -
ion. The depositors may lose some-
thing, but how much is not known;
they would have lost. more bad •not
Messrs. Tanner decided to act quickly,
and: thus protect their depositors from
further loss.
Parkhill; The ceiling of the office of
the Hasting's House caught fire 051
Thursday morning shortly after seven
o'clock. The fire was kept under con-
trol until the fire engine was ready to
throw water, and then it was only the
work of a second or two to completely
extinguish the blaze. A • hole nix or
seven feet square was burned in the
ceiling and the floor in the room above
was damaged. The fire is thought to
have caught from the stovepipe.
Egmondville:-One day recently as
Mr. Samuel IdeGeoch was cutting. wood
in McCaa's bash, he met with a close
call. He uses, when at such work, a
double pitted axe, very sharp at one
edge andduller at the other for split-
ting. It appears he was using the
dull edge to cut a limb lying in a hol-
low. The timber being frozen that
day, the axe Herr up, striking him yen-
tically about the middle of the fore-
head with the sharp edge, cutting
flesh and bone to the brain, but fortun- •
ately no further. Being a healthy
man, the waited though being two or
three inches Ion , is healing nieely, and
he will soon beball right again. A
trifle deeper and the result would have
been more serious,
SANDERS. -At Gilbert Plains, on the
6th inst., the wife of John Sanders,
(formerly of Stephen) of a son.
WICKERT,-At Greenway, ou the 7th
inst., the wife of Heury Wickert, jr.,
of a daughter.
PICKERTNG, -At Shipka, on the 16tIa
inst., the wife of John Pickering of a
SOu'ruCoTT.-In Exeter, on the 20th
inst., the wife of Wm. Southcott, of a
HST. -151 Stephen, on the 23rd inst.,
the wife of Fred Heist, of 8 5011,
BEAVER. -In Stephea, on the 9th inst,,
• the wife of Nichelas Beaver, Of a
MrranELL --STTT1P7a A rt I), .L --0I1 Wednes.
• day Dec. 22th, 1804, at the residence
of the Rey. Mr, Feweett, John E.
Mitchell, formerly of Exeter, to Miss
Ada Shepherd, of Gilbert Plains,
Bteveat.-In. Stephen, on the 22nd
inst., the wife of Nicholas Ilea.vers
aged 42 years.
teernit,-In Petrone, on the 15th bee,
.Ada 13eatriee, youngest daughter of
Thomas and Anna Baker. aged
years and 7 inoaths. [Mr.13a,ker was
formerly of Centralia and a sou of
Mr, Baker, of Exeter4