HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-1-3, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO,_ TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895.
The Motstons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital.... ..... $2,000,000
Rest Fund . .. , :. , , 1,200,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced uv avoct Farmer's on their
own notes with one or mere endorsers at 7
per gent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p
m„Saturdays 10a,m.to 1 p,m'
Ageneral banking business transacte
CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey oIi Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
.e#.er Ativoratt4
Is published every Thursday Morning
at the Office,
rev bee--
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanh,e
$1.50 if not so paid.
E d aortisiaC Ro.tes ozt. Splalice..
No paper discontinueduatil all arrearaies
are paid. Advertisements without 'specific
directions will be published till forbid shad
charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transoient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of J'OB
PRINTING turned out in the finest stj:Ie,
and at moderate rates. Ohegaes,moneyord-
ers, &e. for advertising, subscriptions,eto to
be made payable to
• Sanders & Dyer
Church .Directory.
Hunt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a m
and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class
for Adults, 3 p. m. Holy Communion, Fist
Sunday of each month at morning service
METHODIST CRURCn--James-st,Rev.J, G}.
JACKSON Pa stor.SundayServioes, l0.sn ,t, m,
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Piist-
or. Sunday Servioes, 10;30 a.m. and 6.30' p.m
Sabbath School 2.30 p.m,
Pastor. Sunday Services, ii a. in. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath Sohool, 9.45 a, m i+
Professional Cards. ;`..
H.E.INSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teen,..
without pain. Away at Lucan every "Wed-
nesday, B nsa11 let Friday; Blyth, first 1fon-
3apaud Zurich on last Tursday of ascii
CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal.
o College Dental Surgeons, successor to
E. L. Billings. Office over Post Ogee
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the paini , : aiktraction of teeth. Fine dole
as reauired.
graduate of the Royal college Dollegeof int-
alSurgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the
'Toronto University (with honors). Spianal
attention given to preservation of the&hat-
ural teeth. Office over Elliot & Elli ot's law
office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter.
1J has moved. one door south.
1 rs, J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS.
1J liesidenees;same as forxtsrly
Ol• FICES, Spackinati, building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office• same as formerly—north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
door. May lst`1893
J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos,A. D
11JJ the College of Phvsicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surggeon and Accorich-
eur. Offi.oe, Dashwood, Ont.
1b. ';:OR, .Conveyancer, Notary Euhlic.
Office—::Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,.
Monev;to Loan. r'u,
• of Supreme Court, Notary Pubisi, Con-
Veyanoer, Commissioner, &e. Money to:lgt.n
Office -Fans on's'131ook, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &o, l
HBROWN, Winchelsea,, Licensed:Auct-
• ion eer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the,to whip ofl3'eborne
Sales promptly attendetyand terms rea
sonb%le.Sales arranged t Post office, Win-
EBOSSENBERRY, HensallOntarjo,'Lic-
• erise& Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and'i.'erth. Charges moder io and
satisfaction guaranteed. `
VI RED. W. PARNCOMB, Provincial Land
.L',:' Surveyor and Civil Edgineer.•Office,
Over Post • Office, Main. street; Exeterl Ont.'
� DWAlti7 0. , I EELE, P. L. 5, Ontario
Land Surveyor ' and Civil' Engine. a.
, goderi.ch, Ont,
neeesserraas: St, Marys, Journal; and
)33,eetorys lii,rkton,
[ii#�ux ante.
Int -era -lice Agent,
fain S
Catalogue sent free on appli-
Sale Register.
SATURDAY, JAN- 5,—.[arm, stock and im-
Clements, the property of John Hicks, lot 8.
on. 3, Usborne Salo at 1 o'clock. T
Cameron, Aust.
FRIDAY, JAN. 4—Farm stook and implo'
meats, the property of Ed. Christie, lot 11'
con 1, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock, T.
Cameron and John Gill, auctioneers.
Farmer's institute
Meetings of the South Huron Farm
ers' Institute will be held as follows:
Wednesday, JAN. 9th.
Each of the above meeting will com-
mence at 10 &clock a. m.
These meetings will be addressed by the
following among others:—Wm. Ramie,Farm.
Manager, Ontario Agricultural College; A.
McNeil, Windsor, an authority on fruit cul-
ture; Alfred Hunter, Harrowsmitb, who rep-
resents the good Roads Association of On-
tario; D. A. Forester, Esq., Clinton; M. Y.
.McLean, M. I'. P., South Huron, and others,
A cordial invitation is extended to all to
be present. •
An evening entertainment will be held at
each place for which programs will be issued
by the Local Committee.
Some of Farquhar's aristocrat s took
part in a dance, at the residence of M
Rendell, in Exeter, on Christmas night.
—Mr. Rich. Tasker, came to the con-
clusion that it wasn't good for man to
be alone, andconsequently, has se
cured a life partner in the person ' of
Miss McKnight, daughter of Mr. John
McKnight, Esq., of Hullett.-At the an
441 41 meeting of our school board all
the old trustees were re-elected. Mr.
Sam Doupe and Miss Smith were en
gaged at $850 and $275 respectively
for the coming year,—The I 0. F. held
their regular meeting in Gardiner's
Hall on Friday night last and elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year:—C. D. H. C. R„ T. M. Kay; C. R.,
Wm. Moody; V. C R., Wm. Poland;
Fin Sec ; D. Hay; Rec. Sec„ Geo. Fas
sold; Treas., H. Borland; S. W., John
Westlake; J. W., Jas.. Harris; Chap.,
Wm. Stewart; S. B., Fred Hunkin; J.
T3, Alex, Turnbull Bro. D. Hay was
elected to represent the above Court at
the High Court meeting which is to be
held in London —Mr. Hugh MacDonald
of Alvinston, is visiting under the pa
cental roof.—Miss Laura Prior has re-
turned home after a week's visiting
among friends in Exeter,—Mr. John
Cafneron is . confined to his room
fhtlrou ,'h Sickness.
Jncltor, Allan, Allan; State, Beevor, 7ioin
pion, American, Wliite Star, Netller-
ts ds, and American :Eines to Engl,ynd,•
Sr oncl, Scotland, Italia/1d, 'Germany,
Cape, Australia and. SSA' Zealand. •
tanc,tshire London and 'nencashirb,
borthern, ort.h British and Mercan
ant Perth utual Firo Insurance o's.
Lon,ion and Lancashire Lilo" In. Co,
London Guarantee and Aeeide,. ;r
L0%VAu'�r[' 1ts%.''I'Ft . Cain, GI_
..,(,Changetteyeey Wedne lay)
Vhea•t' per bushel.. . $0.55' to 0;157
arley i .. t , . 86 to 38
(tats, +..26 to f27
a �48 to ,,. �hfl
t ��
3 isnot �..,.. ,,..,�,�:,. •;1K
Eggs Y . f 4'ti , V,.. ,.♦.,.
otatoeSl a `Dna . . r... 35
pp \.
a,y per tots. •, , y . .--.,rj. , .. 6.60 t
Tick's per pottedi�) .. .... . .
Geese per T i^i
Turkeys pig aye : dI; ,.. ,
1 ri.
4.25 t
Orediton, At the last regular meeting of Court
No 14 L 0. F,, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year: -
0. R., J. Salter; V, C. R., W. H. Wenzel;
R. S, J. Niehols; F. S., J. Trevithiek;
Treasurer, J. Clarke; Chap, A, Hooper,;
J. W., G. Hertzel: S. B., 3. Shouklice;
3. B.,C. Beaver; P. C. R., H. Eilber; 0.
P., Dr. T. Witiek; delegates to High.
Court John Salter and Henry Eilber,
' Stephen.
SCHOOL Exammae'ION.—The exam-
ination at School Section, No 2, Steph-
en, wits held on Friday, Dee. 21st. The
examination was in every particular a
great success. The.whole section turn-
ed out to take an affectionate farewell
of their teacher, Miss A. Essery, who
has, during her stay there,' become en-
deared to both children and parents.
The school has not been more eflicient•
ly conducted for many years, if ever.
.A. sumptuous repast was enjoyed at the
school house at the noon hour by both
scholars and visitors. After the schol-
ars had finished their exercises. Mr.H
E, Huston, an ex -teacher of the school,
was asked to take rhe chair, which” he
did in his usually happy manner, 'The
trustees, Messrs, M. Flertzel, Robt, Sims
and John Lawson spoke of the great.
respect they ;ail. had for Miss Essery.
But the climax was reached when Mr.
J„hn Lawson was interrupted in his
speech by two stalwart men lugging
in a box containing a beautiful dii,uer-
set as a present from the trustees.-<
John Colwill, jr., has taken to him-
self a wife in the person of Miss Webb
of St. Johns, near London. We extend
congratulations•—Miss Mina Bernard,
of Granton, is visiting at the parsonage.
—Sylvester Windsor bas 'sold his fine
residence to the new station agent,. C.
W. Vale. The price is said to be in
the:neighborhood of $1,000.—Mr• Wind-
sor will occupy the house recently va-
cated by Dr. Shoults.—Mr. William
Baker. who has been a faithful and
painstaking school trustee for several.
years, was re-elected at the recent
school meeting, while William Elliott
was. apppointed truant officer. School
opens to -day (Thursday) with a statTof
two teachers, a"d we will look for good
results to follow.—We ca,ngratulate
Chas. Sanders, one of our Fa i rtield hops,
who passed his exams. successfully and
has secured a school in the township of
Stanley. We predict a successful car=
ier for Charlie. --The anniversary of
our Sunday School was'a very success-
ful one. On Sunday last appropriate
sermons were preached in the morning
to children by the Rev. H. W. Loche.
and in the evening to the teachers by
the pastor, Rev. W. H. Butt. Au open
meeting was held in the afternoon,
which was largely attended,, and excel
lent addresses were delivered by Mr. H,
ishop, of Exeter, and Rev. Mr. Ada .Ins,
of the Bay of Quinte conference. The
singing by the children was exception
ally good. On Monday evening a free
tea was served in the basement to all
comers, and they were by no means
few, but abundantYprovision was made
for all and a right good time was spent.
by old and young. The church was
crowded to the doors,and a leugthy,var-
ried and •interesting programme was
rendered to the delight of all present.
The Secretary's report showed 175
scholars on the roll, with an average
of 120, while the treasurer's statement
gave $83 as the amount of money rais-
ed for school purposes, The school is
in a flourishing condition, and for the
ensuing year will be in the hands of
the following officers: -R. F Hicks,
Superintendent; Wm. Colwill Assistant
Superintendent; S. Davis, Secretary;
Miss Maude Hicks, Assistant Secretary;
J. Hepburn, Treasurer; Mrs, A. Bow-
saugh, organist; and a large and able
s tall of teachers whose hearts arpear to
be in the work. -Drs. Rollins .& Amos
removed one of Mrs. Leo. Brown's eyes
last week which had been giving her.
great pain for a number ofmoeths.Mrs.
Brown is 78 years of age and is recoy-
ering; nicely, from the operation.
oll't tlils Ad
Our goods are marked in plain figures and marled
away down to suit the hard times. We have• a big
rot of tweeds right at manufacturers' prices and away
below any other house in the country, See our
Our Worsted Suitings
Scotch . Tweeuiting s_
and con
goods a1
gen 'we
rentna its
9.re'ow' prices with so-called half -priced.
'OU will .11l1d 01115 away be w� •-.The only
Cortise ai, half -pries is a 'big lot of tweed
111,ging from I to 0 yards, Cine and see
doing before you buy and if you Want
e yard, 've>ha,Ve thein from r.1 30 Cents up.
oods foiee of charge. Bring along your
e than suited.
• Mr, Gcdfried Nicnolson, of the Bron.
son Line, and a lady from Goderieli
whose name we do not know, were last
week joined together in the bonds of
matrimony. We wish them a" happy
life -
Mr, 3. D. Morrow, of Fullerton, is
renewing old acquaintances in our
midst, -Miss M .A. Blair left for home
in ,Cranbrook. on Wednesday of last
week, -•--Mc: Daniel McNaughton our
former" blacksmith has entered into
partnership with Mr. J. T. Cairns, mer
client, and the firm is now known as
McNaughton and Cairns.—Mr. and Mrs
Armstroli.g arrived from Harrington
on Saturday. -Mr. John Foote left on
Saturday for Milwaukie, Mich, where
he will be the guest of Dr: J. J. Lyon.
—Mr. Alexa Robinson, of Marlette,
Mich., is visiting friends here.—Mr, W.
McBrayne, tailor, has returned 'from
Forest. -An Epworth League has been
organized in the Nlethodist Church.
Mr. J. L, Wanless is entering into the
pump business with great vim and
energy. and will be able to fill all ord
ers for pumps, etc., at short notice,—Mr
George Forest, formerly of Stanley, but
who for some years, has been in British
Columbia is visiting old friends in this
locality. We aro pleased to see him
looking so well.—M.ss Francis Hamil-
ton' of Toronto is the guest of her
mother, Mrs.. Hamilton,—Nom ination
day, passedoff very quietly. The fol-
lowing were nominated, for reeve
Robert IV,Teflveon and William Clark,.
the latter Slerlining; deputy reeve,
Isaac Eeratt and John Ketchen; Coun-
cillors, Samuel Moffat, William Lamont
William Thirsk and James Aikenhead.
ORANGE BLOSSOMS.—In response t0
the handsome invitations sent out, the
residence of Mr. Robt. Cann, Usborne,
was the scene of a brilliant wedding
on the evening of Dec. 26th, when Miss
Carrie, was married to Mr. V. M. Millar,
of Bervie, Ont. The house was b,;auti-
fully decorated and everything was
prepared for the enjoyment and coin -
fort of the guests. Promptly at .8
o'clock the Rev. Mr. Coupland, followed
by the contracting parties and their
assistants, appeared before the anxious.
guests. The bride looked charming in
a dress of cream Bedford cord, trimmed
with cream lace and cornflower blue
ribbon and decorated with orange -blos-
soms. The bride was assisted by her
youngest sister, Melissa, who was simi-
larly attired, and Mr. Benson Williams
of Usborne, did the duties of best man.
.After the ceremony the happy 'couple
received showers of congratulations, ' • (Too late for last week)
good wishes and bouquets of flowers, '1 he school here was the scene of
which showed the high esteem in which great activity on Friday the 21st Dec
the young couple are held. The guests last. For some time the children had
were, then ushered into the spacious been in a state of uneasiness' and ex-
dining hall where the tables were laden citement, as the time drew near when
with all the delicaces of the land, their teacher for the past fourteen years,
temptingly and.artisticly arranged, in Mr. G. W. Holman, was about to 'sever
the centre of which the wedding cake his connection with the school. The
stood like a huge white pyramid with school was crowded to overflowing with
dazzling ornaments falling down its teachers and visitors. The teachers
sides. The bride and groom were giv- present were Messrs Delgaty, Dempsey,
en the seats of honor and the wedding Doupe, Gregory and Miss Smith, of
dinner was then served to the favored Farquhar with Mr. Holman and Miss.
visitors. After dinner the guests re- Halls, all of whom took part in the
paired to the cozy parlors where all en- examination. Addresses were deliver-
joyed games, music and singing. A ed by several ratepayers and the teach -
violin solo by Arch, Bishop, Ex. M.P. P., era. A very pleasing address was pre
was rendered in masterly style and as *rented to their teacher, Mr. Holman,
an encore gave a tambourine solo in a accompanied by a handsome plush
very touching manner. Mr. Gowan, chair. Mr. Holman made a feeling
"teacher of No 2, TJsborne, gave a tri- reply thanking those who had contrib.
,angle solo:with harmonica accompani- uted to such a handsome token of re•
merit, which was well received. Miss spect. Master David Cathcart and
McKenzie and Mr, Robt, Ellrington de- Franklin Delbridge made the presents
lighted the company with an harmon- tion All expressed themselves as high.
ica duet, entitled "Love's Awakening." ly pleased with the way the children
The company broke up shortly before acquitted themselves, and the compli-
daylight and quiet once more fell on ments paid Mr. Holman, were of the
the peaceful homestead. The bride re- most gratifying character.
ceived the following useful and cost-
presents:—The bride's father and Greenway.
mother, a Dominion organ; gold jewel
levy, the groom; centre,' table, Miss. M. Rev. R L. Wilson, of Toronto Uni-.
and JohrnCann; large pictures of the varsity and Albert C. Wilson, of 0,A.0
bride's parents, framed, Miss Melissa Guelph are home spending their holt-
Cann : lemonade set, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. days. The annual Christmas enter -
Cann; dessert set, Mr. and Mrs. Charles tainment of the Boston Methodist Sab-
Cann; silver cake basket, Mr. and Miss bath school was held in the church and
Ward, Richmond, Mich; parlor lamp, considering the fact that there •are so.
Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Gay, Hamilton, many other attractions at this time of
Ont.; silver butter dish, Mr. and Mrs. the year, it was a decided success. The
A. Bishop; silk throw, Miss V. Bishop; programme was a Tong one, consisting
silver fruit spoon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mor- of recitations, diologues, singing and
gen; crystal fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. fancy drills. The most : popular num-
Anderson; set china, hand painted, Mrs. ber was undoubtedly the broom drill
J. and Miss Harris; lemonade set, by the ladies brigade under the disco.
Miss McKenzie, Underwood chenille tion of Grace Wilson; and the mums by
table cover and fruitdish, Mr. and Mrs. the choir, under the. leadership of our
E. J. Spackman; Exeter; china fruit popular music teachers, Mrs, W. T. VI-
set, Mr. Robt. Ellrington; crayon sketch, ens and Mrs. R. L. Wilson, who deserve
Miss Kettle Ellrington; letter case, Miss praise for the careful training of the
Maggie Ellrington; table drape, Mr, children, which reflects much erediton
and Mrs. Thos. Cameron ; silver pickle their skill and patience as leaders, Rev.
dish, Mr. and Miss Beatty, Varna; sil- J. H. Chant closed the entertainment.
ver pepper and salt stand, Mr. Gowan; with a very interesting speech and cal -
dressing ease,. Messrs. McDona ld; china, led upon the organist of the .church,.
Mr, Thos. Harris; spice box, Miss' M. E, Mrs. W. T, Uiens and in a few' well-
Harris; dressing case, Mr. Land Miss S. chosen words presented her, on behalf
Einrvey; table drape, Miss R, Kerslake; of the school andehttrch, with a °bean-
silver pickle dish, Mr, W, Miller; toilet tiful and costly parrot hanging lamp, a
mats and throw, Miss Pringle, Port bamboo easel', and a large oil paintingg.
Huron, California bouquet, Mrs. Per- The display of gifts did not conform
goon, Exeter; lemonade set, Miss M. with the :C'y of hard times as they were
1 . Passmore; Dresden china, Mr. B numerous and valuable, and will help
'tllwilliams; sugar and creani Set Misses Err gladden the hearts of, many during
L, and i4 I. and Mr, G, Williams; griper' the tiet year The proceeds amounted
mettle Server, D, MOritettlif Stratford, to SG,Ci0 :and would have exceeded.
silver spoon holder, Mr, and- Mrs, i i t,',tlh%t bad ,the .(lurch been large 0Yltrugh
Eateter, and iirtt,lnerons iother a c,e . t1 It ' . jt t rat "ll? 1, t i fill
I' NOMINATIOIIS',-.-.The nomination pro-
ceedings were, held at the Statutory
House at 10 o'cleck, a, rn, with 0, W,
Holman presiding,. The following can
didates were nominated' for the Reeve-
ship, viz:—Thos, M. Kay, John Del.
bridgei Win. Ky dd and Donald McInnis.
At 11 o'clock, the nominations were
closed and the several =dilates ad-
dressed the electorsof whoma large
number were present. The discussions.
were far in advance of former years
being void of any personal insinuations
which have too, often marred suoh meet-
ings. At 12 o'clock noon, nominations.
were openeu for councillors whieh re-
sulted as follows,' viz:—S. W. Ward,
John Hunter, Jams Handford. and H.
Jones; S. E. Ward, Richard Cann, Wm.
Delbridge, Frank Morley and John F.
Stinson; N. W. Ward, Walter Keddy by
acclamation; NrE. Ward, Robert Gar-
diner and Alfred Hunkin, Messrs.
Halls and Shier having previously re-'
signed, votes of coilfldelice coupled with
the thanks of the electors were duly
moved and seconded. Both Mr. Halls
and Mr. Shier replied 'feelingly. It
speaks volumes for the integrity of
those gentlemen, this expression of
gratitude to them after 20 and 19
years of service respectively. , -
'The Council met after nomination.
All present, minutes of previous meet-
ing' read and approved. Messrs. Thos.
Werry Jun. and. Sen. were present and
addressed the council with reference to
the fence on south side of lot 16, con. 7.
Shier—Halls, that the matter in ques-
tion re the surrey between lots 15 and
and 16, con 7 be laid over for further
con sideration. -Carried. 1S:eddy—Shier'
that this council and W, Quinton hav-
ing come to an agreement with regard
to the road allowance at the back of lot
6, con 5, that the council, agree to pay
said W. Quinton $15, and any expen-
ses in connection therewith, Mr. Quin-
ton to give a deed of said parcel of
land. -Carried. Gardinrrr—Keddy,that
whereas our Colleagues Messrs. Halls.
and Shier having resigned their posi-
tion as Councillors in the township of
Usborne.;' We their associates wish to
express our sincere appreciation of
their valued services" to this township
during the long, terms of' office of 20
and 19 years respectively, and join in
wishing them long, happy and prosper -
ens lives, and trust that the township
may for many years enjoy the valuable
council which their long experience so
well qualities them to render,—Carried
Both Mr. Halls and Mr. Shier made feel-
ing replies to this token of respect and
referred to the good feeling that had
always prevailed at the Council Board.
On motion of W. lieddy seconded by J.
Shier the Council adjourned same die.
G. W. HOLMAN. clerk.
NO 390
Little and daughter Pearl, of Traverse
City, are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J.
Wilton,—Mr. David Baird, of Reese,
Mich., called to see our host master last
week after an absence of over twelve
years. -The entertainment and Christ-
mas tree in connection with Grace
Church Sabbath School, held in W. J.
Wilson's hall Monday evening,' was a
decided success, and great credit is re -
fleeted on Miss Laura Baker and Mary
Corb 'tt for the care and skill with which
they trained the children, Both the
singing and acting were above the av-
erage. The fan drill was the crown
piece of the evening and was heartily
encored. The presents were numerous
and delighted the children greatly
Rev S. A. Carrier and R. ' L. Wilson
were present and gave interesting and
instructive addresses. Rev. Dr. Beau-
mont officiated as chairman. The pro-
ceeds amounted to the neat sum of $17.
Mr. Wm Holt has disposed of his ho-
tel at Grand Bend to Mr. Edward Bos-
senberry for the sum of $1,00
wish the new purchaser success as he
seems to be the right fellow in the right
place.—Mr. Allan McDonald, of Milton,
North Dakota, is at present visiting his
parents, We are pleased to see our old
friend again. -Mr. Charles Holt was
able to walk west again -you know
where,.1 suppose! He has been ailing.
for some time.—Mr. Wm Wein went
to Mich, Saturday la, -,t. to, visit his
brother.—MI, Charles Fritz;; of Dash -
Wood, was in town Sunday last.—Mr.
John Thompson is the happy father of
a bouncing baby boy.—Mr. . Peter. Kraft
was again elected Trustee for S. S No,
6 for another term, -Wm. Hirtzel is at
present breaking in his young trotting
colt called Brown Silly. He claims he
will break the world' record; soon.
The beautiful weather of the past
week has been aurprise to many as
a hard winter wale looked for.—As us-
ual at this season'nof the year Santa
Claus is busy with Is Christmas pres-
encs, He dropped -o .a fine boyat the
residence of Thos. Abbott, 4th con.;
also on Saturday night Test he left' a
boy at the residence of Wn..Lewis, 2n.cI
con. If he keeps on we shall.' have to
ievise the voters' list soon, foissthe ris-
ing generation.—There was mairied'at
the 'residence of the bride's father•, L on
don township,Tuesday
on Dec. lith•
Miss Levine Stanley to Mr. Uriah Hoch,
gins, of Biddulph. As usual on such.
occasions the presents were costly and
numerous and about 130 invited guests,
were present at the ceremony.—lt be-
comes our sad duty to record the death
of another' of our oldest residents. We
refer to the demise of Mr. J. McAt1'ery,
of the 1st con., who died on the 23rd
ult., in the 84 year of his ago, --Four
of Lucan's young men spent their
Christmas in London jail charged with
incendiary. They were eominitted for
trial by Reeve Armitage and O'Neil,ot
Hensel l We regret to have to chrou-•
icle•the death of .;Matgie Hajl)kirk, the
bright five year bid, daughteT'reik, Mr .
and Mrs. John Habkirl, of tlt)s v+%a'ge,
which occurred on Friday, afters.Aral.
weeks illness. The funeral to f"li"e:Rog
erville cemetery on Monday afternoon
last, was very largely attended, testi-
fying to the respect and sympathy felt
for the parents in their sad bereave-
DLvIDSON.—In Usborne, on the 30th
ult., the wife of Wm. Davidson, of a
ELSTon,—At' Rodger ville, on the 24th
ult the wife of, Thos. Elston of a • son.
McFALLs.—In Centralia on the 21.st`
ult., the wife of James McFalls, of a
PICKAKD,—In Ezeter, 011 the 2nd inst.,
the wife of Robt. Pickard, of a son.
HonsoN,—In Palmerston, on Inc 3oths
ult,, the wife` of James Hodson, of a
l►IA.rlIlitl t,t,Ii .
Bowa1AN—GIT BEttp-'0n 18th Dee,1894
by Rev. .Dr. Beaumont, Margaret
Jane Gilbert to' High Bowman of
BA IIIIe1M—SMITTI•---At the el eth0t113
parsonage, Brandon, Mn.,aon Wed-
nesday, 5tli inst., by the Rev. Geo.
Daniels, Mr. Sam. Baynham, of Rol-
and, to Emeline Smith, of Lake Cle-
menti, grand daughter of Mrs. lied-
gas, late of McGillivray, Ont,
GautntiTIt—GODL1N-011 Dec, 19'tl.
at the residence of this bride's mother,
by the Rev. J, H. Chant, Francis E.
Griffeth, Landon, 10 Annie M. God -
kin, McGillivray.
0001c-DXXON-On e. 2h;
Methodist palaonagDac,Colrbe0ttt, byat Revthe.
3. H. Chant, Arthur W. Cook to. Ann
I)ixon, both of MaGillivra-v,
MAWSON—Sri LAne-inn Dec. 21th, at
the Methodist parsonage, Corbett, by
RAv. J, H. Robiltso Chant., r
r' 1b'Ca*)ltiu
to Lydia Sellars, both of NloGilli raw°
»1E lT RM
Et.,LOW.—In ExeterOn the `god t
Dorothy, beloved wife of,
"Srellowl aged. 4.;1• years and
'nerh 'lute ,eta•,.,