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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-12-13, Page 5
1 Believe in Hood' Inherited & illi Cora (Read the Statement of a. Popular Teacher t. Lir, Goo. A. ZtrkEco Mt. Horeb, Tenn. The statements in the testimonial below are familiar facts to tate immediate friends of Mr. Coo. A. Ztrkle, school teacher, of Mt. Horeb, Tenn., very well known throughout the county, 'where he wets born and has always lived. Bead it. "C. L Hood &f Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dere Sirs believe in hood's Sarsaparilla. I will rail you why. I have suffered from in- herited scrofula from childhood. When 37years of age, my eyes became strangely affected. I could not read after sunset, and when I would' close my eyes, I could not open them; but on whichever side I lay, on that side I could ope'1 ray e:; o. This condition continued about two years, and was succeeded by An Intolot ble itching al' cr,•cr my body and limbs. I had to have my little b;iys takes 110 brushes and scratch me: It was dreadful. It continued a month and was fo1Io7;eft i aniedi ttely by a tumor in the right side cf r:yneck, as large as a small egg. at once conuncat.cd to , .g physicians' prescrip- tions and cent::rued till ii; r;t h^ito. Ia the mean time tae tt=cr chanced i:> place to the immc, ?Hats f:• ..t cf • .,r n^ , st;: •r,: atoll a:xl'eas fol- iowed by others, till six had formed and broken. " i:ially, three years ago, another Iarge tu- i or seated itself on the point of my collar bong and in six months another h:.If way back on the bone. Bath o;: them anon began to discharge emtia::ed to 0,) s7 1111 about seven months ago. 1 tried everything, including prescriptions. I was often so weak that Leede &scarcely Walk and ray mind was so confused that I could carcely attend to my business (school teach - c'). I was utterly discouraged. And now my ory draws to a close. I began the use of P. It C ' S1laii4ia Uri Mood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year ago, and took five bottles. When I began I had no faith is it. Iii less than three months both the sores on my shoulder were healed; I was cured of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous Habit has steadily grown less apparent. I weigh more than I ever did in niy life, and am In the Beat of Health, considering my constitution. Do you wonder that i believe in Hood'sar 8 sapari]la2 I can do no less than recommend. it everywhere and every way." Gxo. i. 2;aasnr, Mt. tioreb, Tenn. Hood's Pi;la cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. The traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie canal this year has been consid- erably greater than Last year. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time Sold by druggists les, MOM IMO' 1'or Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED IiESIEDY.-MrS Wiuslow'sSoo thing Syruphas been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes th.e child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of' the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is inealculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Richard Croker and M. F. Dwyer are contemplaling the transfer of their rac- ing interests to England. • v,.,......;‘sma.roxsamn...mr - �,.:-w:.. .-u,c •.../ 'SNOI.LYII VII AO 38HM3g 'tiOAV.d etv ifldOd Nt 30V1d .191:314 3H1 SO1014 111.1.5 1N35Nnd U' 11!' DNIISV1 311V8 r 'if w, 133MS HOB }b `r 38nd SZVIALTTE Z.Vrittlikt 3JxoI7aU roor Dijestion. Leads to nervousness, fretfulness, peevishness, chronic, Dyspepsia and great .misery, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy. It tones the stomach, ere- tes an appetite, and gives a relish for ood. It makes pure blood and gives healthy action to all tTe organs of the body. Take Hood's for Hood's Sarsa- parilla cures, Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartie 'with every one who tries them. 250. Two transports with Turkish troops on board left for Constantinople on B S16P (IOC IgSaql(' Nervous System Com- pletely Broken Down. NO SLEEP! NOAPPETITE Reduced to a Skeleton. Paine's Celery Compound Saves the Life of a Postmaster. Postmaster P• J, Killbride, of Inver- ness, P.E.I., owes his life and present good health to the life-giying powers of Paine's Celery Compound. Some months ago had so preyed up on Mr. Killbride's body that insanity was feared. His neryous system was Shattered and broken, he was a string er to sleep and rest, and his appetite was lost. Suffering had reduced him to a mere skeleton, . and those around him, knowing that medical .stall had failed, were expecting him to die. Friends, who had used Paine's Celery Compound, urged Mr. Kilbride to give it a trial. The suggestion was a happy ene for the afflicted man. The won dorful medicine soon proved able to cope with the disease. Five bottles of Paine's Celery Compound raised Mr. Killbridga tosuch a condition of health that enabled him to svy; "I feel myself a new man 'We give dr. Htlbride's letter in f..11, it graphically sets forth his struggle with, and his triumph over disease and death:- , "I now write you about Paine's Cel- ery Compound, having just finished the fifth bottle. It is impossible for me to say sufficient, or find words Wrong enough to praise Paine's Celery Com- pound as I ought. "To day I feel myself a new man. Six month ago I was on the brink of insanity; my nervous system was so completely broken down; I could not sleep more than one or two hours at night, and often did not sleep for four nights in succession. Ohl I never can describe the agony I suffered. I was almost reduced to a skeleton ,could only work an hour, when I was so fatigued I would be oblidged to lie down and rest before I could resume work. "The use of your Compound has given me rest and sweet sleep, and I can now work all day. To tell the honest, ca dn idtu I have r th not felt so well for fourteen years. When I com- menced taking Paine's Celery Com- pound my weight was 144 lbs ; now I weigh 168 lbs. I am gaining in flesh every day; my friends are all surprised at my wonderful cure and changed appearance. Oh! if I had only known of this life saving remedy years ago, T would have escaped many days -and nights of terrible pain and agony. Thank God the terrible times have passed, I hope never to return, How I wish I could reach, the ear of every man in Canasta -those who are suffer- ing as I,once suffered -how I would plead with them -Yes, oh my knees I would ask them to give Paine's Celery Compound a fair trial and I feel confi- dent they would bless me afterwards for recommendation. "Young men. take my truthful and can did advice; if you are suffering from a broken • down nervous system use Paine's Celery Compound; it would thoroughly restore you physically and otherwise. "I am now in xer£ect health through no other agency than Paine's Celery Compound. You may use these state meets as you choose." Horatio William Walpole, fourth Earl of Oxford, died yesterday. He was 84 years old. '�V ya tel\ ��� SI] DEN CH LIS et AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN ATTACK TAKE pl >1I t„ Fe: TEASPOONFUL OF t'�'vv l AV•8' AND TItE UDE iS@^ciRE lUDDE e THAN THE CHILL Dr. Montague has been tendered the Conservative nomination for Welland. He has taken time to corsider. Farmers and Mechanics. ---Provide yourselves, with a bottle of Pain- Killer It is a prompt, Safe and sure cure for many ills. It may save •you days of sickness, and you will find it is more valuable than gold. Be sure you buy genuine Perry Davis' Pain -Killer and take no other mixture. 25c. is a cheap Doctor's )3i1l, Count Ferdinand de °Lesseps, the eminent French engineer, is dead, aged 89 years. A new Cabinet, composed exclusive- ly Of Liberals, has been formed at San, Sunday last for the $lack sea. I tiago Chili. NEWIALGIA.MUSCULAR STlPrl"I F aS,nm nn PAIN IN SIDE & LAMi BACK �ryU lwJ ;;4•t" vuffgra 116 .. 99 rb p "_ Fr, :. . , .. � .; 15 rHir ds !e RIT � k L PLASTER USI OUT OF THE ORDINARY. A New York than is reported to have killed fiftythree rattlesnakes at one time. recently in a den that he diseovored, A four-year-old Nebraska boy was. burned to death recently by pulling a. jar of hot plum butter over on, himself. Will Dunn's horse, in Marble Hill, Mo., during the drought, learned to jump out over the pasture fence, go to the creek to drink and jump back again to voluntary confinement. Henry Goodrich, of Shirley, Me,, was eating dinner the other day when be looked out of the window and saw a she bear and two cubs. He jumped up and bagged the mother and one crib. The often discussed actually happened, in the case of Eben White, of St. Johns, Mich., recently. He was asleep under a tree when a chipmunk ran into his mouth andinterfered with bis snoring. Johann Bergst, of Franklin e,cunty,Ky,, was born in a poorhouse a little over a hundred years ago, worked as a traveling, tailor during his mature years, and then went back to the almshouse, where be still makes trousers, At Schillgallen in Germany lately an old gentleman of seventy-three, named Jurklies, who had already buried three wives, proposed to a fourth. She told him he was too old, whereupon he went into the neighboring forest and hanged him- self. BRIGHT CLIPPINGS. Mrs, Workaday -Oh, I do so like to see a' good, strong., determined man, Mr: Workaday (straightening) -So do 1, my dear. Mrs. W. -John, the coal hod is empty. -Boston Courier. Jinks-Brotson seems to be just as hard up as ever, though he hasn't married a rich wife. Filkins-Oh, well, that takes time, you know. He probably has learned how to 'find 'her , pocket yet. -- Browning's Monthly. "You seem to think a newspaper man knows everything," exclaimed the re- porter. "Well," replied the self-satisfied man, "there's no reason why lie shouldn't. I'm sure I am always ready to be inter- viewed." -Washington Star. "Tell us," cried the group of maidens, "how to remain always young and attrac- tive?" ttracttive?" "That is easy," replied the sage without even lifting his eyes from his book. "Get a.fortune and stay single." - Indianapolis Journal. "Let me show you our new correspond- ence paper for ladies," said the stationer. "We consider this the greatest novelty of the season." "It's very pretty," said Mrs. Barlow, "but why is it specially for ladies?" "It has the letters P. S. engraved at the top of the inner sheet," said the sta- tioner.-Harper's Bazar. THE WEALTHY AND INFLUENTIAL. Lord Rosebery is a devoted father. He cut the cabinet meeting rather short in order to be with his little daughter at Dalmeny park on her fifteenth birthday. Admiral Ito, the Japanese hero of the day, who is known among his devoted sailors as "the Lean Admiral," on account of his extreme thinness, has a daughter who is oue 'of Japan's very few blonde beauties. By the etiquette of the Russian court a princess entering it by marriage brings nothing in the way of a wardrobe except the clothes she wears. The magnificent trousseau being prepared in Paris is at the expense of the Czar. A. German journalist, who visited Bis- marck recently, says that the ex -chan- cellor has aged very much in the last few months. He eats with difficulty, can hardly hold himself erect, and speaks only in a tone so low that it is hard to under- stand him. • The Emperor of Russia has four separate "services" of horses and carriages. Fifty horses comprise each set, and in one the horses are perfectly white; with blue eyes, and anything more magnificent in the way of trappings than their ,harness can hardly be conceived. MULTUM IN PARVO. To choose time is to save time -Bacon. Immemorial custom is transcendent law. -Menu. The root of all discontent is self -love. - J. F. Clarke. Restraint is the golden rule of enjoy- ment. -L. E. Landon. A grateful thought toward Heaven is of itself a prayer.-Lessing. A11 men's faces are true, whatso'er their hands are. -Shakespeare. A robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage. -William Blake. Death is but the dropping of the flower that the fruit may swell. H. W. Beecher. Lord Chatham and Napoleon were as much actors as Garrick or Talma.-E. P. Whipple. All despotism is bad; but the worst is that which works with the machinery of freedom. -Junius. Thought convinces ; feeling persuades. Thought sees beauty; emotion feels it. - Theodore Parker. • CURIOSITIES OF PEARLS. During the last century pearls to the value of £10,000 were taken from the river Tay. Black pearls were at one time practic- ally valueless, but now they command much higher prices than the finest pink or white specimens. Some of the most beautiful of pearls are foetid in parts of the ocean where fresh water falls as al Suakim in the hod Sea and in the Island of Foosht. An ingenious American desires to pa- tent a process for manufacturing real pearls by securing from oyster shells the matter which is deposited around any foreign substance finding its way into the shell and dissolve it in acid and then re - deposit it in layers 'around a pea or shot by suspending them in the fluid. DYING WORDS OF GREAT MEN. Goethe -Let the light enter. Tasso-Into Thy hands, 0 Lord. treats -I feel the daisies growing over Inc. ]herder-ttefresh me with a • great thought. .4lleiri-Clasp my hand, my dear friend; I die. Addison -See with what grace a Christ- ian can die. Cardinal 13eati:ford-Whatt is there no bribing death? Sir Walter Scott -I feel as if I were to be myself again, Frederick V. of Denmark -'there is nob a drop of blood 013 10y hands. Iviirebeltu--Let Inc the amid the sound of delicious 1011010 and the fragrance of flowers.--Chrlsthan at Work, AN ODE rO , ITIlfOi DrE8 Are: Bor1NIB Dom. 0! I?igmoed Dyes,. ye colors fair, Prepared with scientific care, Ye joy of every woman's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, n'er depart, Ye are our choice, our joy and pride. Forever in our homes abide, pow'rs, That ve may show your marvllous W hen time brings on our dyeing hours. In vain, have speculators: tried To mar thy worth,,thy fame deride; But women's hurts so warm an true, Forever loyal are to you. Shine on! shine on !ye stars of light, Ye Diamond Dyes so fast and bright,. Ye genes of true economy, May millions yet be bless'd by thee. London, Huron and Bruce. TIbfE TABLE. COM* NORTE- Passenger. London, depart 8.05 A ar 4.30 r It Centralia 9.07 547 EXETER 9.29 0,00 Hensall 9.97 615 R'ippen 944 0,10 Brucefleki 9.52 0.28 Clinton 10.12 0,55 Londosboro............ 10.29 7.14 Blyth 10,88 7.23 llelgrave, 10;52 7 37 Win gham arrive 11.10 8.00 GoLsG Scrum- Passenger Wineham, depart, 0.85 A. M 8.25 r at Pelgrs,ve 050 3.47 Blyth 7.03 - 4.0t Londosboro 7,10 4.08 Clinton 7.80 4,28 Bruoeflold 7.49 496 Kipleen Bengali. -., H' XETER, Centralia , 7.57 8.00 8.40 4,53 4.58 5.t2 5.23 Our Clubbing Offer. The ADVOCATE Is anxious that its sub +cribers should have the advantage of the agents fees on city weeklies and with this end in view we have arranged with the fol - owing papers to be clubbed with the An- vocATE, We wilt furnish the ADVOCATE end any of the following papers at the price ;et opposite: 'ree Press... ... .dvertiser...... 'lmpire Globe. Witness (Montreal)....... dews (Toronto) " DAILY `ail rar ar•mers' Advocate $1.75 1.70 1.75 1.65 .,1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 3.75 1.75 mailers' Sun (Patron''.... •, 1.60 Withthe exception of the Daily News the alance of 7894 will be given free. Mr. James Garrow,, an old and "s- 'emed resident of Oshawa, is dead, ,'ed 06. o uNeed It v �--�-'Emulsion. . tCurahatCough, Heal Your Lungs PgtViesh cal:ourBones Prevent Consumption. me uu�4ess of Oxfor onges! • THE 11708T MODERN "o ATTRACTIVE.RANCES.,..... EVER PDT ON TIS MARKET I� Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly in. all parts and is perfectly ventilated. The Fire ]finings Procted by the draft from the Duplex Flue. Lasts double the usual time. A Perfect Stove Ouaranted in all respects. MANUFACTURED BY . The Gurney FoundryCo.,Co . L't'd Toronto, 0nt For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter. For that Bad Cough of yours ,! .� � :!!ina a iI ! � ,i ! n I I ! a r•,,,..: `:: 1W V I P NII I t ! ° � HIGHLY R,ECC•MMENOED a -�=--=-��- _ �� .;�-. As a, Preventive and Cure of alt Throat and Lung Diseases. .;�-� j ,� yzVYc Loadman's,axir COMMFRC9A9. LIVERY First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawksbaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Cbriste's old Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. Terms Reasonable Telephone Connection BRANTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTIN GS, Agent If you want your linen tr look whiter than snow, take it to . . RSTINS, .1. EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A. Specialty. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are the • only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,- Greater Bargains! Greater Choice Lowest Prices. V The latest and newestat- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store lea PRIWS DIUflTIL • 2 Eft ©I2 o f €� r ti� Egip CoEVA ro J� mil To th� Patros af r9,)-�ba:Sa ;as - "r• s lOSx. 'S5 'lois kt.Cr"SSI'-TY.4?!P' Jd74`5"ee,Fr.11iel+...R. 'tiYe P::. of Af/k Fo ri E eY -R 2 _ Arg�- r 14f�� ur Paper We will give THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS and our own weekly for one year for One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents . • 40 FOR The regular price of The News has. until recently been $3 a year, and you can, by accepting this offer now, get THE BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY in the province for $1.75 a year. _JE Sendor :� rin the money to our office -don't wait, as the offer will not remain open long A CREPT OFFER ill k1 ,._,. _...... .. rcg 5I rtsl f J7. ,n ' 1 rn " `t t.r --.l a 1 g' -��`. pit.. , �,.� ��t._ Mrs iii ' ;21 r l n 1 Its J 1, ,. _ LJa�, �, f r� l� .I��._.__I-l.r::Ic�.:.�>r Don't IVs.,e