HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-12-13, Page 4�•n • THE SANDERS to OYER, Prop. THURSDAY, DEC.. 13th, 1894. A 1111''.4, FABRICATION.. While several Cabinet •Ministers dur• s".ng the last fortnight have been en- gaged, with the assistance of noted 2?onsoryative speakers, in discussing publicly the tariff and other prominent topics of the .day, -a Toronto . newspa• paper has seen fit to give currency to a mean fabrication; with a view to in• auriug the Premier hi public estima- tion. It has been announced that a general election for . the Dominion would be held in March,—and that Sir John Thompson, who is now in Eng- land was about to desert the field of Canadian politics awl tale a position on the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, That Sir John is fully qual- ified for such a high office, none who are cognizant of the part he:took at the Behring Sea arbitration will for a mo - meat doubt. Not to speak of his em- inent abilities as a lawyer and states man, which are fully recognized by ?'eading men of both political parties, the eminent service which he rendered at Paris has been the occasion of the imperial government appointing him a member of the Privy Couueil of Great Britain—an honor conferred on no other person except the Right Hon, Sir John A. McDonald, In fact Sir John Thompson is the first native-born Canadian who has been elevated to that high position by Her Majesty's goyernment, No sooner, however, did the bold falsehood uttered by the To- ronto sheet reach the ears of ,Cabinet Ministers who were on their tour of public meetings throughout Western OEitario,—than Hon. Mr. Haggart, Min. of Railways, and the Hon, Mr. Patter- son, Minister of Militia, and the Hon. 'Mackenzie Bawell, acting Premier) gave the lie direct to the mean fabri- cation uttered by the Toronto journal —Mr. Haggart pronouncing it "a iouudationless canard;" and Mr. Pat terson saying, "there is not one word of truth in it." When interviewed by the Empire's correspondent, the acting Premier declared that "he knew noth ing whatever about such a report ex- cept what he had seen in the newspa- pers." The apparent intent of such a fabrication was evidently to weaken, if possible, the effect of a series of pub - Tic meetings uow being held by Cabi net ministers—in which immense en- thusiasm has been shewn by the vast erowds of people that assembled in St. Thomas, Tilsonburg, Niagara, Wiarton and other prominent centres. It goes without saying that such dastardly at- tempts to injure the federal govern- ment will recoil on the Pleads of the perpetrators. Guilty of Housebreaking. The case of William Bean, a young McGillivray farmer, who was charged with breakininto the house of Louis Mount, another McGillivray farmer, who lives about two miles going by the road from the prisoner's father, was brought up before the County Court London, on Thursday. The indictment contained three counts, charging young Bean with [1] housebreaking and com- mitting assault to do actual bodily barm, [2] housebreaking and commit- ting an ommit-ting'an assault, and [3] with common assault. The first witness was Louis Mount, and he told a straightforward story. He said he was a married man and had two children. On the evening of No- vember 14 he returned home from a threshing about 6 o'clock, and after do- ing his chores and having his supper he prepared to retire. His wife slept in one room with a child, and he and another youngster occupied the other, He had occasion to go into a closet off his wife's room for something, and as be was going his wife met him and said there was someone in the closet. Subsequently he and the man clenched The man was the prisoner in the box While the two were in the closet Bean said:—"One of us must die, right here now." He sent oyer for a constable, and Bean was arrested. Before his marriage the witness knew that Bean was a suitor for his wife's hand, and that he had frequently come to their home since, but not within the last two years when he forbid him coming, Mrs Mountis a good looking young woman, with a fine figure and a tend- ency to flirt, She admitted in the box that she had been intimate with the petsoner., but that he had not been in beef -house for the last two years until the night in question. She had never had any unlawful relations with bins. 'Under arias examination she said eke only had one picture of the prisoner. lint when Mr. MoDerm.id produced another, shnwing her and the prisoner flea very loving position, she said, "Oh that's nothing 1 have lots of pioturee •aeasen with married men, but my hue - land never thought anything of it," ' fi,onstable MoF'adden, who, made the arrest,, told of the prisoner escaping atom him while taking him to jail and aff, subsequently finding him in a Hay loft coyersd with hay, The prisoner was put in the box and dltwn till in his own behalf. Ile admitted Tattyiug been ail unsuccessful suitor fox Mrs. Mount's hand, and that daring the six years .:ince her marriage he had been on very intimate terms with her, 1 He denied leaving any improper inter eourse with her, He had paid clandes- tine visits to her once a week since July last, teed before that time at in. tervais of a fortnight. In the summer- time they met sial had conversations lasting for four or five hours on the veraudah of her house, During most of these occasions the husband was iu bed asleep, or away from home, Before leaving on each occasion a date was fixed for the next meeting. As win - tor approached, and the verandah got too cold, Mrs. Mount opened her bed- room window and admitted hien He had frequently beau in her bedroom before for four and five hours at a time But nothing' had occurred beyond or- dinary conversation, 'He admitted having entered through the bedroom window the night he was caught by the husband, and saidhe had been there for over an. hour. Part of the time he wiis sitting ou the bed. Mrs Mount had come into the bedroom and conversed wish him three times during the hour, When the husband came in to the house she told him to get is the clothes closet and she would get him a chair. lie declined the chair, and sat on the floor. Mrs. Mount came into the closet and sat on the floor beside him talking to him. Whoa the hus band came into the bedroom he tried to hide behind the closet door, He de hied any intention of doing Mr. Mount any harm, and said he only tried to defend himself. He met Mrs. Mount in Ailsa Craig during the fair in Oetober, and they had their photographs taken together.. The photograph was produced in court and showed the prisoner and Mrs. Mount's head leaning against one another in a very lovable fashion. On the 18th of Octobor he met Mrs. Mount at her door. and she went with him for a ten mile drive, taking her baby with her. They did not return until one o'clock in the morning. ' v get in • id endeavored to Mr. McDelm 5 evidence a letter written by Mrs. Mount to the prisoner, but was ruled out by the Judge. Although the prisouer and all the witnesses swore the prisoner had his boots off when discovered in the closet of Mrs, Mounts bedroom, no explana- tion was asked of why he had his boots off. and it will remain a mystery. The judge charged strongly against the prisoner, and the jury found him guilty on the second count. At the sitting of the court Tuesday Judge Elliott passed a heavy sentence of fire years on the prisoner. Mr. McDermid, of Luea.n, who de- fended Beau, presented a' petition that morning on his behalf signed by over 800 residents of McGillivray township. The eouusel asked that, in view of Bean's previous excellent character, he be leniently dealt with. He admitted entering the house for an unlawful pnrpose, bet not to commit a felony. While 1•lr. McDermid was addressing the judge, Beau wt ept bitterly and fre- quently used a big bandana hanker - chief to wipe away his tears. •'Do you desire to say anything?" asked the court. "Only that they swore lies against me," replied Bean between sobs. And after a short pause: "I hope that God will never forgive them." "Shut up," said Mr, McDern'id, and Bean obeyed. Judge Elliott, in addressing Bean, said he thought the jury had come to a very wise conclusion, considering the evidence brought before them, "I can- not think," said the judge, "that ,you swore to the truth when you were in the box. I do not think it possible that you slid when you said you had been in Mrs. Mount's company on so many occasions and no improper intimacy occurred. If that is so you have added to your offense the crime of perjury. If you had been a suitor for the wom- an's hand and intended to make her your wife, it was your duty to protect her name from the scandal such as you and your conduct brought upon her. I am satisfied you enttered the house without intending to do the wife any harm, but it may have had the effect of breaking up the home. and leaving the children without- a mother, The extreme penalty of the law for your crime is fourteen years in the penitentiary. That I do not intend to inflict upon you when I consider the petition and the efforts made on your behalf by your counsel. I have no faith however in petitions and I believe that the persons who signed it believed you had a good reputation. Seeing it is your first offense I will not- pass what I call a severe sentence upon you. But I have a duty to perform in the interests of society and the conclusion I have arrived at, is that you shall spend FIVE YEARS in the Provincial Penitentiary at King- ston." The severity of the sentence seemed a surprise to every person. Bean fell into his seat as if stunned. PEOPLE ONE READS OF. lilary Hamilton, an English female friend of the eighteenth century, married four- teen of her own sex. The crown princess of Denmark is a royal "highness" by nature as well as by birth—being six feet three inches tall. Royalties have, as a body, defective eye- sight Princess Maud of Wales is the only royal lady who Wears a . single eye- glass. Mrs. Adeline Knapp, who has been for several years raee-track reporter for the San Franciseo Call, rides man -fashion, in Turkish trousers, a cutaway goat, and a silk hat. She owns a number of flue horses. It is well known the empress of Angela smokes innumerable cigarettes every day', but she does more then this, In the even- ing she not only lights a cigar, but she lights one from the Other, sad, moreover, they aro strong. THE WIDOVIIED Knee I•Inarnor died file sun don't shine 50. bright, The stars don't twinkle near so keen at night, The ohureh bell Sunday mornin' an't the cheer It had when she was here, Sitio Hamner died, The very chickens misses Planner's care, And go 'retina with a sorter lonesome air,. There ain't no kind of joy about the place. Without her amilin' face, Since Hamner died. The Carden tools hang in the apple trees, The hossweeds are a-kiIlin' off the peas; `here's no one hereto hoe the tators now. Er feed the hogs an' cow. 8 Since Hamner died. I goose, of course, I'd orter be resigned,. But when I go out in the shed and find The ax she chopped the wood. with all them 'years, I wet it with my tears, Since Haulier died. By the Deep Sea. They are watching the foam as it trailed itself in strange, fantastic shapes along the yellow sands. "How wonderful, flow mysterious is the seal" exclaimed Paul. "How superior in its majestic naturalness it is to all the achievements of art. Think, darling, into what beautiful, harmonious forms yon bubbling foam, is wrought." "I am thinking," replied Fantine, oatoh- lug his enthusiasm, "thinking what lovely embroidery patterns it would make." Tribute to Departed Vi'orth. "That man Ardup," said the man in the mackintosh, "was as good hearted a fel- low as ever lived, but he was always in debt and always hounded by creditors. Poor fellow! He deserves abetter epitaph than au unfeeling posterity will engrave on his tombstone." "'Well dunned, good and faithful ser, vent,' " . suggested the man who had his feet on the table, and a deep silence fell on the group. Not Up in Tennis. Mgrs. Homestead (from the letter)- Wa-al, I swanny I of Hirim don't wanter hev us send him two dollars • fer, a tennis racket, Naow this is goiu' too far alto -- Mr. Homestead (interrupting)—Send it along, Mariar. Boys '11 be boys, an' they might's well go through th' mill fust as last. (Aside.) Durned of I kin kick on thet. It use' ter oost me over four dollars, when I wuz his age, ter gib full on lager. Iionlaunt. He wore a coat of shining mail, A visor closed and tight; Like a soldier of crusades And wars he was benight, And when with wassail good and pipes He filled the dusk with light, The neighbors knew there was a sound Of revelry by knight, —J. J. Meehan. Couldn't Do It. "The gentleman you see pacing up and down yonder as if he were mentally de- ranged is Schmidt, ,the famous accountant" "What is the matter with him?" "He' was trying yesterday to uiaravel the compli- cations of his wife's' housekeeping book," Handelszeitung, 3ioo Good a Judge. Wagstaff—Where's that's famous dog of yours that was such a good judge of tramps? Hopscotch—I was obliged to give him away. To be frank, when I came home from the races the other night he bit me. Was Qualified. Tom (during the political debate)—What do you know about municipal governmeut,, I'd like to know? Billy ---What do I know? Hang it all, wasn't I lookout in a Chicago gambliug-house for two years?—Chicago Record. The Taslc Too Great. "I am strong in my love for you," the youth protested. Nut when she bade him open the window in the first class railway coach in which they were journeying he fled in despair. —Detroit Tribune. Consolation. The Candidate (gloomily)—The majority of voters against me was enormous. His Friend (consolingly)—Never mind; just think what it would have been if every- body verybody had voted.—Chicago Record. Loved—The Money, An absent-minded Southwark woman went to bank the other day to have cashed a check her husband sent her. She in- dorsed it thus: "Your loving wife, Mary Miller."—Philadelphia Record. So Appropriate. "Mrs. Patter's parrot died last week and they conducted a: burial service," "Who officiated?" "Mr. Patter. You know the parrot loved to hear him swear." Answers the Purpose, He—Can you remember the names of Howells' novels? She—Oh, yes; Aunt Beaconhill makes me memorize them. But I can't remem- ber the stories. -Judge. Large Birds. "Wa•al." said Farmer Cranberry of New Jersey as he looked for the first time on the grated wiudow of a large insane asylum, "they must have bigger mosquitoes here than we have at home." Tho .Modern Method. "Do you take any interest in the Cor-' bett-Jackson matter?" "Yes, indeed; but it looks to me now as if they might settle it by arbitration."—, Judge. Always Good .roan. "He is wretchedly bad form in, every' particular." "Except, my dear, his bank account,"--, Truth. Oh, Yes. When some ministers struggle with a i sermon a Jimited-round conte:,t is prefer - 1 able to a fight to a finish, -Yonkers Gaz• fife. I EXILED FROM HOME* It is said that at this time there are twenty-one ex -sovereigns residing in dif- ferent parts of Europe, none of them in the eountries they once ruled, Pius IX„ the late pontiff, was driven from Rome during the stormy days of 1848. Ile fled in. disguise to Gaeta, and remained there until restored by foreign aid. Emperor Charles Y. lived hi voluntary exile during the last years of his life. His chief occupation in his retirement was de, vising new viands to tempt his gluttonous appetite. A great many of the popeshave been forced into exile, generally by emeates among the turbulent Roman populace. A. few were restored, but moat of them died in exile. Marie de Medici, the mother of three queens, was driven into exile by the in- fluence and address of Cardinal Richelieu, She lived in great poverty, often wauting the necessaries of life. Jerome Bonaparte remained in exile from 1815 to the revolution of 1848, when he was restored to his military rank and made governor of the Invalicles. He died in Paris in 1860, Whole families have sometimes been exiled at one time. The Stuart family was twine driven from England, and at differ- .eut times the Bourbons and the Bonapartes have been expelled from France. MUCH IN LITTLE. Understand your antagonist before you answer him.—Anon. Better to go to bed supperless than to get up in debt.—Spanish Proverb: The world would be a place of peace if men were all peacemakers.—Ruskin. The . more one speaks of himself the less he likes to hear another talked of.— Lavater. What seems to us the merest aooident springs from the deepest souroe of destiny. —Schiller. Content can soothe, where'er by fortune placed ; . can rear a garden in a desert waste. —H. K. White. And yettTkuowouto of the dark must grow, sooner or later, whatever is fair, for the heavens have willed it so.—Anon. - All men have their frailties; andwho- ever looks for a friend without imperfec- tions will never find what he seeks.— Cyrus. It is far more important to me to pre- serve an unblemished conseienoe than to compass any object however great.— Chanuing. It was as if the spirit of life in nature were but witbolding any too precipitate revelation of itself, in its slow, wise, ma- turing work.—W. Pater. FARM NOTES. Grasshoppers make good egg food. As a rule spinach is a very profitable crop. . In butter color and flavor have no rela. tion to each other. The ashes of the corn cob contain a large amount of potash. Overfeeding' is the most fruitful cause of a failure to lay. It is said that fowls that lay white eggs are more prolific than those which lay dark eggs. An eight -frame hive for 'bees is now preferred to the ten -frame hive whieh has been so long in use. A great deal of wet land along the banks of streams and ponds can be used for growing the basket willow. .A. solution of silicate of soda is said to be a perfect preservative of eggs, and does not injure them in any way. There is no better grain for poultry any time of the year than wheat, except when fattening. Whea ready to fatten corn should be used. ODDS AND ENDS. The habit that merchants have of fixing prices at $4.99, $3.49, 99 cents, etc., has called attention to the need of a 9 -cent piece as a convenience and to save time lost in waiting for change. An original certificate of membership in the Order of Cincinnati, issued to a signer of the declaration of Independence and signed by George Washington, was recent- ly sold at Wilmington, Del., for $32. A plant in Sumatra called the Raftlesia Arnoldi is said to bear the largest flower in the world. Some of the largest are thirty-six inches in diameter, and the centralcup will hold six quarts of water. Most of the so-called marble houses of the Rome of Augustus were not such in reality. The plasterer's art bad then reach- ed a high state of perfection, and gave a stucco the appearance of the finest marble. OF GENERAL INTEREST. In New York city it takes people from twelve to sixteen seconds to get into and out of cars. In London it requires thirty seconds. In the sixteenth century no lady was considered in full dress unless she had a mirror at her breast. It was oval in shaPe, about four by six inches in size. The catacombs of Rome contain the re- mains of about six. million human beings, and those of Paris about three million.. The latter were formerly stone quarries. London bridge is nine hundred and twenty feet long, fifty-six feet wide and fifty-five feet in height. It has five semi - elliptical arches, the centre one being one his%udred and fifty feet, MISSING LINKS. The best bricks in the world are made by the tribes of Central Asia, New York city has thirty-four thousand miles of underground wires, Every Yankee warship has an outfit of ever one hundred and fifty flags. In England householders have to pay a tax on eaeh male servant in their em- ploy. Street hands are not permitted in Ger r many unless they accompany proces+ SbUne.. In . 1850 the foreign -born population formed 0,68 per cent of the whole; now it le 14.77. r (ju.te So. l - The "hey -day" of life generally comes when we grow hard of hearing.—Riobe taond-Dispatch. . He. Has Confessed. Joseph Nicholas Faultier, lot 8, .con. 11, McGillivray township, was arraign ed before Squires J. B. Smyth and Dell nody on Saturday afternoon on the charge of attempting to bribe a juror at the December sessions. John Maw - son, of I%leGilliyray, was the juror, and his story at the court the other day when examined by Mr. Magee, created a sensation. Mawson lives on lot 20, con 12, and knew that Hodgins was • to be tried for breaking into Muir's mill in. Exeter, Faulder and Hodgins, who are brothersin-law. "Last Sunday," said Mawson in the witness box, "Faul- tier came to my house and asked me which way I was going, supposing 1 was on the Hodgins jury, and added that the Crown did not have evidence against him (Hodgins)'the size of his hand.' I told him I could not say un- til I heard the evidence, Then Paul - der spoke to me of a man named Kent making an assignmeut, and owing' him (Faulder) $14, and said it would be made all right if I would hang out for Hodgins. I gave him no encourage- ment." • James F. McFadden, a county con- stable, who assisted in the arrest of Faulder, was the last witness called. Ele said that in an Ailsa Craig barber athop he was talking to Faulder about the case. The usual warnings were given the accused, but he said he did not deny the charge. Faulder further stated that he did not promise Mawson any money that (Sunday) night. He had done it on account of his sister Jane—Mrs. Hodgins. Faulder blamed no person but l;imself, He knew he was doing wrong and that he was lia- ble to punishment if discovered, Faul• der made the same remarks to Provin cial Detective Rogers, and that if any money was to be paid to Mawson it would come out of his (Faulder's) own pocket. Neither Mawson nor McFadden were cross examined by prisoner's counsel, and Faulder was sent for trial, Bail was readily furnished, two sureties of $400 each being given. The detectives who searched Hod - gin's premises found, besides several articles of clothing, two large bags, each containing about 30 pounds tea. One was secreted in the bay mow, and the other was found in the driving shed. The officers believe that the tea was stolen, and are waiting a claiment, Cromarty: Mr, Paul Madge, the windmill King ofUsborne, is this week completing the erection of a windmill ou the barn of Messrs. J. & T. Hoggarth. With this mill the Messrs. Hoggarth intend to do their grinding, cutting feed, and pumping water, and by means of piping, intend also to haye 'a supply of water inside as well as out. 'Chis will prove a great convenience to the Messrs. Hoggarth, as they have been going extensively into stall feed ing for a number of years. Tisio did his best work after sixty years of age. He lost one eye at that time, but painted with the same correctness until he became totally blind, YCi S o Manufacturers and Dealers in Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters Root Pulper—G-Knife spot cash 10 50 Also general Eoun- • • dry work. Castings in iron and brass to order. , 1000 cords ofliard, and soft wood for sale. JAS. MURRAY & CO. TE nag DOUG STOflE, C. LUTZ. PROP Fanson's Block Exeter. Family Receipts and Prescriptions, Carefully prepared. A complete stock of drugs, patent medicines, Drug- gists' supplies, perfumes, toilet soaps, hair brushes, tooth brushes, combs and all articles to be found in a first-class Drug Store. DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist. Ht1FFN,tii�'. alaftn SFSD�.+eA Ellig POWDERS RS ALL HEADACHH nate tee. nota roe tied t0 Cure eve'ry.' thinr/,butaimply heaii. aches, Trp Mont) it viii cost but 28 cents ,regia bort and they a.,,a 1akmlesS. They ate nota Catairtla ook'sCottonlloot COMPOUND A recen6 discovery by an old physician. SuoeessTuliv used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine d10. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines in plane of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no ea Nei, 1 tuto, or inclose $1 and 0 acute in postage in totter 1; and we willseud, sealed, by return#nail Fuilsealed pariioulars in plain envelopoe t ladies only. 2 stumps, Address '1'1►e Coo1a Contpnny, Windsor, Ont., Glands. Sold in Exeter by .T. W, Browning, Druggist W. G, Bissett's r is Liv� First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERIAL MEN. Orders left at BissettBros,'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT CLOTIIING J. Sr1I Z.Zaixi et - EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock fALL and NNTfl G00.6. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trou Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser • Ings, French and English Worsted Cloth A11 made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J Furniture: Furniture! 1 Furniture 111 We have moved back to our old store again and have the finest stock • of Parlor, Bedroom and Din- ingroom Furniture in the town, at prices .that can- not be beaten. Elegant new bamboo goods just coming in. See our beautiful new war erooms, We are bound to sell if good goods nicely displayed at very low prices will do it S. GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Block der 811 The undersigned wishes to inform thegeneral public that he keeps constantly in took all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed gum ber B. C. Red, Ontario, High Land. and. Pine Shingles.. . Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable umber that grows; especially for 'slung. les. , 36 to 40 years. . It is said by those who know, that they will last from 38 to 40 years in any climate. . James. . 'Wi11i i Lumber Merchant: