HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-12-6, Page 5That Tired Feeling, Constipation
• and Pain in the Back
APPetito and 'Health Restored hy
Hood's sarsaparilla.
Mr. Chas. Steels
St. Catherine's, Ont.
4'C. I. Hood & Co, Lowell, Mass.:
"For a number of years I have been troubled
with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath,
pain in the back, and constipation. I could get
only little met at night on account of the pain,
and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
in my limbs that I gave out before half the day
was gone. 1 tried a great number of so-called
blood purifiers, but with no good results. I was
,also under the care of several doctors. Fre
quently I had such bad spells that I had to be
Brought Horne from Work
during the day and have a doctor called in, but
did not get any permanent relief from any
source until, upon recommendation of a friend,
I purchased a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which made me feel better at once. I have con-
tinued its use, having taken three bottles,, and
1 Feel Like a New Man.
I have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I
did, and enjoy perfect rest at nint. 1 have
much pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa-
parilla!' CTIARLES STEELE, With Erie Pre
serving Co., St. Catherine's, Ontario.
Headache and impure Blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla Quickly Cured.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"About a year ago I had an attack of the grip,
Followed by a continued headache and dizzi-
ness. And shortly after this my face broke out
in blotches like ring, -worms. I tried numerous
medicines to see what they would do for me,
but never found anything to take effect until, at
last, I thought I would give Hood's Sarsaparilla
atrial. I purchased one bottle which soon took
effect for the better, and by the time I had taken
half the bottle the headache had ceased and the
blotches had all left my face. I have never felt
better than 1 do now, and I think Hood's Sarsa-
parilla the best blood purifier on the market
and readily recommend it to anyone in need of
the same" Miss Louisa Loo, Kelly's Com-
mercial House, Cul -de -Sac Street Quebec, P. Q.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25c.
Dr. Lucas Was found dead at West.
Selkirk, witl2 an empty morphine bottle
in his bedroom.
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the
Best, Easiest, to Use, and Cheapest.
s - ,
Sold by druggists or sent by mail,
Sec. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa.
The prize list in connectioe with the
' chrysanthemum show will be found in
another column.
Por Over iFilfty 'rears.
AN OLD rn WELL -TRIED 1m. -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrl?.p. has been used
for over fifty years by in illions of in oth ors
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind: colic
and. is the best remedy for Diarrheas.. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In.
every part of the World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. ' Its value is incalculable. Bs sure
and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
The first meeting of the Government
Freight Rates Commission was held at
Stomach Ache. -We all know what
it is; we a cq uirred a perfect k n owlecl ge
of the "Pet" in our youth, after a raid
on things we were expressly forbidden
to touch. Our mother gave us Perry
DavisPain Killer then, and, strange to
say, no other remedy has been discov•
ered to this clay to equal it. Old popu-
lar price, 25c. for Big New Bottle.
The Vermont enate has passed the
bid incorporating the Nicaragua Canal
ITIORY14 tBA.N8 aro a rimy Ms-
cevery that Mum the worst cases of
Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor end
Pailit,g Manhood; netteres the
wonknese of body or mind caused
by mor -work, or the errors or ax -
ides of youth. This Remedy eh-
solutely eines the o mit obstinate cesea wben till other
ttiekrarratte have faded even to relieve. Loki by drug.
, Vetsl Dar lutetium., w &a for _%, er sent by. mall en
rentipt of pilot: rt.dttv,01:a MB JAMBS AIEOICLNIS
404 l'Oronto Ont, roe sitioili.et, Sold la -
; -" 17•Sv•7•"'',"--"'
0 Jotig.BoOtaott
Oralit Discomlla
Blessed the World,
Paine's Celery Compound, Cures Mr.
C. F. Kovillei of Dunsford, Ont.
Most Important Testimony from the Cured
Man -Kidney Disease Was Dragging Him
to the Orave--Intense Sufferings Borne
for 15 Years -All the Ordinary Medi-
cines Had Failed to met the Case -A
Trial was llade of Paiue's Celery Com-
pound --Two Bottles of Life -Diving Med-
ieine Banished Erory Trace of Disease.
The world has never had a grander
or nobler benefactor than Prof, Edward.
E. Phelps, M.D., L,L.D. He was the
discoverer of Paine's Celery Compound
that 'marvellous curing medicine that
has dragged so many victims of kidney
disease, from the brink of the grave.
Thousands of cured men and women
have already contributed their grate-
ful testimony to the extraordsnary.cur-
ing powers of the great medicine in
cases of kidney and liver troubles,
Bright's disease, palpitation of the heart
dyspepsaa and indigestion, nervousness,
loss of sleep, depression of spirits, sick
headache, loss of vital forces, ihtunia
thn, sciatica and neuralgiar and new
testimony is coming iu eyery day from
all sections of Canada.
Paine'o Celery Compound is doing e
work amoung the sisk and diseased
that no other medicine has ever doae;
it cures the worst cases and raises up
those who have been pronounced in-
curable. The followiutr testimony from
Mr. C. F. Keyill, of Dunsford, Ont., is
strong, convincing., cheering and coal-
forting: -
"I wish to testify in favor of the
wonderful curative powers of Paine's
Celery Compound for two reasons; first
In justice to the proprietors; and sec-
ondly, for the benefit of suffering hu-
"For the past fifteen years I have
been troubled with diseased kidneys.
am engaged in the manufacture of
cheese, and am obliged to work more
or less in a stooping posture. At times
I found it almost impossible to work
owing to severe pains across my kid
neys. Often a ter working in a stoop-
ing position for a time, I would find it
very difficult to straighten up at onc6,
and could only do so after repeated ef-
"Of late years, while laboring under
these severe attaeks, I became very
nervous, and continually- had tired,
worn-out feelings. Ivly rest at night
seemed to do me no good, and I always
felt tired out in the morning.
"I had been taking various medic-
ines and was getting worse all the
time. At last I decided to give Paine's
Celery Compound a trial. 1 proc•nred
a bottle, and took it according to di-
rections, and found its effects wonder
ful. Before I had used the first bottle
I began to improye ; after I had used
the second bottle I felt as well as ever
I did in my life. It had banished all
aches and pitins, my nervousness was
all gone, and the, tired: and worn out
feelingswere banished. I can go lo
bed now and sleep well, and rise in the
morning rested and refreshed.
"I have recommended Paitie's Celery
Compound to my friends who weresuf-
fering froni the same troubles as I had,
and all have been greatly benefitted.
K nowinnse what it has done, I can
cheerfully recommed it to any person
suffering from kidney disease."
The Washington police have started
a crusade againft the socia.1 eVil.
Murdock. Minn., was partly destroy
ed by fire Tnursday night,
Mr. James Silcox, one If Woodstockt8
oldest residents, is dead,
Several buildings in Colborne was
destroyed by fire yesterday.
Beyond Compaeleon.
Are the good qualities possessed by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Above all it puri
fies the blood, thus strengthening the
nerves; it regulates the digestive or
gans, invigorates the kidneys and liver,
tones and builds up the entire systom,
cures Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Catarrh and
Rheumatism. Get Hood's and only
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, biliona-
ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick head
The Chinese loss at Port .Arthur is
estimated at .3,000 men.
It is 'reported that Itaip has decid to
send a fleet against Brazil.
The Madagascar credit has passed the
French Chamber of Deputies.
& Neer
64 as v9MENTHOL,
0000 0 PLASTPA
Xron rusts more rapidly in wet than in
dry weather because it bas, or seems to
have, t better elfinity for oxygen when the
latter is combiaed with hydrogen.
Prof, Bonney says that a fall of fifteen
to twenty degrees Fahrenheit in the avers
age temperature would he sufficient to ae-
count for all known glaciation in the
northern hemisphere.
The temperature of the earth advances
one degree for every fifty-one feet of de-
scent. Ib is srpp nted, that at a distance of
thirty miles beam/ the surface metals and
rocks are at white heat,
It is interesting to state that while the
death rate tames; children has been per-
ceptibly lessened, that among adults has
increased, Nineteen-cetrtury progress and
research protects the life at one end, only
to overtax and snap it off suddenly at the
It is not generally known that when a
person falls into the water a common felt
hat can be made use of as a life preserver.
By placing the hat upon the water, rim
down, with the arra around it, pressing it
slightly to the breast, it will bear a man
up for hours.
Desiccated milk began to attract atten-
tion more than half a century ago. It WdS
then called lactoline, and, according to ac-
counts of the period, an addition of nine
parts of water would reduce it to fresh
milk. The modern condensed milk is an
improvement upon this earlier product.
Serum for the treatment of diphtheria
has been obtained so far in France from
old hack horses. The French government
now proposes to give the Pasteur institute
the first choice in the selection of horses
condemned as no longer fit for the French
cavalry service, the price to be paid being
the average price of the other animals
Gun cotton is the basis of the new
smokeless powder invented by Prof. Mun-
Women are forbidden by ordinance
from wearing divided skirts in El Paso,
Playful juvenile wags have taught the
monkeys in the Jardindes Plantes, Paris,
to smoke cigarettes.
According to statistics women to -day
are two inches taller on an average than
they were twenty or thirty years ago.
A thin parchment called "glassine" has
just come into use as a protection to the
covers of books. It is glossy and trans-
parent and very durable.
.A. Frenchman has invented a street car
or omnibus driven with gearing from a
treadmill attached :to the rear of the
vehicle and supported on wheels. The
horse therefore rides while he works.
The death rate among little children in
New York city, which has been steadily
increasing, has Shown a decrease of more
than ten per cent. since the inauguration
by Nathan Straus of his sterilized milk
Raising peppermint is the leading Indus-
try of Wayne county, N. Y.
The coal production of 1892in the United
States was valued at 127,500,000.
It is estiinated that there are 75,000,000
dogs of all kinds in the United States.
Tho knife of the assassin in Italy closes
the career of 30 persons out of every 10,000.
The manufactured products of Great
Britain amount to ,about 8,1,000,000,000 a
According to a French authority, the
proportion of killed to the number of
travelers is in France 1 to 10,000,000; Eng-
land 1 to 23,000,000, and in this country 1
to 5,400,000..
The Brooklyn bridge cars carried 128,741
more passengers during September than
the same month in 1893. On account of
the recent reduction in fare the receipts
were -n1,009 less.
In England there are 114 widows to every
54 widowers. In Italy the •-qative num-
bers (per 1,000 women and. .,,000 men) are
130 and 00; in France, 130 and. 73; in Ger-
many, 180.5 and 50; iu Austria, 121 and 44.
Zola has been pleased to remark, in nice
rJ., P. W
Freneb, that Ripling has shown evidences
of talent This will strongly incline Kip-
ling to return the complinaent, after bat-
tering it up it bit.
Charles Dickens' Gadshill collection of
forty-eiglit prints by Hogarth,which he
left by will to the late EdmunclYates, was
recently sold at Brighton for 111,150 in
an auction sale of Yates' personal ef-
fects,allis, editor of the state
trials and reader in constitutional law to
the inns or court, is now writing the con-
stitutional history ef the British colonies,
from the date of the earliest settlements in
America to the present time.
A. book by M. Barodet, "Le Pilori Perin-
mentaire," is the sensation of the hour iu
Paris. It contains nothing save the public
promises of his colleagues in the various
chambers of deputies of which he has been
a member, with the record of their votes ,
Miss Ethel Weedon, who was married to
the marquis of Queensberry less than a
year ago, has knocked him out of the
conntfnal combination. She couldn't go
the Queensberry rules.
Miss Whittier, that was, of Boston, is
entitled to condolences. She bas become
Princess Belloselsky-Bellozersky. Per-
haps she may find life endurable after she
has learned her visiting card by heart,
• Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania's
little daughter, born last week, makes
Queen 'Victoria's nineteenth great -grand
child, as the crown princess is the daughter
of Prince Alfred, duke of Saxe -Coburg
and Gotha,
Prince Clodwig Carl Victor von Hellen-
lohe-Schillingi est, the new German chan-
cellor, is seven ty7four years of age. He
will be called Holienlohe for short, His
wife was Princess von Sayn-Wittenstein-
13erieberg, and they have five children of
whom the oldest is a Prusgan cavalry
One of the conditions of membership in
a New York Club is that ' each member
must give at least one hour a week to
doing some good action.
The greatest theatre -goers in the world
are the ItalianS. There are more theanses
in Italy in proportion to the population
than in any other conntry.
There may be little g, Odliness about
Chatham square, New York, but there
seems to be the next, thing to it, aceording
to the adage, for a little Way down Park
row is a sign reading: "Soeiety for the
Ihmouragetnent of Wearing Clean Shirts"
Loudon Uw'oii and, Bruce.
TI5t10 TA131.413.
OoiX(1 Nor- Passau ger.
London, depart.-- 8.05 A si 4,90 r cr
Centralia . 9,97 8,47
EXETER 0.20 6.00
9.97 6 19
...... 44 6,29
itrueefiela 9.811 6.28
Clinton,...... • ... 10.12 5.59
1029 7 M.-
.... „ ........... , 10 8R 7..23
•Beigrave 10.59 787.
Wtngbttni arrive 11.10 9.00
GOlNrt SOTI111-, Passenger
Win glum, depart . 6.88 A si 3.25 r IsL
0 „VIVO , 600 147
Bly 7.03 4.01
raindosboro . . ..... 7.10 ' 4.03
Clinton • 7.90 4.28
7,49 &4s
Kippen 4,911
fiensall, .... . ... . 8 00 C58
BXETBIL ...... 8.25 5,12
Con trana . .... ... 8.40 5,23
Our Clubbing Offer,
The Anyone's% to anxious that its sub-
scribers should have the advantage of the
Agents fees on city weeklies and with this
mut in view we have arranged with the fol-
lowing papers to be clubbed with the An-
voc4,Ta, We will furnish the Anvocans
and any of the following papers at the price
set opposite: -
Free Press.... • , • • $1•75
Advertiser ,.. 1.70
GErnpbeire • . .. 17655
Witness (1VIontreal)....,..' . . .. .• 1.756
News (Toronto) • • • • • . • . . • 1:7
" D 75
AILY 1.75
Mailt(Montreal). . 1.31
arm ers' Advocate 1
armers' Sun (patron) • • 1.50
A noted physician says if you want to be
healthy and to live to a good old age you
must climb tip stairs and live at the top.
The stairs consist of but seven steps, and
you must make a pause on each step and
follow his directions;
First Step -Eat wheat, oats, corn, fruits,
beef and mutton, plainly cooked, in mod.
erate quantity, and but two naeals,a day.
Second Step -Breathe good air day and
Third Step ---Exercise freely in the open
Fourth Step -Retire early and rise
Fifth Step -Wear flannel next your skin
every day in the year, and so dispose your
dress that your limbs shall be kept warm.
Bathe frequently.
Sixth Step -Live in the sunshine. Let
your bedroom be one which receives a
flood of light, and spend your days either
ont in the sunlight or ia a room which is
well lighted.
Seventh Step -Cultivate a cheerful tem-
per. Seek the society of jolly folks.
Don't be afraid to laugh.
Go up this flight of stairs. Live above.
Catarrh cannot climb up there.
.• . .
Our Patent Duplex Flue
insures an oven that works
uniformly in all parts and is
perfectly ventilated.
The Fire Linings
Prooted by the draft from
the Duplex Flue, Lasts
double the usual time,
A Perfect Stove
varanteed in all respects.
mmiuFAcTuRED BY . . .
The Gurney Foundry Co., L't'd Toronto, Ont.
For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
will receive prompt at-
tention. . . . . . .
If you want your linen tr.
look whiter than snow, take
it to . . . .
Perseverance in ustng g «01 gtve relict, even
in cases of long standing. where a cure seemed
Impossible and Ide seemed hardly worth living
Pr ftottle.25c.50c.or$1.00
• I •
EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist
Ladies' and Children'
A Specialty.
• •
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages
And Musical . •
Instruments. .
We are the only 'firm
who make a specialty ofthe
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,-
Greater Bargains!
Greater Choice ! !
Lowest Prices. ! ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our good
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north Dr. L utz's drtig store.
**.ffl IRV_E-ag3
R_U-ftV I-11-3 )0
To the Patrolis of
-ale. P.:WV .4 tresok.R.werA.AN
W-671 •
ur Paper rsi
our own weekly for one year for One Dollar
and Seventy-five Cents 6 •
The regular price of The News has until recently been $3 a
yea, and you can, by accepting this offer now, get THE
BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY
in the province for $1.75 a year.
±i2 ill
Won't Lastnene nt-
r -i b. Wr-HIg j-IIm tli-ggli-,..E7 ir,
igrgiw_0trril g i
LJ ll A ': MA
the money to our office -don't wait,
as the offer will not remain open long
up ,
TEI:11377.32-1FL IffJPEWEI-61
Coin% Wait
ttju gfrg. frailfatj TAL*Ara.1- ;s1
' , •
• ,
' ' • ;..1."