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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-11-29, Page 5As Well as Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious Disease. "I was suffering from what is known as Bright's disease for Ave years, and for days at a time I have been unable to straighten myself up. I was in bed for three weeks; during that time I had leachesapplied and derived no bene- fit. Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found relief before I had finished taking half of a bot- tle. I got so much help from taking the first bottle that I decided to try another, and since taking the second bottle I feel as well as ever I did in my life." Geo. MEx1ETT, Toronto, Ont. in Dreadful Condition Almost a Complete Wreck After 'roe Crip Can Hardly Express Sufficient Crat- ttude to Hood's Sarsaparilla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs -I felt it my duty to let you know the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has dont for me. I have been troubled with summer complaint for years, unable to do anything. I tried everything but seemed to get no relief. Then I became avictim of the grip and was left in dreadful state, so weak I could scarcely work and when I did lworked in misery. The doctor said I bad Bright's disease. My kidneys were in dreadful condition. I found one of your papers at my door, and on reading it decided to Sarsaparilla ts/ give hood's Sarsaparilla a trial, thinking at the time it was not much use as nothing helped me before. But, thank God, I got relief after the first bottle. I kept on taking it and used five bottles; am now a cured man; never felt better. I have loudly recommended • Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, for 1 owe psiy life to it and hope this may be the means of leading others to give it a fair trial." JOSHUA SnnTH, Norwich Ave., 'Wood- stock, Woodstock, Ontario. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, jaundice, biliousness. sickheadache, indigestion. Dr. Lucas was found dead at West Selkirk, with an empty morphine bottle in his bedroom. ���",.� � +'414 " ). v ,°r'.w$ p1 �1•: •' s}s}anxp 6q mos 'mug a} osfl :poop saisi it •dnz6g ABnop Isaa 511111 3513 11V lHll4M 5381111 53. kat oS'�t+ •a "To 1, The prize list in connection with the chrysanthemum show will be found in another column, 10 er Over Fifty 3'e:ar s. AN OLD AND WELL-TitIED REMEDv.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes turd child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best comedy for Diar rhesa. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five Dents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Jae sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind The first meeting of the Government Freight Rates Commission was hold at Winnipeg. hosoeYer itearetib Men and Women Who Are Martyrs to Rheumatism Can be Thoroughly. Cured. Paine's Celery Compound The Infallible Remedy. The great modern triump of medical science is Paine's Celery Compound. Its marvellous curing powers are talk- ed of in every quarter of the civilized world, and the ablest physicians are astonished with its life-giving and health -restoring results. As a positive cure for rheumatism and sciatica Paine's Celery Compound has no equal known to man. In Cana- da alone this wonderful medicine has cured more rheumatic men and women than have been cured by all othercom biaed agencies. The most obstinate and most desperate eases have been met with perfect success. Hundreds of testimonials from the yery best people of Canada support every claim made for Paine's Celery Compound, Are you you suffering from rheuma- tism or sciatica, dear reader? Have you met with reverses and faliures in the post through the use of deceptive and worthless preparations? There are many we know who have been driven keeper into sufferings and ago nies owing to experiments with pills' and mixtures and compound that are positively harmful and dangerous. If you are now using any such med- icines stop them at once, if you value your life. Ask your druggist or deal " er for Paine's Celery Compound, that will suoely and certrinly banish your troubles. he following letter from Mr G. J. \'feDonald, merchant tailor, of Cornwall Ont., demonstrate the snperi.ority of natures medicine: - "After having your Paine's Celery compound a thorough testing, I am eased to say a few words in .its favor For three years I suffered terribly from rheumatism. It seemed to me that I was forced to endure all the agonies and pains that a mortal could possibly experience from the dreadful disease. "While suffering I tried many of the advertised medicines and also doctor's precscriptions; but never found a cure until 1 procured a supply of Paine's Celery Comnpdaund from MeHaffie & El- vride, drogg'iscs of this town. Paine's Celery Compound worked like a charm -it seemed to strike at the very root of my trouble. I ata now cured; all pains are banished, and in every re- spect 1 am a new man • "I shall always eonsider it a pleasure and duty to strongly recommend Paine's Celery Compound to all who are aWicted with rheumatism," ' ALL 19I]EN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos- its'in-t'he-urine, loss of will -power, ten. derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIItObES, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. The spring of Vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in conseq..ence• Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad• dress for book on diseases. peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V, D•UBON, 21 Macdonnel Ave,, Toronto Ont. The Vermont senate has passed the Mil incorporating the Nicaragua Canal Company. Mrs. Harkies of Mono MVlills is under arrest on a charge of shooting her hus- band. A Great Battle. Is continually going on in the hum- an system, The demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the consti- tution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from the field, and restore bodily health for many years. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sickness, inditietion and biliousness. tusuranee rates in Winnipeg have advanced 55 per cent. PROMINENT PEOPLE. President Casimir-Perier is an early riser, being at work on his letters and despatches every naorniag at 8.30, Never- theless he often reads till one o'olock at night. Prince grapotkine, the most distin- guished living refugee, has resided in England since 1880. His family held high rank in Russia befor the days of the Re, manoffs, Prof. Virchow, the most versatile of the living savants, filled up his summer vacation by attending five great interna- tional congresses. Yet he is seventy-three. years old. The empress of Austria has to give a written receipt for the state jewels every time she wears thein and her majesty, as a result, usually contents herself with a private collection, which is worth about one million five hundred thousand dol- lars. Persons who have. met Mr. Gladstone. say that Ms pictures give his face the ap- pearance of a ruggedness which is foreign. to it. He really looks feeble, but his clear complexion and the color in his cheeks in- dicate that his health is „ood. is white. An instance of the German empe'ror's kindly thought is shown in his sending a costly locket, symbolically embel- lished, to a little girl, the daughter of the station master at Freisack, who on his recent visit to that town presented him with a poem and a bouquet of wild flowers. The Rothschilds smoke the most costly cigars that are made -the "Henry Clay Sopranos," which cost a dollar and a quar- ter apiece. These are wrapped in gold leaf and packed in little inlaid cedar -wood cabinets. These millionaire princes buy three cabinets at a time, containing forty- two thousand cigars. A weekly market is to be opened at Markham. President Cleveland is laid up with a sprined ankle. What a Wonderful Discovery in Per- ry Davis' fain -Killer! It not only curt, the ills of the human family, but is •iso the sure remedy for horses and cattle It has nener been known to fail in a cure of the worst cases of bowel cont plaint; and for sprains, galls, etc., i nover fails try it once. Directions ar company each bottle. Sold by drug gists generally for 25e. a bottle, larg•. size. Lord and Lady Aberdeen are a Win nipeg. Rev. father Molphy of Ingersoll i is dead, Have a Very Bad Cough.lj Are Stif'feicing from Lung' Troubles. Have Lost I''lesh through Illness, t� consumption, Are Threatened with IbernUer that theme in'79 IS WHAT" YOU .iEQUWRE. FLOTSAM OF ANTIQUITY. Rowan ladies had safety pins closely re- sembling the modern article. The British museum has coins or medals of every Roman emperor. - The Chinese claim to have specimens of writing dated from B, C. 2200. Many Roman bracelets had the form of serpents coiled about the arm. . Plates for table use are among the articles dug from the soil of Rome. Breastplates inlaid with gold were found in an artnorer's shop in Hercu- laneum. Ancient needles were all of brass, and in size approximated our darning needles. Several dozens of wooden and metal spoons have been found in Roman graves. An onyx seal ring, belonging to an an- cient Athenian, was lately dug up near Athens. Needles of bone, very delicately made, have been found in the Swiss lake dwell- ings. A drum of wood, with one drumstick, was not long ago found in a royal tomb near Thebes. Blacksmith's tongs and pinchers, to- gether with hammers, have, been unearth- ed at Pompeii. Many pairs of sandals have been recover- ed at Pompeii. The soles are fastened with nails. Schliemann found at Troy three silver vases, each six inchesbigh and beautifully engraved. Over sic hundred breastpins in the shape of shields have been dug up in various parts of Rome. EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE. Denmark has determined to thoroughly examine the Greenland and Iceland seas during the summers of 1S95 and 1896. Commander Wandell will have charge of the expedition. Artificial whalebone is now being made from leather, which is soaked for two or three days in sulphate of potassium, then stretched, slowly dried, subjected to a high temperature and then to a heavy pressure, which makes it hard and elastic. A short tiine ago a physician recom- mended that cologne water be inhaled through the nose and mouth for curing short colds in the head and chest. Fifty drops on a handkerchief inhaled four or five times a day is said to have a good. effect. Two guinea -pigs were born at Oxford recently, each of them with a well -marked droop of the left upper eyelid. They were the offspring of parents whom the de- fect had been produced artificially to test the theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics. FOREIGN PERSONALS. London, Ruron 1.111/1711 TAB GoING Non'rr- London, depart EXE`,IEIZ ,......, Ripper Brnoelleld........... Clinton , Londesbero ... Myth Bo grave ....... Wingliam arrive Golso Souvn-- Win glut m,depart. Beigrave .......... Bly il' Londesboro Clinton Druoefielcl Rippen Hensali EXETER; Centralia ......... ......... Grimaldi, the clown, is to be kept im- mortal by having a street in London named after him. "Blind Aleck," an old beggar of Sterling, Scotland, knew all the Bible by heart. If a person named chapter and verse of any part, he could from memory give the pas- sage. Mlle. Pauline, of Holland, is probably the tiniest woman on the planet. She is eighteen years old, weighs less than nine pounds and lacks four inches of being as high as a two -foot rule, A first cousin of the grandfather of the new president of France, Mme. Duchesne (Perier), came to America in 1S17 and founded in this country the Order of Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Tho mother of Abdul -Aziz, the new young sultan of Morocco, bidsfair to have as much sway as does the empress of China. She is a woman of great talent and boundless tact, and her son is said to consult her before taking any political step. and Braces I'assengor, 3.0740E 547I,M 9.22 0.90 9.;37 6 15 9.44 0,20 0.52 0.28 10.12 ' 6.55 10.20 7.14 10,88 7.23 10,52 7 97 1140 8,00 Passenger 8.IISAM 3.251'M 6.50 9.47 7,03 4.01 7.10 4.03 7,30 4.28 7.49 440 7.57 4,53 800 4.58 8.25 5.12 8.40 5.23 Our Clubbing Offer. The AnvocATs is anxious that its sub- 4cribers should have the advantage of the Agents fees on city weeklies and with this end in view we have arranged with the . fol- lowing papers to be clubbed with the AD- vocATE. We will furnish the ADVOCATE and any of the following papers at the price set opposite:- Pres pposite:Pres Press.... .. , . $1.75 Advertiser 1.70 Empire ... , . , ..... 1,75 Globe.... ....., .. 1.65 Witness (Montreal) 1,75 News (Toronto) 1.75 " DAILY 1.75 \fail 1.75 tar (Montreal) .. ▪ 1.75 Farmers' Advocate .... .. 1.75 Farmers' Sun (Patron).... ... .. 1.50 Parkhill: The drygoods and cloth, tng store of John M. Gibbs, here, was relieved of a quantity of goods on Sept.. 30 by some persons unknown, 'While walking down the street the other day. :3ibbs saw Thomas Mathers, a resident )f the village, togged out in an over. coat which once belonged to his stock. viathers was arrested, and brought vefore Squire Wells. He pleaded gail- y to the theft. In Mather's house a quantity of the missing articles were •ound. The prisoner confessed that on ept 30 he walked into the store and helped himself to an overcoat, hat, coat Ind vest, two pieces of cloth, a blue suit, and cloth for a pair of trousers. Vlathers was committed for trial and sent to London jail Wednesday morn- ing. He was brought before Judge lliot Saturday and pleaded guilty. rhe prisoner admitted having felon. iorusly entered Gibbs' store and taken herefrom an overcoat, hat, and cloth vith which to make a coat and vest. A aetition,signed by about sixty residents )f Parkhill, was put in, and His Honor tllowed Mathers to go on suspended sentence. Don't W0 � t { 0 c� till Sickness Conies beforeStiying aBdttie of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN - KILL' You may need it. to.nicrht tai �1 ipe oucpess of 0�(ord gaog�s! THE MUST MODERN _ AMD pTTRACTIV'E RpNGE�, EVER PUT ON THE M6RKET ! Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly in all parts and is perfectly ventilated.. ').e Fire Linings Prooted by the draft from the Duplex Flue. Lasts double the usual time. A Perfect Stove Guaranteed in all respects. MANUFACTURED BY The Gurney Foundry Co. - L't'd Toronto, Out, For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter, L E BA -14,'-,"`LiT liEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED EVERY T'IlVTE AND RHEUMATISM 'iHE" "D.& L': MENTHOL PLA.STE unD. Loadman's_- Bicycles, • J COMMERCIAL LIVERY.Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments.. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,- Greater Bargains! Greater Choice :! ! Lowest Prices. 9 I ,I The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lutz's drug . store. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe's old Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . . Tarms rfeleph one Reasonable L Oonneotion BRANTFO D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . . . . • . Rio KSTIns, EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A. Specialty, PERM & TABLE NOVELTIES. For receptions and other gatherings small silver baskets are lined with fresh sprigs of mint and filled with cream pep- permints and wintergreens. A long silver bread tray, with fluted sides, in the centre of which are engraved the words "Our Daily Bread," is among the late fancies. A new finger bowl consists of two bowls, one inside the other, the outer bowl being about sic sizes larger than the inner one. The space between the bowls is filled with flowers, One of the latest novelties is a reception plate, which is half plate and half tray. It contains a, socket to hold a glass or cup, witbont spiIliiig, with room for salads or sandwiches on the tray. Fancy silver holders for Edam and pine- apple cheeses are useful. They consist of a standard with several prongs which clasp the cheese firmly, and a little silver knob which screws in the top to lift the cheese after it is cut, On one side of the standard is a rest for the scoop. rorxils*.orlon D- lobo i.0-1 tal r� o g3 r 4 I lo TMJ Jw gt f ! � „- gin Qgi 0. 'wars - i! CO BitirT1ON To the Patrons of Our per 3.'�n.".�,zr^° S' "+ci' ...+�.�. ,,,y jTcv.9m:r• ..iUesr.i `. 1 '�`u ")' - @§ 4'/, W7) We will 'give THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS and our own weekly for one year for One . Dollar and Seventy-five Cents 400 FOR L The regular price of The News has until recently been $, a year, and you can, by accepting this offer now, get THE BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY in the province for $1.75 a year. Send or Bring the money to our office -don't wait, as the offer will not remain open long P CREPT °PEER fE a'1 Won't LastLong SAFE 4 g KAi T 271 '� n,S .� THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER : t \A 'meq 'ttii YV ' y s�l��� ,A F -3LIV' ,11.E BRISTOL'S IISAgAint LA CURES ALL. , Taints of the Blood. i CERTAIN RELIABLE-1 PROMINENT PEOPLE. President Casimir-Perier is an early riser, being at work on his letters and despatches every naorniag at 8.30, Never- theless he often reads till one o'olock at night. Prince grapotkine, the most distin- guished living refugee, has resided in England since 1880. His family held high rank in Russia befor the days of the Re, manoffs, Prof. Virchow, the most versatile of the living savants, filled up his summer vacation by attending five great interna- tional congresses. Yet he is seventy-three. years old. The empress of Austria has to give a written receipt for the state jewels every time she wears thein and her majesty, as a result, usually contents herself with a private collection, which is worth about one million five hundred thousand dol- lars. Persons who have. met Mr. Gladstone. say that Ms pictures give his face the ap- pearance of a ruggedness which is foreign. to it. He really looks feeble, but his clear complexion and the color in his cheeks in- dicate that his health is „ood. is white. An instance of the German empe'ror's kindly thought is shown in his sending a costly locket, symbolically embel- lished, to a little girl, the daughter of the station master at Freisack, who on his recent visit to that town presented him with a poem and a bouquet of wild flowers. The Rothschilds smoke the most costly cigars that are made -the "Henry Clay Sopranos," which cost a dollar and a quar- ter apiece. These are wrapped in gold leaf and packed in little inlaid cedar -wood cabinets. These millionaire princes buy three cabinets at a time, containing forty- two thousand cigars. A weekly market is to be opened at Markham. President Cleveland is laid up with a sprined ankle. What a Wonderful Discovery in Per- ry Davis' fain -Killer! It not only curt, the ills of the human family, but is •iso the sure remedy for horses and cattle It has nener been known to fail in a cure of the worst cases of bowel cont plaint; and for sprains, galls, etc., i nover fails try it once. Directions ar company each bottle. Sold by drug gists generally for 25e. a bottle, larg•. size. Lord and Lady Aberdeen are a Win nipeg. Rev. father Molphy of Ingersoll i is dead, Have a Very Bad Cough.lj Are Stif'feicing from Lung' Troubles. Have Lost I''lesh through Illness, t� consumption, Are Threatened with IbernUer that theme in'79 IS WHAT" YOU .iEQUWRE. FLOTSAM OF ANTIQUITY. Rowan ladies had safety pins closely re- sembling the modern article. The British museum has coins or medals of every Roman emperor. - The Chinese claim to have specimens of writing dated from B, C. 2200. Many Roman bracelets had the form of serpents coiled about the arm. . Plates for table use are among the articles dug from the soil of Rome. Breastplates inlaid with gold were found in an artnorer's shop in Hercu- laneum. Ancient needles were all of brass, and in size approximated our darning needles. Several dozens of wooden and metal spoons have been found in Roman graves. An onyx seal ring, belonging to an an- cient Athenian, was lately dug up near Athens. Needles of bone, very delicately made, have been found in the Swiss lake dwell- ings. A drum of wood, with one drumstick, was not long ago found in a royal tomb near Thebes. Blacksmith's tongs and pinchers, to- gether with hammers, have, been unearth- ed at Pompeii. Many pairs of sandals have been recover- ed at Pompeii. The soles are fastened with nails. Schliemann found at Troy three silver vases, each six inchesbigh and beautifully engraved. Over sic hundred breastpins in the shape of shields have been dug up in various parts of Rome. EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE. Denmark has determined to thoroughly examine the Greenland and Iceland seas during the summers of 1S95 and 1896. Commander Wandell will have charge of the expedition. Artificial whalebone is now being made from leather, which is soaked for two or three days in sulphate of potassium, then stretched, slowly dried, subjected to a high temperature and then to a heavy pressure, which makes it hard and elastic. A short tiine ago a physician recom- mended that cologne water be inhaled through the nose and mouth for curing short colds in the head and chest. Fifty drops on a handkerchief inhaled four or five times a day is said to have a good. effect. Two guinea -pigs were born at Oxford recently, each of them with a well -marked droop of the left upper eyelid. They were the offspring of parents whom the de- fect had been produced artificially to test the theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics. FOREIGN PERSONALS. London, Ruron 1.111/1711 TAB GoING Non'rr- London, depart EXE`,IEIZ ,......, Ripper Brnoelleld........... Clinton , Londesbero ... Myth Bo grave ....... Wingliam arrive Golso Souvn-- Win glut m,depart. Beigrave .......... Bly il' Londesboro Clinton Druoefielcl Rippen Hensali EXETER; Centralia ......... ......... Grimaldi, the clown, is to be kept im- mortal by having a street in London named after him. "Blind Aleck," an old beggar of Sterling, Scotland, knew all the Bible by heart. If a person named chapter and verse of any part, he could from memory give the pas- sage. Mlle. Pauline, of Holland, is probably the tiniest woman on the planet. She is eighteen years old, weighs less than nine pounds and lacks four inches of being as high as a two -foot rule, A first cousin of the grandfather of the new president of France, Mme. Duchesne (Perier), came to America in 1S17 and founded in this country the Order of Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Tho mother of Abdul -Aziz, the new young sultan of Morocco, bidsfair to have as much sway as does the empress of China. She is a woman of great talent and boundless tact, and her son is said to consult her before taking any political step. and Braces I'assengor, 3.0740E 547I,M 9.22 0.90 9.;37 6 15 9.44 0,20 0.52 0.28 10.12 ' 6.55 10.20 7.14 10,88 7.23 10,52 7 97 1140 8,00 Passenger 8.IISAM 3.251'M 6.50 9.47 7,03 4.01 7.10 4.03 7,30 4.28 7.49 440 7.57 4,53 800 4.58 8.25 5.12 8.40 5.23 Our Clubbing Offer. The AnvocATs is anxious that its sub- 4cribers should have the advantage of the Agents fees on city weeklies and with this end in view we have arranged with the . fol- lowing papers to be clubbed with the AD- vocATE. We will furnish the ADVOCATE and any of the following papers at the price set opposite:- Pres pposite:Pres Press.... .. , . $1.75 Advertiser 1.70 Empire ... , . , ..... 1,75 Globe.... ....., .. 1.65 Witness (Montreal) 1,75 News (Toronto) 1.75 " DAILY 1.75 \fail 1.75 tar (Montreal) .. ▪ 1.75 Farmers' Advocate .... .. 1.75 Farmers' Sun (Patron).... ... .. 1.50 Parkhill: The drygoods and cloth, tng store of John M. Gibbs, here, was relieved of a quantity of goods on Sept.. 30 by some persons unknown, 'While walking down the street the other day. :3ibbs saw Thomas Mathers, a resident )f the village, togged out in an over. coat which once belonged to his stock. viathers was arrested, and brought vefore Squire Wells. He pleaded gail- y to the theft. In Mather's house a quantity of the missing articles were •ound. The prisoner confessed that on ept 30 he walked into the store and helped himself to an overcoat, hat, coat Ind vest, two pieces of cloth, a blue suit, and cloth for a pair of trousers. Vlathers was committed for trial and sent to London jail Wednesday morn- ing. He was brought before Judge lliot Saturday and pleaded guilty. rhe prisoner admitted having felon. iorusly entered Gibbs' store and taken herefrom an overcoat, hat, and cloth vith which to make a coat and vest. A aetition,signed by about sixty residents )f Parkhill, was put in, and His Honor tllowed Mathers to go on suspended sentence. Don't W0 � t { 0 c� till Sickness Conies beforeStiying aBdttie of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN - KILL' You may need it. to.nicrht tai �1 ipe oucpess of 0�(ord gaog�s! THE MUST MODERN _ AMD pTTRACTIV'E RpNGE�, EVER PUT ON THE M6RKET ! Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly in all parts and is perfectly ventilated.. ').e Fire Linings Prooted by the draft from the Duplex Flue. Lasts double the usual time. A Perfect Stove Guaranteed in all respects. MANUFACTURED BY The Gurney Foundry Co. - L't'd Toronto, Out, For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter, L E BA -14,'-,"`LiT liEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED EVERY T'IlVTE AND RHEUMATISM 'iHE" "D.& L': MENTHOL PLA.STE unD. Loadman's_- Bicycles, • J COMMERCIAL LIVERY.Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments.. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,- Greater Bargains! Greater Choice :! ! Lowest Prices. 9 I ,I The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lutz's drug . store. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe's old Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . . Tarms rfeleph one Reasonable L Oonneotion BRANTFO D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . . . . • . Rio KSTIns, EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A. Specialty, PERM & TABLE NOVELTIES. For receptions and other gatherings small silver baskets are lined with fresh sprigs of mint and filled with cream pep- permints and wintergreens. A long silver bread tray, with fluted sides, in the centre of which are engraved the words "Our Daily Bread," is among the late fancies. A new finger bowl consists of two bowls, one inside the other, the outer bowl being about sic sizes larger than the inner one. The space between the bowls is filled with flowers, One of the latest novelties is a reception plate, which is half plate and half tray. It contains a, socket to hold a glass or cup, witbont spiIliiig, with room for salads or sandwiches on the tray. Fancy silver holders for Edam and pine- apple cheeses are useful. They consist of a standard with several prongs which clasp the cheese firmly, and a little silver knob which screws in the top to lift the cheese after it is cut, On one side of the standard is a rest for the scoop. rorxils*.orlon D- lobo i.0-1 tal r� o g3 r 4 I lo TMJ Jw gt f ! � „- gin Qgi 0. 'wars - i! CO BitirT1ON To the Patrons of Our per 3.'�n.".�,zr^° S' "+ci' ...+�.�. ,,,y jTcv.9m:r• ..iUesr.i `. 1 '�`u ")' - @§ 4'/, W7) We will 'give THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS and our own weekly for one year for One . Dollar and Seventy-five Cents 400 FOR L The regular price of The News has until recently been $, a year, and you can, by accepting this offer now, get THE BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY in the province for $1.75 a year. Send or Bring the money to our office -don't wait, as the offer will not remain open long P CREPT °PEER fE a'1 Won't LastLong