HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-11-29, Page 2'fes. Subeeribere who do sot receive their nape
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THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1894.
Week's. Commercial Summa Y•
The amount of wheat at Russian ports
on November 1 was 1,780,000 bushels, as
against 2,015,000 bushels at the coerce
spending date of last year,
The Bessemer ore production of the
Lake ia"uperior district will be the largest
ever achieved, and the total production
of ore for the season will by the close of
navigation reach 7,250,000 gross tons.
A. New Orleans estimate of the cotton
crop pieces it at 8,85J,000 bales, From
the sante source it is said that the Egyp-
tian and Indian crops will equal last sea-
sou's, while the Asiatic crop promises to
be disappointing.
Tho wheat market has shown more life
this eeeek. Ontario wheat is up 6e, and
Manitoba 4c. The advance is attributed
to higher prices in Europe and the Unit-
ed States, Both Liverpool and Chicago
quotations are now the highest for three
inenths, and holders are greatly enoour-
aged in consequence.
The failures in the Dominion last week
show a further decrease he number when
only 33 were recorded, as compared with
42 for the previous week, and 41 the cor-
responding week a year ago. Ontario
had 20, of whom 13 had our lowest credit
or bank rating. Quebec had only 7, a
decrease of 5, of this number 6 were rated
blank, New Brunswick had. 1, Manitoba
3 and British Columbia 2. No failures
to report from Nova Scotia or Prince Ed-
weed Islaud,
The discovery of the artinle known as
tale near Webbwood. on the C.P.R., Dis-
trict of Algoma, will, no doubt, be a
great factor in drawing the attention of
capitalists to the district, The indica-
tions are unlimited and a source of
weath to the owners who have formed a
company with $95,000 capital to work
the mines. The company holds 50,000
shares, and put 45,000 on the market,
and as soon as it is sold they intend put -
tiny iu machinery and other plant suffi-
cient to work the mine to the fullest
extent, The quality of the talc already
taken out proves it to be epual to any in
the world.
The half -yearly statement of the Bank
of Montreal, which was aszued on Wed-
nesday evening, is not a very favorable
document. The earnings are less than
for corresponding periods of former years,
which were riot altogether unexpected.
The low rates of interest and the plethora
of idle money are reasons for the poor
showing. Net profits of the bank for six
months ended October 31 were $604,802
as against 3685,010 the corresponding
period of last year. This leaves a bal•
ance of on y $4,862 after paying 5 per
cent. to shareholders. There is a large
increase in deposits, those bearing inter-
est amounting to 323.938,571 as against
$21,266,440 a year ago, while non-inter-
est bearing deposits have risen to 37,631,-
440 from $6,$49,900. The notes under
discount in this bank have been curtailed
about $280,000 within the year, the ag-
gregate now being $30,052,172. A feat-
ure of the Bank of Montreal is that its
cash reserves are comparatively greater
than any other Canadian bank. It holds
in coin and Dominion notes $5,578,500,
while its balances held in the United
States and always available aggregate
According to a writer in the Engineer-
ing Magazine the Canadian nickel mines
could, single-handed, easily supply the
world's present nickel requirements were
they called upon to do so. There is a
large and steady increase in the produc-
tion and use of nickel, mainly due to the
introduction of the metal into material
designs for war purposes. There is diver-
sity of opinion about the quantities pro-
duced in recent years, but what is con-
sidered a good authority places the year-
Iyproduetion of the world for the years
1890, 1891 and 1892 at 2,650, 5,164 and
6,077 metric tons respectively. The two
most important deposits of nickel ore at
present known are found in the Province
of Ontario and the island of New Cale-
donia. Deposits of less importance are
to be found in the provinces of Quebec,
British Columbia and New Brunswick.
The mines of New Calednnia supply near-
ly all the nickel used in eemmeree at the
present time, though a trifle is .3eing
mined in different parts of northern Eu-
rope, and ore bodies more or less extens-
ive are Down to exist in. several states
of the American Union, but not mined
or developed now. While the value of
nickel, especially when combined with
steel liable to be subjected to sudden and
excessive strains, is demonstrated beyond
question the demand is still very limited,
and barely sufficient to absorb the pres-
ent production. It is said that the Can-
adian ore is accompanied by a large per-
centage of copper, a useful metal itself,
but the metallurgical separation of the
metals has always been attended with
considerable difficulty, and so much ex-
pense that its present cost bars it from
the free use to which its unique utility
and material value entitles it. In pro-
cess of time it is reasonable to expect
that improved methods of raining and
reduetion will so reduce the cost of pro-
duction as to admit of its general use in
a measure compatible with its intrinsic
worth. Then, but not till then, may we
reasonably look forward to a realization
of the natural wealth we have in this
embryonic industry alone.
Circumstances alter cases.
The feet of •truth are slow, . but they
neer li
v s p
x x x
Golden opportunities do not travel by
a time table,
There are no real strong people in this
World but good people.
The truth 'we hate the most lathe truth
that hits us the hardest. •
There are men who like to speak well
of others -on a, tombstone,
Most people eat as if they were fatten-
ing themselves for the market.
.A. stream that throws a thick stream
of mud nearly twenty feet into the air
has been distovored. in ;Iikethw stern
Montana. Will be used during the next
political cau,peign.
If some people had money enough.
they would vex themselves to death.
Needles of bone, very delicately made,
have been found in the Swiss lake dwel-
Pugilists appear to take as kindly to
the ready letter writer as to the punch-
ing bag,
The Emperor of China is ill. Some of
the war news has been enough to make
him sick.
x X 9e
A. lie is often told without saying a
word, by putting the rotten apples in the
bottom of the basket.
x X X
A .ensu, not in a fit,• but in a misfit
of economy, often spends new money in
the renewal of old garments.
Tho edible birds' nests, of which Chin-
ese epicures are so fond, cost from $1 to
$5 a pound, according to quality.
The only time a man of experience
takes his wife into his confldenee is to
tell her he is not making any money.
X x x
Let every young lady of fifteen who
would wed a man of eighty-four, as did
Dora Richardson, hold up her right hand..
By an Italian lam, every circus which
does not perform every act promised in
the printed programme, or which mis-
leads the public by means of pictures, is
liable to a fine of $500 for each offence.
We will send. send 20,000 more cattle to
Groat Britain this year, even with the
embargo upon live cattle in force, than
we did seven years ago when the ports
of the mother country were freely open
to as.
A woman fell on a defective walk in
Centralia, Ill., the other day, and imme-
diately commenced action for damage.
The mayor settled the ease by giving her
a good square meal, andisince then near-
ly every person in town is getting hurt.
x x x
Seven years ago we exported 829 horses
to Great Britain. This year we have
have sent over ten times that number to
the same market. And there will be a
still greater increase in this trade during
the next seven years if farmers in Can-
ada will but produce the kind of animals
the English market demands.
There never was, and never will he, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir -the very na-
ture of many curatives being such as were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the pa-
tient -what would relieve one ill, in turn
would aggravate the other. We have,
however, in Quinine Wine, when obtain-
able in a sound, unadulterated state, a
remedy for many and grievous ills. By
the gradual and judicious use, the frailest
systems are led into convalescence and
strength by the influence which Quinine
exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It
relieves the drooping spirits ofthose;with
whom a chronic state of morbid despond
envy and lack of interest in life is a dis-
ease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance -result, im-
provbd appetite. Northrop & Lyman, of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gaged by the opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection
of any in the market. All druggists sell
The Best.
The best husband is the one who re-
alizes that his wife is an individual.
The best wife is she who has spirit and
common sonse as well as affection.
The best father is the one that makes
chinas of his children.
The best child feels for his parents
neither time nor awe, and is able to re-
peat them without trying to do so.
The best mother-in-law is the other fel-
low's. At least the jokers say so, but it
isn't true.
The best home is that one where love is
not crowded out either by poverty, riches
er selfishness.
The best religion is that of a good man
no matter by what name you call it.
If you are despondent, low spirited, ir-
ritable, and peevish, and unpleasant sen-
sations are felt invariably after eating,
then get a bottle of Northrop & Lyman's
Vegetable Discovery and it will give you
relief. You have Dyspepsia. Mr. R. H.
Dawson, St. Marys, writes "Four bottles
of Vegetable Discovery entirely cured me
of Dyspepsia. Mine was one of the worst
cases. I now feel like a new man."
Professor of journalism -1f you were
called upon to report a dog, fight what
would be your governing consideration?
Class -To increase the sporting circu-
lation without driving away the religious
Professor -Hour" is this to be accom-
plished ?
Class -By deploring the brutality of
the exhibition and then describing it.
Professor -What destroys brains?
Class --The fire fiend.
Professor -What did the scene do ?
Class --Beggared description.
Plofe ,acr
s That will do for
To -morrow you may prepare yourselves
for examination on Wiling investiga-
If your children are troubled with
worms, give them Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator; safe, sure and effectual.
Try it,and mark the improvement in
your cild.
The Bookmantells an amusing story
of Mr, Oscar Wilde and a certain poet
who than be nameless, The bard com-
plained to the aesthete that a book of
his had been practically ignored by cer-
tain critics, "There is a eonspiraoy of
silence against my book C" he said,
"What should you do about it if you
were ,1?" "Join it," was the answer,
Cover the earth with flowers all the
year round, and the bees will soon quit
TUE rrt.EER'$ ad.PPfeIIINGS,
eneerestiag Items and Incident., Imlturt-
ant and Instructive, (lathered from
tate Waimea Provinces.
Dresden's rate is 22 mills,
Galt wants a sewerage system,
Woodbridge has, a night school.
Sundridge is to have a creamery.
Sarnia has a "Unique Pleasure Club,"
Bread is 4 cents a loaf in Strathroy.
Winnipeg has a Law Students' Soci-
Owen Sound is to have a bicycle fac-
Collingwood is now talking trolley
Paris wants a meat market at its sta-
Muskoka is overrun with hunting par-
Collingwood is soon to have a daily
Squirrels are unusually plentiful this
Tavistock has a new grist mill in op-
Ontario tanners will increase the price
of leather,
Orangeville claims to have 'a Bible 300
years old.
Brock's monument at Queenston has
been repaired.
Paris is to have a mineral bottling es-
London has not so many idle men
it had last year.
.A. Galt man had a teaberry hedge in
bloom this month.
The assessment exemptions in Ottawa
total $15,s86,700.
A white partridge was shot near Camp-
beliville last week.
Gananoque butchers have organized
for mutual benefit.
Thieves are operating among the Thou-
sand Island cottages.
Only one grain vessel hascome from
Chicago this season.
A $1,200 skating and curling rink will
be built in Lucknow.
Burglars are committing depredations
in all parts of Ontario.
Contracts for London's free library
have been let at $12,451. .
Tho flax output at St. Marys will be
much larger than usual.
The total assessment of Winmpeg
amounts to 321,986,830.
Free text books will be supplied to the
Public schools of London.
A Beverley boy recently shot a black
squirrel with a white tail.
There has been a poor yield of honey
about Listowel this year.
The water in the Rideau canal is lower
than it has been for years,
The physicians of Winnipeg have with-
drawn from lodge practice.
A Wolfe Island farmer raised 1,740
bushels of oats this season.
The postal rate to Japan has been re-
duced to 20 cents per pound.
A Perth County farmer has forty po-
tatoes which make a bushel.
The formal opening of the Sault has
been postponed until spring.
The Salvation Army is building a
Workmen's Hotel in London.
Strange women have been passing
spurious gold coins in Sarnia.
Bradford has a female dentist and will
have an open -rink this winter.
Lieut. -Col. Spence is now in command
of the Dufferin Rifles, Brantford.
Six Orillia men took eighty salmon
near Strawberry Island, last week.
A large quantity of wheat is being fed
to Cattle and hogs by the farmers.
An OrelIia man pulled a four -foot rad-
ish out of his garden the other day.
The steambarge Africa, reported miss-
ing, was sheltered at Parry Sound.
The Local Government will finish the
new court house at Portage Ia Prairie.
Mr. James Playfair offers to light Mid-
land with thirteen arc lights for $650 a
Diphtheria and scarlet fever are spread-
ing rapidly at Montreal and Quebec pro-
A currant bush in an Orillia garden
has had a second crop of fruit ` this
Guelph does not allow automatic dice
throwing and poker machines in its cigar
A Brussels young lady has been fined
$10 for sending a letter in a photo
The Berlin Court of Revision has re-
duced appellant farmers' assessments $7
an acre.
Judge McDonald, Brockville, has for
the first time sentenced a prisoner to be
Cobourg has built an addition to its
large rink. now the largest covered rink
in the world.
The Midland Council is trying to pass
a market by-law and establish a market
in that town.
J. Pogue, living near Huntsville, dug
200 bushels of potatoes from three-quar-
ters of an acre.
The youths of Kingsville stole the cur-
few bell on Hollowe'en, and it has not
yet been found.
There were sixty applications for the
vacant position of bandmaster of the 7th
Fusiliers, London.
Sixteen miles of the T., H. and B. Rail-
way between St. Thomas and Brantford
have been. sublet:
The G. T. E. is said to contemplate the
construction of a spur line between Brant-
ford and Copetown.
Tramp journalist Wilson was robbed
by footpads west of Brandon. He says
he had a good fight,
MaeWherrell is at stone breaking, ap-
parently happy, and expects to be re-
leased within two years.
The clergymen and undertakers- of
Goderieh have all agreed to protest
against Sunday funerals.
The Parkhill W.C.T,U, have petitioned
the School Board not to employ teachers
who chew or smoke tobacco.
Wm. McGhee, of Beachville, owns a
horse thirty eight years old. It is driven
to Woodstock twice a week,
During October 10,000 head of cattle
were shipped to British markets from
Manitoba and the Northwest.
There is an increase in the property
assessment of Berlin of about $22,000 as
compared with that of last year.
Tho assessors'returns show a popula
tion in Loudon of 53.427. The assessed
value has increased to $15,654,060..
It is said the case of the Canada Revue
against the Archbishop of Montreal will
be appealed to the Privy Council.
Mr. Jae. Miligan, of Victoria Harbour,
has fallen heir to a legacy of $100,000,
by the death of an uncle in Ireland.
A large quantity of now machinery
and appliances has been put in at the
hosiery factory at Coll.ingwood, Out.
James Keating, of Clifton, recently
shot an adjutant bird, a species of crane,
and one ram on the American continent.
The first direct shipment of deal from
Parry Sound to Scotland was shipped
from Baker's mill to Aberdeen last week.
Members of the Cornell familylfrem all
over Canada and the United States will
have a reunion next year at Sheffield.
The export of horses from Montreal to
Great Britain from the beginning of
navigation to the end of October reached
Most of the gold withdrawn from the
Bank of England last week was purchased
in American eagles by two Canadian
It is estimated that over $5,000,000 has
been paid to Canadian farmers the past
season for cattle exported to the old
The hat factory, recently burned down
in Truro, N.S., will not be built there,
but the plant will be removed to Belle-
ville, Ont.
A Lindsay young lady received a hand-
some piece of jewellery a few days ago
for being the champion gum chewer of
the county.
It has been decided to abandon the
idea of holding a winter carnival in
Montreal, but to havo instead a week of
winter sport.
Toronto Trades and Labor Council is
agitating the proposal to have Mr. John
Bruns, M,P., the English labor leader,
visit Canada.
Seventy-five applicants were received
by the Shelbourne p'iblio school board in
response to an advertisement announcing
two vacancies.
Mr. and Mrs. August Totzke, sen., of
Berlin, recently celebrated their golalen
wedding. They were married in Pom-
mern, Germany,
An English syndicate has purchased
the Sultana and Ophir gold mines, two
of the richest properties in - the Lake of
Woods district.
Benjamin Kenyon, of Blenheim town-
ship, Oxford county, is heir to an estate
of $250,000 in California by the will of
Gardner Kenyon.
Dr. Foster was presented with a gold -
headed cane on leaving Hamilton to take
a position on the medical staff of the
asylum at Kingston.
The council of Niagara Falls, Ont.,. has
declined to give a bonus towards the re-
building of the horse -car route through
that town to Chippewa.
A sixteen -year-old boy, of Lion's Head,
Ont., recently spat out a cent which he
swallowed thirteen years ago and which
had been in his throat ever since ,
The total assessment of Ottawa ''s $19,-
000,000, The exempted property is di-
vided between Catholics and Protestants
thus: Catholics, $1,140,950; Protestants
Ex -Mayor Douglas and wife, of Wood-
stock, recently married, were presented
with a beautiful silver tea tray the
other night by the members of the Ath-
letic Association.
Mr. George Ennis jumped from a win-
dow of the General Hospital at Hamilton.
while an inmate of that institution, and
he now wants the trustees to compensate
him fon the injuries received.
A burglar visited the house of Mrs.
Adam Sanders, of Sidney Township, on
Friday night, and after robbing her of
her money shot the defenceless woman
twice in the head. Mrs. Sanders is Hy-
ing, and is being cared for in Belleville.
FAGGED OUT. -None but those who
have become fagged out, know what a de-
pressed, miserable feeling it is. Ali
strength is gone, and despondency has
taken hold of the sufferers. They feel as
though there is nothing to live for. There
however, is a cure -one box of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will do wonders in restor-
ing health and strength. Mandrake and
Dandelion are two of the articles entering
into the composition of Parmelee's Pills.
The devil hates the preaching, but he
is generally pretty well satisfied with the
Free and easy expectoration immed-
iately relieves and frees the throat and
lungs from viscid phlegm, and a medicine
that promotes this is the' best medicine to
use for coughs, colds, inflammation of the
lungs and all. affections of the throat and
chest. This is precisely what Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a specific for,
and wherever used it has given unbound-
ed satisfaction. Children like it because
it is pleasant, adults like it because it re -
Heves and cures the disease.
The more' °sounding brasses" there are
in the church, the less good it does to
ring the bell.
Don't Dle Before Tour Time.
"Why will you die?" That is the
question the scientist now asks the miser-
able sufferer from consumption or lung
trouble. The answer naturally is " be
cause I can't help it," Butthe consump-
tive can help it. Miller's'Emulsion, made
from Norwegian Cod Liver, and combined
with hypophosphites of lime andsoda will
cure nine cases out of ten of consump-
and the
tenth ease Can get a reprieve
for a year or two. New blood is what the
consumptive requires, and Miller's Emu-
sion of Co Livor Oil, when taken, pro-
duces it. Miller's Emulsion is the great
nerve strengthener and blood maker, and
cures Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Scrofula,
and all Lung affections. In Big Bottles,
50c. and $1, at all Drug Stores.
I1 the devil had to travel in his bare
feet, we could always tell him by his
The brightest flowers must fade, but
young lives endangered by severe couohs
and colds may be preserved by Dn.
Tno its' ECLEOTRIC On,. Croup, whoop-
ing cough, bronchitis, in short, all afce-
tions of the throat and lunge, are relieved
by this sterling preparation, which also'
remedies rheumatic pains, sores, bruises,
piles, kidney difficulty, and is most ecou-
Vcrico, eie, emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness,Oleet,
Stricture, .5yphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Serf Abuse,
lade y and Bladder Diseases Positiyetly Cured by
Te 1t tO Treaiq8ategiaqfirtu(Disco11crg
rfrifou can Deposit the Money in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster
to be paid us after yuu are CURED under a written Guarantee!
,SW Abuse, lizeesres and,73tood ;Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young mon
and middle aged men. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday school, the aloe,the rofee-
Neons--gall have its victims. Young man, if you have been indiscreet, beware othe future.
!riddle aged men, you are growing prematurelY weak and old, both sexually and physically.
Consult us before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confidential..
W.3. COLLINS. W. t3. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. 8. COLLINS.
"I am 29. At 15 'learned a bad habit which I contin-
ued till 19. I then became "one of the boys" and led a
gay life. Exposure produced Syphitis. 1 became nerv-
ous, and despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes
red, sunken sad blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone
pains; weak baok; varicocele; dreams and losses at
night; weak parts; deposit in urine etc. T spent hun-
dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating
suicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy &
Kergart's New Method Treatment. Thank God I
tried it. In two months I was mired. This was six
years ago, and never had a return. Waif married two
years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drt3. Kennedy it Ker..
3.110011Z TEEATM'T gen before giving up hope." TtmAira •+x
6. A. TONTON. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and S. A. TONTOR.
Varicocele Cured.
"When I consulted Drs. Kennedy & Kerman, I had
little hope. I was surprised. 'Their new Method Treat-
ment improved me the first week. Emissions ceased,
nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in
again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and
strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can
heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy it Kergan as reliable
ia1'oan raearnt'7 specialists. They treated me honorably and skillfully." a rEa ',2i rArsx'T
T. P. EMERSON. A Nervous Wreck —A Happy Life. P, P. EMERSON.
T. P. Emerson Has a Narrow Escape.
"I live on the farm. At school I learned an early
mentally. Family Doctors said I was going
habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and
: into
"decline" (Consumption). Finally "The olden
Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell in-
to my hands. I learned the Truth and Cause. dell
abuse had sapped my vitality. I took the New
�e�" Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I
was cored of Consumption. 1 have sent them many
atients, all of whom were cared. Their New
. lt1l� - a I �(• Method Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and man- ri- ,,
,srvrous TREATx'T. hood.' AFTER TBEAn,rrxgT.
EAi 1 Aro yon n victim? Have yon lost hope? Are you contemplating mar-
riage? Has your Blood boon diseased? 'Have you any weakness? Our
New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you
C P3-3MM Ca-VA-1R.AN linEMX) dc>1E11. N O 3E3A"Te
16 Years in Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk.
Consultation Free. No matter who has treated yon, write for an honest opinion
Free of charge. Charges reasonable. Books Free - The Golden Monitor" (illus-
trated), on Diseases of men. Inclose postage 2 cents. Sealed.
VATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel-
ooes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat..
went. FREE.
..,ain.,51EVS':ad.;c•€�t • gosw mogianl + n.1 r. ie .. W
With Perfection. -
Pneumatic Tires
for $60. This machine has Ball Bearings to all parts, iuotuding
head and pedals; weldlass steel frame ; tangent wheels ; plate.
Drown; adjustable handle bar; brake and seat pillar; 'black cn-
amelled; corrugated mudguards and highly plated bright parts.
Complete with Brooks' patent or Scorcher saddle, tool bait, wrenoli.
and oiler. Address proprietor of this newspaper.
The Shooting .
Season Approaches,
Hundred. and Twenty -Five Dollar Shot Gun
for $70.001
The Oxford Damascus gun is made of three blades or strips of Damascus steel,.
left choke, right recess choke, matted rib, treble bolt, cross bolt, button fore -end
Plain full or half pistol grip, chequered horn heel plate, Case hardened blue,
Hammerless, With Safety Catch and Indicators.
Sent C.O.D. on approval, chargee both ways to be guaranteed if not satin..
10 Bore,
12 Bore,
$70,00 Net Cash.
$68.00 Net Cash.
Apply to the editor of this paper.
Posters and Programmes
For Church Anniversaries,
Entertainments Concerts
Sale $ills at Lowest Prices.
Bill Heads, Letter Heads,
And all kinds of Printing at the