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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-11-22, Page 8Nora Coodsli.,-4. ?E HAVE just received a choice line of Oxford and i3aggter Bibles WE HAVE just received some artistio lines in Nall Pape WE HAVE just received desirable lines in Ingrain Papers WE HAVE just received samples of Washable Paper WE WILL offer on Saturday a Stereo- scope and 12 nice views for, let me see, 95e. 'tIow's that V7R HAVE jest received new shades in Tissue Paper, stock complete WE HAVE just received a full line of Rubber Balls WE HAVE just received new styles in Plate handles WE HAVE just received new designs in Basket Water Setts J. Grigg, Stationery & Fancy Goods Dealer Truitt 110r131 27th Sunday after Trinity, SPECIAL I%HJSIC Sermon 11 a. m,—"The whole of man." Sermon 7 p. m,—"Divine developments of Opportunity." Violin Solo, Cavatina Jud Davidson REV. E. W. HUNT, rector. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Another Bankrupt Stock J, W. Broderick has purchased an- other Bankrupt stock of Dry -Goods, Ready-made Clothing, etc,, etc., at fifty cents in the dollar. This stock will ar rive at Exeter to day and the store will be closed to -morrow (Friday) in order to arrange and mark down the stock, The store will be open again Saturday morning, when this cheap sale will commeuce. This is a splendid stock,and having been purchased at half price, big bargains may be expected. We have also a magnificent stock of Boots and Shoes. Give the• cheap sale a call. No trouble to show goods. J. W. BRODERICK Ladies jackets and fur capes clearing at half price at the Big Bankrupt Store. Mr. G. S. Daw, tailor, formerly of Exeter, was married to a young lady n St. Thomason Tuesday of last week. Strayed from the premises of Thos. Snell, Huron street, a small white pig. Information concerning same will be thankfully received. Thos. Snell. "Mrs. William Allan, of Exeter, arose early Friday morning and left the house, Since then no trace of her has been found." The foregoing appeared in the Daily Empire, but it certainly is incorrect as no person by that name dives here. It should have read Essex as a similiar instance occurred there A Grand Bend Correspondent says:— ",Mr. Richard Robinson intends moving near Exeter, havires rented his farm to *his son, A. W. Robinson. Mr. Robinson has been a resident of this section for over twentyyears,,and all will wish him and those of the family who remain with him health and prosperity in their new home." "It was expected that R. W. Bro. R. H. Collins, D. D. G M., would make an official visit to Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A. F. and A. E. last Tuesday night, but during the day a message was re- ceived stating that he was suffering from an attack of rheumatism, so the visit was deferred until further notice." —Goderich Star. The many friends of Mr. D. Tait bet- ter known as "Leckie," will be pleased to learn of lits:success as a manipulator of the sheers. For some time past be has bean attending the Detroit Cutt- ing School and has just completed the. term, attaining the highest possible honors in the English, French and. An erican systems of cutting. The evening issue of the Montreal Herald is now printed on green -tinted paper. Scientists have found that green is the most restful color to the eyes, and it has been demonstrated by actual test that persons who find it necessary to use glasses at night in reading newspapers and books can dispense with them when green paper is substituted. "Mr, William Pickard has purchased the residence of Mr. Thomas Downey nn Goderich Street and will occupy it. He has made a good choice, as it is one of the most pleasantly situated and com• modious residences in town. We hope tour good friend and his estimable fam- ily may be vouchsafed many happy sears in their comfortable home."— Seaforth Expositor Prof. McRae, Ontario's Musicial Won- der, who plays a whole orchestra all alone, viz: 1st and 2nd violins, bass viol, cornet and piano at the same time, is now travelling through Ontario of- fering one thousand dollars for any other musician that can accomplish the same feat. He represented Ontario at the World's Fair were ho was classed as the greatest ntusicial wonder there. -Edward Shouldice, the young man from McGillivray township, who was locked up in London •a week ago, in eoneecti.on with the robbery of the Lx tater woollen mill on May 24, was before Squire Smyth Tuesdayand re- manded until Wednesday, When arrested ihonldtce had in Ms posses- sion a stilt of clothes and a quan- tity of troth which were Stolen from the mill. Deteetives are en the track of several other patrtics who are supposed to know something of the burglary. Breadlhas been. reduced by Mr, A. Bagshaw to 4 cents a leaf. If you want a Bargain in Boots and shoes try the Big Bankrupt Store, Miss Bella. Westeott, Huron Street, has a chrysanthemum which contains 643 flowers, Can't do better than buy your groe- eries at the Big Bankrupt Store, their prices are the lowest, The rate on pare,els between Canada and Japah by post will be reduced ;to 20 cents per pound on and after Janu. ary 1, 1895. Stratford bakers, after selling bread. for a few weeks at four cents a loaf, have farmed a combine and raised it again to five cents. Miss Mary Ann Tom, who has just returned home from Shelbyville, Ill„ has opet:ed out a dressmaking estab- lishment above Messrs Carling Bros. store, recently vacated by Miss Essery. The Goderich Star says:.—"Robert Wallace, an able bodied old man, claim- ing to hail from Exeter, who wanted a month in jail that he might receive medical treatment, was given a six mouth's term, an overdose he apparent- ly did not appreciate." No person of that name, to our recollection has ever resided here. Doubtless he is an im• poster and well deserving the sentence imposed upon him, The Presbyterian Church at: Parkhill 7 is now benne lit by electricity. Mr. J. G. Stnallaeombe has opened up a branchtailor shop in Centralia, An at home will he held iu the ,Roy- al `.l'etuplars' Lodge room on the 8rd of December, next, Mons' and boys' frieze Ulsters, an immense stock --at clearing prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. Court of Revision of the Dominion Voters lists for this village will take. place in the town hall on Dee, 28th,, next, . A, Spicer has rented the old drill shed on the Agricultural grounds and pur- poses etarting a skating rink therein. We understand he has commenced op• erations and will be ready to receive the merry gliders shortly.- Mr. Will Somerville, who, a few years ago, worked in the Exeter grist mill, is now confined to his bed in Winnipeg, Mao, through typhoid fever and is in a dangerous 'condition. His brother, J. Somerville, of Kirkton, was called thither a few days ago. Mr. Thos Ilandford, of Centralia, has purchased the premises owned and re- cently vacated by Mr. Wm. Case of the London Road, a little south of the village, paying therefor $1000. Mr. Handford's, Mr. Rich Robinson, of near Grand Bend, having leased it, will move therein shortly. SLAUGHTER I SLAUGHTER i SLAUGHTER i A'P T�IU BIGGBANKRGPT JG AKRUP Stoii Men's fur coats, Ladies' fur coats, Men's frieze ulsters, boys' frieze ul- sters and ladies' and girls j ackets, all going no matter what our loss away the goods go! If you want anything in the warm coat line, now is your chance. Half price is about what we expect for heavy ulster goocis. J. A.- STEWART. New '‘d.ds" E. J. SPACKMAN—London election H. BISHOP &SON —Watch our ad. J. A. STEWART--Slaughter! Slaugh- ter!! Slaughter.!!! CARLING BROS.—Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. Mr. B. Aubry, was in town yesterday and purchased a number of fine horses The residence of Mr. Chas. Perkins was the scene of a most pleasant affair yesterday (Wed.), when his daughter; Honor, was united in marriage to Mr. Albert Johnston, of Lucknow, formerly of Exeter. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Geo. Jackson, We ex- tend congratulations and wish them every prosperity through life. Bicycle for Sale. A first-class, second hand bicycle for sale has been run only 4 months. Price $40.—A bargain. Apply to Jas. Grieye, Exeter. A. Remarkable Offer. The Advocate has made arrange- ments with the Toronto Daily News (Independent) and are able to make the following unprecedented offer to our subscribers. The price for both Papers for one year will be $1,75 pay- able in advance—This practically means the best Weekly in the County and the best daily in the Province reg- ularly every day of their publication. Personal Mention Mr. Thos, Bissett, who has been so - jamming in clearwater, Man., returned home last week. -Mr. E Bissett, of For- est, spent a few days in town last week. —Mr. C. B. Marsiand spent Sunday and Monday in . Toronto.—Mr. R. H. Col- lins has sufficiently recovered as to be out again, but is not yet fully recover- ed, -4Y.11. Levett, attended a meeting of the Scottish Rite, A. F. & A. M., held. in London, oh Monday night. -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, of Wolcot-White County, Indiana, U.S.A., are visiting at their brother-in-law's, Mr. A. J. Rollins, Huron street, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks have been in the west for the last thirty years and consequently can see vast improvements in our town and ser rounding country. They think we have the best country on this continent. Still theys favorably speak very y orabl v ,y of Hoo- sier state. Mr. Hicks is a rabid Re- publican and high protectionest.—Miss O'Dell, who has been visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Anion, returned to her home in London Tuesday,—Miss Rose Stephens is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Lnttle„ohns.—Mrs- George Knight oflldeton, has been visit ing friends in town this week.—Miss Flora Essery is spending the week with her sister. Mrs- A. Hastings. --Miss Magunnigan who has been visiting Miss Horne, leaves for her home in North East -hope this week.—Miss L, McFalls, of Liman, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw--Mr. W. Foliand has accepted a 'iterative situ- ation with a new firm just starting up in Brantford, to be known as the Brant. ford holler Bearing Wheel Co,, Limited. Mr. Follend will act in the capacity of general travelling agent for the corm parry and wilt start on big duties short- ly. We wieh Will every success, Have you seen the new feather ruffs, a full stock at the Big Bankrupt Store. 91115 Taizes the Two. 'You should take advantage 'pf our remarkably low ,clubbing offer, the Toronto DAILY News and Advocate for only $175. Remember this is not the weekly news but the daily. Lost taxso.Oo. On Friday last, while Mr. Jas. N. Howard was walking down street from the Exeter foundry to the telephone office, he had the misfortune to lose a roll of bills containing $180, and has had no trace of it since. Rave Yon Considered It? The Exeter Advocate, The Canadian Annual, and the Toronto DAILY News for only $1.75; or the Advocate, Caned tan Annual. the Daily News, and the Canadian Farmers Sun, for $2.25. "Jo&M” Driver is Dead ! A good driver belonging to Mr. Jos. Davis, of O'Nei.'s Bank, was found ly- ing stiff in death in the stable on Fri- day morning last. She was apparent- ly all right Thursday evening. Cause unknown, This will grieve "Joe" and also deprive him of many a good drive as he was contemplating a joyous time with his horse and cutter this winter: Doubtless; the fair sex will also be sor- ry to hear of its death. The same night the ltttle pony belonging to Mr. D. Davis died from congestion of the lungs.. She was conceded to be one of the best drivers in town and was a nob- le little beast. Re is a Dead Beat. "Last week an individual calling himself Bert Dawson, last occupation with the Fraser Dramatic Company who played in Paris the previous week, worked up a game on the merchants of Paris, duping, beating and obtain- ing , money under false pretences. This scamp is well known to Constable Cook, he having conveyed him to the central and other prisons more than once. This fellow (Bert Dawson) said he had a brother living in Drumbo. We found him to be a professional dead beat, a fraud and a swindler,'' He can vassed the merchants Qf the town for advertisements, having an advertis- ing scheme of his own (that to beat the public.) After getting the ads. he made a contract for the printing at the Rm= vizw office, got his work done, collect ed.his money for the ads but did not call'to pay for the printing or deliver the advertising matter as promised by him and in that act defrauding the printer and the merchants, .obtaining money under false pretences; goods and work by fraud. There are over 25 indictments that can be prepared against him in Paris and he may yet be brought to bgok and have ,to spend A couple of years in the central prison, which would be too good for suchidead beats and professinal tramps, going about gulling the public. Ile is a man of medium height, thin ,spare face, what some term lantern jawed, sandy complexion, wears his hat on the back of his head, looks like a professional beat.e Pr ss pass him arbund or 'some constable arrest him and bring him back to Paris and he will be prosecuted as a swindler."—Paris Review,. Eternal Vigilance Is now -a -days one of the chief requisites to success in business. We keep constant watch of the markets and are always ready to buy anything Which will be an advantage alike to . us and the buying public. We bought this week, some lines which are ticklers, SHAWLS! A sample lot shawls which we bought at half price, will be sold at less than wholesale cost Come in and see the finest shawls ever --pp brought to Exeter! $12.50 Will buy a Scotch Cheviott suit of clothes made to order retailers generally get $17.00 for these lines. $4.25 Will btiy a pair of black pants made to order. $15 00 Will buy you a Fur Coat. Come in and see the best Coon Skin Coat in Exeter ! $5 50 Buys a good tweed rubber coat $5 00 Buys a heavy tweed suit. $14 00 Buys a good Greenland Seal Cape, 5 cents is the popular price which we ask for a heavy grey cotton, Come in and see this if you want a web! 15 pieces of job dress goods, bought at half price, will be cleared at 25 cents per yard. Space will not allow further enumer- ation. Come and see some of our bar gains ! Compare the values of any other -store with those of ours and the con- trast will be our best advertisement. G. G. JOHNSTON, Exeter. Council Proceedings. The Council met at the town Hall, Exeter, 13th., Nov. 1694, all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Hartnoll intimated that he would agree to put down a drain from Carling street across Mr..Carling's field, provided the council pay $5 in ad- ditiou to what be could raise by private subscription, the council to furnish material. Carling—Bobier that the council furnish the material, the parties interested to pay the remainder provid- ed the intended drain tap the present one. -Carried. Tenders for fitting up reading room as follows—Dyer & How- ard. $21, Wm. Balkwill $12. Bobier— Bissett that Mr. Balkwill's tender; being the lowest, be accepted.—Carried. Car ling-Bobiert hat any person wishing a coal oil street lamp can have the same plaeedon any street corner pro- vided the person or persons requiring the same furnish oil wick and lamp glasses and light the same when nee. essary at his ur their own expense. Carried. The council adjourned until call of the Reeve. The Council ,met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hal116th Nov. '94, all present. Minutes of previous meet ing read and confirmed. Mr. Walt, Westcott wanted to know why the al lowance to Thos Daw was stopped and stated that he (Daw) was not able to work and that he (Wes cott) could not maintain him. Mr. J. N. Howard stated regarding the street lights that he was now prepared to go on with the contract and would not request pay- ment for lights up the 13th November. Carling—Bissett that payment for electric street lights commences from c t eet Tuesday the 13th inst., according to contract,—Carried. irarling—Bissett orders as follows:—L. Hardy $1 28 for cedar; Mrs. McIntosh $2 charity and J. N. Howard $10 for incandescent lights to 30th Oct.,1894.—Carried. Bissett— Carling that T Daw, be granted $1.00 per week until .further orders,—Car- ed, The council adjourned until call of the Reeve.. M. Eaerett Clerk' n, .PanLine Johnston. The Toronto Mail has this to say of E. Pauline Johnston, the eminent Can- adian Poet -Reciter, who will appear here in the near future under the 'aus- pices of the Trivia Mernoriel Church Guild. "This talented entertainer is one of the most attractive and popular persons now before the public, and is being greeted by overflowing houses, Miss Johnston has appeared• before the Royal family of Great Britain, and has won her reputation by merit:" r1.f A & .- _�� Hie into my parlor!" Said the spider: to the fly. W e have lots of sugar, I Won't you mine aur buy? ( -6-„,,,,,__„_Q,__D We will not ask you. -to buy anything else! We will not askou to buyanything else, We y have nothing to give away. We calculate to make a profit on everything we sell although the profit be sinall, We have no disposition to do a fake bus- iness, nor to put. out ;the red flag' in order to draw custom. We are the old reliable and don't choose to adopt such ' methods. Our goods and prices speak volumes for us. We carry a large stock and fully assorted, and are prepared to do the very best for our patrons. Call and trade with us. We will use you well. Highest prices paid for produce. Bros. Carling N. B. We have secured the service of Miss Tom, formerly of Exeter but lately from the States, as dress and mantle maker. She will occupy the roomsz vacated by Miss Essery. Logi' PIcction1.. EMS. V. S. ESSERY! Hobbs, hobbled there and turned over the _ I say, did you see our immense stock of ready-made clothing. A\ selling suits made to order for wholesale prices. . . Boots and shoes of all kinds and we are selling these below bankrupt prices. We take no part in politics but we take the big part of the business in clothing and boots and shoes. See our stock. E. J.. SPACK & CO., Samweli's Block, Exeter THEY OA ME THEY SAW ! THEY WENT AWAY AMAZED ! - At thad SPLAY, of STOVES Cross cut Saws, Axes and Cow Chains. Best quality at lowest prices, at We have on hand seven second-hand heating stoves which we wtll sell at a very low price. H. Call, examine and be convinced.. Highest prices paid for Furs, Hides and Ginsing Root. BISHOP & SON, Exeter. THE SMALL END OF NOTHING, is neersarily small. Just so smallare the benefits to be derived from attending some so called Business Colleges, THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE, L9ndon, Ont. On the contrary is noted for the practical character of its work, You need soanotbin g practical, why not correspond with us at once. J. W. WESTER•VELT, PaxxcIPA L, The Codling Roth Pest. Apple shippers to British Columbia.. are having trouble over the codling moth this season. Recently a mired of Ontario apples was seized and des- troyed at Vancouver on account of the fruit being infected with this pest. The C. P. R. has issued a notice to fruit men that unless the greatest care• is exercised by thein with regard to in- fected fruit the company all charges on shipmnts to be prepaid. 11'rauds.—Beware of Then.. The world is full of frauds and dead beats, defrauding •the public out of money in Almost every imaginable way. Still these frauds and tramping humbugs are received and patronized by the public. If a, dead beat comes along merchants and mechanics are apt to deal with Mtn and get swindled. When the oily tongued tea peddler comes to town he finds lots of customers and boasts of the number he gets. Al- though his teas may be, and no doubt are, 25 per cent dearer than the mer chants of the town sell the same goods for. The same, may ho saki about .jew- elry, silverware, clothing, etc. How is this accounted for? Let those that deal with ,the strangers answer the question. ` A Filting Jilea! EINE GRADES OF Men's Trousers AND u Fall Sztins. It is one thing to cover up your , body, Robinson Crusoe did that with goat skins. But that time 18 past. , It is not neees, sary to clothe yourself in any unsightly garb when you cnn get clothes that fit you 'like bark to a tree and at prices consistent with the times. Cali and select from a big lot of choice pieces. We will make it worth your while; , BERT. KJIJQIIT. The Fashionable Cotter and Fitter