The Exeter Advocate, 1894-11-15, Page 5St. George, New Brunswick.
After the Grip
ido Strength, No Ambition
Flood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect
The following letter is from a well-known
merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.:
" C. T. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.;
"Gentlemen—I am glad to say that Hood's
Sarsaparilla and hood's Pills have done me n
great deal of good. I had a severe attack of
the grip in the winter, and after getting over the
fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had
no ambition, flood's Sarsaparilla proved to be
just what I needed. The results were very
satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to
all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other
afflictions paused by poison and poor blood. 1
always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house
and use it when I need. a tonic. Wo also keep
Hood's Pins on hand and think highly of them."
J. W. Dlnraa1AN, St. George, Now Brunswick.
Sciatic Rheumatism
Sko foto10, a Mead,
Strong and eighty to
Deliver from Troubles.
Capt. MoCrannhnrt Tells Flow He
Was Cured.
"About a year ago I was taken with a severe
attack of sciatic rheumatism and was laid off
most of the summer. I went from here to St.
John, N. B., in my packet schooner, and was so
helpless and in such suffering that 1 could not
get, out of the cabin. The captain of another
schooner cane on board to see me, and wanted
me to get flood's Sarsaparilla; he said it had
Sarsap rma
This True, Tried and Honest
Friend Proved to be
Paine's Celery
Nature's Medicine Cures After a
Series of Medical Failures.
The half has never been told regard
ing the suffering and misery endured
from day to day by, thousands of our
Canadian women. Sleeplessness, dys
pepsia, indigestion and prostration
claim a host of victfins, who aro earn-
estly desiring and seeking for deliver-
ance from their burden of woes.,
We wish briefly to draw.attention to
the fact that science has placed within`
reach of suffering women an agency—
a cure—that fully meets the case of
every woman in ill health, Thousands
of Canadian women in all ranks of so-
ciety have used Paine's Celery Com
pound with the most satisfactory re-
sults. It is the only medicine that has
ever been thoroughly indorsed by the
best medical men of the times. No
other medicine has ever received such
strong and flattering testiinonials from
our best people, and no other has ever
been so much spoken of by the press of
this county.
Every woman who is overworked,
run-down, sleepless. nervous or dyspep-
tic, will find a friend in Paine's Celery
Compound, This wonderful and life
giving medicine quickly builds up in
flesh, muscle and tissue; it braces the
nervous system, gives health, vigor
and youthful strength. There is no
earthly reason why women should con-
tinue to live in a half-dead condition,
while Paine's Celery Compound is
doing such a work in our midst.
The following letter from Mrs. E. R.
Wheeler, of Windsor Mills, P. Q, proves
that women have a strong friend to de-
liver from. suffering and trouble:—
"I have been troubled with indiges-
tion, sleeplessness and general debility
for about three years; I have been un-
der the care of doctors and have used
medicines for a long time, but could
find no relief from suffering. Your
Paine's Celery Compound was highly
recommended to me, and I finally de-
cided to give it a fair trial. I am as-
tonished at the great benefits I have
received by using your medicine. I
am now blessed with perfect digestion,
I sleep well, an altogether I am a dif
ferent womam. I most cheerfully re-
commend your Paine's Celery Com-
pound to all who suffer from any of
the troubles I have experienced, as I
am sure it will give them instant re-
cured him when he was so bad that his wife
had to feed. him. I sent to Boston for two bot-
tles, which did for me all I hadbeentold Hood's
Sarsaparilla would do. I gained rapidly and
when S had taken the two bottles I was able to
work. A great many people here have taken
Hood's Sarsaparilla since it cured me, and all
speak highly of it." CAPT. S. MOGRANAHAN.
ilargaretville, Nova Scotia. sts;
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists
$1, six for $5. Preparedonly by C. I. Hood
& Co., Lowell, Mass., Tf. S. A.
Hood's pills are purely vegetable, and do
not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists.
Rev. 3. D. Edgar. M.A., has been in
ducted to the charge of the presby ter
ran congregation at Cayuga.
f.; r>
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
,n time. Sold by druggists
ViDVA (5
;O ft r
Gen. Pierola, of Buenos Ayres, is said
to be preparing to attack Lima, the
capital of Peru.
Iteliefrn Six Hours.
• Distressing Kidney and Bladder di
senses relieyed in six hours by the
HEY Cram." This new remedy is a
great.surprise and delight to physic
ians on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or fe
male. It removes retention of . water
and pain in passing it almost immed •
iately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
The Dominion Cotton Company has
declared a dividual of G per cent. for
the past year.
For every widower who marries awidow,
there are eleven who espouse maidens.
Of the total population of the Porninior
little more than one-third are married,
In Siam the first wife allay be divorced
but cannot be sold. The other wives inaa
be both, divorced and sold.
Marriage is growing popular again in
England. The register for the first quer
ter of 1894 exceeds the first quarter of an;
year since 1888.
A ,tribute to a considerate wife was ex-
pressed in the will of a physician who re'
cantly died in Glasgow. Shehad deserted
him three months after marriage. In his
will, made seventeen years later, he left
his entire fortune to her, because she had
"permitted him to enjoy a peaceful and
quiet life."
Three years ago a tiff separated Miss
Cora•Spire and Mr. Joseph Buchholtz, whe
were engaged to be married. Two weeks
agothey accidentally met in a. carriage,
while attending a funeral at Sharon, Pa,
They were returning from the funeral,
when they were married in the carriage b3
Rev. W. M. Tinke.
A fortune-teller in Brooklyn had among
her patrons, recently, a servant girl whe
was anxious to peer into the future. She
listened to most pleasant predictions, and
was then told that for twenty-five cents
extra she could see a photograph of hex
future husband. She paid the sum asked,
and was shown a picture of Edwin Booth..
The vevised total vote for Governor
in New York city gives Hill a plurality
of 2,907.
One thing that tends to make low prices
from this time on is that a good per cent,
of the poultry sent to market lacks much
of being in condition, and this, with the
quantity, helps to lower prices.
All roosts should be level or parallel
with each other. Where a series of roosts
is so arranged that the rear roosts are
higher than those in front, the hens will
always crowd up into the higher places.
Wheat bran should always be scalded
before feeding, as it is nob relished other-
wise, For fattening chicks for market
cornmeal that has been scalded will often
induce theca to eat more and to fatten
more rapidly.
When the young poultry are confined in
small runs it will be best to change every
few days to fresh ground in order to avoid
filth. Not only will the chickens enjoy the
change, but better health will bo main-
As soon as the hens begin to moult there
is always a liability that they will begin
to pluck feathers from one another, and as
soon as one hen learns it she teaches it to
another. The only sure cure is to kill the
hen, and the sooner it is done the better.
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak and ex-
dausted, who are broken down from
excess or overwork, resulting in many
of the following symptoms: Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
himness of sight, palpitation of' the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain
in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in
the face and body, itching or peculiar
sensation about the scrotum, wasting
of the oagans, dizziness, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos-
its in the urine, loss'of will -power, ten
derness of the scalp and spine, weak
and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipa
tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice,
desire for solitude. excitability of tem-
per, er, sunken eyes, suirounded with
,IBADnl4 QIROLES, oily lookingskin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to insanity unless cured.
The spring of vital force having lost
its tension every function wanes in
conseq.,ence. Those who through
abuse, committed in ignorance, may
be permanently Cured. Send your ad
dress for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V.
LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto
FiIVFF'l�i ty
HAHMlG55 t ttHE
PoW 1�S.
lsw 1L H 1' Av' net is M
Use l to CUs'! ever •
tking,Inatsintipl l head.
aches, 1i•y theft, it
will cost but d.1 vents
for a bo0,240,24they 8•”0
7taar rpaesry.
The1 are nut a comma.
Mr. J. B, Bagwell, an old resident of
Hamilton, died yesterday, aged b8.
lHlteuraatllsu► Cured In a »ay,
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon.
the system 18 remarkable and myster-
ious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits.
25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr ugg,`ist.
A real estate huom is reported from
Niagara Falls, Canadian side.
For Over Fifty Years.
Winslow'sSoothing Syruphas been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and is the best remedy for Diarnccsa. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In.
every part of the World, Twenty»five oents
a bottle, Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
Lieutenant -Governor Chapleau, of
Quebec, completes his 54th year of life
to day.
MINUTES.—All cases of organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease relieved in 30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Hear,. One dose
convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist
The Bank of England's rate of dis-
count remains unchanged at 2 per
A Boos To HORSEMEN.—One bottle
of English Spavin Liniment completely
removed a curb from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy,
as it acts with mysterious promntness
in the remove.? from horses of hard, soft
or calloused lumps,blood spavin,splints
curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains
George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont.
fold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
The Solitary prison at Kingston
penitentiary was opened yesterday.
The ].ucesS of Dxfort iloilgos!
The Captists in Sweden number 86,291.
They have 550 churches.
There are now in Madagascar 1,860 self-
supporting Christian congregations.
Gen. William Booth, of the Salvation
Army, is about GG years of age, and is as
active and vigorous as many men of 80.
The smallest church see in the world is
that of St. Helena, the bishop of which has
jurisdiction over three clergymen.
Miss Lucy M. Booth, a daughter of Gen.
Booth, has been appointed commander of
the Salvation Army in India, with her.
headquarters at Bombay.
Rev. J. A. Zahm in tun article in the Am-
erican Ecclesiastical Review locates the
Garden of Eden in the iancl intervening be.
tweeu the confluence of the Tigris and
Euphrates and the Persian gulf.
Twenty-seven million francs has already
been spent on the great church of the
Sacred Heart at Montmartre, and the
building is far from complete. The money
has been raised entirely by voluntary .con.
Sir John Thompson and Hon. Sena
tor Sanford arriyed in London, Eng,
Rheumatism; yes, and neuralgia too
are greatly relieved and often entirely
cured by the use of Pain-Killer—Try
it, •25c.. for New 2 -oz. Bottle.
A handsome eloping couple from
Chicago were arrested in London Ont.,
Common Sense.
Should be used in attempting to cure
that veay disagreeabt'e disease, catarrh
As catarrh originates in impurities in
the blood, local application can do no
permanent good. The couimon sense
method of treatment is to purify the
blood, and for this purpose there is no
preparation superior to Hood's Sarsap-
The number of idle cotton operatives in
Fall River is placed at 23,220.
Almost five-eighths of the steamers in
the world are under the British flag,
The Texas Live Stock Journal . thinks
there are 1,500,000 fewer cattle in that
state than there were et this time two
years ago.
Estimates by the director of the mint
place the gold product of the world at
$175,000,000, an increase of $6,000,000 over
the amount stated in the annual report.:
During the past five years the production
of tin in the Dutch East Indies and the
Straits settlements has increased greatly.
The shipments to Europe and America to
the end of August 1894, welt 43:,118 tons,
as against 27,557 tons in 1800. The syndi-
cate which is trying to corner the market
will have to obtain control of this source
at supply to succeed, as well as of the
visible supply, which was over 20,000 tons
in August and only 14,000 tons a year ago.
Westminster Gazette.
IIoocl s Pills cures constipation by
perista,lsic action to the ali-
mentary canal.
The flex flour niills at Kansas city
have been burned. Loss $.1(95,000.
w11E''"E L. D. MENTHOL PLASTER us e►
An orchardistin'Pomoma, Cal., has in
his nursery sixty varieties of olive trees.
Some of the great trees in Humboldt,
Cal., are said by scientists to be nearly
three thousand years old.
The thistle, shamrock and rose are the
emblems of Scotland, Ireland ancl Eng-
land, probably because of the prevalence
of those plants in those countries.
About one-third of a crop depends upon
the soil, one-third mean the seed, one-third
upon care and cultivation, but each ono of
these must be at. its best to get full ad-
vantac;a: of the others. If either falls short
more than its own proportion the crop is
likely to fall short.
—Emu cion.
• • • •
CureThateough, I
Heal Your Lungs ,
FutFlesh onYourBones
Prevent Consumption,
Our Patent Duplex Flue
Insures an oven that works
uniformly in all pats and is
perfectly ventilated. .
The Fire Linings
Procted by the draft from
the Duplex Flue, Lasts
double the usual time.
A Perfect Stove
Guaranteed in all respects,
GurneyFoundry Co. L't'd Toronto Ont.
For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.
The Prince of Wales is 53 years to-
The Republicans claimed to have
carried North Carolina. .
Sadie Kranz, six months old, was
killed the other night by a pet cat,
which slept on the child's face.
For that Bad Cough. of yours
:&1,,ytry,.yy( scut . ,
�e ,^�' � � i .,�A , � IIII, 11 •IiIM11111 911f�. ry�il •il.• "
IS 01 iv ,'��I''�G Illy�i dli!pld ,h' �tlp' A!Iiik 91!IP y, nor llup
As a PreventiVe and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.
00k S COttOllR000 Bicycles,
COMPOUND. Sewing Machines,
A recent discovery by an old
physician. Successfully used
monthly by. thousands of
Ladies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis-
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substl•
tute, or inclose 51 and 6 cents in postage in letter
and wewillsend, sealed, by return mail. Funsealed
particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2
stamps. Address The Cooly Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Sold. in Exeter by J. W. Browning, Druggist
If you want your linen to
look Whiter than snow, take
it to . . • •
EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial krtist
Ladies' and Children'
A Specialty.
a by t,►arrgages
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity, . .
Greater Bargains!
Greater Choice !
Lowest Prices. ! !!
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store.
r � 1
Umbrellas made of varnished paper are
coming into favor in France.
Durable artificial silk, which isbothneat
and dressy, is made of waste wool or cot-
ton, by the aid of chemicals.
A pneumatic horse collar finds favor
with many horsemen, and the animals
themselves seem to appreciate it, as it
adjusts itself to every motion of the neck.
Paper indestructible by fire has been in-
vented by M. Meyer, of Paris. A speci-
men of it was subjected to a severe test—
one hundred and forty-eight hours in a
potter's flirnaae—cud came out with its
glaze almost perfect.
Philadelphia has 2,000 miles of regularly
laid out streets, and 100 miles of street car
lines. It producer every year $500,000,OL
of goods.
Durham, N. C. is one of the greatest
tobacco mrn'afacturilig points in the south.
Ono frriir there makes 300,000,000 cigarettes
Beery year.
Buffalo has a city hall that cost $1,850,-
000, Over 00,000,000 bushels of grain have
passed through Buffalo going east in a
single season.
The latest census report shows that there
are more marriages in Brooklyn, i;i pro-
reportion to its population, than any ocher,
city of the union,
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our own weekly for one year for One Dollar
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anyou can log ecce ptin17 this offer now, net THE la
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BEST WEEKLY in the country and TIE BEST DAILY
in the province for $1.75 a year.
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as the offer will not remain open long
Don't Vett rrili