HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-11-1, Page 71 Saved Her Life Su.Operations and rest Medical Treatment Faded An Almost Miraculous Cure by Iklood's Sarsaparilla. \� Mrs. Mote Yfendk Chicago, Illinois. "C. I. Eooil & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Beginning in February, '22, I was very sick dor two months. Slowly I got better .but was confined to my bed. A. physician said I had a Pelvic, Abscess In My Side. After an oporation I did not improve, the ab- scess continuing to discharge even more freely than before. In two months time three opera - Lions were performed and tubes inserted to carry off .the impurities, but all in vain. Finally it Was decided that niylife depended upon another operation and that I must be removed to the hospital. About three weeks previous to this I had noticed an advertisement in the Daily News of a case where Hood's Sarsaparilla had cured a boy somewhat shnilarly afflicted in Trenton, I:i, J., and I decided to give It a trial.. When the thne'decided upon for me to go to the hospital arrived I had been taking Hood's Sar- saparilla about two weeks. I Was Getting Better and the abscess had already began to discharge less freely. I felt stronger and had a terrible appetite. Previous to this I had given up to die. When I had taken the eeooird bottle I was able to sit up and accordingly 1 was not taken to the hospital and the final operation was deferred. Now I have taken six bottles and the abscess has entirely healed, I am well and go every where. My friends drink It is a miracle to have mo restored to them again so healthy and even younger In looks than before my sickness. I Peel (Better Than )Ever I did In my life and weigh over 130 pounds, the heaviest in my life. I do a big day's work and am gaining in strength every day. My mother worried and worked herself almost sick in car- ing for me. She has since taken Hood's Sarsa- parilla and it has clone her mach good. We praise Hood's Sarsaparilla to everybody, for i Know It Saved My Life. I am 27 years old, and a stranger to look at me now would not tliiuk I ever had a day's sick- ness. Even the doctors are surprised at the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in my case. ]Mother and myself continue to take the medi- o'sparli1a Cures cine regularly and we earnestly recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." MRs. MOLLIS WENDT, bas West Eighteenth Street, Chicago, Illinois, Corroborates the Above. "C. i. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: —I am a drug clerk and have sold Mrs. Mollie Wendt many bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla and can ,ertifyy that she was cured by the use of it." F. C. BILLERBECN, 500 West Eighteenth Street, Chicago. I3ood'S Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil- iousness, sick headache and constipation. 25c. Policemen yesterday pulled the body of L. S. Stern, a manufacsurer of un derwear, out of the lake in Central park, New York. He had suicidsd over business troubles. r Yee4 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. Bay City, Detroit and East Tawas, Mich., lumbermen threaten to try and secure a retaliatory Act against Cana da unless the Canadian clot y on boom sticks is removed.' The London Times say, that Johann Dtrauss, the composer, who is suffering with a cold contracted during' his re - cent jubilee fetes, is seriously ill. Belief in Six )flours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieved in six hours by the "Nn'w GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic tans on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water ,and pain in passing it almost immed. lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. The Liberals of North. Ontario have chosen Mr. F. J. Gillespie, reeve of Mara township, as their candidate for the Dominion election. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples i e in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the oyes, twitehing of the muscles, eye- lids, and. elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalpand spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to Sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LI]A»EN OIROL]m, oily Jookiug skin, etc., aro all symptoms of nervous clebil- i.ty that lead to insanity sinless cured; The spring: of vitalforcehaving lost its tension every function wanes in conseq 101100 • Those who through abuse, committed iii ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dre.ss for book on diseases peculiar • to man, sent free, sealed. Address M, V. LUBON, 24 Maedonnel Ave,, Toronto Ont, Go to ilte_Foui* Your Burden of Pain and Suffering will Roll hay. Paine's Celery Compound Heals and Cures. Thousands Have Been Given a New Lease of Life. Test its Virtues, Weary Sufferer. "Go with thy pains to the fountain, Go with thy load of disease; Use nature's:curer and healer, [ease." Thou shalt have heaith,strengch and Every ailing, sick and diseased man, woman and child must go to the same fountain tor cure, There is no fashion- able or royal road for the elite and wealthy of society; the noble of birth, titled and affluent must lay hold of the same means for banishing disease and suffering that is so eagerly sought af- ter by those in humbler positions and circustances. As the sun shines on the rich and poor, the righteous and unrighteous, blessing all alike; so does Paine's Cel ery Compound giye life,health,strength and a fresh lease of life to people of every grade and class who are victims of nervousness•[rheulnatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, indigestion, and liver and kidney troubles. All troubles roll away when nature's great medicine is used. In the past tens of thousands have used the waters of that unfailing fountain of virtues, and have been made whole. Thousands are testing it to -day, and miraculous results are the fruits. If you are suf- fering, dear reader, delay no longer; test the great healer that has won so many victories, it will meet your wants and needs. Four your encouragement the folio tving letter from Mrs. Fanny M. Huff of Salmon Point, Ont., is given as a proof of what results you may reap, if you use Paine's Celery Com- pound:— "After receiving. so much benefit from Paine' Celery Cound, I think it my duty to inform suffers what this great medicine can do for all who wish to regain health and strength. I have been a great sufferer for years from nervousness and weakness, and have had the advice and attendance of doc- tors with but little benefit. I was in- duced to use your Paine's Celery Com- pound, some time ago, and I must con- fess it is the best medicine I ever used. Nothing else has ever done me so much good, and 1 now feel quite a different person. "I trust sufferers will not be influen- ced to use any other medicine while they can procure yours which does sych good work. I cannot ,peal: strong ly enough in fauor of Paine's Celery. Compouud, and you may be assured I will always recommend it. You are at liberty to publish this 'letter in your work," A Statue of Gen, George B. McLellan "the hero of Antietam," was unveiled at Philadelphia yesterday. For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TIED REMEDT,—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarncma. is pleasant to the taste. sold by Druggists In. every part of the 'World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Rev. Leo. Gaetz has been nolnina,ted in Red Deer as a candidate for election to the North-West Legislature, HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MINU'rus.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist The Very Rev. Samuel Reynolds Hole, D. D., dean of Rochester cathed ral, England, has arrived in New York. When Others rail. Hoods Sarsaparilla builds up the shattered system by giving vigorous action to the digestive organs, creating an appetite and purifying the blood. It is prepared by modern methods. pos- sesses the greatest curative powers and has the most wonderful record of act- ual cures of anydi ' e cine in existance, m ex stone e. Take only Hood's, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. The Marchioness of Queensberry, nee Miss Weeden, is said to have obtained a decree nullifyieg her marriage to the Marquis, They were married last November. till Sfckriess Comes beforeStlyingaDdttle of PERRY DAV I S' PAIN.Y , ,s.L LE ou may (deed it tonight Itewwarltable Offen. The Advocate has made arrange- robotswith the Toronto Daily News (Independent) and are able to make the following unprecedented offer to our subscribers. The price for both papers for one year will be $1.75 pay. able in advanea—This practically means the best Weekly in the County and the best daily in the Province reg- ularly every day of their publication. xexxtruis. HoLTZMAN—In Crediton on the 28th ult., the wife of Geo. Holzman, jr, of a on. Tuonirsoi .—In McGillivray,; on the' 30th ult., the wife of Michael Thomp- son, of a son. ATKLNsoa.-In Bidduipb, on the 25th ult., the wife of Robt. Atkinson, of a daughter, IIMAxlRTA UiS. CRONYNN—SULL1vAN—At St. Peter's Cathedral, Biddulph, oa October 23, by Rev. father Traher, Mr. James Cronynn, of Stephen, to Miss Ellen, daughter of Mr. John Sullivan, 1st con, of McGillivray. DAVIs—W iLLas—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 25th ult., by the Rey. W. M. Martin, Mr. Geo. W. Davis, of Exeter, to Miss, Bertha. A. daughter of Mr. John Willis. DEATHS CoBBLnn.ICx —In London, on the 26th ult., Catherine Jane Guest, beloved wife of Joseph Cobbledick, aged 24 years. Around About Us, Ailsa Craig: The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. W. M. Shore, of this place to the rectory of Trinity Church, Port Burwell. The weavers in the worsted cloth mills of Miller & Co., at Manayuuk.Pa., have struck for an advance of 15 per cent in wages. Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. West Williams: 'One day last . week Mr. W. Patterson while driving along. the 21st. con. saw a large wild cat on. the roadside. When Mr. Patterson got near the animal it jumped over the fence. Shipka: Mr. J. Lynch has moved over to Uncle Sam's Country.—The people of this vicinity will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Samuel Mc- Kenzie, a former teacher in this section which occurred on. Thursday 18th ult. at his home in West Williams. British Grain Trade. London, October 29 -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British Grain Trade says:—English wheats have been in better demand and have risen 6d. Foreign wheats were firm. Indian wheat advanced 7c1 and American red winter 3d. American flour' rose 3d, and barley, corn and beans 6d. Oats and rye have been wreak. To day the adyance is main tained. English wheats are held for a shilling rise, and foreign for sixpence advance. Indian and California wheats are in good request, at an improve ment in prices. Flour unsettled. Eng- lish flour is weaker, but American firm. Barley is up 3d. and corn Gd. Oats beans and peas are tirm. HOME POINTERS. Gum arabic and gum tragacanth in equal parts, dissolved in hot water,make the best and most convenient mucilage to keep in the house. An English novelty is a basket for re- moving the soiled forks, spoons and knives from the dinner table between courses without making a clatter. In arranging the kitchen closet put powdered borax on the shelves to prevent roaches and other vermin from getting between the paper and shelves. Ink stains may be removed from colored table covers by dissolving a teaspoonful of boiling water and rubbing the stained part well with the solution. If feathers have become damp hold them to dry over a gentle heat; shaking and waving until dry, and you will save the expense or trouble of re -curling. If any foreign substance is swallowed which is sharp, a needle, for instance, cio not give an emetic, but confine the diet to mashed potatoes for two days. Blankets and counterpanes should 'not be included in the general washing. To give these articles the care they require a special day should be set aside for them. PEOPLE. The prince of Wales says that "Robinson Cruse& was thefavorite book of his childhood. Mr. Ruskin's chief delight in his youth was "Arabian Nights," T. D. Sullivan, formerly lord mayor of Dublin, but now representing West Done- gal in the house of commons, will visit this country during the owning season. Ile will make a long tour, lecturing on the Irish question in the principal cities. Abdul Axis, the young sultan of Mor- occo, does nothing without consulting his. mother, who is a woman of tact and tal- ent. After the discovery of the recent conspiracy at Fez she persuaded him to spare the lives of the culprits of lower rauk and to pardon his brother, who was involved. The,personal appearance of Jean Riche - pin, Who is described as the most versatile genius in all France since the death of Victor Hugo, must impress the stranger who meets hi.in for the first time. He is pictured as a tall, burly man, handsome in a brutal style, with a low brow, a thick neck, dilated nostrils and a general air of athle'tie calm, HARMLESS)EAUACIIE POWPOWsktas, ALL HEADACHE, l''hey and :int aaoerr tis,dut tc onve suerlj. thatrfj,bijtsi,nislyj head- achett. (1',•y them, if er'itt cost G esf C dente rrr a Loa, ofd tiles+ a, .o :aanatess.. They are not a Cc trLstla. NATIVES OF MANY LANDS, Prof. Wiggins, the weather prophet, contemplates removing permanently to the United States. President Oasimer-Perier's salary and: allowance amounts to two hundred and forty thousand dollars ayear. It has been cireulated that .on as averege the German emperor receives over six htuidred letters every day; John Moore and wife, of I3'errin, have celebrated their seventieth: wedding day and have received three pounds sterling for the. Pact from Queen Victoria. The king of Italy has sent one thousand francs to the chairman of the committee in charge of the preparations to erect a. monument to the memory of Marshal MacMahon, The contribution was accom-- panied by a letter expressive of his majesty's admiration of the great French-, man. Stambouloff, the Bulgarian ex -minister,, was in his younger days apprenticed to a cobbler. On becoming prime minister, he appointed his former piaster, the cobbler, prefect of the police at Sofia, as a mark of respect for his just and uuereing severity and his remarkable talent for flogging, WHAT WOMEN WILL WEAR. Rough goods to fairly smooth, for out- door wear; big checks, showy plaids and startling effects in tartans. Heavy lines in reds and golden browns for some complexions; gray and lavender; mignonette and black; black and gray. Silk blouses, surah, taffeta, moire, shot fabrics, plain, figured, striped, made usu- ally upon linings; at least until very late in the fall. Long upper shoulder seams to give a drooping effect, high crush or stock col- lars; jet corsage trimmings; Van Dyke points downward from collar, upward from.bell, In skits the plain perfect cut tailor effects for most occasions. French and English modistes agree fairly well in this, though the former allow draperies in gowns of frolic effect. Much use of black, especially of black ribbon in generous widths for bows, ties, rosettes and for points of emphasis. A narrow show of black running over the top of each shoulder and ending midway of the armhole, front and back, is a happy touch upon a gown of almost any hue.— Ellen Osborn. NEWS OF EUROPE. The report put on the registry by the French executioner tells that Santo Case- rio came to his death at the hands of Del- bler, "executeur des hautes oeuvres." At Budapest the congress of hygiene has. just unveiled a monument to Semmel weiss, who, in 1547, first advocated the chemical washing of the hands of operators in surgical cases, and fought all his life for the antiseptic treatment. Pinturicchio's great frescoes in the Bor- gia apartments in the vatican, for years covered by a coating of plaster which Gregory XVI. and Plus 1X. refused to have removed, are now being exposed at the expense of Pope Leo XIII, Guy de Maupassant's body is soon to be removed from the Montparnasse cemetery, where it now lies, to a place in Pere La - chaise, between the graves of Balzac and Gerard deNerval. At the foot of the grave will rise a block of rough marble, shaped like a Breton menhir, with no inscription but his name. FARM AND BARNYARD. Soft food does not tax the digestive or- gans sufficiently to insure their vigor. It is the cause of more deaths of young chicks than anything else, excepting lice. The mutton of most varieties of English long -wool sheep is only slightly more valuable than New Zealand mutton. in London shops and those of many provin- cial towns. The most expensive fertilizer to the farmer is nitrogen, and this cost he can re- duce on his farm by growing clover, cow peas and green crops for turning under, for the purpose of renovating his soil. Sunflower seed is an excellent egg -pro- ducing food and deserves more attention from poultry raisers. It is easily raised in out-of-the-way places and requires little cultivation. Its seed production is en- ormous, one acre often yielding one hun- dred bushels. It should be planted in hills four feet apart. Three quarts of seed. will plant an acre. SCIENCE. Explorers declare that no flowering plant has ever been found within the Antarctic circle. Iu the Arctic circle seven hundred and sixty-two different kinds are known. The.perftune of flowers is more clearly perceived just before or after a rain, be- cause the air, then laden with a moisture, better conveys the essential oils that con- tribute the odor. Until now the depth of four and a half miles, sounded off the coast of Japan, has been the record for creep -sea soundings; but this is now beaten by a sounding in the South Atlantic of seven thousand seven hundred fathoms, or nearly nine miles. Prof. Alexander Graham Bell, the in- ventor of the telephone, is now at work on the problem of seeing as well as talking through a wire. He firmly believes that we willsoon be able to see the people we are talking to by telephone, although hun- dreds of miles away. WITTY BREVITIES. Rope is the twin brother of happiness. To -a small soul a dollar always looks big. It isn't the biggest tree that bears the best fruit, When riches fly they do not do it with a broken wing. There is no deception so dangerous as self-deception. When we fail to justify ourselves we lose our self respect, The man who lives only to please him- self has a hard master, It is a great mistake to suppose that. money can buy happiness. If the bass drum could think it would probably wonder why it has to keep still so much.—ham's Horn, HORTICULTURE. Sir William Harcourt is not only fond of flowers, but he is an enthusiastic ama- teur gardener. The only frostloss belt in this cottn.try is said to be three miles in breadth, lying between Les Angeles and the ocean. Ten- der vegetables flourish in winter. All plants have periods of activity and rest. Some are activerin the ciaytirne and sleep at night; others repose during the daylight hours and are awake at night. The ramie Rhea is tenet and wears well. It is said that in China, where it is used for making clothing, it lasts so well that ehildretl frequently wear the cleqthes which their grandparents wore when"cliildren. Re Duoess of UxfaM Ranges! THE MOST MODERN " ATTRACTIVE RANGES, EVER PUT ON THE MARKET!� Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly in all parts and is perfectly ventilated. The Fire Linings Pouted by the druift frbut the Duplex Fine. Lairs double the usual time. A Perfect Stove Guaranteed in all respects. MANUFACTURED BY The Gurney Foundry Co., L't'd Toronto Ont. For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter, t Have a Very Bad Cough, r� Are Suffering from Lung Troubles. s Have Lost Flesh through Illness, jri Are Threatened • with Consumption. 4„BemeOber that thee , • ghtsV,„ is WHAT YOU a0UIRE. ook'sCottoIlRooi COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe andreliablemedicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi- tute, or Inclose gland 6 cents in postage in letter and we wilisend, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Exeter by W. Browning, Druggist AN IMPORTANT INCIDENT AT A COUNTRY AUC- TION SALE. Quite recently a country store stock was sold of by auction in. lots to suit purchases. The sale, which had been well adver- tised by circulars distributed through- out the country, drew a large crowd of sturdy farmers and their good wivds; the bidding was fast and spirited, and good prices realized for all useful and staple goods. Amongst the vast variety of article put up for sale were two lots of pack age dyes for household dyeing. The auctioneer announced that he would first dispose of the 'Diamond Dyes," goods that every farmer and farmer's wife knew well and favorably. The women, being most interested in these goods, did the bidding, and in ten min- utes time, some six gross of the "Dia- mond Dyes" were sold to anxious buy- ers. The other dyes were theu brought forward, and introduced by some orien- tal name. Said the auctioneer: "I give you the name of these dyes, but I know little about their manufacture or qualities; come, give me a bid, any price." There was no response—not a bid to encourage the anti oneer's heart. See- ing that time was being lost, and an xious to get rid of these dyes at any price, the auctioneer, in a joking way, said: "You surely want your garden fences and barns painted; if these dyes are not good enough to color your. dresses shawls, haws jackett, ,JacLett , .cott,silks and ribbons, they will surely do for common wood sainting," The idea was a novel one—it was a revelation—and seemed to meet with the favor a few, and for a small price, the entire stock of worthless dyes de- signated by a high sounding. name, was sold to ore farmer. who was heart- ily laughed at, There is a most important moral to be deduced from the results of the auc- tion sale just referred to. The moral taught is, that poor and worthless dyes, wherever sold, are dear at any price—even when when used for com- mon fence painting. The "Diamond Dyes" are well known popular and always reliable; they sell everywhere and under all eircumstan es, and give wonderful results in re- storing to, beauty and usefulness old and faded articles of wearing apparel. "Diamond Dyes" save many dollars each year in every farmer's home, _.�mrCSJ tNi��A�\y Stein & Co. manufactures of shirts and underwear at 678 and 679 Broad waS, New York, were closed by the sheriff yesterday. Smallpox has kroken out on the Te cumseh road, near Windsor. There have been nine during the past . week. The steel manufactures of the United. States are said to be contemplating the formation of a trust. A Boon TO HOUSTIMBN.—One . bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy„ as itacts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused 1umps,hlood spavin, splints curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains. George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Democratic leaders seem tothing there is little chance left for a recon- ciliation between Tammany and the Grace Democrats. The Carrie Furnace Company, df Pittsburg, Pa.,has advanced the wages of the day laborers from $1.05 to $1.20 per day. We are glad to learn that the"Pain Hiller is having so large a sale in our city, We have every reason to believe it to be an almost never -failing cure for pain, and is a medicinethat me family should he without. Only 25c for a big bottle. NEGLECTED collo@ z embio SAFELY AND SURELY CURCLS.Sy' Alien Lang Balsam. Rheumatism" Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, fo Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr uggist. 71.N�7v�v V LI O F�f El lei 'SNOLLV.LWII AO 3:3VM35 1,10AVi tiV1ndOd NI 20`d-ld 1261d 3H1 S0IOH 111.1.2 t e%v 1N39Nfld 38Vi1 HDIII ea n. agti JN11SVl 133MS Med MT:Jd„L1L V 15< 11,vr1nn ra LASS 31,V01-120 LAME NEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA. MD RHEUMATISM CURED EVERY TIME Was "D.8:1::MENTHOL PIASTER unD, (IF ALL SHAMS the Business College Sham is the most to be despised. Not ' N.% every institution dubbed Business College is worthy of your support You will in all likelihood take a Business Course bnt once, therefore, why not select a school that has earned a reputation for practical conscientious work. The THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, OF LONTTN ONT., stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian School--- Graduates everywhere successful. Catalogue free, Address J. W. `VESTERVELT, PrinolpaL