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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-27, Page 5
YirTaXers 30)yk 'M Q.741 St. George, Now Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, Pilo Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect Health. • The following letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St. George, N. 13.; " 0. L Hood Sr Co„ Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen—I am glad to say that Iloocl's Sarsaparilla and Iiood's Pills have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip in the winter, and p, . lel after getting over the fever I did not seam to gather strength, and had no ambition. IIoocl's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed. Tho results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house and•use it when I need a tonic. We also keep Hood's Pills on hand and thick highly of them." J. W. DY.Kraux, St. George, Now Brunswick. Sciatic Rheumatism Capt. BplcCsanaliart Teras How He • Was Cured. "About a year ago I was taken with a severe attack of suiatlo rheumatism and was laid off most oe the summer. I went from Here to St. John, N. B., in my packet schooner, and was so helpless and in such suffering that I could not got out of the cabin. The captain of another schooner cane on board to see mo, and wanted me to got Hood's Sarsaparilla; he said it had Sarsaparilla cured Ilam when he was so bad that his wife had to feed him. I s ent to Boston for two bot - ties, which did for me all I had been told Hood's Sarsaparilla would do. I gained rapidly and when S had taken the two bottles I was able to work. .A great litany people here have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla since it cured me, and all speak highly of it." CAYT. S. 11ICGrwANAHAN. 1rlargaretville, Nova Scotia. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists; $1, six for U. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. Hood's Pills aro purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. His Dyspepsia spepsia L ,,led. l[ MB. GRO, READ. Duma Srns,— I write yon to say that for some time I had been suffering from acute indiges- tion or dyspepsia, and of coarse felt very great incon- venienool from same in my general busi- ness. I thereupon decided to try Bur- dockBloocl Bitters, and after taking two bottles I found 1 was quito another man, for B. B. B. CUBED ME. 1 have also used it for my wife and family, and have found it the best thing they can take, and from past experience I have every pleasure in strongly recom- mending B. B. B. to all my friends. 1 write you beoanse I think that it should be generally known waat B.B.B. can accomplish in cases of indigestion. GEORGE READ, Sherbrooke, Que. Affix trotted a mile in 2,03-34 at Galesburg yesterday. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 50 MINUTES.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 80 Minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hear;, One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist Ex -Mayor Rochester of Ottawa died in this city yesterday. Dyspepsia arises from wrong action of the stomach, liver and bowels. Bur dock Blood Bitters cures Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from it, 99 times in 100. Woodstock's new $10,000 opera house is to opened tonight. FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, Cholera Infanttlm, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and . Summer Complaint Dr Fowl'er's'Extract of Wild Straw- berry iS a prom safe and sure cure that has been a porular favorite for over 40 years. Mr: Nunez, President of the Republic of Columbia is Ching, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw• berry cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness of the bow- els. it.'ic- vis. Never travel without Price S5c. Alfred ilcnripairr, a Montreal .tobac- ovist, committed suicide by shooting in the Jesuit 3 College in that city . �es- o • torday. BURDOCK l.'Ii,T,S, small, safe and :sure, regulate the liver, and cure con stipaLion . ars7"41r)to) tilllite MOE ALL ELSE FAILS. Rest Cough Syrup. 'castes Coed, Use in thee. Sold by druggists , is'U;,M'rP.,T 4' Nitat..; �; DFAMDND DYES Have Established a Won- derful Fame. Arlt: RED WHI'TE AND BLue, 0, dyes, used from ocean to wean, Ye Diamond Dyes,pure,fast and truel No wonder that female devotion And first thonghts aro centred in you Yo bring to each home, joy and pleasure And many a dollar ye Save; To every good housewife a treasure, A Melia a companion and slave. Clloitus: A friend, a companion and slave, A friend, a companion and slave, Diamond Dyes brings to all joy and pleasure. And many a dollar they save. Diamond Dyes always ready for duty, Working merrily never forlorn; Ye restore to brightness and beauty Each garmentrsoiled faded and worn, Throughout this extended Dominion. A11 people have hoard of your name, And critics are all of opinion. That ye are entitled to fame. Cironus: All people have heard of your name, All people have heard of your name, Diamond Dyes in this fair young Do- minion,' Have established a wonderful fame. The annual convention of the Caned ian Electrical Association opened. in Montreal yesterday. THAT HACKING COUGH can be quickly cured by Hagyards Pectoral Balsam. Price 25c, It, Stinchcomb, a young farmer of Olden Township, was fatally kicked by a horse yesterday. Some people laugh to show their pretty teeth. The use of Ivory White Tooth Powder makes people laugh more than ever. It's so nice. Price 250. Sold by druggists. Grand Master Sargent of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen has been reelected by acclamation. DR. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM SYRUP removes worms of all kinds Lem chi:dren or adults. A true bill has boon returned against Truskey for the alleged murder of Con- stable Lindsay at Comber. Dyspepsia causes Dizzines,Eleadache, Constipation, Variable Appetite, Rising and scouring of hood, Palpitation of the Heart, Distress after eating. Bur- dock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia if faithfully used ac- cording to directions. Matthew Dnggau, a former resident of Brantford, was killed on the track at Lefroy, N. Y•, yesterda;,y, NORWAY Pine Syrup cures coughs Norway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis Norway Pine Syrup heals the Lungs The Reported execution of insurgent officers at Santa Cruz is offiicially de- nied by President Peixoto. A Boole TO HoRSE3IEv,—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or callused lumps, blood spavin,splints curbs, sweetly, stifles al,d sprains George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. A verdict of wilful Murder hes been returned by rhe Coroner's jury in the File Hille, N.W.T., shooting case, The stomach of man is subject to a dozen such common but painful af- fections as cramps, cholera morbus. cholera, diarrhoea, and dysentery, anct by neglect any of there may bo made chronic and dangerous. All are more or less pain ful;And thn best handiest, surest, and quickest remedy is Perry Davis Painkilller, a medicine which has been tried in all quarters of the world for mere than a quarter of a cen- tury and never failed to give relief. It is sold by al repntahle druggists. Large bottles now size 25c. each. The eigbt•year ole son of John Stev- enson was run over and install tly killed by a trolley car in Montreal last night, For Over Fifty Years. AN 0L» AND W r.n-Tn7Ln Rmusny,--Mrs WVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over arty years by millions of mothers for thou children while teething, with per - foot st'icosss. it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic and i, the be:,t remedy for Diarrha,a, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In, every part of the World, Twenty-tivs .cents a bottle. It.h value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind McCormick's planing mill at Winni- peg was totally destroyed by fire last night, Loss $10,000. ALL TfFl lousy; oicl or middle-aged, who find .themselves nervous, weak and ex - delisted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resniting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depreesion, premature oldage, loss of vitality, Toss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, amissfons, lack of energy, , pain in the .r + ti t e 1 der! headaches, Gl J as, pimples in the face and body, itehing or' peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the e, es, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and olsi+hw here. bashfulness.' depos- its in the urine; loss of will -power, ten. dcrness of the seelp and spine, weak acrd flabby muscles, desire to sleep, fal)n,•e to be rested by sleep, const.ipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. .excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, sin rounded with LEADEN .CIRCLETS, oily looking Skin, ete.. are all +vmptems of.norvhus debil- ity that lead to nsenity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost ire tension every futletioe wanes, in urn 1crl ecce 1 ho;ae Who through Rogge,+, committed ill ignor'nnce, iney lie pe amen eared. Sent serve ad- dt"'ss fee book on disease, pectinate to magi, song' free, eeelcd, Address M. '4", liacdonnel Ave, Toronto Otah, 1.4 Hur'o'n Assizes, The Fall Assizes for Huron opened on Monday before Mr. Justice Falcon bridge, E. F. 13, Johnston appearing for the crown. There were 12 civil and. five criminal cases on the list, the lat. ter including two charges of rape and one of attempt at rape. The cases disposed of thus far were: McKinnCal v. Crowe, action for breach of promise of marriage in May, 1892, but the engagement was broken off two weeks before that date, defendent contending, with the consent of plain till'. Defendant subsequently married another woman. The jury returned a sealct3 yerdict for $550 dainsi •es for plaintiff, and his lordship awarded full costs. McLean v. Peterson, an action for the sale and purchase of apples, and referred to Judge Toms for enquiry into the facts and report as special referee. Fanson v. Fanson, an action for -an. account was thrown out, his lordship refusing to try it, as the jury notice had been struck out after the case was entered. TA Ward v, Thorpe, an action for slander, a verdict for $1 damages and costs with an apology by defendant, was accepted. Barr v. Wilson, an action for slander Plaintiff was secretary and manager of the Ethel Cheese Company, a and a son of the defendant was pals employed there. Defendant pleaded justification of the charges he had made, and the accounts of the company was gone in to. The jury gave a verdict for the defendent and his 1ordehip dismissed the action with costs The Queen v. John Jardine, attempt at rape The prisoner is a voting man about 18 years -of age, and the victim was his cousin, a little girl of seven. The offence offered no evidence, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. He was sentenced to 2 years in Cent- ral Prison. The Queen v. Thos. Smith -Indict- ment for rape --prisoner was arraigned, and pleaded not guilty. Winnie Graves the crown witness, having denied the whale evidence given before the mag istrate by her, Mr Johnston stated that it would be useless to go on any furth- er. His lordship directed the crown at- torney, Mr. Lewis, to prosecute Winnie Graves, for perjury iu connection with her evidence in these proceedings. McNevin y Fero—An action :for se- duction. Verdict for defendant. His lordship directed that judgement be entered on and a fter the second day of next sittings of the Divisional Court, dismissing this action with costs. Morgan v. Londe') ' Mutual Fire Ins. Co.—Action on policy of insurance. By consent of counsel, his lordship di- rected that judgement be entered for the plff. for $600 and cost of suit. Proctor v. Coats—Settled out of court. PRESENTMENT. The jurors for Our Lady the Queen beg leave to report that they have ex- amined the jail and find: At present there are 12 prisoners in the county, viz, 9 males and 3 females. Of the fe- males two are insane and awaiting re. moval to the asylum: the other is eom mitted as a vagrant sheds aged and weak minded, Of the males two are awaiting trial for rape; two are insane one of a very violent type, both ere awaiting removal to the asylum: the remaining three are vagrants, all aged none of them fit for work of any kind whatever; two boys not yet committed for truancy. respectively aged 12 and 13 years. Some of those retainers in jail are proper subjects for a county poor house more than a jail, and we would recommend such a place to be erected, Tiros. FITTCN Foreman, Parkhill Whilest watering' the horse of Mr. Mollard, of Grand Bend, in the Ilastings (louse stables last Mon- day, Mr. E, Totten was kicked by the animal and was badly injured on the head and face. It was first feared that the' injuries might prove danger' oue, but he will be alright after a few days. Goderich: People have deckled to form a joint stock company to erect a large summer hotel and sanitarium. It is thought that proper buildings and a suitable site should be secured for front $15,000 to $20,000. A canvas for stock is being made, and the tow; is to asked to assist the eaterprize by a bonus or by subscribing for stock. Goderich: The Great North-western Fair opened here to -day under the most favorable auspices. The weather was good and the exhibition above the aver age iu every respect, especially in thA fruit exhibition, The live stock department is complete, and represents a fide exhibit. To morrow will be the great day of the fair, Hou; J. C. Pat- terson is a visitor. Seaforth: l\lr. and Mrs John Hend- erson, an aged couple of this town, hap, peeled with what might have proved a very' serious accident ou londty evening last. It seems the old gentle - mat had the eightmare and getting up out of bed, ran against a dresser, cutting his face up tautly and render- ing him tirfconsciousfor afew moments, ['le called Mrs. Henderson who itnmerl- iatel,vprecured a lighted lamp and in vane. to hien stumbled and fell injur- irtg l erself so severly that she was un= able to rise. The lamp fell ' from Lor hands to the floor, but ere it had e chance to do any damage Mr, Rend ersnn, who in the meantime had re gained consciousness, picked it up. Mrs. Henderson is still 10 bed suffering from the effects of the accident but the old gentleman is able to be around epee Unci lir, Ilerrclet'son not regain• eel cott9cinitanetss in time to pick up the lamp both would probable have been burned to death before any essista.nce ,y could have arrived, It was certainly a providential escape from a horrible death: HOFrig,Ye fiCllls'ifLl ss } El1ACilE awe of -sett to aenave every, thing,btatsimply head- aches, it,r•y thein, dt wilt cost bat :OG cents r�vr' a bete anr1 they u,.•e har-rntase. Ther are not a CathartlQ. jtraiiisj CONSIDERS IT A DUTY The Glad Intelligence May Save Many Lives. Paine's Celery Compound Delivers Mrs. McKillop from the Terrors and Pains of Rheumatism. The Disease Caused Terri- ble Agony. Cords in the Palms of the Hands Drawn Up In Knots. Sufferings and Tortures Ended Af- ter the Great Medicine was Used In the past, thousands have publicly declared that Paine's Celery Compound delivered them from the terrors and pains of rheumatism and terrible sefa- tic%L. The same work is being done to -day on a vastly more extended scale, Mar- tyrs to rhuematism are throwing aside the deceptive and worthless medicines that have no merit, honesty or solid standing, and are demanding Paste's Celery Compound from their druggists and dealers. They seethe wonderful results that have coma from the use of Paine's Celery Compound to friends, neighbors and relatives; they also are aware of the fact, that every eure published for the encouragement of the sick and suffering sones from some responsible resident of Canada, who can be inter- viewed or written to. To -day we give another strong and mighty proof of the:never failing power of Paine's Celery Compound, The let ter comes from Mrs. Mary McKillop, of Campbellford, Ont,; she; says:— "After using your Paine's Celery Compound I am of opirdorr that .1 should say something in its favor for the benefit of all who have not given it a trial, "I was a sufferer from rheumatism for a long trine, and endured great pain. The cords in the palms of my hands were drawn up in knots, and I despaired of getting relief. However, after using Paine's Celery Competed I have banished . all my pains and troubles, and find thyself strengthened 1n every way. "I think Paine's Celery Compound is the hest medicine in the world for rheumatism and all •neryous com- plaints, and I will always recommend it strongly. I particularly recommend your medicine to all weak and delicate women." Montreal City Council has appointed a epecial committee to investigate the chanes against the police force of that city. It is said that 1). L. Scott, Q. 0, Re ging, will succeed the late Cel Mcleod as Northwest Suprememe Court Judge. Kippen: On Wednesday a very pleasant event took eelace at the resi• deuce of Mr. John Crawford, London road.. This was the marriage of bis second daughter, Mary, to lir. Henry C. Monteith. of Tuckersmith. The ceremony was performed on the lawn by .Rev. S. Acheson, assisted by Rev. J. S• Henderson, of Housall; The groom was supported by his brother, Alexand er, while the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ella. Morris: A very sad and sudden death occurred on Thursday evening last,. when the wife of Mr, Jewell, of the 2nd cote, passed away with dropsy of tor a couple of clay's illness. She was just budding into womanhood, being only 24 years grid 9 months. She was a daughter of Mr. David Herrington, formerly of Stapleton, uear Clinton, and was held in very high regard, the f un- eral on s Saturday being one of the *gest seen in this section, Varna: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward of Verne, were called to mourn the death of their first and only child, a daughter of some six months of age which occurred on the 150 inst., after a brief illness, unite alarge gather- ing attended the funeral service which :vas conducted by the Rcvs.Leech and Irwin on the following Sabbath after. noon, Mr. aucl Mrs, Ward have :the svmpslthl' of the . entire neighborhood in their beleavoment. Stratford: A couple of weeks ago it was announced that tuberculosis was prevalent ent ut S tratford, 'and that a well !sown breeder of thoroughbred cattle had suffered the loss of 57 head, With - le the last fine days another tee head of choice cattle were added to the list, making a total of 67 head belon •itba'to the; fine herd of John. rdingten, (1, 0., that hay been slaughtered ab;d buried Wit befit somuch as removing i a single hide, the total loss being estimated at sotiletliine like $7,000, Icford oi'°.. Furnaces FOR ALL SIZES OF DURUM . : Capacity from xo,oao to 8o,000 feet "C']VCLOSE STBEL RADIATOR." OXFORD 'WOOD FURNACE. WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood burning, Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome ane' Radiator, which heat quicker and are more durable. RADIATOR, of Modern Construction and Great Besting Power. LARGE ASII PIT. COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber. Long Fre Travel encircling Radiator. Large Heating Surface, I arge Feed Door. Sectional Fire Pot. uutating Bar Dumping Grate, DEEP ASFI PIT. Full Guaranteed Capacity CeTOGUE and TESTIMONIAL BOOK, , , Manufactured by .. , THE GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., TORONTO. vZATC424 PERRYIA'T&LER DO Y� IN THE HO YOU KEEP IT ..� NCANADIAN CHOLERA. -DIARRHIMA allo BOWEL COMPLAINTS — -=-ITS EFFECT IS MAGICAL. WOOD'S 3E9SCOSI,ZIODINE. The Great English Remedy. Sia Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weaknc as, hhnissions, Sperm- atorncoa, Impotency and all erects of Abuse or Excesses, •,e.=-,�. - Mental Worry, excessive use Bef09'eand After. oyTobacco,OpiunaorStimu- Zan.ts, wreiol', soon lead to In. enmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Hasbeenprescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the only (fellable and honest rifedicine known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosphodane; if he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in tetter, and we will send by return mall Price, one package, 51; six, 85, One will please, six will pure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company-, Windsor, Ont„ Canada. Sold in Exeter by .T. W, browning, Itruggsit Lucas: A Luran correspondent says: "Mrs. Sheridan, of Lucan, has issued a writ against the Rev John Connoly. P. P. of Biddulph, for slander, to come off at the London assizes." The Pope will issue an encylical to the American Bishops in November. DEAS SIRS.—I have used Yellow Cil for two or three years, and think it has no eq •al for croup. Mrs. J. S. O'Brien, Huntsville, Ont. The anniversary of the ut.ification of the Kingdom of Italy Will be celebrat- ed to•dny, atiseuritatirjrn Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia., radically cures in 1 to 8 clays. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 25c, Sold by C. Lutz,Dr ui giet, Alfred Tourord, aged 14, fatally shot himself at Winnipeg while duck shooting, That Tired keeling. Is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blond. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for such a condition, a:Id also fur that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care- fully prepared from the best inured te0 ts, Vet weather prevented the conclu- sion of the international cricket match at Philadelphia yesterday, and the event war declared a drew. .Btelie5'xn six names. Distreseiug Kidney and Bladder di senses relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEY Cringe" This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic fans on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pnfn in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost Mimed. lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is ynh:r remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, Solicitor Reeveof • T i • the United tied Status Treasury Department has formerly de. cided that the new. tarriff becatue aper ative on Angust 28. 1 MURRAY E6 CO. Manufacturers anti Dealers In Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and T)isk .Harrows. Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tion in''Brass and Iron to order. .Also dealers in Piping, Fillings, Brass Goods, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in large quantities. Repairing promptly clone. . . JAS FURRAY a Co, s+t• e wf. ' ��r`�a•�Nr�" 1 1 t`,:d, o CiH•LpLf ©f5tcrsU LANBE4JiRGof JIrvrio,NS©-k�i. � u: Ld:CH "y�t THE GREAT PURIFIER y ' asTows SARSAPARILLA CURES. ALL Taints of the Blood. -11 IIEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED EVERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM 'rE Nam. b 7 THO L PLASTER SR US I. I` ALL SHAMS the Business College Sheen is the most to be despised. Nut every instirttrim dubbed Business College is worthy of y'ottr support, 'Yon will in all likelihood take a Business Course. but 0110e, therefore, why not eelect a school that hitt earned a reputation for praettcal conscientious work. The TIIE romi:sT CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, OF LONDON, ON`1', stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian 1 :, School... Graduates everywhere successful. Catalogue free. Address J, W, WESSTEI3VELT, Principal.