HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-27, Page 41 THEet.etey+ SANDERS st DYER, Praia EtTRSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1.894. ,D.41IR` 1'./sYG INDUSTRY REPORT. Among other useful Ogees of in Mations published by the • fedral eine stent at Ottawa, is a report tared by Air. Geo, Johnson, Detain • Statistician, oe the dairying Indus caiCtauada, The objeet of this rap Re to show our farmers what bas b c ann's'n Canada in.the Way of dairsi erbat markets there are for butter ase, and the extent to which dai :producing countries have found a m titer for their products. According the- census of 1890, there were in. *Dominion 1,565 cheese factories a nate. reameries; the two industries ca istario and Quebec having employ :zit. their productions $1,777,502 for t atrovince, and for Quebec $1,1S3,S lira the same year the total prodneti i"^nr all Canada in butter and ehee 'ars as follows: in butter 115,938,1 Ms and in cheese 114,981,541 lbs. eats the increase in the yield of tho tent articles of dairying, the repo gates that in 1871 there were produc 22`.,9437455 lbs of cheese:—and 75,17. lbs of butter. Ten years late tJ.et is in 1881, the yield of cheese h Ltereased to 63,901,152_ibs; and in ba tar to 102,545,169 lbs. These figur stakeas a large increase, and aecordin tes the published report Canada's e yea of cheese has been somethin eeiltenemenal, When our republica m a ghbors chose to cut off their nose t slate their face, by putting an end t Reciprocity of 1854, our Canadia (raters were led to erect cheese fa tries, and Dow with the immense de eeiopment of trade, and their self re Ennt efforts in cheese production, th tTrz meat of Canada are able to shu =tout foreign products and to com Bate successfully with our America tttcghbors in exporting to the Britis erkets, Mr, Johnston's report give ten tabulated statement of the compare e export of cheese from Canada an ern the United States, from 1860 dow tsz•1893; showing a steady increase o em ort from Canada during those 3 Imes in the article of cheese `f e h give the figures for the st year ane as follows: Year Canada's exports U. S. export lbs. lbs. 891 106,202,140 82,133,87 ;Sae 118,270,052 82,100,22 1 rad 133,946,305 81,350,92- This certainly, is a grand showing seta which it appears that little Cana de, with its five millions of people ex - ?Tatted inl 893 upwards of 52,000,000 its .titan the United States, with their ,qty million inhabitants! Iu the ar t.i:le of butter, our exports `vera with- in' a million pounds or over of those ea the U. S. And were 'proper care oaken in the manufacture and packing c T butter, there is no reason why we tieseld not eclipse our American neigh• hvxrs in the article of butter as well as an that of cheese.. It is well for our flamers to remember that Canadian for- ov- ure- ier. try ort eau ng, and ry- ar to the nd for 'ed his 02, orfs. 80 65 To se rt ed 2,. r, ad t - es h n 0 0 n 0- u h s • d n 3 S s (i 3 cheese brought in the British market ac fraction over 10 cents a pound, while 'PAS l5. S. article brought only about 9 s este There are many other useful rhe ns of information in Mr. Johnson's pyublishecd report; and our representa- tives in parliament would do well to Disuse and circulate freely among t'Ne. farming community copies of :the - ablaze e rnPr nt MUE L': ,S'. Clad- TOie i1Z YE al• TION. For years past the cry for annexe - tan was the chief trump card in the plaice] piny of oar leading Reformers. New, eforme rs- Now, however, since it has been dem rsni.atrated abat Canada can live with mat the aid of continental union or re •iprocity,, the old cry for annexation las been virtually abandoned by the•. Liberal leaders—and now it is the Sara of America's senators to urge 1.at the United States he anucxod to Caanada, Of course it is tha old story of "wall; into my parlor," as said the e Aider to the fly. It is very amusing ea:listen to the reasons given by such rosea as Senator Higgins, of Deleware, tete. was invited to speak at Ogdens nrg} N.Y., on occasi:,n of the County . lei; on the relations exist Ig between n aasrrsda and the United States. Sonat '8r; Haggles had to admit :the superior syantages enjoyed by the Canadian 'lamer over the farmers of the Eastern aiates—on the ground of wore fertile meii, lower wages, cheaper living, eta., —ate well as on other g•i ounds, such as itie great waterways of Canada and er,- :w•`wellments made by Caaacliria rail» leap upon the internal carrying trade ;mss the neighboring ,States. But Mr ins .,igx, e)i,tcz.ded that as Canada guild not safely reekoe on a contiii ince of the present American policy of a lower tariff—which he said was only a "deceitful illusion" held out by' the rece:.t Tariff act to betray Canadians into the hope of freer access to Atneri_ eau markets—the true•remedy for the people of both countries was to be formed in contineutal utity. From the whole tenor of Senator Higgins' re- marks it is eyidelrt that our ueeighbors, feel sore at the idea 'of Canadian' pro- gress, considering our proved ability to be independent of the American market, and the advantages secured to us by the Behring Sea tleaty, as well as the superior facilities enjoyed by Canada as being the nearest route between Britain and the Australian markets, All this has operated in pro- ducing the conviction ou the minds of American politicians that Canada is a standing menace to their national prosperity—as much so as the South was to themselves before the war— which cost them eight million dollars and half a million lives, besides the heavy drain upon them ever since for pensions to:the two millions of people that were wounded during the four years' war. The probability of a war between us and our neighbors is quite beyond the region of surmise or spec- ulation, bedause whatever friction may be engendered in future between the two nations on the ground of commer• cial rivalry, such is the prevailing sentiment on the part of both English speaking peoples in regard to the pro- priety of settling all questions of differ- ence by peaceful arbitration that Sen- ator Higgins' concealed threat of war need give us no concern whatever. THE BARON MARTYRS. The buncombe threat of the Massy - Harris company to remove themselves to the United States has given the Grit press of Canada a chance to come out hi a new role. It has been the habit of the Grit press to say that manufac- turers—the Massey -Harris company in- cluded—were robbers protected by law iu their assaults upon the pockets of the consumers. They have been called "red parlor patriots," "pap -suckers," thieves," "pampered barons," and all' manner of names,and it has been charg • ed that the national policy took money out of the poor consumer's •pocket to make these bad people rich. Now how- ever, all that has been changed. The Massey Harris company is a company of martyrs, who have suffered terribly at the hands of the Tory government, ['hey have been conducting their ex teurive busiuess at a Ioss; they have been struggling against frightful ob• structions; they have been, keeping their works going simply tur the pur- pose of obliging their many customers, and now, feeling that they can no lon ger maintain the unequal struggle they propose to abandon this tariff -rid- den country to its fate and seek wealth in a country where the tariff is higher! The Grit heart bleeds when the Grit head ponders upon the woes of the un fortunate N. P. -ridden Canadian man- ufacturer, and Grit tears are being shed in oceans over the particular woes of the Massey -Harris company, It is all very melancholy. .Bidduiph, Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held and duly appreciated last Sunday in St. Patrick's church. A largrs gath- ering of members and strangers as- sembled at 11 a m., canon the Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Seaforth, preached an impressive discourse snitable to the oc- casion. The young people of St. Pat- rick's church bad displayed great taste in their church decoration, and the of- fertory presented was moss, liberal. Rev. Mr, Steele, who had exchanged for the day with Rev. Mr. Hodgins, was delighted with the reception accorded co him by the church members in Sea forth, and was highly complimented for his excellent discourse. Oredlton, (Too Into for last week) Mrs, Umback and Mrs. Stahls left for home this week after spending a short time here among relatives and friends. —Mr, Wm. Fritz has returned home from his visit in Morriston.—Mr, Mor - lock and wife of Morri.scon, are visiting relatives and friends here, -Mr. Sny der, wife and daughter, of Mildrnay, are renewing acquaintances here.— Some sneak theives effected an en- trance into Mrs. Schwartz's cellar last Monday night and carried away four- teen cans of fruit and a. quantity of but ter. Itis to be hoped the filchers will be caught atitlebrought to justice. ---Mr Chas layloi',`of Elkton, Mich , is home at present owing to the illness of •her sister, Miss A. 'Banns, who is still in a week condition, ---One of our would•be gc<ntlmen is accustomed to hanging around back yards and has become quite a nuisance to some people. This has beennoticed several tunes and if not stopped in the near future au in vestt.4'ation will he made.—Our genial barber Mr. Samuel Lampert has at last taken suite himself a life partner in the person of Miss Eliza Rowe, daughter of Mr. Thos. Rowe of Exeter. 'We wish rhe young couple every happiness and may all their troubles be little ones, Mr. Alex, Duncan one of our enter prising ,merellants. bee greatly improv- ea the appearances of his store by giv- ing it a freshooat of ,paint,—Mr, Haeknoy, who. has been spending his vacation, with his parents has return• ed to Loudon to resume his studies in the Western Medieal College.—Mr. John Sandercock and wife of Fullerton, were the guars. of Mr. and airs, Aura klod garb on Sueday last.—Mr. Robt, Matt Donald visited his brother John in Tuckersnrith 00 Sunday last.—Mr' and Mrs. John Bell have rttturned home af• ter a few drys visiting atnougst friends and relatives iu • Teckerstntth.--While one of our youngGents was attending the young, people's prayer meeting in the besenieut of the Pres,.. ehtireh, he left his "cane" a World Fair souvenir standing in the ante -room after it was closed he found it oat side with the head wrenched off and otherwise die- figured. If the party repeats the act, his name will appear ie print, Tuokersmitll. George White has leased the farm of his brother Josiah, at $280 a year. The latter leaves in week or so on a pros pecting trip to Algoma,—John White has rented Mrs. Cudmore's 50 acre farm at $150 a year.—A number of our people attended the Western Fair last week.-lieury O'Brien has re- painted his house and other buildings. —Mrs. H. O'Brien and Mss. E. Johns are recovering from their recent illness —The death of Mr, Nathaniel Cosens, of the 3rd con., which occurred on Wednesday morning last, removes an other of the tow remaining pioneers of the township. Deceased had been in delicate health for sone time, and his death was, therefore, not unexpected, He was born in Sussex, Eng., in 1818, and with other members of the family emigrated to Canada in 1882. He was a tanner by trade, and for some time iu business at Guelph and Paris. In the year 1861 he moved onto the farm on which he died, and has lived there ever since, owning it for some time be fore he took possession of it. He took an active interest in public affairs, be ing a staunch Liberal, and unusually well informed, not alone in current af• fairs, but in matters of history and lit- erature, and was for several years a member of the township council. He was a Baptist, enjoyed the good will and esteem of all who knew him, was hospitable and large hearted—a good neighbor and citizen. Ho leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter, the latter now married and living in But alo. The funeral takes place to day at 2.80 p.m,to Turner's cemetery.— News Recor. Clinton. On Friday as Mrs. David Steep: wa closing a window the frame of whic had swollen with the rain and re quired some force to pull down, her foo slipped, and in trying to save herse her hand went through the glass, cut ting the wrist so badly as to require the services of a doctor to tale some o the glass out. —Ou Saturday a hors was hired from Beattie s livery to go t Exeter; on Sunday the party who hire it came hi and told Mr. Beattie that th horse had become so lame below Bruce field that it could not be driven home Mr. Beattie went down and found tha the horse had in some tinaccouutabl way broker its leg, and there was n alternative but to shoot it. One nigh last week a man asked for a. night' lodging in the cooler here. Ile wa under the influence of liquor and wa recognized as a man who had a one time been a we:l known com menial traveller. Three years h and three brothers fell . heirs to 0 OCO, which was evenly diyided. Hi allowance has been squandered i drink, and to -day he has not one cent —This section was visited by a storm of unusual severity and violence on Thursday evening last, the wind hay ing, cyclonic force, while the rain was in the nature of a cloud burst.—in Goderich township; from which sectian the storm approached town, bridges were washed out on the 1st, 4th and 6th concessions, and three culverts on the Huron road were v e destroy gal; in places where the culverts were at least four feet lower than the road the rush of water was so great as to flood the roadway. A dam on tire farm of Mr. D. Cox was washed away. The wind un• roofed the barn of Mr. John Holmes, just west of town; it then struck and damaged the houses of Mr. Hale, Rat - ten bury St.; Miss Mountcastle and Mrs. Taylor on Spencer St,. It then lifted three quarters of the roof offForrester's fax mill, carried it accross the road- way and lodged it in a field about 50 feet distant. McTaegarts windmill was then wrecked; striking two chim- neys on' the rear of Mrs, Manning's house, both were demolished, the raft ers being cracked; a stable belonging to Mr. Hugh McDonald was unroofed, the top being carried out into the road:. trees twelve inches in diameter were uprooted bodily or snapped like pipe - stems; no further damage was done until the cyclone reached ,rrbotit 5 miles into Hullc'tt, when it uprooted the barns of Messrs, Albert and 'Robert Brown. The wind appeared to pass in a streak through the northern end of the town, for no wind of any account wits experience elsewhere. The rain hewer, descended so fast that the larg est culverts were not sufficient to to carry it off, and the streets were flooded from side to side, A dart-comple eioned, haid•featured tramp was arrested ea Monday in a coach on the side track of the G, T. R. fie was drunk and disorderly and Chief, GS'hestley seen had hien behind the bars, i cstcritav morning he was arraigned before the Mayor', Ile gave his iu 1 eas that m tl of o' Jams e Bradley and ri adle would only reply d came fromy Ire. land" when questi, ned, The Mayor s h If b • e 0 d e r 0 s e n sent hint up for thirty days.—.Three riga we e ba . driven down o Albert street at little after seyen o'eloult last Saturday evening, All were nearly abreast, Cora May, the five-year-old daughter of Mr M. Beckwith, was play- ing tag with auother little girl on the street, and barely escaped with her life, She was knocked clown and se- verely bruised, Mr. T.. L. Fortune, of .Ilarland's hardware, picked her up, She is around again with a badly clis- fie'ured face,—We regret very much to Stale that Clinton is gaining iloiariety by having' clothes line thieves within its borders. Last Monday night part- ies who are known deliberately stole •a quantity of clothing from the premises of Mr,.John Scruton, Albert street. Just why they should endeavor to. compel A r. Seruton to adorn Sir Richard's Grit short garment because it bas,been stolon we are at 'a loss: to know,- The thieves are known and a; warrant Will be issued for arrest euless the goods are 'returned at au early date, -News - Record. Dashwood. Several from this section took in the fair at Loudon last week. -Mr. Henry Wiliest shipped a load of lambs on Fri- day last,—Soiue of our young men were out on a coon hunting expedition one night recently and were success• ful in capturing a little black and -white coon, One of the party being an experienced hurter was determined to Lill their g•anie andin consequence has had to wear a bandage over his nose ever since. He says he'll go again.— Its high time the health Inspector paid a visit to our village as the stench from some of the pig -pens and other out buildings is almost unbearable. It seems a pity that in a civilized com- munity like this that people have no respect for their neighbor's nose than is shown by some of our villagers in regard to this matter. We don't want to a ear a bandage over our nose like the young coon hunter.—Tho summer is ended and fall is now here and with it comes the wind and rain, sweet cider and apple•butter. The wood -man's axe will soon. be in order again. Huy. Coungil, The council met, pursuant to ad- journment, in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday September 15th. Alt pres- ent. Turnbull—Battler, that the mins Utes of hast regular and the last spec- ial meeting be adopted as read, Car- ried. Turnbull—Battler that by-law No. 6 as read a third time, be passed. Carried. Geiger- McMordie that the reeve be instructed to get advice in regard to the Hay swamp drain, as to the acceptauce of the job. Carried. Battler—McMordie. that the following accouuts be paid: B. Hogarch, nails for culvert 300; Albert Hendrick, cul vert and tile for side road $S. T. Turn- bull, lumber and culvert $1.50; Charles Greb, repairing drain $2,50; Mrs Tim mer charity, $5: Eli Duscharrne cul- yert $2.50; P. Sipple protecting bridge from fire in big swamp $2.50; Daniel Soclts culvert on S. B $2.50;. B. G. Hicks, Hay swamp drain -$1000; C. Oswald, reut for booth at electieu $2; Samuel Rennie, lumber and work on Spencer bridge $23.10; J. Rumford, culvert on S. B. $1.50; J. Rumford washout on W. B $5.25; A. ICeareher culvert $3; James Bonthorn, rent of election booth, S. S. No. 2 $2; Edward Troyer reut for election $2; Henry Leis bold, removing tree and repairing cul- vert 50e,; C Oswald, ditch on C. R. $1.50. Geiger—Battler that the courr- eil do now adjourn to meet agaiu ou October 27th aG 9 a. m, Sam. J. Latta, Clerk. Exeter Fair Continued. firs 0 Nott; drawn threads and hem stitching, T H McCallum, Mrs John White; silk work, M Creighton, Mrs Graham; panels, R Hicks, Mrs 0 Camp- bell: fancy table, T H McCallum, Mrs C Campbell, home made bread, G A X McLeod, Mrs H Chesney, W Chesney, netting, T Ellerington, 11 hicks. CHILDREN'S 'S DEPART,11 ENT. Hemmed hael erel,iefs, T H IticCal• lam W Chesney; darned socks W Ches. n•, y,crochet work in wool, Is: Bell, W Chesney; crochetoch't w0tk in cotton R Bell, W Chesney; painting, W Chesney; drawing, John MeNevin, 1st 2nd; best dressed doll, T II McCallum; dolls' clothes, T II ileCallum; fancy pin cash ion, T H,McCallunt; iv Ch sney; wool work, 1' EIlerington ; plain sewing by child under 8 years of age, Vera Cob bleclick, w Chesney. EXTRAS—Wood work, W Chesney, salt work, W II Wood; crayon portrait:. Mrs J White; pen drawing D. A An- derson ; n-derson; carved work, T H McCallum; Embroidered apron, W Folland: glove case, R Hicks; .Komar crewel. Miss E EIyndman; centre piece, Mrs J White; rope table, D A Anderson, JUDGES—Mrs, Link, Mrs Steinbach. SPEEDING CONTESTS. FREE FOR -ALL "Rosa B" T Hetherington .1 1 1 "Moll 0" W Hawkshaw 2 3 2 "Joe Bowers" R Paisley 8 2 3 Time: 2.41 2,41, 2,87 Tnnxn-MINUTE TROT "King Stanton" T Murdock 1 1 1 "Grey Eagle" W 41'iriell 8 2"2 ".Jack" A Duncan 2 8 3 Time: 8.00 2.47 2.39 Train 1` eeasrnns Snell and Leathern 1 2 1 1 JBell, Bin' 212.2 W Hoagies 8838 Time 3.28 3,20 8.22 3,17 FARiVri liS TROT W 'vVitzell, I Armstrong M "/.,iter W Bowden 111 522 238 4 4 4 Dan I3%cks Trane: 4,12 4.,12 4 04 66 llvtsrtx.res It ACE. A Taylor 1st, Sid Davis and, F 0 R ARGAINS. Atkin,son's Furniture are rooms is the cheapest and: best place in the County to buy Fur. nature. 9.00 A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and every thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to- be my own make, of first-class drymaterial, nothing but best hard lumber used. i` • Lumber and Wood. Taken in exchange for Furniture. Wire Mattresses. The only place in town where you can buy • the Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Mattress,—war, ranted not to rust, J.D. Atkinson, Prop. loadman's ,....war cMaeeRCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe's old Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. . . , . 'Term1ieasot, b1e ± nns rpOoelepl, one 1 eotiou W. G. Bissett's Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. . TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G-. BISSETT C. LTTTZ e PROP Fa11so11's Brock Exeter. Family Fec&&pts and Pre cvip" got Care fel 1r prepared. A complete stock of drugs, patent medicines, Drug- gists' supplies, perfumes, toilet soaps, hair brushes, tooth brushes, combs and all articles to be found in Drug a first-class Dl u , Store. DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist; Bicycles, • Sewing Machines inesg Baby Carriages And. Musical e Instruments. e We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter. and vicinity, -- Greater Bargains ! Greater Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods -can be had by calling at our ware -rooms —One door north Dr. Lutes cl1'ug store PERKI$S & MIilN. dm Snell Z a117. st_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock lams IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser in gs, ' French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J SNELL Furniture! Furniture! Furniture t 1 T We have moved back to our old store again and have the finest stock of Parlor, Bedroom and Din- ingraom. Furniture in the town, at prices that can- not be beaten. Elegant new bamboo goods just coming in. . . . , See our beautiful new wafer ooms, We ai'e bound to sell if good goods nicely displayed at • very low prices will do it. eGIDLEY SON, ODD FELLOW'S Block- Irlar The undersigned wishes to inform thegeneral public that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed lumber . B. C. Red, Ontario, L' High Land. and, Pine Shingles. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to le the most durable timber that grows; especially for sbiiag• les. 36 to 40 years. . It is said by, those who know, that they will last from 36 to 40 years in any climate; , ham-. Willis, f Lumber Merchant,