HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-27, Page 1EXETER,: ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1894. The Molsons Bank.I (Chartered by Parliament,. 1855.) • Paid up Capital , .. , .. , ... $2,000,000 Rest Fund .. , . 1,200,000 Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN. THOMAS. .Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced to geed. Farmer's on their 1' own notes w.1h one or more endorsers at 7 peroent per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day from .l'0 a. m.to a p, m„ Saturdays lO a, m, to 1 p, m Ageneral banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8 per cent. E. E. WARD. Exeter. Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager THE eXctim abtt ca e Es published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. —Sy the— ADVOCATE PLIBLISHINQ COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance :S1.50 if not so paid. .8:dirertisizsg Ratan ora Applica- tic= No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are vaid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of 30B PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chegnes,money ord- ers. &a. for advertising, subscriptions , eta ,to be merle payable to Sanders & Dyer 2ROPRIETORS Church Directory. TR1VITT MEMORIAL OHIIR08.--Rey. E.W. Hunt, Rooter, Sunday Services, it a. m lid p.m. Sunday School and Bible Crass r Adults, 3 m. Holy Comn,union, 1st Sunday of each month at morning service METRO DIT Gnu itea--Jam es-st, Rev ,J.G. JA01tSON Pastor.SundayServices,10.30 a.m, and 6.80 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m, MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Past- or. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. and 6.30 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. FRE B yT iRIA:N CR: nca. Bev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m, and 6.80 p in, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m MUSICAL EXCELLENCE. ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS-FEILDLROOERS-CO LISTO VEL, ESTRAY HEIFER. There 'strayed on the premises of the un- dersigned, West Lot8 and 9, South Bound- ary, Hay, on or about July 20th 1894, a red and white heifer about 2 years old. Owner eau have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. ALBERT FORD, Exeter. CATTLE STRAYED, There strayed from, the premises of the nndersign Lot 21, Oon.1t, Stephen, some tim e in May "last, 3 two-year olel heifers and 1 two-year old steer. The steer and one of the heifers have a hole in their ears. Parties giving information as to their whereabouts rewarded by applying_to THOS.P. KESTLE, Exeter P. 0. FOR SALE. -TWO DWELLING HOUSES Brick and. fiame. The former is a cottage situated on the south side of Jamas Street, Exeter; contains 0 rooms and a good (idler; two-fifths of an acre land with a number of choice fruit trees thereon, good well of water and everything in first class condition The latter issituated on William st 114 storeys and a very desirable residence; one-fifth acre land, a good well water and some choice fruit Either of these places car be purchased at a reasonable figoro. Possession can be had by the first of Catcher. For further particulars apply to. IseA0 RAWIIEN, EXETER. Professional Cards. H,RINSMAN,L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Liman every Wed- nesday, llpansall tet Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day 4nd Zurich on last Thursday of each month. CEL INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given fur the painless extraction of teeth. Pine Gold Fi.11ines as required. r' ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., • Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with honors). Special attention given to preservation of the nat- ural teeth. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. Medical T'NI3.. G. SHOLiLTS, CENTRALI A. 1l OFFICE: Opposite Methodist Parsonage Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Li,esidenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; sauce as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door, May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T, A,, Amos, M. D DR.T, P. MCLAtJGHLIN, MEMBER OF the. College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconah- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Noi1's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. L H.DIC KSON,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTELS,SOLIC • itors, Conveyancers, &e. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK: ELLIOT Auctioneers HBROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales 'promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged. at Post office. Win- chelsea. • BOSSENBERRY, Hansell Ontario. ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land .12 . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Ofiiee, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. E ELLIO- T, Insurance Agent, Main St. STEAMSHIP & INSURANCE AGENT. Anchor, Allan, Allan State Beaver, 1)0minion, American, White State, Nether- lands, and Ain omen' Lines to England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Cape, Australia and New Zealand, . Lancashire' London and Lancashire, North orth British and Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's, London and Lancashire Life Incur. Ca, London Gxarantoe and Accident Co, LOWEST ICA:T.E!S. Capt Geo. Kesn Exeter, EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wheat per bushel Barley . , .: . Oats..,,.,...... Peas,..,.. Butter ..,r,. Egg's ... ... Potatoes per Pets , Hey per ton , , .... . Wednesday) $0.50 to 0,52 35 to 36 • 27 to 28 ....... 50 to 52 15 9 35 to 40 , . 6.00 to '7.50 Wingham: The fall, apple crop is a pretty good one in this section, and buyers are picking them up rapidly. The packers are hard at work, and it will not be long before some large ship monts will be. orad° from here )ECUTOR'S NOTICE. ICe matter of the Estate of Samson opplestone, late of the Village of xeter, in the County of Huron, ilj>l;,en t Tema n,'deceased. Pur, uant to the provisions of the revised Statu 63.; of Ontario, Chap. 110, the Creditors of Sea Stn Popplestone, late of the Village of E • i 1.o er, n the CountyHuron Gentle- man, deceased, who diedf of about thth clay of January in the year A.D. 1894, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, to the un- dersigned, Executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names and address and ,full particulars of their claims and produce their security , if any is held against the said estate, On or before the lst day of November, A.D, 1894, after which date said Executrix will not bo held liable for any such claim. [Signed]• REBECCA POPPLESTONE, Exeter, Sept. 18th, 1894. Executrix 0ARD OF TIIANRS_ I wish to thank all my old customers for their patronage during my three years' time in the hardware business and will also inti- mate that I will still be found at the old stand, to condnet a general seed business. All kinds of seed bought and sold. The trans- fer of the hardware stook and good will of the business has been completed. and the new firm, H. Bishop & Son, will be pleased to meet all my old customers. There are still a warn her of accounts on my books -both debit and credit -which I would like to have settled before Oat. 1. Will also handle coal at lowest rates. Again thanking yon for past patronage, I remain, Respectfully yours, 'JOSEPH CORBLEDIC1c SALE REGISTER. WEnNEsnng, OcT. 3. -horses Rigs, House- hold Furniture, Dry -Goods, etc., the prop- erty of Thos. Dearing. Salo at his residence at one o'clock. Mr. John Gill, Auat. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8. -Farm, Stock andIm- lplements, the property of Mrs. Mary Eng- and, Lot 18, Oon. 5, Stephen, at one o'clock sharp. H. Eilbox, Auct. FRIDAY, SEPT, 28.—Farm Stock, Imple- ments, etc., the property•of James Lan kiu' South Half Lot 3, Con. 10, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock sharp. IT. Brown, Auat. Fall Fairs. Zurich " 26 to 27 Belgrave, E Wawanosh " 27 to 28 Olinton, Huron Central Oet. 2 to 3 Drysdale: Miss May Kelly has been re•eng'aged in Union separate school of this place, at a salary of $350. Another Big P.,t�,,,,,,,O13s ;' GP B s Down, , X898 Light Brah and foal,, Falmer: Foal, C. Fahnar; runs, J Down, J. S. Backhouse, dark Three year old colt, J. Duncan, Jr. Brahmas, F. Sperling, J. Hord; Ply- . ______ Geo. Ferguson., 3, Decker; Two year mouth Rocks, E, Barm, J. S. Backhouse old colt, Jas. 1i'rayne, M. Batten; one any variety Cochins, J. Cook, Wm. SPLENDID WEATHER BRINGS OUT year old colt, C. Fahner,"Geo, Coward; Trevethick; Lanshans, J. S. Backhouse Team, Gee, .Irvine, Jas. Patterson, Wm, J. Hord; colored Dorkings, $ Hord, E. AN IIItMIENSE CROWD, ke, Bann; B. B. Red Game, A Bissett, J. JUDGES: G. Morlcclr, Crediton; John Hord; Sitver Spangled Hamburg, J The Directorate 7.V1 s :Lron:iil Wail Kennedy, Merton; Geo. Spearin St. Hord; Golden Penciled Hamburg's W Smiling Iloaces. Marys. Dearing, F. Sperling; black,Hamburgs CARRIAGE -Brood mare and foal, J. J. S. Backhouse, A. McPherson; Houd '— - & D. Wood, J. Essery, Leo. Hunter; ans, J S Backhouse, J Hord; any other As usual, if good weather favors the foal, John Bowman, Wm, Moodie, L. variety Polauds, J. S, Backhouse; white Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Socie- Hunter ;three year old colt, D Hicks Leghorns, F. Sperling, A. Bissett; ty, their annual fall show is a success 8rd, two year old colt, John 'Hunter, Brown Leghorns, J. Senior, J' 8' Back - and this year was fully equal to, if not J, Delbridge, John Essery ;one year old house; black Spanish, A Bissett, H. better, than previous years, The gate colt, J Bowman; pair carriage horses; Passmore; black Minorcas, Geo Bawden receipts were fully $30 more than last A. McDonell; single carriage horses, A. J 13 Reid; 'black Javas, F. Sparling year-cousicleriu ;r that 110 money was McDoneli, D Hughes, Wes Handford, Wyaadottes, D. A Graham; any other taken in at the Palace on the first ROADSTER -Brood mare and foal, variety J Hord, lst 2nd; any variety night of the show, which means that Peter Kilpatrick, John Treble; foal; J. Turkeys, W E Sanders; any variety fully 200 more people were present & D. Wood, Juu Treble, P. Kilpatrick Geese, J. Hord; Pekin Ducks, Geo than last year. At a fair estimate we three year old colt, Joan McInnis; two Irvine; Rouen Ducks, J Hord; Ayles- would be safe in stating that 4,500 year old colt, I, Armstrong, J. Decker, bury Ducks, H. A. Switzer; any other people were in attendance Tuesday 'Thos. Hodgins; one year-old colt, Leo variety ducks G Irvine; any variety afternoon. The usual number of Hunter, P. Kilpatrick, Jas Beattie; pair Bantams, A. Balms, G. Irvine, jewellery Cheap Sacks, patent medicine of roadsters, Geo Monteith, S. Merner,. JUDGES -Thos McLaughlin, Mitchell advertising agents, tent shoti's, and '1 hos. Skinner; single roadster, A Me W. Folland Exeter. vendors of caufl etiohery wore on hand, D0me11, R. Hunter, herb Mitchell; lady GRAINS AND SEEDS. The merry -go round did not do a thriv- driver, E. Bossenberry, D, Miller, Wes, Fall wheat white, David Brethour, the,. business, owing to snore defect in Handford. M Brethour; fall wheat red, D. Brethour the propelling power; The grand stand JUDGES -John S. Coppin, Mitchell, M Brethour: •any variety spring wheat was not occupied as on former occas- Jas. Bell, Brr. sions, ENERAL ue,POSD.- rood mare BIRD T3 CATTLE J. Welsh. J Airth; 6 rowed barley, D Brethour, M Brethour; 2 rowed barley Much interest was shown in the THOROUGHBRED DUR17AllI-Aged cow special attractions -speed contests H. & W. Smith, Jacob Roeder, H. & W. M Brethour; large oats, M. Brethour lsi 2nd; oats, Alex. McEwenD Breth- most especially in the Farmers' Trot. Smith; two-year-old heifer, H. & W., All the races passed off most satisfaot- Smith 1st, 2nd, J Roeder; one year old our; black oats, M. Brethour, D. Breth orily indeed. One accident occurred heifer,.J. Roeder, H. & W. Smith, Geo, our, large peas, My�Bi,ethour; small west of the Judges' staled. Messrs. Andrew; heifer calf, H. & W. Smith, lst peas, M. Brethour. J,, 1t1rth; mummy Baskerville al;d 1lc(;uire's horses and 2ud, J Roeder; bull calf, H. &. W. Smith peas. M. Brethour• timothy seed", D suliroy got tangled up -resulting u, a l.st, 2nd, J. Roeder; herd, H. & 1r Brethour, M Breth ir; flax seed, M. badly -smashed sttll:ey-no one Smith, lst, 2nd, J. Roeder Brethour, D. Br Maar; white beans, injured. being GRADES -Aged cow, J. Delbridge, M. Brethour, J Shier; clover seed, M. Among those who made special dis- 1st, 2nd, Rich Pickard; two year old Brethour, D. Brethour; grain in ea plays we noticed the firm of Murry & heifer, J. Roeder, Thos. Shapton, J Del- is D. -John MeNevin, turning out some splendid work this Wm. Westcott, J. Roeder; heifer calf, Fi m, Brown Eeeter. fall, and is one of the institutions of J. Roeder, Peter Bawden; steer calf, J. IMPLEMENTS.. which Exeter is really proud. Their Delbridge. Open phaeton, McLaughlin Carriage exhibit consisted of plows, root cutters BUTCIIER'S CATTLE -Two year old Co; top buggy, H. Jones, McLaughlin and Iron harrows. steer, H. & W, Smith, Wm. Westcott, Carriage Co; open buggy, McLaughlin Jones & Atkinson had an Oshawa T. Russell; one year old steer, T. Shap- Carriage Co. 1st 2ud; single piano box Brmko compete with in buggies and ton lst 2nd, Thos. Russell; fat ox or cutter, McLaughlin Carriage Co ; Port - they carried off the first prize. steer, T. Russell lst, 2nd, 3rd; Fat cow land cutter, McLaughlin Carriage Co. Perkins & Martin were on hand as or heifer, Ford Bros.; best heard of 3 1st, 2nd; set heavy b^b-sleighs, Ed. usual, assisting in.making the fair a shiping steers T. Russell, lst, 2nd, 3rd. Treble; Bart, McLaughlin: Carriage Co. success. Their organ and sewing ma- AYRSHIRES-Best cow John Esserv. 1st, 2nd; wind. mill, Wm Trevethlek chine exhibit was admired by all who JERSEY -Best cow, C. Coates, Chas. 'wooden pump, J. Stewardson. passed through the Palace. Knight ; two year old heifer, j;. Coates JUDGES -+S. A. Moffatt, Mitchell; D. James Greive, merchant tailor, made rat 2nd. McNichol, Farquhar. a splendid exhibit of English" Scotch POLLED ANGUS-Best cow, L. Hun- HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. and Canadian tweeds; also a suit and ter. APPLES.—Winter apples, J. Allison; overcoat made in his she Mr. Greive: JUDGES—Hugh Chesney, E„mond pp made up his mind to "spread himself" ville, John Sutherland, Wm. Pridham. fall apples, W. Chesney, H. Chesney; -with laurels and he did it, SHEEP apples five of each variety, J. Allison Robt. N. Rowe was well represented LEICESTER -Aged ram, Geo. Pen J. Roeder; Rhode Island Greeninga, G. with a parlor and bedroom set. hale, T. Curtlel & Son 1st 2nd; shear- A, K. McLeod, Wm Chesney; Northern The dairy products were not nearly ling ram, G. Penhale, T. Shapton, S. spies A Bissett J. Allison; Roxboro as large as in previous years. The Merner, ram lamb, G. Penhale, T. Curl- Russets, J. Roeder, • Mrs Geo, Nott; exhibit was a small one indeed, but the ley & son, G. Penhale; pair ewes, G, Spitzenbergs, A. McEwen, A. McPher- quality was excellent. Penhale, T. Curley & Son, G. Penhale. son; Baldwins, G. A. K. McLeod, T. John Grigg had a case of Japanese pair shearlings, G. Penhale, S. 'Helmer, Prior; Westfield's Seek no.further, A. ware, consisting of a teaset, five o'clock G, Penhale; pair ewe lambs, G. Penhale McPherson, J. Allison; snow apples, tea set, also silk handkerchiefs and 1st, 2nd, T. Curliey &son. Mrs. J. White, 3 Down; fall pippins, G buttons. Considering the fact that SHROPSHIRE DOWN—Aged ram, S. Andrew, Mrs. J White; Colve.rts, J these goods were imported from Japan, Doupe, Jas. Cooper, H. A. Switzer; Snell, J Shier, ling of Tompkins, Wm, it was a very interesting part of the shearling ram, H. A. Switzer, J. Cooper Balkwill, Mrs G Nott; Alexanders; J inside exhibits. 2nd 3rd; ram lamb, J. Cooper, Wm. Beattie; J. Snell; Canada Red, J Roeder Alex. McPlherson's display of Taxi- Pierce, S. Dupe; pair ewes J. Cooper, M Brethour; Swears, J. Airch, J. Alii- dermy was in its place at the west end H• A. Switzer, S. Dupe; pair shearlings son, Ribston Phippins, H Chesney, Wm of the Palace and as usual had a host H. A. Switzer 1st 2nd; pair ewe lambs, Chesney; Wagners, Alex. McEwen, J of admirers. J. Cooper, S. Dupe, J. Cooper. Allison; Sawyzie Pomme Gris, J. Alli - The Exeter Band furnished music Lnw0LNs.-Pair ewes, F. H. Neil T son, J. Anderson ; American Goldeu for the afternoon. Shapton, pair shearlings F. H. Neil; Russet. W. E, Sanders, J Allison; Maid- Followiug is the list of prize winners pair ewe lambs, F. H. Neil. en Blush, Wm Chesney, lel Chesney; GRADE SHEL+P-Pair ewes, S ller_ Golden Russet, Mrs J. White, J Ford; HORSES, ner, T. Shapton; pair ewe lambs, T. best seedling apples, J. Allison; Duchess HEAVY DRAUGTIT-Brood mare and Shapton. Aub olieum, G. Hill, Mrs. G. Nott. foal. Jas Rowtcliff, :Coursey Bros. H. FAT SHEEP -Pair fat ewes, H. A. PEARS -Flemish Beauty, Jas. Ford, Rendle; foal, Coursey Bros,. Jas Rowt Switzer, T. Shapton. G Hill; Duchess Anglouleme-Thos cliff; 3 year old colt, John Hord; 2 year PIGS. Brock, S Westaway; Clapp's Favorite old colt, Coursey Bros, Jas. Patterson, LARGE OR MEDIUM -Aged boar John J Tom, Jas Snell; Vicar of Wingfield Jas Ross; team geldings, Thos. Cud• Hord 1st 2nd; boar littered in 1894, S. W Bawden; Bell Lucrative, G. Hill, W more, John Allison. Merner, J. Hord; aged sow, J Hord, 1st Bawden; Sheldon, Thos. Brock, I. Arm. 2nd; sow littered in 1894' S. Stanlak.e strong; East Beuire, Mrs G Nott; Louis Jos. Bawden ' Benne de Jersey, T Brock, 3 Allison; SUFFOLKS-Sow littered in 1894, Geo. Bartlette, F Gill; Indein, F Gill. Hill. PLuI.Is-Lombard. M Brethour, J BInnsuiRE-Aged boar,D. A. Gra- Shier; any other yariety, W Folland, ham, Chas Troyer; boar litered in 1894 B V Elliot. Wm. McAllister, D. A. Graham; aged GRAPES &c.-Concord,J Snell; Rogers sow, D. A. Graham, W. McAllister; sow No 19, M Eaerett; any other variety, littered in 1894; D A. Graham 1st 2nd. B V Elliot, J Down; Crabs any variety, AGRICULTURAL -Brood mare and foal, Jno Duncan, Jr., S. Hogarth, S. F. Goodwin; Foal, S.. F. Goodwin, Jno. Duncan, H. Rendle; three year old colt Jas. Miller, S. Hogarth; Two year old colt, J. Duncan Jr,, Geo. Monteith; Team, John Decker, T. J. Berry, Jas. Beattie. Great Clearing Sale OF 4 -ORDERED CLOTHINCJ AT JAS. 11. GRIEVE'S. . For the next 30 days, y , (ONLY), we willsell the bal- ance of our Summer Tweed at arice to suit the times Our stock is too large for this time of the ear, and must be y re- duced at the following low prices:• --y All Wool TweedSi it' ts for 0.50 , Regular Price:$12,00, do do 11.00 , do do do 15.00, do Fine Pant for 2.25, . do do 4.00, do do 5.00 , do 15.00. 19.00. 3.50. 6.00, 7,00. A big lot of remnants --ranging from 1 yard up to 5 yards ---for boys clothing at a very low price. We cut all our own goods free of charge, Give us a call and see ourself. --Remember . �, for y the place. Grigg's Old Stand. J,e . clPIEVE TAMworeTrI--Aged boar, C. Fahner; G Manson, D Brethour; early Crawford boar littered in 1894, John May 1st 2nd peaches, Mrs. J. P. Ross; late Crawford aged sow, J. May; sow littered in 1894, peaches, Thos Brock, Dr. Browning; I, Armstrong, 1st, 2nd. any other variety, Mrs J White, Mrs J Junens-D. McLaren, Cromarty, R. P Ross; canned fruit, Mrs G Sanders, Hicks, Centralia, D Brethour; honey in comb Thos Cann; POULTRY. honey in jar, S Hogarth, T Cann; home Light Brahmas, Jas. Down, Frank made wine Mrs. G Nott; bottled pickles Sparling; daily brahmas, J. Hord, Geo. Mrs G Sanders. Irvine; plymouth rocks, J Hord A. Bis- VEGETABLES. sett; any variety Cochins, J. Hord, J. VEGETn13LEs-Early rose potatoes, J Cook; langshans, 0, Barm, Jr Cook; Tom, J Roeder; Beauty of Hebron, J colored dorkings 3, Hord, E. Barm Snell, A Bissett; Late Rose, J Roeder, T black breasted red games, A. Bissett J. Brock:; Early* Vermont, J Airth, T Coote; any other variety games, F. Brock; Early Telephone, A Bissett, Mrs Sperling, A. .Bissett; silver spangled J P Rogs; any variety of potatoes, W hamburgs, J, Hord; golden Honciled Balkwill, G Hill•, winter cabbage, A hatnburgs, F. Sparling, W. Dearing; Bissett, Alex Dow; blood beets, W Balk - black hamburgs, J, Hord, A, McPher will, M Brethour; su; ar beets, W'Balk- SOD ; houdans, J. Hord, G. Irvine;; any will, Geo Monteith; long mangolds, T variety Poland, J. S. Backhouse Fogden, G Snider; globe mangolds, 1st 2nd; white Leghorns, G. Irvine, A. John Welsh, T Hogdon; Swede turnips Bissett; brown Leghorn, J. Senior A. J Roeder, A Bissett; early horn carrots Bissett; black Spanish, F. Sperling, J Cobbledick, W Tolland; Nautes ear Thos. Brock; black Minorcas, J. Cooper rots, Rev W Martin, Geo Hill; red car. & Son J. H': Reid; black Saves, F, Spar- rots, W Folland; white ,Belgian carrots ling; Wyandottes, J. Cook J. Senior; C ?ahner,J A Cai'rol; ears of sweet corn any other variety not on the list, 3, S W Balkwill; J Tom; ears of Indian corn Backho,.so; bronze turkeys, J Bowden J Shier, Thos Bissett; water melons, T J. Hord; ane variety Turkeys, W. E. M Kay, W Chesney; musk melons, W. Sanders, J. Hord; any variety geese, J. Chesney, ,J Tom; heads cauliflower, W Hord, 1st 2nd; Pekin ducks, J. Hord, Tolland; red onions, W. $alkwill. W G. Irvine; Rouen ducks, H. A. Switzer, Tolland; white or yellow onions, W 3. Hord; Aylesbury ducks, II, A. Switz Balkwrll, F Williams; Tomatoes, M zer; any other variety ducks, G. Ire Brethour, Rev. W Martin; celery J vine, James rrayne; any yariety Bane Torn, W Folland; citrons, R Bell, Wm tams, G. Irvixle, Jae. Frayno; collection Earl; parsnips, M Brethour, G Hill, col• pigeons, J Gillespie, Rich Crocker; lection o£ vegetables, W Folland; Extra singing birds, A. Bissett J. Down. T. Cann; NO 3r DAIRY PRODUCT, Butter salted, D Gilbert, J Shite; Creamery butter, Winchelsea Cream- ery; cheese, factory mads, C 'VF Smist;; lard, Snell Bros, MANUFACTURES. Woven home made quilt, Mrs E: Chesney, Wm McEwen; domestic clods, Mrs G Nott; flannel, 11irs G Nett, IL Brethour; blankets, Mrs H Chesney. Belt; yarn, Mrs J D Graham, Mrs E Chesney; Dom. eottota warp woollen weft, R Bell, M Brethour; wool sheeting R Bell, Wm Chesney; made clothing, Jas Grieve; factory blankets, W Ches- ney; single harness, J Treble; team harness, J Treble; cured ham, Jas Toms, cured meats, Snell Bros; sdwing ma- chine, Smith Co, re Perkins. & Martict;. Organ, Bell Organ Co,; parlor furniture R N Rowe; bedroom furniture, R lir Rowe; stuffed birds, A McPherson; fine salt, Exeter salt well; salt for packing purposes. Exeter salt well; tweeds, J Grieve; stare goods Jas Grieve„ carpenter work, Ross & Taylor; Indian relics, Alex MePherson; extension table R. N. Rowe; Ironing board, R N Rowe. JUDGES -E T Van,Egmond,Seafortb, G Samwell, Exeter. FINE ARTS. Water color drawing, R Hicks, Mrs • 'J White; Paiutiug in o 1, R Hicks, Mrs C. Campbell; crayon sketch, R Hicks., Thos Elierington; pencil sketch, 1I Flicks, T Ellerin ton; collection of photographs, J Senior; hair dresser's work, E Fish. FLOWERS. Fuchsias, N Cobbledick, W Folland. foliage plants, J Cottle; begonias, W' Folland; hanging basket, Thos McCal- lum. cCawlum. CUT FLOWERS. Pansies, J. Cottle, T H McCallum-, German asters, T H McCallum, J Cot- tle; ten weeks' stocks, 4 Cottle; ver. benas, ,T Cottle; petunias, J Cottle,, phlox drummondi, J Cottle; zennias, o Cottle, T H McCallum; basket cut flow- ers, T H McCallum; annuals, T H Me - Callum; balsams, Geo Manson, cox- comb, ogcomb, J Cottle. LADIES' WORK. Rag carpet, woollen warp, W BaIk- ivill; W Chesney; rag carpet, . eor`,osa warp, Mrs H Chesney, hiss M Jamie- son; door mat, hooked, Hers G Nott, :g Frayne; door mat, sewed, Mrs C Camp- bell, W Chesney; hearth mat, sewed, J Tom, Mrs C Campbell; hearth mat, hooked, Mrs G Nott, W McEwsn; wool socks, Miss SI Creighton, Mrs ii Nott; wool stockings, J Richardson, Maggie Creighton; cotton socks, Maggie Jana- ieson,Maggie Creighton; cotton stock- ings, Maggie Jamieson, Maggie Creighton; ladles' woollen mitts, S He- garth, Maggie Creighton ; men's w•odl mitts, Martie Creighton, James Tom; men's wool gloves, J Tom, 5 Hogarth; counterpanes, knitted, J Airth, Maggie Jamieson ; counterpanes, crocheted, no number given, Thos Ellerington,; counterpanes, tufted, S Hogarth, Shier; patchwork quilt, calico, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Geo Nott; patchwork quilt, cloth, Maggie Creighton, Mrs G Nott; patchwork quilt, silk, J Tom, Jos Senior; patchwork quilt, log cabin, Mrs C Campbell, Jas Tom; silk quilt, crazy work, ?ilrs G Nutt, Dr Browning; 'Sauey wool shawel, Mrs G- Nott, Mrs C Camp- bell; worked ottoman, 11Irs G Nott, Creighton; painting on china, flower oil culots, ,l' H iieCallum, R Ball; paint- ing aintiug on terra cotta, oil colors, Mrs 1 Campbell, T r--[ McCallum; drawing room screen, J Senior; hand screen,Mrs C Campbell; bannerettes, T FI McCal- lum; bracket drapery, Mrs J D Gra- ham, Peter Bawden; penelop work, Al Creighton, Mrs C Campbell; tidy, croch- et, Mrs J D Graham, W Earl; tidy„ kittecl, M Creighton, Jas Tom; tinsel! ,work. Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs J D Graham-; etching, M Creighton, T Elleringtere applique work, Mrs C Campbell; arres- ene embroidery, Mrs G Nott, W Tol- land; crewel embroidery, T H MaCal•• rum, P Bawden; etnbroidcry on silk, T H McCallum, Mrs J White; embroidery on flannel, Mrs J D Graham, SICreigh. ton; sham stitch embroidery, Mrs. Nott; embroidery, 1I Brethour, Maggie Creighton; chenille work, Mrs G Nott, Mrs C Campbell; man's shirt, hazel made, M Jamieson, A Doupe; mati's shirt, machine made, S Hogarth; T li McCallum; patching, R Bell, Jas Tom. darning on stockings, J Tom, firs. White; buttonholes, T H McCallum,llrs J 1) Graham; pillow shams, Mrs John Gould, M Jamieson; one cot table mats, W Trevethiek, Mrs C Campbell; oneset table doy les, W Treyetbiek, Mrs i1 Campbell; toilet set, J Tom, M Breth our; pin cushion, fancy, J Senior, R Hicks: sofa pillow, M Creighton; eroeh- et work, Mrs C Campbell; macrame work, M Brethour, J Shier, wax flow ers, Mrs C Campbell; paper flowers, ll'irs I3 Chesney, J Tom; piano or table•scaf Mrs J D Graham, SI Brethour; table cover, embroidered, Mrs G Nott, D Brethour; worked whisk -holder, Mrs G , Nott, M Brethour; bullion embroidery, Mrs G Campbell; braiding, Mrs J D Graham, W Earl; bead work, Maggi, Creighton, Mrs J D Graham; Berlina wool work, Mrs Graham, J Toni; straw plait, plain or fancy, Mrs C Campbell, I' Tom; lace, Royal Rattenbury, 1Mrs Campbell; lace, Point, Mrs Graham,Met J White; lace, Honiton, Mrs Grahenie Mrs GNett; lace, knitted, J Toni, •:V.i Creighton; lace, croohet, M Jatniesen, W Earl; rick rack work, Mrs 0 Canis. bell, J Richardson; tatting, Da' .Browta- ing, J Tom; darned net, M Creighton, (Continued on fourth page.)