HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-20, Page 5Joy Inexpressible Another Boy's Life Saved H4ith Blighted by Scrofula and Hip Disease Perfect Curer Happiness and Health Chien by Hood's Sarsaparillas Exeter, N. IL "C. T. Hood te Co., Lowell, Mass.: "I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for what it has Bono for my boy. Some four years ago, when sit years olcl, George was attacked by hip disease in his right leg. We had to get him a pair of crutches, with which he was able to move about, but became badly deformed. We had to have his right leg lanced just above the knee. In a few weeks a second sore broke out, both discharging freely. Agottiziug pains alfiictect him, he could not bear to be moved, his growth was stopped and He Was a Niers Skeleton. He had no appetite, and it was hard work to make him eat enough to keep him alive. A fe;v weeks later we had his hip lanced, and follow- ing this five other eruptions broke out, making eight running sores in an. Wo did all we could for him, buthe grew weaker every day, al- though we lied three of the best physicians. As a last resort we were prevailed upcn by relatives who had taken .hood's Sarsa- parilla with beneficial results to give the medi- cine a trial. We got ono bottle about the first of March, 1802, and he had taken tate medicine only a few days when his appetite began to improve. When he had taken one bottle ho could move about a little with his crutches, which be had not been able to use for tiro pre- eetliu three months. We continued faithfully withuood's Sarsaparilla, and in c mouths lie was 4 Able to Do Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. He has now taken Ilood'sSarsaparilla regularly for eighteen months, and for the past six months has been without the crutches, which he has outgrown by several inches. The sores have all healed with the exception of one which is rapidly closing, only the sears and an occasional limp remaining as reminders of his suffering. Roo�sspa lt$ CurS Hood's Sarsaparilla in his case has truly done wonders, and he is daily gaining in flesh and good color. He runs about and plays as lively as any child: We feel an inexpressible joy at having our boy restored to health, and we always speak in the highest terms of Hood's Sarsaparilla." MRs. HENRY W. Mr u'ay, Exeter, New Hampshire. Hood's P ills are prompt and efficient, yet easy in action. Sold by all. druggists. 25c. SPOTS AND BLEMISHES, CAUSE® BY BAB BLOOD, Cl1IiEi:1 BY .LoRENZo PVLISTUN. 2i Deka Siris, -I am thankful to B.S.B. because I am to -day strong and well through its wonderful blood cleansing powers. I was troubled with scrofulous spots and blemishes all over my body and was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I took one bottle, with great benefit, and can positively • say that before I had taken half of the second bottle I was PERFECTLY CURED 0 FUNCTIONS QF A PRESiQENT• Tko Various Things the Chief ('Executive of Jirrenee lrltty .0o, ¥, Paul Desohane, deputy of the :Gree -et -Lois in the French chamber, and an eminent constitutional lawyer, has sent a statement to the Figaro de- fining the duties ofthe president of the republic. The _ president, he says, chooses hie ministers and presides over them. He participates in the framing of laws. He has the right of issuing a nressage to the people and the right of veto, but this right is less absolute than that enjoyed by the President of the United States, who enforces it so fre- quently and with such success, because in the United. States at the second de- liberation a majority of two-thirds is necessary; whereas in France a. bare majority suffices. He can adjourn the chambers for a month twice in one ses- sion. He can, with the approval of the senate, dissolve the chamber of depu- ties. This right becomes even a duty when a chamber without a majority is unable to impart life to a government. But this dissolution is of benefit only in such cases where the premier, as in England, calls on the country to vote for a more or less definite programme, and the electors can clearly distinguish between the partisans and opponents of the cabinet. This has never happened in France, where they vote in the dark, and where, by a strange paradox, the influence of the administration is often exerted in favor of the opposition. Fin- ally, the president has the right to con- clude treaties and effect political alli- ances independently of the chambers. It is, therefore, a constitutional heresy to consider the presidency of a republic as an inert wheel or to regard the presi- dent as resembling a constitutional monarch. An elected chief can never be, like an hereditary prince, the im- passive arbiter of parties. Such an idea is contrary to the letter and spirit of the constitution. Between 1879 and 1893 it is easy to understand how, while there existed a powerful monarchical opposition to the chamber, the president of the re- public remained simply the personifica- tion of the republic. But to -day, since the appearance on the scene of a social- ist party and since the weakening of the radical party and the practically total extinction of dynastic parties, it is clear that such a policy would be an an- achronism, I am so pleased to be strong and healthy again by the use of B.B.B. and I can strongly recommend it to every. body. LoRENzo Purisror, Sydney Mines, C.B. A c: clone caused a good deal of des- truction near Memphis, Tenn., Yestt r clay. HnAItT. DISEASE! RELIievnn IN 30 MINUTES".—All eases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Ono dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist Fifty men have bee killed in fighting bet wee nn Moorish tribes men near 12equinez. Dyspepsia arises frotn wrong action of the stomach, liver aitd bowels. Bar dock Blood Bitters cures Dyspepsia and all diseases arising from it, 90. tithes iri 103. Upwards of 20,000 people attended he Provincial Exhibition at Quebec esterday. FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, Cholera fautum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, sentery, altd Sutrtnir=r 0 Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- rry is a prompt, safe and stare cure. tat has been a porular favorite for t'e r' 40 y ears, The C. P. a.'s Australian . ressnis rom V anuouver have more freight hallthey can carry, Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry curs Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera LVirrbus, Cholera ;[ nfantutn, and sil luosituuss of the bow - e Is. Never travel without it, Priee 350. Eloper able P -F-. Angel, a perctinlar i i t t of lir, sidettt Cleveland, died at e, lv.i: , yesterday, Plso's IEeniedy for Catarrh is the est, Easiest to Use. and Cbsane" Soler by druggists or sent by mull, Op, T. Smelting. Waren, Pa. The Vegetarian Creed. One of the causes which have led peo- ple to reject the doctrine of vegetarian- ism is the idea that it is inspired by pietism, religious convictions and mo• nastic mortification. But this is a grave error, for the rational vegetarian- ism of to -day is entirely scientific and dictated by the sole desire to follow a system conforming to the laws of na- ture. It has science on its side, and', only the force of habit is opposed to it. The muscles become soft, the size di- minishes, humanity degenerates and is kept in working order only by sedatives and tonics. The numerous maladies of the stomach and the intestines, from simple catarrh to the most serious di- seases of the organs, are often due to our appetite for meat and other stimu- lants. Vegetarianism, we are told by Dr, Bonnejoy, does not consist solely in vegetable food, but is based on three dietetic axioms: (1) The general re- building power lies in. cereals, seeds, vegetables, tubers, fruits, eggs, milk, and their derivatives; (2) the food, the air, and, in general, everything that is introduced into the body should show absolute purity, freshness and entire ab- sence of falsifications, mixture and adulterations, even in the smallest quan- tities; (3) it is necessary, as far as may be possible, for each one to manufacture his food and drinks at home, in order to reach the desired results. These are the principle dogmas of the vegetarians. Man is not intended to eat. His jaw is made to grind grains and fruits. • His hands are made to gather them. The Darwinian theory does not permit us for an instant to doubt the frugivorous nature of man. Four classes of substances are neces- sary for the maintenance of life; the albuminoids, the carbohydrates, the fats, the minerals. Now, meat contains but three of these, while the vegetables contain all four. Vegetable food is also necessary for our intellectual life, for, as Moleschott has said, without phos- phorus there is no thought. The phos- phorus contained in vegetable food is almost double the quantity contained in animal food. Those who believe that meat gives the rose color to the cheeks and lips must be shown their error, as the amount of iron oxide contained in the vegetables is much greater than that found in heat. --Dr. Neuville, in Review of Reviews. some Points About Pine. Thorns were originally used in fasten- ing garments together. Pins did not immediately succeed thorns as fasten- ers, but different appliances were used, such as hooks, buckles and laces. It was the latter half of the fifteenth century before pins were used in Great Britain. When first manufactured in England the iron wire, of the proper length, was filed to a point, and the -other .extremity twisted into a head. This was a slow process, and four or five hundred pins was a good day's work for an expert hand; The United States has the credit of inventing the first machine for mak- ing pins. This was in 1824. The in- venter was one Lemuel Wellman Wright. Many remarkable improve- ments have followed, and the machines of the present day send off, as if by magic, whole streams of pins, and these fall so nicely adjusted for the papers pricked for thein that two small girls can put up several thousand papers in a day. DIAMOND DYES Have Established a Won- derful Fame. Alli:: BAD Wumo AND BLUE. 0, dyes, used from ocean to nonan, Ye Diamond Dyes,pure,fast and true! No wonder that female devotion And first thoughts aro centred in you Ye bring to each home, joy and pleasure And many a dollar ye save; To every good housewife a treasure,. A friend a companion and slave. Cnoisys: A friend, a companion and slave, A friend, a companion and slave, Diamond Dyes brings to all joy and pleasure. And many a dollar they save. Diamond Dyes always ready for duty, Working merrily never forlorn; Ye restore too brightness and beauty Eaeh garment soiled faded and worn, Throughout this extended Dominion. All people have heard of your name, And critics are all of opinion. That ye are entitled to fame. CHORUS All people have heard of your name, All people have heard of your name/ Diamond Dyes in this fair young Do minion, Have established a wonderful fame. 41. At L'Original assizes yesterday Jos. Lafleur was sentenced to 17 years in penitentiary for killing Francis Ber- nard in a drunken brawl last March. Nor Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REDEEM—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, has been used for over fifty, ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures, wind collo and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World, Twenty -live cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind A. W. Wright, traveller for Watts' soap works at Brantford, was burned to death at the American hotel in Port Elgin yesterday morning. He took a lit and fell on the lamp, causing the fatality. Some people laugh to show their pretty teeth. The use of Ivory White Tooth Powder makes people laugh more than ever. It's so nice. Price 25c. Sold by druggists. DR. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM SYRUP removes worms of all kinds Lem children or adults. Four Napanee young ladies were married yesterday, namely Miss Gertie Vanalstiue, Miss Laura White, Miss Maggie Rose and Miss Marian McEach- bera The grooms are Messrs- Waim siev, of Adolphustown; Geo. Gunn, of Belleville, Frank Collins, of Bette, and Herber H. Hinch, of Napanee. NORWAY Pine Syrup cures coughs Norway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs Tho Finance Committee of Hamilton City Council last night approved the T. H. & B bonus bylaw, but it was de- cided that no money should be paid until the line was completed and in op- eration. THAT HACKING COUGH can be quickly cured by Hagyards Pectoral Balsam. Price 25c. Canal men in New York are becom- ing solicitous over the Canadian pro- ject for deepening the St. Lawrence canals, a convection for the discussion of which will be held in Toronto next week. A Boos TO HORSEMEN.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse, I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the remove` from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps,blood spavin , splints curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. There were 82,000 people at the Quebec Exhibition on Wednesday and about as many on Thursday, last week [ he band of the French warship Naiad played on the grounds. BURDOCK PILLS, small, safe and sure, regulate the liver, and cure con- stipation. A eloau'rriek. "DM your chaperon get you engaged this summer?" "Yes, es, but while I was temporarily disengaged she Married the roan her. telt" British Gran. Trades London,Sept, 17th,—Tho Mark Lane Express in its weekly reyiew of the, British grain trade says:—"Harvesting is beirfg actively carried on, through out the chief Bri,Gish producing regions. The crop is of average balk but is in ferior in quality, Sales of British wheat have been made during the past week at prices: absolutely unprecedent- ed, the decline on the average reaching 2s 8d below the mean for August. For- eign wheats are 3d lower on the ween, l Barley is steady. The dealings in corn have been limited. Beans and peas have advanced a trifle.. At to -days markets: new English wheats varied in price from 17s to 23s. The condition of most kinds was wretched. Foreign wheats were firm for California arid 3d lower for No, 2 wintel, American, French' flour was 6d lower. Barley and oats were dull' Corn was quiet. Linseed was 6d dearer, Biddulph: A heavy windstorm swept over this township. And blew the roof off Mr. R Rich's barn, Centralia and tore apple trees up by the roots and did considerable other damage; Milking Cows in France. - As has been said many times before, the operation of milking is one which cannot be too carefully or too cleanly performed. No violence should be of- fered to the cattle nor rough treatment shown them. Serenity in the animals is indispensable if they are to be satisfac- torily milked, and the person selected for the duty should be mild and good tem- pered. The cow caressed and kindly handled will freely give up her milk. Extreme cleanliness is also requisite for the best results. The cowman should wear cap or other covering to prevent hairs falling into the milk. Milk is a very unstaple liquid; even slight impur- ities tend to bring about change or to impair its savor. The cowman or, milk- maid should carefully wash not only their hands, but also the cow's udder with a sponge and water, tepid in wip- ter, cool, but not cold in summer, and then wipe it with a clean cloth. The milk pail, it need scarcely be added, should be perfectly clean. The milking should continue untilthe last drop is drawn from the udder, not only because the portion drawn last is the richest, but because the secretion of milk is promoted by this exhaustion. It is well also to let the first few jets of milk fall upon the ground, as this por- tion is apt to be bitter and to contain a large proportion of microbes. There are persons observant enough to note the difference in the milk from different teats, and when the milk drawn from a particular teat is of inferior quality, to keep it separate from that drawn from the others. This precaution would cer- tainly prove useful in dairies where high class cheeses are made.. In the Allgan, in Bavaria, the milker tastes the milk from each teat when he begins milking. Sometimes a cow will not let herself be milked. The udder should, in suoh a case, be carefully examined to see whether there is any soreness, which should be looked to at once. The gene- ral practice is to milk twice a day. Ex- verience, however, tends to show that three inilldngs per diem result in a con- siderably superior yield of milk. In a trial made with one cow during eleven . days, it was found that in that period the animal gave twenty-two litres in ex- cess of her usual yield, when milked only twice a day. Moreover, the milk obtained at three daily milkings proved, on analysis, to be nearly one per cent richer in butter. It may be added that the observations of Struekmanu, Bee- decker and Wicke show that the even- ing's milk is richer than the morning's, and the latter richer than that obtained in the middle of the day. Greater fre- quency would not bo advantageous, apart from the consideration that the in- creased expense would not be covered by the result. The digestive and secret- ive functions of ruminants would be in- terfered with by such frequency of milking. In effect, the milk secreted during the calm of the night is usually more copious than that elaborated dur- ing the day time.—L'Induslrie Laitiere, France. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting' in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and• elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten• derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, Sunken eyes, surrounded with L11IADISN onterns, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to Insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function • wanes in cnn8eq . enco Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your acl: dress for boolt on dist,.+aser, peculiar to ina.n, sentafree, sealed, Address M. V. t.U13ON, 24 Macdonnel Ave,, Toronto Ont. 'i�e5l"l~ rhY 1'cs HARMLESS EF,ADACHE Pose is Ftrc& euee AisL REetlf911,CO+ IE, vials cane 3n. et nor- ${ -sell to eUre et/e7't- tliilia01Stsis»pfffheatd- anftes. airy them, it wilt coat but its cods kir a boas and they 4.1.• flatmate's. Teil are hilt a I/Aar I The Planet mars. According to the latest reports from London there is something going on in Mars just now which greatly excites astronomers. So far as laymen may penetrate these mysteries, it seems that some shining specks, quite unlike any- thing ever seen before, have been dis- covered, and that the stars are excep- tionally favorable to the hypothesis that Marsians are trying to signal to us. The only other conceivable theories are that these specks are the effects of an aurora, or of forest fires on a gigantic scale, but scientists appear actually to regard these as less probable than the first ex- planation. ' The mere suggestion of such a thing sends a thrill of fascinated ex, pectancy through the whole academic system of Europe, and men of weight. are already reviving the old schemes and propounding new ones by which an effort at sending back an answering signal through space may be made, Oxford. '► COAL. • FOR Ala., SiZES Capacity from I0 nd,.,Furnaces OF BUILDINGS , ,000 to 801 feet feet "CYCLCSE STEEL li.ADIATOB.' OXFORD WOOD FURNACE, WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, E, especially adapted for wood burning. Heavy &eel Plate Fire Bax Dome and Radiator, which heat quicker and are more .durable. RA.DIATOR of Modern Construction and Great Pleating Power. LARGE ASH PIT. COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber. Long Fire Travel encircling Radiator. Large Heating Surface. 1 arge Feed Door. , Sectional Fire Pot. eutating Bar Dumping Grate. DEEP ASfi PIT. Full Guaranteed Capacity : OATAOGUE and TESTIMONIAL BOOK. . Manufactured by . . . So Should We Live. So should we live that every hour lvIay wall as falls the eaten' -lower= A self -reviving thing of power ; That every thought and every deed Iday bold within itself the seed Of future good and future used. DSO:teetng sorrow, whose employ Is to develop, not destroy, Fat better than a baryon joy. MoNc'roN iMTr,01iis (Lord Boughton). isontrd by IInbit. Mrs. Oawker•—Don't yon think it is very strange that Mit. Stiyetts Hasn't returned my call yet? Mr. Cawlter--Not at all. It is merely the result of force of habit. Mrs. Cawlrer--How is that? Mr. Cawker—She was a telephone girl bdfore her marriage, THE GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., TORONTO. �>n Pain • Severe PainS Shoulder 2 Years Cured by The D.&L•1''Menthol Plaster. My wife was afiliaed for two yeah with a severe pain ender the left shoulder and through,to l6! tiara ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried a "D.& L." Menthol Planer, it did as work. sad oydug to this one hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal satisfaction. J. B. SUTHERLAND Druggist, River John, N.S. Sold Everywhere. 25C.each. WESTERN FAIR LONDON, Sept. 13th to 22nd, 1894. Canada's Favorite Live Stock and ,tgrrieultural Exhibition "ALWAYS IN THE FRONT." Exhibitors, make yens entries early and choose your space Entries close, .Live stock and poultry, Sept 18th Entries close, other depart -in entsSept. 6th k'ival payments and horses named in the • stakes, Aug, 15th. Special attractions of the best. Special Railway and Express rates arrang- gedfrom all points. Prize lists, etc., free apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, President. Secretary BRA1 NTFO D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . . . . . , RL. USTI EL • •+• • EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children.' Haircutting, A Specialty. A splendid Conservative demonstra• tion took place at St. Finesut de Paul Quebec, yesterday, Rheumatismn Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dopa greatly benefits. 25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr ug gist. Five Chinamen„ have been rarrested at Ogdensburg, N.Y , as having entered the United States from Canada. IIfcliefiu Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di senses relieved in six hours by the "Naw GREAT SotPrli A.AtBRICAN IKID- Nny Cintu." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic fans on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and patn in passing it almost imme& lately. If you want quick relief and eure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, There were 136 new cases of cholera and 15 deaths frotuithe disease from the German Empire during the week from September 3 to September 10. MURRAY 85 CO. 1}Ianufact treys %411 nealers n Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tiou in Brass and iron to order. Also dealers in Piping, Fillings; Brass G-oods, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in 1 arge quantities. H, e p a i r i n g promptly Adone. g. {. TAS. �u U3'tlnllli Si CO. 5.X °F rr tu'P iS r, CURES • %DN. 0L L. I C C 01. ECR1. F- Gl DIARRHOEA D YSEN ERY ANDAi fi COI ja l CH LO elrADLIC c 5 �'Y'I of IMITATIONS f3EWANE DELICATE PURE SWEET LASTii8 LAM1'T' RICH RARE PUNGENT a A If 1E3 STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT ft t• he t-4 fr 'mameammv Peri' _ Davis' PAIN -K1 LLER, fdcadous foe Bu MEDICINE ON EARTH iSOolio, Oanadiaa. Y N� OTHER Big 25G`• Cholera, Cramps, Chine, Dlarrhma, Dysentery, Cholera Bottle Merbus, Cholera Infantuim end all Bowel Complaints. OALL SHAMS the Business College Sham is the most to be despised, Not every instir,utiotl dubbed Business College is worthy of your support. sml e, will in all likelihood take a Business Course brit once, therefore, why not sele't a st;hool that has earned a reputation for practical conscientious work. The • rs_sr/0 ii ,t ° f TIIE FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SIIOE.TIIAND SCII00t,, O1 LONDON, ON's, stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Scheel— Graduates raduttes everyrwhere successful, Catalogue free. iliddress AI, W; WESTEIRVELT, Principal,,