HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-13, Page 5.�7 Saved Her Life Surgical Ope rat i o n s and Best eciical Treatment Failed An Almost Mlraculous Cure b Hood's Sarsaparilla. ANA Mre,Molie Wendt: Chicago, 111111013. "O.1, flood & Co., Lowell, Mas3.: ''''Beginning in February, '92, I was very sick tor two mouths. Slowly I got bettor but was confined to my bed. A physielau said I had a Pelvic Abscess in Ally Side. After an operation I did not improve, the ab- scess continuing to discharge even more freely than before., In two months time throe opera- tions were performed and tubes inserted to carry off the impurities, but all iu vain. Finally It was decided that my Ilfe depended upon another operation and that I must be removed to the hospital. 'About throe weeks previous to this Y lead noticed an advertisement in the Daily News of a case where Hood's Sarsaparilla had mored a bay somewhat similarly afflicted in Trenton, N. J., and I decided to glve it a trial. When the time decided upon fur me to go to the Hospital arrived I had been taking Hood's Sar- saparilla about two weeks. I Was Getting Setter and the abscess had already began to discharge less freely. 1 felt stronger and had a terrible appetite. Previous to this I had given up to dio. When Iliad taken the second bottle I was able to sit up and accordingly I was not taken to the hospital and the final operation was deferred. Now I have taken six bottles and the abscess has entirely healed. I 'mt well and go every when.. ]fly friends think it is a miracle to have rule restored to tueln again su healthy and even younger in looks than before my sickness. I Feel Better Than (Ever did in my life and weigh over 130 pounds, the re vlest in niy life. I do a big clay's work and n gaining in strength every day. My mother ,.,,Worried and worked herself almost sick in car- ing for me. She has sina.e taken Hood's Sarsa- plaise Rood'st has dune her much boder, f We p' everybody, I Know it Saved hay Life. I am 27 years old, and a stranger to look at me now would not think I ever had a day's sick- ness. Even the doctors are surprised at the success of Rood's Sarsaparilla in my case. Mother anal myself continue to take the nledi- HoodWiaCures eine regularly and we earnestly recommend 99003oWest Eighteenth Street,bChicago,Illinois. Corroborates the Above. " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: —I am a drug clerk and have sold Mrs. MoilIe Wendt many bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla and can .ertify that she was cured by the use of it." F. C. BILLERL'ECK,. 530 'West Eighteenth Street, Chicago. Hoawe same cure liver ills, jaundice, bil• lousness, sick .headache and constipation. :5e. is`• n ' +04 Ey .7E4 a ses,' "u,S uL L" to --2 hal ' ayese 1.. ac c.ihe for 1 the ua:;t tutee, e S' h e, yand wee nr", r c 'N. lS "1 from ii, .,, eineeo „ r• I used doctors' re C•l^e! and e'! ut e -.:3 T rrp,),11 t"1: cf, bi it dial me no good.. lily cerosin , ,.:11 1. must L "' 1 . -essete, '.;,n, t7 <l rga LI ee is c oLi) g !Li''.�' baNnnee it is the last medicine ever mad , Lae_T_ t.1. th botilesci it, with the gee', `dr +. it: r. e colnpleteiy cured mo. I t b—i: Bee:loc'k :Wood bittern, both for headaches anal as a blood gibber, is the I 1 ONG1�Jt �, ORL and ata glad to recommend it to all my friends.I T rss FLORA 11tioTl0trara, Glon Norman, Ont. games annual b .times of the I ucltnow Sons of Scotland took place yesterday and were successful in every way. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 Mlvumss,—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Hear;. One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist The Reformers of Scuth Huron met in conventiou at Brucefield yesterday and renominated Mr, M&Millian, M. P., as their candidate. Resolutions were passed endorsing Mr Laurier, and con- gratulating Sir Oliver Mowat on his re cent "victory at the polls." Sirs.—My baby was very bad witb summer complaint, and I thought he 'would die, until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. With the first dose I noticed a change for the better, and now he is cured, and fat. and healthy. Mrs. A. Normandin Lon - dolt Ont. Judge MacLeod, of the North-west Supreme Court, died yesterday at Cal- g'ary, Ile was born in Toronto in 18136 and was educated at Upper Canada College, finishingat Queen's University, Kingston, where he received the B, A. degree. I was attacked severely last winter with Diarrhoea, Cramps, and Cone and thought I was going to die, 'but for- tunately I tried Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and now I can thank this excellent remedy foe saYitig my life, Mre, 8. Kellett, Minden, Ont. Issata, see ORES W0130 ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough syreqp. Tastes Good. 1.se fa time, Sold by druggists IszIIe 1! POfiSiIIn9 SAVE THE DYING. Glue New Life to Those Bur- dened With Disease. Paine's Celery Compound is the Suffer- er's Best Friend. Another Wonderful Cure in Manitoba. LIFE WAS ONCE A BURDEN TO MR. FAIRH.4LL. Now he is Hearty and Healthy Mr. Fred. F1. irhall, of Fairhall, Sel- kirk Co., Manitoba, writes for the ' sole purpose of benefiting thousands in Can ada who suffer from the troubles and afflictions that made life a misery to him in the past. Comment on our part is unnecessary, as Mr. Fairhall clearly proves that Paine's Celery Com- pound was the direct means of saving his life. He writes as follows:— "Having read of some remarkable cures reported in the Winnipeg Weekly Tribune, permit me to add my testi moray in favor of your yaluable medi. cine. "I had been been troubled with in. digestion ar.d bilious diarrhoea for six years. These troubles, with herd work brought upon me in the spring of 1891, nervous prostration. From a state of activity, I was reduced to a condition that I could not work. My memory, which previously had been retentive, failed me; I could not sleep, and I felt a great depression of spirits. I was so distressed at times both in body and mind, that I often wished to die, and I frequently prayed to God, if it was His will, to take me. "I than.: God all this has passed away. Paine's Celery Compound with God's blessings has been the means of curing me. I have taken ten bottles of the Compound which I purchased from i1'ir. R. W. Oliver of Killarney, "I am now perfectly restored in mind and memory: my appetite is good, and I am improving steadily in health. For all these blessings 1 am more than thankful, and have strongly recom- mended Paine's Celery Compound to many of my neighbors." The new Government of Hawii is said to have seized Necker island, which was mentioned at the Ottawa Intercolonial conference as a probable landing place for the proposed Pacific cable. Skin diseases are more or less occas sioced by bad blood. B. B. B. cures .he following Skin diseases: Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples, and Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. Gen. George Stoneman, ex -governor of California, died in Buffalo yesterday. TFIAT HACKING COUGH can be quickly cured by Hagyards Pectoral Balsam. Pricy 25c, At New Orleans last night Jack Demser• and the Australian, Billy Mc Oarthy, pummelled each other for 20 rounds: the referee decided it a draw, and Jack and Billy divided the $2,000 purse. Gentlemen.—I have used your Yel- low 011 anti have found it unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism croup and colds. All who use it re commend. it. Mrs. Might, Montreal, Que, The celebrated case of the Govern- ment against Larkin, Connolly & Co. was resumed at Quebec yesterday. A Booty TO HoaSiemEN,—One bottle of Englisb 5 InyrLiniment completely Y removed acurb from myhorse. I take pleasure lir recommending the remedy, as it. acts Lvith mysterious promptness in the removal from m hors sof hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin,splints curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. The mining town of Scotch Valley, in Lackawanna county, Pa., was swal lowed by a cave in last night. The disaster was due to the callapse of tim- ber supports in the workings of the Mount Lookout colliery. Dear Sirs.—I have been using Bur- dock Bitters for Boils and skin diseases and I find it very good as a cure. .As a.dyspepdia cure I have also foul cl it unequalled. Mrs. Larch Hamilton, 1ontreal, (hoe. The less.of property at Hinckley, Sandstone and Partridge, Mine, by the great firers, aggte g•ntns $980,900. This iuclticles no timber losses. NORWAY Pine Syrup cures coughs Norway Pine Syrup curds bronchitis Nor -way Pine Syrup heals the luugs The steamer Favorite, widen went on Black Bill rock, Georgin Bay, ori Sunday, got off without assistance and has arrived at Ceilingwood, having sustained no demage, Dr. Low's Worm Syrup cures and re- moves worms of fill kinds in children ailed adults: Price. 25e, Sold by all deal ers Who 'forest fires havebeen carried by the wind to the Canadian side in the Rainy river district and settlers have su famed severely. BURDOCK I>Ir,i: , small,sato and sure, regulate the liver, and euro ecti- stipatioi'1. M aoWherrell to Rang Oot,1. Toronto, Sept. 10.— Walter Mac Wherrell, who was found guilty a Brampton Assizes for brutally club bing to death James Williams and hi wife Eliza on the Middle road, Toront township, on Dee. 14, 1898, will b hanged by the ueek until he is dead it the courtyard of Brampton jail on Mon day, Pet. 1. Sir John Thompson is al lede•eto have gone over the evident carefully and to see no reason why th murderer should be given anothe trial. Waiker's trial, for the same of fence, it is said, will go on this month s 0 0 • e e r Marriage of Two Deaf Mutes. A wedding of an unusual character was celebrated recently at the resi- dence of 11r. and Mrs. Johnston, 728 Queen's avonye, Lo ndon. Mr. Archie Dark and Miss Minnie Fleming, both respected young residents of London were the contracting parties, and the peculiarity lay in the fact that both were deaf mutes, Tho ceremony was performed by Rey. T. L. Fowler, and had to be done in writing first for the couple, and then orally for the guests. There was no bridesmaid or grooms- man, the certificate being signed by Miss Annie L. Smith, and Mr. J. B. Johnston. The guests—a number of whom were routes --partook of a wel- ding feast and spent a pleasant even- ing. DR. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM SYRUP removes worms of all kinds from children or adults. More cattle have died in a myster- ious way in South Ontario and another inyestigation has taken place, but the veterinary surgeons are baffled. What no Fellow can Find Out.— Four men may eat green fruit with impunity, but a fifth may try the ex- periment and an hour or so later be tied up in knots with cramps and dys= eatery. Who the fifth man will be is one of those things no fellow can find out, and consequently all should take time by the forelock, and prepare for such an attack by keeping on hand a bottle of Perry Davis' Pain Killer which is a safe, quick and infallible cure for diarrhoea, cholera, cramps or indeed, any disorder of the stomach. This excellent medicine can be bought at any reputable drug store. 25c will purchase the big bottle. New size. In response to invitations from the. Governors of the different states, the new liberty bell, which was so ofta•n rung at the World's Fair, is to be tak- en on a tour of all the state capitals. For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD, AND WILL -TRIED REMEDv,—Mrs Winslow, s Soothing. Syrup has been used for over fifty, ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five touts a bottle. Its value is incaloulabte, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Nothing Strange, Intelligent people, who realize the important part the blood ho,ds in 'keep- ing the body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases Hood's Sarsaparilla is to cure. So many troubles result from impure blood, the best way to treat them is through the blood. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent coustipa tion. Peculiar to Itself. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to it- self, in a strictly medicinal sense, hi three important particulars, viz, first, in the combination of remedial agents used; second, in the proportion in which they are mixed; third. in the process by which the active curative properties of the preparation are secured. These. three importaut points make hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar in its medicinal merit, as it eceouhplishes cures hitherto unknown. But it is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for others is reason for confidence that it is the medicine for von. ALL MEN Young, cid or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and r down from ex- dausted, who are broken u a div excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, nein in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the museles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfnlness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipat tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yoice, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CI1RCLES, oily looking' skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to :nsailiity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in censers ence 'Those who through abuse, committed 111 ignorance, rnny be permanently cured. Send your ad, dr"ss for book on diseases pactnlier to roan, sent free, sealed, Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Mandoline' Ave., Toronto Ont• rldw r'1 .e,l" 'fS I4A �i.i11iS a F.flbACll+ isrelan ERZ d)tE3'@ Alen f'ii�.flt el�lg ;!Tare, aro rust eaves,'. tieeoz Ie euro every. ,tlt£Tag,lilbt.i oapl, heazd- achest, th ii them, it til'{td eest 'nut du cents for a box a9LEt they a•"e air/Wee/10 They are not a Cathattlm. Experiments with Winter Wheat.. The Ontario Agricultural College Guelph, has just issued a bulletin giving their exreriments in connect tion with the growing of wiiktei: wheat. These experiments extended up to July of the present year, The results of the 80 varieties of winter wheat, grown in 1894 are placed in a tabu- lated form in such a way that the farmer can compare the different lauds very easily. The following 'remarks are made up- on the varieties which have given the largest yields of grain per acre for the number. of year's they' Kaye been grown on the Guelph Farm: Early Red Clawson—This "variety gave the largest average yield of grain per acre, and also the lowest average weight of grain per Measured bushel among fifteen varieties grown for five years. The crop is much. inclined to lodge in unfavorable seasons, but when it stands well the bald heads, red ehaff and white straw give this variety an attractive appearance when seen stand- ing in the field. It will be rememller, d that the Early Red Clawson stood third in average yield per acre in the co- operative experiments over Ontario for 1898, at which time eleven varieties were tested. American Bronze.—The special fea- ture of the American Bronze is that the crop usually stands well, while that of many other varieties becomes badly lodged. It is also a good yielder, and the average weight of grain per meas• ured bushel fur five yeais is nearly up to the standard. The chaff and straw are white, the heads bald, and the grains largo; fairly long and of an amber color. Among' the eighty yarie- ties of winter wheat grown on plots in 1894 the American Bronze was one of the finest looking at the time of hag vest, I may add that this variety is somewhat subject to rust in unfavor able seasons. Dawson's Golden CI-aff.—In yield of grain per acre the Dawson's Golden Chaff takes the lead among all the va- rieties which have been tested at this station. In 1894 it gave 18 5 bushels per acre more that the average of the eighty varieties grown, and 5.6 bushels per acro more that the variety which stood next below it in yield. This wheat bas been grown on the plots. for three •}-eats, and leads in yield of grain among the forty-three yarieties grown for that length of time In the co opar- ative experiments over Ontario in 1893 when eleven varieties of winter wheat were tested, the Dawson's Golden Chaff not only gave the last largest average yield of grain in the sixty experiments but also headed the list of thirty out of sixty of the individual experiments. In three years trials, at the Experiment, Station, the Dawson's Golden Chaff stands exactly equal with the Ameri- can Bronze in strength of straw, these two being the stiffest strewed varieties, The average weight of grain per meas- ured bushel for the Dawson's Golden Chaff during three years is 59.3 lb.. which is also exactly the same as the average of the fifteen varieties of white wheat grown for the same length of time. This variety is apt to rust in some seasons, but it has been quite free from smut at this place, although some trouble with smut in this variety is re ported from one, or two localities where it is now grown. The Dawson's Golden Challis quite distinct from any of the other yarieties grown, and when ripe most closely resembles the Standard and Clawson [white] varieties. The straw 1s medium in length: and the crop has a golden appearance. In 1894 it was grown on eleven plots in the Ex perin ental Department and on about four acres in the Farm Department, and was unanimously pronounced the most attractive variety at this station by five judges who examined the standing grain. Early White Leader —Although this variety grave the largest ayera.ge yield of grain for two years, among eight yarieties grown on the plots iu 1893 for Inn first time, the weight of the grain per measured bushel was the third lowest among eighty yarieties gstraw; rown this season. It possesses long long, bald heads; white chaff, and white grain of medium Size. Early Genessee Giant.—This yar'iety 1 t for by grown n the .oso has been.o P years, but, owing to the lateness of re eeiviug the seed in 1892, the results were n reported the first year. It t o reoi pe general stood fourth in „c.neral appe'trauce of stayding grain among eighty vane ties grown this year. The straw is tall and fairly strong, the heads beard- ed and quite compact, the chaff red, and the grain white. The above-mentioned varieties have all been offered by leading seedamen over Ontario for at least two years, with the exception of the Dawson's Golden Chaff, which was not advertised in the seedsmen's eatalogues pre,viorls to this season. In 1881 Mr. Robert Dawson, of Paris, Ont., had a field of the Seneca or Clawson, in which he found one plant quite distinct and much superior to the rest of the crop. err. Dawsonsowed the grain from this pinnt, and, has continued to grow this wheat since that time. This variety has been extensively grown in the vi- cinity of Paris for the past few year's;' but it was practically unknown over Ontario until tested at the Experiment Station along with many other • new varieties, and the comparative reszUl's published. Wingham On Mouday rrlorning• last about two o'elnek, the fire alarm awoke many of the residents from their sitimhelrs. On going to the centre of the town, it was rearmed than the night- watchman had tong the alarm, think, ing that the bush fires led got too close: to the Union Furniture factory for the safety of that conceal, Some remarks not very complimentary to the watch man, were indulged in by a mambo, Of those who went 10 learn the cause of the Marra, xford cwro7L,Td.. Furnaces • FOR ALL SIZES OF SIMONS . Capacity from zo,000 to 8o,000 feet "CYCLOS)t STEEL RADIATOR." OXFORD WOOD FIIJRNACE,. WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood burning. Heavy ,Steel Plate Fire 13ox Dome and Radiator, which heat quicker and are mare durable. RADIATOR of Modern Construction and Great heating Power. LARGE ASH PIT. COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber. Long Fire Travel encircling Radiator, Large Pleating Surface. 1 arge Feed Door, Sectional Fire Pot. Rutating Bar Dumping Grate. DEEP ASH PIT. Full(� (! &end for , ;P! , 11 Guaranteed Capacity CATALOGUE and TESTIMONIAL BOOK. Manufactured by .. . • THE GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., TORONTO, R;EUMft\1iSM £ EURRALGIA,MUSCULAR STIFFNESS, t , H N SIDE 8c LAME BACK u� c�,a 1T"E""Di&CIMENTHOL PLASTER USED WESTERN FAIR ,LONDON; Sept. 13th to 22nd, 1894. Canada's Favorite Lire Stock and A t•icaltulal Exhibition. "ALWAYS IN THE FRONT." Exhibitors, make your entries early and choose your. space Entries close. Liye stock and poultry, Sept Isth Entries close, other departmcmtsSept. lith. Final payments and horses named in the stakes, Aug. 15th. Special attractions of the best. Special Railway and Express rates arrang- gedfrom all points. Prize lists, etc., free apply to CAPT. A, 'N, PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, President. Secretary B ANTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . . . . . . , II�T!WG!, 1L. • EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. The Methodist general conference opens in London to -clay, dthenn matissn Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first doss greatly benefits. 25c, Sold by C. Lutz,1 r u; ;gist. A'er •e number of the Connellsville coke workers are again on strike. lteliefin six lfl'onrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieved d in six hoursOrs by the "Naar GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN 1<.ID- NraY Coen." This new remedy is a. great t SUl 1fSe auC delight to physic hams on account of its exceeding• promptness in relieving pain, in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe mala. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed • ietely. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Rev Dr. Burtsell has reached New York on his return from Rome. He re- fuses to talk, M 1I eRAY 11 lal.npfaCinu'er5 and Dealers in Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings &f`every deserip- boll ifl B1'asmi and Iron to order. Also dealers in Piping', Fillings, Brass Goods, Shafting's, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in large quantities. Repairing promptly done. . . JAS. MURRAY & CO. VILA r EXT. OF t/WI B Fi CURES c„:••;,.!!..,c„:••;,.!!..,�� CILI H O F A s CHOLERA-- NiOR=6113 DIARRI-10EA Q DYSENTERY r ,. I, Ah'DALL � e��e y, --ITS CHILDREN o ,, Zr ys L TS price '' , ,C Fiord s BEWARE of IM! �.c�„.�..3T•".yam-'��'...'� i'•. .orf\.yr r4f"P�R'J :T41:'l.�i' tRt SAFE ` t �T vl aw '41 Fog erg SUGAR.CO4TED j " t� V E �y j}yy 9?rJ tyl' I'a. .p4il I. �v� w .1 ' rt1 of r �P , N oLu s t., . ..1�.il Iq 1 pp ;`a�,"uQ VVi C CJ A:LI dui. �q. i t Or t {q��1•I L ELI'! rt ^ INFALLIBLE AZ PROMPT t'"I '�LLy h `. � 101,15 IIE ALWAYS PFtONMPTLY CURED BY PERRY DAVIS' PAH PS-K0LLERI AVE you decided to take a Business or Shorthand Course, and anxious to get to the best, then write for a. catalogue of tiro THE PORES'!" CI'VY BUSINESS ANi) SHORT :):A VD SCHOOL., OF LONDON O.NT, which contains pretty full inforniatioli regard ng the school, Board is cheap, $2.50 per week. Course is commended by best Business men Graduates everywhere Successful, College re -opens Monday, Sept, 8rd, S yy. W. E.STErri A1\ Principal.