HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-6, Page 2TOO Subscribers who de i of receive their payer
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Week's € ominerelal Summary.
The United States Credit Systeln Co,.
of Newark, N.J. was placed in the hands
of a receiver un the 24th /net,
The Suez Canal is only eighty-eight
miles long, but it reduced the distance
from Creat Britain to India, by sea, near-
ly 4,000 miles.
The total value of the mineral prodate
tion of Canada last year was $19,250,000,
being a quarter of a million less than the
previous year.
The Direct United States Cable Com-
pany's annual report shows a falling off
of £5,983 in revenue, attributed to com-
mercial depression.
A railroad between Coaizaeoalcos and
Salina Cruz, Mexico, which opexis a new
means of transportation between the
Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific coast, has
been recently completed,
China's Imperial Canal is the largest
• in the world and the greatest in point of
traffic. Its length is 2,100 miles, and it
connects forty-one cities situated on its
banks. It was completed in 1850, after
600 years spent in its construction.
There was a considerable decrease in
the cumber of failures in the Dominion
last week as compared with the previous
week, when the number was forty-five, or
double that of last week, when the num-
ber was twenty-two, as against twenty-
seven of a year ago.
It is reported that all the rubber manu-
factories controlled by the Rubber Trust
will shut down September lst for two
weeks or a month. These plants employ
12,000 or 14.000 people. It is stated in
some quarters that this is through lack
of orders. It is added the price of goods
will be advanced September 1.
The ;latest mail advices from Kobe,
Japan, are to July 10th, when the rice
season was reported closed. The exports
for the season amounted to 44,465 tons
undressed and 20,401 tons polished, mak-
ing a total of 64.866 tons, and comparing
with last season's shipments at 60,641
tons undressed. 32,423 dressed, or a total
of 93,064 tons.
Manufacturers of ostrich feathers, says
the Economist's Berlin correspondent, are
very busy. They have ahead a season
such as they have not seen for many
years. It cannot be said that any special
article in this branch is a leader, every-
thing made of ostrich feathers being good.
Long and half -long amazons find a good
market. Ostrich feather trimming is
liked. In this latter are seen many -eerie-
*time. Chinese and rolled borders have
entirely disappeared. but in their place
are seen borders made of small feathers
in the form of a Iarge strip of ostrich
feathers on which are added small tips.
This style has so far been brought out in
black only.
Measured by the earnings of the Unit-
ed States railroads reporting for August
to date, the volume of business is still be-
low the corresponding period of last year.
But if allowance is made for any shading
of rates represented in the earnings for
this year. the slight decrease will disap-
pear. The aggregate of gross earnings
of all roads in the United States report-
ing for August to date is $6,.523,199, a
decrease of 8 per cent. compared with the
corresponding period in 1893, and for
nearly the same roads of 16.0 per cent.
compared with 1892. The bulk of the
loss compared with 1892 is due to the
heavy decrease reported by the Northern
Pacific, and nearly all of the southwest-
ern roads. Omitting then the loss on
the others is 10.0 per cent. But, in 1892,
with a steady volume of business, rates
were much more staple than either this
year or last, so that earnings on the swine
traffic would be larger.
Messrs. M. H. Peterson & Co., Col-
borne, report as follows on the prospects
of apples s "United States—Maine. New
Hampshire and Massachusetts will pro-
bably have 75 per cent. ; Vermont, 35 per
cent. ; Connecticut, 50 per cent. ; New
York, 40 per cent., but some reliable re-
ports state more ; Pennsylvania and
Ohio, some parts light and some well
loaded; Michigan, 55 per cent. ; Illinois
and Indiana. 25 per cent. ; Wisconsin
and Missouri, 60 per cent.; the greater
quantity of which is fall fruit; Iowa and
Nebraska, 75 per cent.: Kansas and Mis-
souri, 55 per cent. ; Oregon and Par ilc
slope, fully average. Great Britain—The
crop will be light. Continent—Reports
vary, surae indicating small, while other,
indicate in certain dxstriets a fair yield.
Nova Scotia—The crop is fairly good,
fully equal to last year. Ontario—A
summing up of a great number of re-
ports frons many sections would indicate
50 per cent. of an average crop. It is
quite apparent from the above that the
only reliable market this season for Can-
adian apples is abroad. and that the
United States, instead of 'being large re-
ceiver.. of Canadian apples as last year,
will be quite heavy exporters, and neces-
sarily the quantity to go forward to Great
Britain as compared with last year will
be many times greater. It has been by
some estimated that this year's crop in
the United States and Canada is as large
as in 1892 and 1893, when 1,200,000 bar-
rels were exported, but it must be remem-
bered. if this be true that owing to the
distressing financial depression prevailing
in the United States, and to a greater or
less degree the world over, the consump-
tion will be curtailed as far as possible,
and role equently a limited demand as
compared with those years. It is appar-
ent that our only reliable market this
season is Great Britain, and the ruling
prices will entirely depend on. the de-
mand and the totality and quantity of
apples going forward.
We Canadians have many reasons to
congratulate ourselves on the soundness
of our financial institutions and oer cur-
rency generally. The Century for Au-
gust hes an interesting article on "I,e„ al
Tonder Money in .History." and draws
attcntioxi to the fact that while the "000.
they Dictionary" defines the phrase as
"currency which. van lawfully be used in
paying a debt, a briefer and more com-
mon definition Would be " compulsory
eircudation." An authority is quoted as
saying it should be "ani art by which had
money •rnay be forced into use so as to
drive gond money out of eire:dation." A
careful histo:i'ieal research shows that
`"no decree and no statute of legal tender
ever originated anywhere except, for the
purpose of forcin r a debased coin into cir-
culation. or for the purpose of collecting
a forced loan by making papa substi-
tutes for coin a lege tender for debts."
The first case of legal tender ou record is
said to have been in Greece in the eixtle
century before Christ, when Solon de-
based the coinage so that 100 stew drachmae
were worth no more than 78 of the old
ones. The Roman Sc nate reduced the
weight of copper money during the sec-
ond funic war. Philip of Spain, in 1500,
debased the pound sterling, and enforced
the eireulation of the depreciated money
based upon it by decree of legal tender.
It is said that Edward III., of England,
over 500 year ago debased the coin, and
by a dee+ree of the crown made it a penal
offense to refuse the debased money.
About 200 years ago James II., when
reigning ix1 Dublin after abdicating the
dual throne, when confronted with an
empty treasury, thought, as Macauly
says. that "he could extricate himself
front his fivaneial difficulties by the sine,
pie process of calling a farthing a shill-
ing." He reasoned that since the right
of seining money belong, to the royal
prerogative, the right of debasing the
coinage must also belong to it. It is well
known that the same thing has been done
in various ways and times in the United
States, in the Argentine Republic and
other countries, and all the diversified
forms of debased money were made legal
tender, and their circulation was forced
by all the powers of the governments
which had issued them. Good money
needs no act of legal tender to make it
circulate, and the great international
commerce of the world has been carried
on in all ages without international aotof
legal tender, The traders of the world
have selected gold as the medium of ex-
change, winds answers the purpose so
well. Bi-metallists should consent to the
free coinage of both gold and silver with
no legal tender quality imposed upon
either, the values to be regulated by sup-
ply and demand or the cost of production.
That would be doing as much for one
metal as another, and it :could soon be
demonstrated which metal the people pre-
ferred to use as money,
Here and There.
Advertising presses the button, in. that
it brings people to your store ; the merit
of the goods must do the rest.
The Chinese and Japanese fleets have as
much trouble in finding each other as
have two professional pugilists.
News comes from the Oriental war seat
that Corea sides with Japan. In the ex-
citement over the fight the general public
had entirely forgotten Corea.
It is said that through an error in the
United States Tarin Bill diamonds may
get in free. The possibility of such a
thing is alarming, and the poor will hear
of it with dread.
The British Board. of Trade is now thor-
oughly convinced that the Canadian
herds have isolated cases of a highly con-
tageous disease. They must regard this
as a colonial peculiarity.
Two years ago a healthy cholera scare
saved Canada and the United States from
an invasion of the disease, Another au-
thentic case in England emphasizes the
necessity for another scare.
One practical result of the Oriental war
is the heavy borrowing of Japan, And
the little Japs, now under the minimum
fighting age, will work in their day to pay
interest to the heirs and assigns of the
.A. Kentucky editor says that 'call the
assaults of that blatant infidel who edits
the atheistic sheet across the way can not
bring discredit upon the Bible or tarnish
the fair fame of its illustrious author,
Thomas Jefferson."
A census has been taken of the writers
for British newspapers, and it has been
found that the total number of women
among then, is 660, as against 5,112 men,
Fourteen of these women are under 21
years of age, and 20 confesses to more
than 65 years.
The effort which American syndicates
are making to turn the Falls of Niagara
into electricity to the destruction of the
natural spectacle will likely be put a stop
to. If not, in a few years the tourist will
be shown where the falls once were and
the holes into which they were diverted
to earn money for the syndicaters,'
Tlie New York World started a discus-
sion on suicide, and among others who
gave opinions was Ingersoll, the well-
known agnostic. He took the view that
suicide was a commendable way of escap-
ing from the cares of life, and since then
there has been a marked increase in the
number of suicides. As a power for evil,
Ingersoll is still eminent.
One item in the bill to be presented to
the State of Illinois by the Pullman Com-
pany is "15,000 fur injury clone by the
State militia. The soldiers were housed
in eight palace cars, and they carved
their names in every available part of the
finished woodwork. Those who wore dia-
monds were also able to leave their ini-
tials on the plate glass mirrors.
There is a theatre in Paris for every
82,000 inhabitants. one in Berlin for ev-
ery 01,000, one in Bordeux for 8.1.000, one
in Buda -Perth for 85,000, oneinHambrog
for 113,000, ane in Vienna for 188,000 and
one in London for 14,5,000. There are
more theatres proportionately to the pop-
ulation in Italy than in any other coun-
try in the world, there being one to 9,800
inhabitants in Catania. one to 15,000 in
Florenlfe, one to 20,000 in Bologna, one
to 24,000 at Venice, one to 30,000 at Mi-
lan and Turin and one to 31,000 in Rome.
't?'Preeideirt Casimir-1'erier is one of the
hest -gnarled raters in Europe. A flying
brigade of police agents in civilian cos-
tume lilts been created to follow the Presi-
dent stop 1 ey step wherever he goes. When
M. Casinnir-Perir is al out to start from
the .',lyses the Prefecture of the Police is.
apprised 1;y telephone of the place to
which ho is going, as well as to the route
he is to take, Before he leas crossed the
gate, of the palace a carriage is already
on the street, With orders to fellow the
preeidrontial conveyance, and not to lose
sight of it, This nan(euver is repeated
several tines daily, for the President
goes out frequently, either in .0 carriage
or on foot.
In Koxituelcy they do not habitually
burn xoegrocs ; but a story 'O ilex front the
wires whish suggests the -thought that if
the auto -do -1e were introduced in that Erin...
state dt might prove 'a popular'spectaele,
The story is that a women of badrepute-
tion was nailed to a tree by her hands
and feet, her orucifiers being a Member of
women who objected to her course of life.
'4. wide departure this from the treatment
which another woman of bad reputation
received from one to whom sin *as More
loathsome than to the Kentuckian dames,
"He that is without sin amou ' yeti; let
him cast the first stone at her, said the
Masten'.. As between kindness and cruei-
fixion as rival remedies for social evils,
history proves that the former is more ef-
fective ; although mankind --and woman-
kind too--are,slow to learn the lesson.
Chula is outting a poor figure in the
war with J'apon. The active little Japs
are proving too much for the dull Chinese
whose movements are cumbersome in
comparison. The difference is distinct
an the Pacific coast. There one will meet
with Japanese gentlemen traveling for
knowledge and pleasure, who are well-
dressed, well-informed and in marked
contrast to the Wealthy Chinamen met
with. The Japanese whom one meets in
traveling pride themselves upon their
fluency in the English tongue, see an
attraction in European dress, in which
they follow the styles with sprightly ex-
actness, and are courtly and genteel in
their bearing always. To hint that they
are in any way related to tlxe Chinese
would be to insult them. They are a
progressive and companionable people,
the Chinese the reverse, and that is the
reason the successes of the Japanese are
SUGGEST1yi] IF TRUE.—A St. Mary's
man who has four daughters who are of
mariageable age, sent his sofa to be re-
novated, and the following is a partial
list of the articles which had slipped be-
tween the back and cushion as counted
and recorded : Forty-seven hair -pine
three moustache combs, ninete5n suspend-,
er buttons, thirteen needles, thirty-five
cigarettes, eight grains of coffee, forty-
seven cloves, twenty-seven cuff buttons,
six pocket knives, fifteen poker chips, a
vial of homeopathic medicine, thirty-
four lumps of chewing gum, fifty-nine
tooth -picks, twenty-eight matches, thirty-
nine collar buttons, eleven neckties, two
love -letters, a few pieces of candy, two
dimes, three quarters, one pickle, eighteen
buckles, five lead pencils, one pen and
four button hooks.
How Our Banks Stand.
The official statement for July shows
that there are ithir'ty-nine chartered
banks doing business in Canada, fourteen
of which have headquarters in Quebec
and ten in Ontario.
The aggregate authorized capital of
all these financial institutions ix $75.458,-
000, of which over 365,000,0110 is paid up.
The total reserve fund is 327.160,000;
notes in circulation aggregate $29,801,-
000 ; and the deposits made by the public
amount to 3176,500,000, of which nearly
$65,000,000 is subject to call.
That banking is a fairly profitable busi-
ness is shown by the statements of divi-
dends paid on stock: In Ontario only
one bank paid as low as six per cent.,
three paid seven, three eight, and the
Imperial, Toronto, and Dominion ran up
to nine, ten and twelve respectively. In
Quebec the dividends ran from ten in the
case of the Bank of Montreal to four in
that of Banque de St. Jean ; in Nova
Scotia, the figure was from eight to six;
in New Brunswick, from twelve to six ;
in Prince Edward, from eight to six; in
British Columbia it was seven, and in
Manitoba, where the one bank is in liqui-
dation, it was nothing at all.
Altogether the showing is a most favor-
able one. With one bank out of thirty-
nine in trouble, and the rest paying divi-
dends of from four to twelve per cent„
Canada must be considered as an excel-
lent financial condition.
Different Methods of Escaping the Great
01The man who has never been in close
proximity to a 100 -ton gun when it is
fired can have but little conception of the
noise and vibration," said Lieut. John
W. Leigh, a retired naval officer, who is
on his way to San Francisco,` and.who
stopped off in St. Louis and was seen in
the Southern rotunda. ,' Partly by
courtesy and partly chance, I was on the
Thunderer at the siege of Alexandria,
some twelve or thirteen years ago. Two
sets of advice were given me as to how to
act when then big guns were fired. Old
experienced seamen can stand the shocks
by raising on their toes the moment the
word is given to fire. The, majority of
people, however, find it necessary in order
to preserve their ear drums from perfora-
tion, to lie down, resting most of the
weight on their hands and toes. Even
with this precaution, the Sensation is
most unpleasant until one gats used to it.
Even with the comparatively small guns
in general use inthe navy, the concussion
on board a ship when a shot is fired
is very annoying, but the enormous
guns used so generally in European
navies are a source of ternible clanger to
the crew as well as the enemy, and I
doubt if they could possibly be used in a
hand-to-hand encounter, useful as they
are for destroying distant ports."
Toronto ........
'Wellesley .
Guelph Central
............ Sept. 3-15
Sept, 13-20
Sept, 13-22
Sept, 17-21
Sept. 18-19
Sept. 18-19
Sept. 18-20
Sept. 10-15
Sept. 18-21
Sept. 21-22
Sept. 21-29
Sept. 24.26
Sept.. 25-26
Sept. 25-26
Woodstock .......... Sept. 20-26
Paisley Sept, 25-26
Prescott Sept. 20-27
Brantford ....
Seaforth ',South Huron)
Pnslinch (Aberfoyle)
Sept. 20-27
Sept. 25-28
Sept, 211-28
Sept, 27-28
Sept. 27-28
Sept. 27-28
Oct. 2-8
Elora . 0.00.,.......,
Smithville, , ..,
Otter'ville Oct. 4-5
Masaateaiveya, Brookville.. 0 Oct, 5
Oct. 2-8
Oct. so4,
Oct. 2-4
Oct. 4
Ridgeeown u h • e • 6000a6 8.10
Tilsoxxbung ' Oct, . ' 9-10
Burford .. , .,.... , Oct, 11.12.
Sirncoe Oct. 16-18
,Oct. 17.18
Interesting Items:and Incidents, Import-
ant and instructive, Gathered from
the Various Provinces.
Cricket is Bradford's favorite pastime.
Peterbcro's rate of taxation is 17 mills..
Hobart has another outbreak of scarlet
Barrie had. 4,000 visitors on its eivic
Many cattle about Oshawa have oph-
Mrs. Sarah Hunter, aged 91, has died
at Downie.
A large summer hotel is to be built at
Rond Eau.
The apple crop about Stouffvile will be
a small one.
The town maples of Woodstock have
been trimmed.
Mr. Herman Meinke, an old resident of
Waterloo, is dead.
The Hotel Normandie, Sarnia, has been
sold to a Detroit man.
A Vancouver syndicate wants to run
Nanaitno's electric railway,
A Port:Hope garden has a sunflower 12
feet high with 67 flowers on it.
Parish Hall, Walpole Island, has been
opened with fitting ceremonies,
A Hobart man has an American con-
tract for 3,000 canthook handles.
A creat improvement in business
throughout Manitoba is reported.
A company of South Sea Islanders is
giving entertainments in Manitoba,
The steam yacht Aberdeen is said to be
the handsomest boat on the Rideau.
Humphrey Moynahan, of Windsor, was
drowned at Sandwich while bathing.
Caulfield village is talking about the
organization of a mechanics' Institute.
Windsor will soon use natural gas at 25
cents a thousand with 10 per cent. dis-
A by-law to provide for a sewer service
at Niagara Falls, Ont„ was defeated by a
The forty --three-year-old goose belong-
ing to Mr. Cook, of Glenwilliams, died
last week.
Bush fires have become dangerous in
the neighborhood of Stratford and also of
John N. Knechtel has sold his 35 -acre
farm adjoining Brussels to James Shaw
for 82,500.
Mr, R. S. Jenkins, of Toronto, has been
appointed classical master at Orangeville
High school.
The will of the late W. N. Nichols,
school inspector, shows 3860 personalty
and no realty.
It has been decided that Pickering can
tax the Bell Telephone Company only on
8400 income.
Hugh Lynn, the Savary Island murder-
er, was executed at Now Wesminster, B.
C.. on Saturday.
There was a little fire recently in. the
Fleury foundry works, Aurora, but little
damage was done.
The Calgary School Board has engaged
a lady teacher from Woodstock and an-
other from Quebec.
Rev. R. G. Stevens, of Elkhornhas
asked to take charge of St.
mission, Winnipeg.
While searching a tramp arrested the
other day the Ottawa police found. over
$2,000 on his person.
Seymour G. Easton, one of Brockville's
most highly esteemed and well-known re-
sidents, died recently.
Edward Chambers, of Port Hope, was
accidently shot by a young lady at Rice
Lake, but may recover.
The Lyman street, St. Catharines, and
Thorold Baptist churches will be consti-
tuted one pastoral charge.
During a recent storm lightning struck
Neil McDonald's place, Heath Head, Ont.,
three times simultaneously.
The funeral of the late Hon. C. F,
Fraser at Brockville Sunday was the
largest ever seen in the town,
Ancient St. John's Lodge, A.F. and A.
NI., of Kingston, held its first meeting 100
years ago Tuesday of last week.
A Chatham man is willing to light St.
Thomas with electricity at 20 cents per
lamp per night, moon or no moon.
The assessment of the plant and pro-
perty- of the Bell Telephone Co. in Orilla
has been reduced from 32,800 to $509.
A bicycle club is being organized in
connection with the Nanaimo Literary,
Athletic and Temperance Association.
Frog catchers in Northumberland
County have asked the Ottawa authorit-
ies to make a close season for that species
of game.
Rev. R. Horner, a Methodist minister,
of Pembroke, has been suspended for not
taking the station assigned to him by
Rev. Dr. Chiniquy has just celebrated
his eighty-fifth birthday, and was present-
ed with an address and a purse of money
at Montreal.
Mrs, Georgina L., wife of Rev, Walter
Rigby, pastor of the Colborne Street
Methodist Church, London, died sudden-
ly last week.
John Haislop, a 'West Nissouri farmer,
was killed in London Monday by his team
running away and throwing him from a
load of oats.
A little five-year-old girl'inKincardine
named Ruby Boal, foil oat of an apple
tree into which she climbed the other
day, and was killed.
The by-law to raise 510;000 to extend
Col.lingwood's electric light system was
defeated by the ratepayers of that town
by a majority of 115.
Gorge Harris and Thomas Beattie,
two Owen Sound boys, have been sent to
the Central Prison for six months for
stealing billiard balls.
Stratford City Council has been peti-
tioned by 120 business men to have all
telephone, electric and telegraph poles re-
moved from the streets,
Robert Morrison, aged seventy-five,
fell down and died. on Saturday near his
home at Singhampton, Ont., while re-
turning from a fishing title),
A large busii fire is 'raging near the
Village of Burford. All day Sunday
farmers and numbers of others made tre-
mendous efforts to head pit the flames,
but without mush sitcom. ' If a high
wilnd, springs up the damage cannot fail
Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet,
Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and $ladder Diseases Positively Cured by
Te eW etog Treat atWo gerfui Dt s� SCOYe
�1 �
liarlou can Deposit the Money in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster
to be paid us after you are CURED under a written Guarantee!
"SW Abusa, Excesses and Blood Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young men
and middle aged mon. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday sohool, the office the profes-
sions -all havo its viotims. Young man, if you have been indiscreet, beware of the future.
Middle aged men, you are growingp rematurely weak and old, both sexually and physically.
Consult ne before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, Confidential,
W. 8. t3OLL1NS. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw. Speaks. W. d. COLLINii.
"I am 29. At 12 I learned a had habit which I contin-
ued till 19. I thou became "one of the boys" and led a
gay life. Exposure produced Syphilis. I became nerv-
ous and despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes
red, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone
pains; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses at
night; weak parts; deposit in urine etc, I spent hun-
dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating
suicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy &
Kergan's New Method 'Treatment. Thank God I
, tried it. In two months I was cured. This was six
years ago, and never had a return. Was married two
\ years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy do Ker-
BEFORE TREATII'T gan before giving up hope." AnTEf TREATex'T
Seminal Weakness, Impotency and
Varicocele Cured.
"When I consulted Drs, Kennedy & Bergen, I had
little hope. I was surprised. 'Their new Method Treat-
ment improved me the first week. Emissions ceased,
nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in
again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and
strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can
heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable
BEy'ORETRF.ATM'7 Specialiste. They treated me hgnorably and skillfully." l a" ,
Ar�"rza T1tEATDL T,
T. P. EMERSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. T. P. EMERSON.
19. A. TONTON.
T. P. Emerson Has a Narrow Escape.
"I live on tho farm. At school I learned an early
habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and
mentally. Family Doctors said I was going into
"decline" (Consumption). Finally 'Tho Golden
Monitor," edited by Drs. 1Kennedy & Kergan fell in..
to my hands. I learned the Truth and Cause, Self
abuse had sapped my vitality. I took the New
Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I
was cured of Consumption. I have sent them many
}},, , patients, all of whom were cured. Their New
;)CI. Method Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and man- 1
READER 1 Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hope? Axe you contemplatuig mar-
riage? Has your Blood been diseased? have you any weakness' Cur
New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you,
410tTRi3t5; GrV.417FIL.aLNT3E33. X Ofi. 1%7C:6
16 Years in Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk.
Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion
Free of charge. Charges reasonable. Books Free —"The The Golden Monitor" (illus-
trated), on Diseases of men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed,
VATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel-
opes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat-
ment, FREE.
148 T, M eii.�,
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$80 WHEEL FOR 00 !
With Perfection - -
Pneumatic Tues
for 860. This machine has Ball Bearing; to all parts, including
head and pedals ; weldless steel frame ; tangent wheel: ; plates
crown; adjustable handle bar; brake a, d seat pillar; black, en-
amelled; corrugated mud -guards and highly plated bright parts,
Complete with Brooks' patent or Scorcher saddle, tool bag, wrench
and oiler, Address proprietor of this newspaper.
to be enormous, and as it is the loss is
quite heavy, although farm buildings
thus far have been saved.
It is said four of the Curran bridge offs
vials, including Chief Engineer Parent
and Superintendent Kennedy, have been
dismissed by the Government.
ktcKechnie's sawmills at Durham, Ont.,
were burned Monday evening, together
with. a lot of lumber. Firebugs are be-
lieved to have cansed the blaze.
Since the spring twenty-one thousand
pilgrims are reported to have passed over
the Canadian Pacific Railway on their
v: ey to the shrine of St. Anne.
Mr. W. C. Mitchell, classical master of
the Whitby Oollegiate Institute, has ac-
cepted a similar position in the Bishop
Ridley School at St. Catharines,
Eddie Langraf, with his brother Fred
and another young roan of Port Colborne,
wort snilirg on the like Sunday. Their
boat capsized, and Eddie Langl'af was
A Brussels young lady took her bicycle
end wheeled to Henfryn one day last
week, picked a pailful of berries and re-
turned in the evening with the results of
her labor,
The value of settlers' effects brought
into Canada from the United States in
1893 was $1,600,000. The value of like
articles brought from Great Britain was
only 3511,000.
Hamilton City- Council has resolved
that the Finance Committee consider the
advisability of the city building and osier -
sting electric railways' to Guelph, Brant-
fond and other points,
It is rumored that the Rev. Geo.
Wye, of Christ church, Am herstburg, is
going to renounce his allegiance to the
Anglican faith and Protestantism and
join the Catholic 'church.
William l.iprague, porter of a London
hotel,' in his sleep on Nlondey'night walk -
ad. out. of his hedrooill window one the
third floor end fell onto a specs and .fx'oin
there to .the ground. Ae was badly
A petition is being circulated, praying
the Minister of Justice to release old num
Stinson, who was • convicted stone four
;}'ears ago. for counterfeiting. He is serv-
ing ten years' sentence in 'Kingston peni-
Oflieial returns farther fiscalear
y just
closed show•that only 2,109 Chinemen
arrived in Canada during 1893-94, while
666 registered to return to China with the
right to come back to Canada within six
Rey. A. C. Courtice, of Kingston, has,
given up the guaranteed salary hitherto
enjoyed by the pastor of Sydenham street
Methodist Church, and will accept in lieu
thereof a quarterly collection.
Barrie has twenty magistrates and
nineteen constables. Orilla has fifteen
magistrates and fifteen constables. For•
its size Bradford abounds in magistrates,
having eleven and three constables.
P.rineigal Grant and Archbishop Cleary
enjoyed a hearty hand shake when they
met ou the platform at the unveiling of
the statue in memory of the Irish immi-
grants in Kingston the other evening.
The call of the Presbyterian congrega-
tion of Grimsby, Ont., to Rev. John Mllir,
M.A., of Edinburgh, Scotland, has been
sustained by the Hamilton :Presbytery,
anal the induction set for September 20.
A young man named Edward Dand-
gruff, of Port Colborne, was drowned
there Sunday. Ile and two others were
out sailing and the boat capsized. The
' two saved were picked up by the steamer
Tyman and brought to Port Colborne.
J. R. Booth's lumberyard in Rochester -
vine, the southwestern portico). of Ottawa, ,
was swept by fire Sunday evening. Sev-
en or eight million feet of lumber, piled
over ten acres of ground, were consumed,
In Canada convic tions for crime. mope
bored 4,000 in 1892 and 4,620 in 1898. In
proportion to the inhabitants the crime
in Ontario places this Province the third
on the list. British Coltuinbia has twen-
ty-six criminals to each 10,000 of popula-
tion, the Ternitoiries twelve and Ontario
ten, Quebec comes fifth, with only tune
criminals to each 10,090 inhabitants.
.A. Canadian bullock, the largest ever
lainded in England, teas sold recently at
Sluelrihall, Glasgow. The animal was a
cross -grecs Shorehorn, came :Nem Ontario
and stooclsevonteen hands high, measur-
ing eight feet from the crown of the head
to the tail, whilst its gross weight was
slightly over a. tun. • The bulloek was
well-proportioned beast, tool Twee sold
£28 5s,
',Elie colors of a chana.elooin
change instantaneously, .but re
considerable length of tibia. Th.
is a provision 0t nature fijr the pr
of •a helpies.-s annual from into