HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-9-6, Page 1boat VOL. VI The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital . $2,000,000 Rest Fund, ....... 1,200,000 Head ofiiee Montreal. F. WOLFERSTA lel THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MAN Acinus Money advanced t aeod Fariner's on their own notes w.•:1, one or more endorsers at 7 per oent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a, m,to it p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p, m Ageneral bawling business transacted CURRENT RATES a•ilowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per pent. E. E. WARD. • Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager ••21•01111110.•. THE OXtter gitybrorabz Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, – EXETER. —By „the ADVOCATEPUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS 02 SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 81.110 if not so paid. Ad irextisixa g Reiten on Zi» a12.ca- tiosi, • No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ehargedaceordingly. Liberal ciiseountmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Ohegnes,m.oneyord- ers. &e. for advertising, subscriptions,eto.bo be made payable to Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETORS Church Directory. TR(VITT MEMORInr. Cnunox,--Rev, E W. Hunt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a, m and? p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class for Adults, 3 .r. in. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at• morning service Mweno »rT OuuuaOn--James-st JAotesoN Pas tor.SundayServices, iO.Sf a.m, and6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p.m. MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Past- or. Sunlay Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m Sabbath Sehooi 2,30 p. m. PRO B YT1i1LIAN GRUB 011.—Rev, W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, u a. m. and 6.80 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m Professional Cards. ave_ H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fa ns on' s Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, Eb1T XEit, extracts teetb without pain. Away at Lucas every Wed- nesday, aensall 1st Nriday; Blyth, first Mon- day end Zurich on last 'lhnrsday of each month. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Rival . College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Fill Ines as required. Items DALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., • Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with honors). Special attention given to preservation of the nat- ural. teeth. Ofiiee over Elliot& 1'.11iot's law, office–opposite Central Hotel–Exeter. :Medical TR. G. SROULTS, CENTRALIA. 1iJJ 0r1•ICE: Opposite Methodist Parsonage eters. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS, iJ Kesideneee, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' otiice• same as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' office, same building–south door. May 1st. 1893 X. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, !CD 'TDR.T. P. McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceoucli- eur. Ofacto, .Dashwood, Ont. Aicgal. ••1111M•1111001,411011•1110061110110, V.VIN0010110.1.1121/1=01 RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. 0faee–Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. trlonev to Loan. LII.DICINSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- ve-vaneer,Commissioner, &c.lvIoney to loan Office–Fanson's Block,Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRTSTERS,SOLIO itors, Conveyancers. &o. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers HB.E0WN1 Winchelsea, Licensed Auet- , fencer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- soubale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. FBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. .Lie - J. ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and satisfaction guaranteed. FRED. W.FARNOOMB, Provincial Land • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter. STEAMSHIP & INSURANCE AGENT. Anchor, Allan, Allan State Beaver, Dom inion, American, White Star Nether- lands, and American Lines to }England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Cape, Australia and New Zealand. Lancashire London and Lancashire, Northern, North British and. Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's, London anti Lancashire Lilo Insur, Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co. LoW.Es' r It:TES. Capt Geo..ISelmp. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel.— $0.50 to 0,52 .. ........• 35 to 36 Oats Peas . , :.. 50 to 52 :utter .,.,s. ....... 14 to 15 ggs tatoes per bus ' 7 00 60 4V per tog ::.:. , , , .. ,, 6.00 to 750 es: George Mathers met with is injurylast week. While colt it stepped on his foot, lie bone and ball of the greet ,y that amputation may be EXETER,' ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1894. ATO 355 MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on. appli- cation. MORRIS-FEILD-RDEERS-CO LI4TO W14 TEACHER WA. WOE D–MALL+` For School Section No 4, Itsbarne. Mus - hold a second class certificate, term com- menting January '95. For further informat tion apply in person or write to FteEDER1Ca LUXTON, Seo'y. Devon, P. O. Ont. - REGISTERED TAMWORTFI HOG FOR SALE. 1L The undersigned has a number of Tamworth hogs of either sex for sale; also for service. Apply on premises lot 9, eon. 1 (London Road). JoeIN MAY. EXETER P. 0. JUD C AL SALE In the Iligh,Court oftJustice. Obit; vs,tOKE, Pursuant to the order of sale made in this cause, there will be sold by and with the ap- probation of$.11MALO0i1ibON, Local Master at Goderioh, by public anotion at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, at 1 o'clock pm., on Saturday, September 15, '94, The following valuable farming lands, vizi– Lot iz:Lot number twenty-four in the second concession ofthe'Township of trsborne, the County of iiuron, containing one hund- red aures more or less. This is a first.olass farm in a good state of cultiytation, well fenced with good buildings and good orchard and convenient to first- class markets. TERMS: -10 per cent. of the purchase mon- ey,on the day of sale and the balance to be paid into Court within one month there- after. In all other respects the terms and condit- ions of the sale shall bo the standing condit- ions of the IL C. J. For further Particulars apply to L. H. Dickson, ESq., Exeter; Philip olt,Bsq., God- erioh; Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot. Goder- ich; the Official Guardian, Toronto, or the Vendor's Solicitor. R. H. COLLINS, S. MALCOMSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Master, Exeter. Goderich Dated this 1st day of September, 1894. 'the Forest Standal'd come out last week as a trade edition containing a spicy write up of the business men of that town. The Standard is a prates tint journal and is full of good newsy locals each week. Several young lads were worked up to a frenzied state on Tuesday even- ing over mysterious sounds issuing forth from the belfry of the Trivitt Memorial Church. They could see no light and at once came to the conclu sion that it was a ghost. To satisfy themselves they got close to the church and yelled. "Joe" "Charlie" several times and loud enough to wake the dead, but got no answer, cosnequently they were more fully convinced thau ever that a ghost was there, They watched for a long time and was great 1;T surprised to find that his ghostship turned out to be the bell ringers who were practising a new mode of ring- ing with the clappers of the bells tied. Sold Out. Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, who for near- ly two years has successfully conduct ed a hardware business in town, dis• posed of the same to Mr. H. Bishop, of Parkhill, on Tuesday evening, who will take possesion in about two week's time. Mr. Bishop is a man of Targe ex perience, having been in 'business in Parkhill for several •years, and comes higly recommended as a "hustler." While we regret the loss of Mr. Cobbledick from the busines we wish dr, Bishop every success in his undertaking. Stock taking will commence on Monday next. Mr. bishop will move his family to Exeter shortly. Ministerial Association. A meeting of the South Huron Min- isterial Association was held in the Main Street Methodist Church on Mon- day afternoon, the president, Rev. G Jackson in the.cllair. The -minutes of the June meeting were road by ,the Secretary, Rev. W. 11 Butt and 011. motion were T adapted. Rev II. W. Locke was, on motion. of -Keys, Fletcher and Martin, made a meniher of the As- sociation; and on motion of Rev. latch• er and Butt Rev. J. A. Snell was i11 vited to sit as a corresponding member The next r(gular meeting was ordered to he held in tho James Street Methodist Church on Monday Oct. 8&b, the Rev, Mr. Locke to give a sermon on Heb. 12 18-24 and, the Rev. Mr, Fletcher to furnish a critique on Drurn mond's "Ascent of Man." On motion ltev. W, Martin was appointed to prepare a paper 011 the "Origin of Life„ for the November meeting. After the transaction of business the president gave a short but pointed pa per on "How far happiness may be considered as au end of life." The es sayist said if we believed that happi• ness was the chief end of life then we found ourselves among the Epieuriaus and modern Materilists, while on the other hand if happiness was nothing to us then we were found among the Stoics. Ile claimed that while happi- ness was not the solo end of life. it was a subordinate oue in the formation of life. We were taught the chief end of man was t' glorify Cod and to enjoy Him forever–by affection for Ilim and obedience to His lay. The reward of obedience tc iiia law was happiness. Then was a blessing on obedience and cursing on those who rebel, far "the wages of Rin is (teath" Men were in- fluenced by -the thought of reward, as for instance, Moses who refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, "for he had respect uuto the recompense of the reward; and also Paul who when near the end of life said, "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness," which implied that this great truth, had had an effect upon his previous life, 7 he difference between the man of duty and the man of license was that one found happiness by not seek ing it, the other by seeking it failed to tied it, one had respect to what- he ought to do, the other ackt.owledged 1(0 authority but his own will. Rev. J. A. Snell read a sermon in Joehna le. 8v in which he eu.lo ised the Bible as the word of God hoary with age and full of rhetorical beauty. Some .laitned the Bible to be behind the. times, not able to meet the de mends of modern culture, but by the opillions of melt of learning he showed it to be without a peer while its inde- structibility and supremacy demon- strated it to be divine in its origin. Both the essay and sermon were subjected to .a rather lengthy but friendly criticism. The meeting was dismissed with the benediction by the Rev. Mr. Lock. The ,Drought. I: is more than. two months since any considerable rain fell in this dis trice. The long period of steady, dry hot weather has parched up everything and the country is, iu comparison with the average season, an arid waste. There is hardly a spear of green grass to be seen, and a great nutnber of maple trees are turning sere and yellow, as in the late October weather after a few hard frosts. It is needless to say that under these conditions live stock of all kinds have gone behind, and there will be very little fat cattle this fall, Sheep and lambs,whieh can generally thrive on short, dry, pasture, have gone be- hind. Water, which until now has been in fair supply, is getting scarce, and the wells and strewn s are drying up. Some farmers have to drive their stock for miles in order to obtain water. Potatoes, especially on light, sandy soil are scorched up, and the tubers are Great Clearing Sale OF ARDERE MING AT JAS. II. GRIEVES. For the next 30 days, (ONLY), we,will sell the bal- ance of our Summer Tweed at a price to suit the times. Our stock is too large for this time of the year, and must be re- duced at the following low prices:— All Wool Tweed Suits for $9.50 , do do 11.00 , do do 15,00 , Fine Pant for 2.25, do 4:00 , do 5.00 , Regular Price:$12,00. do 15.00. do 19.00. do 3.50. d) 6.00. da 7.00. Abra lot of remna'xts—ranging from 1 raid up to 5 yards --for boys clothing at a very low price. We cut all our own goods free of charge. Give us a call and see for yourself. Remember the place, Grigg's Old Stand, J, H. GRIEVE. small and not half a crop. Other root emits have suffered more or less, and turnips up to this time, except on very moist laud, have made little headway, On heavy clay soils no plowing can be done, as the ground turns up in big rocky chunks. However withtho pres- ent price of wheat, but very little of this cereal will be sown this fall, Bush fires are raging in different parts of the county, and water is getting so scarce that there is no means of put- ting them out, and great damage is being done to crops and fences. [Later] A good shower of rain fell on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, This is the first we have had for weeks. Vegetation had commenced to dry up at an alarming extent and the shower was a very welcome one. Sodom. Don'tforget the Sodom social to be held this Thursday evening: Eat- ables served early so as to give time for 04 other portion of the entertain- ment, The entertainment after the supper will consist of music, vocal and instrumental, recitations, speeches and dialogues Some outside talent has been secured to assist in the program Centralia. Miss Martha. Butt, of Kippen, is visit ing friends here.–Dr. Shoults has vac - cin ;ted a large number of children around here and m.'uly are c8mplain ing of sore arms.–Our grain merchant has been doing a rushing business in the purchase of wheat and oats–An open inl'etillg was held on Friday ev- ening in connection with the R T. of T. It was largely attended, the hal, being packed. Recitations were given by Misses Batynham. Elston', Handford and Mr. George Essery, and music was furnished. by Misses Elliott, Cobbleigh, and the Quartette Club. A leading feature of the meeting was a lengthy address by the Rev. W. H. Butt, on "Capital and Labor," which was well received. We believe the Tempters purpose holding more of those open meetings to stimulate temperance work. - Greenway. Several of our young people attend- ed the harvest hone dinner and enter tainment at Sylvan last week and were highly pleased with the proceedings. We are pleased t0 see Mr. F. Jermette who has been sick for some time out again,–Rev. J H. Chant has gone to visit friends in Kingston and other plaices east. Rev, R L. Wilson has charge of his work during hie ab- sence. He °epees to be gone about two weeks.–We are having very dry weather and fires are doing much dam age a few miles north of here.–Mr. W. J, Wilson sold a valuable fat cow to Taylor and Jones last week.–Mr. Wm, Brinker and wife of Milton, Mich., are visiting his father and other friends here after an absence of 8 years.–Mr. A. McIntosh has bought the Hope farm out near Moray. He intends to move on it shortly,–Mr. Henry Mellin of Crediton visited friends here last week We notice by the printed bills that the twenty-first annual harvest home din ner and entertainment is to be held Sept. 12th and among the attractions they are to have the Zurich String Bard and Mr. W. Gibson, solo singer and sister of the city of London.–Miss L, Nisbet, who has been visiting at Mr. Rob,. Armstrong's returned home last week.–At a meeting held at school Noe 10 the trustees engaged Miss Lourne Baker for another year. They are highly pleased with the pro- gress of the scholars and good order in the school. Farquhar. Mr. John Hewitt is confined to his bed with catarrah on the stomach – Mr. John Campbell spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Seaforth.–Mr. Richard Tasker spent Sunday with friends in Huliet township:–Mr. John Fulton and : his sister Mary visited their sister, Mrs. Bruce, in McKillop.– Miss Martha Grein and Miss Rosa Glei- ser, of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs. Rich. Remmer'on Sunday.–Mr. James Cottle and his cousin, Miss Emily Cot- tle, of the Tharnes Road, left on Satur- day last for Whitechurch, with the in- tention of visiting friends and rola tiyes We hope they may have a pleasant time.–One of our young gents previous to going to the picnic the other day promised to take one of our young ladies, who resides about two miles south of the village. On her arrival here she was utterly disap- pointed to find there was "n0 rootn," and consequently she had ,to walk back home again. Stick to your prom- ise next time, Will,–Some of our ex- pert coon hunters went out the other night with the intention of playing havoc amongst the coons. After trav- elling about for some time they sped what they thought to be two coons,but lel behold their surprise when they turned out to be two pigs.–Mrs Jas. Walker, Miss Miller and Mrs. James Scott, of Ribbert, were the guests of Mrs. Andrew Hodgert on Monday.– Mr. Arch. Hodgert, wife and family have returned home after spending a few days at the Bend. 13x11RTI1i4. FAIRITALL. •–Itt Ceitreila on the 80th tilt., .the wife of F. 0. rairhall of a son. Varna. Fenea–On Wednesday morning lightning' struck the barn of Mr. John MeAsh, on the Parr line farm, lately occupied by Mr. John Torrauce. The barn and stables were a mass of flames in a few minutes, and the whole seas- on's crop was consumed. There were about 700 bushels of threshed grain and the barns were again filled. There would be in the neighborhood 2,000 bushels of grain, besides 20 tons of hay, The place was iusured in the Hay Company for $1,500. The loss will be considerably oyer the insurance, be sides the inconyenieuec. Much sym pathy is felt for Mr. MeAsh on account of his loss. ANOTITLS FIRDI–Very early Monday morning the barn and adjoining buildings belonging to Mr, Nathaniel Peck, who resides on the Baby lon line near Varna, were found -to be ou fire but the flames had made such rapid headway that nothing could be done to save them. The buildings were large and commodious and contained all of season's crop together with most of the implements. The loss will be very heavy as the place only carried $1220 insurance. Cause unknown. PERSONALS:– Mr. Chas. Abbot and Mr. Ralph Handford were in town this week,–Miss Annie Weekes is learning the tayloriug,–Rev. Mr. Leech and wife spent a day or two at Grand Bend last week.–Labor day was duly recog- nized by our townsmen.– Crediton., Mr. Harry Dyer and W. Trevethick, having spent several weeks here, haye again left for Glencoe to resume their usual work.–Mr. Rata, of New Ham• burg, father of John and V alontiue Ratz payed our town a flying visit this week.–Misss Jory, of Exeter, was the guest of the Misses Lewis on Sunday last –The Evangelical Church will hold their annual Sunday school con- vention of the Canada Conference ou llth 12th and 13th of this month.– Brown and Preeter have engaged Mr. Mr. D. Switzer as clerk.–Mr. Moses Braun iutotlee leaving for Flkton, Michigan, next week where he has secured a situation as shoe maker with. Mr. John Grill. Mrs. &men Stehle and Mrs. TJmbach, of Waterloo, are spending' a few days here with their relatives and friends.–lir John Geiser of Denver Colorado is home for a few days owing to the death of his father. NV. 'l'rieulnner of Petrolia, is visiting relatives here, Miss Rau have ing spent seyeral weeks at Grand Beud was in townllouday and Tuesday re new lug acqua.in`-auces but left for Galt on Wednesday were she intends finish- iug her • vacation Misses Minnie an Sophia Motz having spent several years in Michigan are now home spend- ing a few weeks under th parental roof.–Mr. Wm. Fritz intends taking a trip to Morriston next week for the good of his health and to renew ac - acquaintances. Zurich, Miss Waiper, of Berlin, is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity at present.–Mrs. elacFadden and fam- ily, of Chosley, are the guests of Mrs Micheal Zellar.–bliss Steinbach and Miss Faust attended the millinery open Tugs at London last week.–Fire has been making havoc for several weeks of the great swamp east of Zurich. A great deal of very valuable timber has been destroyed and a number of farm buildings are in danger. The country surrounding is enveloped in a dense cloud of smoke and proves very dis- agreeable to the inhabitants.–Last Wednesday morning a very heavy thunderstorm passed over this section of the country. The thunder and lightning was terrific, doing damage to buildings and trees, Old settlers re- marked that it was the worst thunder storm they could remember of. Mr. Becher of the town -line had a fide span of horses killed by the lightning.–The flax mill had to shut down on account of the very dry weather, putting a great many hands out of work. It appears the intense heat combined with the dry earth burns the spreadflax to such an extent that it is useless for further manufacturing.–Mr. R. H. Steinbach after spending several months vacation at his home, returned to D. troit, Mich, where he intends to resume his studies at the Detroit Col- lege of Medicine.–Miss Mary Hess af- ter spending seyeral weeks under the parental roof returned to Detroit last Tuesday._ Misses Elizabeth and Amelia Hess left for South Bend, 'Minnie, last Wednesday.–The A 0. U. W organ ized a lodge in this village last Friday with a good starting membership and future prospects are good for a very large membership.–Mr. Louis Sipple of Detroit, Mich., returned home last week and at present is laid up with an attack of typhoid fever.–Mr. Sam. J. Latta and faintly removed to London last Wednesday. Mr. Latta has been a citizen of this plaee for the past six years and while here he held the posi- tions as principal of our. Public School and Clerk for the Township of Hay, ansa by his removal Zurich will mourn the loss of a very valuable man. Mr Latta now takes a situation in one of the London schools, HIS many friends with the ADVOCATE wish him success in his neve undertaking. 111a0illivray Mr.. W U. Pearson had the", misfott• une to upset his separator oue night last week. The draw bolt on one side of the tongue broke, causing the ma- . chine to run oaf to one side of the road, which was only eight feet wide. at the place where it upset, There was very little damage done.–As Mr. John Rob- inson was drewiug his thrashing ma• chine into Mr James Doyle's bank barn the gang -way gave way, letting the horses drop through, leaving 'them suspended by the traces. Mr. Robinson seized an axe and cut the tugs and let the horses free.. They escaped without getting hurt. Mr. J, H. Adams, of Allardt, Tenney. see, a former and well-known resident of McGillivray tp., met are untimely fate a few days ago A Mrs. I€oss writing from that place on the 21st August says:–"The body of Capt. J. H. Adams, war found aboat a mile south of here on the old county road, Wednesday morning. He had been shot twice and either shot would have been fatal. Whether it was murder or suicide is at present unknown, but every possible effort will be used to find out. Deceased had returned from the county seat in the afternoon where he had signed a contract to finish a big church, house and Masntnic hall, He re- ceived his mail, wrote several letters, had supper, then went for a walk. This was the last seen of high alive. All that is known is that a strange young ady and gentleman called at his stop ping place during his absence and ea. quircd for hitn They were from the North they said, and old friends. They gave no nameghut were rdspe.ctableancl well to do, and proud:tea to call again, but never did so. 'Ihe idea is that they•had met by arrangement on the road and failed to agree; which caused the shooting. 1111 was suicide he nev- er showed any sign of trouble Those who knew him say thtu.t he was taken by surprise as he was well armed and very quick with the pistol. When found he held a Smith Ss Wesson 38 pis• tol in his hand. Three chambers had been used story lately. He was very quiet and reserved, particularly with ladles, a great reader and writer, hav- ing friends in many parts of the States and Canada. Ilis untimely end has plunged hie many friends into great grief. Ex -Sheriff Taylor has taken charge of etli hie papers and personal goods and Started for Canada to -night. Perhaps mine of his eastern lettere to friends may give scme light on the sad. affair \Ye have list a true and hoe- - est friend but for whet cause meet never be known." The Spirit Moving. The haunted school just east of H.u2 • over is still the leading attraction. His ghostship was promptly cn hand, on the opening of school after the holidays and carried out his full program el mysterious sounds iu the hearing o€ the entire scho:l gild a large number of visitors Miss McKechuie, the teacher who had somewhat recovered from her nervous prostration during the holidays and had pinekily- taken up her work again, stood the "racket" for two days and then her nervous system fafled and site gave up, virtually resigning her position. No clue has boort found to- wards the solution of the mystery, but it has been e.tablished that, after once starting, the noises go-onitt the ab- sence of both the teacher and pupils, so it is difficult to establish a case of trickery upon them. A nets schoo€ house has been built and will open next Monday and it is said the trustees will not permit Miss McKechnie to teach there for fear she will "hodoo It is a pity that civilization which squanders hundreds of thousands an- nually in the search for the north pole haven't a few hundreds to "blow in" on either establishing cntntnunication with ghost -land or learning a tip-top new secret of necromancy. The published expenses of Sir Oliver Mowat (as given by his financial agent, Mr. John Douglas,) in the recent elec- tions for North Oxford were $667, di• vided as follows:–Liv cry and horse hire, $153 25; printing, $278.40; rent of halls, $32.00; telegraphing, $10,70; sun- dries, including stationery, etc,, $111.- 70; personal expenses of Candidate, $30.05. The expenses of Mr. Horseman, the patron candidate, have not yet been published, but they are nothing like as heavy as Sir Oliver's. As a comp'trison, his printing account with the Times, which included all that was done, is $24,25, Clinton: The town voter's list for 1894, just issued, shows an aggregate number of 018 voters; of these no less than 08 are widows; the number of per- sons qualified to serve as jurors is 271, 1tirt11•,t11L ;tES. A13ELL–NVILLIs.--At the residence of Mr. Stephen Powell, Exeter, on the 5th inst., by the Rey. H. W. Locke, Mr. Joseph C. Abell, of Seaforth, to Miss Rhoda M. Willis. IDEA.T11S. YOUNG.–Til Clinton, on August 20th, James Young, formerly of the Lon. don Road, Tuckersmith, aged 5G years. ITuNrnR. –In Usborne, on the 31st %est,, Bella Hodgins, Infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Phin, Hunter aged 4 months and 14 days.