HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-8-23, Page 5see .dlf,CE o.M ERR Err Toronto, Ontario. As Well as Ever' • After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious Disease, "l: was suffering from what is known as Bright's disease for five years, and for days at a time I have been unable to straighten myself up. I was in bed for three weeks; during that tune I had leeches applied and derived no bene. fit. Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found relief before I had finished taking half of a bot- tle. I got so much help from taking the first bottle that I decided to try another, and since taking the second bottle I feel as well as ever I did in my life." GEo.liiERRETT,Toronto, Ont. In Dreadful Condition Almost a Complete Wreck After the Crip Can Hardly Express Sufficient Crate ttude to Hood's Sarsaparilla. " C. h Hood tC Co., Lowell, 11ass. ; "Dear Sirs—I felt it my duty to let you know the good flood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I have been troubled with stoner complaint for years, unable to do anything. I tried everything but seemed to get no relief. Then I became a victim of the grip and was left in a dreadful state, so 'weak I could scarcely work and when Idid Iworkedinmisery. The doctor said I had Bright's disease. My kidneys were in dreadful condition. I found one of your papers at my door, and on reading it decided to Sarsaparilla .DEANS NI1Ry f'EEANto ares new as covets test caro the womb cams of. Nervous Debility Lost vigor and Faillug Manhood; Restores the weakness of body or mind caused by ,over -work or the erroro or px resew of youth. This Remedy eb• solteeiy puree the most obstinate cases when all other RRATMeNTs novo tailed even to relieve, ,,,old bydrug. tsts et Si per package,sea for $'I or sent 12ymotion receipt of prico by nddr's'wo., g riiE JAMES MEDICINS col.„ Toronto, Ont. Wit ••r tutomilet. Bold Le For Sale In Exotor by J. W. Browning The propeller Ocean has been fully repaired, and will at onceresume her regular tripe, tare CrVer Firty Years. ASI OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY; Mrs' Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used, for over ;fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- feet success. It soothes the child, soften& the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhma. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists Tn. every part ofthe 'World, Twenty -live cents a bottle. Its value is incaloulable. Be euro and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Mrs. Forster, widow of John Forster, the historian, and biographer of Charles Dickens, is dead. HEART DISEASE RRLIAvED IN 50 MIN Unts.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hear;. One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz,. druggist There was serious rioting at Belfast, Ireland, yesterday, Natioualists being the aggressors. • Relief in Itlix Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieved in six hours by the "Naw GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEv CvltI3." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed- iately, If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. A death from cholera has occurred at Battersea, a portion of London on the Surrey side of the 'Thames. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first close greatly benefits. 25c. Sold by C. Lute,Dr ukgist, The Louisville Southern railroad has been sold to Drexel,'• v1orgau & Co. for $1,000,000, NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures Coughs, Colds, and Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Astma, Bronchitis, etc. give Flood's Sarsaparilla a trial, thinking at the time it was not muck use as nothing helped ine before. But, thank God, I got relief after the first bottle. I kept on taking it and used five bottles ; am now a cured roan; never felt better. I have loudly recommended Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, for /owe my life to it and hope this lay be the means of leading others to give it a fair trial," Josue.& Sarrxg, Norwich Ave„ "Wood , stock Ontario. mood's Pins euro liver ills, constipation, jaundice, biliousness. sickheadache, indigestion, ,llth`!r if4 lura • D se.Pass—T.harl r tto 0 1 •erinclle f',r tun paSr• ti .ue years, and was not free � �-f omitaei,lo,.t.,y. ...:gid.Lv-,,...t,; .,.ra.,., Test 11quelllmedi- cines and 'i11 ntl.fTs I coned think of, but it did erre no good. 111y euus:a , aid 1 must cdP fa'4w; 3 ic fit ul ,>El 0 because it is the best medicine ever made, and I tank three bottles of it, with the result, that it leis completely cured me. T think: Burdock Blood Bitters, both for headaches and as tt blood purifier, is the BEST IN THE WO L®9 and am glad to recommend it to all my friends, MISS Pnor.A MADoNALD, Olen Norman, Ont. WILL EXCEL ALL OTHERS Canada's Great 1NDUSTRAL FAIR" Xtlt Stix TORONTO SEPT. 3 TO 15 1894. Vast limprovements this 'Fear Exhibits and Attractions Greater and Grander than ever. ALL ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 17., The best holiday outing of the year • Cheap Excdirsionni on all hallways J. WITHROW, H. J; HILL, President. Man. Monte. The (band Ledge of Knights of Pythias trivets in Windsor next Tues day, August 21: Pisces I:temedy for Catarrh is the best, raitstest to Ilse, and Cheapest. sold by druggists or sent by mall, tea ITi''L $AZBitirie.•Warren, I'A lERC"1t'"HARMLESS SS HEADACHE is PoWDERs our .ALL F4irAi3A'trH, 2/ecy are vrot arlves- tisecl tc cure every. ching,butsimpZy head- aches. ,'f'55f teles&, it will cost but 25 cents ",r a boas and they a -e '9uarmless. Their are nota Cathartic. THE BEST COUGH CURE is Hag - yard's Pectorial Balsam. It heals the lungs and cures Coughs and colds. DYSPEPSIA causes Dizziness, Ileadache, Constipation, Variable appe- tite. Rising and Souring of Food, Pal pitatlori, of .the heart, Distress after Eating. Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia if faith- fully used according to directions, Mang Welsh tin works are starting up after terms of idleness. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Dyspep- sia. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Consti patios, Burdock Blood Bitters eures Bilious Ia CSS. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Head- ache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlocks all the clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus curing Headaches and similar complaints, Infernal machines have been found in Berlin anarchist houees. FOR CHOLERA MORBUS. Cholera Infantum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Ltrawberry is prt mpt safe and sure cure that has heel, a popular favorite for over 40 ,years. While, D. Davis' barn at Putney, Vt., was burning on Thursday night thieves stole $6,000 from the house. nestle Rud Xisroad. It Is the duty of everyone, whether at home or travelling for pleasure or busi- ness, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and pre- vent illness, and cure such ills as are liable to come upon all in every day life. Hood's ;Sarsaparilla keeps the blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs of disease. Hood's Pills are hand made, and per- fect in proportion and appearance, 25e. per box. Martial law has ceased to prevail at Bluefields, Nicaragua, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry cures Diarrhoea, I)ysmite ry,. Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera .infantutns, and a II looseness of the bow els. Never travel without it, Price: 850, The Archbishnp of Sidney, New South Wales, is in VVhiiiipeg. BURDOCK.'PII,LS do not gripe or liken... They ;cure Constipation and Sick Headache. MY.FEET were so badly- swollen that I could not wear my shoos. I got Yellow Oil, and to astonishmentgave instant relief, and two bottles corn pie.te- ly cured me Mrs, W. G. Mckayt Ber wick, Ont, Hot winds have completed the des- truction of the Born crop in Ne iryrnskrt. Some people Iaugh to • show their pretty teeth, The use of Ivn.r•y V hien Tooth POwdc r rustkes people laegh more than ever. It's so nice. Price 25c, Sold by druggists. cc= Owe 'My Now Lilo to Paine's Celery. Compound." Testimony of a Toronto Gentlemen, written in Verse. I once was a suff'rer, was burdened with woes, Dyspepsia and headaches my terrible foes; From day unto day I wart tortured with pain My efforts and prayers for relief were all vain My friends recommended new nostrums each days I foolishly heeded what each bad to say; But, instead of improving, I really got worse Each draught and each pill proved a snare and a curse. Wrapp'd up in despair and quite tired of life, 1 harken'd one day to the voice of my wife ; She said, "My dear Ned, 1 have found the true cure For all your afflictions, 'tail conquer I'm sure." I asked for the name of the cure she had found, The answer came quickly, "Paine's Cel'ry Compound; Ah, yes ! 'twas a name I had heard of be- fore— Piaci heard of its virtues to heal and restore. With courage and faith I received the glad news, And decided the Compound to faithfully use; Oh joy! let me sound the glad tidings around I'm cured through the use Paine's Oel'ry Compound. Dyspepsia and headaches are things of the past; Behind me forever these burdens I've cast ; I'ni healthy and hearty, digestion is sound, I owe my new life to Paine's Cel'ry Compound. Emma- Goldman, anarchist, has been released from New York prison, TO .REMOVE WOR.\IS of alt kilids from children or adults Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is a safe and sure rem- edy. Thirty men were injured in the smallpox riot at Milwakee on Wednes day. , How They Colne Upon Us.—During the green apple season, cramps come upou us like a thief in the night, and remain with us until the nearest phy- sician is calked in, or the pain is driven away by a dose or two of Perry Davis' Pain Killer, the celebrated cure for all summer complaints, from simple cramp to the most aggravated forms of chol- era morbus or dysentery. No house - bold should be without the Pain Killer unless there is a drug -store next door. Every reputable drag ist sell the medicine. Only 25c New large size. The Pullman coui.pany intends to evict its striking tenants for non pay - meet Of rent. .Division Court. Division Cnuit was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday with His Honor, Judges Doyle presidiug Fol- lowing are the cases:— Soon. v. RUSSELL.—An action on a promisory note, on which the plaintiff claimed the sum of $35. Judgment was given pill: for fell amount of his claim. R. H. Collins for plff ; F. Elliot for aft. GIBSON V. COCHRANE —An action oil two promisory notes plaintiff claiming $134. Owing to absence of plff. the case was adjourned until next sitting of the court. Collius for plff.; F. Elliot for def't. There were also two judgment sum - mous for which orders for commitment were made. CItEDITON. BAXTER V. WALPEit.—An action for the price of timber which the pill.took out for the def't denied the contract. Judgment was given for pif£ with full amount claimed with costs. Collins for plff.; Dickson for def't. SWITZER V. QUARRY,—An action for balance of an account. The def'c claimed that the account had been over paid to the extent of $5.22 and judgement was giyen is his favor for that amount with costs Dickson for elle'; Collins for deft. There. were two judgment summons cases, both of which were adjourned until the next sitting of the court. Burned to Death, Forest, Ont. Aug. 21—One of the most horrible tragedies in the history of I.,aernbton took place to -day on the farm of Wm Hayward, in Plymp'on Township, eight miles from Forest. Threshing was in progress, and shortly after starting the cylinder shaft broke and caused a friction, which set fire to the straw. In an instant the interior of the barn was a mass of farces. Neil MePhedran, Stephen Seeatle aud Greer were at work, and their escape was cut off by the flames, which filled the manhole to the mow. McPherlran jumped through the fire and escaped aline,' having his hair, whiskers and shirt burnt off him, Neither Searle nor Greer were ever seen alive again. In a short time the barn was smoulder - nig runts, acid soon after the charred trunks' cf the victims were dug out of the still blazing ruins. The heads arms and legs were completely burned off. The means of identification were G•reer's brace bucked&. Each leaves a wife and family, wind both were highly respectable farmers. The double fun-' etal takes place to -morrow at Wyom- iug. Hay ward's loss on barn and con- runts is over $1,000. on which there it $500 41s1l'016e, 'The bad affair has cnet a gloom over the entire neighbor' hood. , Around About Us, Centralia: On Saturday a. stable be- longing to •lvfrth Wm. Disbntan, was burned to the ground. Loss not y cry heavy, Cause of tire unknown. St. Marys:- On Friday afternoon fire started in the residence of Mrs Cayiey,, and burned up most of the furniture in the house, The faro is supposed to have been started by children playing in the house during her absence `at work, The roof of the house was also badly burned. McKillop. A rather serious accident happened to the six-year-old son of Thomas Davidson, 12th con. While the little fellow was playing around the horses one of the animals ' kicked him on the head fracturing his skull, Sur- gical aid was soon called and he is now doing nicely. East Wawanosh: As .Messrs.' Cook and Johnston were going up what is known as Fothergiil's Hill, with their traction engine the driving chain broke and the engine ran back down the hill and fell 'over the embankment just above Mi. Fothergill's gate. The engine is a complete wreck, one of the large wheels being broken in three planes. Being at the beginning of the threshing season it will be a heavy. loss so the owners, Seaforth, Dr. R. W. B. Smith, who has been a resident of our town for a few years, and enjoyed a gnocl practise among the other physicians in town•has received an apps intment to a responsi- ble and lucrative position in connection with the Hamilton asylum, and will leaye town about the first of October. The doctor bas been au active member of the Methodist church, also of several other soeieties in town, and will be much missed when be takes his depart- ure. The good wishes of his many friends will follow him to his new posi- tion. Dashwood. On Wednesday afternoon While Mr. Tobias Wurtz, who lives on the Town lino, Stephen, was standing on the back of his wagon loading a grist at the mill, his team gave a sud den jerk, and he fell backwards nit' the wagon on the mill bridge. When pick- ed up blood was issuing from his nose. month and ears. Dr, McLaughlin was immediately summoned and the injur- ed man attended t6, when it was found that his collar bone was broken and he was injured internally. Being unable to be move home, he was taken to the residence of Mrs Fried. It is hoped he may recover. '1'uckersmitli: On Friday afteernooi, last, Miss Effie McKay and Mrs, D, Ic- Kinnon. of the Sth cnncessinn of Tucker smith, were driving to Seaforth, and when opposite Mr. Leatheriaud's res icletece a bicyclist caught up to them Miss McKay's horse became frightened at the approaching noise fled ran away upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants out. Miss MCKay was rend- ered unconscious by the fall, while Mes. i\•icKinnon escaped with slight injuries The bicyclist had Miss McKay moved to Mr. Leatherland,s residence and a physician sent for, who attended to her injuries and advised- her removal home that evening. Seaforth Some ten years ago when Messrs A. G. VanEgmond's Sons re built and enlarged their woollen mill in this town, the town gave them a loan of $5,000 Inc ten years free from interest. This loan come due on the 31st of this month, out the Messrs. Van. Esmond re -paid the whole amount this week. This promptitude is creditable to this enterprising; firm and shows that, despite hard times and dull trade they have ,been prosperous. We hope they may have continued and ever increas in,g prosperity. This loan wasa profit- able investment for the town and we wish it could only get a few more that would prove equally beneficial. Hibbert: Mr. Tom. Connolly and his little boy, of the 6th concession went to Mitchell on Monday night to deliver a horse to a buyer. About one p. in. they started for home, but the animal which they were driving was a fractious one. and acted ugly the mom ent they were seated in the buggy. The brute itt trying to get away, up- set the buggy, and the occcnpants were thrown out, The boy was slight 1 ly injured, but Mr. Connolly fared worse. He received a deep gash on the head and nose and was otherwise badly shaken up, and he had to have his wounds dressed by a doctor. The horse ran home, a distance of otter ten miles, but strange to say. the buggy was not seriously injured. Goderich. OBITUARY. —After a pro longed and brave fight against disease Mr, James Addison, the well known resident of this town, died on Sunday morning last. Probably none of the older settlers here was better known,'I his acquaintance extending all over the county. He was born in Portmoutli England, on the 6th of Sept., 1828. and came with his parents to Canada in 1829, first residing at Ottawa, then cal led Bytown, In 1856 he cane to God- erich and carried on a shoe business' for some years, and in 1860 efitered the sheriff's office as bailiff. He was after wards appointed eourt eider, and in ad • dition occupied various positions cf trust under the Dominion Government. A. family of nine childrvri with a widow survive him, The Sons are: Frank, foreman of the Monetary Times, Toren to; CI'arles. of Park City, Utah.; James, of Mount Forest; Arthur, of Jungian City, Alaska, and George, who resides in Toronto; the daughters are: Mrs: Bright, Seaforth; Mrs. McGaw, of Port age La Prairie; and Emily and Alice, who reside at the homestead, Deceased was one of the oldest members of the Masonkt fraternity here, and his furter al was conducted by his brethren of Maitland Lodge and Huron Chapter, the poll bearers being Judge Toms, 11. W. Bali, C. A. Hnmber,- Joseph Beck,A.. • Stratton and It, Radcliffe•. NEU IS ligP#t?dURAl l AS D SS' UtME BACK Ste, lrafIll97 ran JW U c U q w N,Eet.et .MENTHOL PLASTER USEC! Clinton. Mr. W. J, McBrieu, of the Base Line, had a close call last Satur- day forenoon: about 10 o'clock, Ile was, along with several other teams drawing is oats on the farm of Mr,Jas, Miller. But two or three sheafs were thrown into the rack when one of the horses bridle rings caught on the tongue of the wagon and a serious smash-up was imminent, A little daughter of Mr. D. Cluff, of Goderich, was on the wagon and Mar. McBrieu's first thought was to save ber. He seized the child, and alone: with her was thrown to the ground with such force as to dislocate the right thumb aud considerably bruise his bode. The child was not in- jured, The team, a spirited young span, brought up at the fence a short distance oft They were not injured, THE CANADIAN PROVINCES. British Columbia is the largest of .the Provinces and embraces an area of 582,000 square miles. Prince Edward Island is the smallest -- 2,000 square miles. The smallest of the seven is the must densely populated, having a little over 54 people to the square :rile, while the larg- est IS the most sparsely peopled, with a little over three square miles to each per- son. There is coal in four out of the seven Provinces, Nova Scotia being the greatest producer with an output of about two and a quarter million tons per annum. British Columbia is the greatest gold producer, the produce of her mines for thirty years having been valued at forty- six and a half million dollars, Nova Scotia has the most valuable fish- eries, her anneal catch averaging about seven million dollars in value. Qnebee takes the lead in the supply of timber, her output of saw logs amounting to 5,000,000,000 feet board measure, and of square timber to three and a quarter million cubic feet. Ontario is the banner cheese Province, the production running up to about eight million dollars a year. Combined, the whole seven have re- sources nuequally by those of any other country in the world. WORDS FROM THE SAGES. For where we love is home, home that our feet may leave but not our hearts,— Jean lugelo w. v Do the duty which lies nearest to you. Every duty which is bidden to wait re - terns with seven frseb duties at its back. Kingsley. It is an old proverb that he who aims at the sun, to be sure will not reach it, but his arrow will fly higher than if he aimed at an object on a level with himself.— Hawes. Every vice and folly bas a train of secret and necessary punishment. If we are lazy, we roust expect to be pe.or; if intemperate, to be dist sed; if luxurious, to die prema- tnrely.—Vcirle. It is 'the most momentous question a wo- man is ever called upon to decide—whether the faults of the man she loves are beyond remedy, and will drag her down, or whether she is competent to he his earthly redeem- er and lift him to her own level.— 0. W. Holmes. There are people who understand one another at once. When one soul meets an- other it is not by pass word, nor by hail- ing sign, nor by mysterious grip that they recognize. • The subtlest freemasonry in the world is this freeinasoury of the spirit. —Edward Eggleston, ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weal: and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Meatal depression, premature old ag t, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the es es, twitching of the museles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure td be rested by sleep, constipa u• tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of tetn- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIROLES, oily looking skin, ete., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to Insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having- lost its tension every function wanes in conseq once Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad• dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, seated, Address M. V, LUBON, 24 Maedonnol Ave., Toronto Ont • onnammlimmnroamommodwft MURRAY &CL Ilelanufaelurers and iDealer$t 1'* Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tion in Brass and Iron to order. Also dealers in Piping, Fillings, Brass (Moods, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in Iarge quantities, Repairing promptly done. . . , JAS. MURRAY & CO. BRANTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . R. II�TI 1,11 • gg • o EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A. Specialty. A Boole To HORSE,IiAax —One bottle of English Spavin Lieintim t completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending thy: remedy, as it aets with mysterious prom ntness in the remove! from Horsy~ of hard, soft or calloused lutnps,hioud spevin,eptints curbs, sweetly, stifles ar:d sprains. George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by 0. Lutz,t;Drug •is€. CWF rt'+,a,a ce. N $ AP I !( R 4•p, ,. ' U fit ' (7 I m;r a'�•�'t 4 T`x '�1„ tis .. •uc, ,pN1i, ,Y��5q'�v, y� r�••...;''�''r'' tt (1( f � H'^ '- 1RA- 1 RHO 15P ANJALL i„ 'TVQUIf ' t div j". Y of CHILDREN orADULTS _ `T5 Price .,'� BEWARE of IMITATIONS • d 4rv ar ki• E ^T •< d>V c z I DELICATE 1tURRAT L TMAN'S Ake PURE SWEET LASTING sa eike RICH RARE PUNGENT Geo, ORIP „Lk riW m WATER STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. A FRAGRANT HAVE you decided to take a Business or Shorthand Course, and anxious to get to the best, then write for a catalogue of the TRE FOREST' CI1'Y BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, OF LONDON ONT., which Contains pretty full itrformarion regarding the school. Board is cheap, $2.50 per week. Course is commelided by hest Business men Graduates everywhereopens succeseful. College re Monday, Sept. Brd. J. W. \VESTERV L l 11', Pri eel pal, LE MOR "US s ALWAYS PROMI'rLY OUR BD BY PERRY [tivis° PAI INUKILLER(