The Exeter Advocate, 1894-8-23, Page 1•
NO 353
The Moisons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital .. $2,000,000
Rest Pi nd... .1,200,000
Read office Montreal.
Money advanoed to coed Farmer's ou their
own notes w.•,t. one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter $ranch.
Open every lawful day from i0 a. m, to 3 p.
m,, Saturdays 10 a, in. to 1 P. m
Ageueralbauking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8
per oent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
Is published every Thursday Morning,
cut the Office,
-By the--
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
8i.50 if not so paid,
8d srextisisa.g° Rates ors .a3..pplice.-
No paper discontinued un til all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
chargedaocordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
lon periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates, Cheques money ord.
ers. &c. for advertising, subscriptions,ate. t o
be made payable to
Sanders Dyer
Church Directory.
Hunt, Rentor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p.m, Sunday School and Bible Oiass
for Adults, O p. m. Rely Communion, 1st
Sunday of each month at morning service
METao DiTOnuRon:--James-st,Rev.J.G.
JAORSONPastor.SundayServioes,10.80 a.m,
and 0.80 p.m. SabbathSchool, 2.80 p.m.
,MAIN STREET Rev. W' MaDonaglt, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10.80 a.m. and 0.80 p.m
Sabbath School 2.80 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Ser--:aes,11 a. m. and 0.80 p.
m. Sabbath School 9.45 a. m
Professional Card s.
H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Blook
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, .EXETER, extractsteeth
without � ppain. Away s;t Lucan' every Wed-
nesday, Hensall 1st Friday; Blyth, first Mon-
day and Zurich on last Thursday -of each
. College Dental Surgeons, suooeleor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Fillings as required.
JJ Graduate of the Royal College ofDent-
al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the
Toronto University (with honors). Special
attention given to preservation of the nat-
ural teeth. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law
office -opposite Central .Hotel -Exeter.
OFFICE: Opposite Methodist Parsonage
Residenees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman,, building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office' same as. formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' orrice, same building -south
door. May 1st. 1898
J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyyaneer, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan
Office-F'anson's Block, Exeter.
(tors, Conveyancers, &o.
BROWN1 Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
son hal e.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
Catalogue sent free on appli-
The undersigned has a number of
Tamworth hogs of either sex for sale; also
for service. Apply on premises lot 9, con. 1
(London .Road). .7081v MAY.
Brick and frame. The former is a cottage
situated on the south side of James Street,
Exeter; contains 0 rooms and a good caller;
two-fifths of•an sore land with a number of
choice fruit trees thereon, good well of water
and everything in firstQ1RS$ condition The
latter is situated on William st 1' storeys
and a very desirable residence; one-fifth acre
land, a good well water and sour e choice fruit
Either of these places can be purchased at a
reasonable figure. Possession can be had by
the first of'October. For further particulars
apply to ISSAC' BLwr,ER, Exi:TER.
the Township of Stephen County of
Huron. -Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted, or delivered, to the persons
mentioned in the Ord and 4th sections of the
Voters' Lists Act, rho copies required by said
section to be so transmitted. or delivered, of
of the List, made pursuant to said Act of all
persons appearing by the last revised As-
sessment 11011 of the said municipality to be
entitled to vote in the said Municipality at
elections for members of the Legislative As-
sembly. and at the Mtutioipal elections, and
that said list was first posted up in my of-
fice, Stephen, on the 2nd day of August 1894,
and remains there for inspection. -Erectors
are called union to examine the said list, and
if any omisatbns or other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to
have the said errors corrected according to
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dated this 2nd day of August 1884.
EBOSSi7NBERRY, Hensall Ontario, Lie.
• ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
FRED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
. Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phcenia Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London, Bngland
The Alliance Fire Assurance. Co'y.,
of London, England
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Beater, Dom
inion, Ameriean, White Star Nether-
lands,and American Lines to England,
Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany,
Cape, Australia and New Zealand,
Lancashire London and Lancashire,
Northern, North British and Mercantile,
and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co'S,
London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co.
London Guarantee and Accident Co.
LOWEST KATES, (iapt Geo, Kamp.
(Changed every
Wheat per bushel • $O.50y to 0.52
Harley ....85 to 86
Oats .... . ......... 27 to 2$
Peas . 60 to 62
Butter 14 to 16
Eggs .... .., ......
Potatoes per ous , . ; , . , .. , . 85 to 40
Hay per ton .. , . ►. 6,00 to 7.50
In the High Court of Justice.
Pursuant to the order of sale made in this
cause, there will be 501(1 by and with the ap-
probation of S. MALCOMSON, Local. Master
atOcalerini, by Public auction, at the. Com-
mercial .Hotel, Exeter, at 1 o'clock p.m., un
Saturday, August 25th, '94
The following valuable farming lands, via:-
Lot number twenty-four in the second
concession of the 'Township of Usborne
in the County of Huron, containing one
hundred acres !more or less.
Thisis a first-class farm in a good state of
oultivatiun, well fenced, with good buildings
and good orchard and convenient to first-
class markets.
TERMS: -10 per cent of the purchase mon-
ey on the day of sale and the balance to be
paid into Court within one month there-
In all other respects the terms and condi-
tions of the sale shall be the standing condi-
tions of tho R. 0. J.
For further particulars apyly to L. H
Dickson, Esq., Exeter; Philip Molt, Esq, God-
erich' Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, (oder-
ich; t'he Official Guardian, Toronto, or the
Vendors' Solicitor.
'Vendor's Solicitor, Master,
Exeter. Goderich
Dated. this 4th day of August, 1894.
Between Grand Rend and 1l,, miles west
of Zurich, on Tuesday. Finder will be suit-
ably rewarded by returning same to
The Exeter Creamery which. was
closed last week will be offered for sale
A highbred mastiff pup was received
by Mr, W. T. Hawkshaw from .London
yesterday. Itis indeed a,fine canine.
Death of "!Grin. Quinton.
One of Usborne's oldest and most re-
spected residents in the person of Mary
Quinton, relict of the late Thomas
Quinton, passod,gnitely away to her
eternal rest at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Thome, on IVIonday,
18th inst., in the 83rd year of her age.
Mrs. Quinton was born in Ireland and
came to Canada many yeirs ago. In
early life she endured all the hardships
incident to the clearing of the vast
forests in those days and like all others
she had her trials t nd difficulties, but
with patience, perserverance and hard
work they were. in Him overcome, She
was of a gentle, amiable and kindly
disposition, a good mother, a true
friend, one whose heart was in her
household; always solicitous for the
welfare of her family and diligently
ministered to their necessities and coin
forts as long as strength permitted. A
family of two sons and one daughter,
all of whom were present at her death
bed, survive her. The funeral took
place on the 15th inst., to the Exeter
cemetry and was largely attended.
Exeter Council i'roceedin s •
The council tnet in the Town Hall,
on '21 inst. All present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed.
Petition, Wm. Horton and others, re,
drain on Andrew street to be attended
to the evening previous to the next
council meeting. D1,',ain from A. T'este's
premises. to be attended to on the same
evening. A petition for an electric
lamp at John street was laid over until
next meeting, on motion of A.Q. Bobier
seconded .by W. G. Bissett. A petition,
R. H. O'Neil and others for granite side
walk was sent back for re modelling.
Crossing at .James street Methodist
church to be looked after. Carling --
Taylor, orders for the following sums:
Bowmaui S. CO., London. $7 for tile; G.
T. R. $1 80 freight on tile; H. Jones
$2.50 for polling booth, provincial elec-
tion ;
lection; H. Spackman. $5.46, nails, etc.;.J.
Cobbledick, $2.16, hardware; F. Hoist,
$2 for tile; G. Bissett $1 labor drawing
tile; R.Williams, $1 labor; Jas. Creech,
$8 charity to T. yaw; do. $.2 to Mrs.
Mclrtosh, and Clerk $25 parr salary. --
Carried. Carling--Bobier, that the
following rates be levied for the cur•
rent year, viz,: --County rate 1 mills;
Railway debenture rate 1 I mills; Srheol
rate 6 mills and Village rate 5 mills ire
the dollar. --Carried. By Law, No. 11,.
to levy rat as was duly read and passed,
011 motion of W.G. Bissett, seconed by
J. Taylor She council adjourned 'till
Tuesday the 28th inst., at 8 o'clock p,m.
On Wednesday a pet parrot belong-
ing to Miss Annie Mill escaped from
its cage and was given up for gone
bat was recaptured, much to the
pleasure of Miss Mill.
Civic Holiday on Thursday last was
generally obser ved by our townspeople
The greater portion attended the union
society Pic-nic at Grand Bend while
ethers took the train for different points.
The pic-me was a decided success. The
weather was fine and the Exeter band
being in attendance madeit very pleas-
ant indeed.
Fall Fairs.
Exeter Stephen &. Usb. Sep 24 to 25
Toronto Industrial . • ., 8 to 15
Loudon, Western
Ildertoe ' u
Code: ich
Seaforth, South Huron " ,'27 to 281
Belgrave, E Wawanosh " 27 to 28
Witlgbam ''. 25 to 26
Clinton, Huron Central Oet. 2 to 8
Walkerton 2 to 4
A very pleasant affair took place at
the Boston Methodist church it being
the marriage of Miss S. J. Brown to
Mr. Joseph Foster. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. J. H. Chant.
The bride was supported by Miss Lillie
Brophey and Alice Wilson and the
groom by his brother David Foster and
Albert Baumann. The ceremony was
witnessed by a large number of friends
and relatives of each of the contracting
parties. The presents were numerous
and valuable, showing the respect and
esteem in which they are held. -Mrs. A
Baumann and her two suns Albert and
Charlie returned to their home in Aur-
ora this week. -The Ladies Band of
Willing Workers have decided to hold
the annual harvest home thanks -offer-
ing dinner in counection with the
Boston Methodist church on Wednesday
Sept. 12th. -Mrs. J. Foster and her
daughter, of Aurora, spent a few days
visiting friends here this week. -Rev.
Mr. Bertram, who has been absent
from here for about 14 years, preached
in the German church last Wednesday
syening.-Mr. Jas. M, Wilson lost a
valuable horse while threshing at Mr.
R. McClinchey's. Cause supposed to be
Great Clearing Sale
" 18 to 22
a1 la
25 to 26
" 26to27
Zurioh, '
Mr. S. J. Latta, who for the past six
years and a half has been engaged as
principal of the Zurich pablie school,
has resigned that position ,to Accept •a
more lncratrve Om on the London pub-
lic school teaching' staff. We under•
stand his brother. Mr. C. B. .Latta, has
been appointed his sliccessoe, at the
same salary. •
A most enjoyable day was spent by
the teachers and children of the Sun-
day school in'eannection with St Paul's
Church, on. Friday last,on the grounds
adjoining the Rectory. The weather
proved most favorable and nothing
could exceed the delight of the children
and their many frinds while they in
dulged in games of croquet, baseball,
swings, etc. from 2 p. m. till evening.
An abundance of ice dream, candies,
and other refreshments (including, a
beautiful tea) were freely distributed
among" parents, children, and other
friends; and so pleasant was the enter-
tainment, that many lingered on till
after twilight to enjoy thb recreation
and amusement of a beautiful evening.
The lawn social was made free to all.
Ha.ryesting and flax pulling fire just
about over in these parts and she farm
ars are preparing for sowing the fall
clops. -Miss Mary Rader ' anit• her
brother Henry, from Hamilton, are • at
present visiting under the parental
roof -School has again opened, much.
to the relief of parents in. gene 'al. -
Miss Emma Lamport, of. London. paid
her home a visit list week. -Dr. Wick-
ett has opened a d'rug store in A.Zwik
er's old store. Anyone desiring to have
any -prescriptions, or receipts . tilled well -to give him a crit. -Mr.
Win.'Lewis• is able to be around again
-Boit:Baker preached sermons to the
Sunday School children on Sunday last,
which the children attended in large
numbers. What is the matter with the
choir boys? -The teachers in the vii•
lige and surrounding country are
again attending to their duties.
For the next 30 days, (ONLY), we will sell the bal-
ance of our Summer Tweed at a price to suit the times, Our
stock is too large for this time of the year, and must be re-
duced at the following low prices:
All Wool Tweed Suits for $9.50 ,
do do 11.00 ,
do 15,00,
Fine Pant for 2.25,
do 4.00,
do 5.00,
Regular Pl'ice'$12.00.
clo , , 15.00,
do,4:: s 19.00.
do - .:x„ 6.00.
do 7.00.
A. biglot of remnants -ranging from 1 yard up to 5
yards --for boys clothing at a very low price. We cut all
our own goods free of charge, Give us a call and see for
yourself. Remember the place.
Grigg's Old Stand, J. H. GRIEVE.
Mrs R. Hammacher, of Zurich, was
the guest of Mrs. Robert Taylor last
week. -Farmers in these parts are
nearly all through harvest and several
of them have threshed and report the
crops to be an exceptionally good yield.
-Miss Addie and Myrtle Taylor have
been visiting Miss Chrystal Ferguson,
of McGillivray, during the past week.
-Miss Jennie Taylor and her brother
were visiting in the vicinity of .Goder-
ich on Sunday last. -The new school
house in S. S. No. 11, is now complete
and school opened on Monday. -Mr.
John Cowie and sister, of near Strath-
roy, were visiting their grandmother,
Mrs. Turnbull, last week. -Miss Eliza
Clark, of Manchester, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Thos. Turnbull. -Mr. and
Mrs. Signer, of Zurich, were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennison on Sunday
last. -Mr, S. Ross, of Forest, was in
these parts on very important business
the fore part of the week. (We will
allow the reader to guess the business)
-A certain person in this vicinity has
made an exchange of horses again.
We would advise him not to ,use a
handspike for a whip this time or he
may have another horse die.
What might have been a very seri.
ous tire to some, of our neighbors start-
ed the othel' day, when a spark from
the engine of a train set lire to 6412.
K.ettel's fence, which was soon noticed
by Mr, R, B. McLean, eehc, with much
baste, applied afew pails of water and
soon made things all secure. Mr. Me -
Lean had 80 acres of oats within a few
rods of the fire and Mee Kettel was
away from home at the 'time. If Mr.
McLean had not happened to be there
it would be hail to tell the result.
Harvesting is pretty well finished 'in
our neighborhood, We have not heard
the farmers complaining' this year of
the grain sprouting is the stock, --A
load of the Clinton Fanning Mills came
to Brie. last Monday in our village.
The horses, by some means, got fright-
ened about the bridge on the town line,
got away from- the teamster, Mr. Mit-
chell, and made things lively for a few
moments, till coming to , the market
square, where horses, wagon and mills
were all dumped into the ditch, which
brought things to a halt. The mills
were made into good kindling wood.
The driver escaped with a slight wound
on the leg. Mg. Mitchell had the same
leg broken last season in a runaway
while performing the same work. -The
many friends of Mr. Mulholland,
sr., will be sorry to hear that he is very
poorly, having a few weeks ago had a
slight paralytic stroke, which renders
him ver -y helpless. The fact that he is
an old man makes his trial harder to
bear. -Mrs. Hunt's valuable cow.which
had been hurt some time ago, and had
been cared for Per some weeks, had at
last to be killed, as rechvery was • im
Mr. John Brav is improving the ap-
pearance of his house by a freshcoat of
paint. -Mn. Duncan Hay, who was a
delegate to the Suprethe Court, I.O.F.,
held at Peterborough, has returned
ifome.-R e acknowledge the gift of a
beautiful bouquet 'sent by Miss Emily
Cottle, of the Thames road. -The anni-
versary services of the Bethany church
were conducted by the Rev. Ball, of
Fdllarton, last Sunday, which was fol-
lowed by a tea mheting, on Monday
evening with a fair attendance. -The
farmers around here are contemplat-
ing putting ou a. Light watch to guard
'their grainarfes . Of late a pdmber of
farm yards have been visited and small
quantities of grain and poultry taken
away, even going so far as to skim the
cream from several milk cane. A
strong suspicion rests on certain par-
ties and if caught will be severely dealt
with. -Mr. Musser, a west end dude is
rushing things away east now. -Mr
Will. Duncan, of Plugtown, was the
guest of Mr James Harris, on Sunday
last. -Donald and Andrew our two
"swells" are progressing wonderfully
now. -Mrs. John Bell, who got severe-
ly injured some time ago is able to be
around again. -Mr. Wm. Towers. who
had his separator destroyed by fire re-
cently, has replaced it by a new Burns
separator manufactured in London. -
The Misses Bruce, who were visiting
around here last week,have returned to
their home in Blanshard.-Mr.Wm.Mac
donald and Ben. Williams, left for
Manitoba, on Tuesday. Their smiling
faces will be greatly missed amongst
the young people, especially the fair
sex. -Mr. Wm. Glenn, of Hibbert, is
rushing things on the Bauble Hill at
The weather continues warm and
dry and news is very scarce, much
more so than the dust in our Village. -
Their is a greats many people pass
through here daily for the Grand Bend
Park. --The Y. P. A. of this place held
their annual picnic on Friday last at
the Grand Bend. -The Alliances from
Crediton and Zurich were also in at-
tendance. A good time is reported. -
The funeral of the late Emma Holt pas
sed through the village on Friday last
enroute for the Exeter cemetery. ---Mr.
Tobias Wurtz, who was hurt at the
grist -mill here a short time ago is still
confined to the house, but is doing as
well as can be expected. --Mr. August
Schroeder, who had a similiar accident
to that of Mr Wurtz, is still under the
doctor's care. --Most of the farmers here
are through with their harvest for this
year, with the exception of lute peas.
---Harvest Home sermons were preach-
ed in the Lutheran church Sunday
last. The quarterly meeting in con-
nection with the Evangelical church
here will be conducted Sunday next by
the presiding older, --Rev Titt, of Cred-
iton, is announced to preach in the
Evangelical church Saturday evening
next. --We are Sorry to learn of the
severe illness of Mrs, John Lippert, who
resides south of Dashwood. She has
been indisposed for several days, but
was taken suddenly worse on Monday
and serious results were anticipated.
their diet recently. Mashed barley le
said to be becoming popular with them
-Among the visitors at the Parkbi'g
grounds on Sunday last -were: Mr. sial •.
Mrs. Willis, Misses Gilbert and Parsons,
Messrs, White and Mareland, of Exeter; .
Messrs, W. McGladry, Schram, Hether-
ington, Miss Knapton and ids and Aire...
John Knapton, of Parkhill; and Messrs.
Doeber and Steinbach, of Zurich. -L
service of song vcas'held on the grounds
Sunday evening., 11ir. John -o±
London, directing -The. new arrivals
for the week are as folloers; --.
CmbsLET WOL0.-1ev. J. Holmes,
wife and family, of 'Gr•,ultou; Rev. B
Ceuplanci, wife and. family, Mi. ante.
Mrs. J. Andrews, Elimyille,
IVY COTTAGE. -Miss Barnes, London;
Mrs and Mrs Dow, of l xeter; Mr: J
Dow anis family, of :liitcbell. o ,
IDYLWYLE.-Mr and Mrs, Barnett. „
and family, IVlr. and Mrs, Williams and
family, Mrs, J. Boyd, Misses Woodley,,
Annie Boyd, B. Boyd, Alice Boyd,Della,
Williams, and Frank Williams.
DINGLY DELL, -Mr. and Mrs. Riot
Hunter, of Elimville.
BLEAT Hoven.-Mr. Hicks, u ife aufl.
IYANHOE.-Mr. and Mrs. ' John, Mr. ,
and Mrs. Geo., W. J., Miss 0., Masters
Clide, ' George, Walter and Norval
G -rand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs James Mollard, who
have been visiting friends in Manitoba,
returned last week. They report hav-
ing au enjoyable time. -Mr. Geo, A.
Foster, teacher of Grand Bend school,
returned last week. He returned by
way of Buffalo, New York and Boston
making the trip on his wheel.-InZur-
ich camp we find the following ladies:
Misses L. Faust, F. Faust, A. Weaver,
A. Hess, L. Hess, R. M. Ortwein, S.
Deichert and M. Deichert.-What might
have been a more serious accident oc
curred last week. While Mr. Hess was
handling a rifle the weapon discharged
and the ballentered the second finger
of the left hand, inflicting a severe
wound. Dr. Steinbauch was on hand
and dressed the injured member. -The
remains of Miss Emma Holt, who died
on the 16th inst., was followed from the
father's summer Hotel here to the Ex-
eter cemetery on Friday by a large
concourse of people and sorrowing
friends. -The Hodgins family', of Lu-
can, have gone home after spending a
month or more in camp.' ---The Kotler
family have also left for home. -Mr.
Huston and family, of London, leave
here this week for their home. -Mr
Parkinson and family also leaye.-Miss
Stonehouse and Miss Cameron, of Ailsa
Craig, have gone home. -Mr. Elgin
Shoff, barrister, of Toronto, is spending
a few days at "Morning Side." -Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. W. Hodgins, of Liman,
deserted on Sunday last; Misses Edith
Gregg and Josephine Hodgins on Mon-
day; Dr. Hotson and family, Mr, John
Dixon and family and Messrs Sot er
ville and Lawson, of Landon, returned
home Tuesday; Mr, Hicks and family,
of Mitoheil, on Thursday, and most of
our Parlthill people are finding their
way bomo.-Mr. Arthur .clicks, of Mit-
chell, made his second appearance in
cantp for a few days recently, ---A eot.
tale in ;he cliff is said tO have changed
4 Clinton-
Saturday morning the people of Clinton.
were shocked to learn of the untirneli
death of Mrs. J. 13. Kennedy, at the
early age of 21 years, 8 months and fi
days On Friday after dinner, as. was
+her custom she took a dose of what shy
suppos`'d was Garman powder, a seri✓-
niton remedy used in many house holdg,
in"fending shortly afterto. witness the
base ball match on Recreation Park.
For,some time the family* had beed
pestered with rats and a quantity OE
"rough ou rats" was in the house.
Some ten days previoas this, ,was
].ought at A.11en & Wilson.s drug
store by 'Mr D. B. i(ennedy. The two
powders are sempwhat similar in coley
and were on the same shelf in parcels
that resemblecr each other. Germane
powder and "rough on rats" are_ gime
lar in taste. The fatal mistake• was
made. The unfortunate, laclyttiad .aI eu .
enough of'the poison to kill a whole
family. Medical aid 'vas hurried':✓*
summoned, emetics administered milt
'the poison brought, up, She was
parently resting well at 11 p. 1%.. ani. t •
ail dangerous symntolns had disa ppea
ed. Mr. Kennedy, her husbaud,was ab-
sent in the afternoon but returned ab-
out 9 o'clock and all retired near miiic•
night. About 4 a. 1n. Saturday morn-
ing Mr. Kennedy discovered that laic
wife was cold in death, She passeff
away without a struggle. The house-
hold was aroused and medical aid. susa-
moned but alt to no avail. Heart fail-
ere was the immediate cause of death..
The severe strain, to the nervous sys-
tem from the effect of the poison add
so much "reaching." then a relapse t?
the vital organs, was too much for the
noble young mother's constitution. me.
deceased was a Miss Forden, of Staple-
ton, and had been married but acouple
of years. She leaves a bright year-sdd
son aad young husband. The late Mrs.
Kennedy was very highly respeote.
and a favorite with the majority '4
those who had the pleasure of her ae-
quaintanee.--News Record.
BROMsxNSBlRa.-In Stephen,Sharon, on
the 22nd inst., the wife of Silas
Brokeushire, of a son.
COOKSON.-SANDERS.- --At the let: t -
dist parsonage, Hensall, on 11t'hinsat.,
by the Rev F. Swann, , Thee.
Cookson, to Miss Emma, daughter of
the late James Sanders, of Stephen.
Il]Ed Tfl .
HYNDtzAN.-In Exeter, on the ME
inst., Victoria Bissett, beloved anted
John H. Hyndtnan,•aged 41 years.
QuneTON.-In Exeter, ou the 18th inst.,
Mary, relict of the late Thome
Quinton, in her 88rd year.
Ross. -In Exeter, on the 10th inst.
Gretta, youngest daughter of Mr. 1.
P. Ross, aged 3 years, 9 months and,
21 days
HALT. -At Grand Bend, on the 16th.'
inst., Emma, daughter of Mr, Wm..
Exeter's rate of taxation for the etir-
reut year has been fixed at 14 mills fa
the dollar.
McGillivray -Whilst engaged in
drawing in grain on Tuesday Mr. Jos.
Cunningham, of the townline of West
Williams and McGillivray, was injured
by a pitchfork entering his side. He
was ou the load at the time of the ac-
cident, His brother, not seeing him
threw the pitchfork onto the load ws,t'ia
the result stated above,
Parkhill. Mr, C. J, Currie compete.
at the Caledonian games at Iiincarditaei
and took four first prizes He compet-
ed in Albany, N. Y., on the 15th. Pie
will also compete during this month
at Boston and Philadelphia and .;ocher
places. This celebrated Canadian lith-
late will no doubt astonish our Ates.
lean cousins and convince Uncle Sant
that it would be in vain to attempt die
eorquest o£ the Dominion,