HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-8-2, Page 1test EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ATTGTJST 2,.1894. NO 35i The Molsons Bank, • (Ohartered by Parliament, 1855,) Paid up Capital , .. $2,000,000 Rest Fund .. ,.: , ........ 1,200,000 Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN '?FIOMAS, Esq,, GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced t:. xuod Farmer's an their own notes wi;L one ormoreendorsers at.7 Per cent per annum.: Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from .CU a. xn.to 3 p. m., Saturdays AO a, m. to 1 p.m Ageneralbanking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowodfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent, N. DYER. HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub -Manager THE j•eti ter tvi nxttt Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Oflico, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -By the-- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance 31.50 if not so paid. 2idzrextiotaag Rete ci oxo . Lanolicet- tios. No paper discontinued until all arrearages . are paid. Advertisements without speoific directions will be published till forbid and eharpedaccordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Oheq nes, money ord- ers. &o, for advertising, subsoriptions,ete.to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer 2110PRIETORS Church Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHtrltOn.--Rev. E.W. Hunt, 'Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class for Adults, 9 p. m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at morning service METRO AIT CHURCH-4ame3-st, Rev.J.G. JACKSON Pastor.SundayServioes,10.3' a.m, nd6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET Rey. W' McDonagh, Past- or. °Sunday Services, 1.0.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRE. l3 YTERIAN' CHUROB.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, E.15 a, m Professional Cards. H EINSMAN,L.D.S,Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth withoit ppain. Away at Lucan every Wed- nesday; Hensall,let Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal . College Dental. Surgeons, successor to E. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A salvo anaesthetic even for the painless extraction of teeth.. Fine Gold Fillings as rocuired. D.dJ-ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al eurguons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with honors). Special attention given to preservation of the nat- ural teeth. Office over Ellie t& Ellie t's law office -opposite Central Flo tel-Exeter.�� nlie:dical T\R. G. MOULTS, CENTRALIA, 1l OFFICE: Opposite Methodist Parsonage .pre. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. JJ Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1398 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, DI. D T n.T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF .1. the (Dollop of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aecoueli- eur. Office, .Dashwood, Ont. J sgal. 1) 11. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- OR, Couyeyaneor, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LfI.DICKSON,BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Bloolc,Llxeter. ELLI0fi & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLID itors, Conveyancers, &c: 8. V. ELLIOT. FitsnERlorc. ELLIOT Auctioneers • - BROWN) Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Porth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales ale.Saloslarrangedeat Posd to t office. Win- chelsea. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE. ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS-FEU-ROOERS-CO LE 'R'UWEL. REGISTERED T MIVORTII HOG EOR SALE. Tho Undersigned has a number of Tamworth hogs of either sex for sale; also for service. Apply on premises lot 9, con, 1 (London Road).' ,TORNMAT. EXETERP. O FOR SALE -TWO DWELLING HOUSES Brick and frame. The former is a cottage situated on the south side of James Street, Exeter; oontains 2 rooms and a good Geller; two-fifths of an sore land with a number of choice fruit treesthereon, good well of water and everything in first class condition The latter is situated on William. st 114 storeys and a very desirable residence; one-fifth acre land, a good well water and some choice fruit Either of these places can be purchased at a reasonable figure. Possession can be had by the first of October. For farther padiculars apply to ISSAC BAWDEN, EXETER. BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario'. Llc .' eased Auctioneer for the Counties of Enron and Perth. Ohargos moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. iRED.'W.FARNOOMB,ProvincialLand. .1 . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. 4r0,1300.1101•MMILIMIrnrdsystiontam.1.1ADOMIIIMMenzoWSIMMINVIO ERNEST ELLIOT. AGENT FOR The Western Fire Assurance Company, • of Toronto Tho Phconix. Fire Insurance Oo'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire Assnranco. Co'y., of London, England Office:-Nrain-street, Exeter, Ont. TE SHIP & INSURA NCE AGENT, Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Beaver, Dem inion, American, White Star,Nether- lands, and American Lines to England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Cape, Australia and New Zealand. Lancashire London and iranoashiro, Northern, North British and Mercantile, and Forth Mutual Fire Insurance 00's. London. and Lancashire Life Instr. Co. London Guarantee and Accident 0o. LOWEeVP OATES. Cast Cleo. Kemp. 1.p. EXETER MARKETS.. (Changer' every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel.. , .: $0.04 to 0.58 Barley... , , , .. 85 to 87 .. Peas...:,. y Butter 4 ,' 4 11 4 4.... . Potatoes per bus Bay per ton a". , , ,. 80 to 82 ,,...: 50 to 51 14 to15 9 . , ..:.. 85 to 40 , , , . 6,00 to 'x,50 l TOTERS' LIST, 1891 MUNICIPALITY OF V the Township of Stephen County of Huron. -Notice is hereby green that I have transmitted, or delivered, to the persons mentioned in the 3rdand 41.111 sections of the 'Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said section to be so transmitted. or delivered, of of the List, made pursuant to said Act of all persons apearing by the last revised ,As- sessment Boll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at eleotions for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at the Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up in my of- fice, Stephen, on the 2nd day of August 1.891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrector' according to law. CHESTER PROUTY. Clerk,of the said Municipality. Dated. this 2nc1 day of August 1894. OT SALE F i'rty (5` g) Acre Farm -, IN THE -- TOWNSHIP OF HAY, In the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of a power of sale, contained in a certain Indenture of Mort- gage made by Haggai Shuart and Clarissa Shuart to Mary Lamb (whi"h will be pro- duced at time of sale) default having been made in the payment thereof, there will be sold by Public Auction, at HODGINS HOTEL in the village ofHENSALL, on SATURDk'Y; the 11th day of August, 1894 Arg 3 O'CLOCK P.M., (anbject to conditions then prodaced.) The East Half of Lot Number Sixteen (16) in the Sixth (0th) concession of the Township of Bay, containing Fifty (50) acres, mare or less, This property is about 5 miles from Hen - sail and 4 miles from Zurich, with Log House, stable, good young orchard, etc., thereon. There are about 24 acroS cleared. TERMS or SALE: Ton per cont. cash air time of sale. Bal- ansa in 30 clays or as may be agreed. When are we to have our eivie holt- High School. Entrance Examiva- To My Exeter Friends, day ? tion Exeter Public School Sir Oliver Mowat celebrated his 74th ('Twos vain in the short time I bad birthday on Monday. Mr. Thud Jones, of Usborne, has just completed hisfail wheat harvest. In one field, less than six acres; he haidiest- ed 28 average loads. This is an ex- ceedingly large yield. and Mr. Junes wishes to know if ar.y person can beat it. The quarterly business, meeting' of the Main St. Epworth League, was held on Wednesday evening July 25th. Among other business, it was decided. to hold a "Haryest Home Social" on the evening of the last Tuesday in August, 28th inst., Mr, A. Hastings, barber, received the sad and startling 'intelligence on Monday of the death of his rnother,who resides at Crosshill, Waterloo county. Her death was undoubtedly sudden, as Mr. Hastings received no word of ber being i11. He drove to Lucan the same morning and theretook the train to his home. EXECUTORS SALE • There will also be offered for sale at the same time and place by the said Executors,. the residence of the late Mary Lamb in the Village of Rodgerville, comprising good brick cottage, stable and five (5) acres of land In garden and fruit trees, etc. This is a desirable residence for a retired Farmer or Market Gardner, etc.. being close to Honsall and Exeter. TERI+IS:-10 per cent. cash on day of sale Balance in 30 clays or as may be agreed. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT &EL•LIOT, Executors Solicitors, Exeter MR. 3110. GILL, Auctioneer. 1894. JAMES MURRAY, Wx. JEgELL, Executors. Exeter, July 24t11, Additional Locals. The revision of the Dominion Voters .List will begin on September 1st next and be finally completed Feb. 28th., Mr. Wm. Baker, sr., of 2nd concession Stephen finished cutting all his grain on Monday last. Undoubtedly this is the first of the season. The greatest curiosity in Arkona is R. Kell's Shetland colt, It is the small. est specimen of the equine race ever seen in Arkona, and only weighs abott 15 pounds. About sixty Port Stanley excursion tickets were soldat this station yester- day morning. EIad the weather been more favorable doubtless more would have gone Mr. John Whitlock, dropped into the AnvoQATE office on Saturday evening last and presented us with 'a fine well deyolopecl ear of corn. It was .indeed a delicious treat. , Thanks John. Now that the elections are over arid everything has settled down to routine lines, the ADVOGATra will be pleased to hear regularly from its esteemed nor- respondonte. It may be that the cor- respondents may not be able to +wr•ite large budgets each weelr, but the AD- V0OATIa is anxious to print something every week from each locality, be the. budget large,.or small. If any 'coerce pendent is short of stationery, etc., all that is necessary is to write the Anvo- CA't`ra about the matter and it will be attended to. The Sarnia Bicycle Club are going to have a ''gala day" on the 15th of August, when several prizes will be given. What promises to be a draw- ing card in connection .with the race meet is a parade of Coxey's army on wheels, which will bo held the morning of the meet: A detachment of Corey's army, about two hundred strong. will ride in from the rarui--distr-icts;-ptrade through the principals streets of the town and end by holding a Coxey race meet on the. Market square Dont forget the sports to take place on the agricultural grounds under the auspices of the Exeter Brass Band to- morrow (Friday) evening. This, with out a doubt, will be well worthy a large attendance. The hand has ar- ranged a splendid programme and it will be sure to prove interesting. The admission fee is only 5 em -s. The fol- lowing is the program: -Half mile Bicycle race, boys' race, girl's foot race boys' egg race, -Fat mou's race and open race. See small bills. Ou Monday evening last a hot and closely contested game of baseball was played on the old grounds by the guests of the Central and Commercial Hotels, which resulted in a victory for the former, by a seore of 18 t,. 10. The game was arranged by the pi :prietors, Acheson and .EIawkshaw, impromptu, to makes things interesting for the, travellers staying at both hotels. We const say the London tra yellers are up to dates in the'old game. The ba.ters were well snpported by the fielders, Mr Saunders showing some extra fine piny on second base for the Commercial Hotel, and Thos. Oke also showed his skill in the box, pitching for the Central. Both clubs played well for the first match of the season, and we sincerely hope this will not be the last time of meeting. Additional Personal Intention, Mr. a1.d Mrs Wm. Gould, who have been visiting' friends and relatives here returned to their home in Belleville, Wednesday. -Miss B Trevethick, after spending several days in town, the guest of Miss Pearl Rollias returned home last week -Mr. W. Lovett spent Sunday with his parents in Parkhill. - Mrs. James Loadinan, who underwent au operatiou some months ago for the removal of her eye which was affected by a cataract returned home from Lon- don Tuesday. I`irrai h Vous' Wight. It has just been decided in the Eng lish Court of Appeal that the roots and branches of your neighbor's trees can be lawfully cut if they project into or over your property. The court in ad- dition further declares that you are riot compelled to give your neighbor notice unless you must needs enter his land to effect the cutting. But to those who feel inclined to benefit by this de- cision let the neighbor have the notice common courtesy would suggest. Then when the trial judge dismisses the ac, ion against you that may follow, he may in consequence salt the plaintiff with the costs thereof, Exeter Connell Proceedlidt:s The council met at the Town Hall Exeter, 2511i July 1894, all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Taylor -Carling that I. Armstrong acc. $435.43 for balance of contract for gravel be paid. -Carried Carling-Bobier orders Jno. Popple - stone $L labor; Jno. Moreshead $4 do; and Wm. Collingwood $4.75 do. -Car vied. Moved by A. Q. Bobier that the appeal of the Bell Telephone be made attest case, not seconded: Taylor - Bissett that the Reeve get legal ad- vice in the matter of appeal and the clerk be ordered accordingly. -Carried Mr. Senior applied for coal oil and lamps for the hand, to bo supplied. The Council adjourned until Monday 6th .Aug. at 8 o'clock p, m. M. -Eacrett, Clerk. Parkhill: Mr. James F. Stewart, has purchased that promising young mare Nellie Bruce, from Mr. D, A. McEwen for the sum of $700. Nellie Bruce . is five years old and has shown remark- able speech, She finished second in a 2,22 class this spring, Goderich; On Thursday evening, while lishiug in .the river, J, McBrfen caught an cel which weighed about four pounds. lie towed it up the river to the boathouses and lauded it, Think- ing it was deed a boy wont to wash it in the river and it eseaped, . The following is a correct report of the pupils who wrote at the recent High School Entrance Examination at the Exeter Public School, 536' 522 512 478 474 462 462 461 458 456 452 448 432 424 Stella Gregory Warren Ross Wellington Westcott Via White Eddie .Eaerett Eva Carling Chas. Hyudman Amey Johns Edna Creech Annie Matheson Nina Kinsman Ida Newton Lily Huston May Sanders In all, 29 candidates wrote, and out of that number 14 passed. The nizm• ber of marks obtainable was 845; and the necessary number to pass was 422, In order to pass, a candidate must ob- tain ode -third of the marks on' each subject and one-half of the aggregate. marks. Stephen. The Voters' List for the township of Stephen for 1894 has been completed. The total number of persons"on the list this year is 1206; last year it was 1253 thus making a decrease of 47. There are 1052 persons qualified to vote at Municipal and Legislative assembly elections; 69 persons of whom 46 are women, at municipal elections only and 96 manhood franchise voters. Dashwood. The weatber continues warm and dry -Farmers are busy with their gar vest. most of the fall wheat and Barley have been harvested and the rest is be• coming ripe very fast and ere long the sickle will have done its work for an- other year. -Threshing has commenced 1n this locality and the grain threshed is a good sample, -On Sunday a great many from here went to the lake to en- joy the cool breeze for a short time. The' flax mills here have commenced operations again for another season, - Several young people from the vicinity: of London arrived in town Saturday evening' and intend staying a few clays visiting their friends at Mr. John Halls'. -We notice the smiling counten- auee of Miss Ella Hall, of Elimville, in our midst again. Miss Hall .formerly taught school here -Miss I eah Haug and Fanny Snell are spending a few days at Grand Bend. We wish them a pleasant time. --As we omitt:cl writing last week we will here record the death of Mr. W. H. Birk, one of our most esteemed townsmen, which sad occur- anee•took place July 18th. Deceased was well and favorably known here, he having been in the employ of Mr. J. Kellermann as clerk for a number of years: ;Being, of a cheerful disposition and'always willing to do a kind act he won the respect of all who knew him and his death at such an early age has east a deep and keenly felt sorrow in many hearts here. The Independent - Order -of -Foresters, of which order he was a member, attended the funeral in a body aucl went through their usual burial ceremony. Six of the order were pall bearers. The funeral was the largest that has been here for some time. Grand Bend. To wish you alt geed bye, And now in verse (but poor the best) To say so now I'll try. The time did come, as aye it must For best of friends to part, And truly theft in leaving you, I bore a heavy heart, For nine long years and over that Had I your friendships held, Then why on leaving should.they be From out my heart expelled? Old friends forgotten For the new, And memories chased away, [were,. That round my heart strings woven No, God forbid, I say. 'Twas from your midst my wife I took To share my grief and joys, And Exeter will claim from me The birthplace of two boys. Linked well in memory's chain so strong To be forgotten never, . May your kind thoughts and faces be Forever and forever. Then to His care, who rules the world, The earth and sea and sky, My friends I leave you and I say God bless you all, good bye, N. DYER HURDON, Ridgetown. The Grand Bend has become the popular resort for "The United. Order of Sons and Daughters of Rest" as cer- tified. by the increased numbers who this year haye flocked to this delight- ful spot where nature has stowed away so mueli lovliness, It would seem that since nature has done so much, man need do but little; however we find that when nature has expended her powers, the genial and obliging pro prietor of camp grounds -Mr, Spack- man steps forward and does all in his power for the comfort and pleasure of the campers, who for the time , being, forgot all business Dares and enjoy the atmosphere of fr.'edom to their hearts' content. For a genuine rest and "go as you please" good time give us Grand. Bend, whore monotony is unknown, especially since the advent of the Ivan- hoe Club, each member haviug con- tributed largely to, the removal of any- thing with the faintest semblance of dullness. At the programs given around the frequent bonfires Mr. F. D. Hutch- inson's violin selections, the recitations by Miss Vine Hutchinson, Miss Julia Honey and Miss Reid, the instrumental selections by the Misses White, Gill, Gregory and Mr. R, Thorne, the vocal soles by the Misses Minnie Cannon Ida Hotham and Miss Edith Gerry, the poetry and choruses by the Ivanhoe Club were ably rendered and heartily applauded. Indeed "they do strange things at the Grand Bend" and believ- ing that they must be seen and heard to he appreciated. -Mr. F. Campbell and wife, of Mitchell, Mr, S. Nethercott and. wife of Woodstock with their fam- ilies have taken Quarters at "Idylwyld Cottage" for the purpose of being idle and wild for a cotuplo of weeks. Wore happy to meet sorry to part, but hope to come back next year. -Dr.. J. A. Rol- li.ns and wife of Exeter and 'Mr, R. Roney of Mitchell visited cnbtp friends this week. -Mr. Westcott and family who have been spending the past week here returned to their home at, Exeter on Tuesday last, Varna, Rev. Jas. Leach left for Toronto last week to enjoy a short vacation. -Mrs. James Wanless, Jr.. and Miss Wanless spent part of last week visiting friends in Seaforth.-Mr. James Reid and Miss Mabel Reid, of Bay City, Mich., are at present yisiting friends in this locality. -Mr. and Mrs. Mac Brayer have re- turned from Kamlachie.-Mr. E. Arn old Wanless, who has been in the em - ploye of Ds. Lyan, Zilwankie, Mich, returned last week to enjoy a holiday season. -Mr. James Ross and Malcolm McNaughton spent Sunday at Bay- field. -Rev. J. Kerrin preached his farewell sermon to a large congregat- ion in St. John's church on Sunday evening, prior to his departure for Mitchell. Mr. Kerrin will be much missed here as he was a faithful and devoted minister of the gospel. The people quickly reeogniee merit and this is the reason the Bales .ef Hood's Sarsaparilla are eontinually its creasing. Hood's is "otl top." Tuckersmith: While hitching np after dinner Friday, a young man named Charles Murray, of the town- ship of Tuckersmith, received a kiplo in the abdomen from a colt, which tet mtnated fatally Saturday night. Farquhar. The school trustees of section No. 2 have engaged Mr. Samuel Doupe, of Iiirkton, as Principal for the coming 'year. Mr. Doupe comes highly re- commended and no doubt will prove a successful teacher. -Miss Ade Turn- bull, of Winchelsea, who has been • vis- iting for a couple of days. around here, has returned home. -Miss Laura Prior spent Sunday last under the parental roof in Exeter. -1 -Passmore & Polars, the well known threshers, are out now with a complete new outfit. Farmers who want a good day's work dorso would do well to give them a trial,- Quite a number around here have thrashed their fall wheat and barley, which proves a fair average yield. - Master Arch. Hodgert, of Russeldale, is spending his holidays with his uncle Andrew. -Mr. John Laing and sister, of Cromarty, and Miss Cutehill, of Mc Killop, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hodgert on Sunday last. - Miss Mary Ana Cottle spent Sneday with Miss Ii'ulton.-Miss Glary Jane Campbell, of Hibbert, spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Mr. Alexan- der Campbell and Miss Cottle, of Hib- bert, spent Sunday With Mr. John Cot tle.-The Misses D. D. Wilson, of Sea - forth, are visiting at the Manse. -We would judge by the way some of the young men drove last Sunday even- ing that they were trying the speed of their horses. The race course is the proper place for that kind of work and not the public road. -We think it would be a good plan if some of our capitalists would put hp say five or six dwelling houses in our village. We are certain they would find a ready sale for them. By all appearances there are Iots of our young ladies about to change thou• names. --Miss Minnie McNicol, of Hibbert, spent Sun- day last with llrs. John Bell. -Mr. Fassold is following the example of some of our young men of this neigh- borhood. As it is George's first start we hope he may succeed. Around About Us. Goderich Tp: Word has just been received from the camping grounds on the lake shore that a shoal of millions of dead grasshoppers has been washed ashore, Dover Center, Ont; A case of small- pox has developed in a family near here. The township authorities will do what they can to keep the outbreak in check. The patient is a young French girl. Godeeich tp: Jane, relict of the Iate Robert Beacom. died here yesterday, aged 95 years and three months. The funeral took place Thtu'sday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the old homestead to Bayfield cemetery. Anderson: July 23--•Whiie drawing hay last week Mr, Isaac Hall had the misfortune to have his load take fire from some unknown cause, but we sup- pose he was smoking, It cotisutned his load and part of the waggon. The horses running away also set fire to the hay inthe field. Mr. Hall had a erarlu time for a while. Usborne: Xu, Harry Jones, whm has been running' a threshing outfit for a number of years in this neigh borhood, has sold his machine to Messrs. Coward & Brown, of Winchelsea, who will run the business around Winchel- Lucknow: Mr, John West, met With a very painful accident last week while drawing in hay. He was in the act off getting off the load when part of the hay rack broke and he fell head foremost to the ground, breaking his arm at the wrist and the shoulder bone. Grand Bend: "On Tuesday night the barn of Mr. Frank Allan, with a quan- tity of hay, cite., wont up in smoke, We have not learned the cause of the fire but probably the building Was struck by lightning as there was a seyere thunder storm that night." -Parkhill Gazette•Eeview. Hullett: One day last week as Mr Jas. Maines, was out in the field mow ing, by some means the neckyoke came off the tongue of the mower, and the team started to run away. Mr. Baines held on to the lines and in doing so was pulled off the stat and fell in front of the mower where he was bruised in several places before the team was stop- ped. The wounds though not serious will lay him off work for a few days. Granton: Granton is coming to the front, as in a few weeks we will be as well off its our neighbors in communi• cation with the world, preparations be- ing now made forplacing a "phone" in our midst It seems but natural now to expect that•the phone oil, call up a mechanics' institute and reading room. • We hope that our "town fathers" who are so kindly planning for the enter- tainment of the body on August 1st will also take into consideration the mental stimulus of the peop'e by doing what a great many smaller places haye done, viz: providing for a me- chanics' institute. Clinton: UNFORTUNATE. -It was mentioned last week theh air. R. Snow- den, of Stanley, had the misfortune to lose a fine bog, by it dying in his wag- gon while on the way to town. He had in addition a warm experiences while passing in the neighborhood of a swamp in Goderi^h township, one of the animals managed to jump out of the wagon box, and an hour's exciting chase was necessary before the animal was captured. Then after the pigs were delivered. to Mr. Cantelon, and . were being loaded in the car, one of the same lot died. The day was uuIIR- uallywarm, and although care waw exercised in bringing them in, it i:5 presumed that the weather was too much for them to stand. Goderich: V ETERre•ARY Assooree 'MON.-The regular meeting of the: IIuron Veterinary Medical Association was held here on Friday, the 20th ult., in the town hall and was attended by a large number of veterinary surgeons from different sections of the county-. The chair was occupied by the presi- dent, Dr. J. Wils- u, of 'Xingham, and an interesting program, consisting of reports of cnrcs and discussions there- on, was taken part in by all present. A spe. ial feature of the meeting was all instructive address by Dr. Gibbs, of St. Marys, president of the Perth Vet- erinary Medical Association, which re- ceived the hearty comnlondatiou of ail wlio had the pleasnr•,a of hearing +.t. The meeting adjourtind to meet ..gait,. in Stratford ou Oct. 3rd. Blyth: A daring daylight robbery was committed at the residence of Gee. Stewart, sr., who lives on the „ravel road, about a mile and a half fr+,m town. So far as we can learn i.1. Far pears that all the family were away except Mr. Stewart, who was out at work some distance from the hox t e''4 while at work he hurt himself in some way so that he was confined to his bed in the afternoon. He had wound his watch up in the morning and laid it on the table instead df hanging it up. When he left the arouse he forgot to lock the doors. He did not miss the watch until next morning and ,when he got np it was gone. There is sue clue as to who the thief was'but a ped - ler was noticed vitae,' along. the road that morning and he is the party sup- posed to have taken it. It was a good watch, Mr. Stewart haying brought it from the Old Country a number of years ago and he feels the loss keenly. fi;II 1i3. 3.'Z1S. Blume -"In Exeter, on the 21st ult., the wife of Thrs, Brock of a dallgis. ter, iiLc . ER 22 2.a.(11 el. PRINCE -Drat vh.-•-In London on the let fust., Mr. WE. Prince, of IIyclo Park, to Miss Lottie, youngest dangle. ter of Mr. Robert Melva. Wrtlrn,-In Exeter, on the 31st. tilt, John Ilerb rt, infant,snli.,.of Mr. and Mrs, M. 3. White, aged 4 months and. 23 days, a e