HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-7-19, Page 6lereenbseribers who do not reeetve their pap erompily willplease notify us at once, Advertising rates on applieation TIIE EXETER ADVOCATE. TITURSDAY, JUL Y 19, 194„ Week's Cowmen -14 Sumanaky. The great railroad striee at present conepletely demoreliziug commeree and trafttc. in the United States is already haying a dope -easing; effect in Castada, espesially in the border towns. 'We question the real advantage of strikes, as of wars, to aey party—labor or capital. Every suepeusion of business inflects numerous hardships and eaueee forced ecouomy, which 'Teets upon: the whole trading comeramity. The present trouble may have the exteeet of ascertaining whether any hotly or men, however im- portant, has a right to plunge the country into general perneysie. The daniage to perishable geode will be simply inc.alculs able, and partieularly reprehensible in view of the busiuess depreeelun aireredy prevailing, and also in view of the fact, that a very large proportion of the strik- ers haw no personal grievance arid no remedial cure to seek. The inter -de- pendence of all branches of trade is so complicated and so far reaching that an interraption uf the diffusion of commerce, and eepeeially transportation must so far reduce margins of stored up saved products as to inereaee the cost to millione and unbalance the conditions most natural to trade. In the past enough of the ',redact of our own locality had. to be stored tor tho year's supply ; but now the -whole world is our field of 1,n...dilution, and Mortfore it is important that the means of transportation ehould l.oplaced beyeeed the whim or mprioe of a few or even many labor bosses.or as many capitalists. Sir Charing Tupper, Canadian High Commissioner, heads a pretest paper pre- sented to Pernament, signed by all the repreemetativee of the l'Sietieli coleales, against the levying of an estate duty on pereoital pinerty situated in the celoalee of a pereon 4u.auaciled, within the United Kingdom. The number of failures in the Derain - ion the past week, m Provinces, as cone - pared with previous weeks, is as follows: N.S., N.B. Man. 33.c. June 2. 2o $ 2 3 2 35 aline 21. 5 2 2 1 2 21 JIM,' It. Vt la 4 z n Junt T.. 13 1.4 2 .. May za, 13. 1 2.. 2 2 t7 Thee() was .egain aa inerense Le tee nustioer of Lusieees holt:ries rhirme• the: pat week, the nuta bee being thirty-five, against twenty -fuer the week hefere and twenty -a -even in the sante iveele of leee. The ttifeeage of liabilities has also in- crecteed, bue the total liabilities cannot yet be fully ascertained. The erincipal iuerease is in Ontario, where the number was twenty, against eine the week before, and, the meet important oi these are John Ott, oeBranteme ; Mei:rick and Huriburt, of Toronto ,Tnnetion, mei M. Dwane ot Toronto. In Quebec thexe were but nine failures, one of which were ot great im- portance. There were three in elanitoba, and two in Biltish Columbia fur the week. Dan's Review of the week says : "The great etrike of coal miners has ended at most points, but another threatens to in- terrapt business more seriously fel- a time, thonah the number of hands is comparatively small. Travel and traffic are well nigh arrested ore about twenty western roads already. and s:rikee are threatened an all roads which use Pull - mail cars. As the public:, and the rail- road's lousing the cars have no power to say what was shall be paid at the Mill- man shops, and the receipts of that com- pany enna the railroads do not Jepend ore the reauiag ot leaeed rn7, it le diffi- cult t., how long ee 14(esulier strike mey ?net, or het,: fl..e 01,4, teller chay,.. dttlitigIL weee havo keen for the 'het"er. enemy ma,•,,itaeterieg csta7Ai1th.1t..2, tI oil v; ant of fuel have meanie ed. The Jimetteen tie tlu treeeery re- serve leis been eheeked by the vela:a- taxy de: ann.,” oS geld by New York banks. Eeeerm et :nee aa ve almeet, eceeed. Crop proeeeete nem': letter as the harvest draws resteme The reenseptien of ilnnk at mine has made good pro- grcl,s, bat the demand for anal acts is ae yet smeller anet :tee urgent than. was or- peene Boyere apringeetly wait for lew- er -prima kt iron Bed esseg pemeesae, enema ma ie.:gut-drive aye slew to give, in • vises 4" eeereesed eve,: of materials aud tacelemen. After ;1., eneneneioa he' f elm werieleg fee ce) eer mem than a teetaii, it ega expeeme that, orders; fer . e ts..,iee "a, veay 3 eree. but in etea the e gemafeorap aim uf auliness and narre emmeed, and prices of Bessemer pig e4 ehilebed forms are a little wseema. inmugh he wo.Ching force 7ien.eieteci, etmeral eetablish- enema C meted fee WAIit orders, cr beateene regardieg ware fer the 4.-e-ieleg year has yet eeeete regain. e.l. The demand lor cheaper :sonde con- tiatne fairer large, and in some tradee arc larger t A year ago, lr.:71, ttt hqher priee,4 ptr41:; the business is si remark- aely etietets. Speeulation has texided to- wards lower priees in produnte and stocks. Wheat hee eeelizeid two cents, the ye6r. cleeing int inaigailicant experts, fee few weeke of .1 'no ozily '2,ttenmeo bushels from A Mantic pert,e, against 9,917454 last year, while wesetva receipts have been 5,e2eigee) for the same weeks. ageing, 8,ie1rate12, last year, a minth same - ler deertnee. No or:greet statmesam failures for June or tem laili -eat' is yet pamilett, but oar weekly returas show geatifyieg inverovemeet over list year. in Jima, the failures: have been hout 050, and. in the hnif yeer ahotei 7.1.1e), The aggregate ae mernmereial liebitielee only, with nart :of jinn) lacking, Leg teem 1el3,- 1.88,41e5, against 81.13,515,7fio in May, $8, - in April, area lee4fee8ee itt the half year. This week thee failures have beer 214 in the United States, against' 807• last year, and /35 in Canada, againet 27 lest year. Of late the manlier and import:goo of failures have increased little, as ie usual near the close el a half year. • A Geed Reason Fier rt. "I just, detest thet•Mr. Bloomfield," said Mies Bellevue to her pazthadar.friend. NEWSY CANADIAN ITEMS. THE WEEKS' HAPPENINGS, intereettng items and eneidents, Import - eat and Instructive, Gathered front the Various Provinces from the At- lautic to the Wheat cutting has commeuced in Wen - The Northwest Assembly will meet August ;and, Milton. has "several oases of virmlbut scarlet fever. Caxiada had twenty-three busiaess fail- ures Mite week. The etrike at the Jogging, NS., mines hes been settled. Four robberiee were committed at Chat- ham on Thmeday. ruiluenza prevails among the horses about Mt, Forest. Adjutaut-General Powell resumed his deities on Monday. Frank - Tierney, of Trenton, has been dreamed at Minden. - Tramps are breaking into houses in the country about Guelph, A Port Peery man lies fined 81 and costs for defacing a iiehery notice. Mr. Stattoe, of Sutton, recently had seven pigs killed by leghtnie g. Victor Thotaties, 0330 of Winnipeg's best, known pioneersdied on Monday. Chatham Board of Health has decided to make vaecination compulsory. Owen Sound Council has prohibited biesseliets riding on the sidewalks. Charles Tod, a well-known baker of Bo emanville died suddenly Friday. There w ae a slight frost about the Wel- land district last Wednesday night. Guelph merchent; are being petitioned give a half holiday every Friday. Strati's-ix:: Tato is twenty-one mills on .la) dollar. It has no frontage rate. The new "[whip in "bleeder& will be reedy for traffic about the 15th July. The Canadian Electrical Association reeet in the latter part of September. The Britannia beat the Vigilant for the 1 fourth time on. Tuesday on the Clyde. 1 T. J. L. Orme will build a large busi- ness black at Port Stanley ha the fall, The Bay of Quinte exhibition this year 1 • will eraprese that of any pi eesdirg year. The pavement by-law was passed by - the ilaialltou City Council on Saturday. Frank J. Currae, sun ef the Solicitor - General, has been admitted to the Quebec bar. The eldest son of Mr. Francis Doupe, Ftgremortt, was killed by lightning Mon- day. Waiter Dawson, of Guelph Township, captured a burglar m his house Monday night. Mr. J. Burnett, president of the Mon- treal letock Exchange, died on Sunday. , t , aged 52, A mill at Cedar Springs. Ont., was de- stroyee by fire Friday night at a loss of 810,000. Thos. Heagerty, aged 85, was droweed at Algoma, 'Ont., on Sunday. He leaves a welow. • The Ccleatiel Telegraph & Telephone Co., of Niagara Falls, are seckieg in- come-vatic:4n. Ar drew EASS011. jun.. of Stratford, had hie err nearly torn eff hy being thrown Erna a yeletele. SenaodGlezier died at the Grar d Union hotel a e Ottawa, on Saturday, He was al - meat ee yenrs cad. Mr, Wm. Thompsen has donated a hem der le e stere drinkir g feuntain to the eitlealit ..e Orilla. Ex -Mayer Duniest, of Belleville, left an I esteem ealeed at 67'1,000. and his life was 1 lawn e d fer. *40.000. i The poliee magietrate of London will i lave ta tete himself for vielatien of the weterwerhe by-law. A barn was strack by lightning invieg the strrun cm Sunday near Bond Head and barnee to the groend. Aline:eel flee brigade has been supplied witl: e mew truck and ladders by the cor- prentien ef that town, A child named Clark, aged. 4 years, fell off the doelc at Owen Sound Tuesday ev- ening atel wee drowned. . Heuer McDonald, an old. resident of ,Lf71/1471 On. VAS killed iu a runaway acci- dent in 'Woodstock. Saturday. Kennedy & Sons, Of Oven Sound, have thimod e10,0e0 wcrthof machinery for IL; Leek gates at Sault S'te Marie. Thomas M. Tebbs, chief clerk in the Peterbero' post-effice, has been sentenced to pcniteutiegy for rubbing the mails. William Loiselle, at Quebec, was given life imprisonment for ineendiarism at Drummondville, which endangered life. Mantreal City Council has .decided to "borrow Seek:0,000 and to vote 525,000 for 1 the fv,tteldigliment of a military school in c ty. tleptity Commissioner of Agriculture Gigeult, of Quebec, has gone to Europe on larieess itt conneetiou with the de - mi rtment. T. C. ThUmpson, aged 7 years, was fatally kicked by a • colt near Glencoe, °rite Sunday, while trying to catch a home •ia a field. Edward. Brunt, the boat builder, of Hatnilton, said to have been drowned inence months; ago, is now said to have been recogeieed in Chicago. William Philips, of Midland,. eshile at work on the Smerling pinning factory re- cently. had big fingers altruist severed fr..m the hand 1.y a rtp saw. Major-C.41m. Tferbert is reported to have sent in his regignation of the position of coPaita.pri.arit.oi the Canadian militia, oadzig to the Powell incident. Barrie Town Connell eontempletes pier- eletelne; thewaterworks system ef that tows', which is nt present controlledby.e nom:Any hitho United States, The Colonial Con fe.rOTICO at Ottawa dis- ouse,1 the trade question en Saturday aml heard Mr, Hudrlart itt reference to • • the proposed feet Atlantic: service. , The cannier's jury at Londonreturned a verdict Mint 13ella, MeKechnie, like her lover. H. 11. Thomson, 'causedher own death. -I-Ter request to he buried with hire will not he complied with, . Mr. Stevenson, of the Montreal Ex- position Company,' lens staggested to Hon. lereckenzie Bewell" that a series of ex- hibibions be held in Canada, Australia ' 'and A frina to shot/ the prodnets and. re- sources of the oelonies, • The cetble steemase Faraday molested • of 'Cape Callao, N,13,,,Wedrieedey, having "I overheard Mr. giland telling hire I wes to be married soon, tend what do you gappoee the wretch replied?" "1 euppom he said he envied the bride- groom -elect." "Indeed, he didn't, say anything of the kind." "What did. he Fay?" "Tie said: 'Who is Mee victier: ?) " Uompleted, tho tlrixd.Atlantle. cable for the Ocinnierciel Cable Compauy. The Fara- day. was .eugaged only twenty days in leying•the entire calm In the raee ter the Queen's cup on Sat, urday the Prince of Wades' yiteht Breton - bent the United States yacht Vigilant in a • very olose contest; The Britannia again. came in first On Monday, leading the Vigilant about two minutes. • Briton. - Ma rulesthe wave 1 reeleNer ninteratene OesatOriee Four boys between the age of 10 and. 18 years -were weight Tuesday night While trying to enter a Brantford store by means of a skylight, They had the nerve to make the attempt at 9 o'olook in the evening, and one of the proprietors, who hempen.ed to he inside at the time, men - aged to catch imp of them. He gave the names of his companions, and they will be arrested. The same establishment WAS entered a sheet while ago and $7 taken, NO DETDOTIVB ST0R41118 WAATDD. MaeWherreill's confinement in Bramp- ton jail is very irksome to him. In a letter to a friend in Toronto he -says that he continues to eet regularly and sleep well. He would like tome literature to pats the time away. But, he Says, "send. inc anything but detective stories, be it religious or no, I have- had enough of detectives, peid besides they won't allow that kind to be brought into the jail." MYSTERIOUS DROWNING OASD. A somewhat inysterioOs drowning ac- cident occurred. at Algoma about 7,20 Saturday evening. A little boy while crossing the river bridge near the railway station observed a :nen named Thomas Haggerty strugg'ing itt the water below, but before he could render auy assistance the man had sunk. The body has been recovered and an inquest will be held. Haggerty was about thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife to mourn his loss. PROM ma,NisuPEG. Sidney ' Rollinson a well-known young farmer living near Carman, attempted to insert a cartridge that was too tight lute his rifle. An explosionresulted, and Rollinson Neill lose his eyesight __Peti- tions -are being circulated in Winnipeg itt favor uf Sunday ears. The City Council will shortly be asked to sanctisn them.... Winnipeg's School Board liar lately been indulging in the extravagaece of costly buildings and egeipments for so-called higher education, with the era sal t that they now ask for so ranch money that the City Council cannot see how to keep oleic taxation within 2 per cent., which is the maximum legal rate. DRINK AND TROUBLE. Stephen. Mediand, a Brookliu farmer, visited Oshawa.,,Sate rclay,to purchase seed bnckwheat. wed in the course of the da,y is said to have drunk enough spirits to intexicaee him. While in this condition he fell in with three young men—Cite/Mee Wade, R. Peate and a num who has been aciting as; a hoetler at the Queen's Hotel. He eliargee that they robbed him of aliont $25 at the hotel sheds and then skipped. Constable Holman succeeded in • captur- ing Peate, who was lecked up but releree- ed Sunday morning, ex-s-eld. McCaw be - leg his bondsman. The others are still at large. PLICNED TO TIIE FLOOR. COLONIAL CONVERENOE, The Preferential Trade Idea Adopted by liesOlution—Row the Vote Stood. liealq.y all the colonial delegates are away from Ottawa. The following is tho text of the princi- pal resolution adopted by the conference On Motion of Hou. G. E. Poster, second- ed by Sir Henry Wrixon: " Whereae, the stebility, and progress of the British Empire can be best assured by drawing continually closer the bonds that unite the oolonies wit h the Mother Connery, and by the eoutinamus growth of a practical sympathy Alia co-operation in all that pertains to the common wel- fare ; " A.nd whereas, thie co-operation and unity ean in no way be more effectually promoted than by the cultivation aticl ex- tension of the mutual and profitable in- terchange of their products; " Therefore resolved, that this confer- 011CG reeords its belief in. the advisability of 0 customs arrangement between Great Britain and her colonies by which trade within the empire may bo placed on a more favorable footing than that which is carried on with foreign countries; "Furth.er resolved, that until the Mother Country can see her way to enter into a oustoms arrangement with her colonies, it is desirable that, when em- powered to do so, the colonies of Great Britain, 'or such of them as may be dis- posed to accede to this view, take steps to place eaoh other'e products, in whole or in part, on a more favored mete= basis than is accorded. to the like products of foreign eountries ; "Further resolved, that f or the purposes of this resolution. the South African cus- toms union be considered as part of the territory capable of beieg brought within the scope of the contemplatetl trade ar- railgegiz:itrtook place ou the first reso- lution, which resulted as follows: Yeas — Canada, Tasmania, Caro of Good Hope, South Australia, Victoria Nays—New South Wales, New Zea- land, Queensland -8. John Halford, a wellskelown farmer he Maidstone Township, was loading hay in his barn Tuesday -when he nee with -n serious Accident. A large travelling hay- fork, betegused. to lift the hay, became loose' from its fastenings while at the top (1 the loft. The fcrtypoundeof steel fell to the door, the prongs striking Mr. Halford on the right sicle, passing through the groin and pinnirg him to the floor. Mesa working with MT. Fral.fOld 1111nried to 133.$ aseistance. One started for Wind- sor, while others removed the steel prongs from the bleediag form. Dr. Ccegram drove to the scene. The injuries were at first thou.ghe ti be fatal, isut the deeter said Wedeeselay moraieg he believed Mr. Raiford would recover. me COMET"' NOT, SHE SAID, te parte, ef very pretty and very angry ;tour;g Relies weito gathered at the Union Station. Toronto, on Saturday morning before the train. for New YUrk left the City. Themewere stage-struck girls, And •caine with face e full Of expeetieucy and a strong gap on their satchels, Each one had th.e intention of becoming a Marie Tempest or a Lillian. Russell when she entered the station. Pethaps seine of them still cherish the enibition, but their hopes certainly -were dameened to some extent by the defection of the eerson who was to oren the door to fame. They had been engaged for the shorts of a comic opera company and wen to have depart- ed on Saturday f or Now York. The per- son who had engaged them they doecrib- ed as a "dark eeentleman." As train time drew near they *became anxious and began to make inquiries of the porters of the various city hotels as to the where- abouts of the dank gentleman who was to he there with them tickets. 73ut in- quiry brought them no enlightenment on the subject of the said brunette person. As the train went ont the stage -streak maidens turned sadly away, balkeci at the very outset of the march toward fame. Some could scarcely repress their tears.; others said that the dark person was a "mean thing," while all agreed that. "ntagentlemen would do a thing like that," It said that Sumo of the glide ha,d paid the alleged manager their savings as a guarantee of good faith. DANGEROUS GAMBLERS, The gang Of gamblers who are travel- ling with Cook & 'Whitby's circus reaped a rich harvest et Walkerton. They eaid it was the richest, town they heal streak in Canada. Notwithstanding repeated warnings in the press, they succeeded in beating a number of unwary individuals out of about $1,500. Two women, who had lost respectively5$5 and 515, anneal- ed to Constable Pat. Heffernan to get betels their money. • .Pat, ,being Inish, went -to their Atd. and arrested the (thief gambler. ilo' was instantly kn.oeked down by the., man's coefeeleretes and badly kieked in the head Mal body; Bee, he held auto his men eed landed him in, jail. The fellow, who gave his name .ae George B'own, from London. England, wast treed Wecluesdey "before Magietrat es eleNain.are, and Robb and fined itt tho aggregate. 8101„e0. The ".11.110S were promptly paid. i‘CJol." Boynton, chief of the gang, who also-, under• the gentle' persuasion of Heffernan, returned smite 8700 to the victims of the gang. The circus proper took in between $(3,000 and 87,000, and all the side-shows' reaped a rich harvest. An interesting feature of the occasion was the abiendence of money that the "poor farmers't of this. section seemed able to invest in the ems/sentient. The gembiere tent was constantly erowels with farmer's, young and old, eager to bet from 85. to $100 that they' could toIl. evhielt -shell the pee was tendert Intereoionial Delegates Entertained. The delegates to the Intercolonial Cous greets having concluded their delibera- tions visitedePoronto on Wednesday and were enterteinecl by the Board of Trade. - The party took the beat for the Falle in the morning and wore entertained at e banquet in the evening. Speeches were made by Hon. Mr. Bowell, Hoe. F. B. Sutton, New South Vales; Hon. Nicho- las Fitzgerald. M.L.C., Tasmania; Sir Henry De Villiers., K C.G.M„ Cape Col- ony; Hon, Thomas Playford, South Aus- tralia; Hon. Albert Lee -Smith, New Zealand; Sir Henry leezixon, K.() ,G.M., Victoria; Hon. Simon Fraser, Victoria. Atli made excellent speeches, and stated that during their stay in Canada they had noticed. the feelings and sentiments of the people were almost unanimous in favor of cloeer trade relations, both po- litical and commereiril, between the dif- ferent parte; of the empire. All spoke of the prosperity of Canada. The delegates and their ladies were showed the many points of interest in the city on Thms- day and it ride on. the bay in the after - neon, TIIE GREAT STRIKE. STRIRERS ARRESTED: Robert O'Keif and J. B. Rogers, both leaders among the strikers, were arrested Wednesday al Blue Leland for making threats. Olecif resisted and severely pounded Deputy Meaehal Kohl, but was overpowered and lccked up. A large erameer of arrests were nide and the strikers were much ineensed at the whole- sale locking up of their leaders. COAL AND MEAT gancera. Dalaueue, Iowa, is threatenedwith a coal auel meat famine, There is less than a week's supply on hand, and. unless coal is received scan factories will have to suspend, thus adding thousands to the idle men itow there. ATTEMPT TO WRECIC A TRAIN, An attempt was made on Tuesday eight:to wreck a train on the Pan Handle read at Marion, Ind., but the obstruction was removed before any damage was dote. DIMS ARRESTED. Debs was arrested by a U. S. marshal on Tuesday afternoon, the grand jury having found an indictment againsthim. KNIGUTS CALLED OUT, Grand. Master Workman Sovereign's order was issued on T.:lee:clay calling out tho Knights of Labor. How general his orders will be obeyed. is problematical. To a good extent their effect Ims been al- ready discounted by the stagnation of business, and it is known tliateseme of the longest headed. of the labor leaders themselves believe that aotion has been postponed too long to be effective. STRUMS ARMING, At Sacramento it is reported that the strikers are arming themselves to visit the troops It is said that the strikers have 1,400 rifles. ATTEMPT TO KILL MR, WICKES' An attempt was made M xiday after- noon to kill Vice -President Wickes, of the Pullman Company, with an infernal machine. A. man entered the buildieg carrying a small bundle under his arm. He asked to see Mr. Wickes, and. was con- dueted to his office, where the special of- ficers who guard trio building quietly took his buudle away. It was found to be a glass bottle with a fuse attached and fined with cartridges, iron serap and other substances, uuknown to the officers. The bottle was confiscated and the man. taken out of the Imildimg. An analysis of the botMe was maxim and it was found to contain a daest„gerovis compound which would explode with great violence upon the application or a gentle heat. Therm DID NOT STRIRE. Telegrams stating that the Knights of Labor have not struels in response to eVlaster 'WorkmanSovereigen's orders have been received by the Associated Press from St. Joseph, St. Louis end K.ensas City, Mo.; Fort Wayne and Indianapolis', Ind.; Detroit, Mich.; Columbus and To - halo, Ohio; Oneahtt, Neb.; Topeka, Kan- sas; Minneapolis, St. Peul and Duluth, Minn,1 Denver, Cola Memphis, Tenn., and Pittsburg. . iritg, LATEST. In enemy plum the strikers have re- turned to work, and on most of the roads passenger treins aro running regalarly. In the etiltirgement of women's sphere ib is singular that the territory of the electioneer has not been invaded by the fair sex, The streagth of the auctioneer lies in his eonversetionel powers. TRANSATLANTIC DOINGS, 4%.I4L ABOIJKI) TICE GLOBE. Pointed Paragraphs Practically Put for Busy Beings to Obtain an Intelligent Idea of Voreign. Facts. Prince Bismarck enjoys an annual irt cone) of ahont $100,000. Victoria, Australia., had a gold output of about $15,000,C00 last year. During the intensely hot summer in 'India apoplexy is alraost unknown. There have been twenty deaths from cholera ia St. Petersburg since Sunday. Clark Russell, the brilliant writer of seestories, is in a very delicate state of health. • Two Swedisli ladies have received hon- orable mention at the Paris salon for soulpture. In most countries diphtheria has nearly doubled the member of its victims in twenty years. Scots livieg in London say that Robert Buchanan is not treated fairly by the English prose. It is estimated that 8,000,000,000 oys- ters are consumed in the United Kiegdem annually. Sometimes the crop from an acre of °ramp trees in Ne Zealaed amounts to 200, There are as many dialects spolcen in the Floweey leingdene as theie are in all Europe. Lcrd Dunravcn has exonerated his crew frem all blame for the disaster to the ValkYrie ltisproposed that the French army shall carry light altuninum shields cap- able of turning a bullet. The oldest railway in France runs be- tween Paris and Hawes It was built more than half a century ago. A. vein of mineral wax, Which resem- bles pure butter, has been discovered. by peat diggers in Ireland. "Gen." Booth, commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, says that he never reads the newspapers. Deboniezky Debeniei ze, a member of the House of Magnates. committed sui- cide at Beda-Pee MI Sunday. Rosa Youeg. a direct descendant of one of the Pitcairn mutineers, is writing a history of the Pitcairn coleity. It is said that Mascagni has given him- self up to gambling and has lost a large part of his fortune in Monte Carlo. . Emigration to Canada throrgh British ports declieed. 04 per cent in,Tune aecom. pared with. the same mu th last year. Emperor 'William of G.ermany -will be the guest of the Queen at Buckingham Palace at the 'enci of the present month, The Plenum of Wales and Miss An- nie Paterson, of Dublin, are the only honorary Musical doctcrs in the United Kingdom. Lenbaele, the fannies portrait painter of Germany, has painted mere portraits of Bismarck than. perhaps all his brother artists. Dr. Warre'the heed master of Eton, has given orders that in the future the college musettra is to be opened on San - day afternoon. The three richest men in Brussels are a manufacturer in Dortmund, name not given; 77,rupp and Rothschilds, of Frank- fort-om the -Main. Tho Bulgarian authorities have decid- ed to indict ex -Premier Stanhulotf for An alleged abuse of the power entrusted to him. A stained glass window ip memory of Charles Kingley has been placed in the parish church of his native place, Heine, Devon. Royal Gorman Chamberlain. Von Kolze, receutly arrested for writing indecent letters to various high personages, will be released. Glad.stone, at the age of eighty-four, is making an attempt to learn. the Basque language, a dialect that has long beext a puzzle to philologists. Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh is so youthful in appearance that the Roine eorresponcl- oats recently spoke uf her as the embas- settler's danghter. Railway employes in England are now instructed to the first aid to the injured under the auspices of the St. John's Am- bulance Association. It is about thirty miles across town in London, awl for that eetire dietetic° there in said to be an unbroken line of residences and stores. T, L. Molboy, the song writer, is an English barrister, who divides his time between his profession'and music, which he considers recreation. The most notable attractiori in a mosque at Delhi is a single red. hair, which is said to have been plucked from the mustache of Mehemet. • Miss Peel, a granddaughter of tho great Sir Robert Peel, has recently published an addition to arctic literature in a eel- -time entitled "Polar Gleams." A company has been formed in New Zealand to establish a whaling station on the Kermacec islands, in the Pacific ocean, northwest of New Zealand. Rubenstein is giving his services either for charitable purposes or for purely invi- tation affairs,itt which ease students of conservatories are the beneficiaries. The renting of portions of the side- walks in Paris to proprietors of cedes, who see out tables there, bring in a rented to the city of 900,000 francs a year. A popular uprising is reported Iron Quito Ecuador,. caused by the action of the donate in. expeliieng non-Catholics elected to membership 1tt that body. The Archbishop of Canterbury has ex- tended an invitation to American clergy- men and laymen to attend the .e.nglican. Missionary Conference in Londee (luring the Bummer. •, Vireathe, of the German army, is aboub to form, a peculiar colony on some idyllic South Sea island, Its mem- bers must all promise to eat no meat and wear no °lathes. Authorities ex pea the Austealian wheat yield will be the heaviest itt the history of thrtletcolonet. They antioipate there will surplus available for export-, of 11,785,000 bushels. The large, white Yorkshire pig has be- came the favorite brood with Danish bile con factories, and Iterg:e numbers of them are imported yearly from England for breeding purposee. The Grand Duchess Xenia, the Czar's eldest daughter, who is to be merried in Auguet, tuid. her brother the Czerrwi tele, who are to be married in October, ere extremely amiable •and Unassuming and immensely popular. Orders for 250 loemnotives and several thonsand railway carriages have been. Given by the Russian Government to Austrian and Belgian firms, for the tram - Siberian railway.. Parisians are intensely fonetoe canaries - 'and other pet birds, 11 10 estimated that there are fully 100,000 pet birds in the " eib,y, or oue to every twentieth individual, inelucling babies. Australia mined 4,087,299 tor s of coal:, last year. The supply is apparently in- eitheustible, end is oo•untect an important factor in the future industrial develop- ment of the country. • Lady Mary Wortley Montagu seys that. Oirca,ssian women who are capable of blushing invariably feteh a higher price in the seraglio of the Sultan than the leso. susceptible of their sex. • Belijamin Kidd, whose -volume, " Soci a/ Evolution," has recently attracted much attention and praise in England, is in the British civil service and holds an appoint- ment at Somereet House. • Theatrical managers in Runlet are re- quired by law to deposit with the Gov - eminent sufficient money to pay the rail- way fares of the company hack lame when the troupe is on the road. The late Dr, Biganclot, Roman Catholic Bishop.of Rani:tether, in Southern Bur - mak, one of the most liberal -minded ec- clesiastics in India, was one of the most learned Buddhist schclars Two thousand five hundred weddings were celebrated in St. Petersburg during the first week after the Russian Easter. This week is especially chosen fur niers riage by 'Russiart of the orthodex Greek ,faith. Italiangrape culturists are new mak- ing a eery elee illuminating oil from grape seeds, from which they get a pro- duct of from 10 to 15 percent. itis elear, colorless and incaloroue and burns with- out smoke! A Scottish minister made the following announcement from the pulpit: " Weel, friends, the kirk is urgently in eeed of siller, and as we have failed to get money honestly we will have tosee what a bazaar cau do for us." Ex-Esrpress Eugene, who was not loeg• ago a guest at dinner with Queen Victo- ria. has now only careworn lint,. and n sad, dullish expression of the fnee, whose beauty was the admiration of Europe. It is said. that so much farm land. in Evgla.nd has lately been allowed to lapse- frcnn cultivation that wibi anim als whi ch ten years ago were in daeger of extinc- tion are now ficaniehieg and increasing. HE'S A PATRIOT. On This Particular Occasion. He Met the • Wrong Man, llowever. 'Sir." he began to one of the clerks in the water office, as he waxed a notice in his hand, here is a notice that if I don't pay my' water. tax before the day is out the water will be shut off at he house." " Yes, sir." "1 call it an arbitrary notice, sir! It smacks of tyranny, sir ! I don't propose to allow no corporation to bulldoze me "No. sir," replied the clerk, as he kept on writing. " It isn't Canadian, sir 1 The Czar of Russia sends around such notices, but the Ozar of Russia,doe.sn't run Toronto. The idea, of hopping on to a Canadian citizen itt a,ny such way! 't Yes, sir," humbly repliefi the clerk. " It has aroused me and I Nvon't pay— no, sir, won't pay if you shut the water off from the whole town! More than that, sir, and I want to give you noticn right, now, that the hyena who comes up to shut that water off will never live to, do it! I'll slay bine sir—slay him in cold. blood !" " Yes, ear," was the quiet response. " Sem had sent a man to notify me that the tax was past due I eb.ould have given hire the cash at mice, but when thie water board resorts to bulldozing tactics with me, you have etruck the wrong man ! Yes, sir, the wrong " Yes, sir." "Wo talk about thef el geedoni the * ' Canadian:people !" continued the Man, as ho paced up and down, bat -Where is it ? Thiele a sample of it—this orbit:lax y notice I must put up or shut up. Here we are, living between two great lakes, and. a bay pouring millions el gallons of water paslt our cuors every day in the year, and yet I must pay for water ! Not only that, but I must be threatened and bulldozed and walked on !" "Tot, sir," said the clerk- with a nod. "Bt I'll never do it—never 1 I'll die in the le.et ditch! I'll show this. water board that the spirit of British liberty still Hyatt, and. thatethere ie ono man itt this town who can't be walked on 1" Yea sir." The British patriot paced. to the door and back. No one looked at him. Busi- ness continued right along as usual. He . waited fully five minutes for some awful calamity to occur, and then walked up to the same window and. the Fame clerk:, laiclalmsee the notice and. a 510 bill, and very quietly said : "'Meant to come itt yesterday', but for- got it. Take her out.' • "Yes, sir," replied the clerk, as he handed over the receipt mid the change. " Hot weather, this ?" • "Yes, very hot; good-bye !" Largest singget Ev.,ex. Found, One of tho ia,rgeet nuggets ea the hiss tory of mining has been hoisted out of the Smeggler mine at Aspen, Cole and for size sure aeses anything on record, and for Holiness is certainly the meet remark- able ever brought to the notice of the public, The find, it, is believed, has no equel itt the history of mining. Recently the workmeri encountered ohuge body of ore, and in digging around it aecerlamod that 11 wa.s a :monster nugget, the like of whichlias not been ICI 01V11 in any camp, After considerable work they sneceeded, 1.n hoisting it to the surface intaet, The chunk weighed. 8 800 pounds and con- tained. silver to ihe value of $25,000. It is the largest silver nugget ever known, and, what, is most peenliar, it is almost puree This beets bhe reeord made itt. trie Gibson a few years ago; when e nugget weighing 800 pounds WaS removed, and it was looked upon as upproaching the wildest dream, 'When Baby was sisk, we gays her Castoria. When oho was a Child, aho cried for Castor's.. , When slit became Miss, sho clung to Clastorien When nee haiIChlldren, shogave them Castoria, There is no surer sign of ill -brooding • them rudeness towards dependents, •