HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-7-12, Page 5NERVE; 13EAN$ 'ttl++`ILY't?f'L'EANrr are p new ins•. ol'Toe vows Debility, the worstoweand Failte g Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mtpd caused by over-work,or the errors ore*• cessos of youh. Thls Remedy all. 11o1utety cures the mob obstinate cases when all other tattorevms have failedevento relieve, wo1 by dreg. is at $i per package, orsix for $:i or sent bymail on receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDIPINl 4O., Toronto, Ont. Writ" a„r pamphlet. Sold ht— For sale in Exeter by J . W, Browning t In Chicago Edward Egan, a notor- ious safe.blower was shot and fatally i wounded by ,police officers while resist ing arrest. Dr. Low's"Worm Syrup cures and re moves worms of all hinds in children or adults, Prie,e 25e. Sold by all deal- ers. The House of Commons was the scene yesterday of a lively exchange of epi thets between Mr. Tarte and Col. Am- yot. GENTLEMEN.—For a number of years I suffered from deafness, and last winter I could scarcely hear at all, I applied Yellow Oil and I can hear as well as anyone now. Mrs. Tuttle Cook Weymouth, N.S. Rachael MoCuish, a nuse girl, seven- te.en ears old,was drowned in th north y west arm at Halifax last evening while bathing. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness of the bow- els, Never travel without it. Price 350. The funeral obsequies of President Carnot will begin on Sunday, with ser- vices in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, and conclude with the ceremony of de- positing the body in the Pantheon. The Cabinet has decided to introduce a bill in the Chamber of Deputies provid- ing that all persons in the army, navy and civil service shall observe a month's period of mourning, FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, Cholera Infantum, Cramp, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stew- berryis a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for over 40 years, The funeral of„ Archibishop Tache takes place to -day. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dis eases of the blood from a common pim- pie to the worst Scrofulous Sores or Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Boils, Blotches and all. Blood humors cannot resis t its _healing powers. Erastus Wiman said yesterday that he was confident his cotntsel's argu- ments would prevail on Judge Barret to make his stay permanent pending appeal, and that he would he released on bail. He has received hundreds of letters expressing confidence in his in- tegrity. For Over Fifty Years. n Sl AN OLAND ,TELL -TRIED REOVEDY.—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup• has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their Children while teething, with per - feat success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy. for Diarrhoaat. is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists In, every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle.. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind It is now believed that the number of miners who perished in the Albion coal mine the other day will be found to exceed 310. It seems there were more in the mine than was at firt sup- posed. Bad Blood. causes Blotches, Boils. Pimples, Abscesses, Ulcers, Scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Bad Olood in any form from a common Pim- ple to the worst Scrofula Sore. .A. colored boy named Harris was drowned in the river while bathing near. Chatham last evening. Another lad, Gallagher by name, lost his life while Iearuing to swim in McGreoger's Creek. . Burdock Pills do not gripe or sicken. They cure Constipation and Sick Head- ache. The annual provincial convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians open- ed on Tuesday in Stratford. 1�a1 3t,ATVS HARMLESS N ADACHE PoterrEfns eyes ALwhey Hrn w tsrriv r. t£scd to scare eveeryl- thi g,trtasitatatlyhcud. aclaes. 'ley them, it will cost Cut ka cett'ta ,n a box rci d they a -e haraailcss. Thor are note Cathartic. This is the an eiyersary of the Queen's coronation. Norway Pine Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma. Bronchitis etc. Hon. Richard Harcourt had a major- ity of 75.in Monet. Coughs.AColds Sore Thro t, Asthma' Bronchitis, and all Lung Troubles are quickly cured by I3agyard's Tectorial Balsam, M. Casimer-Peri'r has been elected President of France. fero destroy worms and expel] them from children or adults •use Dr Low's Worm Syrup. ...The boycott of the Pullman Car Oriipeny by the American Rail ;vay Union is raylsg a widesprond effect wet seriously interfering with 'reek. The Wisconsin Central rail ay is suffering seri( usly, as long lines of cars laden with perishable freight are tied up, • DOWD' ors. i flu h, , i'eMoors. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieved in six hours by the "Naw GRBAT SOIITI•I A.Mr7RICAN lin' Colas" Cully.” This pew remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic zaits on account of Its exceeding ' promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe Inale. It removes retention of water and pater in passing it almost 'Mimed. lately. If you want quick relief and cure this bit your remedy. Sold by 0, Lutz, Druggist, They Said S�� Would d Dicta This Was the Opinion , e ical Three o h Medical Men, Paine's Celery Compound Does tore Life -Saving Work; Mrs, Currier Says: "T Owe My Life to It." "I take great pleasure in sending you a testimonial for Paifre's Celery Compound; I certainly owe my life to it. I may state that I was sick a year with pleurisy and inflammation, and given up to die by thiee doctors and all;my friends,when I was recommended to try Paine's Celery Compound. After using seven bottles of the wonderful medicine: I am alright again." This brief testimony of cure by Paine's Celery Compound comes from Mrs Currier, of Bradford, Ont., a lady well known in that town, and highly spoken of by Mr. W. L Campbell, Brad- ford's popular druggist. The good people of Bradford. and surrounding country speak with pleas- ure and delight about Mrs. Currier's happy release from suffering and clan ger; they anew well of her many fail- ures to obtain health by other means and medicines in the past; and to them Paine's Celery Compound is now the ideal remedy for the cure of disease. No production of medical science has ever attained such reputation and pop- ularity Paine's Celery Compound; no other agency in medicine has ever saved so many people that were giyou up to die. Let it ever be remembered that Paine's Celery Compound gives the public better and stronger proofs of its efficacy than can be done by any other medicine made in the world; it always "makes people well." The Newfoundland Methodist confer once has passed a resolution dcprecat ing the poli•ieal disturbances and ad- vising the people to fear God, honor the Queen and repeet nonstituted au- thority. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 Mnw'res.—Ail cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved iu 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist. The Valkyrie was sural: in a collision with the 'Satanita yesterday on the Frith of Clyde in the start of the Muir Memorial Cup race. The Britannia de feated the Vigilant in the first race of the American yacht in British waters. The Summer Death Rate.—The greatest evidence of the clangers of Cholera Marbles, Diarrhoea, and Dysen tory, is the increase in the death rate of all the leading cities during the summer months. Men and women can not be too careful of their hahbits of life during the heated term, and partic- ular Intention should be paid to the diet of children. A supply of Perry- Davis' erryDavis' Pain -Kilter should always be at hand, for it is the only medicine that can be relied un at all times as cafe. sure, and speedy. A teaspoonful will cure any ordinary case; but in severe but in severe attacks it is oeassionally necessary to bathe the sufferer's atom- ach with the Pain -Killer. All repu table druggist have it for sale. 25e. price per large bottle, President Cleveland has .the. White Rouse telegraph wires connected with one of the wires leading to Gen. Mils' headquarters at Chicago. Rheumatism, Cured is a Lay, South American Rheumatic Cure,for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically eures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at onee the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The dose greatly rs 1 e first d s , ' at benefits. 25e, Sold by C. Lutz,Dr uggist, `rho Government, on the request of the 0. P. R. Co, has decided to have an official enquiry as to freight rates in Manitoba and the North-west territor- ies, Nothing Strange. Intellegeat people, who realize the important part the blood holds in keep- ing; the body in a normalcondition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases that'Hood's Sarsaparilla is able to cure. So many troubles result from impure' blood that the best way to treat them is true the blood, and • it is far better to use only harmless vegetable compound than to dose to excess with quinine, calomel and other drugs. By treating the the blood, with Hood's Sar- saparilla, scrofula, salt rheum and what are commonly called "humors;" dysp p stn catarrh, rheumatism, neuralg'la, coxsumption and other troubles that originate in impurities of the blood or impaired circulation, can all be cured. George Boyce, a young man, son of the night watchman of the House of Commons, was drowned while bathing in the Ottawa river yesterday. A. Grand Feature Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that while it parities the blood and sends it curs- ing through the yeir►s full of richness and health, it also imparts new life and vigor to everyfunction of the body h Hence the expression so often beard: "Hood's Sarsaparilla made a new per - of me." It oyer comes that tired feel- ing so common now, Hood's Pills Pills are purely vegetable perfectharmless, always reliable and beeeticial. At Cobourg yesterday Mr. Stanton Ferguson, mauager for A. Sc S. Nord- heimer, of Toronto. was married to Miss Janet Sannet Sanders, daughter of Mr. John W. Sanders of that town. ALL MEN Young, ofd or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting. in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, hintness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidueys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, arid elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, tern derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, eonstipa tion, cl allness of heariltg, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- iper, sunken eyes, surrounded with 1 eneeeN cniennS, oily looking, skin, ' etc., are all symptoms of nerv'tus debit- ! ity that teal to insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance; may be permanently cured. Send your ad• dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V. I LUBON, 24 Maedonnel Ave., Toronto. Ont. Mr. W, Hyslop, of Toronto, the well• bicyclist, was married yesterday in 1Vondstnck to Miss Madge, daughter of the millionaire, Mr. W. C. McLecd, of that town. An Entirely new Process Of treating, ruptures, adapted to all forms. ages and conditionslst, the. Hernia is held seenreiy and with comfort dining the hardest work and severest strain under all reasonable circumstances, (evert horse -back riding,) Examination and Advice Free. My lest and greatest invention iu lierninI Apptiar:ces is the result of careful studv, continued ttn•oughout a professional career extending over a period of 27 y'etu•s, 22 of which have beea devoted (IN elusively to rupture treatment ie Toronto. This iestrumrent responds to every tnotion of the body, coughing site"zing or lifting, AND NEVER SLIPS from its position, (either up or down) as all others de, (BUT STAYS IVHERE PLACED, knowing the true cause of rupture and having discovered a treatmeirt which is found only in my appli• ante, instantaneons relief is afforded, safety assured, and a complete cure is sheeted with but little expense. No pain, loss of labor or time, without incurr- ing the dnuhtful, hazardous and ever costly expedient of an operatic n. MOTHERS LOOK TO ".e Vr. Be advised, or you may have cause to regret .YOUR efeetgart' negligence when to late to remedy. CH [LOIREN 1\10W. Children cured in from 4 to S weeks Adults in from 7 to 14 weeks. accord- ing to the severity of the ease, age, of the person, or duration of the rupture, melting no difference in our tee:ltntent, Evidence that proves every cage a success. This is positive as I have CON VINCIN(x TESTIMONY from Phvsieiaus, Parents and those declared by so call ed surgical machinists to be hopeless, among whom may be found some of tour neighbors. Do not abandon hope because Of the severity of yoUQCage, without consulting 3. Y. EGAN Hernia Specialist, 206 West Queen Street, Toronto. EXETER, Central Hotel, y Tuesdsi a. ndWednesday, July 24 and 25. • WING[AM, Queen's Hotel, Thursday, July 21 KINCARDINE, Royal Hotel, Friday, July 27. WHEN MOTHER IS SICK. tjiat the Small Daughter May De to Maki Hor Comfortably. It is peculiarly the province of a daugh- ter to be a help and comfort at the time when mother falls sick and everybody and everything in tbe household has a natural tendency to •e at "sixes and, sevens." Indeed, it it onset just know- ing that things are going wrong which r is the last straw in prolonging for an invalid mother her dietraoting head- aches. painful rheumatic twinges or fe- vered state of mind or body. What is a daughter to do? In the first place, you must strive to ]keep the sight and. sound of domestic friction from your mother, This is a' pretty big contract sometimes, but courage and abi1}}•ty Gonne with trying, and unselfish efforts rarely fail in the end, To begin to do your own small share of duties, if it be only to make your bed, in such a manner as you know would please your mother, These duties ought to be done promptly, too, and this in itself is not an easy matter, especially when there is no pleasant voice to say: "Come, my daughter. don't dawdle," or "Do the errand first and then read Tennyson." When there is no chance that your sown neglect may add to the general dis- comfort open wide your eyes and see where you can help others. Above all things avoid having little fusses with your younger brothers and sisters. Jtist so sure as you do not the sound of your sharp voices, perhaps the very words, will reach the sick -room. Don't you re- member when you had the measles and your head ached so severely how much pains your mother took to keep the baby from crying? Perhaps you did not notice, but I can tell you she was trem- bling with weariness at nightfall from the care she gave you, So even though it is not fair for Grace to take your handkerchief or for John to hector, pass it by quietly this time, Do not slap the baby's fingers if they stray' into mis- chief doubly often. Poor child! he is un- ststrung and nervous and is too youngto' a , understand being without mamma, much less to tell his vague discomforts. Take the children out to walk, and help John in his "nome work," with its "awful" examples le decimal fractions. Slip into the dining room and see if it and the table are in readiness before the bell is rung. You know how your father hates to find something missing from the table or John's cap on one of the chairs. Be constantly on the alert to fill in tbe gaps which no one else sees and to repair the blunders and neglects of others, but do not assume a manner of command. Be tactful, and while you may in truth be the housekeeper, treat the situation as one where you are merely au assistant. If your mother's illness should require the services of a nurse you have still more opportunity to help. The nurse is, for the time being, the head of the household in all that concerns the sick - roots, and this fact is apt to cause fric- tion, if not rebellion, especially in case of a contagious disease. Your first duty is not only to treat the nurse kindly and considerately, but to uphold her author- ity by your own obedience and by your influence over and example to others. A tactful chat in the kitchen may lull a storm there as well as in the nursery, If you are allowed to stay with your mother do not forget to offer to let the weary nurse out for a breadth of fresh air. Would you like to stay in a sick- room night and day without a bit of re- lief? These are small duties, each trifling and the whole not at all heroic ; but your mother has done this and more for you. 113. Godtrich township: ip: About four weeks ago William Haacke, observed what he supposed was a cut from a kick on the haunch of oi'e of his horses and he at once applied some simple remedy to heal the same. The wound was apparen ly a trifling one as the horse was worked every clay,, bat no+ healing completely. Mr. H. called in the services of Dr. Clarke, the vateri nary, who made a close examination and after cutting open .the flesh for several inches found imbedded, about 12 or 14'iuches in, a piece of rail ni„e inches long, su,d about two inches square hi the thickest part. When n the wound was cleaned enc c.lose d p the horse was apparently nuue the worse for its strange experience, and was driven into town at its usual good pace. How the accideut oueur r od 11r Haacke cannot imagine, but he very properly thinks Dr. Clarke has per formed a clever job. Goderich: Some Seaforthires had quite an adventure in Goderir h on Do minion Davy. Messrs. W. D. Bright. A. J. Bright and a couple: of others were proceeding from rhe harbor to the river to fish when they saw what looked like an overturned canoe with two persons clinging to it. The water was pretty choppy and they could not serf very well what was going per, but thought likely it was a couple of buys who had taken out a boat and gouts in for a swin. .However, they decided to go over and see about it. They started for the spot, and soon saw that it was 0 serious ,natter, as the canoe had over turned,aud a lady and s'r.rltiemen were dinging to its side. They called to Mr Woodley, who was in a boat close by, and two boats pulled down to the un fortunate couple, They managed to get they out of the water and took than ashore. The young )adv was almost exhausted, and eould not have held out maity minutes lunger. It was a most forrunatething that the Seaforthites were close b,y, w, the rerun would un- doubtedly have been serious, The ac- cident lra.ppened only about a quarter of a mile from the piers. A canoe is n; rather difficult craft to nayigate in rough water, and the young man in charge of this one seemed not to have been shitt okeep its haul on the wens s and, swinging around,it wee caught in the trough of the wave and overturned A Boon To Hort$EMEN,--One bottle of English Spaviu Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as 11 acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused li etps,hlood spavin,spliets curbs, Sweeny, stifles and sprains, George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist, (1 LLE Ailsa Craig- Last Saturday a ter- noon there was one of the moat severe storms passed oyer this section of the eout.try ever witnessed by the old est inhttbitanis of this. place; Hail stones fell measuring from four to five and a half inches around while the rani fell in torrer,st and all the win- dows in the north side of the building were shattered; gardens • were laid waste and those who prided themselves on their gardens felt worse than others. All the window in the side of the Pres- byterian church were completely rid- dled with the hail. The other church- es fared better as the storm struck the ends. Wingham: A dastardly attempt a train wrecking is reported from Wing - ham, A few nights ego as theeventng express from Palmerston and Kincar dine:was approaching a bridge between Bluevale and Wingham the driver no ticed an obstruction on the track, but not in tune to prevent his engine from striking. On examination it was found that a large tie had been securely placed between the needle beams of the bridge. The damage to the engine was slight, but a serious accident might have occurred had it not been noticed in time. Detettiyes are at work. on theease. . e Seaforth: A union meeting of the South Huron and Tuckersrniih Branch Agricultural Societies was held at Kip - pen on Friday last. As has already been anuouttced the uillau ehow will this year be held at Seaforth, on Th ars day and Friday, the 27th and 26th of September, this being' the week fellow - the Western Fair at Loudon. The work of the meeting was to revise and improve the prize list and appoint judges. The local society have gone to eunslderable experts,. this year im- previus' their „;'rounds and buildings. rho./have made a good speeding track erected comfortable stab;iug' for stock and built a new and convenient busi loss t (lice; and e.s a list of most illterest- ing attraetrons, in addition to the reg- ular prizeslist, will be offered, we are safe in predicting that this will be one of the mast attractive, aswell as most largely attended agricultcu'al shows in this part of .the country "THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE Is nappy, Fruitful Markiaite." Every Mau wno Would Know the Grand Truths ; the Plain acts ; the New Discoveries of Medical 1..4ri- t'nce as Applied to ]harried Life; Who Would Atore for Past Errors and Avoid. Future Pitfalls, Should weettrc the Wonderful Little Liook Callen " Coutptete: Manhood .and How to Obtain It- " " Here at last is evidence from a high medical sinks that roust work wonders with this generation of men. fife hook fully de;scrihes a method by which to attain full vigor and man- ly power. A method by which to end all un- natural drains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack of self control, despondency, ere, To exchange a worn and jaded net ore for nne of brightness, buoyancy and power. 'I'o cure forever effects of excesses, overwork, worry, ete '1'o give full .trength, development and toile to every portion and orgau of the body. Age no harrier, Failure impossible, 2,000 references The book ]r p lr'ely iiwdicrr.l and si.1, entzfid, us,•k-sl to curtosity seeker:(, in valuable to men only that need it. A despairing man, who had applied to us, soon after wrote: er Well, T tell you that first day Is one I'll never forget, 1 just bubbled with joy, I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my ofd self had died yesterday and my new self was born to -day. Why didn't you tell me when t first wrote that T would find it this wily 2" And another thus: "If you dumped a carload of gold at my feet it would not bring such glad Ouse tnto toy life as your method has dome." Write to the Even :MEDICAL Ci iI- PANY, Buffalo, N.Y., and Hsi: for the little book called "COMPLETE `MAN- HOOD." Refer to this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it is well intro. duced. The tramps arrested in ' connection with the shooting of G. T. R. Conductor' Turner at Jordan were up for trial at St Catharines yesterday, The ease was act finished, Morris: Bemis Bonen) ---The tem e and sheds belonging to Mr. R Iiitairgett the 6th line, were LOWLY destray;ed lire on .lunday evening last, at iii O'cltock: the tire was, no doubt, started by some one, as nothing wa's briesdny_' about the buildings, • A span of ;hose* was alrru burned. The loss is a .lee. one to Mr, Blair, as he has no place rte store away hay, or stables to bailee fila. stock rt llatever, The insurance, White was il2,0u0. will he quite a help. ' . G, Bissott's Livery Pint Class .Horses and. Rigg:, SPECIAL RATES W'B. CQMMERIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros: Hardwa 'e Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISS'l ' BRANTFORD STEAM. LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agerl If you wart your linen look whiter than snow, take it to }I1. fl�SifHCs, •�• EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Art ;F Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Speciali,y. URRAY EL, CO. Manufacturers one De•a1e'1.,3 tit Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tion in Brass and iron to order. Also dealers in Piping, Fillings, Brass Goods, Shaftings, Pulleys and ]clangers. Special prices to dealers in large quantities. Repairing promptly done, . . . JAS. MURRAY ' : CZ. For Sciatic -may l�q'L/:,rJ,0�t E. Neu ra sic TRY ONE APPLICATION 'moi ns. O8F THE rtIENICHOLo&o PLASTER . IT WILL DiSPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. r ....�..,�.._p,�1 V pp+'�� lel• gypJ 3 V ; t ::; •. MM ri P W •poor olig Jo. spiel "nv ?mina sF�oislae if � �ytri1''''0'+i a"4041, tr i'\yam yam, `app, "'•�. , x` tib ,,,, ;,:. L ted .44 Elaldlaild coo' r J.d3iln 3H.L 3d1/_ s .