HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-28, Page 5 E V1ROTE TO KIS BROTIIEII,
Told Him the Good News, and Advised Him to
Use wine's Celery Compound.
A. L. W
It has often been asserted that, if
rrea and women wou d use Paine's
Celery Compound when the first indi-
cations of trouble and disease are felt,
there would be fewer sick people, and
less money expended for remedies.
There is no medicine in the world as
far-reaching in its work and effects as
Paine's Celery Compound. It should
be in every home where there is sick
ness, as it is spited for every age and
class of humanity.
We would now draw the attention of
every man and woman to the fact that,
if they have failed with other medi-
cines, Paine's Celery Compound will
give them what they desire—health
and strength. As a proof of this state-
ment we direct attention to the testi-
mony of Mr. A. L. Wood, of Great vill
age, N. S., he says:
"I have much pleasure in adding
my letter of testimony to the already
large number you have received
In 1892 I took a severe pain in my
back, to which I gaye but tittle atten
tion, It extended to the back of my
neck, and became very bad. It then
seemed to settle on a nerve under the
shoulder blade. I used many remedies
but Dot worse instead of better. I con-
sulted my doctor; he said I had neur-
aligy, and treated me for it. The
treatment proved useless, and I con-
fessed two other doctors with no better
I could not turn over in bed, wash
my face, or dress myself, I was so help-
less. After a time, getting a little eas
ler, I went to my father in law's to
spend Chistmast while there my atten,
tion was calleed to a paper on the mer-
its of Paine's Celery Compound and I
read of a party who had been cured,
whose was similar to mine.
I sent for a bottle of Paine's Celery
Compound, and after taking it, I found
that I could rest easily, and turn in bed
without difficulty. The virtues of one
bottle of the compound seemed to drive
all trouble away. I might state that I
had a brother in California who, owing
to sickness, was unable to work for
three months. He had been to mineral
springs without receiving any good re-
ults. T immediately wrote to him and
advised him to give ynur medicine a
trial. After using one bottle 1}e was
cured aid able to resume work.
I make: these statements voluntarily
and for the bentfit of chose who stiffer,
and would strongly recommend Paine's
Celery compound to all"
In Manitoba this year the Crop acre-
age is 1.592,304, an increase of last
year of 40,000 acres.
Two years ago I had a bad attack of
biliousness and took one bottle of Bur-
dock Blond Bitters, and can truly re-
commend it to anyone suffering from
this complaint. Mrs. Chas. Brown,
Mr. Meredith and E. F. Clarke ad-
dressed a large andenthusiastic meet-
ing at Oshawa last night.
- NORWAY PINE SYRUP strengthens
the lungs and cures all Throat
Troubles, Coughs, Colds etc.
Mr, Erectus Wiman's trial in New
York yesterday was full of interest.
A conclusion is expected to day.
For Over Fifty Years.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup. has been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and is the best remedy for Diarrhata. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold. by Druggists In.
every part ofthe World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
John 1'incombe, an old resident of
Westminster township, near Loudon,
died suddenly yesterday, aged 86.
I can highly praise Burdock Blood.
Bitters. My symptoms were dropsy,
backache. and sleeplessness, and all
these disappeared after using two
.bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters.
Georgina Holmes, Wood Point, Sack.
vine, N.B.
The Czarewitch has arrived in Eng-
land on a visit to his betrothed, .
la , the t
PLAINT, Headache, etc , are cured by
rd l.
Bu c
A band concert in London on Tues
day evening netted $-i46.28 for• the
British Columbia flood. sufferers.
Like magic •'It always aeted like
magtc: I had scarcely ever er need to
give the second dose of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry for sum
finer complaints," Mrs. Walter Goven-
lock, Ethel, Ont,
John Martell's billiard hall at Wal
flaceburg, Ont., was burglarized on
Friday night and about $75 worth of
tobaceo and cigars stolen. No clue.
Wil »Fn,AN'
'I7aef/ pre ,tot a .a'er-
tiva,l 10 mire rner.1/-
tliiri..Mttsirrt„pf'/ hers
ocher,: 1,•i, th:e,,,, it
will cost'but M5 emits
/be a beat and they
Thal are not a flatliartlie
James Barnett, aged about 42,
droWued himself at Howard's Station,
Ont., on Friday. He is said to have
been demented.
SIGNS OF WORMS are variable
appetite, itching at the nese' etc. Mr.
Lbw's Worm Syrup is the best worm
ex peller.
At the inquest in the Hartley poison-
ing case yesterday at Nurham, Ling,
the hired man, gave evidence which
bore strongly against Mrs Hartley.
My feet tvbre so badly swollen that I
could not wear my shoes, I got Yellow
Oil, and to my astonishment it gave
instant relief, and two bottles complete
ly cured me. Mrs. W. G. MeKay, Ber-
wick, Ont.
Through traffic over the Pacific divis-
ion of the C. P. R is now resorted.
Some people tangles s to show their
pretty teeth. The use of Ivory White
Tooth Powder makes people laugh
more than ever. It's so nice. Price
25c. Sold by druggists.
Sir Oliver Mowat had a warm re-
ception in Windsor yesterday.
Dear Sirs.—I was suffering very
much from diarrhoea and cou,d get
nothing to cure me. A friend told me
of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry, and a dose cured me, Thos.
L. Graham, Melita, Man.
The Field Columbian museum, oc-
cupying the Art building at the Chica-
go World's Fair, was dedicated on Sat
urday. Ir is the largest museum in
America. -
Suffering Cnil r n —Nothing
more piteous than the writhings of a
child who is sick aid unable to locate
its pain. In most cases children suffer
from disordered stomachs—or at least
troubles of that kind are most common
--and if not'ireated in time often result
in death. Twenty drops of Perry Dav-
is'PainKiii tii1 itle isra the most
in t ease of chroi,ic
prinful and obstinate a
diarrhoea or surnrner Complaint itt ti,.e
world, and no nurse can feel safe with•
out having a bottle of, the medicine at.
her elbow. All respectable druggists
sell the Pain -Kilter at 25e. for the Big
New Size.
Hon. 13, W, Perkins, once U.S. senat
or from. Itanses, third yestieday in
Washington from ehnlure morbus-.
SAM cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis and all throat and Lung
.lames Cooney, n 0, T. R. brakeman,
who formerly lived in tiarnilton, 1%118
killed yesterday at Harrisburg. -
NEl .V t
i ZatltrIi!I ANb area new ata
covery that cure the worst oases ria
'Nervous Debility, roost Vigor
Failing Manhood; reeteres the
weakness of body or mind caused
by o, er•work, or the errors or oz
eesses of youth. This Itemedy sri,
eoluteiy cures the most obstinate cases when an other
5iiiNTs have failed even to relieve. :;old by drys•
ate at $1 per package, orsix for .$5 or sent by mailers
receipt of price by adtiressiug THE JAMES MbDICIN8
co., Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. field iu--.
Fee sale en Exeter by J'. W. Browning
A Biddulph Farmer Shot..
Edward Bowers was brought to jail
by Constable Frank. Walden on Satur
day evening, about 8 o'clock, on a
charge of shooting William Cain with
intent to slay him. The prisoner is a
rather fine looking man, about 55 years.
of age, and has a wife and family of
seven children. He is a farther, and
is said to come of a wealthy Irish fam-
ily. He has been living for . the last
ten yearson a farm on the Roman Line
a little east of the Donnelly homestead,
and bears a good reputation. The farm
which Mr. Bowers rented was owned
by a Mr. Hobbins up to a short time
ago, when the Huron and Erie Loan
Society, of London, forecksed a mort-
gage on it, and when it was acid Mr.
Bowers -bought it. His friends say
that he has never had a day's peace
since he bought the place, but what
the trouble arose about no one seems
able to tell, On Friday evening Cain,
the titan who was shot, was up at Bow-
ers' place in company with some others.
One story says they went there to turn
Bowers.out, and another story is that
there meeting was friendly, and it
was after they had been there for some
little time that a row took place be
tween Cain and Bowers. But it seems
that Cain must have angered Bowers
in some way, because he ran away out
or, the road, and as he ran Bowers fol
lowed him, and drawing a revolver
Cared the bullet, taking effect in win's
spine, just below the waist line. Cain
fell to the ground, and Bowers; after
finding out that his shot had inflicted a
dangerous wound, helped carry Caiia
back to his own house, and then - went
for a doctor and also notified Father
Connelly, and then went and surren-
dered himself. Both Cain and Bowers
are Roman Catholics.
Constable Walden took charge of
the prisoner after he surrendered, and
he was taken before. Squires iMeCosh
and Casey, who, after a thief hearing,
remanded him to jail till Thursday
Three doctors were called is to con-
sider Cain's case, and it is said there is.
very little hope of his recovery. The
bullet penetrated his spine, and he is
perfectly helpless. Owing to his weak
state, it was deemed inadvisable to
probe fer the bullet. Cain is still lying
at Bower's house, and it was deemed
impossible to move him. Bowers broth-
er, Mansell is a driver for the Canadian
Express Co. of London. He went out
to Liman on hearing of the shooting.
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak and ex-
dausted, who are broken down from
excess or overwork, resulting in many.
of the following symptoms: Meatal
depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
himness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain
in tate kidneys, headaches, pimples in
the face and body, itching or peculiar
sensation about the scrotum, wasting
of the oagans, dizziness, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos-
its in the urine, loss df will -power, ten
derness of the scalp and shine, weak
and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipa
`t; L •e
tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yo c. ,
desire for solitude. excitability of tem-
per, sunken eyes, surrounded with
LDADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to :nsanity unless cured.
The spring of vital force having lost
its tension every fnnetion wanes in
consequence. Those who through
abuse, committed in ignorance, may
be permanently cured. Send your ad•
dress for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V.
LUBON, 24 Macdonne] Ave., Toronto.
A Booi TO HousYarEN.—One bottle
of English Spavin Liniment completely
removed a curb from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy,
as it acts with mysterious promptness
in the remove! from horses of hard, soft
or calloused lumps,hlood spavin, splints
curbs, sweeuy, stifles and sprains.
George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
Mr. Geo. R. Parkyn, of the London
Tinas, has arrived at Ottawa to attend
the intercolonial conference.
Don't Delay.
It is your duty to yourself to get rid of
the foul accumrnulation in your blood
this spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
just the medicine you need to purify,
vitalize and enrich yourblood. -. blo That
' Lch
tired feeling which effects neerly every
one in the Spring is driven off by hood's
Sarsaparilla, the great Sparing medicine
and blood
Hood's Pills became the favorite
cathartic with every ono who tries
Col: Ray, of Port Arthur, was yester
day, at Port Arthur, acquitted of the
charge of criminally assaulting Mrs,
Eath rrrst.
Jteliefin SIX flours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder di
seases relieved in six hours by the
NEY Cutv." This new remedy is a
great surprise end delight to physic
tans on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving• pain iu the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or fe
male. It removes retention of water
and tlatn in passing it almost hunted,
lately. If you want quick relief and
eure this is your remedy, Sold by 0.
Lutz, Druggist..
toy Inexpressible
Another Boys Life Saved
Health Blighted by Scrofula and
Hip Disease
Perfect Cure, Happiness and Health
elven by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Per ry D avie PAIN "' Limit
BuY NO OTHER MEDICINE ON EARTH is so efficacious
Coli9, Canadiaa
Big 25c. Cholera, Cramps, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera
Bottle 'Morbus, Cholera Infanta= and all Bowel Complaints.
Is Happy, Fruitful Marriage,"
Exeter, N.
"C, I. reel ez C•o. Lowell,'lass,.
" I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough
for what it has done for my boy. Some four
years ago, when six years oat, George was
attacked by hip disease in his right leg. Wo
had toga him a pair of crutches, with which
he was able t.) move about, but became
badly deformed. 'we had to have his right leg
lanced just above the knee. l's a few weeks a
second sure broke out, both discharging freely.
Agonizing pains afflicted him, he coulctnot bear
to be moved, Itis growth was stopped and
He Was a Moro Skeleton. .
I•Ie had no appetite, and it was hard work to
make hhn eat enough to keep him alive. A few
weeks later we haul his'lilp lanced, andfollow-
ing this five other eruptions broke out, making
eight running sores in all. Wo did all wo could
for him, but he grew weaker every day, al-
though wo had tareo of the best physicians.
Asa last resort we were prevailed upon
by relatives who had taken Hoods, Sarsa-
parilla with beneficial results to give the medi-
cate a trial. Wo got one bottle about the first
of March; 1802,' and he had taken the medicine
only a few days when his appetite began to
improve. When he had t,.ken one bottle he
could move about a little with' his crutches,
widch he had not been able to use for the pre-
ca.lin'throe months.' We continued faithfully
with klood'sSarsaparIlla, and ins mouths Ile was
Able to Co Dressed
and go about the house without the crutches.
Ile has now taken Hood's Sarsaparilla regularly
for eighteen months, and for the past six months
has been without the crutches, which he has
outgrown by several inches. Tho sores have all
healed with the exception of one widch is
rapidly closing,only the scars and an occasional
limp remaining: as reminders of his suffering.
Hoodssj13 Cures
Hood's Sarsaparilla in his case has truly done
wonders, and he is daily gaining in flesh and
good color. He runs about and plays as lively
as any child. We feel an Inexpressible joy at
having our boy restored to Health, and we
always speak in the highest terms of Hood's
Sarsaparilla." MRS. MENRY W. MURPHY,
Exetdr, rfew Hampshire.
Hood's P His are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25e.
Fanson's Brook Exeter.
Family Receipts
and Prescriptions,
Carefully prepared.
A complete stock of of d
patent medicines, Drug-
gists' supplies, perfumes,
toilet soaps,'hair brushes,
tooth brushes, combs and
all articles to be found in
a first-class Drug Store.
DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist,
His Dyspepsia Cured.
Dent Snts,—
I write you to say
that for some time
I had been suffering
from acute indiges-
tion or dyspepsia,
and of
very great incon-
venience front same
in my general busi-
ness. I thereupon
decided to try Bur-
dook B1oodtBittera,
and after taking
two bottles I found
I was quite another
man for
I have also used it for my wife and
family, and have found it the best thing
they can take, and from past experience
I leave every pleasure in strongly recom-
mending B. B. B. to all my friends.
I write you because T think that it
should be generally known w.lat B.B.B.
can accomplish in cases of indigestion.
GEORGE READ, Sherbrooke, Que.
PiSO'S ..,CURE FOR t,;
Best bOoslietghhs SyruSold p. br 'Pastedruggists Oioosd. Ilse r,
u•, . _....., .-r
EYery Alan who Would Know the
Grand 'fru ties ; the Plain Mart e; the
New Discoveries of ttledieai Sei-
euee as Applled to harried Life;
rr.lto Would Atom for Past il;l'rnr'ti
and Avoid ,Pettit Tee P1 tfal Is, SIi °alit
Secure the Wonderful Little Book
Called "Complete Manhood and
flow to Obtain It."
" Here al last is evidence from a
high medical source- that must wort;
wonders with this generation of men. "
The book fully describes a `method
by which to attain full vigor and man-
ly power.
A method by which to end all un
natural drains on the system.
To cure nervousness, lack of self
control, despondency, etc..
To exchange a worn and jaded nat-
ure for one of brightness, buoyancy
and power.
To cure forever effects of excesses,
overwork, worry, etc.
To give full strength, development
and tone to every portion and organ of
the body.
.Age no barrier. Failure impossible.
2,000 references.
The book is purely medical and sci-
entific, useless to curiosity seekers, in
valuable to men only that need it.
A despairing man, who had applied
to us. soon after wrote:
"Well, T tell you that first day 'is
one I'll never forret. I just bubbled
with joy. I wanted to hug everybody
and tell them my old self had died
yesterday and my new self was born
to -day. Why didn't you tell me when
I first wrote that I would find it this
way ?"
And another thus:
"If yon dumped a carload of gold at
my feet it would not bring such glad•
Hess luta my life as your method has
\Trite to the ERIE :MEDICAL CoM-
I>aal, Buffalo, N.Y., and ask for the
little book called " COMPLETE MAN-
HOOD." Refer to this paper, and the
company promises to send the book, in
sealed envelope, without any marks,
and eutirsly free, until it is well intro-
Mr, E. E. Sbeopard has discos Bred a
new P.P.A.—the Provuu•ial Pap Asso-
eiatiou—organized by Sir Oliver Mow-
MIxtrras.—All cases of organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease reliea'ed in 30
miuiltes and quickly mired, by Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Hear!. One dose
Convinces, Sold by C. Lutz, druggist.
The contract for the statue of Sir
John Macdonald. to be erected in King-
ston, has been let to Mr. Wade, the
English sculptor.
dreadful thing it is to wake up in the
middle of the night suffering from
cholera—the nearest doctor a mile
away and no one to send for him.
Itnagine a more distressing domestic
situation, if you can; and yet cases of
this kind are very common. The
trouble, however, would never have
become serious if the man of the 'muse
had a bottle of Perry Davis' Pain-Kil
ler at hand, for it is - a remedy that
never fails to cure cholera, cramps,
diarrhea, or dysentery. All druggists
keep it. 25e for large New size.
The way in which Mr. Awrey, the
Ontario Commissioner at the World's
Fair, spent money while iu Chicago
may be seen in another column.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and myster-
ious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first des, greatly benefits.
25c. Sold by 0. Lutz,Dr uggiet.
Seaman Laird, a barber, has been
arrested at 'Tiverton, Ont., on suspicion
of having killed Domeld Matheson, of
the village of Ripley, who disappeared
lastNovember, after having attended
a dance at the Walker house, Kincar-
dine. Laird is a young marriedtisl
with ttothin,o; against his uharaeter, He
is out on $1,000 'ball.
The Synod of Huron in London yes•
terdsl,y passed an address of cengratu-
latien to the Queen on the anniversary
of Her Majesty's accession to the throne
The Iron Trade Review, of Cle'velet i
says: The anetouncetnent of an agree
meat between the coal miners' cfficirs
and :a majority of operators in import
districts means that the fuel embai'J;e
will soon be raised.
W. G. Bissett's Livery.
First Class Horses and Ri, :k •
Orders left at Bissett Bros,'Hardwe •st
Store, will receive prompt attention.
If you want your linen to
look whiter than snow, take
it to . . , . . . .
AL. H STIJ1iS, si•
EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Arita,
Ladies' and Children'
A Specialty.
Dealers be
Walking and R i d g
Plows, Cultivators, Iron
Plows, Spade and Disk
Harrows, Land Rollers.
Castings of every descrip-
tion in Brass and iron to
order. Also dealers in
Piping, Fillings, Brass
Goods, Shafting's, Pulle-ys
and Hangers. Sal.
prices to dealers in large
quantities. Repairing
promptly done. . . .
xi: or,
r I LA
CURS C au •
' O '
C 0 E R A
price .i
l E.„`Arx4fi5`Jtl U iu
Severe Pain in Shoulder 2Yeats
Cured by 'the t?.&L. MefthOI Piaster.
My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through loth*
hese after usin man remedies without relief, she tried "Mar L.'. Menthol Piaster It did its week.
end owing to ilia onehunrlreds of these plasters have txetl sold by ane here, giving egeal eaUstaotibn.
J. D. SuvxeetAND brnggist. River John, N.B.
Sold Everywhere. 23C. each.
sill dl
I t_i
e,, 'a'h'
11 i
I; ,idd
Severe Pain in Shoulder 2Yeats
Cured by 'the t?.&L. MefthOI Piaster.
My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through loth*
hese after usin man remedies without relief, she tried "Mar L.'. Menthol Piaster It did its week.
end owing to ilia onehunrlreds of these plasters have txetl sold by ane here, giving egeal eaUstaotibn.
J. D. SuvxeetAND brnggist. River John, N.B.
Sold Everywhere. 23C. each.