HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-21, Page 2ear Subset prometiy Stavertiei TILE THU Pref. En . :No Col Londt.n the Truths ptot. Hut an expel. Canadian statue" of not !alma, ployea Itty ested. P nom. Pros tiro, has exists 111 take it th kneels:0.1 cettli•. meeting which th. experta t whl filVt, him. Ti .1fr. Gaya Liverp, not belie. ther a ea taga.A.15 nand ne which sp neither The tml healthy paw Ma pene. eves tips only ale ecintagtv rairamen Emendn sueli ae 1 hams ez tii' 1141- exa mln e emee, p13 afilictea ia." The f tb.e, Mg for 50 esene live a 11 1101555513 veritabl We a want to a. city li She say ploymei mast ah may ha fore you 1:41,1:741f• a diem, dress. I am s,.) Do no • onyour chanecie mean 11 lays ou is -enjoy she sea country body. v• 511 to it to go sk- co.:nitre ..ng tilil in sum fielde itt and ha, me one, who ars city as those le Some, iii aw4 get rest:oar cause tl ter. T oue 111 t werk o ings ar bentee. They h et:tar:I the nai stayel te- one of States. the old evcsee. go alete in the c all Tee wret7e11 like m friends Me d case's at Pew of hael to their in ve a. ;Zee ti 9(10 10 .111(.4)tty ,ansi, if mast of eineseet 1( e.isprity Co The efr)41: N Siletie; til itie. ular pa the 1/03/1 that st cif the 1, . every smeete u liehmen pie In thii term. made fo left wit inns tai to store their there is euranco receive clothes, chtereme warelun one cif 05 ed it re their evi storing t The F 1000 l'orei niers eat° do net reeelive their peper ill please realty us la once. D011.1. vp.)N pARLI \IF NT 1 . 4; ',- 1 PARLI 4 i . ' . from a nersonal standpoint, gave 4 fele and impartial stetenieut of his own inde- nt action in reeard to the proseeta peeme is - tin fcm contempt. The speeeli of themiu day eitting, however, was made by Dr, ot Albert. He very trenchantly correctedruileises the misaPpreheusions of the feetof the ease -which had obtained cur- reney in the newspapers, and which \tr. Davies himself had seemed to jetstify. He held down the broad priaciple t.hat if any member attacked Et jadge lie should follew it up by impeaelnuent. Dr. Wel-. don was listened to attentively. by the empwded. House aud galleries, .aael. wee araianly applauded at flie•close: . Hon. Mr, Mills continued the. dehate on the Ellis case. He dealt at great length with the constitutional aspect: of see eggie. , , "i Sir John Thotipson asked whether the judgment, of the House was upon this question either in tones of invectiem or in a legieal speeeh, the House fcattintate- ly ereavel. at the seine eunclusion. Mr. Mille had mentioned -a ,great number of cages' in which the umlaut, and language of judges had been brought into question in Parliameat, and he had. illustrated well the sphere of Parliament in regard to an eugutry into the conduct of judges, Ile (Sir John) asked every member of the Haase who had. listened. to the cases cited whether the rauge of discussion had not been absolutely limited to the questious such as fitness of the judge, his tempera,- meat upon the bench, the partizanship of his conduct, or the conduct of the judge in addressing jarors in eu.eh e manner as to show that, he was departing from his business of la,ying down the law and. deal- - ing• with polities iustead. of law. This was the entire range which the discuseion had taken in the Parliemeut of England. Mr, Mills asked the Haase to -day to com- • mit the very °fames: the judges had been cen.surea for in. Parliament, they being censured for having left their business Of judgment and one into polities. The }rouse was invited to leave its business' - • • of polattes and go into its business of judgment. Sir joins then. said he would not waste the time of the House by th.gu- whether Judge Tuck had or had not jurisdiction. In any case it eves not an interference with the privileges of this House, because the House had no juris- • • diction at all anon the premises. He (Sir John) felt tliat he would. not ae doing hie duty if he did not deprecate this assump- Von. on the part of the House of a fano- tion which the constitueion did not give • it, and which only brotight the House - • into the contempt of the country. (Hear, hear.) This House, with no more powers in this matter than thatof a debating club, was asked to -day to email upon its journals, judgments of a character which would reduce the prestige and honor of - taus Ho•ase and make it a laughing stock, at least in professional circles, m this country. 15i. I rCasey, jah. MeLeod, Mr. Davin and Mr. Laurier followed. Mr. McCarthy spolze against the reso- stating that the name of the re- turning officer for Queen's county ought not to have been. hrought up. He op- posed the resolution because it was con- denmatory of the judges in New Bruns- geek. Hon. Mr. Davies asked. if there was no other course open to the judges but to act summarily. Mr, MeCarthy replied that Judge Tuck had nothing to do witb the attachment for contempt. It came up in another way at the instance of a suitor. The motion was theu put and lost -60 to 1.10. ' Hon. Mr. Daly resumed the aeoate on , „ At.. Charlton's motiot of Juke 1, "That - . in the opinion of this House the public% lands of the Dominion should be sold to aetual settlers only, upon reasonable terms of settlement, and. in such a.rea.s as can be reason.ably occupied and cultivat- ea by the settler; that no sales of public lands . to speculators or middlemen should be permitted; that liberal provisions should be made for free homestead grants to settlers; and that land. grants t ) rail- way corporations have been maclo by the Government with reckless lavishness and .. . to the serious d.etriment of the •public in- terest." He said that if there ever was a time in Canada when these lands eL•ere not • properly admimsterecl, when they were sold to speculators awl middlemen, it was during the Mackenzie Administration. (Hear, hear). He showed that them were a larger percentage of homestead. ,appli- cations canceled. daring the Maekenzie regime than during any period EilleG. He sand that atter all grants and. all lands sold the Governraent still had over 1,- 000,000 acres to give to ettilways and over oe 1,4000 acmes to give peesoae clesiring • . homesteads, and over ana above all this 'they had millions of acres in resop•vo. ler. ite , • M • . g e as tm, Mr. Davin and MI, e • atills contiwied the debate until 12.40, when , • " lton's tae House divided 031 Mr. tinap. . a,menciment, which was defeated by a . eute of 47 for to 100 aaainst. The . . • . • . ii" thee aunt into Committee of Supply, Sir , T,In. Theirmson . Doting as Mistletoe of pe .., matoe in the obsenee of Mr. Foster, - a . a • . • , •- • a 4 passe one item, veal the comunetee rom .• - . . arid lama -tea progrese. • Mr. Maclean proteeted strongly against . the provisions of the uew tetra which. re- ducal the duty oi 85 per cent. on ageicul- tural implements to 20 per CS31.1.tr. Ii0 :said that no red:action had been made in, the raw material used in the manufacttese of these machines, and that it would Ise ruinous to the bud:flees if the reduetion .. ehotild. be saltitved to stand. He asked the Government to reimpose the • old ante • • Mr. Devitt and Mr. McMullen opposed Shit view. They protested against en irt- crease in the daty on thie item. The House resumed in concurrence on the items in th.e new tariff : Vinegar was changed from 8 cents to 6 cents per gal- Ion, Items 220 and 222 were catered to . ' . read as folio We : - 220-earon or steel plates or sheets , sheared or uneheared hoop, bead, strip and skelp iron or Wel, sheared or tolled in grooves, and iron or steel of all widths not thiekor than No. 17 gaugm pi.e.se $1.0 per ton. : 222 -Iron 'or steel sheets iron or eteel i hoops, beads and stripe naese and other ? iron or steel. of all widths, sheet iron, common or bleak smothered, polished, 4 . coated or galvanized, and Canada plates No. 17 g.auge and thinner, 5 per cent ad valorem, The egg duty was farther arnendea, with the addition of the following: "Pro- vicled also that if the United States ims pose a less dety than 5 cents per doe,oni an equivolent duty shall be collected on eggs imported into Cattadoe" Hon. Mr, Foster thee. introduced the hill salionding tho act' vesixoting the deities of customs founded. on the resolutions.. The bill was then read a &tat elite. Mr. Brodeur moved for a soled con- mittee of the Rouse to enquire into the irre.gularities which occurred at :the ex- animations for the civil seeviee: in: No- vember. 1898. ttad into all the farts and circumstances which. peeeeded, actsompae nied end followed the irregulatitiee, with power to semi for persons., papers and ree- ords, and to adistee the oath to wit- nessee examintherm Out by theOut of the 100 eandidates who had written at these ex- meditations, Mr. Brodeur said. that there was a report in Montreal and Quebee that some fifty had been personated, It had been shown that some scrutineers had been bribed by the personates's. The re- e.ult of the investiaation he thought ts ' ' ' showed that the Vat= at present fol- lowed is a fame, and he theught the Gov- ernmeat to bleme for not proseeuting the persons implicated, . . Sir- john Thompeon, said that he had no • • lineation of denying or extextuating the irregularities, which had occurred, that he ' " • I. " semettect them - very mush. I e also mgr.:beet' th.e lapse of time in proseeut- Mg the offeaciers, and could assure the House that orders had been seat put frontthree his department for the proseention of Lell the persons agaiDat whom there was evis sub -ex- &lace exiottg.h, inclucling. the two su aminers who had been liflPiieated• Ha would therefore ask Me. Bret:teul. not to- press his incieion, as the taking of evi- d.ertee before such a committee would be detrimental to the • prosecution of the, eases. There were geed reasons why the Govermeent had not passed the cages be - for which would come oat at the in-vas- tigation, but which he eonici wit divulge before that time,for Mr. Laurier regretted the Premier's et- bitucle, as the • maim). called not only for an investigation of these eases, but also for an examination of the whole 'system, and much could be said in favor of suell a proposition, Mr. Oostigan said that the number of e,xaminations at which irregularities hacl occurred were Very few. Those who were concerned should. be punished. . This ternunated the speaking, and the motion was beaten by a vote of 68 to 40, Mr. McCarthy and. Col. O'Brien Voting with the Opposition, and there Were no defections from eithe.t, party, Mr. Charlton's bill to secure the better observance of the Lord's Day was the first , order after recess. Comiag up for its third reading, Mr. Taylor renewed the objection that the bill Would prevent the distribution of periodicals and religious literature in 'churches and 'Sunday schools. The House went back ittto committee to consider this. The bill prohibits the publication, sale or distrilitetion of newspapers on Sunday, and Mr. Taylor moved the eliniination of the word distribution. Mr. mhariton would not agree to this, but was willing to put in the word seistilar before newspas - pers. Sir John Thompson thonght this would be indefinite, and upon. his sugges- tion atm Charlton moved the addition of th.e following words: " Pro-vicling noble- ing in this section shall Prevent eb.e ais- tribution of religious publications in churches, Sabbath schools or religious meetings." This was carried ate the cenunittee rose and reported. Upon the melee for the third reading ' Mr, Mara (Yale,13.0.) moved to recoin- mit for the purpose ot lintiting the first clause to the sale of any newspaper or journal on Sunday. This Was designed to preclude the British Columbia papers that 1 h S a • t ad of Mon - pub is on nu a.y ins e . day. After some discussion a division was taken. and the amendment was cars lied. by a majority of eight of a vote of 60 to 52. The resale aroused applause on the part of the opponents of the bill. The Government was divided in the vote. . In committee the amendment was adopted. and the hill was again. reported. On the third reading Mr. Bennett moved. that it be referred back for the addition of a section that th.e owner of any tug leaviug a port on Sunday for the purpose. of towing or otherwise shall be guilty of a ntiedemeanur and liable to payment of a fine not less than 8100. The a,mendenent was understotel to be a fling at mr. Charlton, and was loudly laughea at by a e„tioa of the House. • . Mr. Taylor moved a sub-amenclmentto aria to the amendment to allow tugs to tow a vessel into harbor. After half a dozen me mbere on both daes character-- r i et szeo 1.410 amendments as absurd, they were voted deem. Mr. Loameelier movea that the acado net apply tc) the Province of (au.ebec. Thisfeu being defeated, he moved that the bill be read a third time six months hence, and was again beaten. The bill was tines ' nail a thitel time. _ As paseed. it prohibits the sale of news, on ie it ma , and a , a papers tl S 11 thcloses 11 el, nale on Sundays between the lours of a o'clock a.m. and 9 o'clock pan. , with the proviso that that section may he suspend - - , eel for not more than a month by an order in Connell upon the nrgent press of teal- fie, caused be. an obstruction or the ap proa,ch of the. r.ploitsp of navigation -the suspension to. apply to one or more co.- nate -sa - ' The House then. went into committee - • - • ' - 0 •• on Mr. Coateworth's bill regarlin a creel ty o EMI= , • e a., c muse 4.,811. up L..- t ' ls ' the .6 -t I al- b • ing that empowering byetanciere to vent matilv stop persons who are ill-treattue ..-- I- as • Mcslill 1. C .1 Tiedale mil 11411.110, ;:o. an..... ,..,- a ., Gui. , . . . elm Flint objcatea ti this L a the. eateem that it wouid lead to undue interference with eeeteia alio are ,,,,,b.„. m „„,,ay erine to heal, in „. amain iiiami,,,,,„ „„is male. Mr, Coaesworth replied. thee the ones of moot gout(' reit cat the person 1 ) . wagnig4 t130 charge. Mr. ' Mills (iloi be well) dial that it Was a question of pehee. and. that. it amnia pest do to allow p.L.,;(!t'S- by to interfere bennen 11, nail elk gi,, aninati. A i ter a Curti ear' • proteet from .• 3., ...e...1 au, ...a. 0, :!, .),,, i. ,... M • 11 1.111 \s' , C o t .wc pelt cm -ear e i - drop• dam • t..Via,ell.,' , ., ' e' c- ' „ ' am. am:tette raceme an a mama:elm ' " • • whieb would all, ra the ishootie e o t game ' P ' birds and vermie tran same...nes tattler „ . •., -. , . • a, ..., 31,1'31.1Z0115 Mk:Lilt,' (JIM ao'atriSt I.:realty. see g ol ATE si, pot 3. as .theeeeig I gee egeate a • 3,• 1 / i ee tie' "" , 'me e se in.- 3 al • • • 3 01 t,11(1. 55 0 '100 Ol 6 ilk 10. 'Mar Maid, ae• ' c • S m 1' le 1 . • teem, aim sato ess, wou I oe ernay to ack. the House declare egainst, a wilt which. .. .. - ' '. a had beets ureued ior so many treneateme : • d . I) • ' 1 I a e b an which W11,8 110 1 crux . 5 Was _or et- . • • • 1 h b' 1 ter for a boy to tmoty up m t- le a, it 0 „ d . '' - , / 1 e .. thrum -at me woods and mane a "all -11na a • ,. - • . , , es, gun at eautd, Shan to ,T6Inikni f.,.'"(',14'd ap in le city in deaster of teaming ila OJ t.%, ' . P I ) 3 • fox NVOrPO than be mall( .earn w lon 111 " ' a the woods ettulying nature, This telemee • , • i ei • • 3 • , was dealer to that ea t le rats i .tat .1, , . , c e luta with tbts subject. -6 t' , I. ', , • -,. As moon sei Cul,hetale nad ceased, Sir ' ' ' ' e • abhis Thcanpson snarl that the quesitioe ' h wouhl onatil a greet deal was one wine • , 4. e, , . 1 th I 1- ea. that cy "lia"'''182.un. "J', • er13'°r"/ 111( VDante, 1'1° cmmittee anise. ' FROM THE UNITED STATES • - ' es of the Central Peeifie Rage It ie said the enforeentent of will preatically wipe out t LI widoli was originally veined S 000. A man named John Arno, hi tlseir blind baby lived in a 1 near the Barnard saw mill at For some reason which. d pear some twenty-three young . boys (mane to the oonelasion would drive them from the ho• at night they appeerecl in xn tin pans and drums. This did the desired. effect, and the wit stoned. Arno . mashed the b and escaped to the woods, but i was captured by the Vahibeeal; off her clothing and doused : eold water of the river near b• tem of the 'Whitecaps have b with writs for personal dam were lodged. in jail. • At the mee•bine of the gene . 0 a of the Reformed Episcopal elms seam on Friday evening, Bislim of '''To t Ont.,h ' tl ron o, NV 0 1$ the fr f t o met o he assembly, stem este& the discrimination wield against Canada by the terms o deed, and intimated lie worth ehnech if suela diseeimination tioned by the assembly. g Etherlia, special po the Chicago, Milwaukee road, was shot and almost insi ed Saturday night by one oe whoheattempt:ad to arrest mg stones through the wind.c et. coac mug hes near the Chico The murderer esce,ped. • There was a serious riot Sate ing at the Valley works of the pany, neer Uniontowin Pa. St3 prisonezs o four non-union.wo h tl d 1 us - e t iem from the works; P officers, Who evisheci to res Some shooting was done and was killed. • 'While a trevelline ope • 0 ia co playing an engagement in Sou iornia recently the entire•cho my resigned; and 'bloke up the the reason. being that raisin -p getting $2 a day in cash. an ager of the troop was paying i The notorious Bill Dalton i ported to have been killed. the cles p /atch Comes from Ar e nn and announces defi.nitely tha body of the desperado lies in with a 'Winch t•er b 11 1,1 es u e • iole In Nebraska a 331821 was e theft and sentenced to a years' • meat. A new trial was ask ths. man served his time •au charmed before the So.promo t a C • he was entitled to a now trial. Since 1881 the ex t f por o she, United States has chopped fro 000 to 87,624,000. In the san export of Canadian cheese h from fi.ve and a half to thirtee ._ million. Three thousand strikers at 2 Pa., 'Wednesday burned prope hayed riotously, compelling • work. The row is said to res, ly- the ono at Homestead. a cot ago. At New Haven, Conn., WeL steam tug Ram:blot was blow by the bursting of a boiler, hi Weller, the cook, and injux other men who were on anotl by. A horse thirty-six years of remarkable fondness for 1V11161 ently at Reading, Pa. The quently drank a pint of live of water. William H King, of Bach H. iei is said to have the only doulel tl 17 it 1 St t H h a le il ec a_ OS• e. as valued at 8000, which he „ gamete. President Praxis, of theh a College, is one of the youne charge of a great edacational in the countiy, being only t age' .. , A cricket farm is °endue Colin Campbell in Rochester. sells the insects to the eu.perd believe in luck that the cleat a_ . The eaneteenth. annual co; the Association of American I was convened at the Cataract agora Falls, N.Y., avVeclaiesdaj Some, :Mischievous Person. in • 0 1 a d 1 , p ace a dummy on the te a,nd the motorman, thinking over a human being, fainted. The. largest shark ever E Pacific coast was recently cate terey, Cal. It is forty feet in 'tveighs about 50,000 pounds. The Cox amendment for -6: peal of the 10 per cent. tax on , c a e e uesc ay in eves defe t a W d 1 ' ti 'Washington by 102 to 170.. 'The enth.0 militia force of on the move for the Cripple • ing region; where dieturhat pected. The steamer La Champa; sailed from New York for Eur arday carried $2,500,000 in ea Last week $7,400,621 in g porliecl from New York, while 129 came in. Cyrits W. Field, a son of the \V. Field, aged Bo, died in N Saturde,y, The report that, U. S. :reve - • 13es.r was In trouble m "eel denied.. . Forest fires are raging at ward. 'Wis., and mach clan- 6 la, clone. • •Cmeay, airown and Jones we r mom Washington jail On Sates The U S ' e ri ' ' ',cease oommitta atity on hay at $2 per boa. The coal strike its Iotva '- . I:, La na rates on appliention.1 DOINGS A0408$ lair ',um. . - -e- - as'itjR' LA:""E118 JiCQUICCIL i'SET.E,11, ADVOCATE .Weldoii, .......... ., . .. ..., Proc.:octane-a of The Senate and. House firnote Sanas laroad Acres . Quite o Pew Small Items thatare Wortz ft • Careful Fie. adlug, .T. or commons, :New Dills Intro:bleed IISDAY, JUNE 21, 1894. and The Itudget Debate Oteatinue4. •=7-7,-..7.-",--....-.....=-' ..- ---=,--....-=...---.7-=..:.,......--,.: • aANADiattel CATTLE. Mr. Coatsworth moved a resolution .—...— " That itie expedient to inSert in cevery atinar Slams Positively there le coutreet for any satblie Work made or ene tagions Eleueo-Eneuinonla. tered into hereafter a emese requiring the . , , „Tune 12.-A repreeentative of eautaileboa, th ljaY t'1'. e"er•eleein , eng"ged e pens aita en intamiew with upon ellen. wore. at a rate et wages at '0 if NV1 q'i tting, N, ho hag been vonatteteng least equal to the e arrest rat . t . e . p examination of the lungs ot paid in the locality vdieracs such work 'e elaughtered cattle at the in- beiug (1,..1.0 at and &maser the time etich Sir Charles Tupper, the latter eentraet as beim; ceeried. on, unless the eatiefial that the experts eam Minissam with who &Tarte:ant the con- ., i rel. the 0 meniument were disinters tract, lute beer, inada shall, for spews', . eif, Huntilig steal : "Mr. Gara_ eons, relieve the contractor from the oh- dont of the Beard of Agrieul- servoalet., of thie els ase." Mr Onheet reteviwe for this Govern; deetilea that plearospaceorionia • i • . •.• - a . Comedian cattle:, anti NVO may malt, said thets althertgls the resolutioa at the Comadieet trade will be at first sight et.esiaal reason:04,1e: it would in the head as regards store be found napessible to carry st itito (Tor- Who wont! .1. 'ermine what -ewe Ir, Gardner has summoned a adieu. . i . . in the House of Commons. at current wages? _ Would it bo b. y thh,t) tit, ' Lie itea Kineelom ami Canadian bor unions, by the materna: are in 3 „• ..111 be preeent, The majority law oS supply alai tlemantl S 11 15 were tut 1 t el 't -as , ittr, a ensues., anal win oppose over the country, as he um era tat i . a to Puitod Kingdom eaperts are in Toronto, that all agreement was ar- eere. Our owe. inspeetorsiu the rangeel between the different trashes and • 1 Deetford cattle markete do eantr actors what the rate of wages shall and 'a 1 7 I I. • a be the reealt. tient mio•lit be praeticable. ;V PI ,s-sio,e to t etermene it le- , • ..... • • , , .. •ie of 06nro.pnonmouia is son- Mr, D. U. Masai). i'c'etniarke1 that men r otherwise by a post-mortem would uot biro it. the. were not offered ' ' the lune- or lesions from the wave pre.vailnignYi their distriet, rind :ion oi • es, ,eige, ei...hemtea,„ is mama Teal that he therttiore thought the resolatiou semee, rit'sr disproves contagion, suilleoessaa3a He suggeeted, however, 4;* tOSt ii absolute contact with resolution obligiug firet etintemetrais NV 0 eain tele. This missile be doneby sub -let contracts to oblige the sub-co./a This he , few healthy bullocks in tame tractors to pay current pages. . , Shether Caumlian cattle must thought, would reach. the sweating eye- .em. , malt al:ether primes,. or not, it is e in i 4. a 1 - - - that no case of air. J. Edgar combated Mr. Chli-Ine''''" .o ,..LWa..a t • sue sta. •s ever been remark that the sweating system is not as lema 4. 1,0.1.'M. has , . ,.. • . . in ears ...nem e was h, h . 1..«..el Yr ,.. t ' • . h assured. th•tt it was • i' I. I Cmadiaat cattle, while ,...e• ,,,,, meet wows cattle. practised in Toronto, Polls Jews aving '''......'a - ' ' ' ' ' . ' b - ' eaorte 1 b the f7.1:111 of Lailley Sa ar•- aieeasa, mouth dieeases, etc.., eial 11 1 '•• s 3' g i th Co. to do some work on ready-madec o - ta''Fieeland. millione annuallying this be - se. Tith appearance of the lungs iu. When he had mentioned t ,lr ehowies ia every ease is aissoaa fore, Mr. Coatsworth had _denied thatt there was any sweating in Toronto, bu eiti a that the mettle a -ere not h th Trades and Labor Council had de- wit]. houtagions pleuro-paannon- --0 . elarea that there was sweating. 11/21.r. Ingram stated that sweating WEIS N ' Y 1.- ."tat 's expenses this year ea or ,. e e will asesse ate $9. 000 000 ats °g , , -• Seventyeeiglit thousand People have been yaw:Jutted in Detroit. , The beetle is devastating, the asparagus crop in. central New York.' ' Four thousencl Sioux Indians are said to be regular church attendants,. Mrs. Claudia Herrera, a Mexicati wo, man died in. San Premise() the other day at the age of 120. a . Theeexpont cif grain from the port of New 'leek during the year 1898 amount- ed to 5'6,768, r26 bushels. • • , , . . . e California, is said to have a railroad in Sonoma county graded through a forest, the ties being laid on sturaps. Mrs. Marks, 90 years old, was baptized in the ocean near Rooklana, Me., by a minister of the Advexit church. Rev. Oliver' Saclams, who lead framed the sehool laws of several states, died of oia age at iesictence in ohl. . . his , . , ,. Chicago. The biennial convention. of th.e Supreme Lodge of the lagights of Pythias will be held. in Washington on August 27. A monument is to be erectea in Battery park, New York, to commemorate the' de- poature of the British. troops in 1788, Don M. Dickinson predicts that the en - tire people will realize the . Wisdom Of Cleveland's silver policy ..besfor,•118696. .. A Latah, Wis., man bas in meet a bicycle, which he eleams will successfully . . . , . . .„ run on. the suave repack of a railroad. Miss Susan B. Anthony is announced - s seeches in. Kansas in behalf to make 47o 1 of the causeof woman suffrage there. John. Wade, twenty years old, of Wentz- wills:, Mo., is five feet seven inches in height, and already weighs 282 pounds. The A.moricans are generally agreed to have surpassed. all other nations in the invention and use of rapid -firing guns. a . . tine of the most industrious students at e , Mies Radcliffe College is WeShids Mori the tiau g hter of a wealthy japanes; banker. The strikers at McKees port Pa have 1 , e secured three large cannon and are pee- paring tte use them against the authori- ties. In an old Indian burying ground in St. Simon, Ga.; the remains of a warrior over eight feet long were excavated rec- ently. • James D. Ford, a prominent attorney of Toledo,. Ohio, was found dead in a head in Cincinnati. Heart disease ceased his death. . . Frank Carpenter, tb.e well-known news- . ) . , paper man is to deliver a conrse of tee- , tures in Boston on japan; Corea., and mina,. "." . A. Dunkin. county (Elan.) rooster has 'surprisecl his owner by taking full charge of a brood of chiekeas, after their mother had. diect Gen, Don Carlos Beall, at ithe ego of 70, has gone into a new enterprise on the Pacific coast, that of extracting gold from black sand. ' A shoemaker at Haverhill, Mass., has received an order for a pair of shoes for the Princess May, the Duchess of York, of England. as MarthaG Ti' 11fir t Mrs. G. el m oa , who s pro - 1 th 1 - t. f th la' poses e c eccao, ion o e so tors • t ara.vos on 3etemorial Day, died recently in yew. e e be ' ,c' L1C la p la. It is claimed. that Chicago could get 890,000 more for the now ref ending bonds he esseesed valuation of theprop- were t . " erey increased. A window in memory of Stonewall Jackson is to be put in the Presbyterian church in Lexington, Va., of which he Was a Tete/ahem Four men hurrahed e Jefferson01 whoOr Davis in Valparaiso, 111., daring the Memorial Day ceremonies, have been. a, gee.80 e e each. i The brewers of Louisville, Rive are thin.king of putting in a te p . y le hone s stem ef their own to connect; all the breweries a retail houses. all . . . During the quarter ending February 1 the State, of South Carolina made a net pre& of $.11,000 on gross sales of $250,000 worth of whisky. . 4. Butte (Mout.) young man, formerly a °leek in a neeespaper office; has come iato a fortune al over 81,000,000 through a judicial decision. • A cat aelatigiug to Miss Mary 33rown- well, of • Wiltniugton, Del., has a habit of ringiue the bell whenever it wants to be e • on 0 t 6 66 ar• • • i t t' e h n • Calif -mai boasts Of a number of women u ' " who own aim manage large farmS, and ,elas Make motley and keep healthy and happy in (hie week. • • • . - • Potrifisal horse areas a 3 among the curiosities attributed:be Missouri. They are seer' ta be tonna' in. the bottom. of a creek in Ray eounty. . it is caleulatea that New York ' Spa:nits :Sae:4000 0 ;veer on -the edocation of its hi:beldam:an anettee000- on antusemente, 210,000MX) on drink. . -• , , • For civet eami, years Rev. William o f Perryville, Ky , has been preaeli- • Mays, i A 1 • . 'rig the pep,. , tan.% AlAti never aCCC1115011. a l J. k . :,-, :"... . A. • It II a lop In ete re : A Pittsbure roan makee a living by ventin."' cuipmemols. He owns 2,000. and . a has them rental nearly every night at . - e., trom Joe to es a citizen. rri it .1 u • 1.9, .I. et, . .10 in..e0-.,s at 0 io niter , „aues ovens- pa . . . ei , • r 33.303113 eniala 3 v111 a ON 01 ..ae iertelpts am the ten Incluaa', Wall a half to date is , , • • / a • • enemy million dt. lase. . , hisithe timely, ••the eveneebet eweet '1 . t' ' ' ' ' ' - ' 'with • ' smear, tr-v, - fly!) riN't Penueylvenut and ' ,-,' - : `"' ' ' ' ' ' ' . , s • "te, e .- i, •• • " • • is 1 male ,,, e. easereue attack on gin arc' Si/11161'S in NerzlIseelattre. . A report, comas froat Washington that - ., - ,., , .. limey etate, lam teat child of .Presicient and :aim Cleetaaaal, is pertielly, if eot . , i . . .. , entiewy, nem and cumin. Mies :Dodd, the lady teraue c lemma I ' I ). 1 I 9,1 'wire of age.She of England, is only - 3 s . 1.' a inemellet and golf PlaYast as wall tas 6,0 a Bingos' and a Piatisla ittput ot seer in wage or , May 0 - ' 1 • . Oh' f ,ehows it riceac,ave ol 8,870 boatels. Taboo- co figneee show 0,11 111(11355305 over May of bast year of •18,000 pounds, - „ , , On. the eroarta twat it is condueive to • e . 1 e 1 • ad of ,o ' - eesee the Or-- t le sl 10" - a litlageoxtb di- - , amp, NI., bowed ofheelth hes messed e by -Law forbiadiug kissing. The nulled S41,08 Goaerriment has • flied' e olaitil for V:5.000 000 egoinet the • , ' : estate of the late Leland Stanford as a preliminary step to enfoece the Govertis aleati'S ahem austimat the ()viable"holds done bes private individuals, and that men To Canadian Girls. employed. on publie evorks usually got 11. ing from a Canadian girl in fair lenges. The trouble was caused h Y :ed. Stares may im profitable read- Governineat contractors underbiddine e, ha he eirle whe think that in order cal contrecens, who figured on the local :.• ail toil, ta,uale and worry, and rate of wages. • ' givine an is I/i' eases and ple.asnee, it le only Mr. Ooatsworth spoke again, , y to "ao to the States" -the instance in Toronto in -which a centime- s Met.ea of their dreams : tor seddenly lowered the rate of weges, a d has col- .1 know the girl who says: "I strike resulting, which he an .1 , .e,., to the United States alai live Megues had reancessed.to settle. He taougnt a - • - riy r.ma living," that this reeolutiou should be adopted., if te, ram eate. . 'event Government contractors 'Oh! 1 am sure I can get ein- only to pre I can do from entering cities and usader n mg os Lt an •..„. b' id' 1 d 1,,y- tip money, ethiee a ell correct. and you cal contractors. •.:n. ' . - "'most anything' i'be- Mr. Mara, thought something should be so TO .1,...,dation, eve what you want. clone to get the Admiralty to pay current e I name:slim workmen working " site says, "it mould nothe very wages to tat' - , ' , • . 0 Lae I coull have a nice pia watch, on the Estenimalt fortifications. eel ring and a handsome silk Mr. Davin thought such a principle N••• must 'la fine living in the eity, would upset existing conditions, and that tired of this country Inc." to be logical. the resolution should be ex- a I beg yam let this s•abject dwell tended ito Merchants, eleeks s and book- mind 'too :much. There are ten keePers• Dr. Sproule thought that t h e Ge en- to one that you aro not in it ; Iov • the luxuries your imagination ment contraetors had. a right to underbid before you, show me one who local contractors. i rincpe that thel in.. herstaf better in the city than Col. Tisdale thous,eht i P 1 -aeon sae a a of the motion led to bad results. -a ' 1' ,c1 in her pretty .- • home. where she knew every- Mr. 0'140111 thought that the adopting 'e reeolution would be a terrible h sre sho had a mite. cosy room of the. . rrY ersif, where she • Is meant that the rules passed. b was at liaerty thiug• • . ,. , all • • he Toreeto labor unions would ruie an ming ana iioaeting. In the pure t . -- . _ . air. or enera an emoyable even- over the Dopranum. McLean; an said that the weak oint .i. her neighbor's boy or g,irl ; or, Ma. - •-• • • - . P aer er autianin, may stroll in the wee that the question. would arise as to who would 1,1 zather wild flowers or berries, 11 say what was the currentrate •., :ill the iruit she wants -show of wages. . I Pay. aessl I 'en]. show you nine dr. Mealier said that evidently new in the.. L aemec upon e i me ini , not enjoying themselves, light'2.had I t 1 the G • ie nent • a pronounced against o 1h es aid -ahem they lived among one Manatee ha eh' auriee ie, their old countre, home. motion, and now another was moving to ive a eramped ttp, clicerlees room. adievan the debate to have time to eel -L- their meals at some third-class miler the subject; moreover, Mr. Haggart had made uee ,et ,i, , . a tnt or boar -ling house simply be- ' °acid free trade area - IOC 0011'01", tlItOrd. a:seal/mg be ments. The Government should agree , . 'th the motiou • for loeicall ila tne Ley max gen case, or two nights Wi , , 1 ., 0 Yi. „ Jut weefts and. as a rule, have to Produet of ior eIgn labor was to De kept ", so should the foreien laborer himself. n Sundays. Their leisure even- oiso • • ,te . . - net in the theatre or opera I or his part, lie was inclined to set the :here all are Amazons to them. lams of labor take thole course and nob to accede to t , p , p . , eve a ;few femme of-oleasure and he rincivle of rotection. He a -calla have favored the vothclrawal of Imam. (it yea thialt 1. worthy (pi N', „ . 7,Q) t..) be arewled at because they the re-setae:ton. iot mr. Mills (Bothwell) presented the clf- seamy emelt I have seen while in ficalties of applying the resolution, and are, puler cities of the United said the course of the Government was Thee' s se, • .„ . ,,oh, how 1 bong for not courageous. Alter recese the order of loudness was home down eat, where I knew reseas • • • - ehaneed aud the Weldon bill was given ane! where I was at libelee- to e e. • . e, • ,. , '1 lei hea.... There is no freedom its tined. reading. -dr' °hark"- e ''ial-t- bath observance bill was considered. in ity. The fancy fee eity life was . . t -„t i . _ . .„ . e in a few months. I feel so ceminitsee. mile neat enteee, piominting the publication or distribution of Stmday a Ina 1,-aesome sometimes 1 feel , . . . , newepapere was Ltdopteci, ution a vote of en matting. suicide. I have no ..„ . . . , .51. to 21., '.1. he seeeno. clau3o providci4 ter here to eympethize with me," " She cheats, Lp,' Dominant mama, air, sar reealere, me ny of you who are - me - , , , • e • • , - • lei!" meatewleage that. in spine Ilaggart peep:poet to :AU O'itltilt6 tite cameo I. '• r(-31 '''pv sr ,tt.meati are tine. erleptal witei, the bill NM% before the eieues in 18a2, that the, canals eltall be ,I.tr girle will aektiowleSge their - • - _ , , - , 3 t-'6 are sateere :, tes closed ou Samoa es between the hours of 6 - I. "-- •••'-- sn writing home 0 in wee -Mina that " hi ewe 1,..4.,„14. ;,.la,lry of this,m ere dm 0•01. and. - P• - e I • • 0 • e ••••• Is 10y,v net think of doing. of urgent necesoty owing to preesare ca 1,,,„ wen) i.:1 ca",la. They wana biminess causal_ . by interruption of traffic ieii iligei ele,3, are stiamee,,,,,. up (1'5110apprised.° if the eloee of nravigoa :es the haeliel, but in. their he'etrie tar 1...,;ci• the ciao:gee, Incia, be susp.Tit eget. or 1111 rather bo in their old heinee ; vars: by. or er 1;1. comici , whi : : . hall it evere stat fee- very amine, tbst eco.Lialllia us Isocc far mile' too -a woidis at them weal(' realm there. Be mat, and may apply to ono or mem eas aals. Sir Hernia. La -envie Dr. Sproule , lily peaty lit.tle oountry girl, to , a, „„. i .0, , i 1 . ,, . „ home. ama gi) fishing let the small awl "ala Mason OPPO,',011 til0 41011333°31 of ir troae, ratiher than eruieing the the Sault See. Marie Canal in such e sea fir abales. clause. On division, a clams° *AA Etti.Opt- eel by 56 votes to 82. ,ossal Pawnbroker Scheme. Mr. Charlton thou announced that, he walla' not jeaparetiz,e the clauses passed millionaire pavnibroker scheme, by preeeima ttlsoee limiting railway traffic lath so mural it written, is 4 anti prohibiting• Sunao.y excursions. He 1 elparity, teat it is not ten origi- therefore dropped; them, and the commit- The exorlii taut rates of the reg- tee proeeeded to consider tho penal clauses,. teniaeasere bear so hea,vily upon They were adopted aria the bill was' re- • that each an e,stelpliebment as /Rested. area be, (Inc millionaire directors Hon. Mr, Daly introduced hie bill to Lew company will Lo benefizial in amend the Northwest Territories Act,. It eay. Is is modeled in some me Provides. for an extension of powers to the pen the famous pawnbroker estab- N.W.T; Assembly ande for the appoint- 5 in Paris, the Fronde pea- mane of justicee of the item and stipend- Leto affectiona,tey as "my aunt." ars magistrates. The bill was read a country.' ."11.1301.6' is th0 popular first time. Cu Pane, as itere, no Outage is .Hon. Mr. Daly introduced Isis bill entie r storing or caring for the goods that the Dominion Irrigation Act. a the coecerri, and. many Paris- . alr. Davies' motion cm the Ellis case Le advantage of the opportunity was under consideration. Mr, Davies their furs and. winter elothes with moved a 10.11a,,e)^ resolution setting forth al tint.." They are peeked so that the eircumitartees • leading up to Mr. no danger of mottle, and no in- Ellis' itnprisourtient, and asking theHouse is nocoseary, since: the .owners to affirm thee the Sapi:erne Court of Now nearly the full value of their Brunswiek was deserving of censure for emit the interest is lese than the the teem -Hy o•f the patishment it inflict- for storage would be in the big ea on Mr, Ellis. Mr, Davies supported ,sept. Tito Paris establishment is his motion with a long speech, . . Aossal, size, and it is not consider- Mr. l'azen etswered Mr, Davies in an proach upon anyone to pledge able speeeh. Being fully conversantwith iter or stun.mer clothes instead of all the fact% he. was able to brush away :bona ale, Davies fallecious arguments and L DintingsRoOm Don't Daeit put confeetione iuto o: leather -looking shoes, " Don't put seam and piehli or china hair brushee. - P Don1t offerid good taste ' , • , s i •• boothmalts on the ta sle, no we son uses them at table. . put pepper. and. salt facies etich as doge, cats, etc rimmed image. These are IMO • gest-ions. Don't put milk and eream i cows,, on the table, pouring 61 '• . • ) mtu one s cup from the ruc "eritter." It sets: one to this stilts woe those represeettatiel The Durdou of ltiolko$. Hangryilliggins-Don't you wish yot. • was rich enough to wear diamonds? Weary Watkins-Oen't say that 1 do, Df you weer cliamoncle you get to went good clothes, and if you wear good clothe,. you got to keep shaved. up and washed. . The population of London, England xi 4,21,743, having Mole:eat:A 883,19'6, oe 10.4 ill ten years-. " • s Locals faidiS employmenp for • • ' - ' Mal girls Ise rag sorters. The3. ehillinge a Week. made a masterly defence of the action of roll& censusshows a total of 800',- the New Brunswick court. Mr. Vraser an work people. followed; and . then Mr, Baird, sneaking 14' 4.i 1.4 eateite ad grant. the elaim w estate, 817,600,, s wire and., ttle house 1/ Belont, N. es not ap- raen and that they lee. Late asks, with not have dews were lina sliild he woman s, stripped her in the . Seven - en served ges, while mb eouneil oh in Chi- ) Campbell presiding gly depre-, was made the trust 1. leave them, was sane - ice officer St. Paul wetly kill - three men for throw- ws of pas - go station, day even - rick Com - Users made amen and olloeved by ue them. one striker ipa,ny Was thorn Call- us sudden.- compa,ny, ickers were d the man - promises. s again re - This time more, I.T, t the dead that town through it. onvicted of s imprison- ed for, but was dis- urt decided se from the n 816,881,- . se time the as gone up and a half cileesporb, rty and be.. nen to quit nible close - ale of years esday the n to atoms lling Fred. inat'several ertug near age, with y, died animal ✓ in a ster, N o pansies rty plants careful' aino State est men in institution hirty years ed by Mrs. N.Y. She Woos, who bs bring. vention of urserymen. House, Ni - 1. Zanesaille, Cep track, he had run een on the ht at 1VIon- length and 0 total re- bate banks LO House at Oulorado is rook min- ces are ex - no, which 0110 on Sat - id. old was ex - only 8101, - late Cyrus w '2'ork on nue cutter ring Sea is maid Mtg- e has been re released'? rday. has fixed ded. es Id worn-out s in glass y putting 11. -bred per - in recap- ., with per- casant sug- n porcelain o contents • ttth of the kieg of re- s realities! 500 women earn eight