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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-14, Page 5
' VfE V I I7 r a newle. that e AN aro d °everry that euro the word owes or Nervous Debility, host Vigor aur. BEATSirailialg la[anhox ; reatorea the weakness of hotly 9r mind eauae4 by over -work, or the errors or ex, ceases ed tc +,s.ol out!,, s.hts item ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other tuA•rnJNas hare/idled oven to relieve, old by drug. ists at $i per puclaaga, or six for $@, or sent by mail on xeecilip of Brite by ndQressiug 7'IIE JAMBS MLDIOINI OO.. Toronto,, that, Writ.; for pamphlet. solei iq For letalein £xeterby X. W. Ifrowning Mr, Gladstone continues to', improve. BILIOUSNESS and LIVER COM- PLAINT, I3eadache, etc , are cured by Burdock Pills. It had been decided to teach agricul- ture in the Manitoba public schools, Dr. Low's Worm Syrup cures aed re- moves worths of all kinds in, children or adults, Price 25e. Sold by all dealers, Crops in Manitoba and the territories are reported to be in excellent condit- ion. HAGYARD'S PECTORIAL BAL- SAM mires Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung troubles. Building operations in the Brampton jail yard wore suddenly suspended yesterday. For over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED Ii,Ea*Enr,—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syruphas been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, aures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drugggists Tn. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents u hobtle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind The coal strike is interfering serious- .I,y with business at many points in the United States. Gentlemen.—I have used your Yel low Oil and have found it .unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds, All who use it re- commend it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que. Robert Bell, ori,teinator of the Brox burn oil works, the largest in Scot:and, is dead at Edinburgh. Bad Blood causes Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Abscesses, Ulcers, Scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Bad Blood in any form from a commob Pimple to the Scrofula Sore. Mr. A. McConnel, of;Arran Township, has been chosen as the Liberal candi- date in North Bruce Dr. Fowler's Extrct of Wild Straw berry cures Diarrhoea, Dyson terry Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all :looseness of the bowels. Never travel 'without it. Price 35c. Mr. Wm. McCulloch, for several ,years secretary of the Toronto Y.M.C.A. was last night, on ceasing to hold that position, presented with a handsome testimouial by his numerous friends in the city. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dis eases of the blood from a common Pim- ple to the worst Scrofulous Sores or Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Boils, Blotches fid all Blood Humors caudat resist its aline. powers. '• despatch from Southampton Rat]y es the report published in the Globi: e effect there was a strike in the A. organization there. IGNS OF WORMS are variable etite, itching at the nese etc. ,ilr ow's Worth Syrup is the best worm ex peller. The monument to Horace Greeley, erected under the auspices of Typo grapical Union No. 6, was unveiled in New York yesterday, For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infau tum, Cramps. Colic, I:Narrhoon, Dysen- tery, and Summer Complaint Dr, Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for over 40 y ears. Yesterday was Decoration day in the United States, and it was observed in most of the cities and towns in the north. NORWAY PINE SYRUP strengthens the lungs and cures all Throat Troubles, Coughs, Colds etc. Eight lives have been Lost rn the floods on the Fraser river, 1 ritish Col umbia Whole yillages are afloat. Dangerous Summer Compl•tints.— Cramps, dysentery, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel eom- plaints, require quick relief, or the re- sult may be serious. At this seasons these troubles are common, and no family should be withont a supply of Perry Dayis' Pain Killer a safe, sure, and speedy dv cure fo • I all 1 the troubles P , named. This medicime was discovered many years ago, and time has proved its excellence. Every reputable drug gist keeps a supply on hand, and each bottle is wrapped with full directions. 25c. New Big Bottle. The Richelieu & Ontario Company's steamer Magnet eau aground ou Split Rock, between Cascade and Cedar Ra pids, Thursday afternoon. The pas tigers wore all lauded in safety at a ndreuil. HEARTI, D 5EASIn liFiI,I17vED IN 30 merits. —All cases of organic or sytn tthetic heart disease relieved in 80 Mutes and quiekly cured, by Dr. gnew's Cure for the Hear:. One dose eonvinees. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist ' Steele & Walker, wholesale grocers, of St. Joseph, Missouri, assigned bion day. Llabilitil's, $700,000;assets, $000,- 060 to $.,000,000. Ninety. fiye miles of Northern Pacific railroad basic, between Horse plains, ?Mont., and Hope, Idaho, are lender wat Cr. _IibF l�l F .A HARMLESS F' EpDACHE POWDERS RS �t�t ALL HEADACHE, seven tined to cure every/. tl+it,p,but simply head. aches. Try thin, it will eeat but 21; costa, fr a box and they (a.• >armtes,, They are not a i atllartln. U C A Toronto Business Man 60,10,041,11* Huron County Couno.i MAKES A VALUABLE DISCOVERY, OPENING OF THE JUNE SESSION 11IE DOUSE 01' REFUGE AGAIN DISCUSSED Ito Learns How to Keep Well ant Strong During the got Summer Montes, KEPT ROBUST AND STRONG BY USING PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND.. "Last year, I learned a very valu- able lesson," said a welt known Toron to business man: "I found that I could Maintain and keep up my bodily strength and nervous energy in a sim- ple and very inexpensive way during the hot summer weather; and feel as well and strong as in the winter mon ths. How do I aceomplish it? Simply by using Paine's Celery Compound every day during the month of June, before the terrible hot and enervating weather commences, In this way I brace up my system and nerves to meet the most weatcening period of the year, Of course I find it an immense advantage to use Paine's Celery Com- pound twice a clay ---morning and night —during July and August, The towns and cities of our Domin ion are full of energetic business men, many of whom find life weary and bur- densome in midsummer, They are weak, nervous, sleepless and r•un down often appetite is poor; the blood is im- pur'e, and courses sluggishly through the body, and the whole human ma ehinery is like a steam engine that cannot be worked properly until thor- oughly overhauled and repaired. It is pleasing to know that, like the Torouto business man who has given his experience, there are thousands of men—busy workers—in all callings of life, who are growing stronger,brighter and more robust every day, by using nature's restorer, Paine's Celery Com pound. Pure, rich and healthy blood is sent through the deep parts of the heart, liver and kidneys, leaving in its passage material for rapid repair, and taking away in its stream the used -up, dangerous elements; seeds of weak ness are driven from every organ, and all the functions receive new vigor and life. Your own family physician will tell you that Paiue's Celery Compound feeds worn out nerves, fortifies the sys- tem and clears the brain. It is the only medicine in the world that truly -makes people well." New is the time to brace up and get rid of your troub les, if you would be strong during the heated terra. One bottle of Paine's Celery Compound will convince the most skeptial that it possesses virtue and great power, It will certainly do for you what it has done for your friends and neighbors. You have the past testimony of thousands of Canada's best people to guide and encourage you. Why Did He Kill himself ? Hespeler, Ont., June 3.—John Welt her, Jr., aged about 28, of this village, who has been missing since Thursday last, was found dead in the woods near here this morning with his throat cut. When fouled he was lying on his face, a razor and small looking glass by his side. The coroner decided that no in- quest was necessary. No cause can be given as to why Wehner to)k his life. The deceased was to have been mar- ried next Wednesday. G. W. Wilson, a Chicago capitalist and inventor of the Wilson sewing ma- chine, died of hetirt disease in San Jose, California, 'Monday. ..este Why and ';Wherefore. There is nothiug marvelons in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilia should cure so many diseases. When you re- member that a ma jority of the disorders "flesh is heir to" are due to impure or poisonous condition of the . blood, and that Hood's Sarsaparilla. is an effectiye and radical blood purifier, the "whole thing is explained. Besides its blood purifying qualities Hood's Sarsaparilla also contains the best' known vegetable stornash tonics, diuretics, kidney remedies and liver invigorants, and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders of these organs, as well as for law condition.of the sys tern, or That Tired Feeling. Young Goodrich, who was convinced a few weeks ago in Chicago of the murder of Mrs. Cron. and sentenced to five years in penitentiary, has been sent instead to the ire. Illinois stat reform- atory, etheurnatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster-, ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears, The first dcei „leatIy benefits. 2bc.Solda• .Lotze C r by uk�I&t. Four thousar d tons of con) from Oar. dig, Wales, was lauded in New York Monday for Ocean Steamers. The coal involves a 1, ss of about $2.50 per ton to the contractors. The Superiority. Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is die to the tremendous amount of brain work and constant care used In its preparation, Try one bottle and you will be convin- ced of its superiority. It purifies the blood which, the' source of health, cures dyspepsia', overuonets sick headaches and biliousness. It is just the medicine for you. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable; earefully prepared from the beat %rt- , „ted>ents, Moran Dell, one of the early settlers of Adelaide township, but lately a resi• dent of Strathroy, dropped dead from heart disease in that town Monday. left considerable wealth. Council was called to order at 3 o'clock p.. m.'on Tuesday last, the fol- lowing members being absent; Messrs. Milne Cook and Oliver. The following communications We read. 1. Fron' the Dominion Live Sto Association, asking co operation in s curing through the Dominion Goyer went an improvement in the regal tions for cattle shipment. Referred Special committee, 2, Resolutions passed by the Collegi- ate Institute Boards of Goderich, Clin- re ek e- tl- a. to. ton and Seaforth, agreeing with t amount the County will pay to ea annually. Executive Committee. From I'tom the Public School board of Gorlerich, asking for a rebate on the salary paid to School Inspector. Exec,;,- tiye Committee. A request from Jailer Dickson for clotting for inmates of, the jail was re- Ferred to County Property Committee, Messrs. Clegg, Gledhill and Hays submitted their award as arbitrators in the school section dispute between East and West Vlrawanosli and Hullett This was accompanied by an appeal from Messrs, Munroe and McDonald. Referred to Educational Oornuiittee, Requests from the West and South Huron Farmers' Iestitutes for the usual money grant were referred to Executive Committee. A copy of by law No. 13, of the town ship of Turnberry, regarding the dos- ing of a certain road allowance, was re- ferred to Road and Bridge Committee J. T. Garrow, as Co. Solicitor, report ed the status of the bridge dispute be tween the County and the Township of Morris. This was that the section 538 A of the Municipal Act, under which the townships claim arose, had been. repealed, but that the question of costs remained, and this had been argued and was now awaiting the deliverance of the judges. He regarded it as not improbable that the county would have to pay all the costs. Road and Bridge Committee. Tenders for supplying stationary were referred to Executive Committee. A communication from Judge Doyle regarding the payment by the County of part of the cost of maintenance of two boys committed at Goderich to the Industrial school, was referred to sa me committee. Council then adjouned • until 10 o'clock Wednesday. Commit rose to meet again at, 3; op " THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE re assembling several reports of corn mi.ttees were Pealand confirmed. Report of Equalization read.. After a large number- of amendments had been voted on, an amendment to take the 1894 list for 1894 was carried. Council adjourned to meet at 7 p,m. Report of },souse of Refuge Commit- toe recommending: the purchase of the farm for said building was adopted. A number of bylaws were read the usual number of times an4 passed, Council then adjourned to meeta- gain on the first Thursday in Dccem- bor. Ls 111;►M', >k'ruuitfu1 Marriaue," British Grain Trade, The Mark Lane Express, in itsweek- ly review of the grain trade, says: -- English wheals leave, risen sixpence he and foreign wheats a shilling. Cali ch forma wheat has been quoted at 24s. Gd, and the best Manitoba at 27s per quarter, Barley, peas, beans and oats have been steady and corn firm. Mixed American corn has risen lid. Tuesday English wheats were dearer, There is small request for foreign wheat, and Amerieanjwheat is strong. California is a shilling higher and the other nine. pence, English flour is unchanged, at 26s, American flour is Gd. dearer, at 23s, 6d. Corn is a shilling dearer for flat and sixpence for round. Beans are sixpence dearer, and peas and linseed firm. SECOND DAY—WEDNESDAY. Council resumed, the absent mem- bers being Messrs. Milne and Oliver, both of whom are ill Applications for the usual grants to the East Huron Teachers' Justitute and the Farmers' Institute were referred to Executive committee. A large list of accounts were referred to Finance committee The reports of the jailer, clunty auditors, county commissioner aiid treasurer teem read and referred to the respective committees, as were the usual motions for the expenditure of $3.000 on boundary lines and $300 divided between the branch agricul- tural and horticultural societies. The Council then adjourued until 10 o'clock Thursday. THIRD Day—THIIaSDAY. The Commit met for half an hour in the forenoon, none of the committees being' ready to report: A memorial from the Prisoners' Aid Associaticte to secure from the Domin- ion Goveri mens certain measures of prison reform;, was referred to Pom- mittee. Applications to have Rachel Mcteed and Wm. Williams, of Godcrich, and Mary and Joseph Hewitt, of Usborne, placed on the list of County Wards, were referred to Finance committee. Messrs. Dennis and Sperling moved that the county assume all bridges 50 feet and over in length. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee, An application to transfer the ped- ler's license of McDonald to Martin Whitty, of Kintail, was read, and Council then adjourned till 3 o'clock p. ne Council met at 8 p m. An application from Jas. Miteheli re• questing the privilege of connecting a drain with -the county sewer was re- ferred to committee. A number of accounts were read and sentFinance. e o Report of Road and Bridge commit- tee read, amended and adopted. Report on House of Industry read and laid over till evening session. Report on Finance adopted A motion to rescind clause 3 of Edu cation Committee's report was carried, and the report referred back. A motion to grant $25 to the Teach- ers Association of South Huron was sent to Education Committee, and one referring to Collegiate Institute grants were referred to Executive Committee After further. business the Council adjourned to meet at 8 p. m. Council met according to adjourn ment, and after adopting two or three ;notions adjourued till 10 a. m. on Fri- day. FRIDAY, 10 A. ni. Minutes of yesterday read and colt- firmed. Report of Committtee re claim of Clinton. and Seaforth Collegiate Insti- tutes was,r•ead and adopted, 2nd report of Road and Bridge Com mittee was adopted, as was also that of Special Committee. Report of Executive; Committee read and Couneil in Committee arneaded it by granting $.D to each r branch A.a ir _ cultural Society, and allowing the ap- pl'►eation of Goderich Public School Board. The Finalldo Committee was instrue. ted to prepare a plan for meeting the $:;32.700 payable on ist August 1896, Crop Prospects. Goderich June 7th.—The recent cold and rainy weather has had a bad elect on agriculture. On heavy clay soils the damage is very great. Frost has injured potatoes, corn ar.d beaes, Hay promises a poor crop in some places of warm weather, Oats will be a fair •:rop Peas badly rotted in low land Fall wheat will be below an average. apples injured badly in some spots by frosts Towards the lake the fruit es caped injury to a greater extent than inland. MIDDLESEX. Lucan June 7th.—Reports around this vicinity say the late rains in sense places have Materially damaged the growing crops, especially in low flat land. Peas and other coarse gains seem to have suffered the most, and from present appearance the yield will not be an average crop. Wheat and root crops appear not to have suffered much, if any damage. It is also re- ported that the fruit outlook is yery promising at present except in graces which were badly damaged by the late frosts Hay promises to be fatly an ayer age crop. MV 4,1•3' Man who Would KnOW the Oran the Plain Facts; the blew Discoveries of Medical Sui- enee as Applied to 'Married Life; I Jeo Would Atore 'for .Past Crrorg and Avoid !,'utere Pitfalls, Should. Secure the Wonderful Little Book Called " Complete Manhood and Dow to Obtain At. " Here at last is evidence from a high medical source that mast boric avonelers with this generation of men. " The book fully describes a method by which to. attain full vigor and man- ly power. A method by which to end all un- natural drains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack of self control, despondency, etc. To exchange a worn incl jaded nat. I ure for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. To cure forever effects of excesses, overwork, worry, etc, To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no harrier. Failure impossible. 2,000 references s The book is purely medical and sci- entific, useless to curiosity seekers, in valuable to Men only that need it. A despairing man, who had applied tows, soon after wrote: u Well, T tell you tris; first day is one I'll ueyer forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wauted to hug everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday and my new self was born to -day. Why didn't you tell me when 1 first wrote that I would find it this way?" And another thus: " If you dumped a carload of gold at my feet it would not bring such glad ness into my life as your method has dono." Write to the EitIE MEDICAL COu- pANy, Buffalo, N.Y., and ask for the little book called "COMPLETE MAN- HOOD." Refer to this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and eutirely free, until it well intro- duced. PERTH. St. Marys, June 7. -The continued wet weather is beginning to tell upon. the crops in this vicinity especially on the low, fiat and heavy clay laud. Fruit crops wilt be large, not having suffered to any material extent by the late frosts, excepting grapes, which are completely killed. Iu unfavorable soil, potatoes are suffering; there will probably Ise more than half a crop. Corn, beans, etc., were injured by the frost, but are now doing fairly well; an average crop is expected. The eon tinned wet weather of late has retard- ed growth more or less in everything, but particularly on the meadows and grain clops. The latter crop: are suf- fering cousiderab]v from wet in low places, but in general throughout this district are looking well, and promise nearly a full crop A G, T. R, Conductor Shot. ' St. Catharines, Ont., June 11.—Great excitement prevailes in the city to. night over a shooting afl'aIt. at Jordan Station this afteruoou. It appears that as Conductor Turner, of the G. T. R., who runs the daily local freight be- tween the Falls and Hamilton, went west this afternoon, he spied a gang of tramps on his train in a box car. He ordered them out of the car, which they refused to do. One of the tramps open ed fire on the conductor, firing three shots from a revolver, all of which took effect in Turner's head the tramps thou escaped to the woods. There was a boy with them The news spread rapidly through the village, Word was sent to chief of Police Cummings,. of this city, and to to the police at Niagara Falls. A searching party was soon organized at Jorden and started out for the trail of the tramps. They were overtaken in a bush a short distance east of Jordan station, and surrounded by 30 or 40 villagers armed with shot guns, rifles and pistols. Af ter the police from St. Catherines and Niagara Falls arrived on the scene the advance into the wood was made, One of the tramps opened fire on Offieer Parnell, of the St -Catharines force. The fire was returned, seven or eight shots being fired. Chief Young, assisted by Detective Griffin. after a hot encounter effected the arrest of the man who, it is said, shot Conductor Turner. After hot fighting, in which no one was ser- iously hurt, the police nffieers succeed- ed iu catching all of the five tramps and the boy. The boy ie Held to have identified the man who shot 'Turner tothe police. The.Poliee brought all the prisoners from Jorden to this city this evening. The tramps are all young looking men, apparently be tween 20 and 30 years of age. They were marched from the depot to the Po lice Station all chained together, fol- lowed by a crowd of citizens. They were all armed fled rough looking sus tomers. Policemen Black of St. Catha- rines force, has' found the revolver that Turner was shot with. Coed uctor Turn- er is frem Hamilton, where his fam- ily resides. The doctors report hini very low He was taken to the Ham- ilton Hospital, The tramps will come up for trial to -morrow at 10 a. ne be fere P. M. Dr. Comfort. The coal strike in Iowa is ended. A Vancouver despatch says all Do- minion Day celebrations in British Co- lumbia will be abandoned and the money allotted for that purpose given to the flood sufferers' On Saturday morning burglars blew open the safe of J. T. Gould & Bros.' private hank at Uxbridge, Ont., and got away with $1,000. No blue. A BooN To HOnsetreN.—One bottle of English Spavin Lii;iment completely retrieved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the reinoval from horses of hard, soft or ca suss 1 11 d 1 amps, Mood spavin,spiints curbs, Sween;;-, stifles and sprains George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. It is stated that there are more pee• plc of the emigrant class leaving than entering. the United Stet( s, Relief in Six liTiouig. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEY Cunu:" This pew remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed • iately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. John Mole, a plumber, fell down an elevator shaft at Nordheimers' ware - rooms yesterday and received injuries which caused his death in a rew hours. ALL MIEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himuess of. sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sotissation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the ey es, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yoiee, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, sitnketi eyes, suirounded with LEADEN CrltOLES, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervus debil- ity that Leal to insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse, committed itt ignorance, may be permanently cured. Bend your ad. dress for boort on diseases peculiar to man,sent free, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdounel Ave,, Toronto, Ont. W tat is Money? It is cone'entrated labor represented by a pr( cions metal, or a reliable props ise to pay the same. It is created b labor ar d has the power buying labor I've a $5 bill, and pay my hotel hill 1 thereby purchase the labor of the far. mer who grew the wheat and tacos,. and eggs of breakfast; of the Chitlamat. who gathered tea leayes, of the Wer?, Indian who made the sugar, of t'h" Sailer and shipbuilder, of the rallwee mee and teamsters who brought thew things to the hotel cook, of the potter; people, who produced to crockery, etc., that I used. Bali! a postcard is ton small to enumerate all the forms tt labor concentrated in that $5 bill, But while I lived at the hotel I labored and earned $10. The gained $5 goes through the same duties and helps n) clothe my family in Exeter. W. E!ssett'sLivery First Class Horses aiid Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMM TRIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'flardwate Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT MURRAY 86 CO. Manufacturers any; Dealers ri+ Walking and Rid in g Plows, Cultivators, Troll Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tion itt Brass and Iron to order. Also dealers in Piping, Fillings, Brass (3-oods, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in large quantities. Repairing promptly done. . JAS. MURRAY & 00 For Sciatic TRY ONE APPLICATION Fans OF THE e69hf 1✓N o�o� 0 PLASTER 1T WILL DISPEL THE FAIN LIKE MAGIC. Net ra1glc j� o LER' 4 Ems`f - IL by! ' c4, •si s:.l�� 's f� '�•:d .9, CURES s-/ 'd` COL. IC L. EA iCHOLERA-NORBUS -- A RHOEA SE /TY Sl�oUvoPr isANNDALL CHIL©REN0YADULTS Price 35cr BEWARE of IMITATIONS DELICATE f -i FH h� cdtee„ 0 1 !1 YA W TER 1 URRAT PURE SWEET LASTING .e LANNIAN'S RICH RARE PUNGENT STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. H FRAGRANT USE •,r'' PERRY /FOR ►` ALL DAVISBO ,• WEL �'!ksY TROUBL�S t