HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-14, Page 1VOL.tIttotit
NO 34
The �A�l�ons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1655,)
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000
Rest Fund....
Head office Montreal.
F. W LI'ER, TA t MA a "
0 5 N THOMAS, E q,
Money advanced to 'wed Farmtar's on thou
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful clay from 10 a, m,to 3: p.
m„ Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m
llgeneralbaulein business transacted
.r 1;
CURRENT RATES allowodfor mon-
ay on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub•Managex
'"•' ' ',, :u i "t :r� '
' ,�# � �
Mrs: B, R Law wishes to announce
Hay Council.
a .
to the ladies ofExetor and vicinity that
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'she, having opened out a dress -making
establishment one door south of J. A.,
Stewart's store, isr work
a e , prepared to to tiro
in all its branches and in the Iittostfash-
tenable styles. She is late of the firms. of
James D. Tait & Co. St. Call Brines and
the McKewen Co, Toronto.
The first oYtlro 3easuli•
On On Friday evening, June 22nd, the
first ice cream and strawberry festival
Several from these carts attended
the Maceabee picnic at Grand Bend on
Monday, -Mr. J. J. 1 crgueson, of . Mc=
on bust
y, was in those partsq
hens Monday. -Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jen
ninon visited the letter's parents at
Dr2'sdale on Sunday. -Mr. find Mrs,
Sanderson, of near Parkhill, visited
friends in these parts on Saturday and
Sunday last, -Mins Edith Walters,who
has been visiting in these arts fr
The council met as a Court of Revis-
ion in the Gown Hall, Zurich, .on Sat
urday, May 26th, The following ap
Peals were disposed of: -John Iloward,
N 40, N. B., not sustained: Peter
Durand, W e 29; N. B. redLicod cm
Thomas Elliott, 82 L. P. W reduced
$150; John Manson, not sus ainc+d An.
ilio Hartman reduced X10; Philip Hart-
man, not sustained, The following
A serious accident oecu
here last Monday week, a
Col uhoun's barn raisin g•,
Mr. Will Campbell nearly lo,
It seems that one of the pia
anti •struclt Air. Campbell on
wheel cn r c ^
l 1 o I ud ricin off the b
failing over twenty five feet
quite unconscious when Pict
later on in the night he rev
, -
MUSICAL EXCELLENCE• of the season will be held under the
auspices of the Ladies' Guild of the
ARTISTIC I; SIG�1 • Tlivitt Memorial Church on IIIc, John
+ Sp rekman's grounds, Main street, Ex-
Catalogue sent flee on & J 11- etert '1 he Exeter band will furnish.
01 music for the occasion, .admission to
GfLt10i1, ground, lOe Refreshments extra.
g p her
last three weeks, has returned to
home in Exeter. -Olins Webber; of Zur-
ich, was the guest of Miss Jennie Thy -
for on Sunday last, -Mr. and Men, J.
Curls were visiting the fermi is par-
tants at Greenway on Sunday last,-
Mr, F, 0 Brien left for Algoma on Sat-
urday last, where he intends to
changes were made in the roll: From
R. Bonthron, 311312, M. S. Hensel], to
John •Zeefle, Wm. Buchanon, S. E. Cr.
of 21 con, 8,raised to $100; From D,
Snrerus 115,116,V. S. to J. F. Rickbeil
do R. McIntyre, 132, 133, P, S. Hensall,
to R. Cudmore• do J. Holmstead, 83 84
' , +
Ii . S, Zurich; to Wm Itnpp; do J. Holm
sciousness. Dr, Na s
y mita
the spot, and he seethed to t
was no immediate clanger,
acre indeed, there was not mc
.-While Mr, Georg '
.,e %� llson
Robbins were on their way
ton to see the foot ball m
horse got •frightened and 1
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
B the--
1 1 1 /ts F u. D -n 1/bra ° `S'tr'Q
g,Qt, ®s�y>cr,, Exeter Public School.
ase land if he is satisfied k i'h the coon•
try. -The framers are now at Mr. C.
stead 85; 86, I . S•, Zurich to T. and NI•
Johnston ; Wm, Caldwell, N. E Cr, 20,
They both held on to the lit
were throlvn out, but the
The followin., is the cohort of the
1� -_
One throe -year-old steel strayed into my Exeter Public School for the month of
Walper•'s and he intends raising' his
large: barn this week.
cod. 4, to Vj m, E. Crook, do Thomas
Pine, W Ss 22, L. R. East to Thomas
Turnbull; do Jacob Schroeder, S. ? 31,
without any serious injury.
tvaS captured three miles fie
it started; in
e fagged
premises, Lot 13, Con. 4, Stephen, on the 14th May,
In of May. Owner can have by
S. B., 1 dog; do D. S. Faust, 133 V. S.
a out c
y saute prey- D1yi610tt I.
g property and paying expenses.
30, to Samuel Deitz. A number of
OneDollar per annum if paid in. Advance.
$1,50 if not so paid,
as.a•srextieissg Rate& osi Sipplico.-
No paper es
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberaldiscountmade
for transcient advertisemen to inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in. the finest style,
e sa&a. or adeoxtis ns s bon ris't ohne to do
g+ P
be made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Senior 5th: R, N. Creech, A. Martin,B1dd111
dogs were taked off and the roll as re
ARD Ob' THANKS. H. Fitton, Junior 6th: N. (tiluance. B.
- Hooper, A. Dempsey. No. on roll 33
ahelping haalnid (luring.the illness •anal ,ftetr average attendance 36.
the seat sof y dear t wife,
I r their kindness T. A. Bnower, Teacher,
p g Division II
and while it may not lie in my power to re-
corn pens the for that deeds
mapee friend- Senior 4th: E. Creech, S. Gregory, L
ship, my Newton, Junior 4th•• r. Sweet C. Prior
their reward from the (Treat Giver of all +
good. Gao. LEwxs. A. Handford No. on roll as"8, average
The shareholders of the wet ghseales
here had a bee the other day repairing
them. -Mr, John Bell received the job
of grading up the road west of this
place, No doubt Jack will make a good
job of it. -The I. 0. F. t
F. p'c-nit last Fri-
day was a grand success, It roved a
fine day and consequently brought
out a large from
vised was adopted as the assessment
roll for 1894. After Court of Revision
elosed ordinary business was taken up,
J. Rumford, Chas,Troyer, Carlisle, Col-
i.n Smith, C. Oswald, Nelson Masse, D.
Schaeffer and Justus Wagner were ap
pointed Road Commissioners. A coo
munication from J. and W. Desch re
On Sunday afternoon, Ju
Lordship the Bishop of Huro
St. Patrick s Churn h, about
after driving from St. Marys
e m and preac
forenoone roistered th
confirmation to ten candidal
sing them and the
attendance 35,
ENDERS WANTED. Miss VosrEn, Teacher.
Tenders will be received by the undersi n- Division III.
°d for the contract of bull/0-.,h an addition Senior 3rd: A. Martin., T. Creech R.
to the schoolhouse ofNo, I, Stephen. Plans +
and specifications of the pro•,o cd work will Fanson, J uutor 3rd: R. Frevne, C. West-
be found at the residence of lir. Wm. Baker, away, E. Hoopt:r. Not on roll 38, aver-
Lot 0, Con. 2, Stephen. Tenders for the same
to be closed June 15th, 1F94, at s n, m- The age at tendaece 47.
trustees of said section rlo not bind them- MISS GREGORY, Teacher.
selves to accept the lowest tender. Division. IV.
WILLIAM Be cam, sec.-Treas.
Exeter P.O. Senior 3rd: E. Gillespie, C. Rollins,
crowd of people all
directions. The Rev. Mr Coupeland, of
Elim ille will preach a special sermon
y +
to the above court, at Bethany Church
next Sunday. Service to commence at
11 a. m, -The Rev. Mr, Bartlett, of Lon-
don, occupied the pulpit in Bethany
Church on Sunday last. -There will be
no service in the Presbyterian Church
next Sunday on account of Annyier-
the Zurich swamp drain was laid over
until next meeting• The re ort of the
�' P
Reeve re the settlement of bounder y
accounts with Stanley was adopted.
Action re the water ° n the hio•hwa on
the Zurich road east of the tattle
Marsh was laid over until some future
date. A number of accounts were
passed and the council adjourned to
meet again on Tune 23rd at 10 a. m,
con leg
g a
his wonted earnestness a
From there the Bishop was
by the Incumbent to St. Pa
Hirkton, where, after ad
the Apenteric rite to ulnen
dates, his Lordship preacho
quent sermon on the parab
Pharisee and the public,
churches were filled to ov
Church Directory-
So vca s,Rev. 11 E.W.
Hunt, I'Vr etMor Stud yCHURCH.--Rev.
and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class
for Adults, 3 . m. Holy Communion, 1st
Sunday of each month at morning service
MwruoDIST Onuncn--Janes-st , Rev,J,G,
JAOIISON Pastor.SundayServiaes,10,30 a.m,
and6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m,
Me is STREET Rev. W McDonagh, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m. an 6,30 p.m
Sabbath Soh oo12.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday services, ii a. m. and 6.30 P.
m, Sabbath School, 9.48 a. m
oTIOB, M. Thomas, Junior 3rd: M. Howey, M
, .and
Fanson, E.I'rayno. No. on the roll 52,
sary Sunday at IZirkton Church. -Mr,
Mrs. assmore spent
Henryy p Sun
SAM. J. LATTA Clerk,
While at Kirktnn hundreds
able toget seating accumoda
Soaled tenders will be received by the ;nn-
dersigned up to Tuesday morning, July 3rd, average attendance 66.
for the improvement of Mud Creole Drain as Miss GILL, Teacher.
per By-law in Exeter Advocate.
clay last with friends in Fullerton.-
Mrs. Rich. Remmer has returned home
few days
Lake Road, Hay,
were obliged to stand 0
around the church. Such a
Division V,
And roglstered, plans and specifications, and , ,
om, cot 8 N. B 9StP hon vre residence ce out m. Senior 2nd: N. Walters, J. Newcombe
p M. Hicks, Junior 2nd: E, Lambrooke,
plated, will be that portion located in Staph- r
en and along the S B., half way from Mud M. Martin, J. Murray. No. on roll 73,
Creek Bridge east to concession.
The tenders will be opened on said srd dayaverage attendance 65,
of July at Town Hall, pCrediton. Mess WALROND, Teacher.
The lowest tender not necessarily accept- Division VI.
ed By order ofSteohen Connell. Senior 2nd: S. Bohlen R. Froward, M.
4t-May3r C.PRouTY, Clerk, Hay P.O. Newton. Judior 2nd: L. Carling;. el,
after a visiting amongst
friends in IIs townshi Dr. Gardi-
ver and wife, of London, have return-
ed home after a few da ys yi61t with
his brothers and friends around Here.
-A unique occurrence took place at
the political meeting held at School
House No+ 1, Usborne, on Friday night
last, at which a certain Reformer got
(To late for last week,)
BUILDING, -Several buildings are in
course of 61oct%ou on this road. -The
Priest s residence has been rebuilt, with
the addition of a large and roomed•
ions kitchen, -A new brick school in
No. 11 will soon be built. -Mr. David
Wilson is building a substantial resi-
dente. -Mr. Greifry is his
was never seen be
history ofthe church. ---A eons
al meeting is announced in S
church for Friday evening
arrange for their an
�, holding
hie on Dominion Day, July
-Dr. Ovens, of Parkhill, adc
lar ge number of the Elector
Clandeboye town hall in bah,.
..,, H KINSMAN,L,D.s, Fanson's Block
�, two doors north of Carling Store
mere ST, EXETER extracts teeth
without � ppain. Away at .wean every Wed-
nesday, Honssll Let Friday; Blyth, first Mon-
day and Zurich on last Thursday of each
Newton,H. Huston, No, on roll 75,Pbuildings
Additional Locals• average attendauce 64,
"The First or the season:, Miss Purlr,•'nit, Teacher.
u and moved a vote of thanks to the
"spouters" of his own political party.
Never heard of the like before!
re -shingling
Mr. R. Taylor is making
an additiou to his barn, -Mr, W. Hey-
rock has built a summer kitchen and
J. H. Alexander, candidate
legislation, t
North Middlesex,
day night, 8th inst. He had
en H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
v. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
E a er,,iOuts A saOeanaesthetiover p Post
the painless extraction of teeth. Eine Gold
"Palings as required,
Strawberries and cream June 22nd Division VII.
under auspices of Trivitt Memorial Senior 2nd: R. Davis, R. Davidson, E.
wood shed, and several others are eith-
er building or contemplate so doing.-
and considerable rote
taken in the claims brought
bythe speakers its behalf h
Church Guild on John Spackmau'g Junior 2nd: C. Drinks*sten,
ground, Maio street, Exeter, • H. Collins, P. Randle, A. Witwer, No,
U. O. F, Demonstration. on roll, 88; ayerage attendance, 62,
On Monday, July 2nd, the mammoth MR. FERGUSON, Teacher.
Mr. olln iVIcPherson the shot putter
left our burg on Wednesday for God-
erica and pintail where he once re
sided'. -There is a certain man in Ex-
Mr. D. S encex has erected a hend-
P '
some wire fence in front of his rest-
dence.-Mr. D. Senecas has put up new
fences nearly all over his farm. -Mr,
date. Mr
dressed a full meeting in Nei
House on Saturday evening.
►• Graduate of the Royal College of Dent-
surgeons of Ontario, awl Graduate of the
ntiourgiveustovaieservn onors) t Sp tial
teeth. Office over Elliot& Elliot's law
ce-apposite Central Hotel -Exeter.
District Foresters' Demons ration will The total nu bar of names entered
be held at Brussels. In addition to Ca- on the roll during the month was the
nadian Patriotic songs by school child- largest since my connection with the
ren, music by numerous bands, grand school, being 415, while the average
a attendance was 354.
precession and speeches by High Court
officers there will bean excellent pro T. A. BROWN, Principal.
sports. Poet ball
eter who often comes this way and who
is not very choice in his speech or man-
her, will, some of these fine days,-
get his "gib" slapped in good shape for
some of his insulting remarks. People
here are true to their own feelings and
R. O'Brien has also done considerable
fencing ou the old Regan estate, and
ail along the line farm improvements
of all kinds is being extensively and
rapidly carried on -The old Sauble
Line is taking a leapto the fore -ever-
�Vr. C. H. Wilson, who fel
barn at Mr, A. Jones' near Co
Saturday. is able to wattle aro
hones were broken, but he
DeOFFICE: oL o to Methodist Persona e
" contest be ®.a
tween Brussels and Ripley; lacrosse Goderloh•
matches in which the "Beavers," of
do not believe in being insulted by a
"thing" like that.-14lessrs, Israel Smith
pthing seems to be rushing but polities
and they are as "dull as the lakes of
Hamad that in the
bruised. He attended the La
cahees picnic on Monday
OFFICES, widen es,saeaformed
Dr, Rollins' office,. same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A Amos, M. t. D
Seaforth and Dropshot, of Lucknow, RUM DL -'CANAL, -The Ruri-Decanal
are matched and Brussels vs, Win
' g meeting in connection with Huron
ham; water fight; athletic games, etc. Deanery, was held here, on Wednes-
Grand concert with Agnes Knox and day. The chief matter brought before
Harry Rich as leaders in the evening. the meeting was the formation of a
Special railway rates. Everybody constitution for a Young People's So-
should attend. Write the Secretary ciety*, to be used throughout the Dean-
if you have not a program. ery, so as to bring about uniformity.
Ben . Sib ort aequ1ttcd, A constitution was drawn up and witi
After a term in jail, a long and ex- be submitted to the various parishes
citing trial, in which a mass of con- for their approval or disapproval, and
tr•adictory eyidenco was accumulated report at next meeting. The question
Benjamin Short was acquitted on Sat- of private baptism was taken up, and
urday afternoon at London of the it was thought advisable to send a
charge preferred against him of burn- memorial to His Lordship, the Bishop,
his store in Parkhill. The jury did asking him to issue a pastoral to be
not deliberate long over this verdict read in the various parishes through.
and although the Crown apparently out the Diocese of Huron,exhorting
g PP 9+• g
had a strong case, it was met at every the people to bring their children to
point by strong testimony for the de church for the rite of baptism. On in-
fence. There is no doubt that perjury s itation of Rev, Fairlie the Deaner de-
P 1 y o Y
took place, and the jury by their yen- tided to meet in Clinton next January.
dict seem to throw it on the crown wit•-QiNGLICAN S. S. CONVENTION. -Tat'
nesses. On Saturday evening last he church of England S. 8, Association of
returned to Parkhill, and about two- the '`,,Deanery cf Huron met in St,
thirds of her population turned out to Geoge's church, school house, here on
welcome him home after his acquittal Tuesday, delegates being present from
of the serious charge perferred against various parts of the country, The
him, The result of the verdict was Rural Dean occupied the chair and
anxiously expected in the town, and a Rey, L. W. Diehl was appointed were-
great crowd gathered about the tele. tary. The number of scholars reported
phone office in the afternoon for the is 1085, cumber of male teachers, 49
earliest hews. When it came -a ver- female 69, but this was only by 13 of
dict of not guilty -the crowd cheered the 23 Sabbath schools in the Deanery
loudly, and after the friends of Mr, Some discussion took place a6 10 limit-
Short had exchanged congratulations ing the number of delegates, but no
they proceeded to make arrang•ment to action was taken, as that would do
give him a hearty welcome. A big pro• away with the true object of the asso-
and Wm. Fritz, of Crediton, were in
town Saturday evening -ROM Prof,
Baldie, what nextP-The Sunday School
in connection with the Eyangelical As-
sociation has been changed to the hour
of nine o'clock, not at two as formerly
This will only be for the summer
months so as to give people a chance
to rend or as they wish and not be
forced to go to school in the heat of the
day, or spoil the looks of the register
by their absence. There are several
teachers who should attend more regu-
lady than they do Think of the pros-
ident, how he feels to have so many
teachers absent; and your scholars too
are greatly disappointed by your ab-
senc'e. Let every teacher weigh this
matter ever carefully in his mind and
if you consider yourself a good true
earnest Christian the worthy president
will not often have to look for a teach•
er to fill the vacancy caused by your
absence: -Tho Ladies of Friendship
Hive, No, 7, held a picnic in Holts'
Grove, Grand Bend, on the 11th June
when a good time was spent and a
large turnout in attendance. Al-
though there was another picnic on
the same day -and we might say in
direct opposition to the one gotten up
by the ladies of Friendship Hive, still
it did little or no harm. The word
friendship implies more than Sisters
Dorcasor Victoriahave brainsenougb to
conceive of and the puny arm of rebel-
lion they raised, or tried to raise, must
now hano• motionless by their side,
Friendship got the crowd, with the ex-
slumber storm."-
Ruthless destruction of groves and
shade along the banks of the lake
was done to perfection by the early
settlers, .Chis should not have been
so, but one cannot blame them as this
was necessary in early days to scare off
the wolves and mosquitoes that infect-
ed the unbroken forests. Between Bay
field and the Grand Bend there is
scarcely a bunch of trees large enough
in extent to accomodate a school picnic
-with but one exception, and that is
the well-known Taylor's Grove, 2,'s,
miles north of the Zurich Road. This
is really a delightful spot, covered with
maple trees. Its elevation above the
lake and cool bottomed land makes it
pearl perfection as a Leasure gr7und.
p p „Collins,,
Mr. Taylor had it thoroughly cleaned
up this spring and has had tables and
seats erected for the use of pleasure
seekers. There is ample room to tie
horses and have carriages all Hader
shade. Mr. Taylor also purposes build-
ing a flight of steps from the grove
down to the beach, so there will be
easier access to and from the water,and
a shower of rain will in no wise mar
the pleasure of the picnieeis, Row
boats and skiffs will be plentiful, and
also Mr. Heyrock's yacht will be in at
tendauee at all medium sized picnics.
Tne proprietor is a genial, geed -heart-
ed and true representative of the
``Green Isle of the Sea," who are known
for their hospitality the world oyer,and
this quality is not lacking in him. All
wishing to enjoy the breezes of old
Bend and lead the large
ss g
and ss an address •iu the
The Order was well represen
Greenway, West McGillivray
Dashwood and other places.
per in Mr. John Spackman's
grove was wen patronized,
concert in the evening was a
affair. The muac by the Zuri
Band and Quartette Club
plauded and encored again a
-The football match betwee
ter aud Grand Bend proved
teresting and both. parties
goal each. -The political mee
entertaihment in Holt's Grov
Dashwood Lady Maccabees
attended. Mr, 1IcLeau, Weis
of Exeter, were the
and entertained all those poli
eluted for nearlythree hot
Sarah J. Brown, of Winthrop,
ing her cousin, Mrs, \V, 3,
The Maccabees of Fest 1I
are to have a grand entertain
28th June, -Mr. J. IV, Wilson
visited School No, 10 last Mot
noon and attended the 1lacea
Sic in tho afternoon, -Tit
Band of Willing Worker's are
ing for their annual garden
be held in Mrs, 1'ggert's gar
the church, on or about the
June. -Mr. Robert Hutchins
his new barn last . Monday
Things went together satisf
'Air. Samuel Ilarlton is to rail
barn on Thursday, June 14th
Ontario. P%ys o of h5'ur goonrtsan i dcaouclis
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
--�.-•.•�....•-• ----
LL• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Bans, Exeter,Ontnrfo.
Office-Llonev�o Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyaneer, Commissioner, &e,Mouey to loan
Office-Fanson's B1ocic,Exetor.
iters, Conveyancers, &e,
- - - .®.
11. ono r forPthe Counties Licensed
Pe t d
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonbale,sales arranged at Post office, Win-
E BOSS.SNBERIIY,HensaliOntario.Lfe-
Buren and Perth C+hargosthneoderatel urifl
satisfaction guaranteed,
FRED. W.FARNdOhIB Provincial f.,and
. Surveyor and Civil 'Eng sneer. Offioo,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, out.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phoenix Fire Insurance eroy., ,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire Aof London,oErngl.ancl
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
cession of bicycle riders went out five elation. Mr. Robinson. of Wroxeter,
miles to meet the who driv- in "Catechism
caption of the invited Tents from the
in fact
Lake Huron to the fullest extent
should strike for " Taylor's Grove- "-
party were
ing from Loddon. Miss Johnston
(Short's fiancee), Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Miller
and another lady who were driying
with Mr. Short were taken to the
Franklin House,where about one hund-
red ladies had gathered to receive theta
Mr. Short was escorted to the market
square, where he made a Speech say -
ing that he Bever expected to break
down the solid mass of false evidence.
piled up against him, it was so '. stron .
and cunningly constructed. He thane-
ed his friends for sticking to him in
the dark hours of his trial. As soon as
the speech was ended fireworks were
discharged in vast quantities, music
and cheers for
read at excellent paper
as the basis of church Teaching", and
one on "The qualification of a Sunday
School." Mrs, Foster, of Wingham,
read an instructive paper en 1iChild-
ren's services and how to conduct
them." Mr. James Armstrong, Varna,
ave an interesting aper On "Pawn-
nal. Responsibility:" paper
Mr. Turn-
bull, of Goderich, gave an able paper
on "The Bible class." "How to teach
the infant class," and "Promotion in S.
S:' were discussed, as were also all the
other subjects. It was decided to hold
the next meeting in Seaforth. The of.
ficers elected are:-•-Pres.1 Rev. Mr,
Hodgins, Seaforth; Vice -Pres„ Mrs.
Wingharrl; Rec•Sce, L. `W,
surrounding country, and could
not have entertained many more, as
they never expected so large a turn
out. Truely it was not very sisterly,
when Dorcas and Victoria refused to
march with Miss Friendship as they
could have done so and went to their
own grounds after, And what was
leasin to all was to hear that Miss
Friendship's march was something,
while that of the opposition was com-
ar•ed to a funeral and trttl they did
P I y
look as though the were following
the remains of some dear departed
from the way they trod the . andy
--ata curved to the left and back again
Friendship Hive had a good program,
Mr. W. Heyrock't steam yacht is near;
ly ready for launching, The Williams'
engine, which is a handsome and sub
stautial one and is already fixed in its
position. The boiler is the only ma-
chinery lacking, it has not yet been
shipped from Toronto. The yacht is
36 ft, long, 8 ft. wide and 5 ft, deep. It
will comfortably seatfrofn 50 to 60 pas
scogers. A. name has not yet been de
finitely decided upon, but it would be
very appropriate to name it' after the
residence and family name of the
owner, "Tho Heyrock of Lake Vied%
The tittle graft will plough the water
of Huron between Bayfield and Grand
Bend former hero; its in un-
Ilrci s, -In Centralia, on 12tH
wife of R. F. Hicks, of a sol
COLLINS w Iu Mr. J on theC
the wife of 171. J. R. Colli
COnNrsrl-Int Usborne, on, the
the wife of �i'n1 Corzrish of
Den vn.--In Exeter, On the 1
the wife of Wm. Delve of e t
rAblrrERS•- In Cl'ecluon 011 t
Cr. ,
inst. the wife of Mathew
of a daughter,
6, -.In Exeter, on the t
the wife of 7+.;n Snell; of a sn
S hector, Allan, Allan t
inion 'American, White e'StBiir Beaver,
lands; and An erican Lines to Eu it net,
Ireland, Sralia net, Holland, Germany,
Cape, Australia and New Zealand,
Nrair6hexn allor North fir fish and Lancashire
Northern, antlle
and Perth Mutual Fire Ina/refine no's,'
London Guar,iand ntoe and Ano d, cashire Life nt°r' do, -
LOWEST RATES, Cant ileo, Keil)
- +
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per buslieiX0.04 to 0.58
Barley ..„.. ,... ,. 35 10 3I
Data ..................... 30 to 32 les
Peas...". .... . ... ........6a,1
50 to 51m
Butter 60,4 i. , .. 6 6 6 .....1 . 13 to 14
Eggs • , • . • ^ .. • , .... 7
Potatoes per nus .......... 85 to 40
Hap per ton .... ...,.... 6,00 to ' .50
were given the Queen
Mr. Short, his lawyers, Mr, Mc + yoy and
Mr. Robinette. Then t'es procession
reformed with ave hundred lad-
Foster, Rev.
Dichi, Clinton; Cor, Sec: Miss `Brown,
there being singing by the of
alio hive, music by the Crediton Band
and Zurich string band, speaking• by
-the port
favorable 'weather. In calm weather
it will be anchored or at it docie at
Lake View, It can be chartered for all
ro A�rltl(b,
Ln�yrs Ili Stephen, on tang . i
in 'carriages, f
and, after driving
about town with every sign of rejoin.
ing, the whole affair coneluded with a
good supper at the Franklin r
Pp tI House, to
which not half of the rocessionists
(multi find aAinmFlrinna p
+crest fires file iagina
fires ar 0"a Hay
ward, Wis., and much damage has
been done,
i -
C tun W, Field, a son of the late
Cyprus r , 111...
Cyprus �5. Field, aged 35s died 1n Now
M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth,D.
and Mr. Collins
, , • of
rniltor, of Hen
Exeter. The picnic was a success fin-
aneiall the roeeeds amounting to tat,
mn p o wish
handsome sum of $117.65, W
thesuccess in their good
ladies every ue g ,
1 ch and other cruces alongMfY•y
school, ahu
the shore. And will be at all picnics
Alt that intentling P10010018 Hoed do is
send a card to Mr. He mock Johnstons'
Mills P. 0,, stating when and where the
•iinnin. trill 171,1 l7 nlrl,
bI vec1 wife Of Geer
aged '72° years, 10 molltTi a1
11t Lr.OTr.-In Stephen,' on the
Sarah Elimott (tenet of the 1
, (
id Elliott aged 71 years ane
York on . slur as,
rred near
t Mr, 1'.
by wlueb.
st his life,
tes broke, ),
the :heal,
nil din g,°lte
Ile wan
Oct up, bur;
ined cote
was soon oxc
hin'k there
It is a mir
re injured..
and Mr. C.
to Fullar-
atch, thea
an away.
es till they
y esc•ipe .
The 'horse
om where
ne 3rd, Iris
u reached.
4 p. m.
where he
bed in the
e rite •€r'f
es, addres-
atinn with
nd power.
con veyeH
.I's Ch.urci
eeu ea i-
d an 'ele-
le of time
In", Betz
were un -
tion, but
utside .rel
large as
fore in the
t, Patrickls
at 7.30, to
an; pie -
2nd 189'4.
dressed a,
s in the
tilf of Mc.
for local.
on Th ers-
a crowded
Intel was
is candl
also ad-
's Schad?
1 off the
rbett la,i
und, Na
is badlir
dy Mac -
at Granit
ted froioa
The din-
and the
ch String
was ap-
ed again..
n Brews-
very- in.
scored 11
ting arid,
e by the
was welt
miller an8.
tically in-
is visit-
tmeat cn.
end Wife
Mot "roma-
bees' pie.
o Ladies*
patty, to
den, near
27th df
on raised.
o his micry
inst,, flee
lst Inst,,
us of a
0th Inst,
Ota. instx,
he 10th.
th blot,
th i111stK,
re LewiS)
1th incl:,;
ate .Daw-
1 2' moat