HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-7, Page 7THE FARM AND GARDEN. AMA`1'EURS. N THE QARDEar. Votes of Interest to the Flower. Fruit and. Vegetable Grower, and 1%1103 On Trees and Shrubs. FORCING VEGETABLES Questions Answered. What style and size of greenhouse would you recommend me to build to .force vegetable in for a good market of 65,000, and to pay so as to hire an oxperi- aenced man to run same ?J. When one has learned by practical ex- :perienoe just how to manage his houses and handle his crops, there are few uses .to whioh a greenhouse can be put that will yield. more satisfactory returns than .the'raising of winter vegetables. No general rule can be given as to the best size and style of greenhouse for. this purpose, as good results can be obtained with almost any style of roof, and with -any width, from ten to twenty feet.. If ,designed only for forcing vegetables, we would prefer a house at least thirty-five •feet widej; but if there was any likeli- .hood that it would ever be needed for the growing of flowering plants, it would be 'well to limit the width to twenty feet. '.The largest lettuce house in the country is the one erected in 1891 by W. W. Raw- son, of Arlington, Mass., which is fifty feet wide, four hundred feet long and six- teen feet high, and he prefers this to any .,of his narrower houses. 'Most of the growers about Arlington 'and Belmont use the wide, low lean-to, while at Grand Rapids, Mich., a majority sof the houses are even -span and twenty •feet wide; but ib is the growing impies- 'sion that for lettuce and other vegetables, =as for roses, the three-quarter span house is preferable. While the advocates of the short -span -to -tile -south houses can point to several that have been success- ful, it is perhaps too early to admit all of the claims mado by them, and the ordi- nary form can be recommended with greater certainty. Except in very extensive plants, it is not advisable to have a house exceed 150 feet in length, although if placed upon either side of , a furnace shod, or head house, the length of 80a feet thus secured will not be objectionable. 'When the owner is without experience,. and has to depend entirely upon a hired Manager, it will be best to begin upon a small scale, and the first year four houses, .20x150 feet, or two houses, 35x150 feet, Are all that could be recommended. Aft- erwards, if the venture is successful, the plant can be readily extended if found ,desirable. Is there a No. 1 hot water heater made that willburn hard wood; if so, who by? .For the heating of greenhouses with hot Water, using soft coal or hard wood as .fuel, the writer knows of no better heater than the Spence, which is sold by the American Boiler Company, Chicago ; the urmau, Gurney and other heaters could iso bo used. Woulcl it do to build a greenhouse on to dwelling, and to have heater large ,enough to heat both buildings ? The dwelling could very reaclily be at- tached to the greenhouses and heated from the same heating system. This is often clone in the case of the houses mu. - pied by the foreman. If it is thought best, however, and on various accounts it is desirable, the dwelling can be situ- ated fifty or so feet away from the green- houses, and if the pipes are wrapped in. some non. -conducting material and en- •closed in a box, the hot water can be car- ried underground with but slight loss of heat. About how much would I have to pay an experienced man to run greenhouse and attend to the gardening ? A man competent to take charge of such a plant as would be desirable at the start should be worth, $500 and house rent, and if the responsibility was in- creased he should command a correspond- ing increase in wages. The foremen of some of our largest commercial green- house e stablishments command two or three times the above wages, especially if the owner is new to the business ; a poor man is dear at any price, as his in- capacity might cause the loss of a consid- erable sum in the business, while a hand- some profit should be realized from a'well managed business. Syli.cre Ashes Are Valuable. -Wood ashes aro especially valuable as :a fertilizer when applied to fruit crops. Their action is to increase the woody growth rather than the trailing, being the mineral remains of the woody growth. Apparently wood ashes give the best re- sults when applied to grapes and apples. `.They slioul.d be spaded in around the apple trees, and some distance from the ,trunk. The. Strawberry I3ed. .''xl.n eoehan e gives this good advice: g "Strawberries should receive an applica- tion of fertilizer now, so as to allow plenty of time for the substance to' dissolve and be carried clown to the roots by the rains. If the rdws were treated with fertilizer last fall the best substance to apply now ' is about 100 pounds of nitrate of soda por aere, but if no fertilizer was then ap- plied, potash and the phosphates -should be;, added."? AMONG 'r ns `t' Noallt arca" sent out this season is an apple that is about as old as �nerioan history, ab least older than the hidependolico of the 'United States of America. This apple is a de - aided curiosity, from the fact of its "being. 'both sweet and sour ', nob that it partakes '. of 'both eharaeters as some apples do, so that it isdifficult to say whether it is sweet or sour, but this apple is decidedly sweet on one side, and as decidedly sour on the other. This peculiar apple, more than anything else made the writer a naturalist. Tiro The e ' et taste a t.e fills ono with wonder ; how 0411 the sweet and sour pass through the stem of the apple, then sop - fixate, one goh g to the right; the other to the left ? Stimh, however, is the feet ; we have tasted of those by the hour, with in- creasing wonder and admiration of the arrangement that made such a fruit pos- sible, The first account of this fruit we have was given in 1708, by Levi Hollings- worth, Esq., a merchant of Philadelphia, who said it originated in Elton, Md., and that it was a seedling. This apple is now being sold under the name of a Two-faced apple." Care- of Young Trees. Young trees do not as a rule make much growth during the earlypart of the season in which they are sot out. They require some time to become well established, and until this takes place the newly planted trees grow but little, However, pains should be taken to see that the conditions of growth are made as favorable as pos- sible, so that if the weather is propitious they will secure a good start before the arrival 'of cold weather. The most im- portant item in tree growing is to get them well established, and see that they secure a good root growth. It is a serious mistake when setting out trees to put a lot of manure in the bottom of the 'hole, put in the tree and then fill up around the trunk with soil. This, to a great extent, shuts out the supply of moisture, or at• least to an extent that the tree will die. While in many oases an application of manure can be made beneficial, it should not be applied by incorporating thorough- ly with the soil. In many cases having too much manure near the roots when the tree is making a starts to grow tends to produce too heavy a growth of top. When the tree is taken up to be trans- planted it is subject to more or less root pruning, .depending largely upon the .man- ner of taking up. The top should always be cut back in proportion to the roots help to make the tree 'grow, so do the leaves, and the best results so far as health and thrift are concerned, are secured by hav- ing these as nearly evenly balanced as possible, If the tree makes a thrifty, vigorous growth until it is well es- tablished, there will usually be no diffi- culty in keeping a good growth after- wards. EARLY POTATOES.—Potatoes may be . a common dish, but need early kind, such as for instance the mealy Early Ohio, or a little later the snowy Freeman, is to me a treat when they are first brought in, freshly dug from the garden. I would as soon do without radishes and lettuce and other vegetables in the home garden, as without a little patch of early potatoes for use, when we appreciate them more than at any other time. The market grower, of course, is no loss anxious to get them early than ho is to secure a good yield, for the price is greatly influenced by their earliness. Nobody would like to miss a chance, if any such exists, to force the crop a little in advance of its natural season. Judicious treatment of seed gives us the hey to the situation and, indeed, the key to success in potato glowing. The weak point in the management of the average potato grower is the seed. Fully nine -tenths of all the potatoes which people plant are unfit for seed pur- poses. A tuber which is in its prime for the table, is .also in its prime for seed. It should be fresh and plump and all oyes dormant. Saah potatoes are not found in the inside of a big heap or bin in ordinary house cellar at this season of the year. A large number of eyes have become ac- tive and will remain active no matter whether the sprouts already started are left to grow or are rubbed off by accident or design. The sure result is a large number of sprouts, a weak, spindling growth of all, and a large number of small potatoes in the hill. To secure good seed we spread the pota- toes, long before they Have had a chance to start into growth, under the beaches in the greenhouse, or in a light, frost -proof garret in single. layer, or at most, two high. A portion of our Ohios...and Free - mans are placed in shallow flats, seed end up. Gradually, under the influence of light and warmth, a shoot as stout as one's little finger appears on the seed end of the tuber. This, a little later, is sur- mounted by a crown of leaflets, while rootlets begin to start from its base. In early Spring when the ground is reacly for planting, the sets aro carefully re- moved and placed in the ground, scrupu- lously avoiding injury to shoots. Growth follows with marvellous rapidity, none of the pristine vigor or the tuber having been wasted. The size of seed pieces is decided by. variety, condition and price of seed. Whole tubers, if treated as previously set forth; cviIl seldom produce more stalks than eut seed. I invariably plant whole tubers of the Early Ohio, if of medium size, or less, and out them in halves if large. The variety rarely produces mote thau. three or four stalks, even when we plant very large whole potatoes. The Freeman, on the other hand, inclines to the extreme in this direction unless seed is carefully treated on the suggested lines. Usually we prefer to oat seed quite close, as we 'also do in case of high priced new varie- ties. One-fifth of all deaths is due p to ulna- nary diseases. Most of the deaths from Candor °emir: ill ItUssia, Norway and Switzerland. TRANSATLANTIC DOINGS. ALL AROUND TI'IE GLOM Poi,ltecl 14ariigraphs Pruetieally Put for Busy Beings to Obtain an Intelligent Idea of Foreign Facts. There is a plethora of money in Lon- don. Yellow fever is decreasing at Rio Janeiro. The British Parliament resumed its sitting Tuesday,. Several deaths ;from cholera have been reported at Warsaw. The Bank of England's rate of discount is unchanged at 2 per cent, The 'accouchement of the Duchess of York is expected in June. Heavy snowstorms are reported in the midland counties of England. A Lima, Peru, despatch says there is a complete paralysis of business there. The Bank of Bengal has reduced its rate of discount from 8 to 7 per cent. Mr. Edmund Yates, editor and proprie- tor of The London World, died Sunday. The Manchester Ship Canal was for- mally opened by Queen Victoria Wednes- day. Mr. Gladstone is rapidly recuperating from the effects of the operation on his eye. Advices from Chili say the Government has ordered all customs duties pail in gold. August Kunilt, dean of 'the philosophi- cal faculty of the University of Berlin, is dead, Many districts ;in the north of Spain and the south of France are covered with snow. Five thousand cabs have disappeared. from London streets as the result of the strike. All the Austrian strikes are virtually ended. The workingmen lost every- where. The Italian Chamber of Deputies ha;s adopted the war budget by a vote of 229 to 98. Cholera is raging in the districts of Plock, Badom and �Petrokoff, in Russian Poland. A rupture of diplomatic relations be- tween Italy and Persia is said to be im- pending. General'Sir Donald Stewart and Gener- al Lord. Wolseley., have been made field marshals. The commercial treaty between Austria and Russia was formally ratified and signed on Friday. The Queen has knighted Isaac, Pitman) the inventor of the Pitman system of phonetic shorthand. Madame Renard, wife of the late Joseph Ernest Renaud., of the French Institute, died on Wednesday in Paris. The British Goverinnent has received a proposal from Germany to hold. ;a- con- ference on the Samoan question. King Alexarider of Sorvia has issued a proclamation abolishing the constitution of 1888 and restoring that of 1869. Mr. John Morley, Chief Secretary for Ireland, will succeed the late Baron Bow- en as trustee of the British Museum. 9. severe frost prevailed throughout England Monday night, doing serious damage to the fruit and potato crops. Mr. Gladstone is now able to receive a few visitors. He hopes to remov his eye shade in:a day or two and try glasses. The London Graphic says that an oper- ation will be performed. on Mr. Glad. - stone's eyes within the next ten days. The lower House of the HuugarianDiet Tuesday passed the civil marriage bill for the second time, by a vote of 271 20 3.05. At the Papal cois istoly in Reale Rev, Paul Stanislaus LaBocclue will be ap- pointed ppointed Bishop of the see of Sherbrooke, Quebec. • Foreign securities opened dull on the London Stock Exchange Thursday under the influence of the resignation of the French DIi niatty. The volcano on the Island of Stromboli is •showing great activity. The eruption is increasing in 'violence and there are frequent earthquakes. Mr. Thomas Skinner, of London, Eng., who has just retured to Montreal.from the Pacific coast, speaks highly of Canada as a field for investment. Emil Henry, the anarchist who threw the bomb which created such destruction at the Hotel Terminus, in Paris, wasguil- lotinecl Monday morning. Six anarchists, condemned to death for complicity in the plot to assassinate Gen. Martinez de Campos, were shot at Barce- lona Wednesday morning. The Anglican archbishops and bishops of England have issued a circular letter protesting against the proposed disestab- lishment of the church of Wales. The Galion Steamship Company has de- cided to go out of business because of bad times. The Alaska and Arizona will be sold on their arrival in Liverpool. The cataract was removed from Mr. Gladstone's right eye. No anaesthetic was administered, and Mr. Gladstone bore the pain with great fortitude. Advices from Chinasay an epidermic similar to the "great plague" which de- vastated London during ttho seventeenth century is now prevalent in Canton. Le Journale, of Paris, says that Sybil Sanderson, the actress, is betrothed to a member of the Vanderbilt family in Now York, but Miss Sanderson denies this. The French Government has sued the Chicago World's Fair directors for $100,- 000 for: damage to the I"reneh exhibit by the fire in the manufacturers' building. Ernest Otto William as ilclner, professor of German in Princeton College, died on Saturday after an ±Nurse of a foto hours. He was born in 1818 in Silesia, Prussia. At a meeting of the Garman Banking Association, at which thirty-five banks were representtel, a resolution in favor of a ,gold standard was unanimously adopt- ed. A new' disease, a white mierobe, has at- tacked. the wheat crop in the districts of Vendee, 'Brittany and A.njott, Frane°, and is inflicting great; damage upon the grow- ing grain. A new Indian 8 per cent, loan of 06,- 000,000 at 98 was announced on the Lon- don stock exchange Wednesday. In the afternoon the seeuritios wore quoted. at 2 per cent. premium. Heavy storms wore reported Saturday from many points along the south of Etg- land Conts, aluell wreckage hag gong ashore at Broadstairs and Ilfracombe. Tho oanrp of the East Kent militia regi- ment at Shornolitfe has been flooded. The tents were blown away and the bedding and elotlling were drifting about Satur:. day' night xn some eighteen inches : of water, The grain crops and fruit further inland have been badly damned. aOff .Fecam north of b?xanoe two vessels have been wr c ted. sailorwasswept el A s to . off the deck of a ship at Boulogne. M. Brisson, having informed President Carnot on Saturday that it would be im- possible for him to forum a Ministry, the President again sumrnoned M. Bourgeois; who repoate•l his refusal to undertake the task of Cabinet making, though he ex pressed his willingness to accept a port- folio in a Ministry formed by someone else. M. Carnot then summoned M. Dupuy, who consented' to attempt the construction of a Cabinet in order to end the period of uncertainty. It is not known whether M. Dupuy intends to ac- cept the premiership or merely to bring together a stop gap Ministry with some- one else as the responsible head. A farewell service was held in St. James' Hall, London, Wednesday in connection with the departure of Miss Prances Wil- lard, the American temperance advocate. Lady Somerset, who is very prominent in the temperance movement in Great Bri- tain, and of .whom Miss Willard has been a guest, made a brief address in which she said she regretted to announce that she had learned that Sir Willialii Vernon Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, hacl decided to withdraw the local veto bill from the House of Commons. The Cunard Steamship Company have issued a notice that the steamship Lu- cania has beaten all ocean steaming re. cords. They make the distance covered in the round trip, from New York and back, 5,78:1 knots, the steamer's average time being 211 knots per hour, and this by the long southerly route. They also claim that the Lucania's average time is better than that of the New. York by two knots per hour. The Herald's special from Buenos Ayres says active search is being prosecuted by the police for the accomplices of the Aus- trian who is in jail at Mendoza on suspic- ion of being implicated in the dynamite plot. The plan was to throw a bomb at the President during the procession on May 20. A special from San Salvador says: An.- tonio Ezeta advanced from Coatepeque with his entire army and attacked the rebel forces' position south of Santa Ana, and after a desperate battle and brilliant charge routed them. The rebels lost over 800 men. Miss Frances Willard, the president of the W.C.T.U. in the United States, is the guest of Lady Somerset at her country house. Miss Willard, who is sixty years years of age, practices bicycling daily, and has 'become greatly benefitted phy- sically thereby. It is announced that Brazil has accept- ed the mediation of England in her die-; puts with Portugal growing out of the escape of a large number of Brazilian re - =gees from the harbor of Ilio Janeiro on board of two Portuguese warships. M. Brisson has declined to undertake the formation of a ministry for France, alleging as a reason that Peytral and Bourgeois having failed, he himself, with still more advanced ideas, could not pos- sibly succeed. A. London cablegram says George Wil- liams, president of the Y. M. 0. A., and chief mover in its formation, has been knighted in connection with the jubilee of the association, which was founded in 1844. The Latest Fad. The latest fancy work is to make an abatjou , which is to say a lamp shade, and the idea is to design something or- iginal, If you cannot show your friends when they come to see you two or three sur- prises in the way, of shades you are not up to the demands of the day. The lamp has become the toy of the salon, parallelingg the children's doll in the nursery, and. it is dressed and un- dressed with as much feverish care: Anything you can put on a woman you can put on alamp, and vice versa. They snake these shades of moire silk, bordered with lace, they make them of chiftoma, puffed with rosettes;;they make them of phoebus silk, with guipure inser- tions let in over green ; theymake them of black lace over mauve, of white muslin over rose, of tulle spangled. They shape them Empire fashion; they shape thein Louis Quatorze ; they wire them up Chinese pagocla style, or charge them with overlapping tarlatan skirt ballet. They shirr, accordion plait and ruffle them with 'uari-colored ribbons tipped with drops of crystal. They loop thein up over an un- der petticoat and open them down the f'r'ont a la Meclici. They paint them in water colors and paste on thein colored figures cut out of ancient fashion books. When there is nothing else to do with last season's ball gown they shorten the skirt of it, sew on a ruffle round the top and give it a second avatar and a more ethereal body over the lamp. Almost they have confused the line be- tween gowns and shades. For the dress- makers talk about abat-jour overskirts, abat-jour sleeve raffles, etc., and in the shops you'can no longer tell which are the shades and which aro the babies' hats. It is an agreeable distraction, but all done they cannot seam to equal in beauty the simple shade ittade by the Japanese and to be bought for a franc or two of rice paper, gathered near the top and flail- ing without affectation, as the globe un- derneath permits—simple enough, yet covered with the glowing mysteries of color that look so easy and are so im- possible to Europe. Good ;tlitutaig.. A. Detroit limrcrl who want down to the Moni,,o marshes tilt other day for a littlo shooting encouraged a boy on a raft who eras baited for crabs, and the Nimrod toy+ -',l hint n. nic'kctl and inquired; ••llot • there shooting around here?" c c u ;iffy snipe?" Tata,.•" �1"til ton put incoit7e, t' l .,.a '. If you go to shoot over this wa.y,you'll bit dad, who's after :frogs, and dad is moan When somebody Tiros 1m'clshot into him. if you shoot over them you'll pepper soy brother. D:i11.'who's got a line out after log -fish. .13i:1.1: atlas raises a rumpus us w.lton he git4 shot, Over that way at Aar' IDS as hunting for a Lost calf, and if you popper her clad will want $500 damages. "But I can fire in till -other direetions, Can x7r' " high, "Tads, but aim party as the rest Ot the seven children is scattered around have after roots or fish -bait:, and We ha v r drive three milds to reach a grave yard, Thousands of Young and itttdrile 4ged Men are annually swept to premature ave through early indiaarotion and later exoes•es. Self abuseand Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wreckedthe life of many a proinieing ypung man. have you any of the following Symptoms Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; 'No Ambi- tion; 2emory Poet; 'Easily lfatiguod.; Excitable and Irritable: EyesBlur• Pimples on the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; liestless; I±aggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Bair Loose; Pains in 13ody; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Ener;y and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build yea up mentally, physically and sexually. Chas. Patterson. Read' a Have DRS,KENNEDY & KERG NDov . What. Cured in one rii ii Dr. Moulton. " At It years of age 1 learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and, weak. My back troubled'me, 1 could stand no exertion. ileail and eyes became' dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me, I tried seven Medical 1;+'.irms, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They sent me ono month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. `1'hetr New i1teehot4 Treatment cures when all ales falls." They have cured many of my friends." CORS OR EIEY mum "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, oyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy Sr Korgan's New Method Treatment. It cured ire, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy; As a doctor, T heartily reoomend it to all who have this terrible disease— Cure, o guars ago, syphilis." It will eradicate the poison front the blood." Capt. Townsend. 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED. "I nm 33 years of age, and married. When young I lad a gay life, Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lif , was unsatis- 4.\ factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New Method built me up mentally, phyeiaally and sexually. 1 feel and aot like a man in every respect. Try them." 0S4' No Names Ltsed Without Written inn Consent of Patient. Cuieu is time. never fails in curing Diseases of men. Our New Method Treatment It strengthens the body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to Cure -Nervous Debility, Failing isranhoc' , Ny philis, varicocele,' tricture, Gleet, Unnatural Ayischarges, Weal: Parts and All Kidney and Bladder in iseases. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialists of America. They guarantee to ours or no pay. Their repu- tation and fifteen years of business are at stake. Yon run no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who treated. you. It may save you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book Free. Consultation Free. DRS, KENNEDY ' 9408 Shelby Sa. B,R 1,1 3 Dett'tilt, i�ile9�. Sala y..'?ti 1 for infants and Ch kh'e(lE�" Tr { ERG', © u Know that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ? Do You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? Do You Know that in most countries druggists sire not permitted to set narcotics without labeling them poisons/ Do Iron Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? Do Von Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that moro Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined f Do Ton Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word. " Castoria D9 and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 1 Do Von Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been broven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose • Do Von Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest 1 Wells these things aro worth knowing. They are facts. The fee -simile signature of rc is on every wrapper. Cd{ lidren Cry for tY` Otwf,SS,, it':!3 t- notoria. VaiiTJ 1 1. Y -.... Easily, Qelcllly, PernmanenBy THETRIUMPlieFLOVi • ' Weakness, Nervousness, Debility; and ali the train cf evils front early errors or iter excesses, the results of overwork, sick - worry, etc. Pull strength, development ni:(1 tone given to every organ' and portion of Ile body. Simple, aiattiral methods.. Immet caate improVenientsccu. Failure impossible. 2,000 scforoiicos. Book, explauation and 'proofs hailed (scale()) free. . ERIE MEDICAL CO. >, Buffalo N.Y. KENDALL'S. SPAVN CU E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST, Certain iu its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below : • KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Dr 3 . KENaAnCoBtucso5T, L.I., N.V., Jan. 18,.1834. . Gentlemen --1 bought a splendid bay ltorsg eerie' time ago with aSpnviu. Igothimcor$8o fused Kendall's Spavin Ours. The Swill isgond tidAr and I have been offered $150 for the Sumo hof seer" I only had hitt. nine weeks, se T Qct $i20for using: 82 worth of Randall's Spavin Cute. Yours truly, W. S.1V1tmuso Ct7.. KENDALL'S SPAVIN' CURE Sunnier, Mica., Deo.16,1898, Dr. B..T.83rNDera do. Sirs—I have Used your Iconclail's Spavin Curet it is the best Liniment . garb. with good snecess for Curbs en two or5e out I have ever used. • • Tours truly, Avnves S'asosut 45.1 Trice 11 Dor i8ottle. 7'or sale by alt ))ruggtsts, or address' Dr. .73. J. Si.TN.DA.L.L 00.702,41q, SNOGOUSGH FALLS, VT.. w., t;ol°graph )hien non' rt. con tly itis=. covered iii t.onnec'tiout that a ;ilii '01' 11acT; sputa a strong Web. beta eon two:';vi.r,'qs,. and that the dew and rain lald-ItYt the web �b�11T `�-a i5 ro a 0 erase al':s d r $ libetau l'iNl 1. 11'�- • mince,