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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-7, Page 5
"I FEEL ao THIS YOU)IGER." A Wonderful Cure in Hamilton, Paine's Celery bakes eo..le Woll e y and Strong. MRS, JULIANNA SANDBERG. All classes of Canada's population— all sexes—all ages -daily sound the praises of Paine's Celery Compound, earth's grandest and most wonderful medical discovery, Medical professors, and physicians generally, are amazed when they here of and see the almost miraculous cures wrought through the agency of Paine's Celery Compound.. "You cannot do better than use Paine's Celery Compound," is the hon- est advice of many of our best and ablest doctors, when men and women consult them regarding rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, kidney and liver troubles, dyspepsia and run down Systems. When Paine's Celery Compound is faithfully used, pain -racked and suffer- ing mortals are never disappointed. The great medicine works surely and ffectively; it banisbes every trouble ed leads to freshness of life, robustness constitution, and gives to those who se it perfect health for the full, enjoy ment of earth's blessings. Mrs, Julianne Sandberg, 49 West Ave., North, Hamilton, Out, writes as follows for the benefit of all suffering Canadians ;— "I have to thank you for being in- strumental in saying me from years of suffering and i11 health. About three years ago, I have a severe attack of "Grippe," which left the with my limbs swel ed up and hardly able to walk, and my constitution was very much impaired. A friend recommended r -e to try your world-renowaed Paine's Celery Compouud. 1 did so and am now walking about as well as ever, the swelling having completely disappeared. 'My constitution is now in excellent condition, and I feel to enty years younger. I consider your medicine the great- est boon ever given to the county, and I shall tell every one the great good it has clone me. My earnest wish is, that your medicine may he found iu every house where suffering exists." 114r. Gladstone continues to improve. BILIOUSNESS and LIVER COM- PLAINT, Headache, etc , are cured by Burdock Pills. It had been decided to teach agricul- ture iu the Manitoba public schools. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup cures and re- moves worms of all kinds in children or adults, Price 25e. Sold by all dealers. Crops in Manitoba and the territories are reported to be in excellent condit- ion. HAGYARD'S PECTORIAL BAL- SAM cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and alt rlhroat and Lung Troubles. Building cperations in the Brampton jail yard were suddenly suspended yesterday. • For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY,—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarncooa. is pleasant to the taste.. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind The coal strike is interfering serious- ly with business at many points in the United Stateq. Gentlemen.—r have used your Yel low Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds. All who use it re- commend it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que. Robert Bell, originator of the Brox burn oil works, the largest in Scotland, is dead at Edinburgh. Bad Blood causes Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Abscesses, Ulcers. Scrof la , ete. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Bad Blood in any form from a comrnoi, Pimple to the Scrofula Sore. Mr. A, McConnel, of;Arratr Township, has been chosen as the Liberal candi- date in North Bruce Dr. Fowler's Extrct of Wild Straw. burry cures Diarrhoea, Dysenter•Iy Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera. Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness of the bowels. Never travel without it, Price 35c. ,t HARMLESSNHEADACHE Ase 4r �� POWtMirDgENS LL a' e �: mottddyer Mod to cure Bvcrr/• th,np+,Tiutai,nplt/tun 1. riches. t'rg them, it teat cost but, '.til cents or a boar and they a -o narnaless. They are not a Cathartic. It Mr. Wm. McCulloch, for several years secretary of the Toronto Y,M.0 A. was last night, on ceasing to hold that position, presented with a handsome testimonial by his numerous friends in the city. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dis eases of the blood from a common Pim- ple to the worst Scrofulous Sores or Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Boils, Blotches and all Blood Humors cannot resist its healing powers. A despatch from Southampton flatly denies the report published p ed in the Globe to the affect there was a strike in the P. P. A. organization there. SIGNS OF WORMS are variable appetite, itching at the nese etc. Mr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best worm expeller. The monumentto Horace Greeley, erected under the auspices of Typo grapical Union No. 6, was unveiled in New York yesterday, For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan- tum, Cramps. Colic, Diarnccsa, Dysen- tery, and Summer Complaint Dr, Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for over 40 years. • Yesterday was Decoration day in the United States, and it was observed in most of the cities and towns iu the north. NORWAY PINE SYRUP strengthens the lungs and cures all Throat Troubles, Coughs, Colds etc. Eight lives have been lost to the floods on the Fraser river, British Col umbia• Whole yillages are afloat. BAD DRINICNG•WATEn.—•Travellers suffer gieatly from this different kinds of water they ace compelled to drink, , as nothing is so likely to bring ou an at tack of Diarrhoea as change of drinking water Perry Dayis' Pain -Killer is the only safe, quick, and sure cure for Diarrhoea, Cr•amps,and Cholera Morbus, and the valiee of every travellershould contain a bottle of the mixture, which he can procure at any reputable drug- store. 25c. for a large bottle.' The Richelieu & Ontario Company's steamer Magnet ran aground on Split Rock, between Cascada and Ceder Ba pids, Thursday afternoon. The pas 'rangers were all landed in safety at Vaudrerlil. linear DISEASE) Ii,r:n,tr;vED IN 30 MiNtrrns.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic. heart disease relieved in 80 admit( s and quickly etre, d, by Dr. Agnew 's Cure for the Heart. 0 res dose convii ces, Sold by C. Lutz, druggist. A Feather hi His Cap - The Seaforth Sun of last week says: "We have much pleasure in announe ing that Mr, Weismiller has induced the;Dominion Government to make Seaforth an outport of entry .and that in a few weeks our citizens who have. importation will not be under the ne cessity or annoyance to go elsewhere to pass their gocds through Customs.. For several years this matter has been discussed by our merchants and others interested and petition after petition. haslbeen sent to Ottawa from the busi- ness men and the town coaneil but un- til Mr. Weismiller was appealed to it seemed impossible to get the desired change. Seaforth therefore owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Weismiller, who has made several trips to Ottawa and per- sonally appealed to the government in behalf of our town. He has at great pains and expense prepared a state mut of the amount of business done by our business men and laid this statement in the most elaborate form form before the Cabinet. During his recent visit to Ottawa he called the at- tention of Sir John Thompson, Hon. Mr Foster, Hon. Mr. Haggert and Hon. Clark Wallace to their pleasant visit to Seaforth last September, and these gentlemen confessed that while here they had greatly admired the business enterprise and splendid appearance of our town. They could not resist the eloquent and forcible pleadings of Mr. Weismiller and at a Cabinet meeting last week the matter was finally settled and iu a few days all the preliminary arrangements will be made and the Seaforth office will be open for business. Seaforth will not forget Mr. Weismiller on election day for before then the orrice will be established and long left want will be supplied. Hurrah for Weismiller." Guelph Conference. Goderich June 1. --,The Guelph Con- ference educational meeting was held last night, the chairman and Rev. Dr: Antcltffe deliveriug addresses. The eleventh regular session began this morning, President Cunningham in the chair, Rey• Dr. Carman spoke of the development apparent in Method- isin during the year; paid a pathetic and glowing tribute to the memory of the departed Dr. Douglas; highly com- mended the position taken by Mayor Kennedy in connection with the recent hotel keepers' convention lug Toronto, and spoke at some length on the pro- priety of having an informal ' but thorough conversation at every eon ference on the most important doctrin- al questions of the church in order that the younger men in the ministry nay be brought • into contact with the thought and experience ,,of the older ministers. The secretary read the list of lay representatives to the conference elec- ted by the several district meetings, and 87 answered to their names. One hundred and eleven ministers also au- swered to the roll. The conference then proceeded to the election of a president. The first bal- lot gave Rev. Jas. McAllister 114, Dr. Williams 45, Dr. Henderson 36 and Dr. Willoughby 22 votes. As 112 votes only were noeeesary for election, Rev. Mr. McAllister was declared duly elected. The president elect briefly addressed the conference. The first draft of stations were placed on the table and taken as read. Mayor Smith of Guelrh, was •elected secretary of conference on the first hal let, but under the ruling ofthe superiu tendent, the selection was declared ua. constitutional and Mayor Smith ineligi- ble for the office. Mr. Smith therefore withdrew from the office, and upon the second ballot Rey. E. A. Chown was elected secretary. Upon nomination of the secretary the following were elected assistant secretaries: Revs F. E. Nugent and S. Sellery, and Rev. James McLachlin, M. A., as journal secretary. The Rev. Dr. Antcliffe appeared in behalf of Weslyan Theological College, Montreal and read a brief report of the work of the past year in that institution. The Rev. Professor Shaw, LL. D., has been advanced to the position cf principal- ship, made vacant by the dea.tu of the lamented Rev. Dr. Douglas, and Rev. J. C. Ante litre has been added to the professional staff. Rev. Wm. Patten B. D, has been granted leave of ab- sence for two years to further his stud- ies in Germany in the branch of Segni tic literature. A resolution of unqualified confideiro in the newly elected principal and pro- fessorate of the Montreal college was passed after a little discussion. The official report of the Ontario La- dies College, Whitby, was read by the secretary of the conferen .e, which showed the institution to be in a state of great prosperity. Crnference adjourned at 530 p.." m., and at the call of the chair the minis• terial session was resumed. ease 9 In the.eRev c of William b1}ils it was resolved that he be recommended to be continued in a re- lation. suP eranua - lation. Revs. H. N. and C. W. Casson were permitted to retire from the work at their own request. - At the evening session the young men who had been recommended to be received into the conference were ordained. The following ale their names, John T Humphreys, Francis M. gathers, Walter H, Treleaven tied Henry J. Hare well, each of whom ad dressed the conference. Thecouferellee resumed its worlc this morning at 9 o'clock:, Greetings were aired to tine Montreal conference, at present assembled in Kingston. Rev. Dr. Briggs i. S book, q tt a rt Of the Methodist book -gonna, `lrrrouto, pre- sented a most favorable report of that institution. Rev. Dr. 1 rAvart, T►. D., explained the work of bis department as editor of The Chr:s tau Guardian, and had th c satisfaction of many kindly expressions of appreciation and sympathy in his very arduous and trying duties. Rev. Dr Sutherland addressed the eonfcrenee touehing the missionary work of the church, He deplored the expenditure of so much of Our mission ary money on home fields, and thought strong efforts should be made to induce the domestic missions to do more for the general fund and themselves. An effort should be made to secure an average of at least $1 per member•• A Subscriber Sent the following poetic effusion, which contains a large amount of com- mon sense, as well as poetic ability,but should you not be a poet we will accept the dollar just the same. DON'T STOP MY PAl''en. Don't stop my paper, .printers, Don't strike my name off yet! Youknow the times are stringent, And dollars hard to get; But tug alittle harder Is what I mean to do, And scrape the dimes together, Enough for me and you. I can't afford to stop it. I find its doesn't pay To do without a paper, Howsyer others may ; I hate to ask my neighbors To give me theirs on loan, They don't just say, but mean it, Why don't you have your own. You can tell how we miss it If it, by any fate Should happen pot to reach us, Or come a little late; Then alt is in a hubub. And things are all awry, And, printer, if you're married, You know the reason why. The children want their stories, And wife is anxious, too, At first to glance it over, And then to read it through. And I to read the leaders, And con the book reviews, And scan the correspondence, And every scrap of news. I cannot do without it, It is no use to try, For other people take it, And, printer, so must I, I too, must keep me posted, And know what's going on, Or fel and he accounted,. A foggy simpleton. Then take it, kindly printer, If pay be somewhat slow, For cash isnot so plenty, And want not few you know. But I must have my paper, Cost what it may to me, I'd rather dock my sugar, Or do without my tea. So printer, don't stop it, Unless you want my frown, For here's the year's subscription, And credit it right down, And send the paper promptly-. And regularly on. Aud let it bring us weekly Its welcome pension. . e "TIDE TRIUMPH OF LOVE Is Happy, Fruitful Marriage," Every Alan who Would 7;<now the Grand Trio tias: the Plain Facts the New Discoveries of -medical sei- enee as Applied to Married Life; Who Would Atore for Past Errors and Avoid ,Mature Pitfalls, Should Secure the Wonderful Little Book Callen "Complete stanhood and How to Obtain It." "Here al last is evidence from a high medical source that must work wonders with this generation of men. The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and man- ly power. A method by which to end all un natural drains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack of self control, despondency, etc. To exchange a worn and jaded nat• urs for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. To cure forever effects of excesses, overwork, worry, ete. To give full strength, development and tone to every portion aid organ of the body.. Age no harrier. Failure impossible, 2,000 references: The book is purely/ medical and sci- entific, useless to curiosity seekers, in valuable to men only that need it. A despairing man, who had applied to us, soon after wrote:. " Well, T tell you that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with joy, I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my' old self had died yesterday and my new self was born to -day. Why didn't you tell ine when I first wrote that I would find it this way?" And another thus: "If you dumped a carload of gold at my feet it would not bring such glad ness into my life as your method has done•" ifrite to the BOB MrDIOAL COM- PANY, N askfor the ,l .-Buffr o .X. and little book called " COMPLETE MAN- HOOD." Refer to this paper,and the cotnptuy promises to send the book,in sealed envelope, without ally marks, and entirety free, until it is well intro- duced. p of PERRYBAVIS'TNiL[ DO YOU KY ''1N THE HOusiE? CANADIAN CHOLERA. IARRHt$A AM9 BOWEL CAMPIA 111 EFFECT 1S MAGICAL. Hooper Again on Trial. Three Rivers, Que., June 4.—This town is today the scene of the trial .of Jno. Reginald Hooper, of Ottawa. on the charge of having attempted to murder his wife, Georgina Leblanc, by drowning at Louiseville, in this dis triet, on Sept. 13th last, The court house is crowded to suffocation by the curious of both sexes. The case was called at 10 a, m. sharp before the Hon: Judge Burgers, who addressed the grand jury briefly. The jury foetid a true bill. Dead in the Ditch. St. Thomas, June 3.—George Allen, M.C.R. Oremen, of this city, was killed at Buxton on Saturday morning. The driving rod on his side of the engine broke, and he jumped orf. He was picked up dead in the ditch. It is not known whether he was killed by the stroke of the rod or the concussion of the fall. He was 27 years of age and leaves a.wife and one child. Charles Holman, 12 years old, bad liis eye scrim sly injured yesterday aft- ernoon by the explosion of a cartridge he was trying to drive into a revolver chamber: too small for it. It is stated that there are more peo• ple of the emigrant class leaving than entering the United Stmts. The inquest on the body of Caleb Hartley of Durham, who died under somewhat suspicious eircumstanees,has been again adjourned. One of the witnesses on Wednesday swore he had purchased strychnine for Mrs. Hartley: A BooN TO HORSEMEN. -000 bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommendingthe remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps,hlood spavin,splints curbs, sweetly, stifles and o-prains. George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, The ticket office of the Cumberland Railway & Coal Company at Springhill Mines Railroad Station, N -S., was burg- lariied Wednesday night. The safe was blown open and $300 and some papers stolen. No clue. Economy and Strength. Valuable vegetable remedies are used in the preparation of Hood's Sat- saparilla in such a peculiar manner as to retain the full medicinal value of every ingredient. Thus Hood's Sarsa- parilla combines economy and strength and is the only remedy of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true. Be sure to get flood's. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and effi- ciently. fti- ciently. Morris, Tessler and Furlong, mem bers for St. John's West, Newfound- land, were unseated and disqualified by Justice Winter yesterday for start- ing road work prior to election, so as to give an opportunity for plenty of employment to voters in the district, thereby influencing. their yutes. Stheumatisan Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to $ days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first lit a; greatly benefits. 25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr u„giet. At yesterday's ministerial session of tie Guelph Conference the theological views of Rev. Nelson Burns were con- sidered and the against him were all sustained. He will b cit p,sed from the ministry unless he °tracts the views which he has hitherto elaimed to hold. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, had dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum„ wasting of the oagaus, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten• derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per,s s r n' sunken eyes, ur dei with nu eleADEN outman, oily looking skin, ete., are all symptoms of nerven s de bil- ItY that leal to eisanity iiiess cured. The sprint; of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. These who through abuse, eotnmitted iu ignorance, may he permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on dise.asett peculiar to man, sept free, sealed. Address l'1, V. LUBON, 24 dacdonuel Ave., Toronto. Ont. Selkirk Patrons have renominatea Wm. Postlesthwaite for the Commons. Iteliefin Six H4outs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder ail seases relieved in six hours by Om "Naw GREAT SOITil AmenicAN Km- nsr Ctrnit•" This new remedy 18 a great surprise and delight to physic inns on account of its exceedinu promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and .every part of the urinary passages in male or le male, It removes retention of water and pain iu passing it alai . t immed- iately. If you want quiclt relief at.d cure this is your remedy. Sohl by C. Lutz, Druggist. W. G. Bissett's Livers • First Class Horses and Rib. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMIMERIAL MIEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardwar Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONAI3LI.' A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. 0-. B I SSET' ' MURRAY 86 CO. Mauufaetureers and Dealer') Imi Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Iron Plows, Spade and Disk Harrows, Land Rollers. Castings of every descrip- tion in Brass and Iron to order. Also dealers in Piping, Fillings, Brass (roods, Shafting's, Pulleys and Hangers. Special prices to dealers in large quantities. Repairing promptly done. . . JAS. MURRAY & C1 This wonderful di.covery is the best.lc ownremedyfor Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles,snch as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc These Lozenges are pleasant sad harmless, an 1 though powerful to promote healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken Iikep'tlls. If your tongue 119 1•otated yen nerd tlaeaa mfr 1' ..f • 444 .& ALL E*3►L v:td S. "A WL 5 OF STRAWBE CURES Jc L A t✓fCHOLERA—fOB DIARRHOEA DYSENTERYoF ANDALL 1 COM Ts SIU�t �� CHILDRENorA©s L-rs Price 35 • BEWARE of IMITATIONS • LA M E B t EURAIGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED VERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM_ AI "Do84 MENTHOL PLASTFR USED. SAFE . : -f EASY TO TAKE 1 ._.- stili DUG4R—CO4TED VEGETABLE ... - te�aa'9TOL9S ... ,.� :"4 't: 'y t. , • liftty' 11 . i,y bpi:" .t1`; al j 1 6 I• MaTT Ilii. l,' 1II,,rl ti 1 r�,nd�l�dt 0 5, i II it 1. Ix� . h xt is T , , PROMPT LA M E B t EURAIGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED VERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM_ AI "Do84 MENTHOL PLASTFR USED.