HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-7, Page 4T H E.
er-leers certain reason why Mr. yr, R. Mer -
edith, Q.
dith,Q. C., should be asked to :assume
• ey the reins of provincial government.
THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1894,
�l'esrcliiier's Meetings.
;jun° s -Hero's Seltoo1..UOtee.
11 -Varna.
is-Ited School.
i»—Nomination, Ilensall.
20 -Exeter.
22 --Dashwood.
To the prohibitionists Sir Oliver made
promise to do certain things under
•certain circumstances. He said that
he would introduce a prohibitor law, if
he were premier. Ile possibly 'used
the words, "If I am premier," Sir Oli-
ver is getting old. Of tate he has been
-subjected to much worry. It is an
open secret that he is getting tired of
the active life he has left so long, and
that it is his desire to retire, that he
may rest during the few years that re-
main to him, But the Ontario govern-
ment, without Sir Oliver, whould have
no chance whatever of success at the
polis. The people would not vote for
the wicked partners. And it became
necessary for Sir Oliver to keep the
field during the campaign, that he
;might attract the votes of those who
have been humbugged by his hypo-
'eritical pretenses of honesty and by his
dishonest pretense of ignorance of the
things his wicked partners had been
112owat's concessions to the seperate
school people brought the P.P.A. a-
gainst him, His neglect of the farm-
.ers and their interest brought the P. I.
against him, and things looked exceed-
ingly blue. The prohibitionists seized
upon their opportunity to make their
demand. Sir Oliver had been up in
Bruce in an endeavor to kill the Pat-
rons, and his assistants had been in
East Lambton in an endeavor to kill
.the P.P.A. In both instances the fail-
ure to kill was strikingly conspicuous.
He therefore could not afford to antag-
onize the prohibitionists, and he agreed
to their demand, with the proviso, "If I
•am Premier."
3ttt is he to be premie; . c
The Brant-
ford Expositor, a well -posted Grit org-
.an, under the immediate control of
MMowat's wickedest partner, Mr. Hardy,
contained on Saturday this significant
In all human probability, Arthur S.
'Hardy will be the next premier of On•
aario, and as such be in a positiots to do
,even more for South Brant than he has
sayer done in the past Can this con-
stitue:.cy afford to reject him now and
.give his seat hi the Legislature to J.
E. Hopkins ?
South i3raut cannot afford to dismiss
.A. S. Hardy.
s So that is the programme, is it ?
Arthur Sturgis Hardy is to succeed
Oliver Mowat as premier! The author
of Evidences of Christianity to be sue
seeded by a patron of the race course!
'The pious Mowat, wile doesn't know a
jackpot from a full hand, to be sue
ceeded by an export! The acme of
.honesty to be succeeded by his very
wickedest partner. Ross pretends to
be pious; Tuberculosis Dryden holds a
pew in church Harcourt pulls a long
face on Sunday; even Gibson makes a
bluff at goodness,between elections. But
Hardy! The brazen Hardy! Hardy,
the man wnom no Ontario man could
trust near the government's strong
box! Hardy, a man whom even the
political preacher of Kingston would
tremble to see near the treasury!
But there's no occasion for alarm.
The man who is to succeed Oliver Mow -
as premier is not on his side of the
In the present divided state of pub-
lic opinion. -according to which we
find candidates for provincial honors
,claiming to be elected as Conservatives
ear Independents, or Reformers, or P. P.
A's, or Patrons of Industry,—it is well
for the electorate of Ontario to choose
decidedly between the two great par
ties -one of whom must 'role—and to
avoid all needless complications on side
issues. " There is no sense in splitting
votes, or in shirking the true issue as
between progressive Consert•atiyes and
so-called Reformers, who in the words
• .of Hon Edward ;hake 'have nothing
to reform," .Let it be distinctly under
stood that' there are certain great lead-
ing issues before the electorate of this
province, --and that whatever may be
the result of the elections on the 26th
of June, so fat as individual candidates
are concerned, the future interests of
Ontario will be managed by one or oth-
er two leadingparties in pro -
1 ft e
politics. We would therefore
trize for the benefit of our read -
They are as follows:
1. 'Conservatives should support Mr.
Meredith and his followers becauseof
his loyalty to British institutions.
2. Protestants and P, P, A. men
should support Meredith and his party
because of his staunch adherence to
the principles of the Reformation.
5. Roman Catholics ought to support
Meredith because he advocates equal.
rights and privileges to all subjects of
the Crown, and because his policy is
to exclude none from office on account.
of their religious tenets.
4, Patrons of Industry should sup
port Meredith because he is in favor of
the people's rights and of economical
5. Temperance nien should support
Meredith because he is to be trusted as
the friend of Temperance reform, and
will not play fast and loose between
prohibitionists and liquor dealers,
6. All well-wishers of Ontario ought
to support Meredith because he is in
favor of conserving the timber limits,
and developing the mines and Minera'
and husbanding other resources of the
Province—and because he will inaug-
urate a system of economy and reform
in every department of the civil ser-
7. The great body of the electorate
should support Meredith, because even
in Opposition he has initated much of
the best legislation passed by the On-
tario Assembly,
Such a political leader as Mr. Mere-
dith—who has a clean record, end is a
man of unblemished reputation, and
not a "hungry adventurer for office,'
but an unflinching advocate of the
people's rights—is the man that Ontario
sorely needs after the long years of
mismanagement and extrayagant ex-
penditure of the public resources.
Around About Us.
Malaria is one of the most insidious
of health destroyers. Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla counteracts its deadly poison and
builds up the system.
Bayfield: Rapid progress is being
made to establish a band here. Mr.
John Daly, of Seaforth, has been en
gaged as instructor.
Brucefield: During a late storm the
manse was struck by lightning and
slightly shattered. The inmates -were
badly frightened, but uninjured.
Seaforth: Mr. Ted Dawson was rob-
bed of $75 by a circus man on Monday
evening of last week. Some say Ted
bet his pile on the "wee bit'pea."
Statla: Mr. Orue Butson was mar-
ried last week to one of Staffa's fairest
maids. in the person of Miss Hattie Mc
Donald, Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Sea-
forth, tied the nuptial knot.
Seaforth: Master Allan Robb, the
little son of Mr. W. Robb, fell off a
box he was sitting on in the house on
Monday, and his left arm doubling
under him, was broken between the
wrist and the elbow.
xirkton: The post office, store and
corner lot adjoining the English rectory
was sold by auction on Tuesday week.
and was knocked down to J. McCurdy,
Esq., at $1,480. The farm of D. Dul
mage, near the village did not sell.
West McGillivray: An accident
happened last Saturday at Mr. S: Polo's
that might have been serious. He had
a number of men raising a building,
they had the bent partly raised when
something gave way and the bent fell
striking several of the men. Happily
no one was badly hurt.
Mitchell: A number of young men
from Stratford attended a dance in
Mitchell on Tuesday night, and some
of them conducted themselves in a moss
disgracing manner. Cine young man
got run into the lock-up, and next
morning was fined $5 00 and $3.25
costs by Magistrate ' Flagg for being
drunk and disorderly.
Stanley: During the rec.ont thund
erstorm the house of Alex. Innes was
struck by lightning. There was little
damage done beyond the tearing off of
a few shingles and a small hole in the
sheeting. A large number of telegraph
poles was struck by lightning along
the Bayfield Road, a mile and a half
west of Brucefield. Mr. Alex. Thom
son was on the road at the time of the
occurrence and received a severe
Brussels: John I3roadfoot, a consta
ble from Brussels, was eharged before
Wm. Spence, W. H. Kerr and John
McCrae, J. P.'s with committing per-
jury in an affidavit of .disbursements
in a suit between John Coates and
Roderick McKay as creditors and Ellen
Broadfoot, his wife as debtor. The
magistrates sent the case for trial at
the June Sessions of the Peace, which
open here on; Tuesday, June 12th, He
was remanded till Monday for sentence.
Blyth: Peter McIntosh, our late new
liveryman, who got himself int-) troub-
le by unceremoniously leaving in the
middle of the night, spent this week in
Castle Dixon, Goderieb. After having
"satisfactorily straightened up matters"
he left, but thinking he had Mr. Mason
"where he wanted him" wrote him,
threatening to "send him over the
ropes" as he put it, unless he (Mason)
sent him by return mail $100 in cash
or the equivalent to it A charge of
intimidation was preferred ag'ainet
Peter and he was sent up to Godorich
Saturday, and nd on Wedi
,esday appeared.
J 3 Toni, where h
e odel lea c
guilty but said he did not know he was
committing any offence.
Goderich Township; The other day,
while Mr, Will Pickard and wife, of
flotmesville, were driving down the
9th con., they mot a very unpleasant
accident, The horse shied at a pile of
lumber: that was on the roadbide, and
upset tht rig. Mr. Piekard fell in a
ditch containing eighteen inches of
water; his wife was landed on the op-
posite bank and the horse fell on its
back in the water, Fortunately none
of therm sustained any particular in-
Tuckorsmith; Louis Crich, of the
Huron Road, i•taceatiy delivered to Mr.
S. Smith, of Clinton, three head of 5-
year•old cattle, which. weighed 1,450,
1,000 and 1,590 pounds. respectively;
also a cow which weighed 1,640 lbs.
Mr. N. McTaggart has disposed of his
farm, near Chiselhurst, to his son-in-
law, Mr.. Thomas Eyre, for a handsome
slim.—Mr, J. F. McKay has bought of
Mr. D. D. Wilson, the north hall of lot
5, concession 8, Tuckersmith, for the.
sum of $1,200.
Howick: A calf haying its throat
half cut and feeding leisurely in a field
near a bush, was found the other day
by a young man in Howick, The
young roan"who found it took pity on
the calf and brought it with same diffi-
culty to a neighboring barn, where 11
was cared for and is now doing well.
The news was circulated but no owner
was found until it was known it was
in a thriving condition. The owner
thought the calf would never pay for
the milk it was drinking, and so one
day he took it oet to the woods, cut its
throat, and left it for dead.
St. Marys: An eight-year-old son of
Mr. A. F. Lofft's narrowly escaped ser
ions injury to his right . eYe on the
morning of the 24th by the unexpect
ed explosion of a fire cracker. The
little fellow, along with some other
boys, was amusing himself firing off
crackers, when one of them missed fire.
He picked it up and broke it : in two,
when to his surprise, ih fuzed t p into
his face, burning him considerably.
On the sante day another boy, Ortney,
a son of Mr. J. C. Gilpin's, also hacl the
skin burned off his forehead, immed-
iately above the right eye, by the pre-
mature explosion of a fire cracker. . It
is not expected that either of the boys
will be permanently disfigured.
Seaforth:—On the morning of the
24th of May, as Mrs. Simpson and her
son, of the Grey township boundary,
were driving into town, when just be-
low the Salvation Army barracks, they
met Mr. J. H. Pyper on a gaily decor
ated bicycle. Mr. Pyper saw that, the
horse seemed frightened and drew as
far to the side of the road as possible.
As the horse still refused to pass, he
dismounted, when the beast suddenly
wheeled about, upsetting the vehicle
and throwing .itself. The occupants
of the buggy wore thrown out and Mrs
Simpson fell heavily, dislocating her
shoulder. The horse scrambled up and
ran some distance before being caught
slightly damaging the buggy.
Seaforth, June 1: A rousing meeting
of the supporters of Mr Weismillor in
this town was held. in the Crupul hull
this evening. It is admitted that a
large Conservative vote in this toivn
insures Mr. Weismiller's election, and
the numbers and enthusiasm of those;
present surprised even the most san
guiue of the Conservative workers,and
leaves no doubt of Conservative suc-
cess. Moved by J. S. Roberts, seconded
by Dr. Bethune, "That this meeting,
being fully satisfied that Mr. D. Weis -
miller, the Liberal -Conservative candi-
date of South Huron, is a fit and prop
er person to carry the Conservative
standard to victory, hereby pledges
him our hearty and undivided sup-
port." Carried unanimously.
Eippen: A very pleasant event took
place on the Queen's Birthday at
Thorndale Farm, the residence of Mr.
George Taylor, on which occasion his
eldest daughter, Minnie, was united in
marriage to Mr. Wm. Pope, of London,
the ceremony being performed by Rev.
Mr. Walker, and witnessed by a large
number of the relatiyes and friends of
the contracting parties. Miss Susie,
sister of the bride, acted as bridesinaid,
while the groomsman was Mr. Samuel
P. pe, blether of the groom. Both bride
and bridesmaid were very handsomely
dressed, and the prevents were both
numerous and costly, showing the es
teem in which the bride is held. After
the ceremony the company sat down to
a splendid spread, which was fully en.
joye'l. The young couple have the
best wishes of all fora long and happy"
London, June 1: A serious affair
occurred at Labatt's brewery late ' yl s=
terday afternoon. An employee named
Tatl'e, a Roman Catholic, is alleged to
Kaye frequently threatened to take the
life of a fellow -employe,' John Carson,
of'43 Askin street, who is an Orange-
man.' Caron is a quietand industri-
ous roan, and has avoided Taffe as far
as possible, but they were frequently
thrown together, and Taffe is alleged
to have 1081 110 opportunity of evincing
his hatred of Carson, who -is a sinaller
man. At the time mentioned the five
men were in the cellar at the brewery;
and Carson had occasion to tell Tel%
of some work ho was expected to do.
Carson remembers nothing of what fell-
lowed,except that he was struck on the'
head With something. Assistance soon
arrived and a doctor wag called. He
found Carson unconscious and suffer
ing from a severe cut on the side of
the head, The doctor says that the cut
was made by some sharp 'instrument,
and could not have been made by the
fall on this brick floor, Had the blow
been inflicted an inch lower the doctor
believes Carson would haye been in
stantly killed. The wounded man has
bean removed to itis hone and is rest-
ing easily, though suffering from the
cut, "vhieh required the.use of several
stitches to close.. No action has yet
been taken to in esta a aro the matter.
Rev . T De41 rteaim wile m
T ag•e sailed fre
San Piet: esco for'Honolulu on the
steatiler Alameda yesterday afternoon.
Broken in Health
That Tired Feeling, Constipation
and Hain in the Back
Appetite and Health Restored by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
1Lr. Olicts, Stcefe
51. Catherine's, Ont.
"0. I. Iiood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"For a number of years I hyo been troubled
with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath,
pain in the back, and constipation. I could get
only little rest at night on account of tho pain,.
and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
iu my limbs that I gave out before half tate day
was gone. I tried a great number of so-called
blood purifiers, but with no good results. I was
also under the caro of several doctors. Fre-
quently I had such bad spells that I had to be
Brought Horne from Work
during the day and have a doctor called in, but
did not get any permanent relief from any
source until, upon recommendation of a friend,
I purchased a bottle of Ilood's Sarsaparilla,
which smile mo feel better at oneo. I have con-
tinued its use, having taken three bottles, and
1 peel Like a Idow Man.
fhave a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I
did, anti enjoy perfect rest at night. I have
much pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa-
parilla." CHARLES STEErE, with Erie Pre-
serving Co., 6t. Catherine's, Ontario.
Headache and Impure Blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla Quickly Cured.
"C. I. I.00d & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
".About a year ago I had an attack of the grip,
followed by a continued. headache and dizzi-
ness. And shortly after this my face broke out
in blotches like ring -worms. I tried numerous
medicines to see what they would do for mo,
but never found anything to take effect until, at
last, I thought I would give hood's Sarsaparilla
a trial. I purchased one bottle which soon took
effect for the better, and by the time I had. taken
half the bottle the headache had ceased and the
blotches had all left my face. I have never felt
better than I do now, and I think Hood's Sarsa-
parilla the best blood purifier on the market
and readily recommend it to anyone In, need of
the same." Miss Louisa Lox%, Kelly's Com-
mercial House, Cul -de -Sac Street. Quebec, P. Q.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 250.
rwq An..
?� Fanson's Block Exeter.
Family Receipts
and Prescriptions,
Cal efnil c' prepared.
A complete stock of drugs,
patent medicines, Drug-
gists' supplies, perfumes,
toilet soaps, hair brushes,
tooth brushes, combs and
all articles to be found in
a first-class Drug Store.
DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist.
His Dyspepsia Cured
DEAR Sats,—
I write you to say
that for some time
I had been suffering
from acute indiges-
tion or . dyspepsia,
and of course felt
very great incon-
venience from same
in my general busi-
nose. I thereupon
decided to try Bur-
dook Blood Bitters,
and after taking
two bottles I found
I was quite another
man, for
'B.';8 B. CURED ME.
I have also used it for my wife and
family, and have found it the best thing
they can take, and from past experience
I have every pleasure in strongly recom-
mending B. B. B: to all my friends.
write you because I think that it
should be generally known what B.B.B.
can accomplish in cases of indigestion.
GEORGE READ, Sherbrooke, Que.
ccs aria CinBS 0841 CI
osn 'Poon assns, .snxiq Banco aseai
1111/4. 3511 11V 311aIIfM 53519
a O.d l'ci : jrYS s
That will. burn
Equally Well--
Will Do it .
Has the Largest Oven.
Is Everybody's
Cook Stove.
Try it!
011 11118 GOON STOYE wITdao,aICR,
Makes and Burns Its Own Gas
From Common Coal Oil.
Cooks a Family Dinner for Woe
For Sale by COB t L DICK & FOLLAND.
Atkinson's Furniture Ware -
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Fur-
niture. . . .
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and every
thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to -
be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothing
but best hard lumber used.
Lumber and Wood
Taken in exchange for Furniture.
Wire Mattresses.
The only place in town where you can buy the
Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Mattress,—war•
ranted not to rust.
J.D.Atkinson, Prop
Raff Lilitp badman's ,ar
The undersigned tvishes
to inform the gener X11 public
that he keeps constantly in
stock all kinds of building
material, dressed and un-
dressed lumber . . .
B. C. Red, Ontario,
High Land and
Pine Shingles. .
Special notice is drawn
to B. C. Red Cedar which
is acknowledged to be the
most durable timber that
grows; especially for shing-
36 to 40 years.. .
It is said by those who
know, that they will last
from 36 to 40 years in any
climate. .
James. Willis
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above 'named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter.
and vicinity,— . .
Greater Bargains !
Greater Choice ! .
Lowest Prices. ! ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware-rooms,—One door
north Dr, Lutz's drug store
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshayv'�
Hotel, or at the Liver
Stable,(Christe's old Sta
will receive prompt
i Reasonable
J. En ll
Has now in stock
4ring Ind Zammu
West of England Suitings and Trou
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser
French and English Worsted Cloth
All made up in the Latest
Style, at best Rates.
Furniture! !
We have moved back to –1"
our old store again and
have the finest stock of
Parlor, Bedroom and Din-
ingroom Furniture in the
town, at prices that : can-
not be beaten. Elegant
new bamboo goods just
coming in . . , .
Seo our beautiful new
warerooms. We are
bound to .sell if good
goods nicely displayed at
,very low prices will do it,