HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-6-7, Page 11 aft VOL. V I EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JTJNE 7 1894. NO 34 The Molsons Bank. COhartered by Parliament, 1855,) Paid up Capital $2,000,000 Rest Fund.... ........ 1,200,000 Head office D.Tontrear. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced to ,eyed Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per Dent per annum. Exeter Branch. *Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m, to 1 p.m Agenera 1 banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Rooei'pts. Savings Bank at 8 per Dent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub•Manager THE e etc .boara#.e, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance, $11.50ifnot so paid. S.daex+•R r.et-^g Rates on 25.1oplice3,- tion No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without speoifio directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made. for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- ers. &o. for advertising, subscriptions ,eto.to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETORS Church Directory. TBIVITT MEMORIAL CRT/RCM—Rev. E.W. Hunt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Class for Adults, 3 p. m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at morning service METHODIST Cnuao n --Jam es-st , Rev. J. G. JACKSON bco,23.a a.m, d 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 0 pm AIN STREET Rev. W' MoDonagh, Past - Sunday Services, 10.80 a.m. and 6.80 p.m bath School2.80 p. m. RESBYTER TAN Catino2 .—Rey. W. Martin, tor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. In • Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Pans on's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth ithout pain. Away at Lucan every Wod- sday Rensall let Friday;Blyth, first Mon- s and Zurioh on last Tursday of each ?nth, illeMISIMISM.1.1111. .101•142•11.11... H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to Billings. Office over Post Office ', Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for niess extraction of teeth. Fine Gold .s as required. LTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., *raduate of the Royal College of Dent - eons of Ontario, and Graduate of the to University (with honors). Special ntion given to preservation of' the nat- ural teeth. Office over Elliot& Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Drs. tiesidonees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office• same as formerly—north door.. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1895 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D DR.T. P. MoLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Acconch- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal, H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- £ . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public,. Office—Over O'Neil's Lank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. Lii,DICKSON,BAItRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanoer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office—Fanson's B1ock,Exeter. ELLIOT &ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLID iters, Conveyancers, &e. B. V. ELLIOT. - FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Allot- '. ionoorfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- swabate.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- oheleea. EBOSSENBETRY, Howell Ontario. Lic- ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of ,Huron and Porth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. J2RED. W. FARNOOMB, Provincial Land • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. ERNEST ELLIOT. • AGENT FOR The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto `The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire Assurance. Co'y., of London, England Office:—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. STEAMSHIP & INSURANCE AGENT. Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Beaver, Dom inion, American, White Star Nether- lands, and American Linos to England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Cape, Australia and New Zealand, Lancashire. London and Lancashire, Northern, North British and Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co, LOWEST RATES. Cant Geo. Kealy. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel..., .. $0.54 to 0.58 Barley ...... , . , . 1111 35 to 87 Cts . 1. 1.11, ., . SO to 32 Peas............,1..11., 60 to 51. Butter .............. . 13 to 14 Eggs :... 7 Potatoes per sus 85 to 40 Ilay per ton •.....•......, 6.00 to 1.50 IVIUSICL EXCELLENCE. .ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS-FEILD-ROGERS-CO LISTOW.EL, LOST OR STRAYED. J Ono three-year-old steer strayed into my premises, Lot 13, Con. 4, Stephen, on the 14th day of May. Owner can have sante by prov- ing property and paying expenses. WESLEY _REDDEN. V OTICE, Sealed Tenders will be'reeeived by the un- dersigned op to 7 p. In. on Friday, rune 8th. Tenders to be deliyered or sent to me, Hay P. 0, by Friday night mail—Tenders wilt be opened at Crediton on Saturday 0th. at 10 A. M. Plans non be seen at my residence at Sodom or at the Post Office, Orediton. As there are two plans, he Tenders will state the price for each plan. C. PROUTY, TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed for the °entreat of building an addition to the schoolhouse of No. I, Stephen. Plans and speoifioations of the proposed work will be found at the residence of Mr. Wm. Baker, Lot 9, Oon. 2, Stephen. Tenders for the same to be olosed June 15th, 1194, at i8 p. m. The trustees of saidseotion do not bind them- selyes'to accept the lowest tender. WILLIAM BARER, Sec.-Treas. Exeter P. 0. NOTICE. _ Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Tuesday morning, July 8rd, for the improvement of Mud Creek Drain as per By-law published in Exeter Advocate. And registered, plans and specification s,and By-law can be soon at my residence at Sod- om, lot 8, N. B. Stephen. The work contem- plated, will be that portion located in Steph- en and along the S B., half way from Mud Creek Bridge east to concession. The tenders will be opened on said 3rd day of July at Town Hall, Crediton. Thelowest tender not necessarily accept- ed. By order of Stephen Council. 41-May81 C.PltoTTY, Clerk, Hay P.O IllssllhlItiOII of P� ori l The 'partnership hereto existing between Joseph Cobbledick and Will Folland, styled "Cobbledick & Tolland," is this day by mu- tual agree= entdissolved. Mr. Foiled re- tires and the business will be continued by Mr. Cobhlediek under the name of Joseph Cobbledick. All accounts dnathe said part- nership will be paid to Mr. Cobbledick, who assumes all the liabilities of the firm. Yours etc., Signed JOSEPH COBBLEDICIi { WILL FOLLAND. Exeter 17th May, 1894. All accounts against the said firm of Cob- bledick & Rolland must be Banded in or sent by mail to Joseph Cobbledick before the 15th day ofJune and all accounts due the said firm must be settled with Joseph Cob- blediok on or before the 1st day of July. All accounts received after the 15th June will not be recognized. P.S.—Thanking you for the liberal patron- age you have extended in the past, I intend to keep the stock frilly assorted and ask your patronage in the future, which will be appreciated. Jos. COBBLEDICK. Additional Locals. True Bill Against Short, The grand jury returned a true bill against James Benjamin Short,charged with having set fire to his shoe store in Parkhill on the night of March 12. JlalfPriee sale. Just received at the store one door north of the post office, a nice stock of dry goods, ready made clothing, cloths, tweeds, hats and caps and gents' furnishing, This stock has beep pur- chased at less than half price and dur- ing this sale goods will be offered at half prices. The sale continues for ten days. J. W. BRODERICK. A Sight for Elly Gazers. The sun presents a rather remark- able appearonce just now. 1 here are two spots on its sur'aee that can be seen with the aid of a piece of smoked glass. One of these, the most conspic uous, is near the solar meridian, and the other is not far from the eastern edge of the disk. A telescope shows an immense white tongue dividing the black centre of the largest spot, and also reveals a number of smaller spots, which, together with the large ones, form a belt across the sun from east to west. It has been thought that the manimum of the present sun -spot per- iod of the past, and that during the present year the spots will gradually become smaller and less numerous. Now is a good time for possessors of small telescopes who have never stud- ied solar phenomena to see what sun spots are like. Even an ordinary spy- glass will suffice to show that the largest of the spots now visible has a black center surrounded by a dark gray border. Of course a smoked glass, or better, a piece of black glass, must be placed over the eye -piece before the observer yentures to look at the sun, for otherwise very serious injury might be caused to the eye -sight. And with a telescope exceeding an inch or so in aperture it would be dange, ous to trust to the protection of such a screen for the heat would be likely to crack the glass, In such a ease a Special ap- paratus must be used. It has been said that these sun spots have been directly concerned in the production of the recent foul weather, They show surely enough that there are storms on the sun. The Ratans S, Williams Miilrng Co. shipped this week two carloads of flour and 612 bags to Quebec and 150 bar- rels to Halifax. We were`shown by Mr. N. D. Hur- don on Tuesday several beautiful ripe strawberries that were picked aloug side the railroad. track. The following aro the proposed than ges in the Methodist Gol1ference for Exeter District:'--Exete�rf.Main Street, H, W. Locke; James •Street, Geo. Jack- son, Parkhill, John Holmes, Elinville, T, H. Coupland, A. E., Centralia, W. if, Butt Crediton, Geo Baker, Birr, R. Red mond. Bryanston, J. H. Kirkland, Sy l yan, Stephen Knott. Grand Bend, J. H. Chant, Mr. James Egan who for over six years has very acceptably filled the position as baggage roan at the Exeter. station left on Monday last for London. Mr. EgS.n is one of the many that have recently been discharged by the G. T. R. in older to cut down expenses. Mr. Egan has proved a faithful` and oblig- ing servant and the company lose in frim a good man. The June Session of Huron District Council of the Royal Templars of Tem- perance will he held at` Wingham, on Thursday, June 14th,commencing at 10 a. m. _ Each Council in the District is requested to send a full number of delegates. The list of delegates should be sent as early as possible to F. 0. Sperling, Esq, Roc. See of Enterprise Council, R. T. of T„ Wingham. _Exeter Council Proceedings, The Council met pursuant to ad- jouruinent at; the Town Hall, Exeter, 4th June 1894. All present (except Mr. Bobier.) Minutes of previous meet- ing read and confirmed. Carling— Bissett orders for the following:—S. Rennie $25.60 for cedar; Thos. Yellow $30 stone; J. Loadman $1.50 livery; E. R. Bissett, $1.50, services as constable 31st May and Wm. Creech $1.50 ser- vices do. 24th May.—Carried. Carling —Taylor that notice of asst. for street- watering be given and revision held 15th inst.—Carried. Bissett—Taylor That tender for gravel be asked for to be received up to Friday the 16th inst. at 8 o'clock p. m. -Carried, Bissett— Taylor adjourn until Friday the lath inst. at 8 o'clock p. m.—Carried. M. E ACRETT, Clerk Lumley. Mr. T. Cann met with a .painful ac- cidnt a few days ago. It seems he was employed in using a circular saw and some how or other liis thumb came in contact with the saw, splitting it up considerably.—Mr. A. Bishop is on the sick list,—Mr. T. Cudmore is also suf- fering from eczema. Aensall. We very much regret this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Cook widow of the late William Cook, which oc• curred at her son -in law and daughter's home, (Mr. and Mrs. P. Triggarsou, of this village,) The deceased was an old resident of this yillage and neigh- borhood, but had recently been living with her daughters, near Whitechurch and was just here on a visit when the sad event occurred on Monday evening May 28th. The deceased was well and favorably known here and leaves five daughters and three sons to mourn her death. She was 70 years of age.— THE NEW METHODIST CHURCH. -The corner stone of the new Methodist church in this village was formally laid on Thursday of last week, Queen's Birthday. The ceremony commenced at half .past two o'clock, and was wit- nessedby a large number from the village and surrounding country. The proceedings were under the direction of the pastor of the congregation and Rev. Mr. Howell of Goderich. The last named gentleman gave an interesting address in which he depicted. the pro. gress , of Methodism from the early days until the present time. The. stones were laid by Mr Wm. Pengelly, of Hensall, and Mr. Walter Keddyof Usborne, both of whom delivered short congratulatory addresses, and added to the subscription list for the building fund, the formes $140, and the latter $100, The buildiug fund was also ma• terially augmented by other liberal subscriptions and by a free will offer- ing contributed by the audience. After the ceremony of laying the stones was over, addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Seaforth; Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall; Rev. Mr. Mc- Donagh , of Exeter, and Mr. M, Y. Mc- Lean, Seaforth, This part of the pro- ceediugs ended, the company proceeded to the lawn adjoining Coxworth's hall, where tables had been spread by the ladies of the congregation, and a .most sumptuous repast was partaken of. The new church is to be of brick with a basement the full size of the building and the whole will be constructed in the most modern style. It is expected to cost about four thousand dollars, and when eompletedd to be free from debt, as the most of the required amount has already been subscribed. It will be an ornament to this bright, prosperous village and a credit to the lib- erality and zeal of the congregation and their esteemed pastor, The total proceeds from the corner stone laying and tea meeting mounted to the handsome sum of $40. The loss by the Fraser riper flood estimated at $4,000,000, • Lucan. Mr. Freeman Dobbs has a flute that was all through the Crimean war — There is some talk of organizing a fife and drum band in town this summer. —A calf belonging to Mr. Walter Hod- gins was struek by lightning on Sun- day afternoon, but is recovering,—Last week the lightning struck Dr. Ten- nant's stable, coming through the win• dow in front of his valuable chestnut driver and breaking through the stab le at the back of her, and knocked a tree all to pieces. The mare died on Monday from the effects. Brewster. The wet weather is doing consider- able damage to the spring, crops.—Mr. D. Wilson has let the contract of build- ing his house to H. and J. Kalbfleisch. Mr. Rennie is, we understand, soon go- ing to start the mason work of the new school in 5: S. No. 11,—Mr. R. H. Tay- lor spent part of last week at Mr. J. J. Fergueson's, McGillivray township.— Miss M..Ss•lkald, assistant teacher in S. S. No. •11, attended the wedding of her sister at Goderich yesterday (Wed- nesday) —Mr. Wm. Jennison had the misfortune to lose a very valuable yearling .'roadster colt the other day.— The hills are out announcing the sale of the real estate, farm stock and im• plements of R. Jennison, who has made an assignment.—Mrs. R. Hall, her daughter Nellie, and Miss Blanche Armstrong, all of Hamilton, are at present visiting Mrs. Armstrong, (Mrs. Hall's aunt) of Brewster; also other rel- atives. Dashwood. Mr. Charlie Fritz took in the sports at Forest last week.—Miss Katie Lipp- hardt was in the village last week and called on many of her old friends.—Mr. John Schroeder is having the founda- tion dug out for his new residenee.— The members of the Y. P. A. elected their officers for the ensuing term on Thursday evening last.—Mr. John Mc- Pherson, the shot-putter, has ' been in town the last few days with his friend, Mr. Fritz,—The members of the Hay Council were in town Tuesday last.— A great many of our people were to the circus in Exeter on Thursday Last and think it to be a•fraud of the first water.--sMe. McCallum, painter, has'' been in 'town painting Mr. Fenn's ve randah.—Mr. Jos. Wamboldt is having his house re-shingled.—Mr. J. Keller manand family, also Mrs. Wurtz and daughter, were visiting friends in Lis- towel on Sunday.—Miss Mary Birk has been chosen organist for the German congregation by the choir -leader, in the place of Miss Krupp, who odeclined to continue her services. We think the choir -leader has made a good choice.—Miss Trevethiek has returned to her home in Crediton and we will not now see the face of Mr " Who you are" as often as heretofore.—The Lad- ies of Friendship Hive, No. 7, Dash wood, intend holding a dinner in Holt's Grove, Grand Bend, on the.11th June. There will be numerous speakers pres- ent, among whom will be Mr. Weismil- ler and Mr. McLean,the candidates for the coming election. There will also be speaking by officers from other tents and hives on subjects which they may choose; also singing, reading, rec- itations, music, and altogether a good day is in store for those who attend, Come one, come all. Dinner, 25 cents, at 12 o'clock.—A young man not a thousand miles from Dashwood, whose name we will withhold, but his initials are as follows, " One who thisrlcs lie knows everything," tried to beat a far: it at the circus, but got bitten to the extent of a five dollar bill. When will people learn the lesson, "never try to beat a person at his own game." This young man is to -day a sadder and, per- haps, a wiser man, but that does not bring back his "tin."—Mr. Fred. Baker had the misfortune to run a hemlock sliver into his hand one day last week, leaping an ugly wound, from which he will be laid off work for some time.— Mrs. Louis Staubus and sister, Miss Liz- zie Wurtz, are visiting friends in Uncle Sam's domains. Louis thinks marriage a failure at present.—Miss S. Tiernan was in town over Sunday —We notice Prof. Shortie and Thomas Thin have taken a notion to croquet. Y. P. A. -The semi-annual business meeting of the Young People's Alliance of Dashwood met on Thursday May 31st with thirty four members present. Reports from the several committees were read and votes taken for the elec• tion of members for the next six months,. The following members were elected Mary Snell, President; Adam Birk,Vfce President; Eliza Shelter, Cor Secretary: E. Brokeushire, Rec. Secretary; M. Mil ler, Treasurer: Fanny Snell, Organist; T. Snell, Librarian. Since our last meet- ing our membership has greatly in- creased and am pleased to say the in Wrest seems to be idereasing with the members. We have grow a good lib rary at our commaed which we hope will lead to a higher development of our intellects. We rest in the loving arms of our Saviour and trust that God's blessing may follows us. Al- though sometimes discouraged we hope to do our work faithfully and in the end receive that promised reward "Well done thou good and faithful ser vant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Varna. Our village is always lively, but es- pecially so when there is a political meeting on hand.—Farmers say that the recent rain has, done considerable damage to the crops,—The Methodist people intend having a social on Mr. John Wanless' lawn, .June 13th, As it is going to be grand be sure to be on hand and bring your "cousin along. —A number of the Royal Tempters purpose being: present at the district meeting to be held in Wingham, June 14th.—Rev. Leach and family are in Goderich this week. -Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Bayfield Road church last Sabbath. Hay School Report. The following is the May report of S. S. No. 2, Hay. Names are in order of merit,. V: —C. C. Ross, R. F. Chairman. Sen. IV:—Maud I. Russell, F. E. Ross, Nellie O'Brien. Jr. IV:—J. W. Todd, Nellie Gould, M. M. Russell. Willie Jackson, Sarah J. Northcott,. Edgar O'Brien. II:—Willie Busch, Robert O'Brien, Fred Corbett, 2nd. Pt, Sr:—Ethel Northcott Juo. Jackson, Gertie Harvey. 2nd. Pt. Jun:—Willie O'Brien, Eddie Gould. ist. Pt:—Lulie Munn, Louisa Armstrong, Frankie Northcott. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches' were:—Vth. R. F. Chapman; Sen IVth. Maud I. Russell; Jun. IVth, M. M Russell; IIIrd. Sarah J. Northcott; IInd. Bertie O'Brien; 2nd Pt. Ethel Northcott; 1st Pt, Lillie Munn. Farquhar. Miss Minnie McNicol is spending a few holidays under the parental roof. —Mr. Duncan Hay, who has been laid up with a bad cold for some time is able to be out again.—Miss Ida Stewart is confined to her bed through sickness. —Walter, a bright little boy of Mr. D. McNicol, our popular blacksmith, is slowly improving after a severe ill- ness,—Mrs. Wm. Towers, who was re- ported to be very sick last week is getting better.—Mr. John McDougal Jr. of Hibbert paid a flying visit at the Post Office store, one night last week. Jack is looking well.—Mr. John Tuck- er sold 5 head of prime cattle to Mr. Pat Curtain which tipped the scales at 8130 lbs,—School section No. 2 hps de- cided to hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Friday, June 8th. Greenway. =The Corbett Presbyterian garden party is to be held at Mr. Scott's, near Moray.—Mr. D. Brophey and family were called away last Thursday to at- tend the funeral of lMI'S. Dorman, who died at her home near Ailsa Craig. She was well known in this vicinity and a number of her friends from here at- tended the funeral.—Mr. John Sherritt is in Goderich this week attending the County Council.—Mrs. John Belling returned home last week after visiting her friends at Yale, Michigan.—While playing football last Tuesday evening Mr. George Glendinning received a severe kick on the leg. He has been able to be out since.—The McPherson Manufacturing Company are cutting out large quantities of bee hives and racks. Their pumps, hay racks, wash tubs and celebrated churns are in great demand. Zurich. Mrs. Oswald, widow, of the Bronson Line,died Monday Week. Her remains were interred in the Bronson line cern etery last Tuesday' afternoon. Her husband has been dead abort 10 years. They came to this country over forty years ago, when it was a wild wilder- ness. Many newcomers at that time found a welcome shelter with them. Mrs. Oswald had reached the ripe age of 85 years and 10 months. The large number who attended the funeral tes- tified to the respect in which she was held.—Mr. Thomas Johnson has pur- chased the dwelling occupied by Mr. Martin Kraits, Mr, Rrans has moved into the house near the flax mill.—Mr. John F. Rickbeil has moved into bis new dwelling, which he recently pur- chased from Mr. D. Sararas.—Mrs. Wagner has moved into the house late- ly occupied by Mr. Thomas Johnson.— The Sunday School of the Evangelical church has decided, to hold its annual Children's Day on the 24th of June. A fine programme is being arranged. The officers will be their best to make it a success.— The Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, preached a very able sermon to the Ancient Order of Foresters here on Sunday, Quite a large number from Clinton and other neighboring courts attended the parade and service.—Mr. Wm. McNevin, wife and family of Ex- eter were the guests of Mrs. McNevin's parents on Sunday. -Miss Hemsworth who has been employed as milliner for J. W. 0rtwein returned to her home in Listowel! on Tuesday. --Mr. Ed. Axt, of Oil Springs, who has been visiting his wife and family for the past week returned on Monday, -Miss Sealley, of Clinton ie the guest of the Misses. John- ston.—Miss Weeks and Miss Folly, of Varna, are visiting' a; Mr. J. Torrance,— We understand that the boys have or- ganized a yocophone band again and no dottbt before long will he able to furnish excellent music to our town, - Grand Bend.. Opposition is the life of trade and al- so of societies,—Mr. H. Bosseuberry while rafting logs the other day took a drop into tate river fora bathe.—One of our fishermen took la over forty sturgeons on Monday, -Mrs. Jas, Dal• zel arrived from Sarnia last week and will take up her residence in Grand Bend,—The Ladies of Dorcas tent are making every preparation to entertain their visitors on the 11th. Remember the place—Mr. Spackman's grove.— Quite a number of visitors turned out to see our foot ball club practice on Saturday evening. The' club is now ready, to play friendly matches with any visiting. club.— Usborne Council The Council met on the 2nd lest., as a Court of. Revision. All present and duly sworn On motion of J. Shier seconded by R• Gardiner the Rave was appointed chairman. Hall—ICeddy and resolved that the appeal of S. Me - Coy be dismissed and • the following changes made in the assessment roll for 1894, viz:—E. Christie assessed as owner Lot 10 Con 1 vice J, Loadman struck off; A. Penwarden owner N n- eon 4 yice; W. Pugsley struck off: W.. Smith, owner Lot 2, Con. 9 vies; Mary Penwarden and A Penwarden struck off; W. Whiteford owner, Lot 1 Con, 6 vice; John Cornish seng struck off;, Joseph Stephens, tenant Lot part 12 Ss E. B. yice; Thomas Fotheringham, changed to tenant pt. 18 S. E. B.; Jno, McCardy owner pt. 9 S. E. B. vice; D. W. Dulmage changed to pt. 8 S. E. B,, Ester Horney and 1linetta Horsey as- sessed as owners Lot 23 Oen. 5, Har- riett Harris, owner Lot 25 Con. 5, Sarah Horton, Ellen Horton, owners Lot E 26 N. E. B, Elizabeth Heywood owner Lot 8 /s 8 Con. 7, Diehard Tasker ten • ant Lot 17 Con. 9, Henry Westcott Lot 6 Con. 8 M. F. Jos. Campbell Lot 16 S. T. R. M. F. Gardiner—Shier that the Assessment Roll for 1894 as revised be confirmed and the Court of Rivision closed, Carried. The council met after the Court of Revision had closed. All present, the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Keddy—lialls that the As- sessment Roll for 1894 be received and an order drawn on the Treasurer for the Assessor's salary. Carried. Two tenders for supplying the municipality with rock elm required for the current year were thea opened. Gardiner- Keddy that the tender of R. 13e11, Jun., Hensall, for rock elm lumber for the township $10.90 pen m. be accepted, it being the lowest.—Carried,. The fol• lowing etrder:s^-iwerc -raCtftPd, yiz —T, Swale, 12 rods G in. tile drain $10.20;• D. Dew, cntting, hills and widening road. $t0.50; G Ferguson, do, $8; G. Harrah, rep. road,' ST:50; R. Denison, drain and culvert, $5; L. Hunter, tiro drain, $1; K. Samuel, keep of J. Hewitt and wife $13; J. Poln putting in new culvert, $8.50; G. Rutherford, do. and rep. culvert $5; Dr. Gardiner examine -- awl of J. Hewitt and wife 85; Dr. Hobbs, do. $5; W Slavin breaking stone and ditching (1893 acct.) $8; W. Min- ers;: salary as Assessor $50. On motion of R. Gardiner, seconded J. Shier the council adjourned to meet on July 7th. at 1.80 p. m. GED. W. normals, Clerk.. 0 British .(train Trade, The Mark Lane Express, in its week- ly review of the British Grain Trade, says:—English wheats have fallen 10d and foreign wheats 6d. California: wheat has been quoted at 22s per quar- ter: hard Manitoba at 28s 6d. and Du- luth at 23s 9d, Corn has been steady, American selling at 16s 6d and oats, barley and beans have been weak. To day English wheats are depressed, with few buyers; foreign wheats are pressed for sale at a decline of 6d, and flour' is inert. The best Englishfisur is selling at 26s, and American at 23s. Corn is 'dull, the round kernel having' ost 3d. Peas and beans are quiet. Y31ItTRS. HARNESS.—In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., the wife of John Harness, of a son. HILL. --In Lucan, on the 29th ult., the wife of Chas, Hill, of a daughter. Canners—In Exeter, on the 4th inst., the wife of Jas. W, Creech, Jr, a son. ExGLISII.—In Greenway, on the 8rd inst,, the wife of R. English, of a, son. DIA BILL% Cr ES. BOWDEN—BOYLB--At Centralia, on the 24th ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. W.' H. Butt, Mr. W. Bowden, of Stephen, to Miss Louisa Boyle. »J8ATl.S, COox,—At the residence of her son -in • law, Mr. P. Triggerson, on May 28th, Mrs. Cook, widow of the late Wm.. Cook, aged 70 years. SllAW.—In Seaforth, on May 28th,Jane' Beattie, relict of the late William Shaw, aged 58 years, EVANS.—In London South, on the 2nd inst., Jane, beloved wife of ,Richard B. Evans, aged 61 years. MoCALLtr.i.._ In Exeter, on June 3rd Mary A r beloved wife of John Me- Callum, aged 64 years. Doupz---In Blanshat'd, on May esti ; Anna Sperling, relict of the late Antos Dotipe Aged 7s year's and es days,