HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-5-17, Page 8'Sebeerlhers whoao not reeetve their liaper
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Advertislue rates on applleation,
8ebseription, One BOW a year, in advance.
Published, every Thuesday by SANDEnt
DY,PII, at their °ince, A:.eter.
'THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1894.
Week's Commercial Summary.
Business failures anionuting to $20,-
000,000 are said to have occurred..
Buenos Ayres within the past ten clays,
The World's production of wool is esti-
mated at 2,456,773,600 pounds annually.
Anetralia is foremost in the indestry,
Argentina second and Russia third.
For the week ending May 5th, 81 come
mettial foliates are reported, as compared
with 27 for the same week last year, and
26 last week, the most important being
those of Wm. Calvert & Co., of Toronto,
with liabilities approaching 820,000, and.
Wm. Samuel, hats and fins, Montreal,
with liabilities of 864,000.
Canadian securities have been specially
dull towards the close of last week, and
• there is no upward tendency se far this
Reports made to Dan, 1Viman & 0o,
from Arthabaska, Megantic and Wolfe
Counties, Quebec, represent business fair-
ly healthy. Light stocks and purchases
direct from manufacturers are factors in
produeing this condition. Farming is
said to be three weeks in advance of last
year, and the season's cut of lumber
The imports at the port of Montreal for
the. month of March, the last published,
show, in some lines. a great falling. off as
compared with March, 1898, e.g., dry
goods from 8918,598 in March, 1898, to
$697,421 this year, being a decrease of
about 26 per cent., and. metal goods only
reach. $192.878, against $249,610 last year,
nearly 23 per cent.
Fire losses for Canada and United
States for Mareh are cetimated at $9,147,-
.000, as compared with 816,662,000 last
year, and. 810.648,000 in March, 1802.
For the first three months of the year the
figures are: 1894, 8'81,013,100; 1898,
844.540,000; 1992, $35,1b(,9)0. It has
frequently been pointed out that financial
depression goes hand in hand with heavy
fire losses, and if the statement is trite we
have reason. to point to theabove as an
evidence of an improvement of the con-
dition. of trade,
Owing to the depression which has
existed, and continues, in the wool
market, buyers and storekeepers are ad -
vied against purchasing at high prices.
-A. large , portion of the old clip is still
being carried, and prices in the United.
States bet-ve been so low owing to the fin -
andel crisis that not only has our usual
export trade teen paralized so far as that
•country is concerned, but over 1,000;000
.pounds of American wool has been sold
in Canada.
It is doubtful if the Insolvency Bill will
become law this session. The Mail says:
"The chief .qttestion at issue relates to
the duties of official receivers, and the
Government Shows si, diepesition to har-
monize the discordent elements. The
Senate Commi ttee recommensis the amend-
ment of the clause requiring the official
receiver to make a statement of the af-
fairs of an insolvent, so that neither the
-official receiver, nor his partner, nor a
preferred creditor will be eligible for elec.-
tien as liquidator."
Railroad earnings for April, in Canada
fi,S well as the United States, indicatn no
important improvement in traffic over
the earlier menthe of the year. The
glees earninge ef Canadian railways clue-
ing- the month of April amounted te
$teil )0,00e, which is 12.0 per cent. les,
time a year ago, ae coinpared with $1,-
875.1.eld, leiter; 12.1 per cent. less in March,
and only 8.0 per cent, less in the month
. of February. In inalcing this comparison,
however, it is only fair to state that last
year's railway traffic: was considerably
augmented by the heavier traffic in
April. 1898, incident - to the opening of
the World's Fair at Chicago. American
railroads show a deereaee Of 14.2 per mit.
in April, 15.0 in March, and 14.6 in
February, as compared with the same
months in 18O13. On the other hend.,
railreals have shown a steady
increase until last month, when. the traf-
fie fell off 2 per cent. In March it was
nearly 1 per emit-. more, and in February
7 per cent. more than, in 1803.
Is 'Das True !
The coolest -tempered girl in christen -
flora will. get wildly excited when she is
given a hunted time in whieh to dress for
a party.
And did you ever glance into a girl's
room after she had. donned her fine feel -
ere and reeled off helter-skelter like a
hungry chieken after a kernel of corn?
If you did. yon 1004 have noticed that the
room looked as it it had been whipped up
smartly With a hege eggbeater, or perhape
had a little set-to with a sawmill,
. Such a pawed -up place you never before
beheld 1 7Iltere 15 5. yellow slipper in oee
eorner nestling close to a, bundled -up silk.
petticoat. • Ite mate i perc.hed on tem of
the bureau, along with a number of mys-
terious looking bottles labeled " Balm "
and "Beauty," - but which are usocilly
referred to as "whitewash" The bed
is besprinkled •with everything from
overshoes to hair ribbons, and the chairs
are wabbly-legged under the loads of
Every btreau deasver is pulled out and
the eontents heaped up in small hills.
Handkerchiefs, fans, gloves, powderspaffs
.atid, hairpins are smashed together like
the wares in a peddler's basket. Oonfu-
aim reiges sttpreme- Nothing in its
place, for even the curling -iron is rttb-
'bing ibs bleck, smutty erns against the
white muslin draperle5 of the dressing
Interesting' Itetue and Incidents, Import.
tust and Instructive, Gathered from
the Various Provinces from the At-
lantic to the Pacific.
There . are 1,000 xnen out of work in
Montreal hoe a case of merder and at-
tempted suicide,
Navigation was opened on the Chant -
plain canal Monday -
H. X. R. Buzzard. and Cleopatre, hay°
arrived at Halifax from Bermuda.
.Berelars blew open, the safe of James. &
Reid at Perth but seem:ea-only $2.
There is as yet no proepeet of a settle-
ment of the earpenters' strike at Mont-
It is said thaa the unemployed of Win-
nipeg will hold ci demonstration this
Mr. Robt. Forbes, woollen manufactur-
er, of Hespeler, is seriously ill at his resi-
dence in Gnelph.
Mary Jane Caines has been oommitted
for trial at St. Thomas for bigamy, Both
husbands were iu court.
Steamers reaching Port Arthur are
carrying many miners and prospectors
bound for the Rainy River district.
Five Kingston drUggiSia W0r0 fined $20
for selling liquor during prohibited hours
without demanding a Actor's certificate.
The Ontario Rolling Mills Company re-
sumed operations Tdesday, after being
dosed down for a week on account of laek
of coal.
1.11 Cealt on Friday 'Wm. Taylor slipped
while ascending the org.anloft in a church,
and falling on his head, received fatal
The City of Montreal has entered an
action against the street railway company
for overcrowding the cars.
Among the passengers on the Cunarder
Umbria, which arrived at New York on
Sunday was Prof. Goldwin Smith.
The third. anniversary of the death of
Madam Blavatsky was celebrated by To-
ronto Theosophists on Sunday night.
The annual banquet of the Parliamen-
tary Press Gallery took place at the Rus-
sell House, Ottawa, on. Sattu.day evening.
The ubiquitous oldest inhabitant of
Colliugwood says business has not been
brisker than now since the prosperous
days of '57 and '58
The Roman Catb.olie bishops of Canada
have sent to the Governor-General hi
Column a further petition on the North-
west school question.
John...fay. ex -minister to Russia, died
in New York on Saturday. He leaves a
widow, 4 children. 28 grandchildren and
10 great grandchildren.
The Orangeville Advertiser says that
Elgin. Myers, Q.C., has been invited to
run as a political unionist candidate for
the Legislature in North Oxford.
John A. Morrison, aged 25, of Wood-
stock, while jumping off the G.T.R. train
at Beachville, received injuries evhich re-
sulted in his death 24 hours later.
Japanese laborers areflocking. to Van -
cover, B.C.. in such members -that the
Japanese Consul has decided to advise his
government to restrict emigration.
F. Hill, formerly governor of the Chil-
dren's Home-, London, England, will suc-
ceed W. SanfordEvans as governor of the
Children's Home, Hamilton, on June 1.
Mi,ss Florence Carlyle of 'Woodstock
has' again reached the Paris Salon. This
spring two portraits are honored with
mai:al:61.°n, both taking rank in the honor
While driving a land Toiler Da,vid. Arm-
strong aged 16, son of Adana Armstrong,
North Easthope, was thrown off and in-
stantly killed, hie neck being broken by
the fall.
Crown Lana Agent Holland has return-
ed to Fort Frances from Toronto. He
sold a number of lets of the Government
town plot of Fort Frances while at Port
At Tuckeremith on Sunday a five-year-
old daughter of John McLean was drown-
ed iu the river while attempting to cross
on a leg. The body was f01111Ci. Monday
Deteeti wee, Rogere and Slenein returned
to Toronto 'Monday itt charge of Louis-
eccused of tile robbery by violence
of two Chinamen in Toronto eighteen
months ago.
The Preebyterion. Synod of British Col-
umbia, ill seeeion at Calgary. on Satur-
day dismissed the appeal of Rev. Mr.
MeLeocl against the finding of the Pres-
bytery of Viotoria in his case.
At Montreal Judge Doherty eondenined
the Montreal Street Railway Company to
pay 85.817 to Mrs. Hamelin, widow of a
pilot, who was run down and killed by
the company's cars last September.
Wm. Smith, jeweller, an old baseballist,
fell on the sidewalk on Saturday night
tee Guetp.h. The small bone of the ankle
was broken and, the ligaments torn. A
defective plank is said to have been the
The announcement of the engagement
of Hope Goddard, the heiress to -the God-
dard millions, and C. 0. feelin, the New
York millionaire and well-known yacht-
ing 1TILM, was made on. Saturday at Pro-
vidence, R. L -
Henry McCready., a farmer Who lived
iii Waterdown, --wee accidentally killed
while returning hotim Irene Hainilton on
Satinelay night. It ie supposed that in
the dark he drove off. the road and his
huggy was upset.
Johnnie Dougher, aged 5. youngest son
of William ;Dougher, of Dunnville, was
drowned in the Welland canal about noon
on Saturday. The body was recovered.
after havieg been' in the water about an
hour. Thehaywent out to fish and fell
from the lock gates.
• •
Winnipeg Ministerial Association hae
pnesed a resolution tmesing the Connell to
pimeeed as early as possible ivith the con-
templated nubile improvements to give
work to boar:, fide rsMonts of the c,ity
who are unemployed,
Mr. G. P. IVIcintoeh, Toe many year
resident of Meaford, died on Friday la,st,
He occupie(1 several municipal positions,
.and was at one time reeve of '.N.Leaford,
ror many years he has been interested
in fiehing operations, and was quite an
extensive shipper.
Alexander Cruieleshaelk, head aster of
Hoes street :wheel, Hamilton, Was charged
at the pollee wart with assaulting
Wm. Hale. one of the schola.as. The
evidence: for the proseoution mei that de-
feadant severely whipped Hate on Fricicser
for alleged tracaney., when the boy hag
taken at note from his mother excasind
his absence from aehool on Thursday af-
ternoon, Defendant's plea was that he
thrashed the boy to preserve discipline in
the sellool. Magistrate jelis decided that
defendant had no justification for whip-
ping the boy so severely, and Wined him
810; afterwards reducing it to $5.
Miss Islaerrie MorrisonI t, daueliter of It,
Morrison, Lauelph, had an unpleasant ex-
perience on Quebec street of that live team
one evening last week. She was passing
a vacant lot, when a man sprang from
behind some trees, eaught hold of her
band satchel and palled her to the ground.
She, however, held on to the satchel and
screamed at the top of her voice. Her
°ries frightened away her assailant. She
ieisnelbeiegsbtbh.eman as young and °1 pled"
Latest news from Sb. Anne do la Per -
ado Says that the water is not rising, bat
that the landslides and land subsiclenees
aro continuing. Houses are falling one
by one, and are being earried away by
the stream, which has 'been. swollen by the
falling rain. The railroad bridge is
threatened with destruction.
Hr. Mordecai Sanderson, of Napanee,
died very suddenly Tuesday morning at
the home of his son in Northport, where
he and. his wife had gone for a visit. He
retired. on Sunday night in his usual
health, and about 5 o'clock on Monday
morning he complained of feeling unwell,
and died at 7 o'clock.
Mr. John Shibley, aged 85, died. on Sun-
day at his home in Portland, Frontenac.
Re was the oldest son of Jacob Shibley,
who represented the Midland district in
the old Legislative Council, and his first
wife was the eldest daughter of the late
Bishop Reynolds, of Belleville.
Another landslide has occurred in Que-
bec, 23 miles down the river from the
scene of the former one, at St. Alban.
Five houses are said to have been wreck-
ed. The C.P.R. bridge over the Batisoan
river at Ste. A.nne de la Perade is said to
be in danger.
About 10 &cloak Saturday night the
body of a white woman named Mrs. Mary
Birmin„asham. was foand floating in a vat
of distillery slop at Stroud & Sons' cattle
byres, Hamilton. The circumstances
under which she came to hea death are
enveloped in mystery.
John J. McDonald, 24 years of age, an
inmate of Mount Hope Insane AiYlani,
Halifax, committed suicide on Sunday by
jumping into the harbor. He escaped
from his keeper, ran tO the asylaun pier
and jumped off. He belonged to Pictou
The American steamers Visitor and
Leroy Brooks, with a party of passengers
who were fishing for black bass, were
seized at Kelly's island, near Point Pelee,
Lake Erie, Taesclay by the Canadian
patrol vessel Petrel.
The Sharon conspiracy case came to an
end Tuesday evening at Toronto. Pegg
was discharged before the case went to
the jury. A. verdict of guilty was return-
ed against Mrs. Evans and Osman. Sen -
tones: was deferred.
The claims paid by life insurance com-
panies in. Canada in 1893 were less by
nearly a quarter of a million than in .'92.
The revenue from premiums, on the other
lion. showed an increase of half a mil -
A shipment of 40 prime cattle was made
from Woodstock direct to England last
week. The cattle were all itt tine condi-
tion and it is expected that the shipment
will be followed by others in a few weeks.
Mrs. L. Lint, of Kohler, Haldimand
County, who has suffered from melan-
cholia of late, has been missing from her
home since Monday morning, and it is
feared she has drowned herself.
George Proniz ancl Thomas Duval were
'drowned. in a small lake ten miles from
Owen. Sound Tuesday. Tb.e men lived in.
Quebec, and were working on the Parry
Sound Colonization Railway. .
The Presbyterian Synod. of British Col-
umbia, in session at Calgary, on Saturday
dismissed. the appeal of Rev. Mr. MeLeod
against the finding of the Presbytery of
-Victoria in this case.
A ntunber of burglaries have taken
taken place in Kingston cluing the last
two or three weeks. It is supposed that
the men are ex -convicts of the Central
The revenue from premiums received
by life insurance companies doing busi-
ness in. Canada last year was $9,600,000.
The amount paid on matured claims was
John Roche, a pioneer of Warwick
Township, was knocked dowu and rtm
over by a horse at Watford on Monday,
receiving injuries which caused his death
The Governor-General has definitely
decided to reside in Montreal fora part
the year, and bas leased the mansion of
the late Premier, Sir :Jelin A.bbott.
Corkery, the alleged ex -monk, who
created a scene in. $t. Mary's Church,
Hamilton, on. Sunday, was committed for
trial at the Police Court, Tuesday.
,Tames Fox and Thomas Murphy, mem-
bers for St. John's East in the Newfound-
land Legislatare, were unseated a,nd dis-
qualified by Chief justice Carter.
Mr. Will Finlay, of the firm of John
Finlay & Son'Norwood, Ont., died from
pneumonia onSaturday, aged 32.
A series of special evangelistic services
are being; conclueted by Major Hilton. and.
Rev. Grant C. Uhillar at Guelph, which
are meeting with great samess.
S. E. Dean and Norman Hoshel, young
men, were drowned in Burrard Inlet near
Va13.0013.Vel% B.C. Tuesday by the capsiz-
ing of a sailboat.
r2he employees of the Hoenilton. Bridge
Works have been given a month's notice
that the works will be closed down.
Rev. Robert Fowler, of Erin, was elect-
ed moderator of the Presbyterian Synod
of Toronto and. Kingston:
Evangelists Hunter and. Crossley have
met with great success in their series of
meetings at Belleville.
The Redemptorist Fatherhave decided
to meet, a seminary of theology and phil-
osophy in Montreal.
Mr. Samos Gray, formerly manager of
the Bank of Montreal at Picton, died in
that town Tuesday.
It is reported that immense coal deposits
have been found aa Buffalo Bay, Lake of
the Woods.
The Canadian Lacrosse Association ar-
ranged the Ontario olubs into districts
Radcliffe, the hangman, officiated at,
the excieution of two Italian murderers at
TheSynod of Montreal and Ottawa
opened at Carleton Place Tuesday.
The Governor-General has decidei to
visit HeIlevilie on May 29 and 3).
Miele SaWs Broad Acme rUr111$11. Quite
a Few Small Items that are Worth
Varerui. Deeding,
Soft coal has advanced in Chicago froin
$2.75 to $4 per ton.
The Connellsville coke strikers are be -
owning disorderly,
assigned, evtBox CompallY 01
The peat Mal strike continues with
180,000 men now idle.
Judge W, Green Smith, of Virginia,
committed suieide by shooting.
Bishop Tuttle (Episcopal) of Missouri
has joined the Salvation Army.
.A. opal famine threatens Chicago. and
the price has gone tip 81 and 81-.2'5 per
The Red River is rising rapidly at Ful-
ton, Ark" and threatens to flood. the en-
tire place.
Sir Julian Pauncefote and Secretary
Carlisle have completed the Behring Sea
Capt. Barends of the steamship Nor -
amnia, has made 100 voyages between
New York and Hamburg.
"Boss" Croker announces that he will
retire from active work in the Tammany
organization in New York.
Governor Flower has signed Senator
Wolfert's two bills annexing Flatlands
and Gravesend to Brooklyn.
The State National Bank of Wichita,
Kansas, has suspended. It was consider-
ed one of the strongest in the State.
It is thought an organized band of kid-
nappers are at work in St. Louis, Mo.
Five children have mysteriously disap-
peared. '
A conference of miners and mine own-
ers will be held at Cleveland on May 15,
and an endeavor made to settle the great
Amos Hicks, colored, was lynched near
Rocky Springs, Miss., because he was
suspected of burning the stables of a
white farmer.
A St. Paul despatch says the Great
Northern strike is practically ended, the
railway company having conceded nearly
every point to the strikers.
A Bridgeport, Conn.'despatch says the
differences between the executors of the
P. T. Barnnm estate and heirs have been
amicably settled out of court.
Thea of Alonteemery Gibbs, the
Buffalo lawyer, which occurred a week
evae is as much a mystery as ever.
Serious damage has been caused by
floods at the Cloquet lumber yards, near
Duluth. Many minion feet of lumber
have been lost.
The New York brewers who use Can-
adian barley are determined to have the
tariff lowered on that article. while the
western brewers are equally determined
the other way.
A polar expedition -ander command of
Henry D.. Bryant will start from Philo,-
delphia June 1, and go north. via St.
John's, Nfld., on the steam whaler Fal-
Henry C. Brown, aged 70 and worth
84,000,000, was married on Wednesday at
Denver, Col., to Miss Mary Louise Mat-
thews, a school teacher, aged 22. The
event caused a social sensation.
It is thought the miners' strike in the
States will end in a victory for the min-
ers, as the supply of soft coal is becoming
so low that the mine -owners will be forced
to grant the strikers' demands.
The United States House Committee on
Railways and Canals has decided to re-
port favorably the bill appropriating
810,000 for a preliminary sorvey of the
Lake Erie and Ohio River ship canal.
Burglars at Lynn, Mass., blew open the
safe at Torrance, Vary & Co. The ex-
plosidn also blew out the front of the
building., and the scoundrels decamped
without seeming the $5,000 in the safe.
A remarkable nugget has been taken
out of the Smuggler Mine at Aspen, Col.
It weighs 8,8eu pounds, and contains
silver to the value of $25,000. itis the
largest silver nugget ever kn.own, and is
almost pure.
A number of riots have occurred in the
districts of the United States where the
(neat miners' strike is in progress. At
Scottclale, Pa., several strikers and one
woman were shot by deputies, but none
were fatally injured.
H. 13. Stutt, of Boston, special agent for
Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
for the Northern Masonic Aid Associa-
tion of Chicago, shot himself in the left
breast in a Buffalo saloon. His condition
is very critical. His wife's death had
unbalanced his mind.
A decision has been handed down by
tbe Supreme Court of Illinois declaring
the Ticket Sealpers' Act constitutional.
This ace renders it unlawful for any per-
son to sell tickets without the certificate
of a railroad company authorizing him to
make such rates.
It is said the Standard Oil Company, of
the United States, and the Russian Oil
Company ha-ve arranged to divide the en-
tire markets of the world between them,
the Standard taking in Britain, France
and westernEurope, the, Russian company
taking, all the east,
0, P. Springer, a Mexican war veteran,
left Harrodeburg, Ky., on the 41112 inst.
with half it dozen congenial spirit e in a
baloon for Washingtcm. They took pro-
visions for six days. Springer is s, man
ot wealth, and took $1,000 to give Coxey
if he ever readies Washington.
Hugh McCormick, aged 75 years. and
his grandson, two 3reare old, WG370 struck
and instantly killed by a Rome, Water-
town & Ogdensburg isasseneeer train. near
Brownville'N.Y. 11.1.r. 'McCormick had
the boy in his arms carrying him over
the track, when the- train struck him.
The bodies were thrown fifty feet.
The amendment to the 'Wilson Tariff
Bill as regards the taxing of banks and
financial institutions provides for a levy
of 2 per cent, on nee profits or income
above ordinary working or operating. ex-
penses. The amendinent covets railways,
telegraphs, telephone and express com-
panies, light, gas and. water power 00311-
panies, and all other corporations doing
business for profit, and the tax is payabie
on or before the lst of ,Taly each year.
A. portion of 850,600,000 of dollars,
ebored in vault, 0 at the mint at Phila-
delnleia, came tumbling down yesterday,
the clerks in the vault narrowly escaping
being buried beneath thg avalanche oe
silvee. The coin woes piled in bags,
twelve feet high by eight feet wide, but
aceoarit of the dampness of the -vault
the baga had become rotten. One of the
elerks aacidOzitally troll on a bag, break-
ing it, when down came the silver stream
with a noise and jar that shook the entire
buildiag, The clerks made a wild rush
for the door and got out safely. The
amount that fell was valued at $2,000,-
000, anti weighed 112,000•,000 p,aands,
The St. Charles' hotel, New Orleans'
took fire on Saturday night last and the
rear part from cellar to roof was badly
burned. It is supposed that several lives
were lost. One man jumped from the
fourth storey and struck on his head,
dashing out his brains.
Preaiclont Depew, of the New York
Central railroad., says there has been no
reduction in rates on the New York Cen-
tral, as reported. Rates on the trunk
lines are well maintained, except by lake
and rail, which are only fairly wellmain-
A terrific storm at Texarkana,' Ark"
on Wednesday, killed the' 9-year-o1d son
of Rev. J. 1VI. Macdougall, a Methodist
minister, and fatally injured W. G.
Blocker, besides wrecking several houses.
The Social Parity Alliance of Philadel-
phia has framed a memorial to Congress,
praying for the expulsion of W. O. P.
Breckenridge from membership in the
House of Representatives.
The great coal strike continues in the
States, and increased inconvenience to
many branches of trade is reported. In
the greaf ooke regions only 1,800 of the
17,519 ovens are at work.
Donald Kennedy, the alleged opitun
smuggler from Toronto, was arraigned at
the police court at Detroit on Tuesday
and pleaded not guilty. His wife was
present crying bitterly.
In Brooklyn on Monday Mrs, Lizzie
Probiecock, 81 years old, a widow, sprink-
led her bed with oil, set it on fire lay
down and was burned to death. fire,
Ex-jaclge William W. Farwell, on the
Superior Court Bench of Chicago for nine
years, died Monday of pneumonia.
It is definitely stated. that ex -President
Harrison will be a candidate for the Re-
publican nomination in 1896.
Texas suffered last year from droath ;
this year floods are causing destruction in
some parts of the state.
After a long wait the Chicago -World's
Fair stockholders are to be paid a divi-
dend of ten per cent.
Julian 0. Davidson, a well-known ar-
tist, has just died in Nyao, N.Y., of heart
Coxey and Browne aver' arrested on
Monday on the capitol steps at Washing-
The Pennsylvania railroad has declared
a semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent,
A ship canal between New York and
Philadelphia is talked of.
He stole a kiss—one little kiss
From her he did adore;
And she condemned the thief, becanse
He lia,dn't stolen more,
Safe from the Autograph Fiend.
Fond mother (to teacher)—Don't you
think my boy is bound to make his mark?
Teacher—I am afraid so. It seems lin-
possible for him to learn to write.
As it May Be.
Intellectual woman—That plain -look-
ing middle-aged man over there is Mr.
Her friend—Indeed! Whom is he the
husband of ?
A ..Dellnition.
"What is a wag ?" asked the teacher.
11 know," replied the boy at the foot
of the class.
" Well, what is.a wag?"
"A happy dog's tail."
Easy Enough.
Oldfam—Well, I can't see how
suCh a coarse and common woman as
Mrs. Lardleigh is can stay in th.e swim as
she does.
Mr. 0.—I can.; she's got a million dol-
lars for a life preserver.
}ler Age.
Jack—How old did you say Miss Smith
Tom—She told me she was 23 on her
last birthday.
Jack—When was her last birthday: ten
years ago?
Sorry He Spoke.
" Well, why don't you say you wish
you Were a, man ?" asked Mr. Potts, dur-
ing the little disenssion he was having
with his spouse about some matters of do-
mestic management.
"Because 1 don't wish anything of the
aort," she retorted. "1 only wish you
were one."
I Reason for Leaving.
Lady—Why did you leave your last
Pla?Seeervant—Well, you see, mum, I had to
pay for all my breakages, and as they
came to more than my wages, you see,
mum, it was a kind of nnposition that I
couldn't stand.
An Improvement hecognized.
"What made you lend Ruggles your
umbrella? 'You know he will never re-
turn i b. ' '
"That's a fact. But it was mighty
honest for Ruggles not to take it without
aslcinse and I thought he deserved re-
• • The Superfluous Woman.
"Dear," asked. Mrs. Wickwire, looking
ehloiiiiveas.sa "what does this paper
was yotu• younger sistei*,."
getting so perfect on expression of aston-
ishment in the face of the last picture
you. painted ? I never saw anything more
mean by referring to superfluous wo-
man?' What is the su.perfiteous woman?"
IVIr. Wickwire, "the surperfl eons woman
Sketchyrre—How did you sacceed in
"In our engagement days," answered
They Are Atways A.stonished.
it reprodaction of the
expression on my landlady's face when I
told her that my bed needed a little teno-
vatima. •
Securing an Attendance.
"NVould you please have this itent put
in the society column ?" said a worried -
looking _woman. " It merely Statee that
young Mr. Rashkins, the tenor, has it
very sore throat."
".Do you consider that fact one of so-
eial importanc.e 2"
"Not in a general way, perhaps. But
I want, to conveyto friends who may be
thinking of coming to my reception on
to -morrow eveaing the information that
Ur. Rashkina is not in a condition to
A Largo Amount Of Vsof ol owe thane,
esSe Su:formation cesatilered, reene tIos•
eur quarters of tile Globe.
London's police force numbers 14,257.
London is to have an exhibition. of
tique and historical shoes."
The ,cattle in the vicinity of Wesb-
piilia are "dying of brain fever."
other part of the world; it is Cheapest in
Opal is dearer in Beath Africa than any
The Kilauea Crater, in the Sandwich
Itislleaiiirclosi,,lais. the largest active volcano in
A. ship of steel from her hall through
to the standing rigging has been built at
Cardiff, Wales. .
prominent ()Wawa, aged 92, of Day-
ton, Tenn" was married: recently to a
woman 88 years old.
The British Museum has 25 miles of
books, and the largest collection of cur-
iosities in the world.
The fashion of carrying a maff dates
300 years back. Ooartitsrs wore them in
the time of George L.
No fewer than 1,760 ancient manu-
script copies of the New Testament in
whole or in part exist.
The Hollanders are the greatest tea, and
coffee drinkers, using 240 ounces to the
inhabitant every year.
An Englishman has invented a bonnet
which can be taken off in the theatre,
folded u.p and used as it
A 86 bill of Virginia State currency,
issued in 1777, is a cariosity in the pos-
session of it Dalton, Ga,, gentleman.
The 100 -ton gun is nob yeb regarded
with great falser. The majority ot gum
for new ironcla,ds are between 60 and. 70
The greatest average height in any
European army is fistind in the N or-
wegaan, 69 inches; the least in. the
Italian, M.
Th.e British soldier reeeives daily as
rations 44 ounces of toad,—biscuit, 20
ounces; meat, 14; peas or beans, 9;
sugar, eocoa, 1.
in order to furnishsport for a shooting
party on his Moravian estate, Baron.
/Basch had • 8,000 partridges transported
there and liberated.
The longest artifieial water course itt
the world is the Bengal Canal, 900
The next is the Erie, 868. Each cost
nearly 810,000,000.
Excavations in Oiseau-le-Petit, Franck*,
have revealed the remains of a Grail°.
Roman city, including a great temple, a
theatre and monuments.
.A. burglar, arrested in Boston, had on
his breast an India, ink picture of a grave-
stone, on which was marked, "In memory
of My father and mother."
A new cloek has been placed. in St.
Paul's Cathedral, London. The old
works are worn oat, having been in con-
tinuous service for 182 years.
A widowers' association has been form-
ed in Dresden. No man can join unless
his wife is dead, and if he marries again
he becomesan honorary member merely.
.A. New Orleans minister says it is a
fact that most sermons are dry and
sleepy, but the juicy ones are always so
sharply criticized that the clergy avoid
Ka' 'Lipp, the Germ.an cannon manufac-
turer, employs 16,000 men, who, with
their families number 60,000, and con-
stitute the Valk of the population of
The fees for akending. the Eiffel tower
are five francs to the top, three francs to
the second platform and two franes to
the first. The three platforms will hold.
10,000 people.
One -thirtieth of the whole population
01 Iceland emigrated last year, moved,it
is said, by the unpopularity of th.e Danish
Government and the blandishments of
Canadian emigration agents.
Despite the talk about Smith being
such a common name'those of Green,
'White, Brown and Davis beat it in the
United States by 15 per cent. Even
"John" is not as common as "Joe."
Oat in a baekwoods town in.'India,na
last week the sheriff left the courtroom
for dinner, forgetting all about his
prisoner, who afterward leisurely walked.
off and has not since been. captured.
In a case of • law in Illinois the other
day it was shown that a woman whipped
her boy so that he was itt bed for three
weeks, bemuse he could not commit 50
Bible verses to memory itt one week.
When a man is arrested for drunken-
ness in St. Petersburg he is compelled as
apunishment—no matter what may be
his social. position—to join the street -
sweeping. gang ou the following morning.
The Queen has pet birds in her 'private
rooms. At first canaries were tried at
th.e suggestion of Princess Beatrice, but
the Queen found the noise too trying,
and now she has with her a bullfinch and
a linnet.
The ouse of Keys, as the Legislature
of the hie of Man is ealled, has passed a
measure removing the civil disabailities
which Roman Catholics have until now
been subjected in the Island on acoount
of U'6;lliesilB. rearlliigniofinre department is =Peri-
menting with a novel fire engine. The
carriage is constructed entirely of papier-
maehe, all the different parts, the body,
wheels, poles; etc., being fi-mshed in the
beab 111117siibulnPrestr
e manner.iecontly returned to
the City of Mexico from an Indian vil-
lage, only two days' journey, and repor
having discovered an Indian temple wi
seven large Aztec idols,. to which
Avh ant, ,ass is an
beeause n manufacturer of false to
has placarded his town with pictures
presenting. her "before and after" ta,ki
a set of Ins famous teeth. 'Pho "befo
portrait is the one which makes
A. discussion as to the height of tre
itt the forests of Victoria has elieited from
Baron von Muellor, the Government
botanist, the statement that he saw one
of the height of 625 feet. The late chief
inepector of forests eneasureel orie fallen
and found that it was 485 feet long,
An East Boothba,y (Me.) man is engag-
ed in aupplying New York and Now
Jereey sammer resorts with seals, whieh
are very plontifal along the.Maine west.
These seals do very well for seashore at-
tractions, being objects of unfailing in.
terest to the summer visitors,