HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-5-10, Page 8t'w Cootist.
WE HAVE just received a choice line
of Oxford and Bagstor Bibles..
Iir% HAVE just received some artistic
lines in l\ra11 Paper,
WE HAVE just received desirable
lines in Ingrain Papers.
WE HAVE just received samples of
Washable Paper,
WE WILL offer on Saturday a Stereo-
scope and 12 nice views for, let
me see, 95c. blow's that
WE HAVE just received new shades
in Tissue Paper, stock complete.
WE HAVE just received a full line of
Rubber Balls.
'WE HAVE just received new styles
in Plate Handles.
E. HAVE just received new designs
in Basket Water Setts.
J. Grigg,
Stationery & Fancy Goods Dealer.
SDeolal llivli Rae,
WHITSYTNDA.Y, 31ay 13th.
"d t m. Celebration of Holy Communion,
la a, nt. Te Deurn - - Woodward
Jubilate - - Waldemar
W.ernzou 'The Ethics of true greatness:
c3, in, Bible class in the Church for adults
;r, ea. Choral Serviee..
Proper Psalms chanted -
uno Demitiz
ounod's beautiful duet,—"Glory to Thee my
trod this Night," will be rendered by the
r;hoir and Crohestra during the offertory.
(."•,rnet Solo - - - Mr. H. Gidloy
ret - Miss hardy and Mss•Hawkshaw
t :torus The Choir
r:. `aloe—Tho "mysteries" of grace, or the
-Initiation" of St. Paul
St W. E. W. HUNT. Rector
- 104 and 145
W. 11. Hunt
Try Johnston's ebony dye, fast Mack
The money advertised last week as
being found has been restored to the
proper owner, Capt. Howard.
Mr. L. Hardy purchased all the iron
taken out of the old bridge at Grand
Beud and had it removed here
Mr. Wm. Davidson has the contract
for re -modelling the building opposite
Mr. Mannings' residence and owned by
Mrs. Jits. Pickard, A new foundation
is to be put under the building and
the interior made into living rooms,
Have you seen Johnston's 48c• corset
—equal to any 76c. goods.
The Patrons of Industry of Frontenac
county, have decided to purchase
goods wholesale. The retail grocers
propose to get even by refusing to buy
produce from Patrons or to purchase
goods from wholesale men who sell to
In our last issue, through misinfor-
mation, it was stated that a son of Mr.
Heaman, had fallen from a tree and
sustained serious injury. It should
have read Mr, Jermiah Heaman. It
appears he was cuttingblack knot and
in some way fell to the ground alight-
ing on bis head. He is still in a pre-
carious condition and it is feared that
the effects of the fall will yet result fatal.
Johnston offers wonderful reduction
in tweeds and black worsteds.
1Q°/. off carpets at Johnston's,
A new fence is in course of erection,
around the school grounds. Mr, Ewan -
uel Bissett has, the contract.
The large boiler to be used for driv-
ing. the electric light plant has arrived
and placed on thebuilding site.
A Sarnia butcher was put up a tree
by a vicious steer the other day, The
"critter" asked him to take a born on
his way up.
A recent advertisement in a country
newspaper reads thus "For sale, a
bull -terrier dog. Will eat anything;
Very fend of children. Apply at this
Every person having fruit trees with
black knot growing on them should
have it removed at once, They are
liable to a heavy fine if this is not done.
Take a look over your trees.
Sunday night being very dark one
of our young men while returning
home from seeing his best girl accident-
ly collided with a shade tree. The re-
sult was a badly bruised face and a
black eye.
Johnston has reduced the price of
clothing. A good man's suit $3.50.
Our $5,00 all wool suits $4,50; $6.00
tweed $4.50; our $8.00 suits for 56.00;
$10.00 suits for $5.00. 15°/° cash dis
count on every line of boy's clothing.
10'1 cash discount off all lines of
wall papers at Johnston's.
A lot of of straw hats only 5 c. each
at Broderick's cheap Bankrupt store,
A full supply of Christie Brown &
Co's celebrated biscuits at Johnston's.
Clearing Sale of Tweeds at Broder-
ink's cheap Bankrupt store. .A. lot of
0 cent tweeds selling at half price -
25 cents per yard.
A poetic Correspondent speaks of the
«gentle cow patiently awaiting the
r.miling milkmaid with shining pail"
Yes, and, then the gentle bossy drops
i,he paint brush on the end of her tail
and swats that smiling face till the
milkmaid thiuks thoughts that would
turn the milk sour in a minute.
The annual meeting of the Exeter
Mechanics Institute elected the follow-
ing officers and Directors for the en-
suing year, viz:—President, Mr. H.
Smith; Vice President, Mr R. Muir;
Sec'y Mr. W. D. Weekes; Tress Mr. J.
Grigg. Directors.—Messrs. J. 'Taylor,
H. Heuston,Dr. Lutz; J. Allison; Rev. W.
Martin, W. D. Weekes, N. D. Hurdon, J.
Grigg, R. Muir.
A very heavy rain storm accompan-
ied by hail, thunder and lightning
visited this vicinity Sunday afternoon
last. During the storm about a quer
ter to four the lightening struck a
• barn at the rear of J. Murray's resi-
dence and set it on fire. The flames
were noticed bursting from the end
of the stable by Mr. Murray just in time
to throw on a few pails of water and
extinguish them. We have heard of
no farther damage being down in this
The new instruments for the band
are here and the "boys" have started
to get on a "good lip". After two or
three nights practice they will make
their first appearance on the street.
When those who have already sub-
scribed, hear and see the "boys" make
their debut, they will not regret hav-
ing contributed towards helping them
along, and those who have not yot sub-
scribed will feel like dropping "a nick•
el (with one or two decimals on the
right of it) in the slot."
Here is an item for those who are
fond of going to law to settle their
grievance. About three years ago
hree persons in Campbellford became
involved in a suit over an account of
$73.00. They were determined to fight
and they fought, and they paid for it
like the boy who houghs the whistle.
We are reliably informed that the law
costs of one amounts to $620, another
h -as forked oyer $200, while the third
was benefitted the lawyers to the tune
of $180.00. One thousand dollars to
recover $73!
The Hensall correspondent to the
Seaforth Expositor commenting on the
sermon preached to the Oddfellows here
on Sunday week by the Rev. Hunt,
says;—"The attendance of the brethren
wad very large and the sermon was
an exceedingly fine and appropriate
one, and was much enjoyed by all pres-
ent, The reverend gentlemen is a
very clear, forcible and eloquent speak-
er, and delivers his sermon with ap-
parently very little effort to himself,
which makes it alt the more pleasing
to his hearers."
A LADY --.4.
May talk like sixty (60) when she is only
twenty (20). But when a lady talks about the
bargains she gets at the Big Bankrupt Store
you may rest assured that she knows what she
is talking about.
We are selling J. D. King's best hand turned
kid Oxfords for ladies at the remarkable low
price of $1.60. Remember King's fine shoes
are the best in anada. Of course we have
lots -of cheap shoes but recommend the best
every time. .
Try'a pair ox King's Oxfords at
$1.60 and you will wear no
At a meeting of the Exeter Base
Ball Club, the following officers were
eluted for this season:—Hon. President
W. Bawden; Pres., N. D. Hurdon; Vice -
Pres,, T. B. Carling; Committee. J.
Luxton, J. Tapp, W, A. Snell; Treas.
J. Tapp; Sec. W. A. Snell. The club
is now open to receive challenges,
The small boy with his dangerous
catapult is at it again and consequent-
ly the poor birds have to suffer. These
bad boys have been repeatedly warned
of violating the laws of killing birds
and robbing their nests, and if caught
will in no way be excused, Constable
Creech is on the look -out for you boys,
so be careful.
On Tuesday last while Mr. B. S.
O'Neil was taking a pleasure drive on
William street his horse took fright at
an unknown object and jumped into
the ditch. Mr. O'Neil was thrown out
with terrible force and in the fall sus-
tained several severe buises about the
head and face and other bodily injuries.
The buggy was also slightly damaged.
One night last week the residence of
Mrs. Keyes, situated at the rear of Mr.
Wm. Southcott's store, was entered at
a side window by some evil disposed
wretch and several things takenaway.
Mrs. Keyes had been away for a few
days and evidently the thief took ad-
vantage of her absence. Amongst the
things taken were several yards of
dress goods and two or three sheets.
At the meeting of the East Huron
Teachers' Association, at Goderich, re-
cently, Inspector Robb took up his sub-
ject of "Penmanship." He is strongly
in favor of the vertical writing, and
thinks that it should be the second
lesson the pupil should receive on first
coming to school. He recommends that
the writing should first be done on a
single line, and that the pupils be re-
quired. to write without lining their
slates. He believes that the scribbling
book is ruining our writing, as the
work:in books pis generally done in a
very careless manner. Too much care
cannot be taken by the teacher in
watching and pointing out the mis-
takes in the writing of their pupils. He
thinks that the teacher should neyer
accept from the pupil writing which he
knows can be done better, but that the
pupil should be required to re -write it.
Horses Wanted.
Mr. P. Dardis will be at McFalls'
Hotel, Lucan, on Tuesday May 15th,
and at Exeter, Wednesday May 16th
for the purpose of buying horses.
Mr. McRoberts, of Lucan, made a
large shipment of cattle from this
station Tuesday.—Wm. Levitt shipped
ten carloads of wheat to different points
during the week.—Armstrong & Prior
shipped two carloads of hogs to Toron
a carload of
oases shipped
export cattle to Montreal Wed.—A. A. Q.
Bobier two carload eggs.
G}ot'Fut Again
At Broderick's cheap bankrupt store.
A bran new stock of men's and boys'
fine straw hats; also a stock of men's
felt hats. Both these stocks haye been
purchased at 60 cents in the dollar,
We are offering these goods at a great
sacrifiee, Our boot and shoe stock
can't be beat—we have one of the best
stocks in the county. Call at the cheap
store and get atbargain—we sell eheap
all the time. J. W. Bnoltrntioit.
Only a man who has "been there"
cr+t,ld have written the following:
1 penitence
a songof a fellow ^� g w full
of rye; four and twenty serpents danced
before his eye. When his eye was op
tined he shotited for his life; wasn't he
a pretty chump to go before his wife ?
His hat was in the parlor, underneath
a chair, his boots were in the hallway,
his coat was on the stair; his trousers
in the kitehen, his collar on the shelf;
belt he hadn't any notion where he was
himself: When the moon was break-
ing, someone heard him call, his head
was in the ice box and that was best
of all.
Sats for Gentlemen,
Mats for Ladies,
(Bats for Boys,
Bats for Girls,
Nats Wortf $1;00,
eats Wort •zs•
200 Hats, all in
our north window
at the low price of
20 cents.
See our Ladies' Vests .05
„ „ Wide Flannelettes .08
„ Tape bound Lace
Curtains .30
Fast Col'd Prints .05
„ Corsets for .25
„ Special Lines do. .48
„ 71hs Raisins .25
11 6lbs Currants _25
5IIis Prunes .25
Commencing on Saturday evening
next, the libraries at the Mechanic In-
stitute will be again at the disposal of
Exeter Connell Proceedings.
The Council met pursuant to ad
journment at the Town Hall, Exeter,
7th May, 1894. All present (except Mr.
Taylor). Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, Carling—Bobier
orders for the following sums:—S.
Handford $3 labor; Wm. Phair $5 do;
R. Davie $8.10 do; S. Bradd $3.75 do;
Al. Fuke $60 for band instruments; Jas
Creech $1. charity to Mrs Wilcox; G.
H. Bissett $40 salary as Assessor and
$5 extra for truant officer book.—Car-
ried. Mr. McTaggert asked permission
to fence a corner adjoining his proper-
ty to protect shade trees and straighten
street. 'The council to consider the
matter. Carling—Bissett the council
adjourn until immediately after the
Court of Revision to be held on the
28th inst.—Carried. M. EACRBTT, clerk.
House Cleaning.
This is the time of year when the
ayerage member of the fair sex suffer
from a species of fever known as
"house-cleaning." The symptoms us-
ually consist of the doing up of the
hair in a linen duster, and the intro-
duction of a plan whereby the head of
the house is made to eat canned sal-
mon off an upturned buseuit box for
his dinner. Coupled with this the bed-
room curtains are allowed to fly out
the upstairs windows and there is a
wild desire to waltz all the furniture
on to the front lawn. At such a period
the average lord of creation is made to
feel that he is one of the biggest mis-
takes that nature ever perperated, and
he is looked on with scorn unless he is
prepared to carry the piano under one
arm, and a stove under the other,
while he playfully balances one or two
other articles on his head. When he
fails to accomplish a few little feats of
that description, he usually gets the
hint that he is only in the way, and
thrt he had better go into the back
yard and make a fire of the rubbish.
Narrow Escape.
As will be learned by the following
item which appeared in all the leading
dailies, Mr. R. B. Samuel who a short
time ago was engaged in the Molsons
Bank here had a narrow escape with
his life on Saturday last:—Wm. Per•
kins, of Elliott & Westland's Bank and
Mr. Samuel of the Molsons Bank, Ridge -
town had a close call for their liyee on
Saturday. They in company with a
number of other young men, went on
a fishing excursion to Rondeau. Mes-
srs Perkins and Samuel took a small
duck boat and went out into the chap-
nel opposite the boat house, A strong
sea was running, but by some means
or other the boat sank almost at once.
The bos were ancu
mbered with heavy
clothing, and being thus handicapped
could do very little to help themselves.
They shouted lustily for help, but their
comrades were inside the boat hcuse
with the dpors closed and could not
hear them, Mr. Wm. Weldon, who was
half a mile distant, happened to see
them, however, and at onto put off to
their assistance, reaching them after
fifteen minutes' hard rowing. Their
escape was truly a narrow one, as they
were thoroughly chilled by the icy
See everything
in our store at
close cut prices,
before you pur-
chase elsewhere.
G. G. J011STQL Exetgr.
Mr. Robs. Sanders is certainly enjoy-.
Spijffl & Summer
w'ss Go•ods.
CARLING BROS. announce the
arrival of goods of this class in new
ideas and styles. The times call
for close margins and these advan-
tages are to the favor of the pur-
chaser, but we must be clothed and
even hard times cannot avert this
necessity. . . . .
Just arrived a choice lot of all wool delanes in all the
fashionable colorings and patterns. See our double -
fold 25 -cent all wool serges. In Ladies' Kid Gloves,
we take the .lead,—all colors laced and buttoned, Our
place for shoes, --we never carried a finer range nor
did a larger business than this spring. It only re-
mains for us to deal where we get the latest styles for
the least money and that's �at
Butter 15 cents, I ggs 10 cents-
azin Enos=
We Want Every Farmer
And Gardner in the country to call and inspect one
of the largest and best assorted stocks of Field and
Garden Seeds ever shown in Exeter. In the seed line
we lead both in quality and price. We carry a full
line of Red 1 over, Alsyke, White Dutch, Timothy, Red
Top, Orchard Grass and Lawn Mixture, Mangle and
Turnip in every variety,' arrots of all kinds, both lone
and short, (Mammoth Southern Sweet orn for ensil-
age) and garden seeds of every description in packag-
es and bulk.
We Are The Only House
ing himself in the neighborhood of
Wingham. He sent a number of
speckled trout to his friends in town
this week.
Good News For Bayfield.
"We are happy to learn that Mr. D.
Weismiller, candidate for the Local
House paid a yisit to Ottawa last week
for the purpose of interviewing the gov-
ernment in reference to improving the
Bayfield harbor. We learn that he suc-
ceeded in getting an appropriation for
that purpose and that work will be
commenced during the coming sum-
mer. This is certainly a feather in
Mr. Weismiller's cap and should be re-
membered by the people of Bayfield
and vicinity, when the election comes
on. This proves that the candidate
for the local house is not a narrow-
minded man and that he is interested
in and grasps Dominion politics as well
as that of Ontario."—Seaforth Sun,
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Amos, of Exeter, was last week
visiting her brother, Mr. A. H• Manning
who has been able to drive out recently.
—Victor French left on Saturday last
for Mitchell where he will fill a position
on the Recorder. —Mr. John , Dearing,
who has been renewing acquaintances
in and around Exeter for the past few
days, returned to his home in Marlette,
Mich, yesterday. Although not so
fleshy as when here last John still re
tains that healthful and robust appear-
ance,—Sam'1 Veal, of Montreal. was a
caller at the Advocate office Monday.
"Sam" was an old Exeter boy and
served a term at the printing business
with Geo. Moir. He is now railroading
and says he has a good situation.—Mr.
T. Fitton, after spending several days
in Toronto on business returned home
Monday eyening.—Mr. Wm. Ballentyne
License Inspector, of Seaforth, was in
town on Tuesday furnishing the hotel
men of Exeter, tTsborne and Stephen
with their licenses for 1894-95.—Miss
S. McDonald is at present under Dr.
Moore's care at London. Her condit-
ion has not been improved much.—
Mrs. B. R. Law, of St. Marys, spent
Sunday with her husband here.—Miss
Graham, of St. Marys, spent Sunday
with friends in town.—Mrs. Peter
Knight, of Bothwell, is the guest of
Mrs, C. Knight.—Mrs. A. Q. Bobier
purposes leaving for Manitoba next
week for the benefit of her health.—
Mr. 1. Bowerman, accompanied by Mr.
David Johns visited London yes-
for the purpose of consulting a
physician, Mr. Bowerman has been in
failing health for some time and it is
hoped he will get relief,—Mr. Jas, Wal
ters is on a business trip to Hamilton,
Toronto and Berlin. --Mr, and Mrs.
Isaac Bawden have returned home af-
ter visiting relatives in Blyth.—Miss
Lizzie Taylor left on Monday morning
for Winnipeg to visit her sister Mrs.-
rs.Brooks and for the improvement of her.
health. -Mr, John Taylor is visiting
relatiyes in London and St. Thomas,
In Ontario carrying a full line of such seeds. - In Hard-
ware, Stoves, Tinware, Glass, Paints and Oils we have
a full line, which we are selling at prices never before
heard of in Exeter. Call and inspect and be convinced,.
B Du ght out of
bond at a price
Goods worth
from $4.50 to
$ 5.00 A pair,
now selling
away c below
cost. We ask
for those cur-
tains .
$2.50 A PAR!
Call and in-
spect t h e m.
We carry the
largest stock
of Carpets in
all lines. Wall
Papers. The
newest Amer-
ican Leaders.
Samwells Block, Exeter
Oke vs. one.
Among the cases for taial before Mr.
Justice Street at the recent sittings for
the trial of cases without a jury was a
case from this neighborhood of Oke y.
Oke, an action for the construction of
the will of the late Wm. Oke. A de-
cree was made in favor of the plain-
tiffs and an order granted them for the
adminiatration of the estate of William
and Mary Oke, deceased. Collins for
plaintiffs; Garrow, Q.C., for infant de
fendants, and Holt and Dickson for the
ether defendants.
To Dress well
It is not necessary
that you should have
your Clothes made from.
the very best material
neither need you have
the very latest style,.
but to look Well year
clothes must fit.
This is our Aim.
Not only to make a
suit fit proper but in
the latest style,
We guaraiitee
Every garment that
-leaves our shop will be,
a perfect fit.
The ashionable- Cutter and Fitter
JAS. GRIEVES, has re-
opened with a new stock.
of all the latest styles and.
patterns in
Scotch and Canadian
Scotch and Irish
Borges, A;
and in worsteds we haven
the best to be had. We
make them up in the lat-
est style and guarantee a.
fit every time or no ,sale.
To!ke Ladies!
We pay special attention
to cutting and making
all styles of jackets and
Remember the place,
One door north Senior's Photo Gallery.
JAS. GRIEVES, Cutter, etc