The Exeter Advocate, 1894-5-10, Page 5DAUGliTER sAygp... Ooleig Goffiriollog 111fies Hofive Rog Sion / ALLOPATHIC AND HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT PROVED ALMOST USELESS. Fathers ! Mothers ! Make Your Dear Ones Healthy. t A loving and Iloughtful mother' gratefully testifies that her dear child was saved, and made well and strong- through the use of Paine's 'Celery Compound, that marvelous med icine that always cures after physicians give up, and pronounce their patients incurable. Mrs. A. R. Stinchcombe, 19 William Street, London, Ont,, writes as follows: "I think it a duty to •wait° you for the benefit of all who have delicate .children, and to make known what Paine's Celery Compouud has done for my child. She has been delicate all her life. I have tried mariv medicines. and have had her under aliopathic and homeophatic treatment, with but little benefit Almost in despair, and as a last resort, I tried Paine's Celery Com- pound, and after using three bottles she is now perfectly well and strong. I have also used your medicine myself for complications arising from over- work and. loss of rest, and am greatly benefitted therby. I would strongly urge all who are in any way afflicted • • / MISS STINCHCOMBE. to do as I have done, "Try Paine's Celery Compound," and be convined of its wcnderful curing power." It makes the heart sad and sorrowful to see the young suffer when they sheuld be might, strong' and actiye, full ef lively hope and pleasure, and enjoy- ing the glorious springtime of life. There are thousands of boys and girls in our fair Canada who are in such a condition that they cannot ming- le happily with their school -fellows and. playmates. They are pale, weak, Der- yous, listless; their blood is impure and stagnant, and they go about half dead from day to day. Such boys- and girls require a nerve food and builder—a medicine that will act on the entire nervous system. Experience and grand results have clearly demonstrated that Paine's Cel- ery Compound is just what the young require for the strengthening and. building' up of the body, for the making of pure and healthy blood, and for the harmonious working of all the diges- tive organs. .1•011•11111•••••1111310 Do not trifle with the common ad vertised nostrums of the day; they ag g r av ate suffering, and often cause ser- io us complications. Paine's Celery Compound has the in- dorsement of the ablest physiciens (many who prescribed it daily) in our land. Yon are not ask to use Paine's Celery Compound because it is recom- mended by those who prepare it; you have the testimony of your friends and neighbors to rely on:our best Canadian people have loudly spoken in its favor. Clergymen, lawyers, bankers. members of parliament, business men, faruaers— all have written in its favor, and hund- reds have confessed that itsayed them from the grave. Fathers! Mothers! Surely this is the mediciue for your dear ones. Now is the time to strengthen and tone up the weak children. Procure Paine's Cel- ery Compound; do not be induced by anyone to accept something else; there is only one medicine that can rescue and save the frail and perishing. The heavy snowfall in Newfoundland •continues. Do not neglect coughs, colds, asth- ma, and bronchitis, but cure them by using Dr Wood' Norway Pine Syrup. • Gen. Herbert will inspect "A" battery - - .at Kingson to day. Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can so easily obtain Carter's Little Liyer Pills. They will .effect a prompt and permanent cure. Their action is mild and natural. a C.McCallum & Co,, druggists, Lon sdon, have assigned. Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, pim ples, abcesses, ulcers, serofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. A. sharp shock of earthquake was 'felt in Whales yesterday. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is the stale ,da.rd of Excellence Mothers recom nerd it. Children cry or it. Worms 11.y from it, The Liberal convention for East To- rontowill be held May 9. Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs, Price 25 and 50e. • Mr. Grundy, Deputy Registrar of Peterboro', has been dismissed,. WEA1NE'S3. DEBILITY, PALE- NESS ANEMIA, ete„ are cured by Milburn's Beef Iron and wine. The electimis in Indiana, towns oe Tuesday show Deineeratic gains, ROAST is the old Scotch name for a cough. The English, name for the ,best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup. Assistant District Attorney Wellman bleb. The day for the Wedding has ,of New York is engaged to Miss Emma not yet been fixed. Destructive bush fires.are reported in the nighborhood of Sundrige. I have been greatly troubled with headache and bad blood for ten or twelve years. I started to take Bur- dock Blood Bitters in July, 1892, and mow, (Jauuary, 1893), 1 am perfectly cured. Hugh Drain, Norwood, Out. The growth of wheat in Manitoba is eight or ten days ahead of last year at this date. CHA.PPED HANDS AND LIPS, cracked skin, sores, cuts, wounds and bruises aro promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic Salve. ' No one knows better than those wile have used Carter's Little Liver Pille what relief they have given when taken for despepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and.disordered stomach. The Yaquis have once more been Vic- torious in their warfare with the Meat. eau soldiers. BURDOCK BLOOD I3ITTERS, cures Dyspepsia Burdock Blood Bitters, cures Consti- pation, Berdnek Blood Bitters, cures Bilious. ri Me. Burdock Blood Bitters ewes Head- ache. Burdock Blood Bitters unloels alt the clogged secretions f -the 13owels, thus wiring Heacla,ches and corn- claints. • The grea:-. coal strike in the United States continues, and the 180,000 men. are, according to their officers, con (idea t of success. I can highly praise Burdock Blood Bitters because it had a fair trial harny case with wonderful success. My sym- toms were dropsy, backache and sleep lessness, and -all these disappeared after using two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. I cannot praise its healing powers to highly. Georgina Holmes, Wood Point, eackyille, N. B. Ald. Thos. Crawford received the Conservative nomination in West To - onto last night. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make thein a per- fect little pill, They please them who use them, Carter's Little LiverPills may well be termed "Perfection," The New Brunswick mill men on strike hive decided to return to- work ut there old wages, $1,75 per day. Toothache,—Do you stiffer with itP Go buy a bottle of Pain -killer and find relief in the twinkle of an eye—for Toothache it is a specific - The funceal, Of the late Mrs Cham- bers, mother in-law of Ree. W. A. HUD - ter of Toronto, took plan at -Woodstock yesterday. Don't It is your duty to yourself to get rid of the foul accummulation in your blood this spring, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medieine you need to purify, vitalize and enrich your blood. 'Vilna tired feeling which affects nearly every one in the spring is driven oil by Hood's Sarfaparilla, the great spring medicine and blood purifier, . Hood"' Pills become the fathorite cathars tic with everyoue who tries them, osiMeld elsissok•ii.Inkorwmtlm, • 1 v.... trowand. , PE. DAVIS'? iti.KILLER DO YOUKEEPITTh ..... . N cA NjATFAN 014011RA. NERVE VZRY"Elt" ar'" r`ew 1 BRA thot mire the worst 045 of NTFOBD ki3Orrno Dahl% yst Vigor and BEANS okness of body 'or mind caused l'.;y over -work, or the moire or ex. comes of youth. This Remedy ab. solutely cures the orgrt.,.')stnitito eases when ell othez raant WI'S Wive fs vti to relieve. old by drug, se at $1 in puckeer. ,,,er for 915, or sent by mail on receipt of price by arldik ‘,--,,,t1rE JAMBS IrtEDICINIA cos, Toronto, Ont. %4 n rsenulnut, Bold in - For Sale in Exqte ‘"Iihy X. W. Browning A heavy lightning, thunder and rain storm occurred in Halifax last evening. Ilood'S Cures. In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, its proprietors make no idle ex travagent clahn. The advertising of Aood's Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason, because it is true; it always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people, and it is al- ways fully substantiated by endorse- ments, which is the financial world, would be accepted without a moment's heitation. Read the testimonials published in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, all from reliable, gratefull people. They tell the story- Hood's Sarsapa- rilla Cures. North Westworth Niberals yesterday nominated Mr. John L. Flatt as there caudidate for the Legislature. HOFFM ANS HARMLESS HEADACHE POVif DEFIS (wire ALL HEADACHE. 2hey are not adeer.. Haat/ to cure every- thing,but simply head- aches. Try them, 0 trill cost but 25 cents for a Loaf and they te,e harmless. Thoy are not a Cathartic. North Perth Liberals have nominat- ed Mr. G-. G. McPherson of Stratford as their candidate for the Legislature. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action 'upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. Thetrst dose greatly benefits. 25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr uggist. President Van Horne and party ar- rived at Winnipeg yesterday. The President held out no hopes of further reduction. A BooN TO HORSEMEN.— One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps,blood spavin,splints curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains. George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. While John Manuel and his son Henry were returning from their lob- ster pots near Canso, NS, their boat upset. The father managed to hold to the boat and drifted the shore, but the son was drowned. For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL-Tarsn Rvannr.—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. bas been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the ehilck, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy. for Diarrhceais pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. T wen ty-five Gents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind • W. F. Guest of London Township was tried at London yesterday and found guilty of bigamy, being reman- ded of sentence. Evidence was given by both wives, each of whom has child- ren. The electric light service on the streets of Niagara has been stopped owing to the scarcity of coal occasioned by the miners' stike in the States When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became 3liss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria. John White, living about four miles from Perth, was thrown from a waggon on Tuesday and received injuries from which he died yesterday. Relief in Six Roars. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases relieyed in six hours by the "Nnw GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEY Cuttn." This = new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed - lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. At Cayuga yesterday Charles Gold- smith, a Barnardo boy, who who plead- ed guilty to attempted murder and criminal assault, was sentenced to 21 years in penitentiary, XIIDART DISEASE; EELITIVED IN 80 cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in. 30 minutes and quickly cured, by. Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart,. One dose convinces. Sold by 0, Lutz, druggist. A Winnipeg despatch says it is rum ored that theOP,R. will remove its shops from that city to Fort William and divert the main flue yin Selkirk. This wonderful cliacovery is the best known remedy for Biliou.sces$ and all Stomach and Liver Trottbres, tech as Cot stipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, /ndigestion, Impere Blood; etc, These Lozenges are pleasant and harne3s, and thnugh pciverfol to promote healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. If your tongue Is cooled you need tticm. r . 4,71 o , 40.13t AT Ail latit0 ee'eallue, LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, A.gent 'If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to • . . . . .. MINS + EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children.' Haircutting, A. gpecialty. xi.tflii1 Estiti Acy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm Tr YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Honey IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. ' Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line ' and State Line Steamships. Office:- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. - Box 44. .4.1,.7•111•111.1•1.16111-2.1111.11121.21 Exeter LEW Yarrl The undersigned -wishes to inform thegeneral publiv; that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed lumber . . B. 0. Red, Ontario, High Land and Pine Shingles. . . Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable timber that grows; especially for shing• les. . 3 to 40 years. It is said by those who know, that they will last from 36 to 40 years in any climate. . . . James. Willis, Bishop Tuttle (Episcopal),of Missouri, has joined the Salvation Army. It is snowing hard in Scotland and some parts of England, and the cold is intense. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting' in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, rain in the kidneys, eadaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the museles, eye- lids, and elsewbere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, Ioss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be Tested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing', loss of voiCe, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, suirounded with LEADEN CIRCIADS, oily looking skin, etc„ are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. The'spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad' dross for book oti diseases peculiar to man, scut free, sealed, Address M. V, LIMON, 24 Macdounel Ave, Toronto, Ont. The amendment to the Wilson Tariff Bill as regards the taxing of banks and finainsial institutions provides for a levy of 2 per emit on net profits or in come above ordinary working or oper ating expenses. The amendment cov ers railways, telegraphs, telephone and express COMpallitS, light, gas Arid wa- er compardee, and all other coy- peilitione doing business for profit, and the tax is payable, on or before the 1St of Jilly each year, -nvaugammolama,maio Caw - C. LITTZ. PUP 4SFanson's Block ExetCr, Family Receipts and Prescriptions, Carefully prepair A complete stock of drug .n, patent medicines, Druy:. gists' supplies, perfum1.1,, toilet soaps, hair brush(.,, tooth brushes, combs an. all articles to be found 1:1 a first-class Drug Store. DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist. =W••••.M•SMNY.=,,W.WIIN.MZ0e7".P w DELICATE ; 4 MURRAY &, LAYMAN'S A,A. PURE s RICH SWEET RARE LASTING PUNGENT i\OTArA WrilTER STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IM POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT or Eaely, quickly, Permznapity Reslore6. THE BEIM Weakness, Nerve eaneas, DebilV.ss, and ail the train cf evila fi(un carly erro..)cr later excesses, the reqi"s of overwork, s'c'. - Itess, worry, etc. Fuil s,.:ength, develop:lc and tone given to evcry organ and portion , the body. bimpl^, nat1r...1 methoOs. Inn • elate hapmvermnt Failure impossIV- 2,000 referencvs. Lett, explanation and prowl's andled fwe. ERIE MEDICAL CO Bkiffalo g 1.0YII The Roman Catholic bishops of Can- ada have sent the Governor-General in council a further petition on the North- west school question. 00 CURES Al MK MOM t E. TABS. visuals. A Splendid Remedy. Sino.—I think it my duty o melts 'known the great benefit I received from B. B.B. *0.4 troubled 'With constipatien and debility and used three bottler; of Burdock Bleed Bilietp, which relleVed me from Buttering. 1 esteem 'Lbw splendid remedy above all others and reCom- mend it to all eufforingfrom constipation. 11112.S. B. VISZBB, mmttiora, Ont. Tak •