The Exeter Advocate, 1894-4-26, Page 5L HONOR i0 DARTMOUTH. Prof. Edgard E. Phelps, M, D., LEI, *Whose Discovered Paine's Celery Compound. • Giant Intellect 'Two giants among men—the great - Asst statesman and the greatest physi- ian that America has ever produced Daniel Webster and Edward E. • Phelps—have both done honor to Dart- mouth college, one as a student, the other as an instructor. • To Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D. LL. D., the world to -day owes, longer life and more freedom from sickness than to any other physician. Every Dartmouth alumnus of more than a dozen years' standing' remem- bersthe awe in which he held the keen observer whose name appeared in the college catalogue next to that of the president as professor of materia media,: and every younger graduate 3bas admired the complete .museum of medical botany which Dr. Phelps gave to the college. But it we's the world famed discoy ery of Prof Phelps of an infallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired neryous system and im- pure,blood which has endeared the great doctor to the world, and made his life an era in the practice of medi- cine. Prof. Phelps was born in Connecticut and graduated from the military school at Norwich, Vt. He studied medicine with Prof Nathan Smith, of New Ha- ven, Conn., and graduated in medicine at Yale. • His unusual talent soonbrought.him reputation and prominence among his professional brethren. In 1835 he was elected to the professorship`of anatomy and surgery in the Vermont universi- ty. In 1841 he was appointed lecturer on materia medica and medical botany in Dartmouth coe e. The Leatyear he was chosen professor of the chair then yacated by Prof: Robby, and oc- cupied the chair, the most important one in the country, until a few years before his death in 1880. He had for years foreseen the dan- gers of the American way of Hying. He went about to find a scientific, com- mon sense remedy to cure the common evils that, under one name and another result from an unhealthful state of the nervous sestem, and within a score of years have seemed to be sweeping over the country like an epidemic. He succeeded He gave to the medical profession a celebrated remedy, which has since come to be knowu the world over as Paine's Celery Compound. It was Dr. Phelps' prescriptions which ever since has been freely usedand the most eminent of the prescribed by h profession. The formula was furnished to all reputable physicians. They found the wonderful remedy to be ex- actly what was claimed for it, a great nerveand brain strengthener and re- storer. It demonstrated beyond doubt that Paine's Celery Compound would cure nervous debility and exhaustion, neuralgia. sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and all blood diseases. • good, was It was as harmless as it and it was the universal adyice of the medical profession that the compound be placed where the general public could secure it, and thousands of people have every year proven the wisdom of this good advice, Paine's Celery Compound has given. the people of Canada the best . and strongest testimonials ever published No other medicine before the publie has ever been favored with such a mass of home evidence. All classes, from the laborer to men and women of national reputation. have declared that Paiiie's Celery Compound is worthy of all that has been said in its favor. As a well known physician in this city says: "Paine's Celery Compound is not a pa tient medicine; it is not a sarsaparilla; ordi- nary tonic; -it is annot o isnotameie it —' isfar b and them nary nervine it as z� all as the diamond is superior to glass." Bar Silyer was quoted at 28id in Londona terd . y s ay Wood'. Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs. Woods Norway Pine Syrup cures colds. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. St, John, N,B., had 18 inches of snow yesterday the greatest April storm in 30 years. Business was practically suspended. All the maritine proyinces suffered from the storm and disasters to shipping are feared. MILBURN'S COD LIVER OIL EMULSION with ` Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites cures all throat and lung troubles. • Four prisoners escaped Erie County Goal at Buffalo yesterday. Their names are Fred Campbell, John Stein- bach, Wm. Burns and Otto Susdorf. A reward of $1,000 is offered for their capture, Gentlemen. --Two years ago my hus- land suffered from severe indigestion, but was completely cured by two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. I can truy recommend it to all sufferers from this disease. Mrs, John Burd, 13 Cross St., Toronto. W. N Ford, the abscounding deputy collector of customs at St. Mary's, who was arrested in Detroit and lodged in Stratford jail last week, has been res leased on bail, He is at present at hi - home in St. Marys, ,If youonce try Carter's Little Liver Pills for Pick headetche, biliousness or constipation, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable small and easy to take. Don't forget this. The American and Union News coin- panies of New York are reported to have refused to handle Editor Stead's book on Chicago, because they say it. isnot proper reading to go into the family. Having :suffered over two years with conseipation, and the doctors not hav- ing helped me, I concluded try ,Burdock Blood Bitters, and before I used one bottle I was cured 1 can also recom- mend it for stele headache. Ethel D. Haines, Lakeview, Lin: The Canadian order of Oddfellows is a thing of the past in BritishCoturnbi'i. The Loyal Pacific lodge 150 strong, has joined the .Independent order, while all ttie other lodges have disbanded. •E EANS area new ms- ME PPe�dt '�p'}�, ' VG'S t musthe worst cases o `1ervous that ost Vigor and B `, RATS Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ez _ -- -r_csses of youth. This Remedy ab. lolutely aures the n ost obstinate cases when all other BATnreixs have failedeven to relieve. Zold by drug- gists at SI per package, o six for $5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by addressing TIIE JAMES MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ont. ,elf," `or pamphlet. Sold in— For Sale in Exeter by J. W. Browning Dr. R. S. Mackenzie. formerly of Tor- onto, has been chosen medical superin- tendent of the Montreal General Hos pita). Will be found an excellent remedy. for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills. . Thousands of letters from people who have .used them prove this fact. Try them. Mr. T. P Gorman, editor 'of The Ottawa Free. Press, has been offered by Ontario Government the secretaryship of the Fees Commision, but has had to decline on account of ill -health. Skin diseases are more or less direct- ly occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. eures the folloing Skin Diseases: Shing les, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pim pies, Bi:itches by removing all impurities from the blood from a eommon Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. Mr. Hugh Camphell, a brakeman on the C. P. H., had two fingers taken off in the Wingham yard, oneday last week, while coupling cars. Bad Blood eauses blotches. boils, pirn pies, abcesses,ulcers, scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood in any fort, from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. ' The strike of rolling mills 'employes and nail matters in Ilamiltnn is ended, the men going to work tinder a com- prise scale of wages, COUGHS AND COLDS lead to con• gumption if neglected. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quiekly and is pleasant to take. Lang, ley, 13,C.. is badly off for a doctor, The Council haye had a standing offer of a bonus for some time to any medico who will reside there. If siek headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Little Liver Pills if they will positively caro it? People who haye used them speak frankly . of their worth, They are small mid easy to take. Veterans of the Seventh Battalion who served in the Northwest rebellion held a banquet in London last evening. HIGH` HEALING POWERS are pos. sessed by Victoria Carbolic "Salve. The best remedy cuts, burns, Sores and wounds. Herbert Poole, for molesting ` unpro- tected women on the street as, night, was tined $20 and costs at Brantford, yesterday. MILBURN'S BEET IRON AND WINE the beat $1. Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn'srthe best $1. The best Beef, Iron and, Wine, Milburn's $1. P. Mullin and John Rose were struck by lightning' at Arnprior the other day and received permanent injuries. ' Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs, Price 25 and 50c. Washington is in actual danger. Commonweal armies are springing all over the union. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di seases rr lieyed in six hours by the "Thew GREAT SOUTH: AMERICAN KID- NI]Y CURE." This new remedy is a great sut'prise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or ' fe reale. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed• lately.. If you want quiet; relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Huntsville,Muskoka, lost 30 business places, the Engish church, a grist mill. the telegraph officer and the steamer Excelsior by fire yesterday. When Ilaby was sick,, we,gavo her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When sho becaino Miss, she clung to Castoria. When alio had Children, she gave. theta Csstoria. The Canadian Paeific Railway Com- pany's S.S. Warrimoo sailed from Syd- ney for'"Vanoouver yesterday. Verdi's last opera, ,"Falstaff," was presented in Paris last night for the first lrinie and was a billiant success. Verdi himself coudueted the orchestra. Save dollars in doctors' bills, Esel- jay's Liver Lozenges, 2s ets. at drug- gists. The bill for the repeal of the Coercion Act has passed its second readingin the British Commons. Rheusau*tionn Cured in a nay. South Arnerican Rheumatic Cure,; for Rheumatism end Neuralgia, 'radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious, It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75c. Sold by 0, Lutz,Dr uggist. Yesterday was Juan d'Airla Diego, of Cadiz, beatified. Fifteen thousand Spanish pilgrims attended the cere- monies in Rome, Prevent disease by keeping the system regular and the blood pure. Eseljay's Liver Loxenges. 25 cts, at druggists. Three Austrian towns have been en- tirely destroyed by fire, For . Neura1gic TRY ONE APPLICATION al ns Of THE e8 o&o 9. PLASTER IT WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. It is said that gas is the coming street car motor. A woman, whose frown caused the household to shiver, is now the most peaceful with whom you couldedwell; Her crankiness came from complaints of the liver, And Eseljay's Lozenges made her quiet well. Twu persons were killed and 22 wounded in a riot at Detroit yesterday between striking' Poles and the water works officials. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MINurES.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by- C. Lutz, druggist. In committee of the Reichstag yes- terday, the cardival provisions of the German Tobacco Bill were thrown out Perry Davis' Pain -Killer. -Its effects 0 relief nt no us afforrilu:, arealmost insta a o , from the most intense pain. It soothes the irritrated or inflamed part, and gives the rest and quiet to the sufferer It is eminently the people's frieud, and every one should have it with them, or where they can put their hand en it in the dark if need be. Get 25c Bottle,, Big 2 oz size. Spain 'complains that Cuban rebels are seeming fire arms from the United. States. A BooN TO HORSEMEN.—Clue bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from niy horse. I take. pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps,hiood spavin,splints curbs, sweeuy, stifles and t prains George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont. . o,o ism. Sold by C. Lutz,Druggist. J. S. Sovereign, grand master work- man of the knights of Labor, is in Mon- treal. Superiority. The , Ht l t, y Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is due to the tremendous amount of brain work and constant care used in its preparation. Try one bottle and you will be convin- ced of its superiority. It purifies the blood which, the source of health, cures dyspepsia, overcomes sick headaches and biliousness. It is just the medicine for you. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, carefully prepared by the best ingred- ients. An Italian General has been arres- ted in France as a spy. An Essex Farmer. B. Total Wreck with Kidney Disease—Alt the Sym toms of Bright s Disease present Dodd's Sidney Pills make him per- fectly Well again. Leamington, April 23—Sherman Buchanan, a farmer living near here, recently paeoed through a terrible or- deal. He was attacked by kidney dis- ease, which made him a perfect wreck. He suffered agonizing pains and his digestive organs were seriously impair- ed All the symtoms of Bright's dts, ease were present. After several doe - tors had treated him ineffectually, Mr. Buchanan used several boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured him. Dodd's was the first kidney remedy in Pill form ever offered the public. Its wonderful suceess in curing all forms kidne; disease, has led to introduction of numerous cheap and worthless imi- tations, Purchasers, for their own safety, should insist on getting Dodd's Kidney Pills, Sold in large boxes; price, fifty cents or six boxes for $2.50. To be had of all dealers. If faken in time it will cure ntost severe eases e Coygh, Bronchitis, Asthma, o'chronic irritation et Throat or Lungs. Hus aheavyy dwat t bill, ,fossoFwa es,: ` �q p or: ��BY �t duct discomf t :BRA.NFO D sTEAm LAUNDRY A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow,: take it to 9L. •;.• • EXETER'S Poplar Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. The Great Northern railway strike now extends over the whole system, an order having been issued calling out the men at Minneapolis this • morning. A pretty woman may increase her charms by, clearing• her skin of sallow ness and disfiguring eruptions. Esel- jay's Liver Lozenges, 26c, Carson Lake, the well-known politi cal writer, died Saturday in the Mid- dleton state hospital for the iusane. He was suffering from general paresis. For Over .Fifty S enrs. Ax OLDANDWELL-TRIED P.Esisny. arra Winslow'sSoothing Syrup, has been used for over fifty, ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and is the best remedy for Diarrh®a, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing' Syrup and take no other kind John Butteroff, of Springfield I11., has given himself up to the New York police, saying' that he had stolen $1,500 belonging to the United States Ex press Company. 44011,HARMLESS HEADACHE `��%'+� Poen Elia curs ALE, il'IEADACHE. They are ,wt adver- tised to cure every thing,but simply head. aches. Xhyy them, it will cost but 25 cents a boas antitheft q"43 harmless. They are nota Cathartic. The Liberals of West Peterboro' met in convention at Peterboro' yesterday and renominated Mr: J. R. Stratton, M. P. P. They also passed a resolution' endorcing the Mowat Government. "A Little Bilious? This may lead to serious illness. Get a box of Eseljay's Liyer Lozenges at once. 25 ets. at • ggi dlub�,ists. J. M. Egan, who has been so long and actively connected with the Chica- go Great Western railway, has tender• ed his resignation •as president and general manager, and it has been ac- cepted. Scott -Hall lost his snit against the Earl of Abingdon. Devastating -floods are muting in Armenia. Hensall: The Oddfellows, intend holding a grand open meeting next month to celebrate the auniversary of the Order, Hensall: R. Paterson, planing mills, has received the contract for doing the work of Mr. Moore's fine now dwelling nearly opposite. the Presbyterian church Hensall, and Mr. Geo. Kydd the con- tract brick ra t for the bk work. c t c East Zora: On Friday last a seven year-old son of Mr. John Baker. on the! 10th line opposite Burns Church, died in great agony from a, throat disease resembling glanders. A few days be- fore, the little fellow was leading a horse to water when he sneezed iu the boy's•face, It was since discovered that the horse was suffering from glanders. Three other members of the family are also down. ALL 14IEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions,•lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness;, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of bearing, loss of yoice, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with Lasanuer sinatnn, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured, Send your ad• dress for' book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto, Ont. This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy fo Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, sue ,e Constipation, Hieadache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc, These Lozenges are pleasan and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action or the bowels, do notweakonli'kepills. if your tongue is coated your need tient. sOa's's",s,Rssis,sAlc AT ,,IL 1D1tuai Sa'(Dlii:S, 0, LU.1TZ. PROF Fanson's Block Exeter. Family Receipts..: and Prescriptions 9 Carefully prepared, A complete stock of drug.4, patent medicines, Drug- gists' supplies, perfume,, toilet soaps, hair brushE."•,. tooth brushes, combs an' i all articles to be found i=1 a first-class Drug Store. DR. C. LUT, Druggist. The North-Western Cordage Cony pany, of St. Paul, Minn., is makin„r• arrangemenas to start a binder twir;e , and rope factory at Winnipeg. El �/ F-1 r, u 14 f2.1f : SAFE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER J,w of ��1�1 I��G ®. �p94'.Q�py�' `;'1'4'''' ISRES 9 lidL'cam% SARSAPARILLA CURES ALL Taints of the Blood. , , f' l y 'WJ 4 1�1 CERTAIN R °F. Easily, Quick y, PeI'Ittanertdy nest rete s ; Milli : .1 . r r '.-4,\,. �.t �.I .4,...,..-(,,v,,,.....;,),,,,...„... 15:1_ S "r ,,i n„ Kt�cj In ii�rr.. ,.,., dt't I ., 'Weakness, Nervot:sn-on s, Dcbilrt•!v„ and alt the tr.,in of Evils f.tn4.:lily errois.cr later excesses, the rc u''s of o 'e"work, s....= ness, worry, etc. Furl t.: ength, developmc t and tone given to every organ and. portion, the body. bimp'^,'ta oral methods. in.:: i, diate iuiprovenxrit se. n. Failure imposi blri 2,000 references. Duck, explanation at.d proofs a...iled {sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL Coe l Buffalo, NJ. . .,CTR" 1 FiU L 5 Ears'. yT.ts. arum Worst Kind of Scrofula. Dims Sthe. I had an abscess ou my breast and scrofula of the very worstkind, the doctors said. Tgot soweak that 1could nob walk arou;nd the house without taking.liold of chairs to sup- port me. The doctors treated nisi for three yearsand at last said there was no hope for, me. Iasked if1ini httakef.13.B.andthe said it would do mo no harm, so % began to take it, and before three bottles were used I felt great benefit, I have now taken six bottles and ant nearly Well. I find ]3urclocic l3looci l3ittars s. grand blood puriAor and very good tor ehildsraa ata a epilog niodioiuo. MI S. 7.i11iz15S CECASI]: 1"rankford, Ont.,