HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-4-19, Page 71=F,", , I � 17 ­ - IN I � r, � I , I I � �. .� I ­ -W--- - I'll I - I . I � 1-1-1 -11"', I I , . " I � ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ , I' I """WAR'll"""IN I . � I . . � � . I I � � % . � I I . I . � I I I � . 1� . I I � I � I � . I 11 I I I 1��_ � �. - I - . INT"10 �"­,' 'I ,j.�,,,,� TU 8 , , K!A * li,g �r,� , I , I , i I 0;i'. 5 , - ", , "I I'll, i ti " 'i J ._� ­ — .. �'. ,_� m Coamee's Bill to estalil to prowtice as a deatisi `� I Wr. Rorke asked., Has the Governmen Xaost apprised of a disease Among catt I I Sli the southeastern portion . of the couis pronounced by some votei 9111a.G111n.rgotism? if so, Is.1t, the I, ;Rmaraon of the Government to inquir 'D, ,-*a V *141 . � _4qF9v�n4(Pff§YALC4 I Voupp ' .jy"to farmers every pvaMilab msisio�_�,Jl , V!, L"10011PO lho.fiill vkWnw* A2 t ;waymo0w a a remadiar 'treatment? ' I Zon� Mr. Dryden said in reply: Tb +- .IMT,notment ',of Agriculture Ilas bee ,.ttl �lmtivdied of a now disease among ] 111 UO U011UtY of Grey, Upon recelvin ,310 Wormatiou the Douartment insint '10 not contagIOU0,446k AtijwlfiWAI_ive� MS11568, Mild is Mainly due to thaspeele 'IfbaTazter 61 the food, which is said t T04t93n 1more or loss eigot. Dr. Smit '.0pporta that as soon as the food I ,Whanged the animals speedily recovei 39T. Fiold'e Bill, to amend the Act* rp - .i �. It- - i_ -'_-'_t7,_ �W'Te' ';� - 1W,_W61st-UW"b , , . . 7;�� 0VJentad tWt Url , i�ouIAA6fW61(Ah,WJa1oj Mons wisiount orlabor over the country Zm. Xr� Harcourt pointed * . R� 1 ­ tba use of.prGper forms the It , bo 20 Ifts tban at first sight AlffiE oil 11m BiU pissed for cosibiderailon in com "I'll "I'll . .- 11, M­:�­_.___ 1-1 - . � e tl A�b. 11 Bill t &I e d th -44 ve-goltsto rave 0, a on Ipm.; big way �Rlnd brift a W4?s;. � � vauel d �, , `� ant I -, wMaing. 1 qxpU"ed U E., Ine _ , . �, Todaced , I , in � tmflaced the "instance of pan: ,Wmeh lor many years-hina-the C= . . __ fta.Vt uP the Untaraqui Bridge, at Kin4s I IZDD� a -ad that It was tQ s,pNov.�dalr t I - I MID finea collected for I , i4&XI W3- 3widges should be P&]A-,.:oYet_ OMMPSUY� which is at t9eTix—pense of th ,­ I'dw CP , 10 i, , , A ?p ,�J?e4114_ ,-q -- , j - , , -0 k , , I 11, Nt 'R I- IK;6fed, ae, ce�ond 'res, 2111 � 41M t6tiAmclw-�tlfe� M11fikaiistac. . , � I ()Sbolishlugf�hq,poll tax. ,,Uo,pAjA,j� i�i�ilntl& it, was - h6f%iAtipa,ited, t, j'. , , e4d - d;p� IJlIffand -,* - ey a I . *. �p'61W-,bat , I I . -, 4 . 'At7 gk1T;ALi)8r4X it"-;, 'W" � J Abv� NAT , ,er's Bill which proposecL additions' �regnlatlsms regarding the payment oval Of taxes, and said it was. lo d" --ith Mor , M_ n3a � rdtatmto book with useles ant :bore out the charge that .4_g,QQd_deaI_aJ 1.2alikering Wag done in t`hb=9EfF,ii.=`=7` �, , ­BnA thqught,the; ' t 111 al lit oppoeitibir, th- U6 WO"119015"M _..A`V1 X, : - - 161R. 4,4T,.4,7?',,�,r�1(4 "YPIT; JOTIPAAJ� ,Mfcm " lit -16'. I eir W_ wfiwior roonou;,pos qjiar,Qeaiu� j33mJI_tbP )3ill was then- si�sat Iro,the.Xitini. . , � 17Aiii3-69&Mtteo.-'­'­i - �s v!, � �_I) ­.. , ­' I Qn the -motion for tha,adjour4moat-e4 the House, :Mr. Meredith asked if It was .2 that tk , , � A�Qsj'�U; it- , �'_ ,-- on Tar$ ba,4 2 -paft .41,7W , '. . 4 I i� � '�' . � ,,#nui, - need A� thi " T, , , i 01 � Wffl'�W'ai�9&41619'%tegl hoft 11: I 1:9�115QQTQ 11 11 .... . .... � ___ -'Sir--1WIver - said' -thd- - 60-slim-lis-aliou' I] 39sued, but no F. - ?nT iai , I 11 Keit, r . OV14% !t d b&d teem wi.A, liz 61.1i , , M `;Zwl� ! I an I ttd 16 thi 1 -4- Pnode o1procedure, and so forth. Thfi "*0034010. ." It, ,�et­teT,f ofqte� hialthought, 'in prit , . "1W , � IS' -in tie pres6nee, of the publidl ', . ZbdiN Wffi h'f i4ign this objeT., ,� ;,P -p v � ,fqq ,,Vp � ,p Alid Sir ,qIivqr,ssid he had ittla , � -f%iA1MU*%_ef � 6'b6=ini6s1Ol& had considt ",Z� , ., Id,J"t --B�opslf ofi�,hpir-� ifivestigationlay A,4 . . I I � I 3r womild Jhave no idea. of keeping any.l &-Ntlugllwmlme��Ww` _�k'1.11, � "T-!�%R Bak" adjourned stt,4.30 o'clock. I "', =0 H6ugb`-thc'h'w6nt`1btO commit"e . �'T.V,�-.,�pl;p-)Y;�"4-.1�"P,ai-��, tw6stimate. for obblic B#Udisigs, �amqlmtiug to V221,890, ..270T sitzscelisidowis axpeuses-al civil g0*1 OxAmOnt ,$9,650 were Voted. The eat! - too - epp�4�,.; ipt,ol A " R ro -, , ,,n . u ) 3)epprit �, .x f Od _0 �:,-Irla ionfl p. MM, _ I 1b. IXABed . : J n Li 'I I I e ' .nlresn to ee6"NArd. ,Ing the manageZ. cut oLtho Guelph Ag-ri- j�, 0. ' I !Q particularly 'i 091'ler& )7 I &_bttlo t � t7 S ,p;�pPtigz,q], dairy, which he matlar ,. 'I d _ aV1h6i`roi6dJ6 -Ifto greatuse- 2agneus- q!F-",,,Jn"P.w-,1nx00 expenditure _ �10 zolamiggtidn "Wit'li'the lj�611e ,go was due to the -various n w ale If ims lob - gar 1_ , .Ttad been ina LI! e , r, t in - ilk ua ii )A of X-7eass, its off LEW - V. Aae college, wthwh, no than . C was un- xl9qua . , . Uod on th Am rk, ,n litinent. ta, mr-21 Ufiaiy 461ed,"'T.h. e Le co , as, lenciship ,might L�, ,,, ; , Mj% ,� 1, A t - t., , a t �, � pro We L " i.,rt� [ He charged , - 0 V a illessly, expon - md 5m the 3nnAi0relli.71A f Af-ft.1"A - at", 6I +, .1 V � I no I .­.:,I� ­ - . , ­ - I I 1-1-1111.1 , , 0�1;,B�1111)r f it�"h'V��WA Lit0d "�' 4 " , . " . � 11 oald 0 . I . MR, �Itl,�Pr'�, V " , b was 0 " 0 �­ U ; � P.I. oral 11 " N; ",P ��....�,��; r be F PE " � V"� Pilo !1�40F, - . over for futire co siderat. U. _;, AJ-)JIUd I Mr.Mo ;It I a , few, B o.xpreav'rektl , ed in rJ,A , W Crown J.ua , I I I (Wil 0 a re, 01111111111:11141111J.'N"m ::11,1:11 ...... 1.1p" 11:11=Zl: '10 AlK,,)',1`WA14 I I . Xr,4jJkXft,^W4'I' � L ; 11 I , I "'i JIIJWV� V, A "Irrim'MI �t ;��,:�!..,,It� i " a' L Is."' flar to of W q VU Ligr C " 114 ,t!,!-.,4",� 1 , I "ll ! 1 11� . C"?,�11. U �11 . 1, -_7 -_ ­ ­ I I I L ". I 46�_ 1 1 1� ­­'.. 11 -111d to i I , 11 , . ow� L I . I Ev .., 'if . , I't A, 1,61,11 . U , Is LVADA P f , i I F,7 �,fw,,. �7C(�Iri,,,W, i A, , " Moo., . �, I 1 1 ­.__��­W;�� ...... __­­ _­­_ -Z I � I X. . 11 . , � lip " , I i� , ��'i �",,.;; I , , , . �: - i, . '' � , � , 9 v.. ;�., � " , i , . I ,N �J I oce i QU y .0, 41 , ",r,,,, JL14ao�� " 4 .f �t , ,�a � . , , , suit of tNiirl "' );' 15 1 oul .,')'s,tt, lt,�'31 � I 7 I 1. " �id I I ' �i �11t� 6 I. ".1 6 'M14'er JAL I 2"4iu'�'l "a'j" 4 �Igii � 19,9494-410wir . 1 I Ff 'J""', bq­ J;() � mVL 4 # 'Jpf� , - I" I 6 K;lji 6 wam-for to, 10 L . ­ I r 1. , ro�� � n- , . ) 6 umber 46.f subject , showing that IA- ,� El , tively, as well as numerically, a g at , f tImIrp, 0. In 1867 in 11 Fili#P080 bq4 gjji�i 1�1 �lfiy 14, I , P � �, . obtaining a loan. I Mr. Gilinour (lid not pr 10 NO draw the It �, the fmpsl�,oexoj . ,(,Was r 1, ;6, Crf I 400 '0,�o?fpwt i - 4, qff , '" a $0 T L , ,� Enviti-IdtVanz, "r " nations, N, V 6T �n fjJIS r XS , I AV414411944owft 0114AIP I 4 p � '43,110fits" I , i I , lri�:,',�. ..! j�",41111 ,lp'li [it 1,11v'. ., ; J14; ­�?, Ati, . , , I � ,;�,,AJi ImIgn Nadetilildil . '' I I ". , 1. J . . . . . I JJJJ , s R:: .. //� 1 �1) , . ( 14� Qi / ,!PM , .�� � th Be mchopla A been 91 plipilo. ; 1WO( I , ,fq" 'Uacl�b - last year the � tolip4o0o Bill, and said if I _. not 90 to a committee it woul 'I .1 4 to be voted dow ho"12 ,ngld A �! PLO, 14"K4 glikaiabbow. ��, "pt,pp,44prim I 0 a an I . , "' ','V 's (=IlUil I . ,Ill() I . .. I I b I ol-All-11; I JJ1WY.qwf FOA 'JQ)t'"(11)h lit, -.?w;0 I I i �'. fl� -T ."r rl 11 11 � �, ,,L" . 'J''I I I ; be � ,,,Be if.'' 41,,ftr 06 : ;;dlu ,Z hJ,t.,jV RrUad ,a no ,,�W.e ii bar Of tome era If - bq '11bortifleateo. '0j49 depq �VnVDO 1. ,n. , e In 1. I "� - iv a declared lost, C �Ilfh ', via I? ion, p -I,. uq n. , I , � , XM�ki' if �[.111"1064!it3NO46 ' . 1'11'D . �') 9,F 11444, 00 JW , qIr I 'Of! il 11 -_ i ) t , & -11,4ndi. J(fn.1-1q wxnla !iaT=Pij*7,Jg) ;l . . . , I ',,,HA,NDU1NGi,l'RF 'THE -1 ti'OROPip,�' I A _'"'" p " I flfliL . , .""'11.11111-1 Lif :4 J. I . . , � . ,4,1 In f the A Is' Of r I% teachers, AVO M ­ Ra WA66d;- Y also, el �,: On I . . .. any Stat) in .15 . � L I � tbe Uni8n. Of 8,000 teachers in Out irio 0 into Committee c it),11103 A I Lei , I . I, 'a Bill respectingoolin, 0 ion and Arbitrations,A%, as 5 i I isputes. I -_ ,%ftf ' it) 1D JI �` W111AWrl aotgry, ffi XJ i �.A*4 k_011, ' LonnoX 00,; Price W W Is I . ,JI 9proje. ailing- gii j -, ton Co., Potter J., Mono I 10 f PON visillAdlibirts,60,4011. 1� ., ;1,011131vu�� will g It IT, 191P � U11 i ""', "�", I 'r��A.;A,-1 . �, 11 port:rd 02 a . a ME' prop -=J t" uYNrp'1,,V 4b, W � - I struet*o"f1*r(4hWpW4#mI9r9 ol apples, P"mi-fillf w*, lj�d 1),J.tit, I 11 ;;J I E L , Slpkl�W , . I ... til � Ithetroubleslincl, . I , 8,000L ba - ) a n rmal 001 WaV ,,a .ng, 11) TN� A I Than ' ` t .,4, 11 11 I .... 13. r t w, .1 in one appointmefitidtf Outlet , e toa passage.of ar ADbeY0A1X,,I1 , , r V, bh N,904 0 1 IV "TtrAtirallAP) ) & 0 0­ml'lA*`tYA?O`-fN11V Jt� ,If �A, , Irop U.JJ-R?AY�;Jl`1J,Jk4 " � fwov� I 40th;,"At ,Y,Qr*Ug,J#*l APMO" . _ . ,*i."J(fkJ 10 Atb �,Jpil , Fpj�tp9-e+, I It J ,.4, . rl� , O�ft5�);.�JF191 , ' '? rkn a � 1 ' TI It; " PATO 41 I T h as N , - , � 8,2, � 1 IfIRM M4 qlf�lw ,, _ t� M , li Kic , JF,mes ,�Psea. �, .. I 1. xos4 , . 127mess I% ' ,,, _� Lj& Q1 - after �( llytue s(PA'ap, q. go their mlist ,� so, I i not gi . , , , , �# L '� �6� li Lly(h is I '_ -e ici I " I this ) department of the work, on which � the twe I the 0 a. I eader Mr More Ith said that while the bon. gentlemen oppooit - 4, - .. , ?UI 113H wood factory, Elgin qq� 1�. 'S)0)rqJYJy, S. Whit , Ogtarl ton a. 1A, W , :"I 1`)W fcd"1_9� 41tio, A()9'l%.Tt'1114MW.r, . .. . -.64-i"ZipZ11" VIC. 9, L IT IMN I,, � 1� h ii, lf,4e)dtal-bi-guill6ujdht,*tjlv),Oiddw ;Ajefifiew"gir , Pyffiab'tk %,Wcep'� ]I I' cepq . e6l shoiwp In Curing �� U 111. " V - -�, , INAF I frrfl..k�) : , , uPJY ' .,g,sliO f�i %40)'FJbQ)9 was based. � In � i I . ble ag _ .sebooll I On aria I per cc t. a. decried patrciAikh, YOt they lived npou it and ere ated W1690, )'it scat ,,�o a 0 around among their fr.dbdWJ11Xjj, . , I !, ,J, Arts, _ A olsoy 1y`,1r11#J,-BJMXsIA#,f4Ptqm ft ,TA A. fil . I ­ .1 --- p 'if Peatestols; 111 "goifi gr " P, a, � ..: . "IT. " 6Ne*,,j 0 P IV SAW STI? Me - Aa . 4 a f i . .# 't)4 y , It RfQ "' I iv&s " P, a , I t " �, k .f it 11 6$ b A U-1 kkkill ) .-JT � Ji, �. �r? "N(11 :1 . 1% 11 .ta� li'l .K&'d ' aeug"YeVAQ4. iLiv.Kn PZLLS It ft � tJJJt4f 11y'110,10, W.P.101,AwAll. ­ cilrolle - t a high -eat '1Jxoportion on the co I e - ) arkU Almost-40st le th oproporti 'I. �. " ,� � . . , b o --1 . 8 tail;4' , Js �. � �;,. It �". , ,Ia , - ." r Mowat denied the i �tate* a1v � � � H as id he did not wish t( .use . I 6 y1i or language than that i� -4-W, .1, ,?1iQMiG1A,r,b I � � I T1 ;Y JT1 r., Napg�nca;%JA0NI,1r#ot.=Y;sl Up M b � . X 4, in d1ty, J. " B t C I . ..% 1, N I `:T O;i � am( PME(J billirm "jkATEX&I ; - A X, ;JPg71vP?r,9J 0 1 Ij ,ill . I ,3eir ' UtJ a , I . ,4 'g, , , & VI f I f tJ)i;PXJ7,4),&W,-1'61eV , a t I US tivii tatt , '4'qr,,, at i,'Onr fteflAiiiail;YNII uF,#OPaoSq4-,, j4pit require- ,A 0 r are equall I YN"It Vc, =1bg nQ At . atAt, Nvjwe 'L 'r �') , 91AIZ" 9V JrrT , ) i , ok '1� , .fj'a- In it, � , -, - , 't�e St9snaiiih. the bowels. 01, !4L� 'to , - " i , t I �!, ,� do), , 11 TIf 4,� � I L 0 , I I 1 1 6 y"t � - JaWk t'LA" , " �,� , V I , W, r 'ji, a . ' 0 I 0 a had been erected in r , aid r 26L lild been eni,larg During the !,last iA - 1. r � t f,� tt�os--.I,, " LLLL 140 offices had been er mt(fd) �1 ,il�,, L" 1,� �. L _q .. ,. 'hoQ�w "'t ,41)pnojit of . J'AA , , . people. , 'k, a4g Afr. More ditb said that his obser aql� I the rl, �i l,qY1rP,',A-,!, l61,0P4),)fflarV,tqafff* � . _ lit , C or : i"!64L;_-L 6 ainr�i l . 'I "'I , � W%TtV""th LIC ti 1 4 7" Voddsv1Ktwtlyb,A 4 ' do), ale)l 9, ry, Ulif � IL2.51,x(Aiing , u I kar c -P walvgo,�Jv, 04nefit to i §,q8ffq,,j0Xgm, A."'PRP" * , ­ , U KA ica a man Of lipad. I 1i r 4 ""ilb I'W''lliolt AWV,a�4rO#tiiA4d.t11 - I i, .,Ivr6dol through I fiV?P;alWA1PUlAhftIPArt'(P lisbspip) Jand in- R at sti , g�j wcWy.g regulato YOJ� nly, ZECI I hid f kIfJ * �Ie,iv 1), " , 1,; �t .l,tj.,�,, .111, . i U 1 E "'D H , A , i gqej, V itieonk Pal& i�'� 4aefifii 61 education, !and p 41PTI. Y - nol sition ; had , � vql&�,fq .. galp att. . .-. LEI Lila Into egranits in this d� - iree Of course pursued by the G64own- ment led him to dissent from the AtIRIM neY f I -Gesteralls yjg - ' 41 ,tw � ,,, , 31 4 41 ii I: . o"D ,P i .0 411�,, W " g �4 itp I , go R ` ffil..'Utiny ,P � A I .4 ; , VLIA,Arn .4 �, J.jtt� Lot 'AJFY", ,,, I I L �56'. I .2 . 1;66'. , I. gto �i,:plrri-iff!lktoxy;f)liojopg.m ), , . ' . ' . a P1 . .;�, 11 1. ., 011, hii, i , T* I 2, r I 1; , W �, is.nte� ills, UhbA'V6rvPI4` IU " iMim! . � ., '9 Rp"'IM, ,.,4jF.j,,1)ud which -010ij _ " ' VP I t' to dis ) , 1�1�X'14 W9 -_ - _ UOgs I a* As ; and � . .. : .1 I W jo," 1: I Acb,a they,ty prl�Fess to 1U)o _, ul IpWm - , W 17! , P ,"I QP,"n'P,a,n *,L 1 '-,a �",: � SIR � 4heir go � � I I . pl� ges u t eg r 61 ` ,,� l - a. OV the , xdel$ ; i AiQu�J#.4d,::0Pon,Ah . ;increase JASM the Provi ��q re 'nee, ,r . ,t ,, , � ., �, i . g(ail _, , I " , " 1, .b 1 5illees. 'NO I U ), T11011-1 ON;`-U6X(af2J,bj r Vi --ALI DbhedAgtL , I L n I agal factory, Perth 41 C IT arP tjlj�d' ra,T, t ne I a � , , ` rA , a a . ! I 'In hA ?�fk ory, b a, 11: I'd * , . 4F.Affiti""10 MO 9 OAR, Z th 'Ir'. gultel a totd.lUtoty4ftlil at wullu_ Ill" . Ljp�,4008!, ..j L�,tjjoin , -4 `fifM"fifPO`-itdAiI �i I Oms. Continjing, I he B1101-0 Of the sums paid for I # _p ) superannuating� f ., . Oil ers, will.iop ., �A t 9, b , lulA.. Sir Oliver Mowat repli # at th ye , r� t)l - taWT gio , 4,�,-�', . ) I ,,,h� I stol , �, %.1 . , - AuNQ,loT_s,no_ . .1, �, a. .qj M vloul I ,99.�,ti.Vi�10-, , g,; e,P on Place, Carloton' lacli NO bry, �Ilgikitikk , .911inglRo - � ,,M � jtyj%�A W . � rf�.Rg 40h.111P D02ft -�J vc . gng I 'I, q L, ob P Y" 60 45af&t,�' 1o.;iqi)jrr19W&W1JY,iT. 0 i�.? ,),, L _...__ a .i i; , ) , . - '* )P;l it ?'*gjq1!(J v ... . it I t 1. , , . 0 M I 11 I �-tl , I ?I , t4k t . 61 I - I 7a. - I , 14HJ4 ylar . , . . . " ) r If W I � , _ , gj�y -auslotr2a'._". -, te I YT ' . I ), ", I I 18 C,N1 i - -11A ` " " E amounted t I " ' a Spa �� H' r ugatIt$?1$ , 0 r I � I ., I the cost OU 'I , � 1 brancheo of t � .1, t A , i , 11; � me I is Own regime with 'the .Years. The remuner atl I 11 ` ' era a, h , , Q 5 r, ,?,qx , orne3 L I ge. 4 _ SO# ilstagUj � thAJAV era at I ior prelim loetil �., , - ' 'Ili fi ['- ­., 1 119413 M 694, f ITI F A. I lVillei llit,4, 4 fllymxv))�� It -- , - - - , gon"i R enh it!,., � It iiifi L) lffi� 172y, W 61,� '9 12? :,tZI L, N, rd'n 0 , U ,WQjMn�,;D**b bol * It I .", .. % , .111, I lisiavml�en III t � � [es t 1 r' reII44 , ;tpl pj� r a pl�a i, . t,�Ig It slflmd, , I .. . 1111- IT `lPqflj PRP - ", 4W) lqrp OF I Ingil pu - - . I le Y A V:es t W tbe,b.anqoQfqon1an 1�, - b .1, ' y�nptei F'e 'JU-1; it, )Ur eat bill I a � R1 N '101�*31 A 1')�,q . cost undW I 1; J& �C 8 ,,gh . _pft" ,o 't,g4jjqld,� '-,Q-d` I Government,, 4& 8 O'w ft ­ a7li r A �IDOt + Jf i�qtln eo!t ha 'Ile re.F �7 AA311Y . P 90161- 6'd t1i i b ease in the wc , Ire � �,o� tIle,*TdopaT,t;tAj�pe was I I V for W t4 '. -"' ai � r far M IW , '13 daywlij 2 V . . Mr. Wd1thJJ) the coun- , . �,J cil@j uld I " ces . , ft J�roo",-'rorl. The i 4".6� ?A MWAQt6V,JZAI dolew 61-J. Is fac- rodie, G. B., Gladstone, Pongfpl tory, Middlesex Co.; Makinsoh .. E I I- -MwfougAgAg,'7�-;Bj��, =�-­ ­�__­­ ,­ '. IN -M61., _T .. N _ (�) j' . . I ar RERM". ,; I lilott W. A, " '* " n a - , q. J 1 11 in rapi y i-direnal 'Xiag It ` ids, fruit that is as good a - - . of Our - - _12 ar _V1=V_VKr 61 .- uperior 7t2W" , - ' , ,,,, oaucWV 0 the Y T� 6, � I .1 A, K19 -A 'r� , s;n,-;]' kft' andveq-eft _. �O Vf . . m "* - rtu take. 0 " . alre Itar-ag gal o fflfteyflare 14triff'? . A 2LO , -14*4 1) ilg F tIJ �P#ir tj,�",O�U _..'VI.R _g�p - - - _ ­-, ; - 1.12 vi ON. 1, -` lit�� 'l-dThere no )q � - tim lit 'that 'the " I f - h a i PYS. am al delep OPS0%,04oidivoll . iWofiflition, Sit Z sea] f I �e ,4 ,I suggested a I tJ(;0m 'Tit -l- ,r� r ITRA 0 0 'r . . -1 pur ( anize - te Tt . bh6pitte Ur -M P So of � v x Hastings Co. .1 _� , H ti , Nat . . i .. , t;j� _ �� � ,k.& ,3 i� , rt, re; 4�s . I W1 , " _ . 0 , _ Druers '" an woruers, 0 an factory, anark Co-; No- � � , e t, guid I I N -r.o x 'y h 7 1 01 OR , a a wpio", 0 Be in - Desimark, Belgium, Holland, 2,tbwh�tv .. I : I, I �4km -F g . - M." - - 1 MWN .1 . .... _,_ K � , * .. = . IT 74. . -RI , I Ibnallo MM, ST , I 11 . .. I who followed- him for the next 1:100 , a ra woul a 0. , 'I I rr emp!� 4 - 01'54M& At�IaEk@ lvitm Gullough, Mina A., Eramosa, Wellington Co, 4 M7 h , 01 F, m ""' 101107 an Of ryi,yrinany and France. Gro -V Iftde-q;�po . � , , I b l(J. . . " .i IMIM.4 11 Imill hm gfl;pto, ! I . , , th I � . '. k ! , . . , _,U ,X I g � t thu di , , zr� J . U � , IV , �. t'. ­ � � . , P ii K9 x!, UI . gree . tills I . the case, b - Asteral 4e .# 0 , � . —&"- � P I& & be. as "O SY � . I ;Z,� -;�Fa �Sjfj'.['[%p� - — ",,� — ,;3 — .66 4i6a�_a __Pf"'"ffl_*Wi171qI '_A1`r_1§Y_ru'ff6TT­ [T3 countries are now becoi Ing di'MMIJ 04 L_TVJ),�iVe to the importane of this branch of their t t d , 6.8 - . � . 3040 to 11 — t� L . Us loism of either friends or foe - i .. .- I . 31 ___4t�_ - __ __ - - , ---spoko- MU146 fzigga) I ft icis the s�pt(,# ;I � 1i .40 I .e ,+.r,y meeNings, . for whole- �- f * - #4 . 0&" I - wi%dsks�a _ , , . &y, Bit flngs, I Brown, Perry 0 auf 5 �&Ndx 4 md EfiT& " Pashley 1 v I`- I 8. A., and Briggs ; Bell, E. J.; Robertson ; a Is , Tereto 4 a ad V69W d their - i q*�,ym P. F i Applas I 'as a is ape comph ativei?"'M"161OCa6m#akN*4AI44io,4Lii#9;4;r--the ,., ,��nnn!� .N& iffif mA.xba. ,,, 11 Y� n9l BrIde nts o� zltia . , . - �. I "a O .. "" ... of d , c r ,lie') '� t the means of !dig�- � � . I tt,20"Idd L- I ­ .- M - The bill was reported with sinew- -onto. 94 � i& r u a I i 1,68MACM jp:;L rvgv, ft., ,.r,�. d. � . P - , 4� " It "SM", � , - , , . Pp h1l .el be obvi ted in , pf�at a !an Wag., . a, L Is. - U * a ildiii or of larg , E' 5 JAJlJliq# visited t a ..10:t0"1l .TW,61Jiss`F .a.w:. -1 � - -1. I— - ", I r-- ,1ff7"Xh �hio 1" 0 season for, i f ;, I later of E tication as being dangerbus, . ON- 11 -Ke to result in the exercisef of u It into Co mu A-0 on Mr. Ross' Bill respeeting r I P � ada College. ti , r C-9194ph I QN, �PNVV"Nd V&P AMUT 11�1',4r � '. - � UIT i-Xii a �� ;11,2R.11"I L .� - 'AAed qjs a is k t for t a III"— - Is' best v - -X04'r I '11 ,m(& ,� ' ' :0'"�- R( _ e k a g e,, '� . , 41. aSNJ saka(wr GJAcago Ilee- f -Or4F-i­h"e­Iat - eLly been--woudering what n�P�r_ ,Qf,t0Jb.,,12i %Mer the knot "P jbxfKqg;, . . . political I TA SM. I r I " I Lth - I . , h � - i2rvn I- , Mr. Meredith A was a I9 U if �ibql r, I I 11 �" ,Jt q 11, - I some radical chang tl,�--- � L 1,6�1 141.1 , � f C)J)_, 11 N, 0 �qll yip.; rIT a)TI - I i I- W tiobst xalUnatlon, ,IJ61t; VX �,941 ' . &S 1: ttou Ityn" ,pa". , 4XV mode C? aJLL . Vkage, � I .W t the *0 %t I a demane. -9 7 r 9 I , aa ." r is 1S3,re Wpl they ? VAS'l t. WWI o1j'sf, . 6� q� hpx-.Ojpq�j�4 , _ 1,,;rat .,4,,rt on the. 101 b ..­. d py td a . 'i W 11 , 1% I At�[,,�, I P F , ,6uld I i e, with P I ad h 7 Eff iff_ IN. -11e. ­00WU . .,said thb---�IWZPbeen y unduly fostered O' management of the col ege it w u.: r - P1 trograde. The tea6ching staff as n V0 'J_T_ ' 14f ,Ir ,jy;J`r7d4J,,I1MWQ,i"91 .,9 , a ki , C , amiklie , W - , as L.P.shl.9 W,J&1JiAJ overfat(i 44W ;r ")ffl , . . , r N' WIG" Wn. -. ll� C1 b6' 'nf, �" , ,W � %Mrk, grlo'ntllt gJ ?4 . g*fta . I -,Cigjif,Akup,bea,ttTS41P..ti.tiotr,IgAsvijA�ee? .11f � �1, i P ek Does the. i� *09U 1119' W&VICUU?i O?Ili& the race . rismant, 1 --aWorttm.ill I , 0 I= S NXs4.0oJ&f1*-t0QNWbIiS i � eii�e Ead_ be 0 . t 3 I., t1i". I?,T a ood I , a . .� 1 . .g . .. " e wa Aoose from't4 Lgas 2 "�' nNi'011"'.1 -: lt,fi R,,.r,W: *'a [an """�" I lott ; A oKenzie 'h I - .'t'..; ' , Y F , , (: ) ." ' � k' il, t -_41 f NyAjJ#FMmparc fa or 111121d, � t V . . as, such g� r IN I as . � = . If qipdY,qqtob,edTtheim ,ere multi- 14, INP u as 0 -0 jw - is � ,,, - , - ­ . -AVARTE ;1. , a] , 'g .1'. glaiS Wofcs, !a bad, �e . ., A9H . , , t4d-, q� �,Pn-.A a to OMAN t �, ,§P if d' f- '- .71 t �, e Pop �8 t1tq dist E,ithWA i", 5929PUM-11rel ,a Ho 0 use and Ilowel g ifKok . ' 0 faRWA " Pr. - A 9 ( I, A - oss denie the state ent tha , Us , t( - 'the In o � . d. -.n Philp, Talbot, , 4WI R id chose. -n ; Scott and Brodie; Findlay; Par k. ' � fl e M t I s " ; , G k, Seek , B Idwin, Golden Russet, etc. We ,Can jJPMR to "' ur 9 I , .. -kl& 11 7 riffthk�%Ifpl. I rdqlp�;& -1,501 9f Al -b 1 blonde 19 ,�eziptions I i .� , b"'tte, stnqiy' , vivacious, Ifteiniousi eldf.)k1h4J,,)!jffi,Vb9J6-and they, . 111,=91 fu14-Abc,timplishid, possess- u. , ,19 _ , .1, i 1 IVA aiieR which plac ; ' 1� po I 9dild4tional mat,a,%,,N4f&a _ P . Y121bwt6RPnT_ , P . , 4, Aqg Z"', I 11 15p - Uolleges . It at il? d c ively Riatr 12i BUTTER-MARING- q V P A. NUZAI�&&%J�VNUP=f �1 ( A 4& I , t �k g2o ,,,4r in h 7 ,_T Z �t 4Yr than 'Ifthel: Ll 0 " 'tr 'r I nN)(, �, -p�� gkfkrp4.,: the prido� I -7, evaAl n.ei4"01 "� I= , � void teaiff-." I I It 1wJg1 1181 ,i tJ1P jpol#er� an tkonage1if the Min4t r f ka I f6Y the 11t 1 b9h6li of mat �hc, no mat ,prove p A f is d, and" I IrVre fu* -MU a - 'the in th d f t g mode . W of s �- � . 7 _k" .� I iv`81`5�19P' . a" and 201"ItAll's M"ThlPi * Ar'101 --i5di rJ Y; , P 0 , , -, P , I P#B ard 'r . I t. � 'X � %P Ise. A $ wt n"If . ZeA -1 I 40=- 1 - IFM 3 L 4 forior V 8170flf ilp tit a .i I . .1.1 oy , +1431 I 02veg. I knOW. . I 9FRIV reporting , t ,,,, 6 d5h i 1". I :s3-A1Jg4,,,VzVe[ddffigs"sa` Is"(4 U110b6lieve it all ��pq,jty, . , � 111W Witsit Ah'ifliciiiii Of; the departm t, 4 - - P -,]*�Xyi to, b a61 -1 ( � ).*I. 'W', hft . i . 1)4 hel,�doffibllttWk��y'lot'J�di - 1 13rogress.'J ; ,.Reaiin 'IV i 11) , I ., i I IQ" Wb .-,J, a �1 Xf "a 'Cs . a . nee r - coullb$� L_ . ,I,lr 0 Is I,, U t P491 Oka n PM- k- . � a4 qJ& , , df , . �n % 112 �J he c4 lloge 0 "24 ?T Xl'" Orekfi I - 907110IM-1 C ,O - UN dia . , ;O*h' _D . ,f � .�K 3h".1WAVA! . if . .1 1:9i4riel I , 1, g RAJ _I T%t ,,�20%_Onjjyqyj�� - � _g1jj1p .1her kind a pro uce, I the fo,lowing 1i ) ay be rectifie 2-196W OUTWO198tM the case im4ett, I � I . . religloy�ly-.11bROA a Ib I I ever. .Use?, fmilyi . I tie was love17. " MiF t have been - ;dNwk f116 - N' � ;its Sati3l, ,; A -Edyhiaak��d:�lWholgl)?, when �� I �,,, _��r - � non- As -a "t, ­ , - , i en 9 mq n, di, aj!)4h Saba( ­ . )I I've IN ,m) I wobld only ,lit tiedito .the Rrovin ;& by , � gWM ,4,'(�R ff4o aj ?oInt '� ' oft elf, . . e,� � Brown B � ,ji,4f,ji- T 0 P WrIFten M- min flon, Wi 9P -o` -1q1_- .Ott r; ' yle; P.trat�,ju C Igo ' B Edgar I �p hard, an , �r . ,F, I IVAN, 13=03 nt 4V lhg to PIS , ­ . -Sr to exercise the care , - lafedi Ada -t((i dn& atbv d0hair orna- JtLq M,X 1=%1t,a-A(N�.9i4,1Uf-jitb ,:gitoon4 �but any - , 2, triet, theydimbi .&I ely'---become real-" dents under sub -section 6 of seq' 2 f - I ' ' "' "'Ji,g _ ICN tees. - The House went into , Committ a ,ol D ; ,I,kf pa� ilB IF -4 ll amil 11 ; Bal- ' ,4 '134, 1, . - III I , �Ajd bartmon ; T N P. greatest los . The association strongly recoplAen Yl the planting out and grafting ovl�yqkf, - Jwawy ,4. - jimp ( , pj�ge)1,14t, as being. I u iN 4 q&��e briCi �,, V " ,, It C,Y, rpi.g,i :,.�3 'ba, t at . fe � , As-lezz�-inn-e'i t! ,: � allaybd -V a s, ,,- i,o ' ra, OVIT's ,in Ifet-di I Supply, and took up -the educatio n cati- mates. On the item of $45,00 0 -104- - ill* 10 R n do T . . SO -,jam I ,;. pa .11 albot I 0 bell A (So ���C th ich axe in th age varieties Will Mylpq t -Intriusi=tI trJur,,W­b,awj and 3 I a �T il '14 or, it - ,f, figure on p ,po�, r% `)Ai1d1klJVddQs1'df19'fif iiY&t 'Rai "dean her. - - =_3KI!, _. - � I _,Pf': IV_ ,�UQSO�_oald. -it- wag. r -a - Ma:,he_X- . - - ­ _tfffPtet&tId31- - Tic his opinion they .would p;7vy, -the f�yig�ita�;off�.Xesidtiiits. 1. . . Schools in U�or ulze districts or .. . ,d � , Wge by schoolf , . � . _ I , Pa. - , 2; a lar "A q�ui;l I ....? -wy-;Y-. I r------------ ­ T" ___ MILK -TESTING - -T,)dT , ljstao,�, .T,)4-9- .WT,Iji".b,f1r cif ppbo1lP1W:J( rt.'M, I'do _y,,Bup , I lift 7F,,;W tp. 1- _-1 iii ements, ., I s W, f 3 1i I R &I 'Iffildf: , g ` &p"'Ta., t- - sin ," < , H.g ilue ml ".1 kfi t " o f, k� a , ,X,,lLt" ;boSopj�,*Ffts(.� Witbit . 414A ather be . a br 9 yp,n i 3AI;A9114f, r dy eashier, r i .� . 4NAlip le , - b .pnp&uite often - . . , ­ .,Aqcieak� hiWeil 16i a return of - . ""Mij Mall'�edfieiirpoiiadi�J6 in causation . �hrtlie�jvautlsig of�mshoy license *T. ' Ob liaie' 36 . ,. I I OVeril Wous OCK91 t .� 0 'N, . general plan a U I administration of 0 U.,-, I , cation f th P . a. Afteir-m. des i6ff I a ravine. i0d ., 311, J1011 MIAMI, bT . 0124*11 21;ili . 'Itidlayl,"Midee d IN,'., B Joi ,il`�6Y'�UFM6 . t v T,yn d a -lP k1 jlojp�)Oq,P5�rga ,�Jqqw�o ;gg *aA I is#, 4 I ititid .. in . .,),,;ftre : . � , 4Wbw4V'tWfUe- e3&e1-Ni117qfi -4yalli. I 314, (I pplin [bydthdrbugh; � .:% I . itestihaw',1pravid, 01 , ,SU-,,, 13 - -1. adidd ,A L Q'd)w,,ot_.UUV,e,W 6"Mil ked away % 60=�*Whe `W;r&,Vef`04i��:�WRIof at,ain' un T-14eRPJ 441 oubmthitTibihatlokars 0 ' one's . liclVdr t6`dnd-' � :i Oseph AspJh I - J4.14 -PIIqo;:d,tlJY To I W)IIIIiJI711PIL.tilsoinburg� 1U tbb 861MV -Ridilig 'irlm . N , c (E).5,11 - '. t , ,.1MQ:`se an Ok& ported progress, inft " 3 ones adi wxrn-�� . . I '. .1 �I I ','Wf9901-,lrBill',­1M1,;J­ I ,1�,U-?OVji;,p Z If Won- .i.l? ;ll,j'!V,J f,-)pl'f`rf1t)Y1) � - ' I 1W:0b0-*,9I1I, . . 'W, vNTIONIMPti�1990 3411APJA04 -no . ,�r-. I n a ;I - I ITURFav OMANTMIII glo e1A4 ' r a - rift1pe , , It n8luqf�s; ,,.r,)�, a . , pp memory (�JyI4�,10 �.,AiTW,.pd4iAgJ ,W] . "p .6 I - . I exquisite 6 I [bYLT1,t1FuJ,. �Jj f "'initig.. , Ell 61 Z6diiid, for the YeT __UO3."__ ,. , . Mr. J4rcourt#ai th4 I f ix Jd 10.55 V ,�q . If B , � .. Ap � 14 Ha I ' - - Ack the " reon! XOPA - *r of the ta' . - ),Blqg king a . I rom tt 'I I , 9 E, 4 t I .4y, PH, ,kc,,.nji,�1VPrHJ,; Ballan 8V .51 I% I. . 1,1bqrJ?Sr,,_, 'VO NJ4;JWjUti)t"4 , is 1661- . n14n# Jimbreq ` teraq.. � . Cay t1h - F6T ugs, Red's ]VU , " 'Alftil .bs� ',�kqjwj W 4q%lfTwPxzJmtjfthmL a - 6 �) i , nill;j. ) ,0,V,O;p,,._#p1 le .- th V V 1 lit th ' � k'T "' shill' IU� J&Aft!n&11-§JAJ 1197tlieit 4 ,IT snpp,4h§W*)JgVgp#,it�,i;w.Ome poor. ,� � .. a a , . , ,_�� ;,I ve:sfi- U N& 't 0 .% ,I 21 " , X, C' , .. I xpfta�valllnkl , " ,; ­ . liatto he Ar- -af% '#'" It a It. fir' & , _et�f Tort]. I " �,t T �4V I � . ii � I ._ � .(61' taxio '� the explanatlou�ppeared Af Aho " - 00AIKIIN-1 - � )ealdbold4( . 1PAYer �. TA Ed ;', B WT4Al.1rAw;4J#�,J ;q, . ITV.11t, Q21"arkileti udilEkih li(i Is , q,i.AA&,4fX12q,;4� , , a,,,, a. : t .4'. awater 9 AX 3 4ffirwrn , '16. -.1 'f1gF2N;?40W1I �, is , , 61 i .9ne, ,p .1.1a - �0,,'J qfo -0 Pali., . ,,I�t and hag ! W , 0 P'N �,, 0,2 I q ,J p T, r 611, as Ig, .,I able eyes ASIT'0*1116 9?-*" � cumetances attending, _�hp Wsftili;�.t� . -tm-ndish , 067'"'WIn-e-Vel 7ER, U5 i0d'-jus ,pw - ly of b1p 't . - f t4i rni er 6A dfbfto, i&O 11 I MFL 'coutIN MeMpbee t hp . In Entlig, I repo con '4t& " 11randif Edgar.pl � VW,#bt9rJjDw* - -- JAMN )a ORM r1011p '" � . .izk ;h99WJ ,�:gphl�ypxjli MoXej . � � A 9 -0 'fiiiij­ i� I "') '�'y aNpl?0­1ji , 4 i iN9.,r'Bi91d*ffiJ 144W d vr, I . . � Yij I )y �61l: filLft .,@ I 3RU49et;Y7800V ,Snd))'J liftf4fiA310 494V , ,nJ,,,. nifo oil 04'.the brideg , I He ihla&,J all TbrWtl6fB9f11fTt I 'Ithin him, , rtbi:tughjz,ilnd-��Xf e0MkPeW hdMMIf to con- .the,,attaphing, q4y � gSq ,�..rto . � v ". ," " , r,, , ,ouoiiU, 5' "* 11.11 ;Z Ite . 4 . (amr,641 . , -�,_101- �6+ L 1V�411%'M�XW j ko�d�j dhid�'ib ;J d0jeni. . if I I 1 I C%71? . 0, kum ptife.tJoistdO, anat e,og- Til Q 7, �1 F.1 I A�- 4X � 4,9 , . I., r t,V -the I .; _ W.,C)na refebbz JUK I e, her' ga speeabi 7 uelph X e , eFa ,in Gi . A I _ I a . a rked: , ��,� ,jq a a the 4o . I IF v w-dwimal �109'lf gypw��JTS .3 0.1 a voi on SW 96tidaihVW AMNAl i :dft'WJ�4n taplielp,91wV it kM _-,r liq� AWNI�bl-me-fftn"Jp ib, - , , , 't r,� a.io,al-,� yX'JOI%fjJtt,e 99pi!%t,V�'i'llilff4b)v..()Al.pt.li r �Xha, 9@,q9fl*tW ChAult , WR JYWFP�M6ChAU1* ,� I J. A gjfjg .,9 � I TMIM 'U'skowN W, P. P, J I 11 ewo ffie '11111W6 AP T 6 o 4 (V rn Spy, . ?!1. 41610n r "),980fAim , 'at' , . at(k4,he, q)R)tw4Qw_Jle has &I ,[Arl�'VA -;BRo4vA - Q,j1&.,t­0-.Q' , , t,,e,) Ili.;_ his heart, .,1ff#F,9Jght . �,l t� eyy wbir a � ems as it ' I 1'4% 161 I M , M it were goin4lU . . I _ - ill - Ork1bgr I .. t46 Official' 0 of .,; ..Si4�fe L , J JIIA!gjAA� - too 'Y'�Iftgfi"froin - ' ,11f member had forgotten the circumis a the W _ t 06,0,114UNAIZ;;�� Ww'd .A44 J1_ Z& p to -, __ a a � which,,) croefolissibended ?Aali 9 0 im We . 1114R* qY9A­vW=00bffs,,0Vard to tell ., A'O V' 1,t I � I .- � - - - , fft ergymen- aljflMfi'�i� ZTt)j.Ja1jff&t1;ad _ I .1 ' ' I i,orp,asaid�to'bi3na6lf,.#na.�wojid�,'�thUtLA�s� far . . _. . "_Ae,.9ouId --lea= J , vjleithort,, tbio,,,psio, mmis- ffl4oh'erO iRor tha1�.ffpP91.o.r,:,iyex,%,. -�Janit. . misaprehension had arisen hoped that a full explana ' tion of all' Wr I" ircumsta as ,� st, , R fn,;is,, ters 0 , I k r , , f , h' , �6. I � . % ; g , �gg e c o d wl h, t wou I , . ., , I al. 0,11 9 YmPFIA?l k1,fiArAh.;, T.WPAillwul -�tton W C ' id giffib T . ,m natl:,U, or cApa . 00ribi V4mbl * I :1 bil . I FXI -�, il A In el t (.� 2I .i.yjar ,� 'V; ij;A riv. P. RAP, ftpl�idi` 11fer ,I V��),r Me � , aWs"I r lfi4layl,p "fiq'i .4fl2e -Apoo& 'on 4rJ]i a, Usit! ftfWqpV.W I _. "I . Opp . tt 9r,?Wrl '�Pqy 1104M . Ili to .."I .1 ; R �R*? O., rB it i Lei � ards. ro , blM . tp �,hfi�fina�f, "' -lity%riew ­ r IN, 11.115T�' F - A " -to U .,r) a YQC I .W�IT,,,�004TA4� lPP,qP,),0,JF,qTAbIe, he or t1i , . � - IrooR I , , ,I ,I- �, It. :)V' y ,Y a,YVff 86 - a 'b� "N 1W A' t best thfili 16116(151STa bhad6ffiWA,i',X,Y`O`., ,am, fin iorlal-L, attirts !off a all(Iffili*F-luncheons, t .. .., . ,. '. .. '. . .ja� � � . I w . � . it * "' ",­ ' , fqrsq4 �pb' d I I . , M 197 a � I . -bbf1t1.­ .. the rvldduc� -Ui,1h6JZ`,9A4 O'n one Maton, held at the v . ,t4ar ; - .9%,0 ,19A )�b . ton; on October 8rd, laW � . .1 81") I 1. � . � , - Sir E I , wa I' age A practice did not violate the f� I.. . spiri I .6 gulat' a f th ousev had e - . .'% Cis 11 A d " q nee b 4�r P�.Id Ofoll ARMpffli �41&y �41ayp � , �41aylp -4tX U - TV' _116 . 46V�j T X 1A 0- r.l9anIpb1aH7cX;A1dr;� , * lT:Y14AJ7,Z6,ZM -1 , , I1__.J,.qJ ! 111 OV 1,P21411", wssip�lwj;,14 .� '.. " I P�-q,�J,T� _��RVNPP-3al'l lliv)fyil fill -90110 r' . I 0 ed"to ftidi Y,u& nv� I , � 10 T90441011118i]1004( J 0 y t 5 I .. , 13 MejFjpqff illantild he, reeq ) .Tf Igs pg, 3cted to ,ad, ' .gd)as0rpqp)a' L pt. from "he - phs,ig . A1pAqrsj#nq& ,a. , 1_. I t * Qttld RA, I�BOTL,Fegyq q1l is even "60U,,�,1,h%V9',iQff,' ` "In %XAP , or that . with CO`Iii0b'�bf Allr`corsle6 Ptifiderice '� be-" I . . ton4t,�!r u1W if 4,.W_9g4 ,,�:*Ife.,cb a7ji(J�. �JtA6.J Co . few,fi&�qrliq m �,*,be,Att qmex- ff"M I ty ,.badi " �e I preach o ition. �fyfm - Bill� . d thi ' I rA. =116- J , #, W, $ Was nto A647 " � I 't, � 16 a 4A. 1. I'�pffir,14"41,*"6�g—.Iq,l;;I",F,�,�a.ti-4p�,10 �1 . piwigkirlyJ maihm a 4 ide, li?a;.P,1� I . imi W ,6. b , , of I .�, I Aariatiak rivi flough �Ostow 179fif- . ­ W aildi tjAsI trees oantl t a 'N'l W'S'AT441 r iii %TRJbJ00J0,(P0- 2ARTAIIA(Tetired list. . " MCI, . bpd,@,Ii you can U TXF�3, "i �7� - J F IN 7f4%l 10 :1 , "r)ipiore than 0 OpiTlyla ,y , , , 1. 6 6 t "; .� ' . A^ f6.4 . Q", , I ,,a , ,!�rltbrst 0, � , "t , - ' Bi . --- ­ IV -UVK.0 L _ whi'dit R J 1 iml - US, ailwas Compai . I whie ,ky a ZMArato@kI BJ�10 9 th witil M I( 91" t vz; 14151A,0184 � " If 11' A i;P,,r.pflvi She' an T� ' �'? 'i t . f , r I 0 T* yd&841�%Ul F -1 gr J6 1;'4 L . riprqrn ' dQMlif of) � � I ' r (11 ,,, R-1 w1w4v 12", . ,1 ,1'q`lJ ` �ttbu- Me -I '. �t a. You are k r.0 W- i 1J. boat Iltlie,gNK�4ffncism that- . issued a certificaie of death, � "'i#k ' n Plan � , U1111 -was-Ifteed-ko-ft" �-- , b .� been buried alive but for t a f bu 1. , - unaay cars. Ean " , * -11,nq * to a .fl. 'I IV ki� . Wdgjas . Dpa �Ii VdPiihad -A", 'd . , , , B ;fHbado+1cX0(,l1I(J I I lb . I 10ii, An; . r '(49 ,I � -f , i� 11 fr) 1PJ iiA ;0 I , act ,.I igull ") , W rl . k g�sjlf 11 INU'IltfiAlk ,� it nigryf) in'-paswifie An'sabig Jefi PJ%,T,, - ( Otto # �� 4wwlft "t -rcatotio'l Albe"AMMAltdirlw-146 , . NA ' AiWIP"Alp'ATY'll, I loslukht-i6vtft &Ud all your �ffi ftritowecLup, ' pie .jwW ' - 9,� uAnb.P,Qqv1k4t-,aut and I f . , a .,e ir, , ,:*m �11'if# VA a faixly, it had commence Sal tMA I J92 had understo he : T. � A ha I bedw taken lookin to' r r x , - . r; he matt of pWt , tr,the a, . ,,04 1 6i � 4 . ___ - t9q v Wrl " , IF ,- 0 a d t th ,T onto li� Anaft 't t e or qcA !�.Wlk ) If', I ilalolh !) bv I � ,1011 141 , ,1011 trJmtg,kAsheA1Jqbq Ut -,P AM ,- if )n � wrw)( . *f) W, .1 Ral e0fels !ffJi0�A1`qfTqO lLef% ,,i pd, A111.1 1, ,,,,, 3 sy, 10 0 . MA 14jypop , 11" Y 100 - . . ;rm-eW4ks fi 1728, Mies R Ah'a rt01WIV1q - ,- � i 9 I It , i IN I %vi E dr I � 4 IBM " " 11% 'F Ill 6 l.rtatrasm, .4 61 k .. 1a.16 . . " ly u a er i ,,, ,,n , i" .417a. I el I a � 2I V 6f be is the 7 bridegroom. Althodg-VIlo.-iX very im- " i for this or! i e,.i n t 6 1 J Ing had bee d n a . . K. I , EL , verni pA�$ i , ", dA`iV'9.*" . . 4th C� " vIUM '9 certa f - , 60i I. W a , ; I � ) (Akreisot .&A--' if %1d*ffg th I U& wit oil 'a 091).91 , IN49 Sm f,r 11 qg .. t t .iplay, no one � ; 4 Itm, , -R, ,!g omf... ,Aqq � t to re- Na UKTWINA Bryce's own evidence to show tha, , I had admi e ' t a c sp,g .. I QW t .4 . ra I -1 - a t r . i I - R � - � RI I I I - Otilks'", Leplit fte !qrtUt the rut 0 rail . . Go : t " ' " "' nine , do. d Pt ,4 . it s. 4k 6, JuRst 1, 1, .4 I 1 ,RVWAir$1x1dWqatofAJ.ra* rl�&Fa !)V,6*ah o Nfifb'bt ig I N I , loctrIel - VAN �19stabo)JIMIttlyegki SWO1 4, P -� . 0'M rft a2t, P � __ - - - im I, 9Aqj-.Qr34iB*,Q;iiJ* tw)eek tw el.k,e i TI?RI3# I I MO J,6.1 * .1 k ff. 4 ,, irb C, M Rof A ,. t er 0 �111 -FA ( UNI.MV, , l a a, a, ,?,I ! 114*606111,111UP ,� 1h W- Mg - ­ .IA ',V&ffiel - ffli",i.Rx-ward, or . M&fietlift 'U&!4iffft*t f I)U& Ilya 9 to feel a r,t-Vqa14r, tee�,t[kki�tb-erefllff!a do cast, mis- . .Vv�u P,that, indicates i a -IF OP �Abpti,Ajlh�m .11 @"Ymn"!"" -04011 00 I in 1 � " . t I : , twjs I n , � life n or' rde 0�1118 ,de rtment4 a?d that hW deputy had ..mo , S.J�, , I P nif The House i�diourned at- 5.50 p, I all., i9divo MODUS OPERANDI. ,(I- - . -11 offYA,1vrm,)ovaA fill) 3-),;vv)JJ(IJ1e, I vIli J ofll If.,olln-lift qN1 r, Iti, I ff"ind ! W 31 fl " I ,.Iv& 'I.ab"ol-I boil'If1j"37 finu,l?,: off) - a, 1, . , , I Wealit"t)CWhen"s n.will. hd3 1336f npl A - .9 i JA1019gq1",1rWef)VW?,P4nlI1 1404nw., , , hr,?,Vg 4Eiz, o'k '4ft4AN9. AM, n 't J � as n ttl eat it, a , 10) Pw I 6( ", '9 I - _ignificant " Is. 0 6i's" is very 1-14" -W qw, rgii I "ffil hi'll'ifFto be ir�-' e - a 4)1 e a , flt( .d lik"t � It may _. it � ),XWO V-11" _.ftCP&ft A - � a , the subject. 91. lit )is & ea, M.g' on rrq; Iwo a 7 op 9 .. f I " ft J f 0 �Jlfk.70,11 . 1. 911 (sum t J ,I-Yf;WuJa,QibfIJ,. )ikl� . f 1 4 1 1 , 11 i0i'l Lslllsil4i, 01-1p, 1 11PIT.1b t1nU,ll(UV;11&ih5#1I0,J . WICT -)f , & I 0)f Nia" ii i, gigifspApi aged to . ,I W, 5 - , of! -.0 ;if4 influence other youn�i)Meil-pvand thei. . _� may not desife �,R e,�T#Wooma them- , . 081.1 M 0 � I i rp.. ,I, T., I go as It e .6 rdict at A , the I . 4ad t' d bg other � g$U-�We %ire .044AoRa & C 0 ki 1 , � � I of Worcestershire sauce & nd stir in I " & little ale -9 I . I =14 � , 5d �1) 1, ,% ." (I �qrflou aill, .yllh;', , , 111T . Nwp,ip �, I ,;, 1, 1.) - Ilm) I I 1.114 .001V001 It I Pit Irjolv r'. � q.��, it . 9ARrako"'ro lippil f1wo/lA Ilow , ov,m 4.14, 4n . Iq ., , , I .(Troll. 2§ , , "I I , a t i III riel�7: I 'MAI 2! V-14 ea. I .n�144rddilyf !AkA 'W-16ok more ra4�uuttantghlibyyii&n*stea�dli��of looking e 14r I I f t , ire of the 't t E ut ave been ,prolonged, " a -h Of . In. Ada Wfew drops of ta �, age a an� d twwftf f; sm", ,!. j1dollf h., I 1; () f I 10 n1,3j,cluall df; &4 i) 6 I ku _461 0 i t 4JEUM BE for marketing'-.6rP, .) ,Avdil I fJ I �*'&P, 0hal I 4 4J,Aq)7QrA)1g,9Aa9i,t0 the block,., I _' it IXAI $�qq Upt .pealize all "' - 'T INARR '' " 1 . I - PinjF=W?'�I*fimInaI n ,e i`-- t'�g M .it � AA 'Avas , a- I F d ; K ,fi , - e &no-, e'leim, Q71,1r11.1X'.,1 Zkkk Lo Pt .91 41­_,0ga� fl,gi) INA, lltw -.11 ( 1, V'n a I . �W- &;h nev a is 1, a I i K 0 q k -.,, 0 Z a i I I i 4; a . bleri,b4ldin b 60 I cour -�te, ra IhAtmete, "' " M. 'Wo. inlif I be IthfiVisOlURO A"I ' - - may 011a�', A � ""' � # Al �Zlb�ij I;,,g about. I rio�i� ro, P )� in, . � ionj# part of - . � . '� . XL �r�, 15*� , t I ").a " Mr., orke moved for & return for ea. ipp dar 1. ,17 -d BAN ,.;A your Vu Imesit suliture a& t as yqu , , . 11 ... .. T �� . -11 w1r, - I ;1 ---- it ANKIAe . UrSGAVAV-1dia& -.Y.JlJf15r43U(tMV*1, D , Y, Ita Wra, ,)IN w a 0 st of eV 1*� FnV-,Pd 116,P41 IN - I T I , 11, B 4 ; 'i I !, � . Zn, - 15-1 V, 'A�? C quid ex, pe - . em, I,, - I vi: . WE ,,,X1FI%T,,,,,r*,,..,,,-, , ift(wasAf6bik"I&B ViNVE 9 11VU inter- V , , "I"", - mjwr 10 ehilLw 1. _. ;a -it! a Q09EWIVICIS OPTUAITE I Queen Vki&jg*A'��JO "�'�' ")i,* *important ark r . . . 3V�6? qq. 'P, 1891, 1 , I I in (I 09 �'bf the u ef'bf pieces , 61 , , . a bali. ter (in preference to 0 ) Le I ne 'big one . . " f) '74 1*1 0,04oqf 13,71 5 '. j 8 , 0 )13")4 Ill '9 ,W �Aqpdq@ 411AM 614 thatz ,Kid I .1 � gTo*Amu glib :)y� -, , offloy . �, � _ , pwp q � .fA*r;, ftift, OwillgrAft t Y - "no 1W � h3lthil 4milrist�mvipwAit,her disposal. . . thap9t9j)9�,at-g;k)K a Wsr �(11,1.qgeeessor to I 981 I I Ifil �Aall sion ti ber qu=w.ta'N *Wboard ' a M in an �� 31 dl� ; fl, , t UWR I d 11, 4 MO* 4W� Spr . )8(flawithinC . : �A 0141 14 , F Y,�?IVWA I - �4 'PA rs,niiftoif -rail 89�)i lit I , � , . 11 J " 4, tPait No h a % , 7. � !J'ing, "' '(fp , , , � �f g4lit .2 -'Npv�� � , telo , T rZ 0 � . ' .'$j� ,7 e 3%W I _ � �� , Q ,4 'j$fjj� ,Jor fifty , li , if � .k g 6 I ' i� charge of Is , of got oi ring east ,of , ,qt Aur , , the Parry SoW, I I r ay re- Thun � 4 "districts, ) . a an FIV N I YOU, 0414�r -w of _ ,.Ibthe name � , : by b - - whom got out, and the nuln er of rA little -very little- We *pr a t', ,, and . adf ; .A little Jitlach N.; , atirr %as 1 mg, and, WhilE %as lke p ttkbi 1 pour in, say one-half cup of ale -or if nature of your cheese requires 1, � I keep adding a little. I tAwl, � P.501 ( lo wo - Pb -iwAla ndT-asobao, T �sl�wvv r r I Aklf)p of r I oK .8011TI (It R',r J41WOU017 . )(I I ,),I , 1. fit 2 111 1 (f 11; � I �, I � E V , I Ki llig " i " . , t . Wif6ffie totildbo-, , st t&*1 AM ,Wfte4Bit06WX'nffirYJh Dg.P,U4TI'litletirTbwadpiplV,widib,*b,iub(bi;at , 40111 %U4P Tsaildialt P . It 6vegu t$,44,jQTIDAQf.(,.IrRbdgj,3,,iO.,,�the5i,l! , I a .1 #,99)1) h �Pua .,��Ifl - 9 . ___ X W1 OPT, h x uA , I'yaj�eg. a ,,, ; le 11 , , ;1_x I , . ,�tu . U eii,Mi0PYUt1!WW1Adsor Cas- nearly, intrifisi� .etal, with - , Jilf,a jeT xg , ,,pA!fiy ' on ,the prieg �e�,igo pletes i audouantVy in %JWd measure, . a , , got out bf each, uiring each of *lhe . , t' ometime milk If the ell 0 It , J- ee 0 9 11 refrack . N I Idd IR when you m Is 0 Nm ­ � I I f � i lid I , , ( & 11 I .1 �r( .1 , n 60 4i , rd) sh ,�Ief rul U. r " t 'J&Ibe I. f ) c I In Ad 11 A� . a flu 0*19 uslard 1 9AN �Al V-�J '=U'th, pieces R ,� I,4� ___, Auy,q an ar lays,'M19361alft'lluto Cel� 4 lint. It 1d,,r#Id #noilipeditwilhoaq good ag jel �Iis ! t 91 M, I ,,Wag I : a a,Ti JArJc,.,J ll�. ftp I I 's it � , , I I . ; J&. 0 t , 6 lolid. " 1 the ni I 911M mix I 11 ,is prepared ill ur cup, at already 1 �,Nv; ')i 1AP.... 0. I �� 0 apd I -) w, I 9'. i(?4T,_n,f1Vf-,f 14 . . I U ,,%.41rrFq i , 5 tilie,abakWepg�qamhjo�iAiatUE.%td JJ size., Axah . I is op, ET'144fli . 011W. rk 1re ItIP11.1 :, VIM' by-flUk, ivaugrif I is eirb I It Ic � ­ I T, � Ahl . , uyq I,,��, N,ere in somei, 19MOF1.1 't-AN2 , of in the, L pl� , it H 0 , h ' QJR-AW, V htW " vd,is stored I , 0 in 'd t , � ! In I is . g 0 Bill e.;, , 'tueeg f6 31tfoqputs�0,4 0 g of lr%�wi explabal I p I'Ve F#war. 6ir In. Lot it have, one more has Ing O&L - 4p I , X), an klift) 4soas r a bit cW*f,)IqrqffijJfW6-d]0W I � I'll audii) i lint z1hisf*eWthT �OnvbrvfoD' rw . lelpfrial.111 I g ., . , n a, q,stM- � 140' r)176r41bt1'100J#)ftqNWd?.tJ , i4t, , o" . . "41i t efimotp .* 4OJ"fAr49jqIfl.kt , 0, m,).,;, � Aw 1&Dgaqe1i0bboirkIglLwWIItjIav9 ,doors, Thg I . NeRo"ZARP14 "ff4l'Q.49111ooma-�?�I!in every, ' % 1,,��jfljg vaulted, purpose a as so . � I I I curing I J& I Isans . es, labo �+ I IV MIL-11tachUMV, of romu I to . stpra- . _ , dor attendance asOnesses which� ( whic some Dirler), pour over. M. 11 if g r 'i I ..? 1I 'ke t IP a r ngy---- r I , Is . a is t I I . b% �ar mt , I I .0 ffl V1 � � � Ir a I 01611f 14 - Iad I ? i 13'su_& 'I ,q A A, 1, 192410vn� la, fvil� , , , gq,�s,r� �R , 3 i 1,10 tv);l" it. , , 0 - - V . .3 � ( Ill vnj , ,j I � , N 0 , 6 . Cy'tp.ax , - Nflinlij � VY Aw� , "; I to ". I : "", . - , ?V*PAft)Pr;,,-R*MW "., '' b$19 .� I os ug - -_ . I wrow sfitiptiftaii'm AlfiPKA46%�,9&W (, M41EUR ffiftJqfi,UuI6rtXW1J1f&,qhfiV4 . - ,A W.",t . (I �eyj,as carefully ge, % % oub ,,,A�Pa , ,IPO i UrsIff1f, 'Idm�l ,in 1)fl� f� . . ', . , '1� q J11 ""The mos� Itilf %itii 42SIC040the grand , *X i , Id time losti In an, a 17611141 1 to the sum which t ey �. � � 1, . . I . V& ir* calling -( It 64 I 10 rdy lit the t U-1 : ,W, 'S pjq to e d '. or r hgpj), io, , t do it h d U4 " w . 14j) 4O,'Ph04.4i(Ljtl1J; . � A `3, -, t 00 ; th 11 a " I A . There pbould be a go I -.;,1 )9,9aYP r Is mil 6(ye . � . I a t .. . MPP pn14g4,?AU,i, 101 Wy�AP6 a*j 61 1 &04 F,wp I 1110 - )9 ', -A hV1&9tJftt1) WIWIJ 611 ild? lfid)df1oeq;1byt1Ifb___ tald �v� . li�iljktaW ii$Oiito,Ainnnw-jae6icacidIrigoid,lt'V,Whieh I lX - I � - F � 111.01 'VIMIRIAIVIP SMITI � MI rJualawtusir .9 -.f , 0 . a , y )� 7 D11 e pro- I- ANN., .'4Uk'.U(g,ftg ar- ,,r �, - - , ,,, - � (16 � e, the in- I 4en4h pieces , omwmlm4 Nq .. a ar V 669 aU3 " " �,, IN a r OO&W I , �iq tis M It ___ OIT., WfW&P . MOM ser, nri tr din t Ift - ,V, 111. th a It ": - M 0 be ,: for a tirpe a t in attena. �il , . . . t W ,� wvd" t1th 3 I ).,0,&t#" , 2040M - so thb I t tim in W i *h# l, �� " k i 8 A ei. iw I t e"I apdOlt )100fOARA�OTX I I 9 10C , , I Q,.,-. t, " J (JAIL"aal'Jib �, yl,�ffi oftfl, I ril 4 ,%I : -4 a " C -04"I " . almOke JvdOrpho, lw". so an9w I -,, , I �10 . 1,4MN 8 Q F� J, A!, � . m, 41 � otsi� -1 r, 11 14-V la ' [ , C441�!Stte fy llft6deleld.' V, he ser - 0( It -.�W-04143140149 46men dinner, " CO '? 13 - 0*09, - T . - �Aqp 'Vp Pd vp,g 'a slo"'Ort is,J ?&pt48 I I - I . ut in OW * 6110 9 ore i I. in 't ­ r a Idde y *;Og= 1 "J: 4401MV J, I., I TJ btri. UJI - - - .bfrhiaaartfi&n�n .'s 0 I fAIMA, V., � i I" � Wri,Alt 11.,.t , � ell )q4Wnq 11,411, %Pna, ,1100,,- I 3 f6&%4A14k11AW ( de , ate, *41s dl�o & I eZ' 116 4K.-1QA40�I*A A U a4a As "M' 36i * ! , , , is -6 correspond " _; fi� t P161 a , 6Y� I R! � a WPIWA " fk.'U� 6tato ball .t ,, I el . . Ift' lie Wit." , o. a pr'.' go J)�g "'q I men : a I 0 He bar . �0 44rkShl eater ,) I 't 7 1qWA%" .1 ,,,,, , m�t � 4,11 WAAOXIO, Tr � 1 IfWtul I � � �,111_�,�PvuhdfAils�lbq a lgvdce�§., � h . . 11,111 ,.,, I 1. 1 1*8 P! . rr, ; �AOO, 1411Y.Aox" VA"U"'18 gp�. a *A40 , a ", 0001 A't'&*O�-lgi'tftl,Utttidkl*,g�ham Pal- ... 14 WiVok4ited *nd�ffl4r* ' I 0,04 to Lon - ... ,� . t . a one. Af bough* he 41IT11 I I 911* � I a Vothi tarx I I . I V Q46011IMPVTvaecond to & L � U, �. t � ) I I I -h 6 t 0 Perron &I )4%hft1bMrtg4Wffl W. Hardy thought that the . Bill As d - I . I , o"mix, urd1=204VIOUNPI ,,, he f"Tg, . , i , I � "I IM60FIfff I NPA ,be 4 . . t4l ltaat�o Ivan ki � ng V, 8*11 60 I UP145 Y'sh ill (I 0 , .. � I I 11 why not I" . . )o "10 "a, . . . ore I M02 IFOY-Urile"ni � 141 *lid Was born a In - r va� was the It IF1 Y ba his raoo.to of g In our I - , iced choir 1 , rJ � W, t or a t , � . !TQ!yr 11 I %,Pl fil, r� 1 1 , R 1.1ti, �i , U J � , 4 � If �� 14 "'Ili " 0 �1018 Od' llc"�*J'�BBt � 5d,l �J� Aha#AWM�,Iq , , xurjodT 36`60 oulmWX A Id � I I I TTF W X - V14 fil 4 , , N141'��uw! floh!) , ­ , filf U , 4 - -wl V.- I i , 7) 4 J , � . .�o,t, �,`, - (,to � r _ qV�g,JHJfigtqfiXnd*,n:t S�% 11 , . . t , (�O%N'Mo - T - w II "ONTROAU2, P, U 414iblid'ilmdev I v) � _ I -?d b"OvI.11 Y'111 1", r '. ,., ,A M lwsl " " � lattit , 1 � ad I 'v)bf IU .1_rv)i4 imn I ,,Aht '14 �,� " ki 0'r4t1liall'oolf ,� f, I , i '12AM I t1l pa !q'10 -A i ojgp� -"� � pla, 9,1's � , ,Ifivah,Ae , N OX42WITNO 'a "Affi, x � , . - . i � , I � ?pg,owhT,aian-41vtAl);04(1",tl.tI ,Ckil, """ 00, , -41 hi 11ORPq " ��'ATR if % . ttq�,i%qrylljLgA.,Izgm,l�ooigpiqe , I - -- , Ift Id -to Us ,., Ud3,4,%a1f4AA ­ i , - I �t f1hafirvelisna,m6dw -P �Pul* I , INA _t . , Ltew I ;11I I , , Ltelfir m. �,,Tgloolmd,.,ALIAW '.11) d qg ' , ,, .� �7 go pRqef�An,lwaaew�p , thousands 0 0 '""� 1#,"�ha royal , S � , ' DWIN I4 �.r 8,1 � a , I fov�4444a� 4 .t ,g�aAo.[,S L 444'i� . � UJI,. fJ..qt,JX , Ay., �,t;�ho tasli- vl'wkwl� *41a on, the I , a 6 I , _ t) " a a , ' '� 'W 4 1.� hkI"i9ddl.Y�o aim Itt-. or"`., " �A'i i 141 I t L Ott MIX 0 0,) 07,y� 6 � 01415,14 I Us Wp,and mQst .0 , " , Atl,�"., s994"bu�,Aocto. I 1. I —Mr,"W" 1111 ---- F -1 - _ "I � 'i I` �. �, ­­­ ""Wwww'AIMPRI 7 I I � �;, 1 _,WFRFWWMv­'7' _­ �­_ _=__""� ___ - I I I I I . , . . . . I I I . I � I ­­ � , . . 0