HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-4-19, Page 5i`N.1;1.t. v It PEANS 1.111.11W—OBDA'Vb aro a now eve edviry teal cure tho wprst eases of Ivervutsa Dtbiiby .Lost Vigor and Faillug Manhood'' restores the weakness of body or mind caused' by overwork or the errors or ex- cesses of youth. This Remedy ab• soluttly cures the most obstinate cases when all, other REARNiave failed even to relieve. ,,old byuq_ dr, fists. at $1 per paoltn e, o: six for $5 or sant by mail on teoaipt of erica by addressing VIE JAMBS MPiDIOINE. W.,; Toronto, Out. Writ•' for pamphlet. sold in -- For Sale in Exeter by .1. W, Browning \.Mr. Hugh Campbell, a brakeman on the 0, P. E,, had two fingers taken off in the Wingham yard, one day last week, while coupling cars. Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, gim pies, abcesses, -ulcers, scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood. in any form from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The strike of rolling mills 'employes and nail mauers in Hamilton is ended, the men going to work under a com- prise scale of wages. COUGHS AND COLDS lead to con- sumption if neglected, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is pleasant to take. Langley, B.C.. is badly off for a doctor, The Council haye had a standing offer of a bonus for some time to any medico who will reside there. Will be found an excellent remedy • for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them. Mr. T. P Gorman, editor of The Ottawa Free. Press, has been offered by Ontario Government the secretaryship of the Fees Commision, but has had to decline on account of ill -health, Skin diseases are more or less direct- ly occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. eures the folloing Skin Diseases: Shing les, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches by removing all impurities *from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. The Canadian order of Oddfellows is si thing of the past in British Columbia. ThejiLoyal Pacific lodge 150 strong, has joined the Independent order, while all the other lodges have disbanded. MILBURN'S BEEF IRON AND WINE the best $1. Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn'srrthe best $1. The best Beef, Iron and Wine, .Milburn's $L P. Mullin and John Rose were struck by lightning at Arnprior the other day and received permanent injuries. Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, scolds, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs, Price 25 and 50c. Veterans of the Seventh Battalion who served in the Northwest rebelhon held a banquet in London last eveniug. If sick headache is miserywhat are Carter's Little Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it? Peoplo who haye used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Dr. R. 5. Mackenzie. formerly of Tor- onto, has been chosen medical superin- tendent of the Montreal General Hos pital. HIGH HEALING POWERS are nos sessed by Victoria Carbolic Salve. The best remedy cuts, burns, Sores and wounds. Herbert Poole, for molesting unpro- teeted women on the street a; night, was fined $20 and costs at Brantford, yesterday. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Whon'she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria. Bar Silyer was quoted at 281d in Loudon yesterday. Wood' Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures colds. Wood's . Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. St. John, N,B., had 18 inches of snow yesterday the greatest April storm in 30 years. Business was practically suspended. All the maritine provinces suffered from the storm and disasters to shipping are feared. MILBURN'S COD LIVER OIL EMULSION with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites cures all throat and lung troubles. Four prisoners escaped Erie County Goal at Buffalo yesterday. Their names are Fred Campbell, John Stein- bach, Wm. Burns and Otto,Susdorf. A reward of $1,000 is offered for their capture, Gentlemen. -Two years ago my hus- band suffered from severe indigestion, but was completely cured by two bottles of Burdock, Blood Bitters. I can truy recommend it to all sufferers from this disease. Mrs. John Hurd, 13 Cross St., Toronto. W N Ford, the abscounding deputy •collector of customs at St. Mary's, whn was arrested in Detroit and lodged in Stratford jail last week, has been res leased ou bail, }Ie is at present at hi- home in St. Marys. l3 If you!once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, biliousness or constipation, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable small and easy to take. Don't forget this. The American and Union News com- panies of New York are reported .,to have refused to handle Editor Stead's book on Chicago, because they say it is not proper reading to go into the family, Having suffered oyer two years with conseipation, and the doctors not hav- ing helped rue, I concluded try Burdock Blood Bitters, axed beforeI used ono bottle I was cured T can also recom- tuend it for sick headache. Ethel D. Haines, Lakeview, On THERE'S DRKGER! Physicians Use, Prescribe and Recommend Paine's Celery Compound The New York State fray and Straw Association have petitioned against: the reduction of the tariff on hay, Rheumatism cured in a Hay. South American Rheumatic Cure,for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to. 3 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious, It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75e. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr uggiet. Sergeant Healy, of Beymuda, has been appointed instructor of artillery at the Royal Militery College in King- ston. Barth's Best Spring Medicine -Grand Encouragement for Every Weak and Run-down Man and Woman in Canada—How Some of Boston's Most Eminent Physicians Speak of Nature's Restorer—It Cures and Makes People Well, More words of praise have been written and spoken by well known men and women in every section of the country within the past few years for the famous compound first prescribed by Prof. Phelps, of Dartmouth college than have been bestowed upon all other remedies put together. More physicians in high standing are using, prescribing and recommend. ing Paine's Celery Compound than any other prepared remedy in the world. More space is devoted in many a medical journal to the wonderful cures Paine's celery compound effects than any other one subject. Paine's celery compound is pre-emi- nently the remedy that makes people well. For the encouragement and benefit of our suffering Cauadiau people, we are premitted to give the opinions and experience of some of the most eminent and distinguished of Boston's medical men, whose names are as well known in Canada as in the United States. W Allen Hubbard, M. D , 70 West Cedar street, is one of Boston best phy- sicians. He says what hundreds of other physicians have said before, and his experience adds one more to the hundreds already published, that Paine's Celery compound is undoubted ly the highest product of the medical knowledge of this: century. "The formula of Paine's celery com- pound," he says, "interested me be eause of its scientific value, and I pre scribed the remedy in a number of cases where the blood was impoverish- ed and the nerves weakened. The re- sults were so satisfactory that I do not hesitate to indorse Paine's celery com- pound as a most valuable remedy." J. H. Hanaford, M, D. whose writings in journals of national circulation have endeared him to thousands, has said: "The formula of Paine's celery com- pound which was submitted to me was so satisfactory that I have used the medicine personally, and with much beuefit. I have prescribed it with most excellent results." The well known Boston physician and burgeon Dr, A. W. K. Newton, whose potrait is given above, states very emphatically that this compouud is the most reliable tonic and strength - giver he has found for the peculiar and dangerous condition of the system that follows the grip. "Paine's celery com- pound," he writes, "is not a petieut me diciue, and it must not be zonfounded with the ordinary ner ines, bitters or sarsapari,las. It is as much superior to them in formula and results as the diamond is superior to glass. It 'puri- fies the blood, strengthens the neryes, and is nature's food for the. brain. "I had some trouble. myself," he writes, from blood poisoning, received in a very delicate surgical operation. The formula of Paine's celery com- pound Ied me to try it, and I was much pleased with the result. I prescribe it for men and women who haye no appi- tite, cannot sleep, and are weak and run down. For this condition, and for disorders of the blood and nerves, it has rio equal. "When a man or woman has lost ap- petite, lost sleep. and feels that life is a burden, that person is in a serious condition. I prescribe Faine's celery compound for my patients who have these common and dangerous symp- toms, with invariably satisfactory re- sults." It is the best possible remedy to keep up one's strength and energy during the spring and summer months A branah of the Commonweli army is now being orgauized at Rochester. The storm on the Atlantic coast yes- terday did great damage in Brooklyn. Children are fond of Eseljay's Liyer Lozenges. 25 cts. at druggists. Itis announced that the budget de- bate will close tonight. Itch on human beings, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes be Wool - ford's Sanitary Lotson, This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Fourteen hundred Spanish left Mad- rid yesterday for Rome. Don't you like pills? Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are better for you. 25 cts. at druggists. A tremendous swept over New York and Jersey coats yesterday. For Oyer Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY: Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with 'per- fect success. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the bust remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In, every part of the Wdrld. ;twenty-five cents a'boltle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Brant County jail is empty. There is not a single prisoner, male or female serving a sentence within its walls. It is safe to say there is not in Ontario, and certainly not any where else, a county with population anything ap- proaching that of Brant County or a city with anything like the population of Brantford, in whose county,jail there is not a prisioner under sentence' for a greater or lesser term. Women who can't take pills can have that biliousness ''removed from their sys'ems by Esel.jay's Liver Lozen- ges 25 cts. at druggists, The Marquis of Talleyrand-Perigord died at Florence, Its l,v, yesterday, The prolonged drought in Austria. Germany and France, threatens to in jure the crops greatly. Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are at once a blood cleanser, a system regulator and a true tonic. 25 cts. a box, ur $2. 50 per dozen boxes. Thu spring stallion show in Guelph yesterday was a success, both as to ex- hibits and attendance. The secret of great success of Esel- jay's Liver Lozenges is in the fact of their not reacting. Other laxative medicines destroy the normal powers of the digestive system. They build it up. They are sold at 25 cts. a box, or $2 50 a dozen boxes. Robt. Munn met with a serious acci dent on Tuesday 10th, while working at the Munn Bros. portable saw -mill. Blyth. He was standing on the boiler, fixing the roof of the temporary build ing when a heavy, board, blown from its place by the terrific gale, struck him across the head, crushing in the bone. English Spavin Liniment remoyes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, lung Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swoolen. Throat, Coughs etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever kown. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist. The York Examiner says: Every mother and housekeeper must often act as a family physician in the many ill- nesses and accidents that occur in children and servants. For many of these cases I have used Davis' Pain- Killer. and consider it and indespen sable article in the medicine box. In diarrhlEtt it has been used ane effected cures, For cuts and bruises, it is in- valuable. 250for the New Big Bottle. �> . NEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA . D RHEUMATISM CURED EVERY TIME zHE" "D.& 1': MENTHOL PLASTER (18ED. This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. If your tongue is coated you need them. AT ALL DOUG STOREa. Sergeant Healy, of Bermuda, has been appointed instructor of artillery at the Royal Miliary College in Kiug- ston. Richardson, the Chatham wife mur dersr, has been convicted of manslaugh- ter and sentenced to imprisonment for life. Relief in Six, flours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di ceases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- NEY`CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water. and pain in passing it almost immed lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany's S. S. the Empress of China left Hong Kong yesterday for Vancouver, Miss Marian Gerard was robbed by a highwayman yesterday afternoon in Windsor. The robber was captured and he confessed. "'',` `ewree' HARMLESS HEADACHE Pucka` , POWIEFIS vta, e ALL HEADACHE. 3%ez, are not adverb tised to cure every. thing,butsimply head- aches. rry them, it will cost but 25 cents for a box atract they a -e harmless. They are not a Cathartic. The Newfoundland Ministry re- signed yesterday because Governor 0' Brien declined to dissolve the House. The private bank of L. Becher & Co., at Waterford, Ont, is reporeed to have suspended pending an invitation of its affairs. till Sickness Conies beforeBtiyingaBehre of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILL, `'You may need it tonight The National Millers' convention at Columbus, Ohio, yesterday, resolved on t general strike to take place at noon April 21. Three hundred thousand men will be thrown out British Grain Trade, London, April 16, --The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says:—English wheats have averaged 24s 6d a quar- ter. Business has been quiet, and foreign wheats have been steady. Cal- ifornia averaged 24s 9d a quarter, and Manitoba 25s 9d. Corn has been held in American cargoes at 18s a quarter. Barleys have been firm and oats a shade dearer. To day there has been slack inquiry. California flour has been offered as low as 20s 6d per sack Barley and oats are three pence higher and beans and peas dull. ALL NI EN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselvesnervous, weak and ex- dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yoice, desire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEAD1EN:CIRCLES,. oily looking skin, etc., are all svmptones of nervous debil- ity that lead to Insanity unless cured, The spring of •vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse, comrnitted iu ignorance, may be permariently cured. Send your ad• dross for book on diseases peculiar to man, Sent free, sealed,'l. yAddress M, V', Lt3tON, 24 Macdomiel'Ave,, Toronto, Ont, it t te,,li,� FaMININE, FANCIES - Dainty Views For the Women of Modish Tendencies, They are making very pretty under bodices or cache corsets without an, fastenings, being made with two point- ed ends in front, which can either be tucked in the stays or tied in a very comfortable fashion. so as to be supple- mentary tothat important and tnuch- mnisunderstood portion of the feminine attire, Golden cornelian is much heard of. Abroad it appears in everything, from match boxes to brooches. Laced shoes are the most 'becoming in the world, but when it comes to lac- ing them up the side the foot has to be absolutely a model to stand it, or else the bootmaker must be as clever in the insertion of pads as is the best dress- maker. Among the novelties seen in evening dresses are hod' 'es and sleeves of vel- vet or brocade n a different color and material from e skirt. As, for in- stance, a bodice or brocade is worn with a skirt of silk, satin or some light and thin mrterial. The newly designed black garnitures are striking and elegant. They consist of very elaborate appliques for theskirt, corsage and sleeves and for panels and inserted pieces, to be laid over vandyke points, Fashionable hair dressers say that hair brushed to a satin finish will be worn in the near future, although the fringe of short curls about the face will be retained, as they make a woman look more youthful. One of the prettiest evening orna- ments for the hair of a brunette is a narrow band of silver, which almost encircles the head, and ornamented with two little silver wings perched erectly on either side of the parting in front. Sweet peas in all their colors are tied sap in bunches with pink ribbons to decorate ball gowns. Parma violets blossom out in the midst of furs on hats and hornets, on muffs and against fur garments, and fringes of real violets, fragrant and frail, decorate the ball gowns of tulle. A dainty costume for a little girl is of spotted India muslin or of challis. The skirt is plain, with two or three rows of narrow braid or embroidery. The waist is full, with narrow shoulder ruffles, full topped sleeves and a, folded belt. The dress yoke and cuffs are of embroidery. The new flannelettes show a great variety of checks and stripes. These are nice for children's dresses. A great many of the dress skirts show an under and contrasting skirt at the hem. Without doubt we are going to wear upper and under skirts. Small diamonds are never used to more advantage than in the dainty flower -wreathed brooches that are in vogue. The new bodice ruffs are strictly Elizabethan in width and volume, but are light and subtle, and do not, as the historic cuffs did, make the wearer look and feel as if pilloried for a mis- demeanor. }low to flung Wet Clothes. It is not every maid who understands the best way of hanging clothes on the line to dry, and 'there are many. house- keepers who do not realize that most articles need to be dried quickly, if the best results are to be obtained in laun- dering. This is necessary for starched clothes, in order to retain the stiffness, and for flannels, to prevent shrinkage. Before hanging them, wipe the clothes- line with a piece of old cloth kept for that purpose, turn them on the wrong side and shake them well. Hang articles of the same kind to- gether, fastening two pieces with one clothes -pin, and placing whatever needs to be dried quickly in the sunniest part of the clothes -yard, and where the most air will reach them. Double the sheets and table -cloths. taking care that the selvage edges are even, and hang them by the fold. Hang pillow -slips by the closed end. Napkins and towels by the two cor- ners of one side, and not from one cor- ner. Shirts, under -shirts and night-dresses from the shoulders, leaving the fronts open, and pinning the sleeves out about half way down. Hang skirts by the bottom hem and not by the trimming. Shake and pull stockings into shape, and hang by the toe. Flannels should not be allowed to re- main in the clothes -basket after they are wrung out, but should be hung immedi- ately, to prevent shrinking. Garfield Allan, aged 9, fell from a bridge while going home from Sunday school at Plantagenet, Ont., on Sunday, and was drowned. The contractors of the Centrsl Build- ing League in Chicago will lock out their unioh empiaves to -day. ei F' F— J: UUIIES '1HERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good Use in time: Sold by druggists ri It has been decided to hold the pro- posed general Catholic congress in Munich in 1895. The Spring Medicine. "All run do vn" from the weakening effects of warm weather, you need a good tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not put off taking it, Numerous little ailments, if neglected. will break up the the system. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now, to ex pals disease and give you strength and appetite. Hood's Pill are the best family cath- artic and liver medicine. harmless, reliable, sure, It is repedrted that a team of Irish cricketers will visit America this sum- mer, About 9 o'clock on Wednesday night Mr. Jas, Grace's barns Lucantwere dis- covered to be on fire, ell his cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, feed' sr ed, hay etc. were burned, Ilow the fire orginated is a mystery. CE�T�A6 DOG ST A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Dru ALWAYS KEPT. Ptetm• e.glclg. , S1Io1&L, Dfllijij!St'S SIIpIieS 4t right and reasonable prices Prescriptions and Family Rece! 4 Carefully Prepared. Wiai1's Oo!titiLlli owg: the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PIft'l' The hotelkeepers organized yester day with Mr. H. Maxep of Hamilton it' President and Edwin Dickey of Tome, as Secretary. z l-�-41 tai DELICATE 11 . MURRAY' (,j��' �1 Ek,' �:.L MA1aY 91,E -31>� PURE r SWEET LASTING L eike RICN RARE PUNGENT A ATER STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT In: DYSPEPSIA AM. a -no. BEAD. Plead the Proof. DEAn Sms.—I write you to say that for soros time I had been suffering from acute indiges- tion or dyspepsia, and of course felt very greet inconvenience from same in nay general busi- ness. I thereupon decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after taking two bottles Z. found I was quite another man, for B.B.B. •en- tirely cured me. I have also used it for any wife and family and have found it the best thiz'g they can take, and from past experiences have every pleasureiustronglyreconvnending'B.13-B. to all ray friends. I writo you because I think that it should bo generallyknowo what 13.13. B. can accomplish m cases of indigestion. Yours faithfull GL' o1iG7s BEAD, Sherbrooke. Qua LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD; General and nervous Debility, Weakness of Body and Mind,Bli'eets.xsT Errors or Excesses in Old,orYoung. Rant. Noble Manhood rally Restored, How !iv . Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undevclept0 Organs and .Farts of Body. Absolutely aim failing Home Treatment-13enefits' 610.04. Mon testify from 50 States and Foreigatnt s- tries, Write them. Descriptive 13o4, roe planation and proofs mailed tsealed,)'ytoe. ERIE MEDICAL CO,►'Duffalo1 LY