HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-4-12, Page 1VOL. V I EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1894. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000 Hest Fund .... .... 1,200,000 Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced au rood Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m Ageneral banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at a per cent. N, DYER HURDON gxeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager THE` Obteter Abxi'aca#.e Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dopar per annum if paid in Advance, 41.50 if not eo paid. 214.1rrartis7.s ff Sento$ era. .$•ppuca,- tSors. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers. &o. for advertising, subseriptions,etc.to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer t•ROPRIETORS Church Directory. TRIYITT MEMORIAL CHURCH.--ROV. a.' E.W. 11 Sunt, Rector. Sunday Services, Holy 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 3 p.. Communion. let Sunday of each month at Morning Service, and in months of five Sun- days after Evening Servide of 4th Sunday of the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday of each month atmorning service. METHODIST CRURCH--James-st , Rev.J.G. JACKSON Paetor.SundaySerVioes,10.30 a.m, and 6.30 p, m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET Rev. W' McDonagh, Past- or. Sunday Services, 10,30 a.m. and 6.90 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.90 p. m, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m Professtona1 Cards. IT. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST,.; EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Lucan every Wed- nesday, Hensel), 1st Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Fillings as required. -1-1 ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with honors). Special attention given to preservation of the nat- ural teeth. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Residenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office' same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May ist. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D DR.T. P. MCLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. T H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 1L• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exoter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LH.DICKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter.,-'^" ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC itors, Conveyancers,'. &c. B. V. ELLIOT. - FREDERICK ELLIOT. Auctioneers 11 BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Auot- • ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms res- tonhale.Salesarranged. at Post office. Win- ohelsea. EBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lic- • ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Porth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. FRED. W. FARNOOM.B, Provincial Land . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Offioo, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. ERNEST ELLIOT. AGENT FCR The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire A s raLncice. Co''on, 1ngland OfPioe:—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed evory Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0.56 to 0.58 Barley Oats Peas Butter Eggs ....... Chicken per lb.. Geese . .......... , ..... 7 Turkeys.. + • 10 Ducks, per T.........., . 8 Pork ,;ay. 5.90 to 6,00 Potatoes per out; Hay per Clover Seed", , ........ 5.25 to 5.75 Timothy seed . . 35 to 37 27 to 28 . 50 to 51 ....... 15 to 17 0 5to16 35 to 40 •.,•• •..6.00to'z.50 ,,,.,..,, 1125to175 MUSICL EXCELLE NCE. ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS FFEILD-ROCERS-CO LISTOWEL. AUCTION SALE. SATURDAY, ArRIL 14—Farm Stook and Implements, on the premises of Rioh. Davis, Exeter, at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp. John Gill, Esq,, aunt. Wm. Pugsley, prop. NOTICE. S. Powell is pr- epared to do grafting on all kinds of fruit trees, Plum and pear trees a specialty, Charges moderate. SETTLE AT ONCE, Having disposed of our interests in the butcher business, all accounts due us must be settled on or before the let April. Woo» BR08. OATS FOUND A bag of oats - was picked up between Exe- ter and Sodom. Owner can have same by galling at Stanlake's mill, proving property and paying expenses. SAM'b STANLAKE, Hay, P. O. NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. TAMWORTH HOGS FOR SALE! As there is a growing demand for a long, large and strong hog for English bacon, the undersigned has gone into the breeding of Tamwerth Hogs and will keep constantly for sale both male and female. Will also keep a male for service, Corner Lot 16, Con, 1, Stephen,. 1 mile South of Exeter. WxLLxAM ROLLINS, Stock Broker. TENDERS WANTED FOR SITE FOR HOUSE OF REFUGE. Offers will be received by the undersigned up to the fifteenth day of' April next for a site on which to locate the House of Refuge contemplated by the County of Huron, The quantity of land required will be from twent five to fifty acres, soil to be of a good quality and easily drained. To be within two miles of any of the following points,;— eaforth, Wingham,Exeter or God- orich. Clinton,The party will with offer state the price required per acre, together, with a full description of the propertt'y. Dated at Goderich this 28th day of March, 1894. / W. Preudfoot, Chairman of Committee, Goderich P.O. The Liquor License Act. In accordance with the provisions of the Liquor License Act, Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for the South Riding of Hu- ron, will be held at HODGINS' HOTEL, HEN- SALL, on IP UDAYApril 20th,18944 At the hour of 10 o $look a. m., to consider applications for the sale of Liquor in the License district of South Huron, New appli- cations for Tavern License are James Weir, for Royal Hotel, Seaforth, and Joseph Step- hens, for Woodham Hotel, Usborne. Tavern Licenses issued for the current year were, Tavern 35 Slop 3. The applicants for 1894-95 are Tayerh, 35 Shop 3. Any petition against the granting of.License to any new applicants must be lodged with the under- signed et least four days before the meeting of the Board, WM. BALLANTYNE, License Inspector, Exeter, April 7th 1894, Seaforth. Additional Locals. Two children named Townsend were poisoned in Guelph by chewing a copy- ing pad with which they were playing It is thought both will recover, obituary - Notices are out announcing the de. mise of an old and respected resident of Exeter, in the person of Mr. Geo. Willis , who departed this life at his residence in Detroit. Mich., on Tuesday the 10th iuet., Mr. Willis has been ill for the past twelve months and finally succumbed to paralysis of the Innes. His remains are expected here to -day and the funeral will leave his sister's (Mrs. Geo. Ecarett) residence Main St., Frida y(To-morrow) at 2 p. m. for the Exeter Cemetry. The bereaved family and relatives haye our sympathy in their sad affliction, The Flower Garden. As soon as the weather gets a little milder, look out for snowdrops, crocus• es, winter aconite, Siberian squills and tether very early growing plants, and if there is a thick mulching of leaves, litter or other material, remove it, a little to day and a little more in two or three days. If you let these little plants force their way up through the mulching to the light, their leaves and stems will be blanched, spindled and weakened, hence their beauty and value will be greatly impaired. But if you remove the mulcting all at once, if the plants are, growing above ground, they will badly scald by sun- shine, wind and frost. Also haye an eye after early growing narcissi and crown imperiols in the same way. Mul- ching bulb beds is all very good in winter, but leaving the mulching un till the bulbs begin to grew above the ground is a Serious evil. It is now you will find the value of spruce, fir, pine and other evergreen branches laid over the bulb beds as a mulching, in- stead of a thick coating of tree leaves or coarse liquor; the evergreen branch es hold the snow—the best of all mulch- ings--and admit light and air, and at the same time protect the tips of the plants from sunshine and searing winds. w+wnn.-:c-xnwv. NO US HAIF PRICE AT SALE 1 ^BRODERICR'S CHEAP BANKRUPT STORE! Special Lines for this Week: 10 DOZEN ;of Men's and Boys' Underwear Shirts and Drawers, 75 PAIRS of Men's and Boys Long Boots. A nice assortment, all at half price. • NO; MISTAKE. We mean half price. . Two Bankrupt Stocks just received. Big Bargains 1. We sell cheap all the time J. W. BRODERICK. The choir of the Trivitt Memorial are practicing this week a new and beautiful ulaguificat service by Bun - nett for next Sunday evening. Mrs Hunt and Mr. Collins will also ,render Gounods "For ever with the Lord" at the oflerrory. School lionr'cl ilfauntee. 1 . Meeting held in the Town Hall April 4th, all present. The followin>r'are the motions duly sustained:—Minutes of previous meeting—per Dr, Lutz and P Frayne acceptance and sustainment of Fence Com's report and contract—per T Fitton and E Howard, payment of following aces:—J P Clarke brooms $2.31; J N Ho ward posts $25.20; P Frayne wood $284.—Per T Fitton and W J Carling sustainment of following aces. prepayments J P Coats wood. $115.87; Secretary maps $12.20.—Per T Fitton and E Howard, W Brooks to be paid $11.60 for substitute teaching. Per. P Frayne and Dr Lutz acceptance Mr. R. Ferguson as supply in Miss Fee guson s Department to close of present term.—Per Dr Lutz and T Fitton, Messrs Carling, Frayne and Howard to be fence committ,e to complete fencing required and to purchase necessary supplies.—Per Dr. Lutz and T Fitton uecessary .re; airs to wood shed to be effected by fence tom.—Per Dr. Lutz. and P Frayne, the chairman and T Fitton to be a com. to secure proper storage and cutting of wood.—Per Ts Fitton adjournment. J. GRIGG, Sec'y. Personal Intention. Miss Susie Tait, who has made her home with her brother in St. Pau], Minn , for the past 12 months, is shak ing hands with friends and relatives in Exeter.—Mr. Dan Prior, an old resident of Exeter but now of Clinton, was shaking hands with old acQuaintances in town this week.—Mr. John Load - man, who took possession of the "Christ- ie Livery Stables" last week, moved his family into Mr. John McInnes' house the fore part of this week, and Mr, Christie started to move his family and household effects into the ,premises vacated by Mr. Loadman.—Miss Durs tein, of Saginaw, Mich., was the guest of Mrs, Ed. Sanders for a few days this week.—Mrs. Ed. Sanders is home again after a month's visit with friends in Zurich, --Messrs. W. G. Bissett and J T. Westcott attended the Mitchell spring show on Thursday last. Mr. Bissett was one of the Judges on horses at the fair —Mr. Henry Han ilton of Walton spent last Thursday here on business.—Mr. John Moi g who spent the winter here with relatives left for Sault Ste Marie Mich. on Tuesday last. —Mr. William. H. Hill who has been clerking in R. Pickard and Son's Gen- eral Store the past 5 years -•left on Tuesday last to attend the St. Catha- arine business College.—Mr. John Cor nish and wife who have been visiting relatives here the past month returned to their home St. Thomas on Tuesday evening last.—Mr. M. Y. McLean of the Seaforth Expositor spent Z uesday last here.— Exeter Spring' Show. A more disagreeable day than Tues. day could not have greeted the Step- hen & Usborne Agricultural Society's annual spring show, Snow and hail in the early morning, rain and sleet accompanied by a cold raw wind the rest of the day, The prospects for the society's usual successful show were very slim indeed, From the list of prizes awarded it will be seen that very few entries were made. Follow- ing is the list:— AGED CLYDESDALE CLASS. -4 ent ries, 1st Coursey Bros. .Lucan, "Joe Anderson"; 2nd Hewitt & Kay, Far- quhar, "Scottish Hero" 3rd Berry & Gei- ger Howell "Craigronald" 3 YR, OLD DRAUGHT. -1 entry, lst James Smillie Kipper, "McNorah". AGED SHIRE. -1 entry, lst Francis Coleman Hfllsgreen, "British Lad" CARRIAGE. -2 entries, 1st Thos, 131e - sett, Sr. Exeter, "St. Blaze"; 2nd John Shaver, Jr. Blake, "Young Fulton". COAOH.---1 entry, Alex. Dow, Exeter, "Paseha". AGED ROADSTERS.entries, 1st E. Hanham St. Marys, "Stone River"; 2nd. Wm. Johnston Woodham, '1Dalberg". JTIDGkS. Alex Innes, Clinton, James Bell, Birr; Wm. Hazlewood, Kirkton. AGED BULLs,--2 entries, lst John Allison, Usborne, "'Blake" 2nd Cicero Aldsworth, Hay, "Grand Trunk", YIIMZ OLD.— 1 entry, 1st C Aids - worth, .Hay, "Lord Aberdeen. JUDGE, --J. Sutherlat i Kirkton, Biddulph. ' At the annual meeting of the con- gregation of St. Patrick's church, held last week, the following office -bearers were elected for „the current year:— Francis Davis Senior, clergyman's warden; Richard Hodgins, people's warden; James Atkinson and Nassau Davis, sidesmen; Francis Davis, Sr„ delegate to Synod; Wm. Turner, treas- urer, and Henry Hodgins, sexton, The meeting was harmonious—the accounts satisfactory—and we enter hopefully on the work :of another year. Varna. Quite a number of our villagers at- tended the concert in Brucefield given by the Canadian Troupe of Jubilee Singers and expressed themselves as being mote than delighted,—John Foote has returned from Detroit where he has been attending the medical col - l. ge.—Miss Dawson, of the Babylon Line, has taken the position in Mr. Cairn's store lately vacated by Mr. Dundas.—We are sorry to hear of the continued Meese of Miss Maudie Moffat but we hope that she will soon be around again.—Revs. McDonald and Leach exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Stephen, SOuoee REvoire The following is a correct report of the',standing of the pupils in S S. No. 2, Stephen, for the month of March. Names are in order of merit. V—Willie Salter. Sr. IV— Lillie Lawson, George Salter, Josephine Flanagan. Jr. IV—George Lawson, Annie Spencer• Sr. III—Lillie Lam- port, Thomas Edwards, Lizzie Lawson, Clenso Salter, Wesley Hirtzel, Urban Essery, Bella Sims, Herbert Clark, Em ma Brown. Jr. III—Ruby Essery, Ella Lamport, Kate Flanagan, Mary Lam- port, John Sims, Lizzie Sims, Charlie Lamport. II—Lula Essery, Cora Lam- port, Patrick Flanagan, Joseph Sims, Mary Lawson. Pt. II—Garfield Law son, Garnet Sims, Louisa Flanagan, Wilfred Lawson. Sr. Pt. I—Delphie Essery, Laving Sims, V Essery, Willie — Sims. 2nd Pt. 1S, Hirtzel, Isaac Sims, Joseph Edwards. Jr. Pt. I—Gar net Hill, Nora Sims, Ethel Lamport, Arthur Flanagan, Louisa Sims,—A. ESSERY, Teacher. Zurich. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Rob, Steinbach who is studying medi- cine in the Detroit College of Medicine has succeeded in passing his first term examinations with a high standard, he being one of the few that got through whir85 per cent or more of all the "oral quizes" during the yearo =..r• ate subjects which passes him next year's course. Rob is no "comique" would call "a simi-ann doctor." The A yocean wishes Rob continued succus .-(ED.) Mr. Gust. Demuth is at present bus- ily engaged improving the appearance of his dwelling by a fresh coat of paint. —Miss Annie Weber has removed her dress making department from Mr P. Lamont's block to Mr. H Wells former- ly occupied by J Phippen as a photo- graph gallery.—Mr. H. Hess who is well known around this vicinity has opened out a confectioner and candy shop in P. Lamont's block lately ya- eated by Miss Weber. Henry is genial and obliging young man and his many friends wish him every success in his new enterprise.—Mrs. Pozen who for the last few months was visiting at her sister's Mrs. F. Seigner of this place has returned to her home in Pt. Ed- ward.—Messrs Hardy' and Heideman our enterprising butchers are having the interior of their shop renewed by a fresh coat of paint.—Miss Edith Stein- bach was visiting friends in London on Sunday and also attended the open- ing of St. Pauls Cathedral which was reopened on Sunday for which occasion a very interesting program was carried out.—Mr. J. Reckbeil who has lately returned from .Dakota we believe in- tends to settle down in our village bat finds it hard work to find a residence as every house in the village 18 iuhab- ited and more could be made use of if they were built, We hope li+wever that if Mr. Reckbeil don't succeed in purchasing property he will feel en- couraged to build a new residence for himself in our thriving village. Sodom. R. T. or T.—On Wednesday evening April 4th, a Royal Templar of Temper- ance Lodge was Instituted here when the following members were elected to fill the different ofeces for the current term: -Select Councillor Chester Prouty; Vice Councilor Samuel Staniake; Past Councillor John Carrick; Chaplain Wm Harris; Rec. Sec'y. Agnes Bailey; Ass't Sec'y Laura Harris; Treasurer Silas Stanlake Jr.; Financial Sec'y Wm. Carrick; Herald,, John Ford Sr; Deputy Herald Frederick Green; Guard S; Stanlade sr; Sentinel, David McCarty. Trustees, Wm Ching, John Ford jr. Josiah J McDonald. There are pres- ent 34 members on the roll and the or- der is in a flourishing condition. The lodge meets on Wednesday evenings. McGillivray Council. Council met in'the Town Hall, Mc- Gillivray, April 2nd, 1894, pursuant to adjournment. All present. Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and signed. J. D. Drummond—G. T. John ston—that the reeve be and he is here- by instructed to have Patrick's bridge put in a proper state of repair to carry travel for the present year.—Carried. E. Morgan—T. Prest—that this council do hereby appoint Alexander Smith, James Miller and Adam Glendinning members of the Board of Health and James Sutton, M.D., Medical Health Of- ficer, and that th;e-clerk"draft a by law to that effect.—Carried. G. T. John- ston—T. Prest—that the hereinafter named individuals be paid the several amounts as set forth, viz: G. Saund ers, collector, remission of M. Egau's statute labor tax, $8; G. Cunningham, filling in abutments at and repairing Bice's bridge, 2nd con., $13; W. Smith- ers, filling in washout on the 18th con., 81.00; R. Sellars, gravel account, N. Bdy, $1.60; R. Sellers, gravel account Allison's side road, $1.60; R. Sellars, putting in concrete culvert on Hedge's side road, $2.50; C. H. Wilson, gravel- ling on N b, paid in full, $40: W. Mor- gan, repairing Hodgson's bridge, 4th con., $3.55; P. Hall, account for plank, $4.25; G. Pickering, repairing culvert on the 12th con., $2; J. Gibson, making temporary approach to Williams' bridge, $2.—Carried. T Prest—J. D. Drummond—that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the first Monday in May at ten o'clock a.m., when pathmasters will be appointed and gravel contracts let.—Carried,— WM. F),ASER, Tp. Clerk, Crediton, Mr. McKeever purposes erecting a new brick house in the spring, for which he has hauled a large quantity of brick, lumber, sand, etc.—Quite a number of farmers have started tilling in these parts.—Mr. McKane and Sam'! Essery are having large contracts of the locked wire fence to build this spring.—A number of our farmers have taken part interest in the syndi- cate trotting stallion "Clear Grit," stab- led at Centralia.—Jonah Sims left here Friday for Sarnia.—Jas. Clark is still under the doctor's care. We wish him a speedy recovery.—Mrs. Joseph Ed- wards, we are pleased to say, is able to be around again.—Mrs. H. Shelton is very low at present with hemorrage.— Mr. L. Hodgins bas moved into Mrs. Sweet's house, she having gone to re- side eside with Mr. T, Chambers.—Mr. W. Clark is erecting a large implement shed. Walter is an enterprising man. —Jas. Gower, wife and family have moved into Mr. Jone's house for a time —J. Hepburn had a ploughing bee last week and turned over about 20 acres. There were eight teams in attendance. John thinks there is more money in flax than cattle.—R. T. Handford has ploughed about 70 acres this spring for flax on the 4th con.—Geo. Lawson bought 150 acres of land on tho 9th con: for $4,000. Ho thinks it very cheap.—A number of our young folks went to Centralia Thursday evening to hear the Black Knight and report hav- ing had a good time.—Mr. H. Huston gave our town a flying visit on Satur day last.—Butcher Pumfrey is again on his rounds and will supply the de mantis of our town.—Mr. C. Kuhn has gone on a visit to Michigan,—Albert Hooper is busy hauling pressed hay to Centralia.—We espeot to hear the wedding bells soon. .Ah Levi! Many deaths aro prevented by i oitii Kure Try it for Colde,Lit Gp110,Etr, Centralia. WEDDING BULLS. -0u Thursday .ate ternoon last one of those pleasant events which always create a flutter<d excitement took place at the residence of Mr. John (;olwill. of McGilliyeay., :a, .. mile and a quarter south of :here, when his second daughter, Laura; was united in holy bonds of matrimony '.to Mr. William Young, of Crediton. The nuptial knot was securely tied by the Rev, W. H, Butt, of this place, in the presence of the immediate relatives Of the contracting parties. After the cer- emony was performed the happy coup- le left for Exeter, where, ve under- stand, they will make their future home. We extend our congratula- tions to the young couple, and hope that their future may be a prosperous and happy one,—Mr. McDougaI, ad- vance agent for Sara Lord Bailey.,; the elocutionist, was in town Monday night, but did not complete arrange- ments for a date here,—Thos. E. Hand- ford, while crossing the railroad track, had a narrow escape with his life. A. train was about passing at the' time and Mr. 11, was delving fast to keep clear of the coming train, when the shaft of his cart struck another horse coming the opposite direction and pen- etrated its thigh abut 22 inches and broke of It was a narrow escape. The "Black Knight" has come and. gone' All who heard him were de- lighted, and those who failed to hear him missed a treat iudeed. He is with- out doubt the most eloquent orator that ever visited these parts and ;a great stimulus to pecple with "cotton string back-bone."—A. W. Robinson and Wes. Huston took a valuable team of horses to London on Saturday and we understand disposed of them at a, good figure. Good stock bring good prices.—Miss Mary Handford, who has been visiting relatives in Toledo, Ohio, for the past six montbs, returned home last Thursday.—A syndicate has pur- chased. urchased a valuable stallion for this vi- cinity. C. Baskeryille, who is a heavy shareholder, keeps him at his stable, where he can be seen by all who like to gaze upon fine horseflesh. . Usborne Council. The Council met on the 7th inst. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following- communications ollowingcommunications Were read and laid on the table yiz:—A letter from IIr T An- drew asking for the use of the Town Hall to hold meetings of Winchelsea Sutter and Cream Association, and circulars and letters with reference to sewer pipe, road scrapers, and truss bridges. Mr. George F Murphy pre- sented a petition requesting the coun- cil to appoint an arbitrator to arbitrate in matter of changing his lot from S 5 No. 3 Blanshard to Union S S No 13 Blanshard and Usborne. Gardiner— Halls that the application of the Win-' chelsea butter and cream association for the use of the township hall to hold Directors and other meetings in con- nection with their business be granted —Carried. Keddy—Halls that Alex. McDonald be refunded the sum of. $1 dog tax.—Carried. Gardiner—Shier That E. Hewitt be paid the sum of $4 for plans and specifications for a new bridge on Quinton's side road and for examining the old bridge.—Carried. Halls—Keddy that the clerk be in- structed to advertise for tenders for the erection of a new cedar truss bridge on Quinton's side road between lots A and 1 on Con 5, tenders to be in by the 5th May, plans and specifications to be • kept at the clerk's of&ce.—Carried. Gardiner—Keddy that the application of G. F. Murphy to appoint an arbitra- tor be not entertained at present as we consider the above course both cum- bersome and expenslye. and that the clerk correspond with the clerk of Blau shard in accordance with this decision; Carried. Shier --Gardiner, that the fel- lowing pathmasters be appointed for the current year, and that a By -Law be drafted confirming the same vie.—S W Ward div, No. 2, G Webber; 3 W Balkwell; 4 G Rooke; 5 J Heywood,; 6 W Welsh; 7 W Brownlee; 8 L Hunter; 9 J Prout; 10 W Peel ins; 12 J Pym ;13 S Wilson; 14 5 Hunter; 15 T Smale; 16 R Jones. N W Ward, Div. No. 1, L McTaggart; 2 T M Case; 3 H Dougall;; 4 J Hodgson; 5 Wm Oke; 6 R Keddy; 7 G Ferguson; 8 P Moir. 9 J Airth Jr.:; 10 A Bishop; 11. W Horton ; 12 G Mon- teith; 13 J Cann; 14 T Ellerington; 15 W Glenn; 16 J Horton S E Ward Div. No 1, S Peart; 2 T Brock; 3 A Berryhill; 4 G, Heywood; 5 G Upshall; 6 H Rood; 7 W Avery; 8 B Beavers; 9 M Routly; 10 W Dodd; 11 R Fletcher; 12 A Hawkey; 13 J Hazelwood; 14 pa ;Harrah; 15 J O'Mara. N E. Ward liliv No. 1 W Coward; 2 R Rcmmer; 8 lId Borland; 4 S Campbell; 5 P McDougall; 6 M Thompson; 7 W J Vance; Stewart; 9 J R Duncan; 10 W 1' ay; 13. A McCurdy; 12 J Duncan; 13 RDoupe 14 G Rutherford; 15 Arch McCurdy.— Carried. The fotluwing orders were granted vis.—M Samwell keep of #I Hewitt and wife $26; 3 Swan gravel $5 .T Cann gravel (1893 acct.) 60c.; Mrs. Beer gravel $1; J Harris culvert $3; A McDonald refunded dog tax, $1; R Bell Jr. lumber $3496; E Hewitt plans' &c, Quinton's bridge 84. On motion of J. Halls—W 'teddy* the e0un61 ad journed to meet again Saturday May 5th at 1 o'clock p m. Guo, IIOLMAN, clerk,