HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-29, Page 7�. t It . �I ^ i . . I I I . I I I . . . . . � . . I , . � I I I . n as .r I 8TAR1�j1 jj�� j/�� ' 0 LEGISLATURE with of Ottawa and the Ottawa City Passenger F.ieotrio Hereat Railway Cgrapany(Llmited). MOODY ON THR MIRACLES —Mr. Broumon........,.. ------ The following Bills' were introduced and Mr. Meredith asked when certain Bills mentioned to the speech from the throne He Doesn't Understand Them, but Be Weed a firsb time; would be introduced. Believes Thera, Mr. Broason—To amend the Pabllo sir Oliver Mowat said that none of the 'HoAlth ACh. measures contemplated had been abandoned, � ISir Oliver Mowat --To autboriza married and that they were all in a forward state of SONAR'S LITTLE BEA. ADVENTURE. omen under ago to bar dower,' preparation. Sir O,,iver Mowat—Respeobicg certain At Broadway Tabernacle, Now "York, the Auttles of coreners. B.'fPERlMENT4 BELOW 7Z0. other day,, Evangelist Moody delivered a .Air. Ryerson asked for a return showing ----- charseberiatic afteaa• Ho beganby saying ;lap whom the idland at Hamilton Beach is The Wrects of Intense Cold on Amstel that it was about time for the ministers of ]eased ; the terms of the lease ; the %meant Life. the gospel to atop cavilling and go to 'orf aimmal rental; how the lease was ob, M. Raoul Plateb has been making some preaohiog. He declared that the gospel bainod, te by public auction or priva curious experiments on the physiological it orkers wbo most with the greatest tmccees birangowlenb. CHndutlina, he amid be off+nta of extreme cold. Wish the aid of are bhnee who refuse to give up any portion had been informed that the island ,had been lease] for a term of various freezing mixtures, he has arranged what he 11 wells the in of bho Bible, T'us man who can b Candle the Bible, ,years five individuals ab a rental calla of cold," air wbioh is coolei to various dogxoar. So far, he nerdy "cannot succeed in genual work. rlto ,of $5 annually, and that, as the bhe temperature is the coldest of these wells You oan b throw away a part of it and keep Wand praotiCAlly controlled the oboobingoa to only reduced to 166 degrees below the bhe ret, either, Mbab of these parts which Ram lbou bay, there v she many people in Fahrenheit zero, but much tower tampers- bhey want to throw away are bhose on which ,Hamilton who would be willing to p -y $5 bares are cantly reached by other means, It Jesus Ohr,sb hiambelf has set His seal. I am for day for a privilege which was now iaold to oalon]ated by modern physicists that at °uro I do not want to be wiser than my y a few individuals for ton years at such a r1dicrralously tow rental. 'fele situation of about 460 degrees below zero w.illbe reacbe9 .,ghat is called the 11 tomptrature deabh," Master, " When the miniatore come to the stories the island was such me to make it of far of or 11 absolute cold," as whiuh ail subabunoea of Ncalh or the destruction of Sodom and snore valuo than what wag now being gob are solid and at their extreme limit of oan- Gomorrah by fico and the story of Jonah tom' It. traction. M. Ploteb bks of osurve not and the whale they may they cannot accept Mr. Hardy maid that the bon, gent?omau yob attained this condition, but he has them all true. I ween mlainformed regarding the matter. approached near enough to ib to give soma Ilse scientist says a whale'o meubli is no 'fl?bo island was leased with a liability in singular Indloabioua of whet may be lis- bigger than a mane flab, and could not steal the lease, that it miubb be revoked if the covered later. low a man's bod+. Therefore, the story 3AIA Wail requited far, public use. Ib was In one of his experiments a dog wme mast be disregarded. -only about an acre in extent altogether, and introduced Into a "well of cold," atm 11 Yet Jeoub Christ act His seal en this hes bad not heard 03b ib was mpecialll' temperature of 130 degrees below the story by retorting to it when He said that i%dalatad for shooting parpolion. lie bhoughb Fahranhelt zero. For ten minutes the as Jonah remained three days in the belly of `Cho ducks would aimeA have to search for aulmal's vitality ebruggled saceetefully the whale, me shall the Son of Man remain I tbey wished to ffook therm, !kir. WAters moved the socond reading of against the cold, and %van raised, to the oxbe]nb of halt a Centigrade degree, the three days in the bowels of the earth.. Isn't it easy to believe that God could make xA Bill fcr the preservation of lifa and prop- temperature of the well. At the end of this a man big enough to swallow a whale if He rerty at railway orosmings in cibiee, towns and •vhlauzo. Ho exp aimed the main feature sf time bba dog's extromittem began to freeze, bob heart, happened to want to. A doubting divine was telling an the Bill, amytng that when a railway cross- the and vital organs ramaiamd warm and it was not until the end of an earnest, Bible believing Sootchman how 'tug was so actuated cat to endanger bho -tu'b3o vwoifAre or to be daugAvons to life, the hour tend to half that the temperature of this part of the animal was found to have been other nolenbleb5 had examined an ase' mouth and bade declared that it was evi. 'from zatdweaye should be compelled to plana reduced one Centigrade degree. After this dent its formation that It could not 'I ?m✓.atobwen at all such crossing;. The Bili point was • reached however, the vital speak. Therefore the story of Balsam a be a die. ;pro•vii3od that the mnnieipsaiibles should have ,power to lndat on thin being done on thirty owerscorned to give wale, the temperature suddenly fell and nothing could ravine the ass mutat ,t Out of patience the Sootobutan replied : !days' notice tieing given, No crosoing Poor boast, Hoeb, mann, do yon make the sell and I'll imbauld be lett unwabahod, and thlm should Ire done at tho eapsnse of the company ; the M. Plotsb himself had the courage to try hew such terrible cold felt. He plunged his make him speak,' People seers to forgot that if Gad could make the ams He mould 13111, therefore, provided that, In the event of the company negleo,irg to a bare arm into the weil,ab the name tempera- make him speak if He wanted to. "People tall us to -day we must hsve a provide watchman as instructed, the municipality ture which had proved fatal to the dog, and hold it there for five or six minutes. At oho new, Binde. Ib took a long time to got the •McColl have power to appoint one, and end of throe or four minnbeo he felb a violent one we have, and no one can toll ho,w long eoUmb the a;mennb of his wagon from the pain, proceeding apparanily from the it will take these philosophers to get a new ve mlu'a9• atlas. 'Hardy said that it would cost nu en- periosteum, or sensitive covering of the bone. Aftor about two minutes of thin he ono. Moab of these people haven't read the Bible we have get. The only man who vrm,ma sem of money to place night and L&Ny watat'nmen at railway crossings in oiblem s,itadrew his arm, and a sharp, burningpatu came on, caused, as he eupposed, by the douhut,d the bears whom I ever mat woo claimed to have read it could only quote the Recd ta?rsis, fl"i,cre worm hundreda of areae- Ings where watchmen were nob needed, and sudden reaobion In the tiaeues. In expert- menting on other animals be found that the single verse I Jeans wept. " Gad talked to Auraham, according to tbare mever bad been any need of them. He N ougLt the bon, gentleman ought not to I-awor the organism, the• better it seamed to restat cold. Fishes could be frozen hard Genosle, and if that statement was net true then the man who wrote Genesis know tbah gars+sn the Bill- His »n opinion was that without lasing vitality. V the temperature he tied. Break one point of their evidence A vme not within the jurfadloblen of 0atarlo is compel ail railways is the P.ovinoa to bo which they were exposed did not mink below bho Fahrenheit zero, and If the ex- 'And all mast be thrown out. That is what is done, at least, in the courts to -day. *two wAlmhuaton ab ceomin{ge, He thonglib hie Vas. periment didlast boo long, they could Some say they believe in the Bible, but friend ought to have Inform—ad the House at zboub how many oreasinga it might be ,not be thawed out, apparently without injury. Frega could be kepb for a tlma In a tempKra- not in the portions relating to the eupernat- aral. That in impossible. Obherm asserb ..-lee sAry to station wait ihmea. He thou:thb turo 20 degrees below the FAbranjteit zero that th,�ycan believe the Now Testament, but not the Old, the former to filled brio informal fon, together viaPh the cost, should be laid before the House In the withouh hence, bub they suoonmbt d to a tampevAure of 30 degrees belaw. Snakea yet with quotatisna from the letter. yawiure of a rat.um befero bon. gentlemen red to delibarato, bore %boat the came ds roc "f cold and 11 I aon't understand the Blble, con- tinned Mr. Moody, raising his voice, °1 I tlhouksl3ra as Mr. hler.Ai,h amid the question of- oenbipades did not seem to be incenveni- enued by a temperature of 60 degreerabe'ow den'bexpWri perbione of to; I don't inter- .d1oti.ou oughb to be settled. He thought that wherover �rscautien was neeeasar ro P• 9 l nails vital still more hardy, emperg re daces vitality in a Wali ab a temperature P`eb it, but I do believe it. I don'b under - stand astronomy or higher mathematics, Via+ Catton xsb higiawvay oroaatagx ib ehou d be a 184 degrees below zero. o:1 I believe in them. 9 „ , -ab tt�la expamiae of tthe railways. Ha thought This maatoniahing fortitude Ivan, howevar, It is becaumo we oan b unlerstand bbe Bible that I love it, One bhab it At vzonld be beater to have,* bosh cane mmde ,of tbl,,o matter to settle the jurisdiction b'xan far turpassed by viat of eaxtawn microbes, which M. Piabeb froze up in a block of can see was Gods work. There is a length to it, a of Rome other camas, such as that of the QWAA's• Co,aaeei. llolldifisd atmospherlo air, ab a tomperatare breadth and depth which we cannot under- stand, but which leads ns to a belghb which Mr. B+,rour said the matter of municipal 350 degreem below the FAhrenhott zdre. In this block, hard and solid an crystal, he we cannot understand either." Aratmnge as it was affected by railways was kept them for some nim-, and then thawed a.r� nsabiea which he thought should be con- them out g,mtly, uponwhioh they exhibited 111111P WICKS OF CLAY. sldf.rsd in this connection. IIx- Waters eald t1amb the matter of ex- their usual activity. What can be the nature of a circulation which Is Indiffersat -"' Ta`''p Give a Much Brfghter Light Than d m-ei, as hmd been'advancetd by the Cam- be thin awful cold, or of an orgavlem in Those of Cotton. rrr'1mrr.',o*er of C own Linde, did zteh concern which oiroulAlon can be entirely stopped A lamp wick has been Invented which Is Ciao latahter. If the Govorr,menb had the wibhoub injary, we can only conjecture, but made entirely of clay and claimed to give jurlsdimlon, which he believed they had, Mi Plotet'a experiments, for the e000anb of 25 per Cant. more lighb than the oammon amd could aave life, it was their duty to wbioh we are indebted to Le Ganto Civil, wick, says the House Furnishing Review. 4erry ri s soh a measure. Under the cir- bano oertaloI7 added anether mystery tri It in made Ca 111wr9 by inoorp,nating with 4 n t prose t "ill •flee" however, h8 would O r 9 1 atasr+:a tt h p . !hat standing anlgma of science known as the play, while in a piastre slate, filament" and w6uld move that the order be dia- vitality. I of unspun vegetable fibre which are burned visaged. ; 1hil, order she disolrarged. THEY RECITED YER16ES, oun in the prseeae of baking. The objaeb is to provide an indestructible wick, which INIr, I;:arr (Deflerin) moved the second wading of a Bill to regulate the style of • But Some Were Hardly Approprlate for the a,.ali posseam all the advantageeun qualities of an ordinary cotton or fibre wick andwhich agents, It was Some- ocwloentilmatea to a dt g Occasion . shall, in addibio3, lash an indefinite time tim&3 very hard to tell at present whethar A collection was lifted In a Boston sun- wlohout ranewal or necessity of trimming or the per.ion who offered g sods for sale was . day school last Sunday for a foreign miiaien, care. When the clay to baked the vegetable 't,bo na,sner or not. It was ae important that mud the pupile of arse class were sinkod each fibre is burned out, leaving capillary tubes #Bae farmar should ,sop'O'ected as the mann- to ropaat a verse from the Bible appropriate ruoulntl longitudinally through the wick, faoiturat, Are the buyl g of goods;- to tho oecanion. Pape the Boaton Traveller. thr ugh which bhe oil from the lamp will za'Ir, Gibson (Hanalibeli), said that the The first boy said : be raised to the flame by capillary bbtractlen. Msli%M 1314 w,aa a copy of the English Amt. 11 Ib is mere bloomed to give than to Otviug to the perfect combustion of the ats iawaa gaatleman tied not aeu,�hb to re- receive." wick, the flame Is perfectly white in heal the lagislation in the Province, Be that 11 Good i" orled all. baracber, devotd of oder and smokeless. ilif blas Rill pamaed th,ty would have two farms And than they want on : 11 The Lord It !s found, through a practical teat, that wf logo alation on the matsber,.wrhloh would loveth a ohoor+ul givor." " He that giveth oll !a volcoiltzed by the use of blit® wick and be i,mtbvr canfuainq. The Eoglfah Act wan to the poor londeth to the Lord," and lie on. the vapor to consumed, thus giving the isaamn mhAb olmilav, but he saw no reason One boy ataggered the teacher a bib by e,beve results. wby both Aeta should be on the etabuted. quebing : t1 The spirlb is willing, but the :ft 3hebon. genblomiin desired, he might in- uaale is weak," bat a certain amount of Where $nowIs ItecL -t"radu ao a Bial as an amendment ba meabion 5 of the Act.. mpproprlateness was recognized. 11 G.va the devil his due," lengthened snow is somoblmeo found in Polar and Al- lilr. Morslith naldl ib was rather hard on some faces when the next b" blarmil our ping regional, where it Iles unmelted from No bon. friond (1dr. Bart) that an two baoito hub the climax waa reached and the gaetai year to year, and the annual fail is small, bra lead failed to final tellHf. L,st session he tions ended when another boy shouted: "A c,tlored red by the premenee of innumerable amall red plimts. In its native state the 'mad Introduced a Bill to rnpstat bho Act,, an •t,ba boo-%. Previonial Secretary now foal and his money are or -on parted." plant eanelats of brilliant red giabnlem on a msggigoybori, lint be had been then told to Zoia's "Dr. Pascal." g„labinons mesa. Red "snow was observed VI ser lb to stand. "Dr. Paacal" oammond" himself less to oy the ancients, a passage in Ari+ttoble re. %he Bill was read a second time, and re- the editor of the dsclepiad than even;him terring to It, bub ib attracted little or no dserrerd to the Lw$al Committee. oreabor, M. Zola. After read,ng bin life Attontion until 1760, when sansanve eb• M�% Barr (Dufferlo) moved the second and omrotr, from Alpha to Omega, Sir Bela- ierved it on the Arps, and concluded it was son-dhay of a BA to amend the Coroners ,,,,ml,,Riobardeen $nils ho Is net in myna• due to the pollen of a plmt. It was alae .Amt, Coroners' icgtawtta were largely a pathy with him. "P,amoal wag not a great „eslood by the Arntie Expedition nudez feerx, and wlra•n a return which he had than in pbysla-ho was bareli a student. Captain Russ on Baffles Bay share on a ai&vd for on. the subjeeh was broaght down, Aar a modloal exporlmenraltat Pascal wal as range of cliffs, the red color penetrating boa ,be twins ou-e the House would find that In anforbnuato as he wall clumsy, and his depth of twelve feet. Lod$ frequent Is a mcwa y Avery case In whiob an Inquest had hypotheses on Lie and death were all far green growth on snow. `boot held ratoral caneem had been the ver- frim originality an tram sound phuaeophy. dict rnatufned. In the mtddle ag: s he be. If tm were what, he was by boredity, and The Doctor on Bicyeliag. JJv,,+r1 Irev,plo In public institat.iona were the child he In anppotaed to have lefb be a PAbronemm-You have frequently maid tbai %AMetirvrma po4onad or done away with, nacesaiary ex: aniWoa of the famitv,the asonor you do not reoommeed bicycling fob int oMs was not the cam now, and he it mbnHies off the mortal coil the better for invatldo, and gab you have just advised m3 thong'ht tthe reason for holding inquests did humaniby." _ son to gab a bicycle. vottoxiatnow. Prune Jelly. Doctor—I told him to get one with s Mr. Ahoan (.Hamilton) thought the Act pneumatic tire. nhnald nob be changed antic some better Wash and cover one pound of prance 11 Oh that sort of hire makes a dlfferenoe, ,t:a±a h%4 br..en made ouh, with cold water ; soak them over ntahb. I prosum,%!, Yds Mor-Alth Ceiaolded bho$ view Nexb mernin bring theca to a boiling uA b Al C I bh a very gree arence. arry ng a Mae oder was discharged. ps?int; press them through a colander. wheel back and forbh to the repair shop will 97ho following htlia were introduced : have ready a half -bee of goiabin, bhab hall be most excellent exorcise, madame." Mt. T.,"Iey—To incorporate the L,anden boon covered with a half cup of Cold water (4% Spr@rgbank Lbaotric Rail way Company, and soaked for hall an hon, ; put the prunes Feat or a Maine woman. AU. , Coornme—To Consolilste the debt of over the fire ; add a cupful of sugar and ilae em,wn of Sault S all. Marie. the juice of a lemon ,,stir In the gelatin, Mra, Smith, of WIDimantlo, Me., ham thi Mr. Gtltmosar—Ra•'peao;ng the Toronto & and when the whole onmes to moldrig reputation of beirg able to s4at with i Xohvaond Hill Street RL% Tway Company pt;Int, burn it into a mold, and serve with beard about e$ hard as any one in Nsa (lirrdt"d). w'nippad oream, There should be ab least England. The other day, seeing a 'gaed 1" ', kl" , i wroy—To amend an sot ineorporat. a pint and a half of this pulp, otherwise It sazod deer In her back yard, she melz..d i ^fel; thea parni>ltou Radial Electric Street would be too stiff with a box of gelatin.— board, arid, going out, manegad to siva Itia'1.@vstrp Coeraparry. Houaeho7,d News, the door hard enough to kill it.—Boatos ,M,r. 'Tait—Ter inoerporate the Cinada Herald. 3�argl,vey Insurance Company (limited) ; also Ifilallter Mails as a (Alerm Collector. ao do nhien Lite twtstares under the will of the A ptxater wall in a great ahoorbaut of By Mutual Consent. late l.lOhard Staabbm to administer corbaln potions vapsini, and seem to retain ail that "Do you care, dear," Inquired 1ylr Janda, otlok to it. Noe this reason ON butldiogs Lovelly, " if I marry aga.n when you ar, r oa to Ciao eaterait n - O are q Otl�l0ae' a0 f n fr9r, Prraaoten rooked for a return sh w ear x u S b for , load and gond? the "fsnpi amount of thea Glovernment.gmut be !a cub off they become altrin,atb uninhaMtable. ,.Of oonrae nob," responded Mr. L. ; +1 it a ,Aurrianitural & Arts Board, and a de- bio well is this prepay of p aer walla am sure T can stand it it the other foilol ibalilod et'+.wmenb of its expenditure. koown,� bbab all neer tartll �,orpltalo haves wall" can. Mr. Dryd?3n, In reply, aek011 If 1110 mads of hard enameled tilos, that era 'lb*,norablo friend .w;mhod a detailed stats:_ waehod daily or, at any rate, frequently. WbAt She Could Doe tsuvb afuov the commencement of the momenta. O •o roanedy for bad odors In told bons, s is Mr. Sbaylato--•.Alb any time when in nom On". ba paI off the old planter and put an new.— p%ny I can, by more force of will, proven Mt, Prristom---Sinop the Provincial grant TAc Engineer. myself frAm anel wan withdrawo. Mime Waarie—I never tried that, but 1'1 11gao''gooblag tho Beechwood Cometery The substrbau siari's iise#nl Keele. can prevent myself from yawatir g, lLlea o%ny, of the city of Obt"awa.---Mr. BIG aomen of the year hall come when %rtu"A. stylish girls in the suburbs hsbfbuetily walk Cbrteb'st tpirit gives men bravoary•; th 1!o, a,.,,ngrba cat agreement babween the city aaoroad sba'eet crossings on their hoofs. devil's bravado, � 1 t .. 1. ---1'7 . ,_ _ « 't' I .. ," . , _. A NOOSE AT THE WINDOW, RELICTS OF BRIGHAM YOUNG, of the .a I familywould and br%tJ7el, ,mach r am such. T would sans firsaa aap;yt arr.E+ fr>r 0+3, rurviving wives of President, Young, gaud "Ole feeling toward mot I thing, is the k �, the sight of a Swinging Hoe Made p ram How many tlmcs did year husband $ g lime of His Widows Hole! a Pleasant marry after you bees me his wlfe i' Ravisher Tremble. "/ Telae afterward ; z aloai't know hits . Family 1�8CIda �byftimes before. H;a with should chew •"-" ~ d t' Where did you realdo after, your hus- aA HUSBAND'S WILD RIDE. baud's death ?" , UNC II fI`ikD 'TU MRS. CDRVELAND. I want to the Glarda $ecce, Uhra --- imuiiding }rad been bo fuu b0ore Prealdont Ile Chased Two Innocent Mien �wlbile a --"--" Young's deet!]. I planner the structure myselftlotelkeeper Caught the Criminal—Ile Amelia Folsom Woune'a hoose—The Creat live In. Tulsa pl bwlr I 1 .' %mu ,nes a new Asked to ba ftot-A fteacher's Wile live in, shoos wax bulla iu :ar. caval I reeved hYortnon a !Favorite wire I)Cacribes Iles lute this hones the aatrie a'e:ar. A11 of Proof - Attacked Also. Domestic Life and Still Belseves iR dont Young's wives we,.e trw,wl alike In A Valley Forge, Pa., despatch says : A Poiygamy—fler oefence of Mormonism. tho Alotrlbur�om of the estvite." horseman at galloping speed dashed down —N Cha "Junior Gar- You have the name of belstg Brigham the river road six miles to Bridgeport to- � t e handsome and Young'a favorite wJe't day in pursuit e£ the men who he thought A•, yf comfortable twe-ttor 11 I can't Rall that he 4a i finny favorites. had criminally anaul od his wife. The ��� I house, at Na, 6 South He was squatty hind ans b :a„mantVva to goer n horseman wan Charles Johnson, who had ` First Wamt street, in his life time, and loft c colli , ur Ai $rug wife found his two libble children looked in a L\ ' equal legacy. I Brae abeam from hems %t room and his vvlfe oufforin from the ��, ,r Sylb Labs Olty, re” long intervain during tl.o fifii,au ytears of my 11 g aides Amelia Folsom mariiad life baviaa vtutted teveral times in assault b a negro, chasing he twm. While - ` Young, seventeenth ' g bhe husband was chasing the ileo inneaanb � � ' g the L+`ash, and l:avie:g taken all extensive y I i xnd favorite wife of tour of Eur% e mon, Hobelkoaper Bayer drove in a wagon tI the grei%tesb of Mor- P ' after the guilty Wgitive and captured him. I Rulon pp,opheta, Bdiv STILL z rLli vLs IN roLYGeMY. Jathaon o i og, Br man, and while ab- II ham Y"eucg. It vraa "Do you atilt bel eve las f•wdrgrt.my?" cent this morning, Brooks, who resides at on a cold winter day "Oertalnly 16o. if pil'yg.,rnp was once Perkiomen Junction, went to his home. He I' of this new eur bhab tight It to ebill ri at. Tttere is no reason asked Mrs. Johnson for breakfaetea$he I called on Cho iarmsr why u pol1g,smoi:,trgnis rlu;te m;y sat be %s kindly prepared It for aim. After eating „ i;1 uFen of Mo!mon so. bs,ppy as Cha ord•nary mn.r,,_,,,t,,e, if It Is en- reoks looked Mr obneona's two children q " }3 J coot,, and through the it rte, under atr.ni tnr�ly. In a room and committed the assault. �J lcoast. ey of President °• Wbnb rili be i.he ,um m hf themormon Recovering from the horrible shook, Mrs. 1 I Gaor e Q. Ca.nEo.a, of Cbnrob en, tbis gr,eatl,+au !" Jobnson informed a ne'ghbor, and her has- the Mormon Church, fromYsrm wI bore .% 11 The same an the pelt, cc far as belief In band wee "peodlly summoned. Two men— letter of intreduction, was granted en the decttine err gotygautd a couocr.ned. As William King and L, S. Green—had been , audience. An interview its 111mest all dlfli to Its practice, neat 1 as k,er t: ,,eclared un- seen going down the road toward Bridge- cult to obtain from Mie, Brigham Ycuca, lawful by the Government, s.nd the Mormon part, an hour before. Thinking one of XVIL as from the President of the Untied people have prrm•s,:d too $, tO.cin from them was guilty of the outrage, the mad-- States, as she is daily besieged by our'oui poiygamy, They o• W I.eep tiirir promise, Boned huaband mounted a horse and set out tourists, both in parson and by letter, and but they can betieve tL tue daatrine of in bet pnrauit. The two men whom he a sought, all nnaonsclone of the horseman on when admitted, there morbid curfrstty poi96azn9 without praetors rg it•, Io oculi g ' , aeekerr., always subject their hostess to not be righls under she mwu4eeto' to prae- their track, were arrested at noon. 'They humiliating, and OtLeu ineultiag, questions blas; poly-5my", have been rsleasod, to it was easily shown and comments. After a shorb oonvarliMion " Tho abolition of llolyeamy, tbmn, will they were innocent. with Mrs, Young, it was easy for we to roil affect the ntrerirth of tht 0burah ?" Breeke is about 35 years old. He hada .. believe that she had been the most popular Not ors the lease A:.�:dn front polygamy, preliminary hosting, and was identified by of Brigham Young's nineteen wives. She the doctrines of the C1ri ,r,m ;f J ane Christ Mrs. Johnson and her oldest daughter. to tall and symmebricad of form, dignified of Latter Day Salute ter" c:nb radically dif- 4Vhen a policeman bock Rim to the Norris- and graceful of morinor, and a brilliant foreut from t;boi<e f.f o. her r,- iplauo bcdiem. bows jail, Brooke caked to be each to settle eo,wer,ationaliab. The silvery looks, which Qhere `s me reasen why t<. o C. ur4, should the matter. bell of the fifty and five yearn of her eaent- riot continuo to gra.w In "r_i;pLh. The AN GztalxoUB ROPE. Cul life, ore mingled with threads of gold, re*a mt election ele-1, c e.z o nt.rated the A Norristown despsbch soya : A noose raminlreant of the beauty of former yeare, fasot that the Mom, on Ise o', 'e balltve In the made of stout rope swung in the wind from and the large bluo sv,a wave lost notbicg of separaafen cf C, wets t W S^ate, and eer- a tree limb just outside the Magistrate's their fire and expremsivenesa, talnly there is no indlemt:ran of arty dewire on efftoe window, where Frank Brq@ko, the REILATr:D TO MILS. CLBVBLA-XD. the part of the Cturch 'to awl -ate the poli - negro who assaulted Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Young told mea that she had never tics of its membrrsb1p. � wall having a hearing to -day. This grim g ILL FEELING DYING OUT. sign of a lynching put the prisoner lube a before aubimitted to an interview from a re- state of terror, and he wanted to be pro. presentmtive of the preen. She was awara 11 The 111-fe,ilirp t.}., t 1-1as he etafo7e ex - tooted when he emerged upon the street, shat many unwathenato and untrurl+fal sated toward the Moamn. Cuvreh Is fast Although there was no violence shown newspaper articles had been published dying out, rind the p ovlo e:f Utah have toward Brooks he regarded the noose an about herself and her late husband, and it learned to treat ths Lu a.rr.ona ar. t:ayt other more than a raobloal oke se there wan s was to Correct the false impression conveyed body. As old prHjad;cir; disapp; ar the good great crowd of men and begs under the tree, in th.uo ataries that she wan now willing to work of the blormer Churots becomes ap- AxoTaNR WOMAN ATTACKED. talk to the pabiic. parent. Through the tatiaing house this This tears was aroused lash night b the $arriet Amelia Folsom vvae kora Angneb ci ixrch distributes mer golrts £tr bba goat s 9 23rd, 1838, in Buffalo, N, Y., the birth- each year than any ether oturcKa arganiza- sareams of a woman on Green street. A place also of Fraucea Folsom, now Mra. tion, the amount in Sall L=l.e C'ty alone minube later Mra. Louis 1ldatteon. wife of Cleveland. A near rtlative of Mra. Young, being $100,000 apnAt,ily. Romem are built Rev. Mr. Mattson, pamter of the Heavenly who has taken some interest In the up and co-operation praceloed with benefi- Recruits, was found almoab frightened IMe genealogy of the family, says thab Mra. ctal results. The mrea,pze,rentat;ors of the hysteriom. She acid she had been attacked Clevele,nd and Amelia Folsom Young are part are being eupp:anle0 by the truth$ of by a man. Mrr. Matbaon was returning couslnas, having sprung from the same the prosent, which toot gv,`nts to a bright home from A Church bszaar about 11 o'clock, original Folsom family in New Hampmbire. future of the Chavoli " She wan walking up Green abreet, when a Mrs. Young whin approached on thin "You have no ohil&vL ?' stranger sbeppFd ug behind bar. He placed eubjeot de! ired net to balls, stating that 1f I regreb to say I 1 ave nytae, I am Ion- one hand over her month and seized her leg she had no knowledge of just what kinship, etsntly saneible to the !crab that children with the ether. He endeavored to throw if any, rhe bears to Mra. Cleveland, never would have baps an int0imsblo eouroe of her to bho pavemanb, but in the struggle his having looks" uta her genealogy with any comfort and Company to we s , tke present hand was taken from her month and she each Object I. view, but a Massachusetts time. I am liziaau atnrre ke"� t -0 gh visits screamed. '.then the scoundrel fled. In a member of the Falnom family having traced book and forth vvitb. tba cuzviviue 'Kivem of sborb time aeverM men sbarted In pursuit of their genealogy says the two famous women President Yo2ng add great pirtesure to my the fugitive, but they didn't catch him. are second cousins. hems life." Mrs. Matbaon was taken home by her Who Mormon Church was a rallglaus yoUNG S BUB,VIVIk'G wlDOwri. husband. lnfanb when Amellm Folsom was born' and It Wo -day Mra, Mattson described the was not until she was bhree years ef age "goo many of President Yoc ng'swfdolvm assault. She is a good•iooking weman. She that her parents embrsned the new faith of are living?' illustrated how the scoundrel had aeizod Joseph Smith, another New Yorker. 1i There are nine of ns, and, named in I her and hose she had esooped.order, are as follows : Zrna D. Young, Tire rILGRIAIAGI: To UTAH. Emily Patridge Young. Ha:i-,t+ B. Yonag, Awkward. In 1846 the Fels,='amily moved to Nan- Harleb Cook Young, Xs.sa a 0. T. Young, The present Earl of Aberdeen, Governor- van, ill., the clue of the first Mormon tem- Margaret P. Young, Lucy B Youn;r, Elisa General of Casada in ilable at any moruent P 1 a9 bttb were notP s mbed to remain there B . Young and myself -se !f. We at.' held a re - to be ouate d Pram his seat in the Hense of long, the people having risen up agaipat the union en Thsnksgtv!rg. Dal-, at tlao residence Lards and daprlvs d of his peerage and Mormons, killing their pxepfaet, Joseph of one of PresidentYsnnx's grancticlmughtors, emi.ate by the reappraranoe of his elder Smith, and driving a 1 his followers cub of in this eibv." brother, who vanished in a most mysterious the State. The Fodeom family went to Amelia FoleomYoung arpe3 rc but seldom fashion years ago, during a voyage from Keokuk, and afterwards to Council Bluffs, in public since the death of h..^r husband,bub New York to Brozil, from a vessel where Iowa, and early in 1860 started across the is not on tbia accoanb a 1-oln,.o, She is stili he was servfrg as tailo,. before bhe mast. plains for Salb LAke, the Mormon city of as ropulsr in the private gaatnering's in the Notwitbabanding all efforts to discover a Zion. Amelia, Folsom was then 22 years of older Mo. -man toalety oiroles - shoelace was trace as to vvhab had become of him, no age, and in full bloom of bar boanty, while in the public events o.nut.r'rag in the younger clue has ever been obtained, nor in there Brigham was 59. Beau, iful women were circles. 1 any certainty of his death. net plentiful in this then desert valley, the Her father, W1111a.n H. Fo!s,otn, lives next i number of men greatly predominated in the doer to Mrs. Felt— Yoning, in this olty,hale If a man continually says he would gladly s;na11 mettiemeot, and hearty at 70 years of age. do a good deed if he were only in the Pani- President BrighamYonng, of the Marmon bion of this one or bhab one, it Is evident he Chnreh, ani htsfirst prosid.,ntisl Counsellor, Vice Origin of the ]iridal Wreath. to covering up many# Opportunities lying Heber 0. Kimbull, rich and poweifai, were right to bin own path. in the habin of going cub be meet incoming A Spanish legend would ee° m to olaim I The talents g*anted to a eittgle individue, parbiee of pilgrims, andupon learning of the for that tomantio land r,f hidalgo- and { do net becefii, himself alone, but are gifts approach of the party in which the Fu'som senoritau the origin of the 'trldal orange I to the world. Every one shares them, for family came westward, net outto meet them 610esome, "One t•f the Spanlsh flings," every one auffersor benefits by his actions, and welcome there is the Mormon strong- Be runs the legend, 11 had an ltsporoed Geol-am in a lighthouse meant to give light hold. Hare waa the beginning of the orange true, of w',lrh lie was vary proud, from afar ; the man who bears it is but the romance which wan consummated intbemar. and of Which the Feeneh ttmbassader wasi rook on which this Iighthouse in built,- rtage of B:'igbam Young and Amelia Felmom. extremely anxi4ns lo o+stain a sfip. The 1 Souvestm, Ib rooms to bays been a well established gardener's dkttgbter was poor, avid, rcquir- case of love e,t fir ab alga t. The reader may ing a dowry in order to rr arty her lover, she ; �^ w now listen to Amelia Folssm Young as she obtained a ruoting of the amisgo tree and i t' � '�� �" ,�,.�r ,;a,1T;j�-' t1y- ' `�+ ebor� cissas evethe n aesotolation adme in her faxperiee s afterbar own told ward t to twcaiaig a, wte hof a'sgbto came �� with Brigham Yonag, at bar wedd og is reoottnttlon ef�the plant • BON P MW Salm MH UTS BRIGRAM YOUNG. to which aha owe 1 her happiness, 11 When did you first meet President c. r 1,a Young ?" I asked. m ;_ ,� '" It was on O.tober 3,1860, when, in nom- !, ' `F pony with Heber K•mball, he came out Into CARTE " l.Find fault with ilio cook if Salt Lake Valley in a carriage to meet and t the pastry docs llot exactly weloame our party. I was introduced to r ITTLE ` _ suit you. Nor with your wife atm then, and arrtvang here he called on UP. fq g� either -perhaps she is not to The call was returned., and we subsequently IVER visited back and f jrth frr,quently, and wont PILLS . �;. to social gatherings togathnr." "' i1 When did your ceartshlp begin V " BLAMEr" .. Immediately after my arrival in' Salt . M f Lake." " 11 Raw long did it fast ?" 0 11 Until Augutt, 1862, when we were It may be the Iard sloe is engaged. In January, 1863, the marriage , Sick Readache and relieve all the troubles incl. I using for shortening. Laid soon red. dent to a bilious state of the system, such am �•i is indigestible you know. But LL"Did President Young employ peculiar Dizziness, Xausea, Drowsiness, Distress after mobbods of courtship 2 eating Pain in the Side, &c. while their most I r,s if you would always have - at I think not. I was aware that he was remartrable success has been shown in curing t• -i the husband of a sector of wives—I did not S_ E,' oars to know hew many—bub that did nob affect our oenstaiaip in the ),east. Prortdaab SICK Eiaadacias, yet Cnnsicn s LrmTta 1�rv*ara ]?nts .� Young was naturally d gnttiod, but was a „ are oqunily,valuable in Constipation, curing YOUR always at ease with company. and preventing this annoying com�ntaint, whilo 1y , "Dld yon take up Immediate reatdenee they also correct all disorders of the stbmacla,, 1 .4Calres, pies, rolls, and bread K with your husband after marriage t" stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. �`4 palatable acid perfectly di .., " No. I remained at home threa weeks, Even if they only cured t,.-. when I took rt rwidance at the Lima House I �; ; ge,tible, order the new short- Proaideno Young's home. Hie Rives andHEAD ' r '` eniti,"OOTTOLENE,"for your al.ild.ren all lived there, and each wife,; in. 4 s g eluding myself, had her "mparate room. At .Aerietheywouidbe almpstPriceless to th" 4; ;. nomthat telco there writ+ sovrnt .five of mt iii µleo suUer from this dtstrosstng cotnptaint y but fortunately their goodness does not en i{,_,s the family, inoludimq the hired ]tore, and fhoss who onto try them will nuc] I Q1W I help. We all dlned• at the .same these little Pills valuable insomany" ways that I ��, r tains, over which president Yonag pre- they will not be walling Co do wiihont trace. Y,_;' tided. Every mowing sitd evening all 1sutt after all sick head L ; y ----` gathered In the large parlor for,prayertt, and n b nd presided.after. ' s:u d." pound bare also my b o a p i I sold in 3 5 P ward took up quarter$ at the Bae Hive OE . pails, by ,all grocers. z' is4liabaneot samauyllve3tlrathers soh i3outa, but returned to the ,len House we malro our great boast. Our` Old ante It t Made only by � dater and remained there until the death of while others (lo, not. • . [ President Young, AuguA 29 h, 1877." 0xitrMs.'s LiTnn l tvm Plus fireve sure i l %and very easy to talm, ppno or tvvob V .r a dose. They %Aro strictly liege alld • N. K. AIF2BAlVl� IIItR IIArrY atARRzrfl� t tali. not gr]po Or.purge, but by r di I € „ o d 1 eiaeaali lease n. i who >i a ttaom, baa ta5dt acro CpMPANX, Wali y ar inartie iia g y � , Y ..'r,I- Weilington and Ann e, happy i" vefor 1. Solasiever,vtboaa, ort3td ,teal .a Sts., Montreal. : , at I should certainly dislike to think obbor- oA>Z�IEB >Mniau�>1 Gd., lla* ��p r ' - whe, Why not ? We were all anelnbers §M,11 P111: U j ML iii , . y d . ,.-m.: t,w . „fan 313...._. ....w:, .. .atm.•