HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-29, Page 5v IM.• BEANS PrAtt8 7 f J'I9ION? ,tre a now attr cover). that eat'e the Worst Q:rFif8 of Nervous Debility, ,Lost Vigor and veil a rs of body or restores paused by overwork, or tura errors or ex- iri.a..ano..roa utraz pusses of youth. This $omedf solute;y cures the most obstinate unser. when 411 other gituas�litl^,crrs have failed even to relieve. Hold Wore, sts at $1 per package, 01 six for $5 or sent by Fran on receipt of price by addressing TIM JAMES Mk;D1OINI11 AO,. Poronto.Ont. 49eit• ^"r pamphlet. Soldit1- leer Sate In Exeter ay .T, W. 'Browning The Italian Society of Montreal had a dinner last evening in honor of King Humbert's birthday, Skin Diseases are more or less di reetly occasioned by bad blood. B.11,B. cures the following Skin Diseases: Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples aud Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a com- mon Pimple to the .worst Scrofulous Sore. The Belleville Board of Education has declined to consider the erection of a new High School. All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 26 Bents. Try them. The Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West continued in session at Chatham yesterday, A HEALING SOOTHING SALVE for euts, burns, bauises, wounds and sores, Vicctoria Carbolic Salve. Ald. Hancock of Hamilton was elect- ed Grand President of the sons of Eng- land yesterday.. Two years ago I had a bad attack of biliousness ancr took one bottlelo£ Bur- dock Blood Bitters and can recotnmend it to anyone suffering from this com- plaint. Mrs. Chas. Brown,Toronto. The Council of the. Russian Empire Blas ratified the commercial treaty with Germany. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE bYRUP positively cures Coughs Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis. The trial of Chamberlain, the alleged impersonator, began at Winnipeg yes- terday. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and ether forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially ♦,'for the blood, ` nerves and complexion The British army estimates for the ensuing fiscal year show an increase of X278,100, If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pillls. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and nervousness snakes you dispeptie : either one renders you miserable, and these little pilin cure .both Peter Flynn. collector of customs at Niagara Falls, Ont., died Wednesday, aged 62. when Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. • A shower of earth worms fell from the clouds at Belleville Tuesday night, 1 can, highly praise Burdocd Blood Bitters because it had a fair trial in my case with wonderful success. My eymtoms were dropsy, backache ard :sleeplessness, and all these disappeared after using two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. I cannot praise its heal ing powers too highly. Georgina Holmes, Wood Point, Sackville, N. B. London Young Liberals gave a con- cert at Ilderton on March 19. IN STRENGTH GIVING and heart in power Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Em- ulsion excels all other. Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, pini ples, abscesess. ulcers, scrofula, etc Burdock Blood Bitters cure had blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. King Humbert of Italy celebrated his 50th Birthday Wednesday, Do not neglect coughs, colds, asthma and bronchitis, but cure them by using Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Many Anarchist suspects have been arrested li: Rome, PURE IMPORTED WINE, Prime -Canada Beef and soluahle scale salts of Iron, are combined in Milburn's Beef, Iron aud Wine, Anarchists have appeared in New Orleans. Queen Vicnoria left London for Flor- anee Wednesday. Norway Pine Syrup is the safest and best cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat and lung troub les. Price 25 and 50c. Buffalo has an epidemic of typhoid fevor. Nova Scotia elections take place Thursday. Rheumatism (lured in a flay. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatisrn and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1. to 3 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious, It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first doss greatly benefits, 76e. .Sold by 0,, Lutz, Druggist, The Dominion Parliament opens Thursday. Twenty-three prisoners who were •cony:icted of complicity in the revoit at Costa Rica have been shot, If 1i attififitirAlliE POWDERS owe ALL FIEADACHE. Whey ire not ad ver+ area to etre every. th in/hbut siirtpt y head, ubb.68. ead- rubb.68. try Moot, it twill co.t but fro pante tor it boar and they til;»e ar,nicsa, Thee sto not a Catherea• This wonderful discovery is the best knownreniedy for Biliousness mud all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, impure 1,3lood, etc. These Lozenges are Pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills.. It your tongue is coated, you need there. AT ALL iflWG STORES. Louis Kossuth left but little wealth. Itch on human beings, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool • ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, Sold by C. Lute, Druggist, Bar silver was steady at 27;1d in London yesterday. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. The strike among the silk workers at Paterson, N.J., is spreding. • Perseverance in using it will give relief, even to cases of tong siand,ng, where a cure seemed andhere hardly liv impossiblef seemed m ha d y worthmg Per Bottle.25c,50c,or$1.00 King Leopold, of Belgium, was at Genoa, Italy, yesterday, travelling incog. The public are cautioned against im- itations of the Pain -Killer, and to be suspicious of persons who recommend any other article as ",Tust as Goode' many of these make a little more prof- it upon, but which baye no qualities in common with the Pain•Killer, 25e. Bottle,.New large size, The Orande grand Lodge ,of Ontario East will meet at Gananoque next year - Don't Delay It is your duty tu.yourself to get rid of the foul accummulation in your blood this spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine you need to purify, vita lite and enrich your blood. That tired. feeling which effects nearly every one in the spring is drven off by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great spring medicine and blood purifier. Hocd's Pills become the favorite cathar- tic with everyone who tries them. Mr. David Pitceathly, wholesale gro ser, of Belleyille, died yesterday in his 70th year. For Over Fifty ears. AN OLD AND Ws:rr,-Trsrnn RrncEnv.-3Srs Winslow's Soo thing Syrup, has been used for over fiftyycars by millions of mothers for their children while teething,'with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrheas, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five omits a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Mrs. Ann Jane Dickens, one of the oldest residence of Belleyilie, died yes- terday, aged 87. Relief in Six Roues. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di- seases relieved in six hours by the "New GREAT SouTir bsusruoArr KID - ting Cann." This new remedy is a great surprise axid delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving' pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed• lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Port Rowan, Ont., suffered extensive- ly from fire Wednesday morning. Mr. Frank Leshe, eldest son of the late Frank Leslie, died on Monday of Bright's disease. George Sackett's Case. Rlolsteiners En joy a Mild Sensation—One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cures their fellow citizen of Backache and Kidney Dis- ease. Holstein, March. 2G—This quiet vii• !age is in an uproar of excitement ,just DOW over the case of George Sackett, a well known resident. His experience has had many parallels in other places, but none here, One box ofDodd's Kidney Pills cured him of severe backache rind kidney disease of long standing, arter he had tried every other remedy with• in his reach, but without any good re- sults. These pill are manufactured by Dr L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price: fifty cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Col. Adam Sells, one of the Sells Bros, of circus fame, died on. Tuesday at Topeka, Kansas, MONEYf roRYOU i • Oaken in time it will cure most severe cases bf Coegh, Bronchitis, Aethme, or chronic irritation 5f Throat or Lng. T H 0S abilavy doctors bill. YOUsof wages, SAVE Inamuch discomfort, Mrs,. Isabella Godwin mother of Mr. T. Godwin, M.P.P. for East Elgin, died from heart disease yesterday in St, Thomas, aged 75. 13e sure and see these goods, they are acknowleclg'ed to be perfection. . . CENTRAL HOTEL, April 1311i. HAIR GOODS! PROF. IORENWND, The well known manufacturer of INMA.N B•AIR . COVERING will be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, Friday, April 13015 '94 with a complete stock of Ladies' and Gents' wigs. tou keel, bangs, waves, switches plain goods, etc. , . , WEN* Spring Shows. St. Marys, Mitchell, South Huron, Brucefield Stephen & Usborne, Exeter Crediton, April 3rd " 5th „ 6th loth 11th tr ,t Blending Tine at Rome, Small holes often appear in tin pans, dippers, ole., when it is very inconven- ient to have them mended, but the en- terprising housewife soon contrives a way of mending them in a perfectly sat- isfactory manner. The tin should first be scraped around the hole until it is perfectly bright and clean, as solder will not adhere to a dirty or greasy sur- face. Now take a small piece of tin solder and lay it on the hole, sprinkling a little powdered resin over it. Then hold it above the flame of a candle until the solder melts. This will take but a few minutes and with a little experience a neat patch can be made. saving the post of sending it to a tinsmith, and avoiding the inconvenience of waiting for it. A woman is never known to adver- tise for the return of stolen property "and no questions asked." She would ask questions or die. Four or five inches of snow fell last evening in London, Ont ror Thrifty Housewives, When the yolks of eggs are used for thickening a soup or sauce, beat them well, then add a gill of cold liquid to every two yolks. Stir it into the hot liquid and stir all the time the dish is on the fire, which should never be more than a minute. With. a fillet of beef any of the follow- ing named preparations of vegetables may be used as a garnish: Potatoes a la Parisienne, peas, stuffed onions, stuffed tomatoes, mushrooms, fried sweet pota- toes and Brussels sprouts. Veal and pork must be broiled slowly and for a long time. There should not be a trace of pink in the fibers when the meat is done. The chops should not be cut more than half an inch thick. They will be well done with twelve minutes' cooking. When using a spoon or whisk for beating, take long upward strokes, the more rapid the better, The spoon ehouid touch the bottom of the bowl each time and the motion must be regu- lar. Another way to beat is to use a circular motion. In this case the side of the spoon is Rept close to the side of the bowl. The spoon is moved rapidly in a circle, carrying with it a portion of the ingredients. This kind of beating can be applied only to a rather thick mixture. It is the best method of beat- ing butter and sneak. to a cream. A MONTREAL PRACTITIONER RECOMMENDS PAINE'S �LEYONQ• Professional Men, Gellerally Say: " It !lakes People Wella" Dr. W. B. McGowan, L. D. S., Tells How he Banished Dyspepsia—Paine's Celery Compound Wrought a Complete Cure for Him—He says It is the -Only 'Medicine That can Cope with the Terrible Trouble—He Vigorously Ad- vocates The Use of the Great Healer. Dr, W. B, McGowan, L D, S., dentist, 65 Mansfield Street Montreal, tS one of the most experienced and best known practitioners in Montreal. For over twenty years he has successfully prae tied his profession in the metropolis of Canada, and few men have ever ea tained a greater reputation. Dr.McGow an is an honest and fearless supporter of all that is good and great—all that tends to the welfare of suffering hu manity. Professional men like others, have their Weeks and months of suffering.; they are subject to the same troubles that overtake the ordinary run of men and women. When oppressed with dyspepsia and all its attendant woos, Dr, McGowan wisely used Paine's Cel ery Compound, with the result that lit was perfectly cured.Animated with a desire to benefit others, he writes as fol "At this this title When the public '(es• pecially that por'tiuti of it who 'suffer) tuor have before them so many medicines and proprietary preparations, it is well that all should know just vrbat to nsr' in order that they may be speedily cured and made well, with the least possible outlay of money. "To all who suffer from dyspepsia and indigestion, I would with pleasure and satisfaction recommend your won. dee ul preparation, Paine'sCelery Conte petted My experience two years ago with your medicine, when I suffered from dyspepsia and all its evils, leads lee to affirm that it is the only remedy Vat can cope with this troble which thousands suffer from. "Pal tie's Celery Compound cured me completely; it Also was of equal value to my wife's I weenier your teedicit.tr a most valuable tonic and appetizer,, and would ur,;e all afflicted ones to nisi! it if they desire a prompt, ellieaeintis and during medicine. I wilt always strongly recommend Paitle's Celery Compound to my friends,).' A Novelty for Typewriters.. • A device for producing illuminated typewriting by one and the same ma- chine has been invented by au English- man, It consists in having two inking tapes, which are placed side by side. parallel with each other and so mounted in a movableframe that by pressing a small lever above the keyboard either of them can be brought into use. As- suming black to be dominant color and red to be used for capital letters, then one inking tape would be , black and the other red. When a cappital letter, a numeral or a prominent character oe- curred, by shifting the lever the rod tape would be brought over the types in place of the black one, which would be simul- taneously retired beyond the reach of the types. Supposing several colors to be required for producing varied illumi- nated effects, then the two tapes would carry these colors between them, a given length of each tape being charged with ink of a different color. To bring the required color over the types the tapes are shifted laterally—that is, they are wound from right to left or from left to right as may be necessary, until the tam- per color comes in position. The inven- tion is useful where multicolor type- writing is required, and many attrac- tive effects can be produced. Recent Inventions. An automatic boat.blacldng machine operated by a motor.. A folding steel measure composed of a number of folding links of different lengtbs pivoted at the ends. A drinking cup or tumbler construct- ed entirely of paper and designed for ad- vertising purposes, as well as for bold• ing water. A magnetic overhead traveling crane having a traveling bridge with a series of drums thereon, from which are sus- pended powerful magnets for lifting purposes. .A pair of shafts for a wagon, which are adapted to be readily removed to the centre of the vehicle frame, where they form a pole, according as one horse or a team is desired. A self healing pneumatic tire, Made upof an inner layer of unvulcanized rubber, lined with a loosely woven fab- ric and two outer layers of vulcanized rubber with folds of cloth between them. A. New Discovery. The accidental discovery at Chariot- tenberg, Germany, of a new compound which is said to prevent rust on bright iron and steel articles is reported by the London Journal of industries. This compound, it is said consists of a mix- ture of essential oils and grease, which, in the form of thin fluid, may be applied by a brush. The oil evapnrating the grease remaining forms a coating which protects the metal against atmospheric influences and sea water. It is claimed that there is no acid in the composition, that it does not turn rancid, and that it can be readily removed by rubbing with cotton waste saturated with turpentine. The compound which is known as inan- ocitin has been made use of in several of the German government depart. meats. An Improved. Lubricator. A recent English improvement in the construction of sight -feed lubricators prevents the dispersion of the oil by the steam in the event of the sight glass be- coming broken. The improvement con- sists in forming a coue mouth at each end of the sight glass, in which an India rubber or other suitable ball is provided, and which forms a valve at each end of the glass. Should thelass become broken and the pressure within released, the balls are force;l into the cone, and so automatically close the valves. With a lubricator formed with more than one sight tube, this invention will provide for stopping only a damaged tube while leaving the others entirely uuaffected. Things Are Not 'What They Seem, Artificial marble is the latest inven- tion. Natural marble is produced by water percolating through chalky form- ations, which, under the action of the water, crystallize and become solidified by the pressure of the earth, producing marble. Chemists, taking the cue from nature, dip slabs of chalk into a bath, which crystallizes, and then into another bath which hardens, and marble, said to be the equal of natural marble, is the result. Sculptors should chalk this down. The time will come when they can whittle their Greek slaves out of a soft piece of chalk and then have the figure become beautiful marble by giv- ing it a bath. Photographic Watermarking. A novel method of water -marking paper has lately been perfected in Eng- land. By this process a sheet of card- board is coated with gelatine, which has been treated with bichromate of potash. A photographic negative of any object, lettering, etc., is placed over the sheet, and the whole is exposed to the light. Such parts of the gelatine as are acted upon by the light become hard, and, when the printing is complete, the nega-1 tive is removed, and the gelatine not acted on is washed out inrwater, the hardened portion remaining attached to the cardboard.. By this means a very sharpand clearly defined relief, can, it is said, be obtained. .ALL d N Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselvesnervous, weak and ex- delisted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart; emissions, lack of energy, gain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body,, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eros, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be resold by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yoiee, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, stinker eyes, scirounded with LEADCN oraown, oily • looking Skin, eta, are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to esanity Unless cured, The spring of vital force having lost its tetisian every ftinotion wanes itf consequence, Those who through ebuye, comtnitted in ignorance, may hfs permanently cured. Send your ad.. dress for book Ott •diseases peculiar tci' man, sent free, sealed, Address M. V LU'BCN, 24 Macdounel Ave., Toronto, Out, CENT944 UflP6 ZTOL A complete stock of Pati andReliablc Drugs ALWAYS REPT. ---$t--• PatRtji1dici0s, spmcs. llruijisi's SujIics 4t right and ,reasonatle prices Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. CoOtion Powt the best in the market, C. LUUTZ, PRC1' esti.• S A P, E.._ EASY TO TAKE BRtSTOws SUGAR-4O4TED VEqETY,BiE , ill® 1satinti. PTT 1115155 it �° l�l .T i` ll' ,S �Si9r 11l INFALLIBLE�� 416 PROMPT S CURED EY ati' y , MI5. JAS. CHASE. Worst Kind of Scrofula. Duna Sxas.—I had an abscess on my breast and scrofula of the very worstkind, the doctors said. I got so weak that Icould not walk around the house without taking hold of chairs to sup- port me. The doctors treated me for time years, and at last said there was no hope for mo. tasked if l might take B.B.B. and theysaid it would do me no harm, so I began to take it, and before three bottles were used Ifelt great benefit. I have now taken six bottles and ant nearly well. I find Burdock Blood Bitters a grand blood purifier and very good for children as a spring medicine. Ml'SS. JAMES CHASE, Pranlrford, Ont. � f• h ° Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restoreli. TH[TRIUI•',Pllrl.InT Weakness, Ner'voraslaess, Debiilifir.., anda1: the train of evils f.ani iarly errors ler later txcei'as, tato results of overwork, sir'; tress, worry, etc. Tuit s.re-iglu, developer t end tone givrn to evoy omen a„ d portirr < the body, bitul'lr`, ziaturt.l ur>tliu.'s. inu:. r- diale 1.iromvetni.11t Sc 1. 1'ttlii 1'C i.111Yo?s11:1C. 2,C)0 references. l,oelt, ea.p:enation ixa pr.oawailed (sealed) free. E nE MEDICAL OD., ra4 ftal l!i, k Cs.tnrilli is the h'iso s :Remedy to nes't, vastest to use and ffleapup't: Sold by druggists or stint by twee eta. 1r. tui, eitors1tino. Waeren, Ftf,