HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-15, Page 73 RIAGE, G�IRI) ON �R ni r. Views on Modern Matrimony lr. Frankly Stated, i� ' WOMAN NOT FAIRLY TREATED. jI fj,�,. `Y'.lt'rree Trade In Marriage-Ct.nfficting i' i,,staalwarlb--WIvem Reaaaced to Practlecai waavmry by Denying ttbo mothees I:tglkt i; to Possession at Her chlldren-Hilllon- r aarinatn► of Marriage. t Rhi. ]M ONA LAIRD i< soheme, bab to grow slowly and gradually In the mind and oeaeoienoe of mon and wo- men. mho formation and the guardfngt of that standard from downward tendency is the business of the present generathnr Such gradual growth of the idea must oontinrually t0411 to leaven bbe practical difficulties when the time comes to deal with them." SOCIAL RUMINATION OF TIM MALA. t. In some of your magazine arbicleo you have been at groat pains to prove that in i'ormos times, before in fact the oxiotwncro of what, no doubt ;from want of a better name, We bol'm olvildration, the orgarlizatlou of the family as a 000lasl unit was a000rk dished ex• olustvoly through the modium wf the mother. May I Imquirs, then, whother<you aro in favor of a revival of brat sgatem and the soeletl elimination, so to speak, of the male?" "I drove attention to the nage of in- heritance through the mother, and to then hr a always struck fast that she was ab one time head of the me as beiog an ex- familm, ire order to show (among ether tri ely interobing bbing'e) that there was nothing iris the nature p,•.reonage, saya a of an oboxnal Rays or natural eanction in any . well-known writer, paritionlar form of family orgardzatlon. r ' -"- She poasosses viewo "My' object aloe wag to point sub the . IV t�ewnod Impottaant aigniflownt fact that the mother's claim to I b O Co the oneself f w di Y 7 1 F> t h tho o a dr.n that she bore was never for u 7 ho!e aux, and I \ 1 moment quootlened by any one until the 3 • 6oterminod to In- mother bGoame the property of her husband f ,. tervloeo her for the through pwobaae ; than of course logieallyall bonafna3 0# my bvatwashere boeamehfsbyriglit ofparch asu, 11 zero. Uofoxtunatoly, Xvs. Caird was including her children. T'hia la the real 1a15e0bfrom toxon, but O!3 receiving my lot- origin of the modern feather's pattmnal tsar requesting, the favor of an intorvieew on rights. It In the anrvival of this phage of A* sabjceb , f marriage anis the relation of osolety that now decides our domeoaio a'eia• -tbo vwcos, she most obllglragly cozicented to tions, and 1t is to attack than Ideas that axuwar any question* I might sdadreee to her centro round that eyabem and baa aid in the 'Ihrough the moadium of the g oat° grolvl,h ok ria niers advanced conception thaat `1 IA'!Ii first question to this brlintod author- my effarts have been directed. s t°xas am follows : °° I 6u.pRo6a, 14ira.° "I load no such vaulting ambiblen as to ,0drd, theft you conalamn the oxiating• mar-. Reek to aaeoomplish what you describe an the ula.ga oontracb and aystairi las this country, °neohd cuSminutien of the male.' I mast look forward to the luanguratlen of a leave tlaab drastic moasuro, whouinl it uafor• batbsr-" ttnoately prove necessary, to my euocebosrs DiaJWTs To WE CONTRACT. In a moue advanced generatlo;i. A return Ve whiv:h she returned the following an- to the matriarchal aytbe m, whlclx lmplias a trJUAl life and a thousand oondlbiong now neve : "I do not admib that the present aWoiett+, Is clearly Impossiblo ; but that Is ]w.zxaa+sge is a contract at all. If two perzona no roanon why we sheuld uphold the anti- : Aw'.txra to ma=y they hosve to take the terms Gooding (and In some Oases cO-axb,t[0g) VA Uta ata -+called contract as they fired theca, customs oe barbarous nations, which, as ;llaDT30h tboy way bath strenuously abject to a mmtbor of foot, we do zvo w upheld . U*rsx or think therm u.nlair ox dograding. where Wo deprive the mother of the right Uxn'aaoa Nmy choose to submit to these terms, to her children. ° The marriwge maarket' Mteq,musb pmr, or bravr3 social ruts. A true Is a common term, and nobody dbpultes that at=trao% axle the contrary, Implies that the in effoot vaeb majorities Of women have is 3aa tluo to the bargaix mzko Moir Owns make their career In this manner, submit- e,rmo, If they please. Mhe marriaga eye- tint;; to the ccndibiona of the purchase , .res It ztAnds, moreover, Is not 0ul,y eyst5m, thence to the !rime of their right to gsilfiy of t�him tyranny of forcing a bargain their ohildren. It is thin remnant Cas b"- nta the point of the bayono)t, mo to speak, barlom which I would desire to sea b >fa3xe yule which boyars on eliminated -not Ignoring the difiieulbiea Beetle viotimtr does not ]near equally that presw3t themselves in our complex exp 'brads. Mhe syntain which demanda social state," ' .40 tke wlls complete surrender of her llfe THE MOTHER'S RIGHT TO HER CHILDREN. mead hor coif-direeblon, while leaving the li nand comparatively frea, whioh does `b A'merg the Balondan, a native African .: vi Taaure to her full xights too the onildrau tribe dwelling on the banks of the 7ambaai, zt atlas havers' can soaxoul f ba maid to rank yoaa say Is a paper wrhteaa by y -,u and pnb- a►•anemg vRotxaotr., if that term has any Belied in the .North American Review, that • ImeamIng diativot from that of an arbitrary In caae of separation the children belong, as IgLpl ordinance." a mabbar of course, to the mother. Am I to 1TTtmta infer from that expression, ° A9 A matter of TRAI�a IN MAnRIAaIIH, aeame, that under the amended zyotenx of s..I 1ataj�*a I am not minra,premnting you, marriage law in Shia country, in cases of ,rya- C*wrai, when I spy Haat you ars pxae- separation Incurred through no fanlb of the I ticmlly can advocate of free trade in mar- huobaud, you would like to see the oneta�y loge 7" of bhe children comflued exclusively to the °m'tno trade In marriage ham an azgiy wif" P" zaxmd ,and might mean anyt'hiug. in a • " I havo net my article at hand, but I zubjact so complicated it in lm;aossible to aarobtably meant bo expregu the ideas of the xamwov questions eoneiaely and directly Balenddas, who, In common with all ether w%htaut zolalaading Ideas oaf one's meaning. primitive people, sieves ttreazrn of gnas4l0n- 21 bylr.a0 twzade in mxsriago you imply the !rag the mother's claim to her children uni it *Iib :'o seater into that relationtsbelt or tea tha mother no longer 'b'alavga to heraelf, reaftawo Sia eoutlnus In it aowndisag to the an(?, therefore, cannot possess 2n3yt1d, ago at lm"It3raw3is thataactu,,to the Indlvidualmcon- all cu her own account. She produces ohil- zanrncei 3 o'neald reply that snob seems to dren, who belong to her owner, whoever me'thu r?$lit of Iranian boings, and that . he may bei, as In Game of a female alaveE. rzn.-lao3atiaa a iso at4a0h m naso wag in iba 68 I thlsa..1 that as woman has a parxmounb menta o tarbsbrouv. claim to the custody of bar childwen, axed ,-Lf, tan the ot.bey hatted, you imply by the that In order to dispute It rationally It t-eRza v, siaataa ol soelwl ch�ioo, whorefn ties would be necessary to deny the existence of &a (if iifaalomg union as thf> right ,mai denir. all human rights whatever, since If they able Asniffitlen was lost might of and a lower exfeb at all none is oo obvious as this most Otaaa4i&M 1wok Ito place, thou I should hardly earned of rights. A anoint scheme mtxonnoaaily oppose such a bhoory of life. which refused to the woman the absolute tEi:'*s. M s'§;acga lir$ @or oxlstenoe, Which hal hitherto Poasfsaiott of her own para+an and I lir care liiza,U leftt tam gob on As beat it might, with children (until they became themselves -tho a,tandarda that took their rive at that the pemo,sarre of personal righta) moeme I; rsabDg,z-of h1sbery when the woman wau par- t0 me to be rall4aally unjust end ura- i mXw,5d from her father or her trlhe, is only Bound, but I fully recognize tho difficulties cis Ais u;;each ok general movement beginning that arho in the practical weal ling of the , zecaslwo sorloua atNztloaa ; but u'W cora- 1.A question, In a seolety where women are Isms of bhe relat-Io5mbip are creeping in, handicapped In me many ways, hereditary r. xta*:m allgni'Sed zontiment is Makin the and Immediate. A weman'a force* having irsass3 *, dace older idea, chiefly, no doubt, boon spent In 'tho produoblon mnd rearing of sax us+xwg,gaAco Of tho wore dlgealfiod pooltien the children, she is working at fearful odds tiabw;izuen aro claiming In the affalre of should rhe Also endeavor to maintain them tris%IT kLld. by the kind of work that Is paid for, but If I ie t W VOWS oIr MARRUOI@L orae ba willing to maintain them by much work I certainly think that whatever the 11-.WnardAgv is beginning to ;be though$ of oaume of the asparatien she has an absolute Im n saassv Agh,6 Memento that seemed sen- right to do mdi," tyrA zrid offilanidal to A more prlmi.tiva poo- MILLB"IUM OF MARRIAG% t , tE nro matw ielegabod to a en ardluato peel- W,OTIo- by maaay who are ao,saroely oven, aware as I sea txhtat in one of your magazine arti- clan you eapror a the belief that when women d f•?k t they ttwv0 imbibed any reeve ideas cn shall have acquired mufiiainnt ° Ooonomic' T thw :ruabjocb and -who might fear mucin ideas independence to give them the power to As nflwangtt'rre2at, �"',I'haxm xaew atonA meatu all bend more or refuse witiuout harsh penalty,the terms Ihab man havo been ble diobaitn to hepta In bl;e lie me direction, They all lay theca, in and out of ma?rlage, the mil- xris,,&%a axn'< th;.3 optritual mi,4s of the compom- lonninm of marriaa O so for at least as .%%4 xi lltu; they yell repadlaate the compulsory women are con+terned will b0 right at tg aa'nmta Ira ria r ration of this naatere. They i 1,6Eaarc:&tA egn0il3q and a willing partnerahlp, hated. 7sfr y I inquire what prooirelq you ' : 2,d to"al"i to $be old notiono Of authority iziez.n by economic indep,mtiea:ce,' neelmg that what is generally meant by ' economic %n The can laand and submiaalon on the independence' is not alwaye co -existent z•'ifiaer as obvlocloly belonging' to the epoeb ,of P'Mrelaa!ae marllage, which we have not with tha diffaelon of enlarged ideas, and ( ' yet ."patme;'I through. 'this what particular harsh penalty a woman a�b preseat expo$ee herself to in dacllaing an 80 lff'ru^ doyaa In relationship soems the offer of marriage t" seamy ooarltbioh of Its dignity, and the is By economic independence I *nears the resmr s ,omis In this gaeahion aro oapeolally earubig Of a position in life which insures ,jtra-aoua of thea dignity of tho tie. Such ideas the power to epand the reward of one's work U zar;, las may 01tinitaa, a ail,, of motet! vi4alih?a, , a0aordfu,re to one's own will. Iris impiianm taocgz,a tis tiii{I+ranit bhe mtr ba to ut into y 8 P more than maa£ntonanee, which every slave rrao':lxval.'4erm, Prnd Choy tend toward a floor can command. as,esaairnrsl thv.a the world has yet aaae. If s. The woman's work is of a kind that Is � 3teaalro aY,vrsaaa to you to mean free trade In mar- never productive of tbls Inde andonco. it xCO4P, gran I advocate It." provides maintenance, more or Roma ample, CONFLICTING STANDARDS. according to olroumnt%Aoo, but It denies self 44 -'mesial not the establishment of such a direction. I'f the baring; of the race Is to ieytaterx ease y,zu &M desirous is enforce havo be Counted ; If the talk 61 heaping the 110-00 and !yoking after the family by ;rm antfsact of rorliRerlsag the marriage tie Ions rurm Uham ib -la &b pseaent 2 In oilier aeeano of incestjnt <tail Is to boa . do, scippaae every roan and woman we've taken into eonmidoration, women cer- taln)y do, at least half the work of the n-'vaatfw1 1lbar4 to tie the knot in the to them beat. world; but they ebvievoly do not receive era tsaaa m might seen would .Rtafa Ob ezkitexwo of much a Onto of tblego half the roeeampeome. The wile and mother t'd" Area to endless eomplloatione and difii- shares the toil, the anxiety, the roopensl- bilihy, buti mba doom not share In the result •tslaliiwm, A0a1a1 as well sa legal I" a}'b' S'i„;atover the dangers tbat may be In- of what must be considered the joint labor rral�vtd is the udeptien of a sbandard which rif the family, Thence she 000npieo a poli- Wa 11UV,at,moat admitted to be the boat that tion of'subordination, however geucrours her tir0and may be, however he may 80r4a t9 'r ,,a ,PA* 4VO =Ive, at our ' prosont fdtato of +f,PoTtr*Iia �prAnat, there is clearly no ch,»loo but nnllOy the facts of her status by his attompt i • ;hit, VJ,j. g feria that mbandarrd and to try to bring to modify the advantaagem he limeerwo, Ica aasaL vas:rtil coaarlibioae of life into h, rmeny In thts d.erpandence, together whin the ifoo5 than that she borno 8o nota bis. i Imtyato ,kh, We *tmsob hold one standard and 1 ort natnu aiilg, snppaart a skate of affairm that ohll, vela baa lerntE to the mother, thr,b constitutes the voaaprvad:IO can aaa. oniirely difformt staudar?!, really weals and barbarous elowerib In ens F 1',o T4 net+ upon bixo hundrei's of Practical prak-ent m%rrIga system. dRlj&1an!14%ad Q,7,4t;proaa;at bheMsRRVcm in thle, SOCIETY NOT MADE FOR UNMAR11111D WOMEN, 2c ovaarlP o„elan;r great o7oringo of s4nbimort, "ITo xefuse marriage atbogothor,. wlbh the iapaIaaa'tlltajwk%lv'ra little kn4 than a volume. I And9,getifsed posiden that ib offers, sub. "I10tvi'iy'Tosmjod yolt that In every rada'cal j;ats A w,tmsta to what I have called a rwloO;q,n Ilii moral aonc libloun throughout tiro tiauroh peuaity, tlooioby In not made fore ' 'U,4� j.r el ,biho svrarlk% long and! slow mcaifi• wornon who ra:,fosa marriave. T re Is e before the siaitrfxa ;i+�ayst lea EC fie bake else x 4i a t no place for them, no outlet fora their asrawa tilwogtbei itiall GAN1 g expromed In ;oho anorg, es. UfScultism and restrictions i VvilhWn Haven 07 a putaple and subsequently of all klude eurronn4 blue unromprled woman to,* 10M Ica Its legal tnstibutioae. Am this whp lives alone. For her ilio moans un- ,ls ai .fiboago of standard more profeun4ly wholemorna eolitnde, am lb nevor need moan r d3.bt;•atcttsov •sear 100 th5b Alrnomt Any other bhaao fear ani mate. who 004tH live alone and yet have fE;s ,tvdr fta+'kon 1A%0 Ivaa mush not oacpoob 1,T a'r anvob er.anteaalnaaehi As 110 tviatit0s and .try ileal ?.l 0 WM rh. of $any mere logsl oltaalf,xem, W%ou he wishes. ;cam' Crus+ .mauve!# of MOM 4011t110, praotloal '' Considering far a th6 ent the faotd of .,' i. . ..... . •... a ,:i . . „ i .>y .,"., a rrard,� 1a- t'. .a ,fiiutsa.sa - modern life pail the hardness with whioh a THE Fa1tMh1114 "I t o HQI�j "�'� Fp��a�� i.VVliw �iU�L^^:t tl �Oi' 'Y'QG EE�Vfl '1�CiIYi�. woman is 'judged .who diverges from the or ,'fete. (foot T Entererfee) Rallies narrow pahway of the customary in her bike Orion Ifss lMioee 7r>ran 1ler Own lelxara _ Goatnity, `K' Va. i actions, the readiaers of society to condemn of Nur dakuttoBear. ,� WOULVSl7zsra�xssRYgr,DxobLAssocxATlox, aktd tshe manner In which her motives and I can sea her, a faded .haggard,sallow The Ql$ saw says Absence Makes the Bizaalo, N.Y',, her whole existence are pried into and ro woman tired from rho ver ii +a Qctultmera-A heart overfiowiri ^ AIA gr ati- ► weary rising In the Heath C$iow' Fonder," tude prompta m4, to write you. Twelve to atrinted, I think it will be difficult to deny dark winter morninge, to the crawling from .,...-,- weary ears that there is a baraii penalty attached to the' unfinished pile of mending to the cold ,�, ���� . � ,r sureeredvg•a•oat tae reinaal to accept true alternative seem upstairs, at night. Har tausband Is IN T$ I,T ly, from[iter- destiny,, That .many of those difficnitlen !rind to her; but he has his own work ; and ..._ ine Deranlre- y ariAo frem the fart"that the woman is unable her back aches, she is d'lzzy and faint, and �. �? last wrtaand n to defeaad herself does nob tamper the life geowd, a heavier load ou her yheuldors urts, W4'*ler 'wllcox. �1.tivases Fives ax►a 11 , V up ny r,y t?l, sioverlty of the penalty than has to be paid, every day. She does not consider that her $f0thora to Leave Their !fear ones fora t bPaiac. to ne i4 ie onld. y in England, and riven there among healbh Is part of the home's oapital ; and Mouth or xwo,leach Year, stint All, Ohe Ing almost sli the more cultivated olamoe, that tho stigmiA she Is sure that they oannob afford to hire Thinks, Will be Haplaeer in the End. _ % ) d Nye had, After which has been cast upon the ° old maid' help, behindband as they are , they can't Once upon a time I heard a girl say, who ,� five months` la begliming to die out, Ob'9foual hOr Itch fie d a d•vo'bo P R y '% : '�� txeatmoutanth lags base and arill nanab boa ver y�ad and a les and chzt r (vette would ri+le fen hurl mover had a home and who. therefore, �` your Doctoi Y mi a rge five dollars), but she ro- langed for 1b ss only the homeless can. If ) .\ P,eroe'sk'avgr. solitary one, and In nearly all oases Its members that the last time she was at I aver marry I will never shit can ho'ar'o di-- tion Tna�ej effeota are seen In some morbid condition of church she hoard one of the eoo!oty speak tame from my houze, nor will I lob my hum- Mas, WIMON ARD oarrLD. toy most r a. mind or body." of a patent mOtlioiue that helped her la»b band be 10 minutes out of my alght while collect health, I would to da , havo beau, TRIG RIGHT TO CONFER, NAMEs.'f ^� spriDg, and ekes will send for rho medicine. we both live." in my grave, and my lithe children moth a�r My last queAlon to Mrs. Caird en this Or also she writes bo the household paper °a Thrin, my dear girl, you will oertainly coin i. l will zebco amen ou and your mode tntoreotiug mubjeet ran as foliouvm : ,,It (price fifty cents a year) whioh she takes, bring lip in the divorce court," I rop$!d. don as Ilive. Your medicine sum A'ay esew a trivial matter to alludo to In a asking the adhor'a advice. That pathetic f' luoampatihility will be the plow. You I any one doubts this, give my uamc and a and su cativo Ibbs m are the oorxea or af- had lax hatter melte a firm resolve to aLaant addrea°' yatrioua paper Naso th,s, but I should mucin gg g p Yours sincerely, like to k"ow• to whom, in your opinion, once columna In those humble journals I yourself twice a year for a month or six bins. MALVINA WILSON. prreporly belongs the rIgght of bes0o99ing; the Now the Ineradicable wonaanlylonging to be weeka-not longer. That will add to your surname upon thea children of porssue joined attractive comes out In queer prenorlptlonm value in your home circle, and rwader you together in matrimony, to the father or to provost the hair, falling out, tea remove more interesting and interemted." TELESCOPES oa THE VVYWIVE. mother I" freckles, er to snake over old gowns with The romantic young lady, of opuree, +rias -- " I trunk it is of little impporbanoo per $e small sloevam Into the flamboyant style of not converted to my views, bub a oar�ful liar ey Aril 11ra3u:b31 be i t,r Mare1'oaso which Of bhe parenta gtvos true name no the the day ; how the woman'a heart peeps ebaervation of the world would osmpel her Than 'ahose Now Made. !anally, In the matriarchal age the mother through Its Cain disguise In those pitlfallot- to be, In, a paper by Mr. Alvin A, Claris on the did so, but in our more compiex state of tors deatiribing leneli liven and love thatthe Were a law passed enforo'ng the ab.enco r•r.mAcopei of the t'r-szxi;a , recently read at 4006ty, wherein the father reprooents the strong years conquer, and the daily jar and of mothers from their ehilAren and wivos Cu,cag,>o, bt:-e view is auggf,sbed that astreno- fc,mily in i't.m l,ubllo or its business relations, fret of disilludonod toil, and all the rest of from their husbands at lawn twica every ro-raa may locak forwapd is the possOsslaa iia sOemo reasanable that he shouldrovide the dismal story. I seem to see the broken year for a limited peried of time, a eooro f,f of Instruments more P woman, who was a o •ors anal ambitions powerful than any the name,, A otaango in this respect w®aid 7 3 tomos which are bub lamas in tt!ame ba -day, they now pesees r. 4Parn to 1846 lenses 15 upneb many traditions ana records without girl, tugging ever mere woarily at her laeeauso of the existence of discord and die- inches In dlameb> r were made moat aswouo- Proeur'ing any advantage," Sisyphus stone of dutiao, growing more content in their midst,, wo,ild booerme mera thought the !tmla of ziz5 had been irritable, more complaining as strength and havens of peace and hag'pineas. roaobod. Bust in 1870 Me.. Newhall, Gates - BIRD vs. SN heart heart fail,until the day shall come when the • One of the most devoted mebiiera I *ever head, Bug., hu las tki a 25- noh ieleatope, now tired motherwlll not creep dowry stairs, Then knew prided, herself upon never having at CRmbridge- In 1873 26 -inch glasses were How the Winged Forager slakes Garde or the neighbors will watoh and nurse by turns, paused a night awiLy from home during; a 1 -de for the ttelr.a:ropna ab th i University of D,badly Reytiles. and the doobor, who might, have helped period of fifteen year,. Bab thehuaband rand Virginia, and at the Ne siosal Obeservatory, years ago, will be called In to witness pro- the children of this, woman failed to apxPro- ah Z"Tasst-In ton. ,'fall seav,ut1 the difficul It is not Always sufficient for the hunter periy the ozad that be cannot avert. -Octave . elate tae* cacti&aP ro ardisa #t rather as a g P . to fine! game and to reach It, If the amu + g g of y abrins ala asmb i glt:ea was the chief t3 Tharaet is the March Scribner's. aerate! duty on her part -while the woman sbst�aolo. Glastmakera have, however, Is of large siza it may be able to hold its I I became irrit53alu and notional in her i own, and the pursuit may cud In a violent coutirued to ,in t,ha r proeomaes for abruggle, in which both mklll and cunning GSEAT C11iltilIINpTs. ideas of life, anal. €eund it impeaAble to producing diose of glass of large size and arcs a:aeeasary to obtain conquest. , The bird! - keep paaee with the progress of the world. free , from imgarfectiooa. Pereeveranee has ws+le„oh displays rite most remarkable null- The Chiesizo Construction Breaks the Her husband and children mixed with the ab longbRn besught matter" be the point that ties In this sttpuggle which term➢nates the World's Record. publio to greater or leas extent, while she, the only ebmtaeles to getting glazoes "off chase, rxhlbibing indeed a real fenoleg Tlie building of the 350 -foot chimney at) Pike a horse in a treadmill, went her smeary almlmt any raze ' are bleu time required to round, and nailed !b doing her duty. ma%e tbera,xnd bbe small number of persons match, Is the seorebary bird (Gtypogeranus Chicago, says the Mauuiacturer and P re tilivorue . He Is the more Inter. Builder, 'Thetis iso 0 caul thing as doing your duty hyvIn menP enov p } , gives us an eppsrtuuitp to reeearcR to othexa if en neglect a dot to calf. g y rh to p^.y for thous. oeted In striking without bei, him- the rovlous eases where iron or steal has 7 g y '.Phis fact is illustrated In the luoreano of sell struck, since the fangs with whioh his been ubstituk A for brick or stono In the Had this woman then a month of more- siza of lonrieza in great tolaaeonee ilia reoemt prey, the snake, is generally armed, might construction of factory c'aimnuye, Theation twice a year, entirely apart from the years. The 30 loeh glass ground in! 880 at the first 1110w give him a mortal wound. largest which has hitherto been erected In otmtu to of her l uttin she would haven ea ;r -r the Fpa;.an Ira dr.d .i Oba1887 by at Irn, South Africa he pursues every snake, England is the one of wrought iron at aevaelf ne» her value in the>reyom, rind iaera Pu`kawa v ria sucaaerisa rebozb 1887 by the herself now food fox theughb, new aggnrccla- 36 -inch Lick tokDob te At resent Mr. even the most venomous. Warned b in- Derwen, Lancaohiro. It Is used for carry- I P Aincb of bice terrib,"e enemy ho hag met, the Ing off the gasta from the blast furnaces of tion for the ties and duties from which Kae Cli.rk has under ,Tay o,e largast louses ever reptlie at first saekm safeby in filghi t ; the the Darwen & Moatyu Iron Company. The :vaa temporarily separated. But naiUhhN oa,nabructee., of 40 iathea diaweter, for the oeerebary follows him on feob, and the ardor dimenadons and particulars are as follows: mother, wife, humband ner father sheuld Untverdby of Ohioege, Of the chase doom ;nob prevent him from Metal height, including foundation, 275 Prolong these absences beyond a cormin lustrurov ata of ihia predigleua size are beln,g constantly onguard. Thia is becauao feet; depth of foundation, 15 faeb; ex- limit' requirel, Mr. Clark: thinlis, for original dis- the, snake, finding himself nearly overtaken, ternal diameter at baa,, 27 feet 6 The fondest, truest and most dovotsd coveries. Ment imps.rtant orlglnal diseov. suddenly turns round, ready to use his inches; oxterual diametzr at top, 11 feet; he+arbs in the world are linable to conform to eriea have been ,-mads with the largest habit, and to adapt themselves to ousting talosom es in use at tha time. Once seen defensive weapons. The bird stops, and time occupied in erratlen of iron wark, 11 P olroutnmtanoes after Cha furor loneliness and teras In one of hie wings beprotocbth0lower weeks ;total wolglub, incinduag fonsadatiens of separation from loved alaJ'eots has with the large glace u0sv oljaeta aro readily parts of his body. A real duel then begins, and lining. 1,100 tons ; iwtal weight of a wrenchP made out afterward with the smaller Instan- The snake throws himself on bit enemy, y ffi pageed away into phtlempphfcal oalm. menta. The fewnsaa of Iar a telewc , es ham brick ohimna, soma tai ht and external g P who art each stroke parries with the end of diameter, 3,000 lona. At 9olinaidar's works Then follows the reaching cab after now greatly restricted the nnmbsr of original hie w1r,.g ; tiro fangs are buried in the great di meter, theta o one 280 faeb high, and as plansures and interests, and the foamatloai disoover%e. Rofieoting tele copes will nett feathers which terminate it, and there leave Bhokolden paper mills at Kinoabula, BUD- of new habits, dargaraua to the peace of the to Mr. Clark's opinion, compote su000$sfnliy their poison without producing any affect. sic, there isono 170 foot high. There is old life' hereafter with refractors in power. Who All tble time with the other win the score. oleo 165 feat high ab the Acklam Ire* The woman who goes jausatin. about the large telescopes of this class have rarely, he tary reg3eatedly strikes the reptile, vete+ Ili Works, Middleaborongb, gangland. In this world for paearure during three or four says, acoompiiehad much exeapt in bike lee""' el the year, leaving husband arad hands of the a htcians who made them. at last stunned and sella over on the earth. country blue largest hitherto l;ullb is that , P - obildren to their own d0vfasa, h not nsaking They are extramel touidbive to unfavorable The conqueror rapidly threats his Soak robe at the Cleveland Rolling N1i11 OempaDy',t J y - hls ekn1P, throws his victim sato the air and works at Cleveland, O. -it Is 213faeb her vaeluo felt at home. Iastead, she is oendltions th:,t efF:rcb the U110 of h,tgh Magni- twAllows him. -Popular Science 1lfonth7y, high. The Poonaylvania Steal Company t6aohing her family -eve to enjoy Iffy with-ffyiagi xivva$rm. tike tendency is to displace han no few9r than eight wrought -iron cbIm- out her, and ib is very ponzible that both the ir0ect-Ing telescope. "M $$300 JOKE. nays varying in height from 110 to 170 feet, husband and children may find her a bar to But the makers o; true great. lenses of re - many phwures when ahe roturna. It is act fracting telee�ovpf s have great uaifficull:U a to Governor GUDIn's Cable Message To Lanta For The Sudden Toothache. that the love for mother mrd wife dies out overcome. They are a'le nosy to procure Napoleon.in these few months, but that new habits of thio great die za required, but to figure tboma, Tneetiaaehe to a little thing In the beoka, life are formed during much a prebraeted ab- to glva them t,heproper shape, area% to politth In 1866 Gilpin, then Governer of Col- but many physiotans would rather meet a sense, which interfere with a later return to them, r: quire the hlghoat skill of the ecien- ornAe, played a joke that cont him over burglar at the door an a dark night than a the ole! ogstOm, Ib is One of the greatest tlfie opbicaan- a' pie must be an artist In $300, It was for one of the first cable dFts- call to cure a bad toothache of eaveral days' miatakces pamsiblc in life to allow one we color," sal s lir, Clark, " as well as In light patches that went under the ocean. ,The centiouamo, A hypbdermio of morphioe 1,3ve to learn how to gob along wlbhonb us; and shade, in order W do the perfect -work first Atlantic cable was oempla te.d in 1858, only pantponea the evil day, and usually the aaad this to exactly what happens when a required." Who takk ip a hard one, and Its *arid it was alleged that a devpateh from patient is r�opzcbfully referred to the protracted separation of menthe take g:laoe. difficulty increuise with the constant in - Queen Victoria was the first sent ever it. d,mliat, The tooth should sob be extrados! Moanwhile the limited absenno of a few areaso of alis. MacninHry is available for A second cable acus laid and completed en while the jt)w and gums aro Inflamed and weake foods the heart with mo:v fuel, and the rough work of the fi-st stages of mauu- Auguah 3rd, 1866, and many were ca skep- the latter swollen, and it is the phy aioian's eves each the opportunity to ,rias the g- PP Y facture, but the fins grinding and smoothing .feel of the zeaa4lb as in the first ins4asasoe. duty to treat the ease until the shove can- ether's virtues anal condone each ethos's a Amnng those who couldn't help laughing ditions are removed. Always keep a emall faults. aro always done lis hard. The finishing Fat the absnrdlb of it was Governor Gilpin, touch oda hover, it is .-aught, rs gives y p , phial containing the following mixture : If we hold an object fou near the eyes, otherwia}e than by hand.-BnliimoreSun. w14 when it was amnounoed by the company Ossle,o'orm, 10 strops ; glycerine, 10 drops ; the sight Is blurred-wo cannot see its haat anybody could afand a devpatoh to eat, sol, ab. owbol, 10 drops ; morphine, i beautles. If we held it just far enough, we The KIndof Riau Women Like. Europe at the rate of $10 a word, Gilpin grain, with a small wad of abaorbout see it diatieotly. Toe fart, we do not see it thought it wan carrying the jeko too far, s,) cotton. If the offending tooth Lau A at all. Ib £sasb to with those we love. Probably the best taring that was ever bq dropped into the telegraph office at cavity or , decayed sbrface, saturatta The uninterrupted amaeoiation blurs our wrlbtten oa tho intereating questien of what 11 D.anvkr and dashed off the following a small pellet of cotton with the vlalon-the eeaadonal absence renders them women Ii'se in mon Is gummed up in the monmage ; above' mixture arad pub into the cavity clear and bright to our might -the longsop- idea that women like a man who can he DmigvmR, Colo., Aug, 4, 1866.-T'o Leulo or against the decayed surface, as the aaae AmtIon hidts them from view. strong as a lion when trouble comes and yet, Napoleatsa Bonaparte, Empevor, Tullsrias, may be. Never pack the cotton in or the There to leo love, no Sia, so perfect that is if one i3 nervone and tired, can button ups, Paris, France. Pleaso lot Bohemia alone. more is the trouble, but have the pellet) nob marred to some degree by the first, shoo with an amount of ccuaideratloa that Na interference will be tolerated by this small enough to enter without crowding. In strengthened and purified by the second, is a mental and phyatcal braeor•up. Whey Tarribery. JOHN GILriN, Governer, moot oases this will end the trouble. and endangered by the third. like a man whs. likica s the, who deesn't Tao in, saage was duly forwarded to New Whea the gums are swailen aadatenaler, ELLA WHEELER* WILCOX. acorn their opinisna, whs believes In their York and trawnitbted aerobe the ocean and, paint two or three times, bwo miuutse geed taste, wto has eonfid000e In them, and no doubt, Napoleon received It. Fortunately, apart, with a 4 par oast. solution of cocaine. THE JOYS or w11ALna19. wit eskeug•, to seallze that when one of the however, no international oempl'loatiens re The patient mtsy have been eating a goad -- fairer s x le xtl£ggbtt,y eeabhorn peranaslon in malted, When the bill came in it was for deal of fruit. The tongue and mucous it is Royal Short to be in the Lancing Boats more pewaurful than all the arguments in blares hundred and some odd dollars, membrane of the mouth are pale, be has a at the Deatb. the a, axld. sour stomach, and next day the toothache But if a man have the good fortune to be An Acronalm's Experience. The 8onth African and the Collar. g present at a " fall," and above all, if he be, will return, Give 5 rains of subcarbonate The representative of the News, at present of bismuth and 5 grains of phsaaceth,% at as I have been, In the harpooning and In the Aa aaraaaat mays that there is the same at the Cape, was much Interested In one of once and a smallor Boas before each of the lancing; boat, he bas a taste of sport which difference In the air at the esrth's surface Mr. Rhoden, ionmrs a one last of 23, and at An altitude of hall a tulle that there p , y g.g rinses following meals, with a laxative, If ib would be til bs match. To play a salmon im behvaeeaa water in a in puddle and isle and ort o of the party that went out to the needed, and atop all frult for a fete days, is a royal game, bub when your fish weighs P atttempfel Mono of Major Wilson, whom and It will not return. The same powder more than a suburban villa, and is worth a PuY03t mt:,riag water. Ono feOlr, on coming he mob at dinner. The young man was every four boure, with oemaation of fruit clear two thousand pounds ; when, too, down fro ax an ascent, as if one were brcatsh. imif'ering unspeakable agony from the eating, will atop the persistenb, tormenting your line is a thumb'® thickness of manilla Ing solid duct. . assumed necessity of wearing with his neuralgias go prevalent In the frnlb seamen. rope with fifby ,brands, every strand tested American pumps are knewn In China and evening dresa a lilgb, stiff collar. " Evers I for thirby-six pounds, It dwarfs all other Japan, as well am in all parts of Europe. year," he said, " the favor comes back upon Not the Original. experiences. And the lancing, toe, when nye, and rooks me for a fertnighb. If it was `t One of the attrmotions at Libby prison the creature Is opsnb, and your boat pulls in "`-"- �` - -- the only alternative, I think I'd rather have in Chicago was a ,bump supposed to be the to give it the coup de grace with cold steel, %, . It thin anotbor night wibb a thing like thin ono from Andersonvidle, -which steed over a that is also exciting 1 A hundred bona ai CARTERS atoned my nook." -London News. spring," said L, T. Arnold at the Soubbern. despair are churning the waters up Into am i° A family named Floyd nofi3 own the laxed foam ; two great fine are rising and falling Handkerchief Toilet Set. whore the Aaadorsoav111a prises stood, and Bike the aside of a windmill, casting the boat a �E -ft Materials: A square onmhlon covered one of the ladies of the family went to Into a mhadow as they droop ever it; bub still 142CBi with yellow satin, a small embroidered milk Cbfcmge in eompauy with a party of friends. the harpeouer olinga to the head, where no VER handkerdlnlsf, eheer lace three Inches wide. whoa in rho census of their viaiLe to the harm can Dorno, clad, with the wooden batt POLLS. The handkerchief in placed cornerwise-ebjoets of inheromb around the city, they of the twelve -foot ]once agaimt his abemmoh, . across the onmbion. The lace may be gash- came to Libby prition. Mrs. Floyd was he pre3moe It home until the long abruggle Dred and sewed beneath the scallops. A naturally much Interested when the attend- In finished, and the black back rol>"s over to bow of yellow satin ribbon may be pieced at ant showed hor the abump said to have 00ma expose the livid, whibimh surface beneath. . one aide of the ooahieu. or fear butterfly from her own farm. It was a good unite- Yob amid all the exciberurnt-and no one bows placed at the corners will make an bion, and she thought at first that they who :bas not held an oar is brach a scene oars equally pretty finish. Three similar silk must have bought It or stolen It the day tell how exciting it is-ono's sympathies lie Ssch]�Ipadsl j;oand.rclfevo all tiaotr handkerchiefs sowed together at the points after oho had left home. 'How long have with the posy hunted creature, The whale a�na tb a baaotlu stilt qi a ill.N. make an effective bureau mcarf and ma be you had it 2' oho asked. " Tahree months.' has a small eye, little larger than that of a Ritziness, q„ re. Onesy eatitig E ai, i iiiiM u, edged wibb tape like bhe cushion, or net, as `I geese yen era mists&on ; I own that ba►1eo;S ; but I eantiot eaally foxget Cha romur3cabl'ot sue t heaan doalred. farm, and the mtnmp was there when I left mute expostulation which I read In one, lie home a wee'h ago,' And the stamp is still It dimmed ever In death, within hand's A Carious and Antique Key. In Goerg=ta whexe it sttoad during the war. touch of ane. What could it guess, pear , An old and ourieus key and !rick !s Sa. Louse (11aba8 -Democral. creature, of laws of supply and demand, or ICKy Headache : 11_rrl�', ,ref Lu 41a attached ba the door Of Temple 0huroh, in hew could it imagitto that when nature era ca13* art)rilelnxs,eThe Bud anti The Etainy Woman. laced an elastic filter Inside its mouth and and >3 ' g' y 1a10t, ,Float street, London. Tho key weighs P prtx¢entlu 'coven pounds, im 18 Inobes long. and, unlike .a n Engli*h writer nay$ that the reign of when man dfsoovered that the plates of �h 90 t e .o1, t't d at i ether keys, ib was not made for thelook. the "loud" Is beaded and that In a oar lir which it was composed were the most d a the otv y , , y P btvon if t to , oaslp a azo On the contrary, the lock was made for it, two nothing less than 30 may be expected pliable and yet durable things in creation, Both key and look have keen In ngo mlmoo to win admiratfou. She triumphantly Iba death -warrant was mignedl--MoOlure's. tbo ormadoe, the oharoh itoolf having been gnotoa Platte's stattoment that woman Jinam an George Washington. built by the Knights Templars in 1185. reaches the zenith of her charms at 40, and �� f tz Q Acl;o they H,,,ELAD, iIs t b ,T to % -•H'a✓dwrtre. cede her able pica for the old maid in Shone Who can toll tmo who G ori a Washing- N� ftuUsi f"." ; a !?�@ words : " The immature mlas of 18 or 10 ton was! asked a teaohor In a prlm%ry best s'o t f , .. herrn a d C ++ school. A n m of little hand waved ; ' Crap Daamaga lin Answer to >!'rs'er. has ba o len boon on a pedestal, and if riles sale 1 u hor e a , t Pe .. tfia5b it a£ia I . xa bb a `� haK The .dtata•0 tumNexce dueler + La bola dethroned the man are to be eon- eagerly. Well, Jimmy, .sou may tell th u��pp 'Y£� Nd roti P a a than the g Mob e I me," said the teacher. " He was the first i3U atCbk all sifiii seriont� dnrtaagte recently infiioted apota the Rratulated upon .heir canes. a men, .- ' lsrdlmn opium crop "f to em answer to the believe, hooemo tired of the companionship prieener of the United, States," answered provers of an aged member of the Society of one who babbles little `nothing$,' or Jimmy, proudly, o(Fr iwnds who driving the l ;' die ourme crudely upon sawbjoata wbieh hor r . _R a ab0 three days c y P � , . . ­''.'. I . . 111. xa or weet.itt at Exebor Hall several mind has boon Incapable Of esti, and ®leo California woodpecker is an imreob P 9 B a „ p g eater. Yet in view of the approach of win. , jig the i0 t> �at so �1� # times publloly prayed that the crap might olasaifying. .R Pn . be blasted." - - ter, it prepares a store of food of a wholly w in Prince - . Is Which are difforent character, sand arranges thin with • , � :;4 , Some ono a;Nakud Prin $1,�, , W g ;� , v a d ;yfaca Ica gg cal deal like his own chase. the greatest Powers of Europe I" He as much caro as an aplaur0 might devote to a', When he is warn out by the hard roads of answered : "° tnglaad, Germany, Francs), the storage of his wine in a collar, t ,r. _ life he is !Niter to be half-sonled. -- r Dimly 1 d• Ftuasia and women Lc danteur da i au The tibio Admiral ie a modification of a W 11 1 O?YA laaxbn at locksmith$." until mar, obis, Latin word signifying oomanander. intile p niago oomes along! and olaps on a combina• Bta,ts a hasty x#titeiwlt�A saeoaxefaf ails- sense of naval commmirder It was Introduced tdon look, gum, into Europa by the Yenetlonea�:t ' , I t n _1 . Y w ...1WW i. .. rl, Lllta'eAaa . tlu .a__,, .4AnaMtltJllrf,MA...+.hi, a e., �d h.d .J. W