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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-15, Page 6
Love's Boole. Itisidone—tho romance is over, No blessing hath Fortune to wend, slammed ow For Cup d haB mm a odd n the coarse And written the end. Quite short is the tale he has written, Sweetlnhorb is tike text fora tomb, Qf love eayo�mitton,Thhnashes youth I bhought it might be a long story, 4. serial never to atop ; I thought he was writing for glory,. And not for the slop. But no. Ue just soratohed a lyric That some feeble poet might sing at almost would rill apass tor a pyrrhic) A. 1 thought; a strong chain Love was weaving To stretch to eternity's brink, But the sbacklea were very deceiving, Composed of one link. Do all dreams turn out'just as hollow i Must' ggo through lifeas a sage 1 ,Alae 1 in Jove's book must there follow ..., i sBlank page after page 1 Or else was this little love poem, Which tools but a day to compose, Designed as a sere of a proem, Tee rest to be prose 1 What hap if this ohaiu that ,has parted As prose or as poetry rank, So long as the book Cupid started Be not left a blank 1 My Creed. You ask ane to what church I pin my faith - To none, and yet I love God's, temple, and Ify life is shaped and moulded by a creed So simple that a child may understand. I love the living source of all that's fair And beautiful on earth, in sky and sea ;' I love my fellowbeings, and I try To do as I would have them do to me. I am not orthodox in all my views, X cannot shout His praises to the skies ; Yet I am sure we are His children all, And that Ile shapes our lives with purpose wise. I think if we reach out a helping hand To those who faint and falter by the way— If by our sympathy and kindly aid Some sorrowing heart finds happiness each day ; And if we ever carry in our hands The mantle of sweet charity and grace, Te shield the weak and erring ones of earth And lift them up to a securer place, Then I believe if our incautious feet Should wander out where thorns and thistles He stlll would follow ue with boundless love, And lead us where the living waters flow. For I am sure He planted in our hearts The impulses that move us day by day ; And all our weakness He can understand, Hs will not lel us drifo too far away. And I believe if by this simple creed, That any little child may understand, Our lives are moulded, we at last shall find Beyond the sapphire sea a happier land. -Mrs. L. Clark Hardy, in Boston Transcript The Detrimental. It 1 dance with an heiress, theh sit on the etaire, And proceed with much ardor to scan her, The ma's bound to come and conclude our affairs Ina purry and p assy-cat manner ; "0 don't move, Mr. Jones—I've been searching ou, dear, High and low -so imprudent, my Milly" ; Though 'tie warm the old cat murmurs ; Really I fear You'll catch cold—come, my love, it's too chiilp.1" With a widow of wealth I may chance to con- verse, And create amost pleasing impression, My language is witty and pointed and terse, She is jun at the paint of concession When a friend takes her off, with a blatant aside. "Yes, no doubt, dear, the man may be funny, But, though one of our set, yet it can't be de - That hes known to be looking for money." Old. Tennyson talked of " true hearts" and the rest; If he wrote of such times as are present, He'd have found "simple faith" does not stand as the best; What is welcomed as far the most pleasant Is theoldpurse-mine is slight -yet my blood it is I'm not lacking in qualities gentle, Yet I'm wanting in one cherished substance, viz., gold, And in consequence rank detrimental. A. SOUNID-PBOOF BOOM. Proviaion should Be Bade for it as the Building Progresses. There is occasionally a demand for an apartment which is perfectly sound -proof, and this seems to be a defficalb problem. A correspondent of the London Engineering give& the folio ailing method of attaining this result, and says it is a very difficult as well as oosoly matter, unless provision baa been made in the course of the constriction of the building : As reprint the floor, a ply of very thick carpet felt uaderneetbthe ordinary carpet will, to a eerteln extent, effect the objeob in this direction, but, to make it really effectual, the proper thing to de would be to Iifb the floor, and if there is net already a oennter-flooring between the joists, it might answer the purpose te fill in en the top of the laths which hold the ceil- ing underneath, with about three inches 'of eflloabe cotton, then en top of oaoh jeieb a strip ef hair felt ehonld be laid before nail. ing down bhe fleor. This will effectually atop the sound in that direction. As regard's the walls, they would require to be studded with verbioal etude, say 1d inches by 1 inch, spaced 18 inches apart; these ebenld be either lathed or cov- ered with wire netting, and the apnoea between the lathing and the prasenb plaster ahenld be filled in with silicate cotton. It would also make this more effectual if bhe fronts of the etude worn provided with a strip of hair felt in the lama way as indicated for the joists. Of course, the walla would require to be replasbored. The ammo arrangement should be carried out an regards the coiling. A difficulty, however, arises with regard to the chimney, as there ie no method wo know of to prevent a pertain amount of gonad going through from ene heueo to the ether when the chimneys aro open in winter time, but in the Bummer time the fireplace can bo readily filled in with alma -Inge or out paper, or any ecnamenial material of that pert, whioh will effectually prevent the pas- sage of sound in that direotion. Ple and Princes, Panne Menbohikof, the last of a noble Buaaian house whose fominder was a hawker of„",pled, is dead. Though his pies were net worse than the average Rnaafan pie, the lllusbrlous founder did slot gain hie pro- motion by his panto, bub by betraying a conspiracy. Pie is influential, but it has its limits. -8 . Louie Poet•Diepatcie. An Austrian lady has hnilb herself a glees carriage, ee that She may be present at any military funotion in all aorta of weather, It doesn't tape more than three menthe to take sway the triumphant air a young m rried woman wariest in the pretenoo of unmarried ones. Francis Parkman, the venerable Note Eng land hiebelrian, who recently celebrated tai seventieth birbbday, id shill at work, thellgh Ina has praotieelly lent hie ovedlgbb and able sttee % (rete insemaai>t and thetareabieni. Gold leaf, when boateu into a ahoob of the titioineens of but 1460,0006 et an took, appears to be of a beatattiul green When ileid up to thitighb. CANDY MAKING sr R.0NK, Pure Sweetseets May Easily Coin Founded by Those Rules. J DROPS, KISSES, CARAMELS, CREAMS. A children's candy party need not bo it soriona matter or an oxpaneive one, if Qom- Mon-eenae and good recipes are provided in sufficient abundance. Saturday afternoon le a good time for it, and be prepared before hand. Oonfectiener's sugar is the beat te use la trshing the sweets. Chrisbmae drape, the pretty name an old English friend gives a pretty oenfeoblen, is a good candy to begin with, Beat the white et ene egg and a quarter of a pound of anger until ameobh, adtateg gradually a half tea- spoonful el oream of twine and soda sifted together; flavor to beetle with lemon juice and grate in a very little of the rind. Drop en buttered tins sbeut three ingbes apart and bake in a slew oven until a light golden brown;5remeve wibh a broad, thin knife blade and sat aside to coal. The deiuby libtle oenfeeelons known an kisses are favorites. Here is an easy way to make them: Beat the whites of six eggs to a froth, but not atif ; add a half -pound of sugar, and stir aabii the mixture grove very stiff; drep a epoonfal a few inohes apart en bnb- tered paper laid' upon baking tine ; sift find en ?ar lightly ever them and slip Tubo a very quiok oven to turn a pale cream and grave firm ; they muab not bro'trn. Ruu a thin flexible blade—a palette knife is juabrlght— under emote little heinbspbar° and lift from the paper; eooep out the aofb centre, then let the Matron lie a moment in the mouth of the even to dry; fill with whipped cream and pub the two dry sidea together. Be lure the nabs are fresh and prepare a generous enpply. You must have Brazil nate, psoauo, hiokory nubs and almonds, and also some walnut meats. Chop them all, bat not fine enough te make them oily. Shrew them as think as possible en a shallow tin pan bhat has boon wall greased with some sweet butter ; mix in with the meats some candied orange and lemon peel and half a dozen finely -chopped atoned dates. Bell your syrup, made el two pentads of sugar and a oup of water, until a drop hardens in cold water. A teaspoonful of etraiued lemon juice and then pour over the nate ; mark iabo fgaarea while soft and lee ib 0001 before taking from the pen. Chocolate caramels aro usually much fav- ored by these who like oheoelate ab all. We make d&ioione ones use melase�es. Take a cupful fer two onpe of grated oheoelate and two onpe of sweet oream; mix the melaesee and chocolate to a smooth paste with half the oream, and bail half an hour, adding one oup of brawn sager and one of white powdered, a tsanpeonful ef flour and vanilla es/tenors to taste. Pour bhe mixture into battered, flat pans, and mark, when nearly (sold, into small squares. Traneperenb Dara- mels are made of the clear syrup, bored an - til ib hardens in oold water, fl evorod with lemon, vanilla, almond er rose essence ; if the laab Savor is need add a tittle cochineal and the aquavit' are delicately tinted when cold. Cream candies are easily made, some without cooking at all ; these are the sett balls intended for nubs to be covered with melted oh000labo. The nuts for these must be carefully cracked, as each half ehonld be per£eob. An exoefenb proportion for the oream is to boil together two pounds ef sugar and a teacupful of water until it threads, flamer with vanilla, take the sauce- pan from the lire and ably until the syrup becomes oreamy. Then rell it Mho balls and press half a walnut kernel into each side, roll f a granulated sugar and set aside to cool. Theme Little belle are also dipped into melted chocolate, and become bhe chocolate creams. Everybody likes marehmeliewa. The paste is really gam arable. Dissolve six ounces of bhe gum cubes into a little bolting water ; absent a teacupful is enough ; strain and add a peeled and a climber of augar; pub tette a bain-marie and noir over the fire until stiff ; then take from the fire and stir for at least three er four minutes, and then eat aside to c sol. Beat together the white of one egg and a teblespeenful of cold water ; flavor wibh a tablespeonful ef vanilla essence ; beat until frosty ; then add anger to make a stiff paste. Now set over bhe fire in boiling water and when 11 is liquid enough, dip almond-sizad pieces el the marehmailew paste with the cream ; turn with a fork uabil fully covered, and lift on to buttered paper. For almond candy, make a syrup by put- ting the white of an egg, unbeaten, into a half pint of water in which yen have dis- solved a pound ef auger ; let this *band ten urinates, then pub it to boil, and skim it well ; boil again until quite thick; put into it a pound of blanched aimsnde, stir and pour the mixture on buttered plates. Antidote tor execute. Dr. Squibb recommends the following as a simple method of preparing hydrated oxide of iron, the antidote for amnia, one of fee ohief advantages being that the ingredients are always welly obtained. Take binobure ferrt ohiorido, four canons ; mix in a vessel of 12 ounces capacity, and add aqua am - menta, one drachm. Shake well, pear it on a large web mnelin drainer, wring out the water and aioehoi, and wash with freah water. The sbomaoh having been ovaouated by emebioe, while bhe antidote was being prepared, give four Haid ounces at once, bo be followed by emetic. When give two ounces every ton minutes.—Popular Science Monthly. mart In a Boar hunt. A nage of the biter being bit was exempli- fied the other day during a hoar hunt at Chateau Chinon. The bear, wounded with two bullet°, beoamo almost mad with pain, and rushed ab one of the ehootere, knocking hie gun out of his hand and driving his twice into his leg and thigh, besides wound - leg severely both arme, and was likely to kill the unfortunate man outright, when, happily, a woodcutter Dame be the rescue with an axe, whioh be need with snob goad effect that the boar was Wished wibh one single blow on the head, The animal weighed nearly 300 penaids, and his tusks were more than four beams long. yeaAM,wi A Nervy Woman at a Fire, The friend's of a nervy little woman In Ohioago are telling' hew she saved the town of Everest, Kan„ n few daps ago. There is nee fire deperb nenb, and wheel a fire broke out the oitlzena were nearly kelpies. If We don't save the store, they said., er the' whole town will go. *hat can We dol” "Haug blankets on it and keep them wet,» tori the Ohfoage woman. Bliley did (0, and she helped to pate the water up in bttekete, and the town Wats maned. Cardinal Afeezefarit, the meant retnarkabio Megabit the World ban over knownis bald to heave been able tis ate every weird of any eansiderabio importance in ever 100 differ - ant languages, and to have been able to carry en a conversation in 45 er fib obbiera. Moilld WOK l> nlirrIKOYs a► Tarte y Froin 1Ckl le All limy Nisit Thiene g pa to 'Vegetable sop make a aloe addition a dinner in snanmer, andare sooepbable 1n winker for a change and far a light soup with heat?! meati, Amber Sou ,—'l o. cold gravy and tnilk,or milk alone, add a curet, an onion, a small turnip, and one cupful of . meld, belled tapioca. Heat, add .one cupful of cream, and serve. Asparagus coup is very palatable if made from, the fresh vegetable, but the canoed article is inferior. Skin the stalksand cub them into Inch lengths. Stew in salted ureter till all are tender. Drain nearly dry,. season, and add milk thiokened, as for the ether moape. Do nob make • 10 very thiok, and use about a pint of milk to a on of cooked asparagus. Bean soap may be made from elbher the frac or the manned " stringless" beans. If the canned are used they do nob need any cocking, and very little seasoning, but add a little piece of butter. Make like asparagus stoup. Bean Soap, No. 2.—To one pint of bailed white beans, or cold baked beans, add two quarts of stook ; omen and heat. When. ready bo servo add ene shoed, hard -belled egg. Celery Cream. Saup.—Boli ene cupful of rine in three pinta of milk, tillit will pass through a sieve. Add two heada of celery ploked bete small plows, and ene pint ef cold aboak er milk. Bell bill the celery is tender, and then season. C.rrrob Sonp.—Brown an onion, snood thin, in two tesspeonfuls of butter. Add four of finely chopped ham, and four of grated carrots. When brown add two quarts el soup stook or milk, and bell one hour. Serve with teed. Onion senp may be made from little silver -skinned onions. The ted onlone are boo strong. Skin and quarter them. Bail in two salted waters tail, tender. Add a pint of thiokened milk, half a cupful of mem and enines. d Pea soup may be made from green er rind peas. If dried, desk them ever night, and meek bill soft. If the green ones aro used cook them till sett, adding a email pinch of sada. Whey may be peened through a dove er nob. When done, drain, add two cape ef obook or milk and maven. Have ready a paste made of one egg, beaten with a tablespoon, fal of oream, a pinch of *alb, and enough flour stirred in to make the paste as thick as can be rolled out. Roll in a thin sheet, and out in small squares. When the soup bode, dreg these in, and when cooked through, skim out into the neup tureen. Thicken the tamp a little with floor, and pour over them. Serve with crackers whioh have been heated into the oven. Potato neap may be made quickly from cold mashed potatoes left from a previous meal, or cold boiled ones out in onbos. If yen have a cup of cold white atook er gravy, heat ib with a oup and a half of rich milk, and season. If the 'took or gravy are not ab hand, nee two our; of milk and a pfeoe of butter. When it is hob, add the pmtateea and a liable sold rise if you have it. When thoroughly heabed ib is ready to servo. Squash Soup.—PaeI and altos thin enough squash to fill a pint bowl. Bail in one quart of salted water bill 10 may be rubbed bhrongh a sieve. When smooth, add one cupful of oream, ono pint of cold gravy, a cup of boiling water, and a tablenpeonfut of butter and flour rubbed smooth. Bail up once and serve. Tomato soup, or tomato bisque, may be made from fresh tematoee, or from the canned, if freshly opened. If they have been opened more than an hour or two, they are apt to be sold. If fresh ones are need, scald and ,peel them, cub them up email, and abew till each piece is thoroughly cooked. Strain, and to the liquor add a pleas of butter, pepper and batt, and about ene-half a teaspoonful of sugar to a pint of tomatoes. Lab mime to a boli, add a pinch ef soda, to eounteraob the acid, and boil till the frail* subandar. Add a pint of rich milk, and thtoken with a tablespoonful of flour made smooth in cold milk. Serve hot, with toast. Vegetable Senp.—Peel, slice and fry in butter three onions, nix potatoes, six oar - rote and four tarnipe. Pour over them two quarts of bailing water, and stow slowly 0111 tee vegetables are done. Strain and servo. Tho Lightning's^Teack Is scarcely more rapid than the lightning. like notion ef Nerviline in all kinds of pain - Is it neuralgia 3 relief is certain and rapid. Teobhaohe le cured as if by magic. Rheu- matism dada a masher in a few appiicabiano of the powerful and penetratingNervllino. In a word, pain, whether internal er exter- nal, finds a prompt antidote in Nerviline. Give Nerviline a trial. Druggiste and dealers everywhere sell it, and it costa only 25 aunts a bottle. An Electric Fhuh: Relieved of never* pain in the back and kldneye, is the resale of Mr. Charles L. Mc- Crady, of Belem Hill,• Renfrew Oe., Oat., obtained from a few daye' nee of Dr. Howard's Elealria Pills. These Electric Pills cure all weakness and lingering pain, regulate the liver, kidneys and system generally, andrestore lest powers by giving better bleed and eleotrioai force to the nerves. Large boxes 50 cents, six for $2,50. The Dr. Howard's Medicine Co,, Brookville, Ont. To ugly Men Everywhere. Beauty competitions no longer paeseseing the oharm of novelty, someone in Belgium has hit upon the idea of getting up an ugly man s exhibition. A grand prise for agile nese will be given be the competitor who vanquishes all comers by the hideousness of his countenance. The men are to be en view at a plaoe ef amusement ab Brunets, knewn by the title of the North Pole. Ib le said in the London Daily News that an English amateur of the ugly in nature has promised be add a glfb of £2 10/. to the first prize. The wage, of oaurae, are saying that he is doing all ho can to secure the discovery of someone uglier than himself. vain Regrets. A' shuffle of frozen boats, a dull thud, e few -t-- — —1 and another citizen is filled with regrets that he did nob take in the middle of the street in the first place. The public is wiser than the wisest critic,. --Bancroft. estlannintrallitaturamommotowilielliNIOWINEcmgg OMANCIEit AND 00111111101* Ike Wholesome Fruit 111sefkl 1w1. lterreniaa ore Mocha Thlret, The cheapness and plentiful enpply of granger .ab the moment accentuate' the need for their use. Every housekeeper should dee that they are a part of the menu of ab leash one meal everyday. They aro better than any eat of drug tonic whioh the Doming of spring euggeeta to many persons, and ,wiii do away wibh the necessity for each a thing. Ib should be understood, however, that the only rational and healthful way to eat oranges ie to out theca soros/ the grain and map out the juice ' and fine pulp. The tough fibre is nob good, is harm,, fat, indeed, bo many digietiene. It la the eating of thio whioh makes some mobhere curtail their ohlldren'e allowanoeof orsngee, and those and other mothers complain that children wen'b eat them the proper way. They will if toaohing is persevered in. Two or three oranges at breakfast to the woman or man who is convinced that coffee hurts her or him Will be fend one of the most reliable and eabisfaobery aubebltubea for that drink, They quench the thirst whioh ora e ' o coffee, and eoem also to afford in Iona e. teifei to the lasmitude whioh seeks the ebitnalanb of Meths be countered it. I WAS minim of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J. M. Camemnu. Wee ou$1eD of Facial Neuralgia by MIN,4RD'S LINIMENT.. Springhill, N. S. Wre. Mimes. I wAs CURED of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Oe., N. B. GEORGE TINGLEY. Remarks on Eggs. Eggs may lose their nourishment by 'seek- ing. The yolk raw or very eltghbly boiled is exceedingly antribtous. It in. moreover, the only feed far these afflicted with jaundice. When an egg has been exposed to a long continuance of cannery heat, its nature is entirely ohauged. A slightly belied egg, however, is mere easy of diges- tbon than a raw ene. The beet acoompani- meat for a hard egg in vinegar. Raw eggs have a laxative effect ; hard boiled the contrary. Where is an idiosyncrasy in some proem which shame ibaelf in the utter d's- gnat whioh they experience net only against the egg its 31f, but also againab any prepara- tion of which lb forme an ingredient, how- ever slighb. Eggs &loald always bo liber. ally accompanied by bread, says Table Traits, - btinard's Liniment Cures La Grippe. A trainable Hap. A new edition of the railroad map of Pennsylvania has juab been issued from the Department of Internal Affairs by J. Batton Wall, who prepared one several yearn age. Every raiiroad line and poet offioe in the State in °hewn. Minard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer How To Find Ont. Mrs. Cawker (quoting)—Half the world doesn't know hew the other half liven. Mr. Cewker—It ought be join our mowing society and find out. !guard's Liniment for Rheumatism. New Novels The fallowing novae are expeoted to be issued shortly : " Imitation Eau de (Magna," by the author of a ".A False Scent " ; " Go First," by the author of " Come Forth " ; " Disagreeable Raisins," by the author of " Crews Carrente," Daring the part few years a great many Canadians have been atbrsoted to Miohigen by the oheapneas of exoetienb farm lands en the line of the Miohigan Central Ry., and Alpena & Loon Lake Ry.,known se thecele- brated Keystone Lands. These lends are looated adjacent to growing villages and townie with soheels and other advantages, and the remarkably low prices and liberal berms offered mobblere, have been appreciated by the large sale these lands have had. For fall particulars, write to R, M. Pierce, West Bey City, touch, Ably Colored. " Whero in blazes is my moorsohanm pipe3" asked Mr. Mea nwee 1, prowling around his library angrily. "Here it is, dear," replied Mrs. Mean - well, offering him a dark-oelored object. "You know I knew how long yea'd been trying to color ib and how anxious you were about it, and so to -day I went to work and painted it beautifully with pile and a little gliding. I knew you'd be glad." Innocenti Young Husband—Say, darling, what a peculiar flavor this stewed steak hal 1 Young Wife (diffidently)—I really canneb account for lb. Indeed, in order bo bake away the bad baste of the oniene I scalded. them myself in eau du Cologne. Creeks in Russia. Who Raselan Government has invited upward of 50,000 Greeks to different parts on the Blank Sea coact, be engage in the maritlne business carried on in those waters. They are to become Runaian subjects and receive allotments of land according to the number in each family. The nail maohlne was invented in 1775. Ab the present day ib in estimated that 4,000,000,000 nails are annually made by machinery In Great Britain alone, and frooa a fourth be a half of thio number in the 'Gaited Staten. Tbil1 QOALITIE$ oW A kion. The Vulkane Ad/actives ifeed by Freebbsb/ A,utherr to lreeeribe It, ,Some wag with plenty of time en his hands has oenoeived the idea of hunting tbrough the werka of all the prominent English and American antihero for the pur- pose of gathering all the .adjttobivrse with. which they qualify the word kiss, The re- sult of his labors Is bhab' kisser can be se follows . Oeld, warm, icy, burning, chilly, cool, loving, indifferent, balstemio, fragrant, blissful, passionate, aromatic, wibh baste bedewed, long. soft, haaby, inter:eating, dissembling, delioions,ioue, bender, be- guiling, hearty', distracted, frantic, frenh as the morning, breathing fire, divine, melanin, glad, sad, euperfiolal, quiet, laud, fond, t!rfoky, criminal, heavenly, exeorable, de veering, omineue, fervent, parching, nary - one, eonlieee, etupofyiug, alight, 'Aral**, auxieue, palatal, sweat, refreshing, ember - reseed, shy, mute, ravishing, holy, sacred, firm, trembling, eloobrifying, eoatetio, haw - tried, faithless, naroobio, feverish, immoder- ate, lasolvieue, Ilbidinone, pbeterly, brotherly and paradieiaoal. The bask seemed Inter- minable, and he gave it up at this stage.. !guard's Liniment is the Best. In a Specutative Mead. The tramp had gob Into the kibohen where it was warm, and a bountiful repast of s000nd,hand via 'leis was epraad before him, the lady of the bonne *banding by. "Ie that all for me 3" he waked, looking ever it greedily. " Every bit of l6," re, plied the lady encouragingly. " Kin I sat iter take it limey with ma t" " Ib'A yours to dispose of as yon please." " Thuile ye, mum," he i aid, rising end bowing. "I'd like to sell it to you for a gnarbor in cash." No Disappointment Can arise from nine use of the great aura-raep cern care—rc'utnam'a Painleee Cone Exta,aobor, Putetam's ex,brsotor removes corns painlessly is a few days. Take no subatibate. At draggiete. A minie ball wee leoenbly removed from the head of Andrew Goethe' off Will coanbv, Texas, where it had lain for the pent 29 years. �tnsoum ®a For Horses and Cattle Use Dicks Blood Purifier. Vzex & Co., P. O. Box 482, Montreal. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR "THE k..�i Farmers' Friend. and Account Book," presenting separate accounts for all farm transactions with yearly balance sheet, etc. Highly recommended. One agent bas already sold nearly 400 copies in one county. Send for circulars and terms. WM. BRIQneS, Publisher Toronto. A GENTS—Our great work, "Charming -Lk Bible Stories,' is selling very fasts Six hundred double column pages, two hundred and sixty beautiful engravings - only $2.50. Send sixty Dents for prospectus. Bigg discount. Bradley, Garretson & Oo„ Brantford, Ont. GFe•are•aiurays of .isje-look Guffaw altraetiwrfiovdtks ZAN.OUR. AGE NT$P TAR CARO ORK oo'O5TQC r e ONrAIti atlevia 10gert,{'.Sf1 ,OVR AOcNTSOVrr/T A[p�� male and orale e Comma a WARTED,0„00 �b /on Oar COA50. 0 t Erma, e. o mot Suing sow ,elle , nary ..sAcoa it, . Aim a., hili,©. wd3'arlaa%,5oJ,o. 5,,e 05, Aaf/o cell ae;sleg Sta'8•t•a"+• ern c pa.5 ralrod s,ey rolia,., nig vra9oe; OaAliaa costa ae.. Yank Baa tel, as. (Dia, MARRY Do you want to correspond for pleasure or morralgo with ladies and gents of wealth! 1,000 de- scriptions mailed. FRED. Catalogue of books, novel- ties, rubber goods. etc. for 2 -cent stamp. d. W. GUNNELS, TOLEDO, 01110. US. VIiINSLOW'S..s SYRUP G FOR CHILDREN TEETHINC - E'er saie by all Drugxi,t.. 25 Cents a bottle. g—Y O Lea' 8c O'ER? F , ',Real Estate; Agents, Waverly, Virginia, Havo 150 Farms for sale, 50 to 5,000 acres each. Price, $3' to $15 per sore • near Norfolk, Bich mond and Petersburg. Eight trains passing daily. Catalogue with price of farms sent on application. LOST MANHOOD, NERVOUS DEBILITY, ERRORS OE' YCIITH, etc., positively and permanently cured by Lane's Specific Remedy. Price; $1.00 per Box, or Six for $5,00, from all Druggists or by Mail. Particulars free. LANE MEDICINE CO., MONTREAL CAN THE WONDER OF THE AGE BT ACTS LIKE A CIinnRA, YOU WU aEszu ma q!iARRIT arias tblils et makes your R-8ancia Soft & Whits. Gives a healthy appe/armee to the aide. Eby5s Electric S Rue Hae no equal for caring naitl'IRhozeini Old Sores, noreinmorlcr'0ieeas, Rona Eye', kin Diaeaeas, 7Pim” pl®e, Chapped Hands Corsa Boll% Burn/, Pilo:, Freon a Bites, Fresh Outs, Sore 1�'ipplesn trio&divver ffa:ffi��5 PerrNmrtlpHtEce- LEADERS IN SEEDS FOR 1894. WHITE MONARCH OATIII IRiSH COBBLER POTATO, GOLD MEDAL AL DENT CORN, ' CANADIAN TH OR PE• m BARLEY, etc., 'etc., etc. Oar 1894 Seed Catalogue lay brimful and dowin over with geed thieve thyb every progressive Forme and Gardener ahenld have. Send for a Dopy. Address JOHN S. PEAIR0 & O0. L ON6 �-�l i LONDON 25ct0., GOota. and l$1.00 Bottle, Ono cont a dose. It is sold on A. guarantee by all • drtili . giete.. , It cures. JGnoipi8nt 0ondunll5taori and is tiro beat 0040 ;04 Cost 91,6 ; ISSUE NO 11'' 1894. Ia, rep1>/irs to 411Y wi /Mee 114a414104 please aaeriienUM gamer. 4r,'.a 1� '1 is one of the . first sib of poor. health* Coughs a Cok Weak Lungs, D seasectb31Q& follow. ;:VSs. tett .!,S to Si PAMIR the Cream' of Cod—laver Oran cures all of these weakness— es. Take it in time to avert illness if you. can. Physician4. the world over, endorse' its Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott a Bowno, Befeville..All Drnggiuts, ZOsn Ci$$, --POR •SALE --- 15 Farms for $1000 each,. 13 " " 82000 to 7 " " 83000 " 14 " " 84000 " Also well situated proportie in Chatham, Wallaceburg and Trenton. TERM TO 0WU' PlaitillEASMIS For particulars apPiy fie solani DUMF. lialsailtemt, Oat. FOR SALE 10,000 ACRES ! OF LAND in the famous Hard Wheat Belt) of Minnogata; and the Dakotas. We can sell you improved or nnimprsyst lands in the most productive portion of the United States on reasonable terms. For part*, culars write to BECKER & CHADBOIIRNM: Brown's Valley, Traverse County, Minnosobeis, 1,000,000 ACRES OF LAND, for sale by the SAINT Pallia: cit DALUTII 8/IL WOAD. Cox?A-'zr in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Quint tars. They will be sent to you o Address HOPEWELL CLAI ICE,. Land Commissioner, b't. Pant. GANANOQUE , DRY EARTH CLOSE.. Endorsed by doctors and scientist', Everg home should have one. Price $5. Manatee tared by GAN. GEAR CO„ Gananoque, Ontt., r a'. reit a, �tgfN: t on't . Lose Heart, PLANT FERRY'S SBBD,S this yeear, and make up for lost time - Ferry's Seed Ann nal for 1654 wit. give you many valuable hints about what to raise and how to raise it. Itcontalnsinforma- tion to be had from no other source. brae to all. D. 5!. Ferry &Co. Windsor, Ont. n•S A complete sot ofour 13 advcrtisert sats, of which Wiese Pre. 51, The meths worth. $25, and we will altos you the& amount. the dt in the following say: If .005 iv all at ase rinse: aya:r,w s,iar slbscrllaw to this paper do.nwdiafety after r1 eicadave. mm-• gears, royether with the vast and' address 4f bail, mrlaxaiti>^•* and paper, and dates of ••oaccers front which, they ora cii WE WILL ALLOW TOR .+0 TOWARD THE. rti IleMSAS 11 •. ONE OF OUR NEW, LARGE SIRE,ALL STEEL FEED eerrantit WORTH $Io. Only ono Feed Cutter to anyone pesos - This makes the cash. payment only 515 for this 5cei1G'ut5ert., whioh will be found as superior to any note in use um the' Aorrnotor was to anything in existence whenit fust engem-ed. and will drive from the field all competitors and reit. and hold the trade in Feed Cutters as the Aermotor, the Aernastas 5tee5 rixadand Stool Tilting Towor have in 1Vindmills and Towerlr. The talent which the Aermotor Company los shown in toes, ing ooS- fng, ewortionining, getting and hoklingthelia thmUt betimes of the world, can be turned to' maul' Beldsfa t eu o i'cullannl implemmtliuo and it proposes ly toshow what,tenn de 6ytak;ng up a number of articles, making them of steolarid puttingthenu in their Haul shape rata single 55rake, as 5008 done. rntfrceaset of the Windmill and Steal lower..rad 15 5 0550800 tefuraia50 them ata greatly reduced per - This Feed Cotter, for the present, will only ho fernishel oa the above terms, TRESS TERMS GIVE TO TRIS SERl115 OSP IS ADVERTISEMENTS A OASII VALUE 05 $25. pro shall onir other articles for which wo will accept these, aalverfisemente oc single copies of them, in part payment. One wilt be a Sleet Rand Truck,inwhich we fool special pride in, sbowit.g•;nue: skill as revisers and improvers of staple artitles- The cede requirement with this will he ndnauloasly small. The third advertisement in this series will atom rt, Steel Mk,. miler Saw and Frame, for farm and sawyers' use. Tt 55 as. PERFECT POLE SAW WITI( PREFECT SAFETY e1A}Leltt. and runs with very moult lens power than. ordinarybe= slaws SAW AltEr FEA5111 1WYILTL better GIVEN FOI• ES5150ANIS FIVE COPIES CLIPPED AS ABOVE Or ADVERTISE„ " HENT Ne. 2, 4 In localities where the ma5WC 555 goingtamaker liberal offers to accept eerie% of biose advew- tisIefmganta tino npart payment foir mill his year lords ne• atw. indnrnsiinlld'z=.. 0000,, S1015oE. what you think you wiltneev^,whelhae Pumping or Geared, and i2' pa.sildes wo will mako you. a libOral o5150. 550 -past year, though cue of. unparalleled financial C%ar tnr5ance and booiness,Otr, wool= was One of groat prosperity to the Amt. motor Co, The &e4", Ulti.* aha fiermotec• Ca, lir. the pasta Kix 1111005 25035 Le.ner.v%tfia Win cr c•' kd trxa.. tg. ('ert.xnsuc, '. ofto one -al sun ran fn,rr8anr t�Priee has t'e.' Sounded gtvatlhrea:'. its bene°t andtr brought to fns• rectory: -, an enormous volume otr business, Evan at the Wisp lots prices at whleit vie se21 Steal windmills and Sleet Towers, made lathe mostperftie', manner, of the most petfec5rm,- total,00(QALAIZg(,Arrnst• Ljn5 l(CPROTE05G eves renews' 05v THE ME'5AIy it In possible to save gibs' cents on each outfit, and these few ao on the enormous number of deists are whit! satisfactory to the Aerometer Co „which has ab'so .. derived more pleasure from the service it 0azio'.. tiered n groat naeher of people and. Prem the tt s it terms in doing well whatever it puts its hon than from the money it makes from its enterprise:: This yanr, booaunt 15 bays im material more cittaa4plYeaee's^ peels an enormous inereese in its over growing [nlsinoss, lit errors Its patrons n nut Increase in the 0qun0tityrami gaailt5e'rt material employed In Lite construction elite Steel Tawara T5et. acaenpanying diagram, 21.2x21.2 shotes the smallest anew that will Ire used Iry it in the cornerpostsbf TuWets, 6voltf.�its„_ the 8.51. wheel, Por the 1d•ft. the vac 41:4. Thertssads arWart _ of Angles for Towers, cold•rollot and very straight eat* }torkhndd aro naw being delivered 11 one secede. Others 505(0 1101e05. few tont, and therefore It year's supply, of 2x2 angle *blebs tltoyate using for 84t., 10.56„anti ovoti for 12.55. wheels, gide:.. road this paragraph with 'surprise and sorrow, eines we have' IOt pWreviouslyillneofor given 54, them any information con s^rinet what** The Aormoter co, proposes to die{rihat,5500 GA OASO 02E ('R5 11y9 for the best essays Wrltlen by the wife, son or daag1tee• of 0 farmer or user of re windmill, arenveriagthe stne58i00.. GRID( SHOULD 51185 AN. APIENO5On 1” Per Conditioner oil competition and omonnts and numbers of priors send for par - Haulms to the Aermotor 00, Chicago, or td its ttranahea.a#t SSum, Francisco, taigas City, Linraly, Neb., Sioux City, reel, Area. n 550110, BafEala, or 05 Park Place, Vow York city*, Aarni Pumping and Geared same !!rice, All Steel, nit aalvanivod' . Completion, delivered free on ears at Chteago and shlppo4 to, any one, an whore, at the following union: 8 -ft. $25. 12 -f1;. 6150. 1 el -`ft: $Ir i e/1 D'n• Innen novena ter Catarrh la the est, Battiest to tee, anti C1icapest, T.1.1 41 4,urea:iH� Gal.nu silt., r,ty s r RA, 55 hu r' • si Sold by Druggists or sent by mail, 500. B. 'P. ltazeltinw `PYttrreu, re.