HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-15, Page 4THE zertcr c t.L# SANDERS Se iDYER, Prop, THURSDAY,: March 15tH, 1894 GLA.DSTONE'S RETIREMENT. The retirement of Mr, Gladstone 'from the Premiership of Great Britain is ono of those things which, though not wholly unexpected, at his time of life, has fallen on British society like at thunderbolt, We apprehend that his resignation of office was not • so much the result of age, or increasing infirm ity, as it was owing to disappointment and chagrin at the action of the House of Lords on the Irish Mollie Rule 13111 and other measures vetoed by the Upper Chamber,That Mr. Gladstone has beets the n ost prominent figure in British politics for half a century must be adln•itted on all hands. And what the result may be of his abandonment of the Premiership at a most critical juncture, it is hard to foretell. Cer ailly the grand old mast (as lie is called) has not shown that courage of .conviction which entitles him to great praise in leayinq the ship of State when it came into deep waters; and however much some of the Liberal leaders may be disposed to follows his advice and try to perpetuate his policy, Mr. Glad- stone is entitled to scant sympathy front the rank and tile of his party for leav- ing them in the lurch, ' andbequeath- ing to his successor a legacy of political complications which will tax the skill and ingenuity and statesmanship of Lord Roseberry to unravel. On the .question of Home Rule for 'viand, dis- establishment, reform of the electoral :system, and the adjustment of a policy which will settle the differences be tweet' capital and labor,—on all those questions the new Premier and his Cabinet..will have abundant material to try their mettles. in order to settle satisfactorily with the British people The Earl of Roseberry has many quail fications to commend him to the nation. He is young, an able speaker, popular among the masses—and the only ob- jeetion made by the extreme Radicals is that he is a peer of the realm. His foreign policy will be more acceptable to the nation tban that of his predeces- sor, while it is thought his views on Irish Home Rule have never been so revolutionary as those of Mr. Gladstone. If the Liberals of -England should con- tinue in office, there is no man better fitted and qualified to be Premier than the present incumbent. But' there are shoals, and quicksands ahead, which will demand the ablest and most pru- dent statesmanship to steer the barque of State on towards the haven of politi teal rest and security. The probabilities are that there will be an early dissolu- tion of Parliament,followedby a gener- al eta °tion and this may change very materially, the personnel of the House of Commons, and the whole future policy of the nation. With Gladstone out of of- fice, and but of Parliament, his prestige with the Irish nationalists no longer a 'talisman with which to conjure,—with an unsettled family quarrel among the leaders of the Irish party,—the liken hood is that the present Cabinet will be sbortlived, and will be successful by a strong united conservative govern- ment under the leadership ,,of Lord Salisbury and Mr. Balfour. Grit newspapers are continually, as- cribing that the Grit policy is "almost identical" with the Patrons' platform But Oliver Mowat and Hardy are ;preaching against the Patrons, If the platforms are identical why should the ,Grits fear the election of a Patron can- didate? Wouldn't he vote the .same way as a. Grit ? The fact is that the platforms are not identical by the largest kind ora majority. News of the Week in Brief, FRIDAY Hlarch Oth. The date for the U. S. tariff bill to 'take effect is changed from June 1st to June 20th. A verdict of not guilty was returned in the Coughlin murder case in Chica- go last night. A Washington despatch announces that the whiskey tax has been raised to $1.10 a gallon. Only nl emigrants y 20 9 em g ants left Great Brit- ain for Canada during February. In .February of last year the number was 2,257. In. Omaha a man named De France was sent to the Sioux Falls Penitenti- ary to serve a life sentence for robbing a .mail carrier of oue cent. Robert Work,'i It G the Hamilton youth who was convicted of forging: his brother's name to a check, was yester a3ay sentenced to Penetanguishene Ire- formatory for two years. The body of Matthias Cannon,the mis- }sin„ resident. of South London, was found near Mount Pleasant Cemetery, by sortie boys who were shooting crows The body was taken to London at mid- night. A company has been funned. in Win nivel: to build a, handsome opera, house. St. Andrew's congregation, Wiuni eg,have, decided tq ereet a new church to cost $,10,000, James Ford, known as "Long Jim", while udder theinfluence of liquor, goin ; home yesterday afternoon at Niagara balls, fell over the enbank- meat of Muddy Ruu creek and broke his neck. The other day the body of Weester Dello was found on the: Michigan Cent- ral track a short distance west of Wel- land with both legs cut off, haying been run over by a passing train, He died shortly after being Found. SATURDAY March lOth. Farmers in Brno county have start- ed tarted ploughing already; also in Hastings county, If you decade to take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla do not be induced to buy any substitute article. Take Hood'sand only Food's, Mr. John Teahen, a prosperous farm- er, who. about 8 mites from St. Thoma:-, committed suicide on Tharsday by hanging himself in his barn. It will in erest the pugilistic world to know that Mr. Peter Jackson, the cele- brated colored .fist c , has been a t examined by a New York physician,. who pronounces him physicially per feet. Lumpy jaw has broken out among 500 head of cattle in Little Rock, Ark., and much excitemeut prevails as it is charged butchers have slaughtered many of the diseased cattle and sold the meat. At St. Thomas yesterday William Travis was tried for manslaughter and acquitted. The charge was that Travis in a barroom row at Vienna last fall, kicked a mats named Hodson, causing death. James Winship, of Mose township, met with a severe accident while out hunting rabbits the other day. Ho had climbed' a small popular tree, and accidently missed his footing and fell to the ground, a distance of 16 feet. He injured his spine, and has been unable to move since. MONDAY march 12th. A rote on a petition to adopt the Scott Act will be held in Charlottetown cn April 19. Two hundred well-to-do English farmers arrived at Montreal on Satur- day on their way to the North west. .A. conspiracy to kill the heir to the Conan throne has been discovered and. over.1,000 persons haye been arrested. Oakville. post office was robbed on Friday night of over $300 in stamps and cash No clue. The job was cley- ezly done. Frederick Stewart of Windsor, con- victed of highway robbery in Buffalo, was on Saturday sentenced to fifteen years hard labor in Auburn prison.. Near Effingham, Ill., Jessie, C. Mill aged 18,committed suicide by throwing herself in front of the fast mail train. Her sister committed suicide by poison lug a year ago.. The Government dairy at Wellman's. Corners, hastiness, Hastings county, has been making 1,500 pounds of but- ter per week during the winter, all of which were sold' at 24S cents per pound, The sale of winesexhibition at the - World's Fair took place, on Friday. and', it is said many of the bottles disposed of -contained only water, while the wine in other bottles was badly diluted. The purchasers had to submit to much ridicule. The Patrons' lodge at Oakwood. hav- ing the resolution regarding the old po- litical parties passed at the recent meeting of the Grand. Lodge in Toronto have declared themselves opposed to any attempted tryauny and have form ally disbanded TUESDAY Marcia 13th. The Mormons of Utah are said to be sending 1,000 missionaries to Europe in search of conyerts. It is stated that four bodies have been found in the Gaylord, Pa., mine, which caved in some days ago. The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West met in Chatham Tuesday in their thirty-fourth annual meeting. Two whisgy informers in Belleville have been heayily fined for inducing. liquor men to break the law. Sixty-five inmates of opium dens in the Chinese seocion of St, Louis, Mo., were arrested Sunday night. James Harris, aged 50, for 22 years a resident of Woodstock. committed suicide yesterday by cutting his throat At the Lambton House, . Sarnia Grant Vanvalkenburg had his left hand blown off by the explosion of a gun. Mr. Joseph Whitehead, at one time M.P. for North Huron and well known as a railway contractor, died yesterday at Clinton, aged Sl. At Brampton Assizes yesterday a true bill was returned against Mac- Wherrel and Walker, the alleged mur- derers. The trial will proceed to -day. At Alton, Ill, Marion T. Skapps shot and killed his wife and then fired three, bullets into his own brain, lanais; him self. The couple lived unhappily to. gether. Women, children and cattle in Texas are said to be starving to death, Wat- er sells at 12 cents per gallon. and pro- visions are so Costly that poor people. cannot purchase them, At St, Thomas yesterday G. E Young, accused of murdering Freder ick Glover of Southwold, pleaded guil ty to manslaughter and was sentenced to penitentiary for life. At Clarence Creek, Russell Count on Saturday' night y b Ft'an "i t, s Bernard, aged 22, was 'stabbed and killed by Jos, Lafleur,, a„ ed 80. The fnen had'. quarrelled in, an hotel oyer a game of etude. Bishop's Borrowed Swallertal. _ I The following capital hit on A Bishop M. P. P., for South Huron, appeared in the Toroutq World of Friday: - 4i have been a member of the As- sembly for 20 years and have neyer been in Governmezit House but •once. Z' had a wish to see the show, but had. pot the requisite fixing, so I borrowed the necessary outfit for the occasion.— Archie Bishop's speech in the Legisla- ture Wednesday." One night the Hospitable Gov.. Of S.tmooe—uvonoo Gobup a Tote to- oelebrate SonthHuron'sson's daboo; The lavishness of wealth displayed Would turn' a. Oressus pale, And best ofallas Bishop In hi borrowed swallertail. A score of splendid carriages Drove thither through the mud, With the sleet who oatne to greet. The latest social bud; In fact, the pity all was there, Excepting the eanail, And'm,ongst them all strode Archie In his borrowed swallertail. His doeskin gest was docellay, As all such vests should be, • And frills galore his bosom wore, A. gorgeous sight to see; Pour diamonds that for a king As ransom would avail Shone in his shirt when Bishop wore .. His borrowed swallertail, Ws collar highits fence upreared About his ruddy ueok, His lona. cuffs shone ,with perfect tons innoconneck; A td t of His trousers! When I seak of them /sly powers begin to fail, Por they were white when Bishop wore Elie borrowed swallertail, iritish Icnigl is were there and Spanish dons And flawaiian dooks, And native pets whom cigarets Had transformed into spooks; Great men were there whose bank. accounts No crisis could assail, But Archibald outdid them all In his borrowed swallertail. I can't forget that swar'ry held In Simooe-avenoo, 1`hough'twas by right Kirkpatrick's night, 'l'was Archibald's daboo• A Chinese Junk of fashion he, Pull rigged and under sail. Exeter's great Ahkooud of Swat In his borrowed swallertail. A number of boys playing "Indians" in. Camden, N.J.; yesterday tied Charles Batley, aged 13, to a stake and built a fire arcund, nearly burning him to death. A colored man,rescued the boy whose companions became frightened and ran away. THE WHY AND WHEREFORE. Experience and Practice Proves These Ways are the Best. If you want something newin sand- wiches try thefollowing, which I took from Food: Cut home -mode bread very thin—it must be at least a day old—and trim off the crust. Pound chicken to a paste, or mince it fine and dress it with a little mayonnaise. Spread this mixture on the bread, and then roll it in a firm roll and place a slightweight upon it. When a sufficient number are prepased, wrap them tightly ina napkin and put them in a cool place, but they should not stand over night, and . the bread must be tender, yet firm, or it will not roll well. To keep layer cake from sticking, put paper in the pan, grease it, then sprinkle with flour. The paper then peels off, readily. If you wish a pretty pink color for any article of dessert remember that beet juice will make it. If a green tint is desired spinach leaves can be 'Used, and the yolk of an egg will give a pretty yellow color.. Most vegetables are better cooked fast, excepting potatoes, ' beans, cauli- flower and others which contain starch. Cabbage should be boiled rapidly in plenty of water); so should onions and young beets and turnips. Never leave.a spoon in anything re- quired to boil quickly. The spoon con- ducts heat away from the liquid. It is a great mistake to make a large tea -biscuit. Properly speaking, a tea - biscuit should not be more than two inches in diameter and proportionately thick when baked. This gives a delicate, moist, flaky biscuit, which will be cook= ed through before the outside crust has become hard or over brown. Deep frying is loudly inveighed against by those who have not the in- clination to discover -that less fat is ab- sorbed by pieces of rish plunged in deep fat than those •which are turned from side to side in .a limited quantity, and that the intense heat of the fat cooks it more thoroughly than is possible by any other method, and, if carefully drained on paper, little fat remains. In using ammonia to remove grease spots, dilute the ordinary household ammonia one-half, and test on a piece of the goods. If it turns the color in the least, dilute until it ceases to affect it. Rub the spot with the ammonia, and rub quite briskly, placing a piece of clean cotton under it. After rubbing a few moznents, wash out the ammonia with clean water and use more ammo- nia. Be sure to wash clear of •all am- monia in the end, otherwise it may in- jure the fabric. Have you tried the new sanitary paper for your kitchen or bath -room? I could not afford tiling, so used this which conies in tile patterns. It is non-absorb- ent and can be washed. A mustard footlsath will frequently ward off an approaching cold. A table- spoon of mustard to two quarts of hot water is the 'proportion for an adult; for a very young child double the quan- tity of water may be used. A bucket, on account of its depth, makes a better receprable than a tub, and while the feet are being soaked a warm blanket should be thrown over the knees, cover- ing bucket and all. Donets that stick to rolling -pin, board and hands in a hot kitchen should be set away till thoroughly chilled, but all trouble might have been saved by using cold fat, flour and liquid at first, and the texture of the dough would have been better. If the soles of pegged boots or shoes are occasionally oiled the shoes will be easier, the soles will last longer and the pegs will not set loose in the leather. Gilding on silver shonld be rubbed as little as possible; wiping it with a soft linen cloth moistened with ammonia is all that is.necessary. tJntla,tntect by Defeat, While female sufrage has catried the day in New Zealand, it has experienced defeat in South Australia, where the adult suffrage bill, which embodied the principle, was roaeeted inthe popular house on the third reading,' but only by a narrow inajority. The friends of the cense, however/ are hot at all diseour- aged and will return to the battle with undaunted spirits till viotnry orowna their efforts.—Melbourne Letter. Miscellaneous, A Big Fire. A serious fire bi"olke out in Shortt's shoe store on Monday night, completely gutting the block occupied by Mr Shortt as a shoe store, Dr. Owen as a drug store, and T. Ticker as a jewelry shop The splendid service rendered by the firemen and engine confined the fire to this building, although a strong windwas blowing at the time. Mr. Matheson, who lived oyer the stores,was, awakened by the smo -o and had only time to get his family out, losing every- thing. The losses of the others are par- tially covered by iusureneo. with the exception of Mr. McTavish, lawyer,who lost his -library and other papers, and estimates his loss at $1,000. Cause of fire unknown. Thursday 'afternoon John Teban, a farmer residing in Downie, about four miles from Stratford, committed suicide by hanging himself,' It seems that re. cently the deceased purchased a farm, and on reflecting after acquiring the property concluded that it was too large a transaction, and that he could not manage to pull through with the the purchase bur- den the • e created Continual l e. brooding over his. financial affairs, it appears, brought about the climax which ended in the the terrible suicide The act was committed it is supposed, about three o'clock in the afternoon. I was some little time after that hour when Morris Kyley, a near ueighbor.of deceased, discovered, on entering the latter's barn, the body hanging from a beam, and it was impossible to recall life to the form, though every effort was made to do so. The deceased was a widower, and leaves a grown up family to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Bryan, a Fullerton farmer, has laid an information before P. M. O'Loane, of Stratford, against Ernest Mann, of Toronto, charging Mann with bigamy. It has been learned that the young couple[Bryan s daughter], haye been staying at the Dublin Hotel for some days past, and 'a constable has been dispatched to arrest him Mann, it is said, makes a business of mending clocks through the country; it also seems he is in the heart breaking business as well,; and probably while mending the farmer's kitchen clock he found the key to the heart of the maid. (Later). Mann has been arrested an 1 is now in jail. Mann and his bride were enjoying their honeymoon ar Dublin hotel,, The bridegroom is a pleasant looking young fellow about 24 years of age, and took his arrest as a matter of course. He was taken to Stratford and will have to answer to the_ charge of bigamy, Frank Woodhull. of Arkona, has been committed for trial on a " eharge of bigamy. About ten years ago he was a member of Rev Mr. Savage's Hallelujah Band, and did conrsiderable work as an evangelist ip Huron Coun- ty, He was one of the party out' boat ing when Miss ,Clegg, of Morris, was drowned, and public opinion, justly or unjustly, censured him for carelessness When he left the country there were rumors about him being a married_man though he posed as a single one. Arthur L. Reese, the electrician of the Maryland Steel Company at Balti- more, while arranging his apparatus to illustrate a -lecture to be delivered by him, was caught by the current in some manner and instantly killed. To Dress well It is not necessary that you should have your Clothes made from the very best material, neither need you have the very latest style. but to look well your clothes must fit. This is Our Aim. Not only to make a suit fit proper but in. the latest style, We guarantee Every garment that leaves our shop will be a perfect fit. BERT. KNIGHT, The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter. BRANTFORD 3TEAti LAUNDRY! A. HA. STI GS, Agent If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to . . . . , - IL. B�Silbns, • r +-• EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist E'Jadies' and Children' Haircutting, �z Specialty. Severe P ;$n ii S�hottl ler 2 Years Cured by'rhe l?.&,..Menthol Piaster. Hy wire wa; sfl let d for two years with a severe pin under the left shoulder and through w alar Gems, after using many remedies without relief, she Merl a D.& L." Menthol Plester.it dldltswok. and owing to this awe hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal udsfamba. J. B. SU1Uccl.AND Druggist, Riser Je si, NA, Sold Everywhere. 25C..each. r Jones,1r Nen— wishes to inform the farming community that he will have for sale the best line of farm implements in Ont. A Carload of Drills just in, also The Giant Cultivaters and Seeder, manufactured by J. W. Mann, Co.. A full assortment of Plows. Sulky Plows, Root Scufflers, manufactured. by the Cockshute Manufacturing Company of Brantford.. . . . . If you want a Buggy, a Cart, or a Waggon, give us a call: If you want repairing, painting or horse shoeing done in a competent manner, give us a cull, No matter how small your order it will be prmptly done If you want the best Steel Wind muter that is made give us a call. HENRY JONES, Prop. Shop, opp. Mansion House. AMEM HO! a BA'GAINS. Atkinson's Furniture Ware - rooms is the cheapest and . best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. . • A first-class Bed -room Suite for. only $9 and every- thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothing but best hard lumber used. Lumber and Wood Taken in exchange for Furniture. Wire Mattresses. The only place in town where you can buy the Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Mattress —wan ranted -not to rust, J.D. Atkinson., Prop. Furniture! Furniture! Furniture •1 ! t We have moved back to our old store again and have the finest stock of Parlor, Bedroom and Din- ingroom Furniture in the town, at prices that can- not be beaten. Elegant new bamboo goods just coming in See our beautiful new warerooms. We are bound to sell if good goods nicely displayed at very low prices will do it. S. GIDLEY SON, ODD FELLOW'S Block CLOTH"' A. J. SHELL 1\Zaii-1 St - EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock pT(ll! a hmmor 0-00=)s. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trot erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. French_and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J SNELL W. G. Bissett's :Livery !First Class Horses Rigs. SPECIAL. RATES. WITH COMM)E RI:A.L' MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardwa t e Store, will receive prompt. attention, TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G.BLSSETT Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter. and vicinity,— , Greater B:.t rgnains ! Greater Choice ! ! Lowest ;"rices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store PERKIji& [PJRTIJL J. MURRAY & CO,, Wholesrle Manufacturers of Plow points and Casti ngs. Iaiberal Discounts to Cash Customers. Jr Murrey & . Co CIRRI TICS C1i.) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS . U F r AT THE HAWK S SHAW HOME OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT ' LY ATTENDEYi TO. TiileDhone Oonnection