HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-8, Page 7.
We yurted b� the rjvo,, rade,
'The aeoon , okt d down,on you and. mo,-
wages until she
usrormsu ur,•renaersr yaAvbntlonallsmw. old
fool ib inoumbeub u{ an tor"If to expreaN
her burnia but ha`rmlettr
Wh- stars put oil a lo 4 of pride„l
The river murinaicd to tit,•°,
"'�Clie dewdrop ]tied life blusliingrose,
, , I ,
Women Who '�oald Emancipate Their
a indignatle>a in
tears kepeoially elevhtied for my ears,
Obbers deep^dyed i>; blue Puritanism have,
gentleord 1pr aid did stglt.
lone word bro r natal o', sweet repose
'That sled word w,;s 'good ley.'
S�t1( t�m Serfdom -
at times looked askaneo but confusion has
exon evelrtakca them + ps
aimulbanebu illy sought�a otraotcrossing loot
to mud matt. blush, into whtuh' their okirto
deb, toll Die that you love me yet,
.iter, ob, that pav%ing gives nu' pals.
have swlahed Bud dipped. As to the
children heir amilfrp faces
;Ray, toll me that you'.i uob forgot,
1'or wo may never meet again.
usually seem
g y
to Indicate that an lnward intuition
'iti'tru�parted heist ii�orside,
Leading Advocates' of, l;'ealth for the
tolls thein it is the oorreob and legitimate
A teardrop o embl d w ,your check,
:Jo vain to tell ny'ovoI tried.
Daughterw of Eve. rxprseN Their Views'
awd Oly,e Ths larinterestingExaeriences
Concerning the fate q l monb of h
g e 1 g the
c hIy bear, -wan;lid and i could not speak,
,�, I. romi"d that; I we u d be truo.
-physical Caltura and correct ureas.
'vorld ill this step, as in all those which
Iv Ove the beausages,
track of aooW es,
ISO long a Ivvould'iivv,
Me partin r= kts• T gave to you
epml;ootrin of women
the motive coin only be left with God, and
Was all that l' li,,d. to give.
in the
one ust trust to time to reveal Its purity..
`die purled by th,• i iver, , ide,
And I have roamed in distant clime,
work of dress re
form appears in the
y own exporfenco probes to we thereto
no obstacle to abs duto freedom in dream,
,,.:'31 beat It,s uot• forgo its pride,
1� 'r 1' have Loi tilt
� li'ebtuary ” Arena."
It includes FrAnces E.
which faeb ohould pr»veat monoton,lus anis
ed ), a all ixime,
void I am taiithtul to l oil hall,
�, i
;tureoll of St. Paul
' '
uni'ormity. Different indi.
viduallbies call for
r oiraob»rii
sto attire
Witihs 1 believe I'm rue,
;filar or neat, let cone what• will,
W. E.trwily A. Brace,
inab as various oeoupatfons and profeaelone
3'AI love you, only you.
Laura;' Len avid Miss
call for approprla'ao apparel. In the
lng, lint fectadom 6i.4 go up and Gown stalls
mist, Mr. and biro. John Lindsay, who live
H. 3, Wes>'cott, of
future the person will fib t.ne dress unwell
I:10e9 ten f►e'uggtat. '
''tar, `'� Beaton ; 1'4in B Mar-
/J tin, of Wichita K.n.,
as the dreas fib the person. Woman has
entered almoeb ever Industriai field Io
it Ah, anon of mystery and miatutea,
"WY,hyllidDthlself behind rl,aflxturos
- , sir and Hattie C. Towler,
} • %�`'
which Mau in engaged, bnt she cannob sue-
�; 'RD'hile stirring ,.p those horridmesses
d wbosa cOstumo has
oeasfnily oempe)a with him or command his
Mhatcure our bodily distresses?
�'owl-like look delles description
gran reading o'er. ach now proscription ;
mut, know yuu, we have tomo conception '
, 01ill tby manifold deceptiou.
ung out tho bottlos, tubes and glasses,
.oAmd mortars filled with Micky masses, •
i And let us vi w me slow compounding
,0f.drngs with Latin sautes high sounding.
3,Rarn wby it tabes a� hoaar to make them ;.
Vomeasure weigh, and stir, and shave them ;
ndknow, by sighLgrown comprehensive,
'%V1Yaquapura. sucapuusr.ve.
ou need'st not scowl and glare terrific
"'i ben mixing up a auporiitc :
Tor make your art stem bolt historic
.3m adding squills to pa egoric.
_Shen hide no more behind the grating
'While we gro old v.i It anxious waiting,
Mut let, us see what means this anscrit
�Of which thuu rankest careful transorlpb.
:Mxoot our physic in soclusioe-
lWe'.re, not mill, d by such dei ueion-
MAxather let, up v, ar(:h the making
.Amd know wbat's in the Aufl' we'ere taking.,
� -fuck.
Ie.,me tweet enema.
Oh tA) be there!
1WI-here the wesry feet shall restat last;
'W.bore the grief and the p,.in are forever past;
s'W-hero the parted bandy are again linked fast;
(?h to be there I
O Saviour dear !
'"1DS"dien the tired t,, art is sad with care,
1W,ben Satan tempts ur• to dark despair,
Vivo us bright thoughts of the Homo up
there -
O Saviour dear!
Jou, our Lord,
-Men our eyes are tearful and hearts aro sore,
I r / ` Igen we mourn o'(.r the loved ones gone
h, speak of that land where they die no
Joau, our Lord. •
Lord, bring us there;
-stthere, to the sur,sbiue, and life, and light;
Mere, to t, -e cite where all is ' bright • '
arc, where our faith will be chanced to
eight; .
Lord, bring ns there!
A C LD'8 kuliftEll DREMS,
3WW15 the Tly"e ta+ 1ReOlk to Thinly About
Dirty' lwoifrl"i.
A 314U gir:i rte., d- sex, o uwalve drogess.
b two or tthrea of browi„, lit e`er strictly for
Morning waur. 1:. tae wetse and washes
:baxutkully, aDA rthowrr kbv dtrb less thorn
;soy ntb.or matet-za�,i. Iti os.n be bought for
. 25 spanto B ys)A, ar,d th.et yawdt will make
m dress, anii a sa„h cif the name pub in from
1th*,8oars under ti:e nrNik. Make ib very
rOxxpiy, wiab w O'toru yoxe lbod fell sleeves.
J Ube small red unit wt,l•m anti blue and white
imbeck .glrogh-im:, At 25 cents a yard make
.r, I mise =arnttrg d7o*yIv,3, m•h,,e In the same
wait. vca.,y tt,4ny peroales can
Irbought for 121 -couts a yard.
Mho :rotas we'll, . ,d c.9ine in pretty
Nue acrd pini: utripe9 and dobe and
iithle$oweaed V*baauru* Made with awaiat
Nether fall ex p:alu, ox-,spr;„tug aboub three
Uches bs3ow the ar+a,4oI,4m, and with full
:raea of phe carne mt,tasriril out ors the bias,
acrd edpted with a; `011bia+ ourrow embroidery,
klieg .from r;ilo tri iltile of the walst in
tsanlh, annd', p;oing over flue ethoulder, they
vsrake,a very pre,).y a.(,d rHasonable dream
t6bber mogning or ,aA,rrtoou, ' It in nice to
�bas^e four ak th-hsk fad; thr to yards of materiwl
meahe cmc. If you ;-,%nb It a little -more
ailette, ne,ho 1,hH rtiffie entfrelT of white
smbrula,I r Oitee oa” teat innbe i wide, and
1747y sista paattri,a by gritting the milia
',aroand Instead of bi•laagimg ID to a paint
11 ffront sad back. Tnm& linta ab 30 cents a
3wfi, er nains,aok for On name, pilco, makes
nice white dranmoar.
Theme cA,n be ri a&i to wear with gulmpes
,If 'Treferred. C-, • t • trMistar low-necked,
,and,ytub a i�o.p roffie o; ,,mbreldery to fall.
s around the ac—en, and a short puff sleeve
fco the Obow. A yaril tenet a half of am-
1roidory fro rtgrtlrae+ tsp trlm in tills way.
dfrlreat'bargaina con often be found in rem.
' misats. A omall-d.obberi rouspilax makes a
;.rattly changrr, turnmzd with lace Instead
sof oaibraidery ; beet rbe lace rarely lookm
ar)eli after o fest,• W, ,,hinya. Simplicity to
410-10 grrinotpal tl;iog to rKurember, far It
♦Saves In monew. tfnao, snd washing, and the
ohgd w 11 loth two of, tam well, A short
atio016-bre-tel caa,u ni-de tof Frornoh flan.
tnel far :every - clays weer Is a very important
•tldn;;. Th -10 cwflaob Ise bought touch under
Z3 book nice, bw) roan be matte wlbh
• ,tone and a heli yrd4 of fl krtnel at 775 cents
A- lard. A finis bro Nn a,d whitembripe ke a
fir+rviceable colp-, a ull the groat advantage
=of the Frenob flannel to that it ewamhsm me
'Welt. A bomb ooab Is also peoded. Very
lnfte n one has just the right material in a
adrers that is no tont lc,t:' of ane, Acoat
:teen gulte cmfiy be cull frAm the okirb of a
ai'lark red or Blum or white gorge dress.
'Alahm, It with a big double•breaoted collar
mmd large white buttons, sod it will surely
'shave an air' oft -'a Own. A white Igghorn In
I.'^ pfatty best bat, trimmed •.with a bunch of
Ardaks anti, a big whi n bow, and can be