HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-8, Page 6UU13 Atli) LEARN. vrowtan'it 1Dity. Wash the eiehes, make the beds, Cook the fishes, comb the heads, wield the broom, and wind the clock, Dust the room, and sun the croak. String the beans, peek the wood in, Waste the greens, stir the pudding, A few turas, then ring the bell, Diener is ready, au. la well. Wash the dishes, clear the table, Clean ali ne:1ms, pet wee Mabel, Cut out a, Skirt, sew on a dress, Let down e. skirt, sweep use the press,. Start up a fire, put on the pet,. Give the baby milk that is hot, Make the " lay " and warmly cotter, Woman's dal', at last, is over. Qasoa Virions has a ehe mild private drive in Osborne Park. lr tIt ie better to twee a. reef in, the aalle they fo, a ship bo sail on a reef. Aneericee oelite. of 1787 bore the moths "Mind Your Own. Buttons" tlihe gym crunch bo pi Baked wtbbou friebtet, par man perfeobed wfbhsub brims. Many a man who would hike to reform the world tae a frent gats: that wen b stay sheat. Pierre Lo^i hes lett. Fr °nee for Oeire with the expeobation of reaching the Hely Laud Toy EAster. Ween may an army be said to be totally destroyed ? When the soldiers are all in gaartars. Men are generally mare careful of the breed of thele herein and dogs than of their children. Walk boldly and wisely in bhe light thou haat; there tole hand abave will help thee on. -Bailey. About the firat thing a wild young lawyer proceeds to de ie to d solva the injunoblons of hie ftet)ler. A gentleman must kiss every lady he to fntrsdneed to in Pari guay. It is the ouetom et the country. Why is the let er "€" like base wiolred- eaese ? Because it makes rightful acbione ightfal ecteonr. If a way bee been found to control the power et Nl.gare Falle, wby mat try it en the Ntegera haokmen ? The first " drawiatr-room" of the season to to De held on the 27th init. the Princess of Wales will be present. bub the time of the recent Florida prize fight a M'bohell ve. Corbett case was called tet the Louden Law Courts. lord Dufferin is advocating the promotion et a beer understanding between the French and Edglith peoples. Jitlaen says he has noticed that when a discreet moan goes to the pawnbroker's he geuerally puts up and shuts up. Some note who ie good ab figures Bays tat 10 000,000.000 tubers can be rinsed from a eln,tle potato in ton years. Loudon hes a new Gallery ef Rallgiens, with a museum, which illustrates (1) Bud- dhism(2) the nen-Bnddhisb faiths; ef Asia, (3) °tidetianity. the manuscript of bhe works of Taoitue be the modern vtodd was found In a Weet- pbalien monastery, where tbe cook was using sheets of it to kindle his fire. Under the high and imposing monument created on the battlefield of Solferine aro 2.000 skulls and ether remains of the sol - dims of three nations who fought there. San Francisco is divided in opinion be- tween Wagner and Sousa as its favorite com- poser, a newepaper voting contest giving whole of these oompoaera an Kase number of oaten. Since the universal vogue of the gummed wavelopee waling -wax is in much lees fre- quertt nee in England and the United States than formerly, bub it hi 'still very papular in France. Mrs. Shortatep-Jack said they had 'quite a aplrited game yesterday. Mrs, Neverptay-I guess like enough; Charley maid they had about two gallon en the grenade. Though Da Fee's "Robinson armee" has made bhe fortunes of a dozen pabliehere, ib was eriginaily hawked about Landon in a desperate endeavor to find some publisher enterprising enough to aecepb it. First Matinee Gltl (unwrapping a stick of gum) -Why didn't yon get the regular kind, dear ? Second Matinee Girl (ohew- tug vigoreuely)-On, it wauld never do for Lent, you know ; it's all wrapped in red papers. " I swear by theme ball elms in yonder park," ho commenced, but she interrupted im. " Swear nob by them," ehe slid imploringly. "-Wby not ?" " &cause i3tese trees are slippery elms," she said eumply. " Se she mearried a man to reform him ?" e, Yee." " And hew dose• she stunned in Ler project ?' " She hasn't had a chance to begin on ib yet ; all her time is occupied in earning enengh to euppert herself and *ripply him with packet money." Of 87 Queen's ef Fr race only 13 hav® dint without leaving their bis ones a record ef seleery. Eleven were divorced, two exe yuted, eine died young, seven were soon widowed, three cruelly treated, three exiled ; the poisoned and broken-hearted make up the rest. n h ands dw o Islands, e a 1 one of the S 'Hawaii, ' In Ha i here is a spot called the Reak 'of Bette. If a criminal reaches this reek before capture he is safe, so long as he rema1ao there. Ueaally his family supply him with bed until he is able to make hie escape, Toot ho is never allowed to cetera to his owls tribe. r The principal librarian at the Bribiah Ililu•eum receives £1,200 a year and a reei- Uence, while the Foreign Ofifoe librarian gobs £1,000, the India Office ithrarfan £800, the Heusi of Peers Itbrarietn £600 and the Renee of Conmene librarian £1,000, the sisief of the Bodleian library at Oxford re - 'Male's a similar amount, " W [lore is the other hendaome lady that need to be cashier here?" be asked. a(Tee ether?" she echoed. "Oh, t beg your pardon," he said, "via are the lime lady. I wanted bo vet a $20 bill changed." "It's going to leave me short I'm afraid," she wiles "bub I guess Iwill let you have it," And rhe did. - He (devoted but beshfn')-There's beau an awful tab in the 'peperalatelyleboubpaliti- tlat oembines and rings and sack things. She (determined to help him out) -Yee, rye fenced. Do Women ever gat mixed up with *Item? He-Cerboinlyneb. Why do yon et " UMW I11 on ruin let She with a n w w b trek ? ( y timphaais)-Because 1 feel ate if I would like to get into a ring of eome kind myself. No. peeaenta A few werkingrert were disowning namee of groat aoionitisne In Menof eater, The name s1f Iiarwt:tr crapped up. One of the oompany, ions learned than the rest, acid ; " Derwen, r knit that piece. ,Ave been bher' moony Uinta." k. Gel o0, yen fecal !" Bald en, Other 3t we're nub tenths' about theplace ) stalled Menefee but the mon, goon b �o Why, 1f it hada b W e ho rd o'r" est 1 *tiara r aDad, y 'Steen ter tarwen W`e'll 'could all hen been atbabteertnxymonkeys, and ihtit genblemboe, nke we ores' f OW TO WiliK D01%161115. One of the Culinary Arts in Which Our Grandmothers Excelled, --.....- THIS YILIEXPLAIN THRIR ORA. , RE deugbnnb le e, w ' oath or near relative i of bhedumpitngwhtcb � ° f b e a aabampantor meat stews. A. tra- veller who wrote of the sights he saw mere than 200 years. ago, refers to eabiug t'dough-boys, or n; JI�alis�ll dumplings." iidit.4,tt., l! 1 Same ultra hygtenfo people condemnthe dougbnub ulite r1y, Along with all fried foods, but when prep- rly made the doughnut is resatly a valuable oad for pa reene having touted dlli;esPion and taking active exeraiee. Io is beet suited forosid.wee.bber diet', yet es no more harmful ab any time than griddle eakee.er het breeds. Ib has long beau con- sidered a standard Now -England food, an old-time breakfast dainty, and is as oleeely Minn:dated with oeffee and cheese se brown bread is with beans. Ib Mande between breed and Dake, and affords an agreeable ohange from bread and butter and yet is quite as cheap feed. - Though a cemmen feed, bhe doughnub is Ali mnoh improved by dainty promisees in mixleg ae is the choicest cake. The, only valid objeotloe to the doughnut is bhe possi- bility of its abeorbing fob while frying, and ef bhir there is ne need if the nook to Glee- ful, Teem is ne venni exouse for the ex istenoe of fab•seaked doughnuts. The doughnuts ef our grandmothers were raised with yeast and their like is seldom seen nowadays, This is mainly because of bhe slow pr000ae, alma a sweeb dough rises se newly, and the oonventence of modern baking powders has put yeaeb in the back- ground. Bab the raised doughnut fe too delicieue and wholesome to b000ate a lest arb. We may use a pint of light deugh aea basis for the ingredients to the following secipo instead of mixing a eeparabe dough, bub it is easier in the end and the result more satisfactory to proceed as follows : Pour ene cup entitled milk ever one table- spoonful of butter and one quarter Dnp of sugar. When oeol add half e. yeast cake, so tened in a spoonful of water. Mix rube the liquid one pint of breed flower, beating well. Cover the bowl and I e b ib in a pan ef warm water, and keep ib at uniform tem- perature tilt light and foamy. Then add ene beaten egg and one half cup of sugar with which has beeu mixed one half tea- spoonful ef salt one half teaspoonful of spice, add about one pint mare of bread flour, er enrugh to knead. Knead till emosth, plane the dough in a bowl, never and set it in warm water again till it be - Corn els double in bulk. Then roll out, out into strip', twist, put them on a slightly- tieured beard, co ser with a towel and leave in a warm place for an heur er more. Then proceed to fry, putting that Bide of the twist, which was uppermeeb en the board, dewnlvard in the fat. Thee recipe will make from two to three dozen doughnuts. The same recipe with the addition of fruit may be used for buns. By the help of warm water, keeping bhe dough at as even temperature, there need be ne trouble in making raised doughnuts. The sponge may be mixed early in the morn- ing and the donghnute fr ed inbhe early afternoon. If the sponge le mixed over night a lees gnawiby ef yeast will do. Ordinary bread dough, perfectly risen, may be cut to small motion's or Slopped by. spoonfuls in hot fat and fried brown. These unsweetened doughnuts are to be oaten hot with maple syrup, and are especially good when the syrup le just made. Very good doughnuts may be mere quickly made by this recipe : Sift ene quart of sifted fie.nr again with one terspootfui of salt, twe teaspoonfuls of baking po wder, one half teaspoonful of mixed spice and from three quartets to ene cup of eager. Mix with ene beaten egg, one cup of milk. one texapeonfnl of melted batter. Measure the baking powder with a level er very alightly rounding apeonfale, according to bhe known ebr.engbh of the kind yea nee. Or in place of the powder nee oae '.lightly rounding teaspoonful of cream of tartar and one half level teaspoonful of soda. Or use one half level teaepoanlut of sada and erne cup of sour milk in place of ince) milk. Sift the to is with otber dry materials. In any of the realpee hold back a part of tba milk until it ie needed, for different brands of flour vary in their power of ab- sorbing 1 garde. A good plan is to pour the beaten egg in the middle of the dry Ingre• clients without stirring, rinse the bowl with part of the milk and pour that in, then add the meltedh atter and begin to mix, adding more milk as require& Other fabs may be used for shortening. When one has rich milk or sour buttermilk, no t nle needed. Better let he ether stet ani Bo er e b doughnuts be as tough ae bread than let them Beak fat. 'l ho epioee usually preferred are cinnamon and nutmeg or mace. Some recipes call for ginger, allopioe, cloves, roeewaterand lemon peel. The egg should never be emitted. It makes the dough lighter, but, more import- ant h g 8 + ert- p ant ebill, it aide in repelling the abserptton of fat. Rio make richer doughnuts use an- other egg and anobhertableepoonfalof butter to the same recipe. With all the recipes the dough will seem very stiff when first mixed, but 11 grime softer and even ebtoky ae the sugar in it dissolves after miring. When everydnsb of dry flour is onb of eight and the dough saps - ratite in a ball from the mixing nowt, ib is ready to roll out. Deughaub deughe should be just ae.get 0 as can be handled. Ne ex - eerie of flour should be worked in while shaping, ae it will maks bbe conked nate bolld and dry. Sprinkle a thin layer of flour ever the board; roll the pin through thee Take only a small bib of the dough ab mice, bogy it over and over with a knife .to coat all with a bbmnlayer of Sour, then pub ib out gently with the rolling -pin. Gently. I say, beoetnee if the whole weight of the pin is allowed bo reeb oe the dough ft will stick be the boar& Let the dough be jamb hal( ae blliak after rolling asbhe rocked dough- nut it to be, For round mad dip the cutter in flour and prone it firmly into the dough. Midst it around before Ming lb. Whim 1001003 eat• ter and dough. As fast as out pub them en 11, email floured beard or etartewwpans that may oaaily be married to the above; Ii many are Mixon to the fire ab once they grow soft. Draw the wimps of dough on the board to- gether, piece a spoonful of the millet mix. tura Prem the bowl In the centre, fold the others around 11, then pat and roll ae before. To cavo unnecessary handling, the lest °crops of dough should be rolled umbo a equate or oblong shape ndiiaa be out in Stripe and bwlebed, Leet smelt strip be three qtrete s of an inch through a d atx When lang, twist the ends in opposite dlreetion, double and pinch tate tirade together. Tble was the way our greab•grundnwtharr' mode their doughnuts, for the cutter le a cem- Ierabively fmodern invention. tlrhe usual ocher which leaves a hole in the centre gives a shape which to easy to try, since it evoke In the Montle as well as auteido and Is readily honed over and llttod from Oke fat with a fork, The .mixing of the dough and cutting it In shapeis but half the battle, and a division of labor may be °sten made whereby one portion roils and cute and another hien: If arae hail it ail to do, it la beet to gat all cut oefore frying any. Ewept for raised dough, meta, ib is heat to put the tab heabtog before mixing the deugte The fat. tasy be wbs,bover ie meet non• vettlent-lard, dripping, any of the premier ooekiug oils, or w mixture, The filing kettle in a large family is cantly kept filled by the scrape of fab Irene. Waste, oorned tit et, soup etook, whioh'are o'aseifled as they tee immolate. Anything may oonbribute,'ex- cept fel from smoked meats, like bacon, pttevided le is aweeb and clean. In exireob- ing fat, great care must be taken it. deer nob eoeroh, hence the use of water in the early stages is desirable, but there is greater danger of spattering near the end when the weber hue nearly evaporated. The same result is bobber agoompllahed to a moderate oven than en the hep of the 'novo. A few slices of raw potato cooked in the fabdur- ing the previews preparation, er while fry- ing ryreg the doughnuts, wit& abaerb any impuri- ties and prevent amok ef the unpleasant odor. The boob kettle for frying to of iron with a bail and a slightly rounding bottom in- side, but with firm base outside --the ebyle known as a "Scotch bowl." When the fab has reached bhe peeper temperatnee it will smoke alightly and brown a bit of bread in ene minute or " 6Q counts." As long as any water whatever remains with the fab it will nob reach the required temperature ; Olio is the reason new fat is sometimes so Blew in heating and cooking. We may learn eemething of the process of baklog in an oven by watching the be- havior of the dough in hot fat. When it is too hob, a cruet is Permed boo quickly ; tine is se hard that the goo formed within from the yeast or baking powder le net strong enough to expand ib and therefore the dough does not fully rise and the doughnuts will be bard and tough. If the fat is not hot enough tate dough rises tee much before the cruet forms and the cells break down, permitting the fat to enter. The kettle must be moved eocaatonally, er the fire below adjusted to increase the temperature ,lightly after eaoh Iob of doughnuts are well risen, just ae the beat of the oven may be Morselled during the middle period of eske- baking. The quantity ef fab absorbed in frying doughnuts le lees than is usually supposed ; a half pound of fab is the amount for the recipes here given. Several trials have been made, weighing the kettle with the fab in it before and after frying. When that quantity le divided among bwe dozen deugh- nuts bhe proportion of starch and fab is net me very different from the way we eat butter on bread. An Electric Flash. Word has been received from Slmcoe, Ont,, stating that bhe little nephew of a well•kaown lady in Brookville to recovering rapidly Orem SO. Vitus' dance by the use of Dr. Howard's Electric Pills. The aunt, having experienced the meet wonderful cure of long-standing rheumatism by using the Electric Pills, eonb some of them to Simaee with the above gratifying results. Dr. Howard's Electric Pills are the best strengthener and renewer of the system. 50a per box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Dr Howard's Medicine Ce., Brookville, Ont. The First Newspapers. The first newspapers, the Venetian gazettes, were ter many yeare circulated only in manuscript beoauee the Government would net altew their publications in print. Beoeming scurrilous, they were prohibited in every pored Italy by a special ball boned by Gregory XIII. 1Ilinard's Liniment Cares La Grippe. A Desirable Disqualification. " We need a new office -boy, sir," said the bookkeeper. " Very well," replied the - proprietor ; " advertise for one. Add to the advertises. men; 'One not afflicted with the atemp- oellecbing fever proferred."' Maiden Meditation. Mande -I wonder—. Sne-What do you wander ? Maude -I wonder if Charley ever wonders if I'm thinking of him ! De Not Believe It. Do not believe that Nerviline will cure neuralgia almost instantly. If your teeth ache console yourself with the reflection that pain can'b Saab forever. Don't b nee Nerviline ; 11 might stop the pain. Rhen- mabiam is often difficult to cure. Keep en rubbing the old fashioned liniments as a matter of reapeob to your grandfabher'e aunt. Nerviline in a new dieoovery, that in itself ought to condemn it. Therefore cling to the old ; suffer peen ; avoid the use of Nerviline, the moat powerful, penetrating, and oerbatn pain remedy in the world. Charge for Charge. Farmer Brnehfonoe-How did old Pot- hook over pay that heavy daober's bill he ran up all winter 1 Farmer 13eeoern-He got the doctor to come out an' beard with him for a week this Bummer. Dent Forget Thab be. remove cern, warble bunions in a few days, all that is required is to apply the old and well -tested corn cure -Pate nam's Paining Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, palatine. At druggist's. itryn Mawr and Vassar. The interoollegmabe debate 'between Bryn Mawr and Vanier has been abandoned, owing to the withdrawal by the former of her aooepbanoe of Vaaear'S oballenge, en the grounds that the condition! of the debate had become too public and formal. The eeraphio uplifting of the soul follow ing one's first ,have in the downy period e one's eltlobenoe oat never be repeated. CURE r THATi dol .G ■ it WITH I LOH'S GOcts. and 0 CURE iit OO l3 ttle, cent a o ' 011e dose. Ole sold on a guarantee by ail drug.. gists. It cures Incipient onsumption' and to the beet Cotigb, and Croup Caere. PIERCE mgr. CURE t111 ilL01111Elif anon RN EU For overa quarter of acentury, Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been effecting cures of Isronohial, Throat and Lung effete tions The makers have such confidence in the "Discoveryy" for curing Asthma, Bron- chitis, and. incipient Consumption, that they can afford to guarantee it. 3 Mev. ISAAC LOTMAti, of 1'hurlow, Delaware Ce, Pa., writes as follows: Dn. R.Y. Plano Buf* info ,Y.• e N D aT Sir - 1 wish to Write you of my brother, Harry O. "Troup, who tae been sick for ton years with esthtna. Re has been treated by ten different physicians, who have said he could not be cured, He had to pit up at night, he got so short of breath • he suf- fered with fearful head- aches and had a bad cough. After taking e, • r. Doctor Pierce °olden H. C. TRotir. Medical Diseoveryy'aalnd Pleasant Pellets, hu did not get short of breath, and can sleep all night.' w,., t. .,..,.woreanone eswexw•,aaweenese.rrenewwsnev« De Married People Look Alike? -.•'s Throe er four years age I give a little article In the Republic while had the head- ing, " On Ramerkoble R; rsemblenoee Be. tween Hioabands and Wives." The Pho'o- grephto Aoeoolatten of Geneva has recently been inveeblgating the matter. They took photos of 78 elderly married ooupies, and among thou; they found that in 24 instances the reaemblanoe between bhe husband and: wife was greater than that between brother and sister, andbhet in 31 other Daises ib wits fully as great. -SE. Louie Republic. Charlie and the Moose. As delicately potas possible -They stood. viewing a mooeo head, finely mounted in the hall. Bristow -Fanny thing about that mouse. It was at least a mile away when I plunked him, and I hit him within an inch of the apot I aimed for. Gordon -Was he standing er lying 2 Bristow-Sbanding.0 Gordon -There's the bremendaus differ- ence between yon and the Moose, Charlie. iainard's Liniment is the Best. Peary. Jeokeon-You'd better go and make it up with Dobson, 1f yen care anything far his friendship. Jenkins -What have I ever done to Dab- soz? Jackson -Why, you called him "mister 1" Dobson le captain iu a Brooklyn militia regiment. " This le a high-handed outrage," as the bey remarked when he found that his mother bad put bhe cookies on the upper elicit. Kinard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer The total yield of wool in the:States last year amounted to 364,156,666 pounds, bhe largest American olip ever raised. Mrs. Consol-I know you feel bad, but time will heal all wounds. Mrs. Newwed- I hope so. The way I feel now I could never marry again 1 AGENTS -Our great work, "Charming Bible Stories, is selling very fast. Six hundred double column pages, two hundred and sixty beautiful engravings • only $2.50. Send sixty cents for prospectus. Big discount. Bradley, Garreteon & Co,, Brantford, Onb. A PM 6 gMAT ESIM(f, ,fete Parfltuiar3 Sop 255'ig S rarop5 STA K CARD.WORKS;WoonsrocK,ON T, AGENTS -WRITE US FOR CIRCULARtt and terms of our books, from $1 retail tee wards. We carry the largest assortment of subscription books, Bibles and Albums of any house in Canada, and our terms and prices cannot be beaten. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher Toronto. AGENTS WANTED, male and ferrel% n 20 roll ear Longo Chasm z.aely new sell. to wary koaeeb..pwAbe e ear ,Breed, tabs and Parlag'KNr.., carvery and Nolte and Seinen ebu0.mr. N. sitpItal required, Zug soil.,., big melba CLAMS ansA& ©o., n.ees a.. Stl, renta,met MARRY Do yon want to correspond tot pleasure or marralge with &adios and gents of wealth! 1,000 de- scriptions mailed FREE. Catalogue of books, novel- ties, rubber goods. etc., for s -cent stamp. 4. W. GUNNELS, TOLEDO, OHiO. er Plants Cheap, Mand uc. Rasp 1.75 and Blackberry, $4 per M and up. Write for list. C. E. WHITTEN, Bridgman, Mich. H OL 'I` 8e O WENT, ;Real Estate Agents, Waverly, Virginia, Have 150 Farms for sale, 50 to 5,000 acres each. Price, $3 to $15 per acre : near Norfolk, Rich mond and Petersburg. Eight trains passing daily. Catalogue with price of farms sent on application. GANANOQUE DRY EARTH CLOSET, Endorsed by doctors and scientists, Every home should have one. Price $5. Menefee tared by GAN'. GEAR CO., Gananoque, Onb. 14110IillikeWerneniNewton *Rale A new competitor of the atlltewerm hey bean toned on bbe Delmattinn aeasb, aooerd- Ing 00 * report of the French, Qepsutato ab ti'rtetbe, "Chis is the )3ombyx Laatocampe oboe.. The moth of this is n'mtfar bo bhab of the eilk-worm, but the 'icemen is much larger, and the eiik finer and *now-whtce. The worm feeds an the leave* of the Sing - great Qunrene Ilex Erpertsaenros aro being made erten the intent of ralaletg Ohio -newly - discovered worm fox ne nteterolal purposes,-- Afaint/acfurere' Gazette. iainar,'s Liniment for Rheumatism, The Future anterteaii, Nerve diseases are steadily growing more eoalmoa in tele country. Unless romebhing to done to cheek the move. meet the were Alnerioau will bi a bad case of ludlgestioe supplemented w.bh sa nerve centro and an ,noeLteot.-Chicago Recoro3. Green Snow in Three &'Losers. Three pieces ab leant are known where green 'mow tefound, Ona of sleeve ie near Mount Heels, Iceland; another fourbeen miles east of the moauh eef ehe 0 et, and the third near Quito, South Afnerioe. hick's Condition. Powders Fattens Horses and Cottle Drcx & Co., F. 0. Sox 452, Montreal. LOST MANHOOD, NERVOUS DEBILITY, ERRORS OF YOUTH, eto , positively and permanently cured by Lane's Specific Remedy. Price, $1.00 per Box. or six for e5 00, fromail:Druggists or by Mail. Particulars free. LANE MEDICINE CO.. MONTREAL CAN 1PS. WINSLOW'S$ sWRHJI o FOR CHILDREN TEETHING I?'or sale by all I1rnggteta. 25 Ciente at bottle, Are just what every sower needs, he mer- its of Ferry's Seeds form the foundation up- on which hue been built the largest seed business in the world. Ferry's Seed Annual for 1894 contains the sum and substance of the Iutestisrmiug knowledge. Free for the asking. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAYMOF IT With pleasure I give my testimony and re commend Eby's Electric Salve to all sufferers from Eczema or Sall Rheum. My hands were very bad best year. Your agent celled and I bought a box of the salve, and atter bathing in hot water as hot ae could be borne, used ib and found instant relief. After two or three apisli cations, my hands became quite smooth. have advised others too use it for Sore Eyes, Run arounds etc., and they have experience,s beneficial results. ;Southampton. Onb. MRS. IL JACKSON. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT. This is to certify that atter neinga couple of boxes of Eby's Electric Salve it completely cured a frost oite with wbieh I had been trou- bled for about two years Mount Elope, Ont, WM. SWINBURNE. I have used Eby's Etect•io Salve and I recommend it as Doe of the beet healing salve, thet can be had. Ib cured a sore oo my son's leg. It acted like a charm. Queen Hill, Ont. DONALD LAMONT. CUT THIS OUT, Sig your sante and isnd It with ere dollar to Dr. Samuel Ginner. Treas. of thta.dnti Pr'okt btfion Association of Ontario. Irteorpormtetk tr08 Maastng Avenue. Tomato. Out. DEAR Sm,-I;tierowibh enclose one dollar ano deeire my name to be enrolled a member of the Anti -Prohibition Association of Ontario, Kindly acknowledge receipt by return of mail Name ddress, and Offloe N. B. Printed mateer mailed on applioatjon High Speed Family Knitter Will knit 10 psis socks pee day. Will do all work gay plain circular knitting machin* will do, from homespun or fee - tory yarn. The most practice) family knitter on the markt. A child .tea operate it. sweat, _, .. Dnrable, Simple. Rapid. We guarantee .very machine to ala k. good wiz /Beware of imitation. Na. i Agents wanted. Write for pea tics -Ars, Dont as Dialiting llaeritns Ce., pandas, Omasts. CUES WHERE ALL ELSE Bee. Beat Cough Syrup. Taigas Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. LEADERS iN SEEDS FOR 1894. WHiTE MONARCH OAT,# IRISH COBBLER POTATO, A 'h GOLD MEDAL DENT CORN,' CANADIAN THORPE BARLEY, etc., etc., etc. Our 1894 Seed Catalogue me brimful and flewin over with good things bhab every progressive Forme and Gardener eheuld have. Send far a copy. Address JOHN S. PEAROE. & CO., LONDON, ONT People In this i gth century are bound to have the best that can be had for the money.,That is Why Everybody Wears GRANBY RUBBE S. nAvIagoRrQN4.OiY kdftiYtiYSS e ISSUE INN 10 1B$4. ,.... •••••,,; �..� ....w �. Mtn* venteiten 01 nor sue O'Ywtes+ sentteiteete peewee, mention ads om peiN 0.0,40.e..NR.,w.x. 0 0 MwN4+'000,. WMW/0.c, 0'..W+lash, should be rich to 1nsaxrol health.. Poor blood r11ean • k Anaemia, dapseased blood means Serofala. IA.r•� ' '1 , Y��}%7itai`•�e'�fttJ't{�air' the Cream. of Cod --liver 014. enriches the blood.; -ones. Anaemia, Scrofula, Coughs, Colds, 'Weak Lungs, and Wasting Diseases. Physicians'„ the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Soott d Bowuo, Tiollevillo. AliDruggiata. We -4W. 1.001(1110111011.000111121111.11. __FOR SALE -- 26 Farms for 151tXtO each - 13 a. " $2000(���j,����/�r,�y ., 7 " ,i $490,,00 ae 14 Ra 44 Sti,4000 a. Also well reheated prcpertie in. Chatham. Wellaeeburg anti Trenton, `k'oitfdtS 14 SI1STt'bl'f4atiAAAT r tt Far litleti'etenttere u,t!slaPtilr r0 J*ODA 9fG.1.01, t'3 ommato.m,, OM - 12,900 Aori?g Michigan. Fans : L AU very low yrir'ee. Now le the time ee get a. home of ports, Cyan.. R. M. PIERCE, of Wow, Bay CL'neel!Aiait agenb to. the celebrated 'gr'ywcons Lands. Gs Alpena and °hems, e Goa' ties and cola son you a farm or any size at very tow oriole curb very masa able terms Fare t: aid (IMO way as purchase of 50 sores. V7,ite ae-000e:10 at as. u'ao&'vs, West Bay Q?ktlry Iffitearw FOR SAL 10,000 ¢ ACRES OF LAN in the famous Hard Wheat Beit of BRlmmoe°tita and th' Dakotas. We can sell you Improved or unimproved lands in the most productive portico of thea United States on reasonable terms. Por -t1arbi malars writs to BECIT.ER & CII:ADFLOU eNM Brown's Valley. Traverse County, Mbsxeseo&sx I was MIRED of Acute Braticeaft's• bee MINARD'el LINIMENT. Bay of !!Blonde. J. M. Otm'nnrn. I WAS CtiB,ED of Fe+tlal Noarelgfa by MINA&I)'S LINIMENT. Sprirtghtli, N. 8 Wets DARTERS'. I WAS CURED of th.nal, Rhaamabiamt. b1i„1:° MINARD'S LTNIMENi., Albert Ca., N. 13. GBORGB TINuL11x;. The following ant shows the on -fit which mused Ruch aaaa..t. contest among the windmill r`Llhitors at the Needle Ifer..- Chief Boohonan of the Dept. of Agriculture wished it put up to out and grind feed for the atookon exhibition and urged othup eroutfit.. Windmill Co.'swould notto pat They , and tried to prevent us They ked a regular orgaeization for fighting us, held meet- iugs,and appointed commit- tees and for weeks occupi- ed , great deal of their • • own time and that of thoWorld's Fair Offi- cials trying to pre- vent no from erect- ing one, and our outfit was actual- ly torn down and wrecked oneeven- ingafterdark,be- fore it was complet- ed, by tattier who pulled hover with a rope. d Mr. Buchanan sent � i�', 011ie! of Staff, J. A.Oreeo,- vvilh a committee of the ii'1, Idckers to eea es, and in , hie presence, tho.!res, of ;AIL the Aormotor Co• offered to pay freight, or express -age on Cleared outfits ithat any other wind -,l' mill exhibitors Ivbuld ' put up and to furnish ,killed erectors to erect them in order to have compare the rmo- . something with which i,II� to p Ae l for in practical work. mom This they would not do ; ,I, for the reason that the 'i steel geared In ills other I than Aermotore on 00- hlbion wore expert- crt• IR i lI known nomental and te"onwell e1. Oormotor would 12• dl - Aormotor do more work than any se -at, wooden wheat,, ��i 1��1. As it was, the outfit hero represented woe i �l� rho only power mill .-, ,. I put up for public aI ?„ {9� �, es and 11 novor ot-'t`-.•rt -Y- - a B , i out of order n tNc �I though operated by r J though liar tan by l -, I,,' unfamiliar hands. Dye t If haying toots are used in ridge of barn she tows, and sins ar52c dwn at 0158oaide- in this model *tilt. net horizontal shaft was mat, We belted direct is ether machines from thd grain. which fa always a pant: ire .. this Aermotor Grinder„ these greatly economizing - in Suit' cost, in power, and int space. It cut feed u rapidter es two men could get it taking cutter and mond Mfrs 20 bushels' as imus. flatworm i A great many anti- se utose APNeVJOR IntrosIntros::CNpOCo^p sew it; was a lon a 40 -ft. ;1 ;0 o Aermotor on a 4(1•15.. steel tower,put. opc . on a light frame oars;, and in a 65 mite wind east could hardly feel the barn,: shako. The recta theateell- Tower rested upon twe4ki. timbers Laid on the rear. Through these feet sant timbers long bolts passe& through the roof and werst. secured down in the isi; braces which pass from• each foot of the rimester/ where the were am ly bolted they the i tzli mast, 34 ft. Ions Medi extended from the peek of the roof to the itoor, so that the entire weight of the tower wan trans- mitted through the manse to the floor, This shown how a high steel tower, can be put on is tfghte f rame atrnctnre. In tbis case the wheel waster enough above theboikt•- Inge to be unaffectodbyg the eddies and our - rents cansedby them. , The shaft in the 9awer, is Ruppertod by Steel .Bods and Braces.. Why buy co Mors& rower War& w to apply horaapowo cr Wier for tioM same mosIey5o,bem►; pot a Genred der. - ,sitar which am - plies porpetuat ' pourer aloe aZ,nayaeawo esaa3F • 81OOELFDWER OUTFIT AT WORLD'S FAIR. 1 The third never Moment le this aeries will show a Steel Cin` outer Saw and Frame, for farm and Sawyers' use: It is it Po feet Pole Saw, with Perfect Safety Guards, and runs wits; very much less power than ordinary buzzsawn and hon °batten' saw. Tide 800 Saw and Frame will bo even for e15 wafter copies of this advertisement,vhinh i o - 1 the erten p p 1 1N . 3 a a }Sect`. Sent immediately after do appearance in thispaperoftheli '" adv., (No, 3,) bat only one sawwillbo furnisheeny' one pen. son, sthe extra fume Copies call neighboring naubscrib era to this paper, or mine othrn to subscribe, because wo *UM* actopt those adVtrtlsomonts union token from papersntailedt. regular eubscriborn Whose !Mmes and addresses roust bo gt together with tiro date of the paper:front which they are ell Our Irrigation Pinup maybe substituted for the Sr'w. thec Soh. Chicago, Where wo ova, we than make liberal biters to swept tepee of these adverlist.alnntefn part payment for Windmills. nein, }lave any thought of using a windmill this year write' er as once, stating what you will treed, whether Pumping or Gearalj„ and if possible no will make you n liberal offer, The Aormotor'-Co. proposes to distribute 5500. CASr1, lilt: mimes tor the boat essays written by the wife, son or tfattghte1 of rt fanner or user of a windmill, answering the stagier:,, AWRY 81801354)1138E Alf AEItMO1OR t" For 0onditi0trk d'r competition and amounts and mnnbcra of prlres send for par, Minims to the ermmileage, io rtoile bron ehes atSa na PrnnoSncotNantes C105, Lincoln, N0., Sioix city, Iowa, diy nepoils Buffalo, or 05 Park Pao Nof York City. AernOto.,, a l•Aflrr'+r 1 nl nt iza Com tin and sumo rico All ittc 1 go v n Completion, delivered free On onto At Oliitiago and atiipgied,, any one, anywhere, at the fallowing prices 12 H -f%. 8126. '12 -ft. $50.. 18 -ft. $ t