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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-8, Page 5
BEANS oy 1nexpr�ssb10 ON THE. FRONTIER. i.O 4 '1?IRA. area now qts. comfy the onto the vrorst ossos ut Nervous Debility f.oai Visor and 44114iluehoo,i; totems the weakness of body .o miud calool r by ever -work or the errors or e4ri girt of ro tie •1'l n Ito�tcdot! Another Bo s Life Saved .vigtely cures the in obstinate erases boa . 1. Heir ,y ruaizb;xrs be relieve, oidtircbug. �nt$ ht $}. per puwkage, o;; sir for $5, or sent by melon receipt of priceadares,anga'rllp JAMES M'1,DXOINA fill_, a urouta, Ofit, tit rzt • ,r tnuuphlet. Sokl For Rale In Exeter by J.. W. Browning; A shock of earthquake was felt in New Jersey yesterday. No serious damage was done. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures cough:,, Wood's Norway' Pine Syrup cures colds, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs, in Lethbridge. N,W.T,, 583 miners have quit wark owing to a reduction in wages. Woman with pale, colorless faces, who feelpweak and discouraged, will 'receive both mental and bodily vigor by using garter's Iron Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves and com plexion. Jesoph Pearson, a corporation format► in:Hamilton, died suddenly on Times - day night. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, cures Dyspepsia Burdock Blood Bitters, cures .Consti- pation. Burdock'Blood Bitters, cures Bilious BOSS. Burdock Pfood Bitters, cures Head - :ache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the ,clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus •'during Headaches and similiar ;Com- plaints. Congressman Wilson has arrived at Aguas Calientas, Mex. He is still unwell. A HEALING SOOTHING SALVE for euts, burns, bauises, wounds and ,•sores, Viectoria Carbolic Salve, The Head Court of the Woodmen• sof the Woildis in session at Brantford. 1 have been greatly trouble with :leadaehe and bad blood for ten or twelve vears. I started to take Bur- sioek Blood Bitters in July, 1892, and now (January, 1893), I am perfectly ,cured. Hugh Drain, Norwood, Ont. M. de Giers, Russians Minister of Foreign Affairs, is seriously ill with .:asthma. Smart Weed and Belladonna combin ed with other ingredients used in the best porous plasters make Carter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters the best in -the market. Price 25c. St Mar_v'scurlers again won the Western Ontario Tankard yesterday. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE :bYRUP positively cures Coughs Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis. Michael Purteel of Grantham Town' ship while mounting a horse, overbal- 'himself, fell to the ground and broke' :his neck, death being instantaneous. "When Baby was sick, we gave' her Castoria. ' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. "When she became Miss, she • clung to Castoria. 'When she had Children, she gave themCastoria. Mr William Nancekivell, reeve of Dereham, has been nominated by the :Patrons of Industry of South Oxford to run for the Ontario Legislature Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Head - Constipation, variale Appetite, Rising and Souring of Food, Palpita- 'tiun of the Heart, Distress after Eating. Burdock Blood Bitters are guaranteed ':to cure `Dyspepsia, if faitnfully used .according to directions, The Thomson - Houston electric works sat Lynn, Mass., started up yesterday after three months' idleness, giving em- ployment to 1,500 hands. IN STRENGTH GIVING and heal ing power Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Em- ulsion •excels 'all other. At Princeton two sons of John Han- , en broke through the ice while crossing a pond and one of them, aged nine ‚years, was drowned. T suffered for a long time with con. :stipation and tried many medicines without success. I then tried Burdock Blood Bitters and very soon hail great relief, so I -continued its use and am -completely cured. Joseph Phillion Quebec, Que John Y.McKane, convicted of elec- tion fraud in Brooklyn,.N Y has been :sentenced to six years in Sing Sing prison. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will. yield to the use of Carter's Little ,Nervy Pills aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills,. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the ,stomach digestive apparatus. ' E, H. Linder, of Boston, a Harvard •'student, who was injured in a friendly boxing bout last Tuesday, died on Sunday Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, ,colds, asthma,' bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs. Price '25and 5oc. About 1,500 miners went t) work in 'the Eastern Ohio distaict yesterday.. PURE IMPORTED WINE, Prime 'Canada Beef and soluable scale salts of Iron, are combined in Milburn', , Beef, Iron and Wine. Lord Dunravee will challenge again ;for the American Cup in 1895. H FFIEA '...E ACy���. HARfnPoaEAsCH ' cure , ti y:ALL HEADACHE. Zhey aMe not navel.. t{sett to cure every thlnp,but ramp 4/ head- Clecs. ayy' thank, it teiit cost but 2a vents ,r a bora and they ass anemicae. Thus are not a Gathertle. Health Blighted by Scrofula and Hip. Disease Perfect Cure, Happiness and Health Clven by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Exeter, N. H. 0. h Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for what it has done for my boy. Some four years ago, when six years old, George, was attacked by hip disease in his right leg. We had to get him a pair of crutches, with which he was . able to move about, but became badly deformed. We had to have his right leg lanced just above the knee. in a, few weeks a second sore broke.out, both discharging freely. Agonizing twins afflicted him, lie could not bear to be moved, his growth was stopped and He Was a Mere Skeleton. He hadno appetite,. and it was hard work to make him eat enough to keep him alive. 'A few weeks later we had' lits hiplanced, cad and follow- ing flow- ing this five other eruptions. broke out, making eight running sores in all. We did all we could for him, but he grew weaker every day, al- though we had three of the best physicians. As a last resort we were prevailed upon by relatives who had taken Hood's Sarsa- parilla with beneficial results to give the medi- cine a trial. We got one bottle about the first of March, 1802, and he had taken the medicine only a few days when his appetite began to improve. alien he had taken one bottle he could move about a little with his crutches, which be had not been able to use for the pre- cedin three months. we continued faithfully 'with/feed's Sarsaparllla, and in e mouths he was Able to Be Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. He bas now taken Hood's Sarsaparilla regularly for eighteen months, and for the past six months has been without tho crutches, which he has outgrown by several inches. The sores have all healed with the exception of one which is rapidly closing, only the scars and an occasional limp remaining as reminders of his suffering. HoocEs'a ar 11a Cures Hood's Sarsaparilla in his case has truly done wonders, and he is daily gaining in flesh and good color. He runs about and plays as lively as any child. We feel an inexpressible joy at alwaysalspeak iu the restored to terms health, of aHood s Sarsaparilla." MRs. HENRY W. MIIBPrgY, Exeter, New Hampshire. Hood's P lits are prompt and efficient, yet easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25e. Mrs. Margaret Carron, of London. Ont., is dead, aged 95. Itch on human beings, horses and all animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, Sold •bv C. Lutz, Druggist A Conservative association has been farmed at Sutton West, English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from bosses, Blood Spaviu, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by Use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever . known Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. The work of rebuilding the Wood- stock Opera House will be commenced at once. For Over .Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL- TRIED RL•'b1Enr. Mrs Winslow's Soo thing Syrup, has been: used for over fifty, millions ears by of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarnccsa. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and take no other kind For Sorf Throat. Sudden Colds and Diptheria, no remedy has ever been discovered so powerful to cure as Davis' Pain Killer. As a Liniment it has no equal in curing Rheumatism or Neuralgia, Burns and Bruises, and wounds of every description. It is the cheapest acid best remedy ever offered to the public. Only 25 c, for a big 2 out ice bottle. Mr. Robert H, Nicholas, of Caledoni t, Ont., died yesterday, aged 54. He was highly respected Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first doss greatly benefits. 75c, Sold by C. Lutz, Dru„gitt, Miss Lena Sauye, of Belle 'River, Ont., was struck by a Grand Trunk train yesterday arid instantly k`lled, At Chicago last night Stanton Abbott, the English iight-weight, knocked out Harry Gilmore, formerly of Toronto, in five rounds.'' .. 1 r CH l LLS COLDS. AT THE COMMENCEMEN1 OF AN ATTACK TAKER \! c ha TEASPOONFUL Or '7 ;l'PE:14RP'8v DAVIS' AND T}1EM EISMORESUDDEN'TIMIiYTHECHIL Two giant minds havestamped the mental world Instructora of our times. and 0mes to be: Tolling to brlee mankind to hartnnony, Bmoke from each study op the frontier curled. They searched more for finality than growth., Not iwr the footprint but the thought of God. They worshiped wisdom in the chastening rod That scars transgressors, and yet bath Felt beauty as she waves through cycler vut. And knew the hopefulness that cheers u here In our promotion towaard•the perfect sphere: They loved the future and eateetned,the past. Revere their lives, 0 man, for ue'er again Will this old world contain two lovelier mond.' —Edward G. Creamer in New York Sun. A Ruined Wedding Cake. An English gentleman residing in. Calcutta brought an actionagainst a firm of Paris pastry cooks and oonfee-. tionera under rather interesting circum- stances. The plaintiff was about to be married and ordered what has been call- ed a phenomenal wedding cake from the defendants. A sum of $120 was paid down for the cake on delivery. The colossal and expensive article of confectionary was packed by the plain- tiff's order, and he took it with him to Calcutta. On opening the case contain- ing the cake when he .arrived in India, the Englishman, found that he had lit- erally nothing but a shapeless mass of crumbs. The splendid gateau had been hopelessly bruised and broken during the voyage. An action was then brought against the Paris firm fpr asum of $135, which included, besides the price paid for the cake, the cost of packing and transport. The defendants maintained before the Paris tribunal of commerce that they had no more responsibility after they had delivered over the cake to the per- son who ordered it. "It was true that they recommended a packer, but that expert acted under the orders of another individual, who had been selected by the plaintiff to superintend the o operation. p n. The tribunal decided in favor of the de- fendants.—St. Louis Globe -Democrat. Two Convincing Reasons. Lord Peterborough, who lived in the reign of Queen Anne, was very frolic- some, and one day seeing from his car- riage a dancing master with pearl col- ored stockings lightly stepping over the broad stones srnd picking his way in ex- tremely dirty weather he alighted and ran after him with drawn sword in or- der to drive him into the mud, but into which ho of course followed himself. This nobleman was once taken for the Duke of Marlborough and was mobbed in consequence. The duke was then in disgrace with the people, and Lord. Pe- terborough was about to be roughly handled. Turning to them, he said: "Gentlemen, 1 can convince you by two reasons that 1 am not the Duke of Marlborough. In the first place, 1 have only 5 guineas in my pocket, and in the second they are heartily at your serv- ice."—Sala's Journal. SHE. GOT A BARGAIN. Better Than That, She Knew How to Use It After Getting It. A lady surrounded the bargain coun- ter of one of the big retail stores on Sixth avenue the other day and cap- tured a fragment of china silk with which she wanted to make a screen. To accomplish this required a degree of strategy and physical exertion sufficient to equip a college eleven for active serv- ice on the gridiron. But she got there. "I spent the whole afternoon" said she to a friend, "and when I got home I figured the whole thing up. I could have bought the same stuff up stairs at the roomier counter for 89 cents a yard, and I wanted only 3 i f yards. Well, that mean little clerk sold me four yards for 85 cents—it was a remnant, you know—so 1 found 1 had been trodden upon for about two hours and squeezed black and bine and had lost just 8 cents by the operation. "But, law, that's nothing! What do you s'pose? Why, when I examined that silk the next day, I found a hole in every fold. "Mad? Well. I think I was mad! My husband laughed at me. He says wom- en were born to be fooled, don't you know—that most of us haven't sense enough to spread an umbrella when it rains. " 'What would you do?' I asked him. " 'Do,' says he, 'I'd throw that away and never go back to that store again.' 'Not much,'says 1. 'I'nvgoing to maze them take that back if I die for it. Now there! And if you should miss me when night comes, you'll find my re- mains at the foot of the china silk coun- ter i' '1 went back. After 'another two hours of shuffling and crowding I got a chance to confront the young roan who sold me that silk. 1 was prepared to make him ashamed' of himself, now 1 tell you. But he merely looked atit and said in a bored sort of way, `Oh, yes, that is the same piece of silk Mrs. Blank returned last week.' "Yes, 1 was stricken dumb. If there had been room enough,. I'd have drop- ped. But that's nothing. Let me tell you. While he was making out my re- bate check another lady glanced at the silk I had just laid down. 'That's real pretty,' said she. 'How many yards?' " `Four, ma'am,' sayshe, " 'How much?' " 'Forty cents,' says he, with the most unblushing face. 'It's the last piece of that shade in the hoose,' says he. "'I'll take it,' Bays she, pulling out her purse just as he gave me my ticket for the return of that identical piece: Well, then I knew that young man de- liberately cheated me and was going to cheat that lady right before my face. But 1 got my breath quick enough to tell her. And I did. I said: 'Madam, I've just this minute brought that back. It's damaged. Look at these holes! He knows it's damaged. Here's my ticket for the rebate for its return.' "Well, if you .could have seen the look she gave him! Then she turned on her heel and wont out, Yes, I should Say I'M about even with that house one of the finest stores in town too."— New oo."--Now York Herald, ALL Ng1 o l i old �middle-aged, d ul o , � 'w a WO n P themselves nervous; weak and ex dausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting' in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, 10S$ Of memory, bad dreams, himness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, leek of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, suirounded with nalan IN =onus, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debit- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto, Ont. Around About Us. Mr. A. Rawlings, of Forest, is the owner of probably- the oldest pony in the Province. The animal is an Indian pony, and is 48 years old. It has been in Mr. Rawlings' possession for over 35 years. It is said that there aresoma farm ers in Ellice and Downie Olio have three crops of grain stored away in their barns, waiting for good prices. They derive sufficient revenue to meet all demands for the milk supplied to to cheese factories Mr. Jas. Rapper, of the 10th con., East Williams, recently drew two loads of green wood, measuring. 7 cords and a little over, to. Parkhill, a distance of 7 miles, loading and piling it himself between 8 a. m. and 3.20 p. m,, stop- ping in town 45 minutes for dinner. Friday week when little Wilbert Young and his slater Sophia, of Corbett, were returning home from a neighbor's the buggy shaft broke, causing them to drop to the ground on one side. The horse took fright, and with a few bounds, cau ed the buggy to run into the ditch and upset forward, throwing Wilbert out and enclosing the young lady underneath the top. Strange to say neither were hurt. An empty box car on No. 8 west bnuud freight train leaving Stratford about 8 30 Wednesday evening, left the rails a few rods west of the station tear- ing up culverts and ties until the switch was reached, when the wheels took to the rails again ar,d the train ar- rived at St. Marv's before the trainmen on board were aware that anything un- usual had oecured The course of the mishap is said to have been a defective rail. Mitchell Advocate:—"Few deaths have occurred in town of late that has cast a deeper gloom over the neighbor- hood than that of Elsie Kate, youngest and belcved daughter of Mr, Alex. Muiheron, which sad event occurred on Wednesday afternoon, almost in the very room where she was born a little upwards of eighteen years ago. De- ceased had not been in good health for sometime. She was a great student, and passed the late Model School ex- aminations with the highest number of marks obtained. Soon after she took cold, which settled upon her lungs,from which the poor girl never recovered "MY ONE BIGHT WJT." THE QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE TO FLORIDA OR NEW Oi..EAtS VIA C. H. & D. Ra R. AND CINCINNNATi FROM TOLEDO OR dETROIT. FOR RATES ADDRESS D. B. Tracy, N, P. A , 158 Jefferson Ave„ Detroit, Mich. John Bastabie, D. P. A., 5 Bridge St, Toledo Ohio. D, G. Edwards, G. P. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. PAINFUL ACCIDDNT.—Mr. James Mc- Intosh, of the 2nd concession of McKil-• lop, about three miles from Seaforth, met with a painful accident on Thurs- day week. Ile was chopping in the woods and when felling a tree the butt slipped off'the stump and falling down come on Mr. McIntosh's foot, bruising and smashing it in a fearful manner. He has since had to have one of his toes amputated, but his medical attendants hope they will he able to save the foot, although,even under the most favorable circumstances he will likely be laid up a long time. An ivestigation took place at Mitch- ell on Friday last into the circumstances of the fire last November on the prem ises of Mr. Chas, Barr, of Logan. The inquiry was held before Police Magis trate Flagg and was conducted in the behalf of the Ribbert and Usborne In- surance Company by Moscrip, of St Marys. The whole day was spent over the matter and a great number of wit' neseles were examined. Nothing. how- ever, .was brpught out that could affect the claim on the company, and the money will likely be paid oyer without further delay. in iu The t�Dr it l�eAl,4r _ e "'All run down" from the weakening •o d effects of warm weather, J u nee e a good tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not put off ' taking it. Numerous little ailments, if neglected, will sacA break up the system. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now to expel disease and give ,you strength and appetite, Rood's Pills are the best family ea thartie and liver medicine, B:armless, reliable, sure, .Another Fire at Lucan. The destructive hand of an inceudi ary: has been at work again in Lucan On Thursday night last a stable be- longing to Mr, Wm• Atkinson was de- stroyed A cow perished in the flames and other contents were burned. i Defier in Six Fours. • Distressing Kidney and Bladder di sease's relieved in six hours by the "NDw GRnA'r SOUTH AMnitrai N Krt.- NKr Cuan." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic ians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed• iately. If you. want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, A report from Chicago says John. Conn, a fruit grower of Leathcote, Ont., was confideuced out of $75 by a• smooth tongued man in Chicago yesterday. Tennygon on Spring;. j We haye the word of Alfred Tenny- son for it that in the spring the young man's fancies lightly turn to thoughts of love, It is singular that the great laureate omitted to mention the fact that it is in the spring that a consider it1l portion of the human race • turn to taking Rood's Sarsaparilla. Probably lathing• but the difficult' of finding a good rhyme for that invalueable rem edy deterred him. Certain it is that the old time domestic remedies are a'enerally discarded in favor of the standardblood purifier. Hood's Sar- saparilla, which has attained the greatest popularity a 1 over the country as the favorite Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood and nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength, HEALTH BETTER THAN WEALTH. Aad You Can't Retain the Former and Give Exercise the Go By. Dr. A. Symons Eccles has struck the keynote of radical improvement in the general health of city communities when he says that the most potent fac- tor of present day ailments is the abey- ance into which the muscular system is allowed to fall by dwellers in cities, who are daily becoming more and more dependent on artificial means of loco- motion and labor saving apparatus, un- til disorders of digestion and nervous maladies are now as common among the comparatively poor as they are among the wealthy. The rich man en- deavors to overcome the mischief wrought by his sedentary life by horse- back orseback exercise or golf, but the poorer man, who is unable to afford these recre- ations, neglects his muscular develop- ment and invariably tumbles into bis train. or mounts his street car rather than waste the time necessary for a brisk walk or a half hour in the gym - nasi um. The popularity of the bicycle, has tended to counteract the disuse of mus- cles uscles engendered in a large proportion of town residents, but there are still num- bers of persons of both sexes who re- quire vigorous muscular exercise in or- der to maintain health. Women are the victims of modern, social' and com- mercial changes almost if not quite as much as men. The centralization of many domestic industries may have im- proved the character of the products. th'hs manufactured or of the work per- formed, but when bread was made and washing was done at home the female members of many families fairly well off, but not too richly endowed with this world's goods, were profitably em- ployed in kneading the dough and iron- ing the linen. One of the results of this genera] disinclination to take the amount of exercise essential to health is the revival of a practice which is re- corded in the earliest medical papyrus in the British museum. 'The introduction of massage may be regarded as specific evidence of the ten- dency in these latter days to the neglect of muscular exercise, and Dr. Eccles holds that if it be true that the abey- ance of function in certain glands is productive of diseases which can be cured by the injection of organic liq- uids derived from a similar source -- and modern research has established this belief—much more is it evidently true that the failure to employ the great bulk of muscular tissue, which is so large a portion of the human frame, will, and invariably does, give rise to disordered function and altered structure in the other organs- and tissues of the body, which are interdependent on the activ- ity of the muscles and each other. Men- tal and nervous overstrain is rarely disassociated from muscular disuse and flaccidity. The burden of Dr. Eccles' exhortation is: "Even if you make a little less money, take more exercise. You will save the difference in doctor's bills and bring more happiness not only into your own life, but into other peo- ple's.''—Pittsburg eo-ple's."—Pittsburg Dispatch. The greatest depth recorded of Lake Michigan is 870 feet, or about one-sixth of a mile, The mean depth is about 825 feet, or one -sixteenth of a mile, RH EUMATISM SM NEURALCIA,MUSCULAR'STI'FFNESS, W 1N (r?©. PAIN IN SIDE & LANCE BACK tnN 1 l�Jl:► r► E D.&L. MENTHOL PLASTER ono 116 IVI STOKE. A Complete Steck of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Patcijt J1 Jcio Soijes, llriiqijisl's S111JJJJ!CS 4t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Ra ei pts Carefully Prepared. OoRgilioR 16WC1 the best in the market,, C. LUTZ. PROP BAD B a'c..00® CAUSES Boils Pimples„ Blotches, Ulcers, Sores, Scrofula IR Skin Mseases. ® urs CURES 000 MR, FRED. CARTER. f� 1 DEAR Stas•—I was covered with pimples and small boils and after obtaining no relief from a doctor tried different remedies without sue - cess until one Sunday I was given a of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of which. the sores were sent flying in about one week's time. I made up my mind never to be without B.B.B. in the house, and I can highly recom- mend it to an. FRED. CARTER, Haney, 0.0. I can answer for the truth of the above. T. C. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. 0. LOST O0 FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nervous Debility, Ib�ti- VaTfillnklPtiOnOVE Weakness of I)e ly and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood frilly Restored. now to Enlarge and Strengthen weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body, Absolutely un- failing Ilome Treatment—llenefits lib a daj'. Von testify from 50 States and foreign Coun- tries, Write them. Descriptive gook, et - planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Duffalo, N1Y. SAFE Imo' EASY TO .TdgS eaR Iii?WS INFALLIBLE SUU4R-CO4TCD .rr h r �+,, .1., C„ 10 lr {` VEGETABLE prr .T PROMPT 'n, BAD B a'c..00® CAUSES Boils Pimples„ Blotches, Ulcers, Sores, Scrofula IR Skin Mseases. ® urs CURES 000 MR, FRED. CARTER. f� 1 DEAR Stas•—I was covered with pimples and small boils and after obtaining no relief from a doctor tried different remedies without sue - cess until one Sunday I was given a of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of which. the sores were sent flying in about one week's time. I made up my mind never to be without B.B.B. in the house, and I can highly recom- mend it to an. FRED. CARTER, Haney, 0.0. I can answer for the truth of the above. T. C. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B. 0. LOST O0 FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nervous Debility, Ib�ti- VaTfillnklPtiOnOVE Weakness of I)e ly and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood frilly Restored. now to Enlarge and Strengthen weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body, Absolutely un- failing Ilome Treatment—llenefits lib a daj'. Von testify from 50 States and foreign Coun- tries, Write them. Descriptive gook, et - planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Duffalo, N1Y.