HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-3-8, Page 3�'4:. ' 0 . " .. , _ . .. I —_ , . . , �.. Y�aJ� ..:. . . „ ` . , ,. 1 1 0i,T17 T J A ' gsteniisK am�yf tele, e. ,week et 141 w rllur '�* *0 tuowt Visa t Us,, ! � w!1� IMPROVING the satft llit/W " hi scar ;F all Maenad has fast tide eisarspsd i!w hail N"flair doorw la4,t• YOU EARS. Yormil, .lclr ��,� . 11,111 and awry sap�yaltartdanr !tarn 6yer nsady iia oaf o[ earthly eoaarfUosr _ 1. I __ Mir S" THE HCiAVEK8 W811ft ` O11gfLft! khan have beeen oyer for r lestgg while, nerd 11g I xMiksd through. Ihory rtr+yta I ,� _ Neallie Knows, asdl shte Aires Away liar tJnM Ualgthrrderlil 1Gireg wlltlrynt >txoaagep ff� '' TO HIS SMITUAL SIQHTo new sot II are what she theso,kviabt. II+ieawl Iy were. prMob for the Rr p tiara what I'aul Hemel Appendages ae Treated t4 Aske y all the !Gaut et NMtaeey« ` �tvid Bible ir+ld saR yiais roll of odors, which are the prayers of aaista'" ., to xrnwtiti If w. suffers we shall Mlw reign witA Him " It an sired me ' bb7'�g Them Things of Beauty, Ia ordoe to remain youthful y l in aPPoar anoe tae bed ria r y mart be free from disease, A British rs port of eanbenarians why: , lived 1n or died lash year inoiudeN 33 Word, !t'ptntlnir or r d.iraat tte•asw ARd 1 said to thy a000ru P ym 1s1� "Oen it by possibly that the ad description that. all the grant of heavoin the mind oheerinl end happy, (Che premer• vabion of a pI®reanb expression of aountien• persagr„ bbe eldest, a woman, bdug aged 116.'Whatt A Modern nonditlon or r areas ikltele• � Poem—Tho, pra�erg earth are worthy o! being kept in such heave "Wh " were great eaffar.rs "21ot a11t•° Y. a1L ]d[ w him of the Red deg ganef east• THE OPERATION I� 'AINLBBi3. anoe is as essential as the paevenbion of is nnaspal, bhe number of m%los it in exoow, of that of females, �1gtb qg Is tyle of bl�a j t coal '•hoax There rnd flaw sirs ?" said the an pe � tors nothing that moven rer. ierea Acrid, him of Absalom'a nafiiisf I --- wrinkles. Who emotions of bhe mind stamp bbemselves in the features. The habits or other personal aharaoheristfor of, Music They Ho,azrY, so h.ar.a w the prayers of earth, and the are int n P y Y 1? p , behavior and Ahitha hal s betrayal, and a nations dethronement,M PMtlemga Converse of tke 'Weather `While indulgence !n til-tsulPer, frebbing over the minor egenc theme old people, bat we are deb without latermation of a r0lenblhn Bnoorrnzzv, Feb, !',.1dt14 _1tt the IsroWn. in eight of these inflnitr rnultitndea, and. coat sufferer. Ezekiel, him of the oativiti, who had the the Surgeon Slices out Strips of Living Tlssum—q• Short vatlonm of Tito and lib jealoades and and aoourata• ,kind from o ' tact aonrcas, In a study of % l�yn Tabernacle this forenoon firs hymaq the Scripture Ieasau and the prayers, as more [han all, in the sight of Christ Mad He cannot forget them, and the are before y dream on the banks of the Ohetrar a wt • PntPerer. Punt, him of the diseased ltellromemt, Then 1[ul►l+y 1Woffiea—Iwo Snanespfui iGa • animosibius aro bhe dextro ors of sent y tannin which mnmb iso combined with bhe the life history of the ed says s bho London i,attcet, natlrP,nq ebrtkoe enc mato fnroibi Well as the sermon, were titrant the falcate Him world without yud." Thea eons, and the Mediterranean shipwreck, cool she, samples. pbysiaal charms in order to keep the face young and pleasant looking. than bho f?tot that life in Its latest rte : 11, Irorid more than about this world. PAr Dr. Talmage took for him °� A we name out, and as the Teeple is always open, and some worship at one are Mars Hill derision, and the ldamertine en- and whipped bank and the lUhore Is no longer any reason why young laditin with flamboyant o ors should despair, The coming of wrinkled may be retarded by presenba itself ver much as a state W watch vital functions — enfoabied, indoxyl, subject: -- Pielon of Heaven. the test being:— hour and others at other board, we parsed down tho street amid the throe semen' g headman's axe on the road to Os a Yea, or bbe aterner half of oreatlea either, for bbab matter, observing the following ratan : $yep the system to a healthy, followingwell-regulated can though not always g lw ys greatly so—aDritinne in acblve exercise under Ezekiel 1 i:—"Now it cams to ass as I P vena among the captives by the River of to end going from the Greek Temple And great sufferer. all the apostles. atter lives of suffering died of violence, beaten saga bhe. Now York Herald. You mao.,hers who we,,p beoaule your dibion; keep tate skin clean by frequent avacleing ; bathe the face the hands normal uondlbtons. I6 %e, la fact, the close and crown of a sbsta i art hat t Qom *ens were open and I we passed along through a street oalled Hart Ply yr Place, and we rust there, or saw to death with fuller's club, or dr to egged death b mobs, from the thrust babies' ears stand out from their precious' little heads like, In with y r,igt once a d Y in soft ovate. as hob as can be of extatonee conducted throughout regalari,y and moderation, Appetite, taho Expatriated attd tar an thebankr sitting at the windows, the souls of those who on earth went through fire and flood, Y or of sword, or by exposure an barren inland, a racing aoht s galls a g y stns breeze, dry your oyes, give thanks, for borne dr on a deft towel, and followed by a gentle massage with bhe palms, 6moobhing , as e:: rule, has been cod and has horn Indulged within reasonable ltmibo. the o b n affi yyttt the River o£ Chebar, as stfltttsat o! the and under sword and rank. We saw John or by decapitation. All the high up in heaven great safl£rrers woman there is now a way open to Iron wherein the meet unusual of ears may be made a the brew upward be prevent the formation There dooms be be llbtle to choose between temperance and ilitrphrated, sat Ezekiel. It was there be had an immortal dream, and it is to Bd Wickhffo, whose ashen were by decree of the Council at Congt@aoe thrown into the and more than me Folies Mr Sk S' and st Cao.II thin of v and a joy forever, g beau,')v Dr, Leonard F. Pitkin, of early wrinkles ; protect the faun from severe cold and strong winds ;end avoid total abstinence in the matter of alcohol though excess bub rete! g nm in the Hialy Seriptarea He drearsya •pf Tyre and Egypt, He dreamed of river; and Rogers, who bathed his heads in the and Ani, and n Agatha _ eta, and women never heard of outaide o[ No. 125 Weal Forty-second sbreot, is the originator of bhe facial distortions, as wrinkling the forehead and paesering the features. Seep y wins the reward. of longevity. If in any direablon it I& Chriat and the, coming heaven. Thts exile, seated by that tient Chyisnr, had fire as though Whah been water; and Dish o Hoo and Mog pp per, all and I.the their neighborhood, queens of the needle g q ° and the broom and the scrubbing bras $ br simple operation by which ugly and prom- huent ears are converted into modest and' your eyes open to the funny side of life and re• puvenata allowable for competitors In the race of lite• to dispense with self-control, ib would a -• p a more wonderful dream than or I ever have 9 !tad, ar over full! `have, sealed on the trsalos mer, and Ridla and PDI ca Y. Y rp, whom the flames refused to destroy as they bent oat and the washtub, and the dairy, rewarded according to Low well they did their work B by + beautiful ones. It is not exaablyy an agreea• bio ordeal bb contemplate, oven for the Biel year soul with cod heart good, y laughter, It mabtore net whnbhor married or elIIgis, pear that the may, to. v. great extent this liberty ibh yreapocb t e physio&1+aadi vel + pf the Hudson, or Alabama, or Oregon, or ward till a spear did the work, and some of the Alb! Albigenses, and Huguenots, and le' whether to set a tea-table or govern a na- g tion, who knows bbab nestling, shell like Dare aro eeaenrial to the If an work in harmony with natare's laws mental exertion. 10Tatare has made ler largo allowance for the fnevit&bin Thames, or Tiber, or Danube, But we all linea had 'memorable dseam0. eonmoarated Quakers who were slain for their whether empress or milkmaid. And as we passed along one of the grandest su000e� bf her life's ro- anauoc. N.ivertheless, It Is painless, offao• bho bloom of oath will Itnger Tato. But it y you impede respiration by tlgbb clothing, necessity ale labor, and has even arable ll In same a yof I same of 9-mm when we ware half sslasp mad half awake, so that we did not know religion Then we passed along Song Row, and boulevards of heaven, there approached no a group of persons so raddiatnt in countess- tivo and thoroughly original. Dr. Pitkin yesterday performed in my, diet on rich Indigestible food, spend the beauty-making beast maktn hours of bho night hb In Sisal• caeca, sanctioned an overstrain anergy, provided due care be taken to conserve bhe whether they were holm of shadow or sun• Rght; whether they thoughts 1e/ WO mot some of the old Gospel etagere, "That is Isaac Watt+s,"raid my attendant, anoe and apparel I hiul to shade my even with both hands becaaace I could not on- presence two such operations, the first upon a probby young woman, who was perfeobion g patten, clog the porus of the skin With psieoaoae eoemettea, draw face Into vital oweem b temperance In other things. The life thus orderly Y ived usually anis am were loose and disarranged as in dumber• air the As we cam. up to him he naked me if the churches on earth ars still siaglssg the dare the lustre, and Isaid:—"Angell do 'toll me who they crop" And tits answer itself all but her ears ,and the second ml?cu a young medical student whose aural a Y g p- your a frown, except when you moeb company, orders y—laanlbies, aoneforb and even en ment continutn till as if lax K , grown weary, it Imagination of faculties awake. Snob a dream I had this morning It hymns he composed at the house of Lord I.ad was:—"Thema aro the wlao ammo out or y pendagea stood out from his head like lam atari you warty needlessly you veill grow old in advance of the years. The crow's feet accepts a timely and final repose in bha aleep of ages. P gas atony 5.30, and the day Wae treating, It was a dream of Gkod;& dream of heaven and y Abney, to whom- h e d a visit of thirty-six year4 and I to him that great tribulation and had their wash• ed and mads white in the blood of the carriage g Pm" Both young parsons were anxious to have these physical blemishes will come thick and fast ;the silver threads ed i11 multiply br uhm setae ;and bhe akin • Dzekiol had his dream on the banks of the many of the churches opened their Bab- Lamb. " removed, and In bobh casae the result will asaame a sallogv hue. WIiAT ivo1IIEN pttElD. - tv3aebar; I had any dream net far item the bath moaming serriees with his old hymn, •"Welcom Sweet " "But," I said to my aasgeTlo escort, "I achieved seemed to ba entirely satisfactory. NHLLIE Bvaxe. _ The' nelet;irt la Adverdisemests Above banks of the Audson. The most of the stoziea of heaven were written many era- 0.. � � � and am- brated their toapeI tr3amptxa wtOr ale hpznn "BklyakiOA, must now. It is Sabbath morning on g earth, and I mast preach tm-day aAd be in THE OPERATION DEBOEIBED. The operation veno more unpleasant to mo p tDrcaa Nater. All !flee. Brooklyn women tnriea ago, and they tail na how the plass O the Joyful and often teased facia devOdoanof" m alpIt b half past ten o'clock. (load- Y I Y P bye, to the than to th9 eon lad who submitted to it. young y Dr. Plthin Ohiffsa Is nob only used in White but in A , may net end the ad- vertlein g psgos bho moeb atbracbive parb of looked then, or how it will look centuries • ahead. Would. you not like to know bvw 14Ymn+ "Come we that Leve the I,osd. said attending angel. "Thanks for what you have shown me, seated her in an ordinary operating chair, which might be deseribed black and especially, in scarlet, while in every tint fashionably worn and especially il the newapapare, but they certainly read every wort it looks now? That is what I aver going to tell you. I was there this maarnin% I bave While we were tatldag he introduo" me «o another of the song writers, and amid, This I know I have seen only in part, but I bope to return agw* through the atuding as a combination barber and dentist's chair. Her hat being removed and her neck and In blas It may ba found. A vivid and attractive ooral-pink is among tha colors of them. The other day one. big retail house advertised a sale of chew at an astenimhingly lbw Ab 8.30 just got bank. How I got into that.oity of 6.- is Charles Wasley, who belonged on t° a difEeaarnt chorea Fzoaa missy but moray of oar Lo"•d Jesnm Christ- (load- bye." shoulders swabbed in towels, she was de- clared ready for the She looked shown in chiffon and a lovely shade of price. in the morning thein were several hundred! I oun I know not, Which of the 3:8 gates It entered is w wo,uneertain. But my first we are all now members of the soma Then I passed on amM chariots of only&- operation. forward to the operation with a mixture of glpclne as well as of canary color. The neck to adorned with ruches which women in the shoe department, and by noon there waetl'b a Iefb ramem�branae of tie .. scene is that I sloes! - era one of the main avenues, looking this b'hurch, the Tem of God and the �° Lamb." And Itoid Charles Wesley that tion, and along by Oongnervrs' threues, sad amid pillared anajestioa, and by windows fear and hope. While Dr. Pibkin prepared his instruments Dr. Aoken, his amsletant, are as often in black as in white. There has not baen so much use of ruohoe aiuoe pair in the store. Women who did nob got around until the afternoon way and that, lost in raptures, and the aft almost every Sabbath we sang ane of his old hymns, " Arm of the Lord Awake l" of agate, and under &robes that had been assured her that the transformation of her be the feather bot, came in the aback collar in, grieved sorely, and when a rival house advertised anobher sale of shoes three so full of music, and redolency, and laaxgh. ter and light. that I knew eat which street or Coma, let tw fa cent friends Aboveil"er j° hoisted for returned victors. And as I Dame toward the walla whir the gates the earn would as painless as a game of pro- gresalve euchre. being preferred, and, to too great warmth aboab the neck, the tache and frill cants below the pride asked on the preoed-• Ing day, Pevaral too take, when an angel of God accosted nae „ Lord Divine, all Lava Excelling. " wells flashed upon me with emaraldn, and , Dr. Pitkin then took hold of the ear and have, as a rale, been suppressed. Bat thousands of Bre@kion wemen determined not to be lefb. Ab and offered to show are the objects from "But," �Y Nome of my hearers, "did sapphires and ehrysopraomand amethysts, injected under the skin of the flashy portion owing to the return of bhe "1830" effeob, o'clock yesterday morning several thousand . street to street, and from mansion to mao- YOU Rae �3�ng of car friends in uaW I trembled cruder the glory, and then or posterior lobe a four per cent, solution of buneuiness about the throat comes in again, . women were crowding into the stere, and lil ado and from tem H to temple, and from �eai1 to wall I mai to the angel, $ave ,.Wall Abavear' Ola, you; IMd. 'Mid you we m oldidram these@" says gome one, and y P I heard a bolt show, and a la�tksh lift, and a gate ewin and the were all of gg, p pearl, cocaine• " The cocaine," he said, " will deaden all to a certain extent. Handkerchiefs aro if possible, rebtier , P , P there was almost a riot when it was dig- covered thab the shop had taken haat thou been in heaysnT' asd.tbe dower came, "Thirty-two yeam*mossdhX are. there any marks of their last sickness stsftl upon thenar I did see them, but and I passed anti loaded with raptures, and down by world@ lower and lower, and sensation. I shall then out away about Lb reequarters of an inch of tissue, shaving t.hon ever, the designs showing the loveliesb libble borders of tiny flowers, or wheels, girls ad- vantage of the opportunity and were.' already trying on the most desirable part of • 20 the earthly calendar." These was 'a there was me pallor, no cough, no favor, ve lower still until I carie within sight of the y lose to the cartilage. !Chis will atarn, raised spots and delloate vines, all the stook abill remaining.—New YorkPress, r' worst about this angel's name that on languor about them. They are all weal. city of my earthly residence, mad until enable me to draw the edges of the wound being In more or leen bright thread on white. not given to me, but from the tendenumme and sweehmear, and o0oation, and Ink--t and ruddy, and sonfhl, and bounding with eternal mirth- They told me to give through the window of my earthly home the man poured so strung upon my pillow together, thus bringing the ear cloaa to the scalp and entirely removing the deformity Scarlet is asuoh liked or dark wine calor as an adornment for the edge of small hand- A Chinese Strong Ift. A Hankew correspondent gives an account •-taken in my walk tbrpugh heavoo, amid mere than all in the fact at thit#_tlaa their love to pont2• thabthoy thought of YOU hour by hour can that when they eowd he that my RYalids felt it, and In bewilder- ment as to where I was, cad wh" I had is which the patient objects. The young lady eat like a statue, but it kerchiefs, and dark blue, as well as amber color, are also seen. of the dtea9very of a young Sammen at the ears'residwWo, tbe•numbw of years>tfara ibe excused from the hear@ely Play ron� ten• I awoke• was evident she did nab relish the sound of the ward Bore bodiless have two barque-like frilla, militia examinations. There were about goo candidates, of whom alxty-three ascended, I tirfialr it was my methea Old age, and decrepitude, and the timed the Dame down and hovered ewer' S you, and kissed your cbeet, and felted Your dreams Re$eatioa the first —The as iT+rl of superiority oar lrcaven to all other heavens. The cub. SalhinR the notion to the words, Dr. one longer than the other. The under one is generally of a different material as bleak obtained the degree of g promoted mea. They are tried !n archery, lifting, award ,, look were all gyne, but I thank it was ams I leaked is for few ilke xfth their glad faces, and that tiwy would! a be s0 the gate to, -06 yaa when aa- Scandinavian heaven: The departed are battle, Pitkin seized his knife and made a lou incision aloe the line of union of the oar g metre it the dreae be of a colored material. Cloth costumes are being made with a and spear exercise, etc., also in writing, The a' motaearia at f��•�aeat T'emple. Our briihiaat end lai+siy ia'roct yarn_ Bended ice with them everlasting except ae reatared after being out to pieaea, they drink wins wls.h the scalp. The blood gushed forth in rich braidingor embroider reachingto the senior wrangler was a en g Young man, only 7 years of age, from an. His Scot& eseayitt, lir„15ruminond, says tires Is no church in heayen, but he did moi look N "But,” say other voless, did you sae glorifiboa i`riendal" 'Yes, I saw them, ani out of the skulls of their ernmies. The X.osl@m heaven as deaari4ed by the Koran: a torrent, but was uiakl sopped n b moans of an antfsepbfe sponge !n the hands knees, Black braidinglooks beat on green etr red cloth. The jacet to almost cored la lifting, strength estimgted was In at 800 cattiesg+(the hie oatbyri�ahati� for it on the right street Sala, John war they are well in the land swan *Auh no dropsies, —I 'There shall be Honria with biaott large of Dr. Aoken. The young lady was asked whether she with this came braiding,and also the bodies under the aakeb is a masa of braiding. j one and one-half peande), biles. really t�ht when In his Patmosto vision° record- Z9 in thirdchapterofllevelation, ire siltbin pneumonias, or palates, or or ty- phoidsa ever awes The aroma blows eyes like pearls hidden in their shells." The Slavla heaven:—,after death the goal felt any pain. she replied that etre did The R• Torr velvet has coma eah anew this ear Terry y 6 they say It is talo X00 Oattdes. This L tested by lifting S rquarb atone of 300 cattier of `"Tile'I'emiale of my^Eioti." Isaw rttlstr largest over from ozaharde with toys bearing twelve #rand, L``erers aiz seeks staoat fire baay, and not. next out veno an ell! oloal inolsion from the apex of the pfiret in the moeb ea uisite of calors and moms now shades, resembling the ehxding of "u weight bb as high as the bronab. Thin mus . pesorning; the ohutoh I ever ear, am !rig OR all the 6hurc-hagof the *arta put to- manner of and gardens nom- pared with wasieh Chatsworth is a desert then climbs a unfaln, on the tort of which is Pa . The Tasmanian a deb out upon the boils of the iris. C}isce moires, some plc l?l end en,r- —s bik lifted ib to that height, but gave ft itis it it gather, cad it was unwaged. Oh, what-a The oiinrata is a mislifmg of an earthllj heaven:—A spearispkaeedby the dead thy! ear, and thence to bho baso of the original Incision. About three•gaarters of an inch dotted, aro pnedi for evening %i ether. £'ho ba alittle q ar.d ought S" name down. The governor wish ctti?t[�shed and$ urult`itudel I had noyer area so many people together. All the aadienoye al' all Jane and Oetobar• the belor of the one and the tonin of the other. The social they may have something to Sght with, and after awhile they go sato along Chaea of tieeno wore bans romoved, bhe pabieIIt vane wtila r ay a e now seen on so nanny hodiore are .n box pleats, and if I asked him to repeat the feat. Tha QOAitg= the oharahes of all the earth put togethsr life in that realm where they ars is superb 1>fe for game of all sorta, The Tahitiraa's meanwhile converging cheerfally as though she were about be have her. portralb taken, mistake nob, ars a step towards Elizsbebhan fashions. They are lined having somselsecrthat he Was et help, threw off histcoab, wear!$ make a poor ntteandanee oompssed with that assern afals► Ther@ was a tach- and perfect. nontraversibe, or je&toa- cies, or hates; but love. universal leve,. heaven:—The departed are Baton up of the gods. The native African heaven:—A BUTTING Plitt t�AYrrxt etaYb. with seine stiff materials, a ad stand out over the hips like P large fiabod ezposing his bare body, and repeated the fest to the entire matlefaetion of the 'ad ion in attire and h,mad-dress that imisedi- everlasting hove. And they told me to tell land of shadows, and in speaking pea ng of the The anooeeding etap veno not Ne pleasant. the colhtm gffJMP4 gab round the ,, J g°is Though fa archery and ethos practices his artehy took my attention The fashion was white, All in white, save One. And the you not to weep for them; for their happi- Haas knows no bound, and it is only a quer- depzrted they say, all is done forayer. The American aborigine's heaven:—Happy Dr. Pibkin explained that in order for the operation to be entirely eaooessfal it wsta neck. Oehore,A olb% jaoksta ars me richly em• skill was not conspicuous, he was awarded the &eat plane on the list o[ anaceastnl acne daces was a garland of rase, ase 1}3y, flan of time when n sans rel you gn with g gra g hut ting grounds, to which the @onl Doe aeceasox to make an inofsion into the car- 9 broidered that the color of the elabh is can. Mates, and the governor did him the honor. .:asci mignonette, mingled with graer leaves them in the same palace, and loth with oil a bridge of snake. The hil000 her's p p tilage, which unless thus treated would r , coarcely soon below the embroidery. A of asking who had been his teacher mailed from the Royal Gardens, and bound them in the same exploration Of planets, heaven: !Made out ofs, thick fog, or pn tn- Inevibably tend to draw the a xr back Into packet thus embroidered looks very elegant, pad. trainer. He replied that It was hie father: logethox with bands of gold, And I saw some idea with a rigg � and the same tour of wovida, But ondaria this wsgamUh is an n tnzn- y y p finite don't-kaow. But hearken! and be• hid our Lepv veal iia �° o� though qtly ib, original position. This, he maid, was the most dtffioalb art of his bask In sena: ueneo P g and, being wadded, in also very warm, The bash house Stene for a etsnb lady is an who was himself a military officer and had served at Ningpo and olsewhere.—fto 'pa the finger of the right toad, and gafd ad fare that esems,to ask how about the described by figur@ of speech in the Bible of the danger of rupturing the nutrient open Priaoeas rohe, over a fall Grecian robe, Francisco Chronicle. ' a000 an "FIt reg tnpareytag gel, liy lance egos of those in beaten. 'Do my degs:tt- cud' by parable of a dream in this Sia• ,artery of the ear. y anion a half bald, drawing in the aides of the .Hinge on the fingers of the rlgh4 hands!" ed children remain children,, or have they course, hag 8or figs ehrief characteristics, The Incision was not very agreeable to the ever cote to show the curve at the book , but leaving the rest the in 7;9nning Cast Iron. that .and I vena told at tacos who ware'thean lost their ylrildi@h vivacity? Do my d»- separation from all that is rile; nboence patient, and for the first time Phe exhiblbod P b+ of waist soft mystery. A oompanq in France flan each iron. by ware prodigal sons, and once fed swine in the wilderness, and lived on husks, but parted parents remain aged, or have they lost the venerable out of their nature?" from all that can discomfort; presence of sl1 that can gratulate. No mountains to an unbecoming pallor. Dr. PlAia asked her whether she would have a little stimu• Tn jackets. the chief novelty of the hoar first covering it ehoctrloally with a coating of nickel and Iron or cobalt iron. �seycame home, and the rejoicing Faltbm "I'at w Well, from what I saw I think ehildbood climb; sw chasms to her edge; no might to lent. ", „ Ia bhe large Wurger collar with large revere, box-on the r&-oalderd it and One kilogram of enlph&te, nitrate or ahl@tato ylE' said,, s ring on iris Lead But I sold there was one exception b trail advanced to fell maturity of faculty, retaining all the reaitenoe of childhood, itluaniae; no tears to wipe Scandinavian heaven, Slava heaven, Tasmanian heaven,, F, Oh, no," she replied, grimly ; go ahead." pleated continues P ; down the front of the jacket. All jaokets have nickel 4s mixed with bhres kilograms Of the g enIphabe of iron and one kilogram of citrin titin fashion of shits pervading x11 fire maditoritam and: clear up through x11 the tons and that the aged had retreated to mad- life, freed from all donne 0. decadence, but still re- Tahitian heaven, African Leaven abet- a, as' Leays scattered into tameness and Having washed the wound therongUly with a carbollzed solution Dr. Pitkin s Pro• sleeves Yat a enough bb alt easily on H g P Y and oil• et wader dream ed Ren. These l"ergo Jacket Reaaiasanea. Or tarbarto acid or one half kilogram of ' g aniphatb, nitrate or oUloratto of cobalt wibb. fanartes. It was thea lre oftheQae who taining the charm of the venerable. di by a glimpse of St. John's heaven, ' oeeded to take ten Mitchell upon esoh attic, sleeves are cellae Tt�o Princoose robe is in three kilograms sulphate iron ; thin yiresidsd in that fanmeaNe Tympia The �fefest, the mS tae the lovolieat gh Some one says, `Will you tel ars what most you in heavenr I wilt, of °Fel s !sauce, of Clrrist'g heaven, 01 car• hes of m heaven! y , of the several edges, , g ,which had the effect o, drawing them together firmly. The bhreada much seen the house. l have neon one In red velvet, em- li disseised I" 1001ihres of water, be which 4 a & sufficient of a ever la all the place. JJis cheeky eeetmgd and most imp I was most impressed with the reversal of Retleotion the second: Fon had bolter were then tied neural and the a eratlon y' P broidere&reund with black jeb. Larga boz P Teats at, the beak ave ib fulneea. The quantity canoaie alkali is added to neutralize the solation completely ,- On, be flualred with ibflnib beauty, and l31a wswelognence omnfpakenk Sar! 13is earth! conditions. I knew, of ooa y take patiently and cheerfullyall y per• t0. hardnhipe, was pranounoed complete so far an the nae ear was aonoerned. g utworskirta were very full and gave me the a little bisulphate of abash sed% or am- P .�tke was of $e colors. The ea eP y gg that there would be differeness a# akt3tm and seridrIIea is heaven, far Psnh had de- persecutions and trisspa of a earth, since rightly borne they inanra The flamboyant organ had been metamer- idea of tofu Loo g Pod with alae! by bag wap monis may be added to increase the son- dac(viby. The cash Iron is immersed and art -tete osraage through whsah He had peekedI , .:sad I said to my attendiu ang 1, `� clared long ago that rials would thou differ "as one star difEerath from another" beayonly payments of ecatacy. Every twinge of physical distress, every lie told phoaed Into a i0 very Hove " of an ear, clinging closely to the clustering curls of the bite upper robe fell over them. le ,, . George W. Child's Goneroeity. current in passed P sed having a density of about 50 amperes per square macro of nurface to ' :� iiiat crimson fobe that He wearal" and I was iold, "They ase dyed as Man frena Msmu rp, as 9atntm from about you, aver� earthly daubtraation it men oocna, b.aarenl fair patients head and completely ehangirg its contour. 8t,e tau bed delightedly, anG g y° „ Ono of my p[eaeanbesb memories of be coated ; abaut seven volts are ra uire& World. q garments dram Bozrn »," and ' He trod the wine Jupiter. But nk ever y y step in dream is beaten I was amazed b yea that scans wip3 y addition If You want toyamount to anything in ' so far .from be spa,; aunerved, besoaghb the George W. Childs," says an cid friend of g, • Y his, carries nee beak to one Ohrfrbmae —"electrical t�sw alOIIe tae g who wear az oted to be hi h !tt hea4en, and to move in its list socio deabor to go righ!, a".road and fie her obiter eve a few o ars a o when I ire y ago, happened to Itofmae Destruction by Electricity. Soon attar I: entered this temple ibwV be- an to-chsat the celestial litany. It was heaven were low down, and Nome who were expected to be Iow down were high you taut be 'perfected through suffering The only earthly currency worth anything Qat The second oporatibn was just an on ear fal the first, drop into uta office to see him on a businaas matter. T found atm busily engaged in seal. Ythe Thy City Qennoll of Barrewgabe has re- solved, ib ie stated, that an apparatus for Iike'anythtug. I had ever heard for sweet- I have heard u You thought, forinstance that those at the gate of heaven is the silver of tears- At the as and all that re• mained to be done was the bandaging ingg envolopea, while on the dank before sorting and combustion of bee towns, be as the power, and the most af,the great cagey@, and the most of the o bora of Ictus parentage, and of naturally P Pm 1° • good disposition, and of brSlliant faoal tteg, tea o! an heaven she the groatesd sufferer, Christ of the Bethlehem Caravan- of the head in &nbiaapbio dreseinge. him lay gresb plies of perfectly now bank A! into denominations refuse made a pmrb of the electric 11 hb „ „ $11 plant. Many destructors have beam great aratgrib? I said tom naso Y mpany- +ttra angel, "Who is that standing and of an sbyles of attractircneae, will and of I'ilat's Oyer and Torminxr, and arY Y of the Calvaresn assassination, Dr, Pitkin bold his pattenb that sha add bo er t a wear the unsightly sautes �•fdaai of $500 • " + $100, 450 sad 410. Q:r a aerner of bho Soak erected primarily with the object of burn lrrW the sheat and the ea • youder •tenth the harp?" and the answer was, rIs "Who Qoundf move in the ]rightist range of celeatial a ender and m No, no. I found the splendor po p- sat He endured, oh, who can tell? he a w headdress for a weak at Ioaab, after which there would be absolutely no trace left was a big box crammed wibh envelopes, mlr«�adp addsesuod, and tuts these Mr. of abillgtag ring the inset evolved during such burning hang l" And I said, it that rgoundia that, tram t?" and the answer g Im highest thrones, the brightest coronets, the richest mansions wets acoapied by tdrose O To rove our seals from death and iaell, �, ye of the broken heart, and the Sts. of the o erablon. But she ea meed herself p Pr to it for Ohllris wan llalog the bank aetsn, whish xvoKe to be tlrlatmae presents to his many either been entirely neglected, or at the, best but a #attic attempt has been made to was "Gabriel I"' And Isaid, "Who is that ,est the or an?" And the answer was g who had reprobate father, or bpd mother, had inherited the folate • ointed ambitious and the shatte PP n+ rets as willing year a year if only gho beautiful in bub end. mIm omp,oyeas and others dependent upon him. turn each herb to n»me a� efah purpeea. Ua the basis of the results obtained is expert= °"Handelr And the music rolled on till it and who natur+se of ten generations of miearoants, and who fortune and the blighted lift take nom• fort from wap; I yaw is my Sabbath a ately after de Immediately a£her bho departure of the young lady Dr. Pibkfn a similar On each onvelo s was wribten on the , P + WOh br:ab wiehan of Mr. Childs.' 'I have isen mental tecta thele is enough fuel is this tenon ib ••eaame to a doxology extolling Christ him• self, when all the worshippers, lower down pe had eompresesdiu their body ail d prrvd scorning dream, performed eperMten upsn the young mgdloal student. been told th?%t in presents of this kind, and &ah refn:ie to an t abeam P supply !sower for am electric lighting plant doable the size of than ` , and higher n a thousand galleries of g P. g ate+ biter; aad•aiTs7ii propensities, but they pees- Laid hold arm,. they for Reflection the third and last:—How do. This second operation differed in no WOOD- fn ohaoka far Larger aanounts, which were a sent thc"ugh the mails Mr. Childs annual! first equipmont, and able wlthauo farther~ Oliem, snddeAly dripped an their knees chanted, "Worthy is the Lamb that Dried c ,the pooiel mercy, cangnermd�eyrea devib devils � air me that h all get there! Stare this Woment with prayer and Penitence and from the first, er opb that tial young bkda young man's sera were fuller of blood distribnher! at Ohriatm%s nob far from 425:9 • capital outlay In a dryhig and sorbing plank —Electrical Bny{neer. ,end „ was slain, Under the overpowering within an seventy dovile without, and � faith in FYhrht, who Dame from beaten to than those of the t�omata, In both syncs 000.—Philadelpkia .Record. Pharmony 1 fell book. I said, „Let nr go, this is too mach for mortal ears, I can, were washed in the blood of the Lamb and by so mach as their oonteet was terrib 1.. mirth to take us from earth to heaven, Leat summer, a year ago, I preached one Dr. Plbkin operated with his left hand, and aeemod to be as mach at home with this Tbmt+s Why. Crarty 8asml&n 8.11 ra. 1 The Russian Hees] authorities have nett snot bear the overwhelming symphony. Bat I noticed as I @atone tot and awful, and prolix, their victory was .Sabbath consummate and resplendent, and they have afternoon in Hyde Pari, LOU- aon, to a groat multitude that no mea member &s wlbh the right. "I'd like to be an Eskimo boy," said Dr. Pitkin claims that this operation is Archie. been Blow be bake advantage of the lesgemr tan ht by the sinking of H. M. S. Yloborla. wevray that on the steps of the attar was lake taken places Immeasurably higher than those of good parentage, who could hardly mould number, But I heard nothing from k until a few weeks ago, when R verend him own all000very and ham never been mac• aemfally performed by any other surgeon. " Why so?" asked his father. "Bou&use in vacation, when a follow has An exact model of the sunken vesnal 14 it le maid, being oonetraotsd in Orondbadt, ,oramething the Lachymal, or tear- itrottie, as I had seen it in the earthly help being good, because they had ten of to ter. Cook, who for twenty-two years hag fobs of time to go skating and coasting, The Seasons. there isn't fro cad this, together with the information avaga, • ,•muse,ams, the Ischrymals, or tear-bottles tato which the awn used to weep their genbrattoar preceding piety aid thou• presided over that Hyde Park out-door meeting, told we that last winter going any or snow nearer than the Teacher—What season fellows whntor? aroblc rogfons." able an to the causes of the acoidont, velli nerve as an object losson to Russian naval em stets and mot them to away o seared But in lachrymal, or tear-bottle, instead Thea I pointed to one of the most Colon• anded and grandly-domed residences In all through a hospital in London he saw a lying man whose face brightened as he him Jaok—Spring. Teaohor•—Correcb ; and now, Tommy,Trouble you fn the salute, arahiteotm as well as to what "halt Ike avoided in designing new vessels. * of rarthenwars as those the Orientals used. the olty, ansaid, "Who lives there?" and "The Wd that lois heart was ahanged that Wray aay what n Y o after 'i7omsn raring I the awful da ever does name ty y when vv.r-q Aetdtrova asci with meaDr s:Amp the answer was, widow who gave two `And livor rtternoon ander my sermon in Hyde Park, wild! ovoIf y ) r y man's offiae is connected with his Ancliso Tyre Alike. ":m,ors, Baer it wan rowe�g ane or great or mrtee who there!" and "The cad all veer bright now at his de uoano by belophoae, Nome hard-worked bad- Ee I doII'tr nee bow Calumbas over foatngR, ;;unity, And I said to my attending angel the answer was, penitent thief to parture from earth to Heaven, Why may 'This That Fugitive Pocket. nese man MAI have even more trouble t;hau biro too discover America.,' "What is that great lachrymal, or tear- whom Christ said, day shalt thou be not the Lord blame this as well as thratt she (exeibedly)—Oh, George, some wo. they do now in explaining why they don't is Why not !" ` ° bottle standing on the stop of the apart" ,,And to angel said, "Why, do yon aoi With Me in Paradim And who lives Monven as I dreamed about it, and as 1 man on bha oar has sbolon rvy purso l come there!'' I said, and the answer was, "Tia road about It, Is 60 benign a realm yep He—How do you know ib wan a woman ! home earlier nights,—Boston Globe. As far as I can gather, he appears brit have spout narsb of his time bav,nlg his via. " ' ftnow? That is the bottle to which David, blind be who pr'a�ed, %.oral, that my isnnot any of you afford to mist it, Oh, it She— Why, I had !t in the pooket of my , Salt Instead of Cowl. taro taken."—Brooklyn Life. 'ahe Psalmist, referred in his faftyglxth .Psalm, when he said, Tat thou my teairn dyes may opened.' will not be transcendently glorious aft" dread ! Some of those profession of religion who Ilse struggle of this life it over to stand tel Workman boring for coal ab Polak of Ayre, Baby's ]First shoo. In Z'hy battle. TA is full of teai'm from alarth; tears of repentance; tears of be were ferraone on earth T asked about, but iirat eternal safety, Samuel Rutherford, Ito one ooiild tell me anything eonosrnhng ERtaugh they viciously burned atm books Ile Knew It, Tale of 'Man, struck a fine bed Of malt, which Mme. Neflye (whispering to her father w11I more than ropily them for bheir outlay, It fa a fad for women to hang u a bah.711. ' y firbb Pho for an ornament, butwenotloo t'epvement tears of IOY; tenni of runny them Y'hstr names were not even is the ins aA ustl arrested him for from bho countk who is dining; with her but �� found no coal. to arA ural: a4tchisoer a onturies."• Am I was 000nf out of the Tam 1 Ipity, Directory of the }'view Jerusalem. Wrote of that celestial tante: and a parby of city gaesba)—li'Athtr, you kiany who bpd ten Wants were living to .. � muvn'b tuck your napkin under your chin, Willy—Aunty,_ in what do they call the big ictmib dlobe,bogln " eaw all along the pictured walls there were g l-... the back streets of heaven, while many Without �4it its "on�`u�° - ,. It Her father (in robust torsos)—I know D, _Tman , ride Minty up the taxon ! Aunt h Sarah TQx iderminb uv course booaaiso ho Jn old'roman went into a baker'sshop, ohefver, and golden rials were betnst sat with any tsleat had reefdeaees fronting ting cit skins were a well-apent our Emily. flub I ain't got no safety pia for tet everybody.' ' is T Thoa>xh moron cent ala"krsteraisllk Breohia and asked for a nixptuee war* gpon those sheires. Acrd I said, 'cS lies ast0bg up of those a3als at thhklg�aed lM a Yat a ng' l , diad book lawn mks she ri ire elasr as eey@tai, asci fabs h NZy raiiil3y bee 6x It. of Tho�,a,nib arltla ala tali arm' -- A now mlited drink in galled a'c business cake Ai)oth as mouar en at�splt, Cate are faded ext tudvoly New 7:oaland braoe " but Wry tb. wet bits tandeno fancy broad. she baker takln�g a R r from the window, Bald : aF Slastl sr 4am,'urt no*-to�fatly be'tla:�lti, ,,4114 ,tit °` at can wars into ab g'd 00 rgitilit hhtmutr � ��' 4 for the dambruotlon of rabbits. that , praotloal (m more yon of a buslaoss flusender. y a variety S Old women—oh, a , . „ �' lrR fete ie m twa o t:O t► d =A .. .._��'"' P o an $ , bhae variotles. . ., ... . . a - .. '.- . . .. ,.1. I. - ..'1. ;. rr 1.- u�.: .: r ,._ .. .. .. ,.�. .>.. .:....�..w ..., ......... ., 1.t ... ....��.. .. .. ... __L - a.�..,.- 41: �.,�,-tla..v�-..,m.,..�. ..."..s..,... ...,...�,•.. ...C........ ,i•,. .,.., .......,...,. ......•........... ._.....,.._ ._....... ........ ..... - '' ... ... ....-_-. ... . �..1-1.....-.._ .. ...