HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 831� TI1[F SCIIOLARS. A cheap lot of School Books in- cluding the High School list required for the opening. .441 g LOCAL JOTTINGS. Gents Fur Coatl$11.50 was $20; Goat Robes just half price; Sealette Caps, Fur Muffs aid Collars, all go for half pinto. Big Bankrupt. What is an advertisement? A lever of trade, The dealer's sure road to success. The lifeblood ofmodern bus bless. A money maker, getter and saver. A. shuffle uf faltering footsteps, a dal' thud, a few forcible expressions, and another citizens is tilled with re gret that he did not take to the middle of the street in the first place. Mr R. N Rowe instead of parches Lug Mr. James Stewart's residenee on Huron St. as stated last week, bought Geo. Edworthy's premises on Main St. He intends erecting a residence there- ou in the spring. In a railway station not ahundred miles from Ches'ey is the follow': g placard oyei the clock: This is a clock: it is running; it is Toronto time; It is right; it is set every day at ten o'clock. Now keep your mouth shut." It} order to make room for his in- ereasing business Mr. Rol ert Rowe, tureiture dealer, is obliged to increase rue size of his wareroones,and this week workmen are tearing down the back partition in order to make the recess• ary iinprovement. • An orillia genius has just discovered that there are only 325 days in the year. He says that according to the almanac there are supposed to be 365 days. but 40 of them are always Lent,. and as they are never returned, there can only 325 remain. The St. Mary's Argus says:—"Two itinerant preachers, who said they had walked from Parkhill,addressed a large gathering on the market square on Sunday evening after church time. Being entirely destitute of funds aed friends they accepted a night's lodging- in odgingin the tramps' refuge in the basement of the town hail," A postoffice bas been established on the Caradoc Reserve. The postmaster is Mr. 5 Clark, and hereafter the In- dians can boast of a post office on their reserve, and it will bo very handy for aged and other business men .(Indians) that have to corresrond with their fel low Indians and others. The new post office is to be known by the Indian naive, Waub na Kee P. 0. "" Truly this is the age of fakes. On the least provocation the astute indi- vidual seizes the opportunity to make the best of at. It may be to gull the public into buying a portfo'io of photo graphs that world be clear at quarter the money; or to lure the unsuspecting in lividuai toward the 101 ,schemes opened up by the prolific brain. In- deed, these are the times to be aware of the slick fakir. rhe Marks tiros. have been playing to good audiences during the week, Mr. Tom Marks kept the people in roars of larghter whenever he appeared. rhe Spanish Mandoline" and also "The Bewildering Serpentine Dance" w re very pleasing features of the entertain- ment indeea. The acting of the diffier- t'.ut performers is good and nothing of the rude,vulgar savings art noticed, but their funny and rediculous parts keep the audience in continual laughter. If you want a good side-splitting laugh, go and hear Marks Bros. before they leave Change of program each night. The annual Sunday school annivers- ary services of. the Main Street Metho- dist church were held on Sunday last, The sermon in the morning by Rev, Jackson, pas'or of James St. Methodist church. audio the evening by Rev. Swan, of Hensali, were very acceptable one's indeed and highly appreciated by the large congregations in attendance Ie the afternoon a mass meeting of .the Sunday School scholars, teachers and officers was held—the genial Sup- erintendent H. E. Huston in the ehair. after a very satisfactory report of the years work was read by the secretary Mie W. Browning, short and spicey ad- d:resseswere delivered by Messrs. Car- ling, ar-liing, M'eOallum and Mr, Delgatty, of Centralia. The glowing report of last years' S. 5 work has given the officers and scholars renewed vigor and they will enter the coming year with more atnbition. than ever. On Monday even Lig. .the scholars entertained their parents and friends to their usual air- aelversary tea and entertaintnent for whieh a splendid program had been pr aeided'consisting dialogue, readings, etc, also addresses were delivered by 4tcl)onaghi pastor, and. Rev. . McCallum l l u m �+, in en • sail. T. M C 17t�b'adp of`H the chair. On the.•whole. cit was the Wig ,§riec fitful atinivers;axy they have o or bad., Buy your Meer, Tea and Toilet Seta at the Big Bankrupt and save money. 1t appears to be a sad fact that the people who know exaetlly how to man; age newspapers are always employed at some other employment. It is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures, The boot and shoe neck of D. Gottschalk, insolvent, Zurich, was sold on Monday last to Mr. A, Wesloh, of Hensel!, for 71 cents on the •dollar. Owing to the recent spell of frosty weather splendid ice has been formed on the river and made good skatin g and the young people are taking ad- yantage of the same. The dates fixed, for Patron nominat in conventions h the county of Huron are: East Huron, Feb, 23, at Brussels; South Fluron, Marcn 7, at Flenaall; and West Huron, March 1, at Dungannon. An unusualee large congregation greeted the, new rector (Rev Hunt}, of Trivia Memorial church last Sunday, Besides conducting the service to the entire satisfaction of the whole congre gation, he delivered two very impress, iye sermons. The members and adher eats of Trivitt Memorial are congra- tulating themselves on securing Rev. Bunt as the ir rector. Sallorl#oy uncolored japan T 25e; Japan TS pounds. for $1. Big Hank' rapt, Wingham wants a postotfico and customhouse, and willaslt Dr, Macdon- ald to push for the same. New dodo Window Blinds on best• rollers complete only 55ic; Good Wail Paper. Now only Bic per roll, Big Bankrupt. The smallest drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which make thousands, perhaps !nil lions, think, . On account of leek of interest .and', the existence of debt., the directors of the Northern Exhibition at Walkerton have decided not to hold a show this y'ar. While Mr. Harrison of Centralia was returning from the Main St. Annivers- ary services along with hts family, the front axle broke\when the horses took fright and ran away. The occupants were thrown out but no one injured although the buggy' was badly smashed. A cheque for $20,000 was put upon the offertory plate at a recent church opening in Massachussets in answer to an appeal from the pulpit. Fancy the feelings of a church pastor in Exeter receiving one -twentieth of the ruin on such an occasion, There would be cause for a special Te Deus', 3 pound box Soda Biscuits 22 Bents. 2 pounds Baking Soda 5 cents. ro p a) ,)C ifs caca 0 o ao tom CI co A Pq t. China 1THE BIG BANKRUPT STORE, Is Spot for Bargains. A SHORT TIME LONGER. We will for a short time longer give 24 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00 with 4 pounds Sailor Boy or 3 pounds of prize Japan Tea for $1.00. A great snap. Try it ! THEY WILL PLEASE YOU. .Ask for a sample package of "Nur Own" electric soap, 10 bars for 25 cts., and the Stewart Bar, yellow soap 5 for 25c. worth nearly double what we are asking for it. See these two lines, they will please you, DADO BLINDS. A. snap in. Dado Blinds mounted on best rollers, 45 cents complete.—Only eighty in stock, buy quick if you want a bargain. See OUT new Wall papers, The assortment is very large and values right. New New New New New New Dress Prints, De Silks, Tweeds, Lace Goods, Lanes, Curtains, 0 0 Ist Qm h ri2 CO) d 0- ce 0 o 174 00 rn fit0 ti VP to co L.D 0 0 r. 1 0 0. CiX Cup and Saucer free with every pound. of Baking Powder J. A. STEWART. At a recent meeting of the Michell Board of Trade it was decided to peti- tion the Government in favor of a two cent postage rate. Letters patent have been issued by the Ontario Government incorporating "The Clinton Gun Club (Ltd.;," with a a capital stock of $500. 10 big bars choice Electric Soap for 25c; 5 big long bars yellow soap for 25c; 5 bars white Castile or Oatmeal Soap 25e, at the Big Bankrupt. The funeral sermon of the late W. H. Verity will be preached in the Main St Methodist church next Sunday evening by the Rev. McDonagh, pastor.. What the people are saying! Best tea we had for the price is Sailor Boy, 25e; Big Bankrupt Prize Japan, 3 pounds for $1 equal to any 50e Tea in town. Mr. H, Spackman has had the in- terior of his hardware store brightened up by a coat of kalsomine which materially adds to . the appearance of the premises. On' Thursday evening the Marks Bros. Comedy Company purpose put- ing on the boards the celebrated !nay entitled the "Rose of Kerry" or "True to the End." We have no hesitation in saying that this is one of the Guest plays going and .tell worthy of a full house. This company has played this drama with marked success, and no one should miss the treat of the season, to night (Thursday). There died in New York city, N. Y., on the 18th inst., Mrs. Winans, relict of the late H. B. Winans, M. D., both of whom were, a number of years ago, re- sidents of Exeter. The deceased had reached the advanced age of 82 years. Her remains were brought to Exeter and the funeral took plate front the residence of Mr. Harry Hooper, Main St., yesterday (Wed.) and laid to rest in the cemetery were now lie the remains of her husband and three Sons. For years preyious to her demise she has lived with her daughter Mrs. Freeman in New York. The rites of the Method- ist church, of which she was a member, were performed at the grave. Coming on Feb. 27th. A Social and entertainment, under the auspices of the Epworth League of James St. Methodist Church, Tea served from 6.30 p. m. Programme at 8. p.m. Admission to all 15 cls. W. H. Parsons, Pres, May Gill Sec. Removing. It will be noticed by an advertise - meat in, another column that Messrs; E J. Spackman & Co. are remov'flg their large and varied stockof 'dry goods, etc., etc, from their oldstand to the premises recently vacated by Messrs Richard Pickard & Son.) Workmen have renovated the premises throtigh- out and it is trove a bright.and" attrac- tive store, cemnodious and convenient. ly arranged. The premises vacated by them were by far too small, hence the change, The firm needs no introdttc< tion to' the public, as they are well known for, their, honorable and square dealing.with the•peopie of .li1iteter and 'surrounding country, Positively coming Rosa D'Erina with first.class company, Wednesday March 7th 1894, under the auspices of Sons of England, B. S.,Plymouth'Lodge Exe- ter. Sick List. Aquiila Snell, son of Mr. John Snell, is confined to his bed with a severe at- tack of pleurisy.—Mr. Will McNeyin, head miller in Rollins & Williams' Flouring Mills. is on the stck list this ween.—Mr John McCallum, painter, who has been indesposed for some time, is now couvaiescent.-rMr. George Mc- Lecd who has been ill for some weeks is sllowly recovering. Distant Subscribers.The editor of the Mitchell Advocate wisely and judiciously purposes put ting the following in effect:—"We have lost deoheavily with subscribers in the States,Manitoba and scattered places in Or tario that we have decided to re- mov from our list all those who are over a year in arrears, and only to ac sept in future subscribers outside of •Perth who pay strictly in .advance. At the present time there are over $1, 300 due us in those places alone, and we hope that those who have received thew accounts will remit before we are oblieod t9 drop them from our sub seription ]ist." Exeter Council Proceedings. The council met pursuant to ad- journment ent at the Town Eali, Exeter, on Feb. 16th 94. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Taylor—Bobier—Geo. Kemp's; te:der for bell ringing Myer annum be ac- cepted. Carling —Bobier.—that Capt. Kemp's offer of $10 per annum for weigh scales be accepted.—Carried. Weighing to be attended to properly. Bissett—Taylor—Mr. Yellows tender for paving stone $3 75 per cord be ac- cepted,—Carried. Communication re- specting electric light and from Board of Health laid over for a future meeting. Carling—Bobier—the council adjourn until call of the reeve. M. EACIII]TT, Clerk. Runaways. ,Considerable excitment was caused by several runaways, on Main Street Hesterday morning, It seems. John arness had left his horse standing in front of his residenceon Ann street and while into the'' house the horse started off. It ran up Ann street as far as Hawksbaw's hotel and when turning the corner came an contact with Cobbledick & I+olland's dray goods horse and both started up.. Main street together. They had not proceeded far when they were joined by Mr. Snell's express poruv, and all dashed furiously rip Main street upsetting • buggies, cutters, frightening other horses and raising "Cain" in general, Luckily all were Captured before much damage was done. The spring of Mr. ' Harness' rig was broken and Rome other small injuries done' Mr, Garry,• of Mitchell,' who is the guest of Mr; Kinsman ear: nowly escaped inr,y. Ile ran' out to stop Mr, Snell's •torso when he slipped g,.. al and fell • the la r , most passing over him. Another short dash'' was made by • Mr Sam Rowe's horse itt the afternoon blit' was captured before it had gone far. pedal olioe! $Pll0JIIUN & CO„ E. J, Will open out in Samwell's Block, ----S t o r es lately occupied by R. Pickard & Son, ---on Feb. 20 when we will open with a big stock of new and fa shionable goods. . . E. J. SPACKMAN & CO Samwells Block, Exeter. The Acton public school has been closed owing t) a malady: affecting the children's eyes. There are nearly- fifty cases. • Spoken well of by all newspapers, in towns where they have appeared in the verdict given of Rosa D'Erina and her company Keep yourself free. P.' P. A .Lecture. The large audience that greeted Thad W. I3. Leavitt on F:iday night were highly delighted with the dis- course and the able way in which the• gentleman handled his subjects. His dictation was exceedi gly good and his remarks were well founded. Mr. Lea Vitt is a peer among orators. New "Adis". MURRAY & CO.—Plow points, &c. CARDING BROS —Spring! Spring! Spring! J. A. STEWART.—A short time longer. HENRY JONES.—Farm Machinery. WOOD BROS,—Settle at once. M. KELLAND.—Notice to Creditors. ANDERSON.—Watch found. Personal Mention. Mr Francis Coleman, a prosperous and whole soled farmer, of Bills? :rein, was a welcome caller at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on Saturday.—Mrs. D. Stein- bach. and daughter Amy, of Zurich, is the guest of her sister, 1VIis. A. G. Dyer this week.—Mr. M. Zeller, of Zur ich, was in town on business Tuesday.—Rev. W. McDonagh preached sermons on behalf uf the Missionary society of the Methodist church, St. Marys,Suuday.-Miss Maud Christie is visiting friends in Clinton, the guest of Mr. T. M. Carling.—A Parkhill correspondent writing to the Forest Standard says: Mr. Wm. Baw den; reeve of Exeter, ways in town on Monday for the purpose of purchasing a roadster horse, and also to get a few pointers from PeterSimn!e, re. manage- ment of town council, etc.—Mrs Harris, of London. is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Pratt Fisher.—Miss Aure'v ielur- dock of Hensall, is visiting friends in town.—Miss Lib. Eacrett,after spend ing several days at Clandeboye has re- turned home.—Andy Oke, harness maker, who has been engaged itt Toronto for some time, has returned home.—Mr. H, Buckingham has en- tered the services of Mr. J. P. Clark as dry -goods clerk.=Miss M. A. Ching is visiting in London at present.—Mr. S M. Sanders leaves for Toronto on Thurs• day next as Huron County Represent- ative to the ' Grand Association of Patrons of Industry.—Rev. W. M. Martin and Rev. Stewart, of Clinton, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. Wedding Dells, A very pretty wedding *as celebrat. ed ,yesterday afternoon (Wed.) at the residence of Mr, John Hawkshaw, when his daughter, Mattie, was united in matrimony with Mr. Frederick Me. Donald, of Henson, formerly an Exeter boy, A number of near relatives and friends witnessed the c. remony, which was performed by the Rev. E. W. Hunt, rector of the Trivitt Memorial church. The bride was . attired in a beautiful cream cashmere trimmed with silk and real lace of a like color, carrying in: her hand a large bequet of flowers and prevented a charming appearance. The bride was assisted by Miss Bettie May Hawkshaw; sister of the bride, who was also neatly and tastefully gowned. The groom was supported by Mr. Isaac R Carling, cousin of the groom. The ceremony over andthe usual congrat- ulations extended all present sat down to partake of the good things provided for the occasion, after which the happy cduple were driven to the depot where they took, the train for Detroit and other points, The presents were num- erous. and costly,°showing the high e'=teen,in which the bride is held by her many friends. We haste great pleasure in joining with her numerous friend in best wishes for the future happiness fherse f nd husband, On their return they wit snake Mensall their future home; where MitiVICDOnald, is engaged in the hardware business: Spring!Spring!Spring! Spring will soon be here and we are prepared with spring goods. to meet it when., it does coxae. Let us drop the old talk about "hard times." You must wear . . . . CLOTHES! Carling Bros. sell them. Use Household Linens CarlingBros. sell them, Prints and laces the newest. Carling Bros. sell them. Boots and. shoes the lowest. Carling Bros, sell them, Carpets, blinds, lace curtaih.s and wall papers. Carling Bros. sell them. Crockery and glassware. Carling Bros, sell them. Have family supplies. Carling Bros. sell them, Eat, sleep and CARLING B i l 0$ Are here to min - be clothed! ister to you. Eats! ia1 Itito agency IF YOU WANT TO Bny or Sell a Farre. IP YOH WANT TO Bay or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or. Lend.pion}ey IF`YOU WANT Collections Make Call at fir. he. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan. Line and State Line Steamships. Office— Main Street, Exeter. Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and .though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills lir your tongue is coated yon need then .AT ALL DRUG STORES. Exeter LuMber Yard. The undersigned wishes to inform thegeneral public that be keeps constantly in ` .? stock all kinds of building material. dressed and un- dressed lumber . B. C. Red, Ontario, High Land and Pine Shingles. . . Special notice is 'drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable timber that grows; especially for .shing. les, 36 to 40 years. It is said by those know, that they will from 36 to 40 years in climate. James. Willis, who last any LUMBER MERCHANT JOHST0'S Impor�tations�, V IA2000 SPRING 600 n $2000 C3 bOffit1gnS WORTH j�lE�l b4iESS GOODS We only quote this week one special line: silk fin- ished Henrietta well worth 75 cents in all the new colorings for 50 cts. Black Cashmere stock complete. A Startling Announcement! 100 pieces Spring Prints 32 inches wi worth 14 cents, --all good patterns for the low pric of 10 cants. A fast colored liner` cts. A good 12-ct. goods for 9 cents. C . ; ole carefully, we cannot guarantee these pric ter the first liiie is gone. .A nice line of Ladle Vests only 5 cents. Good Lace'Curtains !loan edges worth 50 cts. (50 pairs) for 30 cents. Winter Goods at Cost., --- All Winter Goods downon the counter at cost price and 4in. some cases 20 per cent less than cost.in order to clear put. We cannot mord to carry them over, Do not fail to see these as we must reduce our stock $5,000. JOHNSTON Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel