HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 7II - _.
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i mug, thing, . udiert # 1m
and Schtist ,
latroduolnR roforsar and growing the
1 �t]GH "D LEA X.
modern or i nand wf400". Thr! is Li's racy.
�' ' A TOWS FUL E11 °
'o loblars4, though in many ke+pocjo a
rich and beautiful language, 1■ struo,Dnrallf
,.. �
#crave Leve.
,He'd nothing but his violin;
iprapabie of rovresoutiutgyt� the terioinolOgy
of rrastwrn science and 1ne I& a which Ile
Ad, nothing but nr son ,
Aub we were wed when sties wore blue
Iwblad !t. ti'hess who master foreign,
soleuile must do as In foreign language for,
And summer 4aya were long,
And when wo recited by'tho hodgo,
the prosnnt xi bimself, tw ba once, knows
. •^'rhe robins oa mo and told
How they had dared to woo and win,
rr,rungora w o ave ro• Groat Wall, and is beingbuilt thence into Kill youth s sweet spring grows brown'and sere
rgagtl visited Now All love and beauty, tine,
., y MAutchuria. Upward of 100 mita are in Will never ',now theo of h t
York, says a carrespon• operation, and, when nam ettd ib will be � e ear s
That mat without a tear
d-ni' is on American ' Whey, you lead but I our violin,
200 miler ,avg. Another reutci fi projsoted
g•,ntloman who had net from Tient*in mouth alongthe coast, And i a song, my dear.
1@#c Gretna since he went �� }rho most petverftrl o the Gbvornmenb Jwnrrs Wzilraoxlr RILEY.
there, more thou A Basrdi At Peking is the Beard of Censors, Torpedoes were invented by an American
q xarwr of a century which oomiste of old men stooped in the in 1777.
since, prior to his re- ideas of the past. They supervise all obbor
" J tarn to the land of his Government proceedings, and have uracil• Theta to no goniut in lifelike the genius
- btfh, He bao occupied for muay y{,ars the call bine of energy and activity.
war of veto, Da though in theory
:. 1, tar n
ti a of E sh in r(,tez and r
sl o i iva6e
� B Some b
g P S s mon ai
the EmpOror is a despot. tl:'bia Board was r bigger that they prrby, but
,secrebary to the gros+ Li Hung Chang, the 'met against the railroad. Then the great the biggest men sin b. 11
.Ti#me :Minister of Chi,o4. $time notes of hosts of pravinotal literati scabterad through The more honest man has the loam he
vanvermation with him will br, of interest to Cfalaa tOtONaw In its coming the Iwo of their affects the mire of a sa saint.
%he public, as buoy throw light an the preetdge. And the oommsn people hated the Tall me with whom thou art found
pormonalibp and I.olloy of Otte at thogianbo of thought, ler At maeaab a dinturbarrce of ,and I
,*a ape, though he le tint little kr,owa to will tell thee who thou art.
-the leading public of 8 naedca, Lt has peen THE BONr,9 OF THEIR FATHSU9. The work of a chef In a big babel roses•
eta the autafdaP world quite the head sold Reverence for the dead is the mosb pirosion. oarily covers a wide range. .
IrmDt sof affairs in Citing One* 1871. The ate of all China prejudices. The argument A pear man's trousers seldom draw tigh
;genarai trend and suyiownceof the aonverma- which dually eenq,rercri at Poking was the ever the region of his pocketbook.
-llalort aro given below : flab thab railways wasuid quadruple the
au What is the owlet pwstdoit of Li Hung dffioienoy of the army by the facility of can. The bomb emeralda found to the United
Cbsve, ander tha Chinese Gov, rnmaat?" eontrating 'is in case of Insuvreotion or States coma from North O:roliae.
"lb Is a little difficult to d find t^hat in a foreign war. The railroad ora hob' began, -Peaple are said to eat much more broad
ilwir words. In the first plane, he is the and is quite sure to go on, slowly, perhaps, in winter than they do in rummer.
Viceroy of Chihit in nor, #.erii China, a pre- but aureiy. The fear of a foreign debt was, Cab of the curious things about the
glace of moms 25,000,000,44 inhabitants, indeed, one strong reason a!xaln8b them. Gulf stream is that no whalam are found
VD -h fall cbarga of its ad:a,la.4ecration, and Lfs idsa is to build gradually, piece by in It.
TOWER ONJAFA AND DEATH. piooe,'with Chineme money, partly from bbe The wadding ring has at one time or
Itlsibll3a the most itxiportaut of all4he Pro- eabeorlptleagCh
Imperial tr. Oh, partlyinese capitaall hhagh steakas had bub another been worn en the.thumb and every
vinces, for Pckfi;lt, the imperitsl capital, is little autleb. The rich Ch•naman hat finger.
•%Item, and the ruLr in looped on as the Ira- feared the show of wealth, for it meant Wine is a mocker, bub the case Emperor
modists guardiarr of fha throw. But pro- forced contributions. Though there it no William sent Bismarck proved to be an ex-
-Ancial adwlnibbi a&; ten is ouly a small part such vmb aggrogation of ovpital there as otpblon.
:mf 3.4'e war*. H^, is the Ciitet Gland Secre- in London or New York, yet there is an im. The huntsman who brings home the
f.ry of State, and all io-.ign business el a mocs,N deal of wmaliabis money looked up in antlara proves that he has been able to gbh
adfplematle nature paeaem first through him. the Chinese Empire. It is Li's hope to tap a head of the game.
]'si'p assent or divappr»val noes a great way this hidden ra,servotr by giving ianvastment France danced the German once
4imssttiing than matr;or. E,eu ohm foreiga proper safeguards. was neves p9pular with the an once, but That
srtlnfatere who live ab Peking must transact CarliA'as �� were sink iter the ball y
their aff%ho' in large measure through him.
" Viceroy Ll doss the wank at a dozen "Large steel and iron rolling mills with When a young llon reaches the age of
ancon. He Is rise§ the Saporinteaeiant of 9.'rrade blaeb furnaces hove been eatabliebed at two years, It Is able to stra,nglie or pull
ao# North China, Di- a, or Gentral of the Rmkow en the Yangteze river. Coal and down a horse or an ex.
Veast Defence of the N�r,h, Admtniettator iron mines, of which China has vast de- Beethoven composed west of his beat
of the Imperial Nay), Rv, d the C,unnomder• polies of the beet quality, have been opent,& work with a beer mu at his elbow mad
In -Chief of the Army o1 North China. These Arsenals and deck yards are in operation. Went of it in a bear garden. �
lnnotions are naso mgr+ly nominml, but he Various companies for the manufacture of The hotel trust will probably nob be a o
naerolmn active and oritieai obarge. There mills, cotton, wool, grams, etc., are in process P y B
Is rsaarooly anything which encapea his eye, cif formation. The spirit of prasgress is unless the proprietor sees that yen have can-
-' and thema who blunder or negleat duty thoroughly alive and working. 01 course sid4raile baggage with you.
.aero quickly taliei to book. Ptobmbly no the maeses of people are not impregnated Every man who doesn't know anything
weaurn statemm,an works half so hard, but with it, bnd many of the literati are to op- about farming longs to move on a farm and
Is has tan extra.rdinary capacity for bust- position. But Li has a powerful and grow- get rich while taking life easy.
mem He to an old rasa ne%rly 74 years of Ing party behind him and moi;eyed men are A Gtorgla editor, In speaking of a rival,
ne. Hie person is tall anal bulky, and when beginning be range themtelve* by bis bide, mays : " A piece of charcoal would make a
a young man he msu,st h .ve bead It to also underateod that Prince C.um, the w1she mark on bin conscience 1"
GREAT PHYSICAL 87RHXGTJL father of the Emt,eror,^ and the E,espreed Honor bells as not to bib a man when he'd
dowager are In favor of the new dcpsrture.
Rein of active Citiaxsae d=scent, and this This, of esuree, means the osnturrouce o dawn, and dieoim w warns u be be careful
lana-roma#imaa beea made a handle by his the Emperor." chant hitting Lim when he fou'a down. e
;afnamtos, wha have treea to dir:oredlt him as " How, then, would jou mummariae the Russian Cauab ('noognito)-- If you divulge
'Ablayal to the Mara rob u Gawrarmeaat. Him actual resuba of the Vuerey's agitation far my name I abali force you to sallow your
algin Is a dewp yellow, and very mach plogream up to the present time I" words. Servant -Bub lam no ostrich.
wrinkled. His eyes are piarofbgly bright ." Ftretiy, there to an extensive and well Judge -You are fined $10 for contempt of
mind black, and always watch the person he organized and sound telegraph system, A court. Offeader-I say, judge, seeing the
iia apoahiag with as if they aveulri pea@trato ,portton of the army (that of Nerch China), tenbsmeab is mutual, why not call it draw?
to the very marroan of his thoughts The may 150.000 men, are well drilled in Euro- . The quail liberated in Rhode Island to
Stead is large and ceroma10610g, shaven in pean tactics, splendidly offroerad by Ger- multiply and become ase far thea o
front and adorned with a long gaei:e. A mans and P Y g p rta-
Ireavy wMto muwzao',c and tmpertA give amen are having a hard tame 'of it, and it
Rend-ruilitory Iook in hla tate. He drenmen Ann- PD-AvlTH mn BEST wlaAPONB is hardly likely that many of them will
liar plain, rloh garments of the Chinese 'ef modern war. A partien of the navy is survive the winter.
iuhl.oa. steel -armored, 12 in all, three of them being ' In South America :'Tourist --Could net
1. ,111,H is habits are very eimpla€, and he fol- 10,000 -ten oil beailes a large wooden game of tbeme disputes be nobbled by arbi.
lows Euraapartu fiishtr+n nasi diet at table, sad flotilla eeh. The navy is largely tr Alon? Native -Mare watts of time. We
though a spare eater. Ha rare touched 4iaered by Englishman. There are tour could finish ten revolutions In the time re-
Ariae, cad then only when he off4ra sham- mili ary and naval colleges with the ablest quired for one arbitration.
Magna 'bo a iuests whian is an uuvarying pr4somorm, besides the Tang -Wan -Kwan Ib won't do say good to pray for the
bw lt. It is to hit au*4.rs limy, perhaps, he College, Peking, wbiob is like ono of your South Sea Islander as long an you won't
-owes aria em^iumnca as a worker. He was grab tciaai ifio Nohoalr. far the education of speak to the man who' lives is the next
gaaralyzed about two years age, but k on- young Chim ao, house.
'tarely recovered now. 44 Then the railway oyobem has been in- MY BOY.
na I shon?d may tufkxible parpass acid the aogura±ed, and there are the various opera. Illy mind conceives vast schemes to span
courageof his con make* his obarac- ?,tens In mining and msinufacturtng of which
The nursery floor with railroad plan;
tat'IBtic 11ustiby. I Will ifllnitante this by as -I have spoken. This may seem atviis .He sails brave ships in chilcish play
Axaampls. Macre than ton years ago he moatured by American standards, but It is To Ceylon's Weaud fair Cathay;
a tremendous fact for China, The ball is No lana remote or unconfessed
mfleyrtad the sure to grow greably bigger as ib rolls, 1L'he Lies b'ae n fromo't his
a rnkv'srvg quest;
VTkBTEtiN I neCTta7A OF mt1flDIZ-txrz4' nd
Important thing of all is thab the country is His tiny -clad soldier's fierce command ;
xeruoh to the di guar of hie Woods. His awake from its lethargy. All this, in the His knights in tourney never fall,
nhlasf wife wan v ry i 1, and he oalted in Drs. main is ane be the vloete of Chihli, His prince must win the Holy Grail,
.Andrew Irsci'a eud Mackenzie ani Miss .4 ' y He'llWfowake
b beauundety
f th
a Ll is tea prnfonodly aeoapled with the >rlo'li wake the beauty of the wood.
:Il ard, one a f the mme:dical m.s.,tmarios. welfare of 400 000 000 people to care verya nd all the gianta' beads will fall
They were admitted to thy, very bedside of much about the few thousands in America Before his sounding bugle call t
ilaa,pO.toat, apr000eding i0terl{ atv,�rhmoe per no. He is, 1)awover, an a reiponslble The Impecunious—Ib is just as easy b
svitla Chinese trw%li ion. The,teeatmont was statesman keenly alorb to the love a girl with money as to love one with.
mnocet.aful, Several years Tatar Lady Li
keeeamp mortally ul, and +Ste doctors coutdeb DIGNITY OF IIIB COUNTRY out ib. The Helreea-Bub it ien'b me ossa to
,rave Icer, At this b to old sot oA friends of and thinks .that Chinese emigrants, even get her.
the 'viceroy raised a gro%b Eutory, and though bolongtng to the very lowest coolie A German doctor mays a ptomaine is
'brtaagbt almost resistless Ir;flli:nce to bear class, should not be unjustly treated. L1 is found in influenza patients, and is pre.
,on 'him. Bub he was as firm as a rook and not in favor of amigiabion and is not un- numably the cause of the disease and Greaten
continued to believe in western medicine. willing that It should be checked. Bub he the fever.
Jrtoy I;urod frim of bis Paralysis by oleo, pants it done on lines of common decency. Men who go into Ioaiety a great deal mel.
4r'iolty, and even to -46,7 he takes almost Him position to eminently osol-headed dom got married. They haven't enough
loylah delight in the use of the galvanic and ' reasonable. As for retalia- left after paying for carriages and flowers
battery, which he derola,,es more exhilrab- tion, there In no danger of It, I think, at to afford it.
log than obampagre. He has wablished a least at present, Of coarse no one could Rluhardson's "C.iarina Harlow*." which
free dispensary at Tieuein. The vioarey speak for the final action of a. BtAteeman contains more than one millien words, is
bol the whose motto Is to lob each contingency bake believed to be the Iengeat novel in the
XRZNEST INTELL-90TUAL t1IIBIOBITY oars of ibeelf." English language.
In regard to bho outrages against the
:f (e�ver'know, and takYs delight In swop -missionaries In China has not Li'm action When only nine years old Meyerbeer was
Iilvg I opinlens, ow I believe the American" been somewhat indifferent ? Ib scorns tome considered the best pianist in Barlin. His
I' ie now, with able mind#, especially that with his great weight In affairs he career as a musician began when he was an
thoea who can offer a fresh point of view. could have taken a more pronounood stand." Infant of two yearn:
}Phis is saying much whou you think of the " The vioeroy, you must clearly under- She -Did you pub the hob water bobble In
tremendaus pressure of work on him, which stand, could only exercise ,jurisdiction over the sleigh under the Boston girl's iamb? He,
!encroaches on every minutia of bime. Why 1 any outrages occurring In his own province. -Oh, yes; and when we gab back the
it is a common thing for him to' wouss hia He is friendly to the mfsoionarioa, becanns water was frozen solid.
of£cW houoebold and plunge into work at 2 he believes they help progress in China, but
a.m., three or four hours bat age eunrloo. He e9! aebte would not permit nim to Interfere We are generally ae carried sway by the
Is a -van of tron, almoen i ireleas In body and 4 1086 words of famous personages that we
brain. In addlbion to affairs of Spate and by word or dead in matters relating to never panes to refloot that the firab weivds
ilia local alfa d it the Pr Alrao f he is con- snatber prodlace, unless he were appointed of there same heroes were " goo,.gaa,. goo."
iamperial oommtemloner for the purp=les. As
numlly oafled out to review troops, toepeob a matter of Icternatienal e-mtroversy the Cora -How in it drab when m man writes
one famous e s star be e
a se ria very sella
mini rde nd ar n end watch m wrl
. pyo + a gneebien Weald only some to him by y y �e
osad admlaistrasbiva debacle, t,anemission imam the Toung-ll-yamun. another ? Ilierrlbb-Becaaso he devotes the
"• Weat as are the offiaea of Li, his stipend Lt'a attitude f m not mlenmdersbaod in Clalnm fart of hia life to telling no how he came to
Is comparatively small, and he does what writs ib
by the foreign residents.
Sae Is expected to des in order to sus- The Chinese under the drill and leader-. Barbara -Hew do you know Lit loon.
train iris ank. But for all this he Is ship of Ward sand Garden in the Talpiag gaged? She hadn't a ring, Belinda-
smadsra -•to boa oar man in spite of rebellion, eaewed aptendid fighting staff. No, tub she aboent-mindedly doeigns mono-
Itds I hsibits of life. WbOU you con- !they don's fear death, and will go any grams of her Initials all the time. ,and that
sdr?, at a man of such enormous power where under the right man. ^ But the ! moxas household linens.
nld safely do and yet refrain from ChiDnmaD, after all, Is essentially a man of 'a What'd that furniture dealer say when
icing,. you can moo why Ino is regarded peace, and bas me disposition to carry a you bold him that mirror be sent up was
amertg us ae the beau ideal of honer and chip on him shoulder. Leb us hope he will cracked?" ."Said he'd look into Ib."
OG koethat4Losil•lmporbaatthing for always remain me." a giLla is so sudden," she said, blushing
Is aountry In internal duvolopment ; that at the bender question. " I know it," he
Zhe Wasteel Advice, responded gallantly; 14 I never should have
.FNORNOUa RES01MOEs Or CRINk The New Pastor -My brother, I adjure done it if I had taken time to think
you to love our ocemleo, about It."
r+za almost untouched that war would be y y
mortsin to delay progress. He knows, too Col. Fend (of the Kentucky moonshine Either (to her �betrobbe d)—,Do learn to
,,43mb, wonderful an have been hili Improve distriot)-Can b do It, parson f Can't skate, George- I'm sure you would task
do it l lovely n
:meats to the Chinese 'army and navy v y o foe. George (young end rlsleg
yribblu the ]nab twenty years, the (Phe New Patter -Yon could ii you would andartaker)-Look lovely on ice Z Thank
�aanpdre to tar from being equal yet t o any try you. I in In to harry abeab that.
Jorelgn power in r-mr.king strength 1 Col. Feud--Impoinsible f Hsth't gob none B Aio-Dexo your minister alwm ■ bpi•
�a to love. Shot the last ono this mawnitt 1
ural that wry want prtabrbly end in Cnl• brace you so effusively? Kitty,
-- es; he
1. }sere defeat cad hamlliaiiern, ti~hab is the I thinks I'm In the infant clean gait, It'd very
roaeen why f hlus -submitted to the late Nowopaper misprints are often amusing. mnaoyteg, but he's me old. If it werea
French aggreso on in Slaw, The time is One of the fuunleAb I have lately seen ie the yoon er marl it would be diderenti. '
" �g
earning whorl Chitty will hold 'her own reerenoa to DKr. Hanwnn, lazy vicar cad I ' I have n;a abjeotioa, T'omaly, bo, your
wAnypaelfor, bub It to nob yet. IR sale tenor, §t. Fr ^rails Oi ,thedrai." That playing with the rich br,nker's son,'a said
'faho'meautin a tot China lend all- bar onar• p>tioter bad obviously near heard of a' the poor widowi 4aif he Is a Rood ba . Bab
*oa to making herself gnromb all house, by " Icy . vicar. `I I you don't toady be hirci, '66 ye a t?' A Stop,1b .
lk$ww*red T-04lgey. " Me and him play
olza ranks.ha,merit whorl they *errs t.
, blow!, ,
Only ane person In 16, 000romahes the ag
Of IOQ learn.
The crackle ,groat'whan It as mea to wind
Ing peopie up.
You are always sure to fwd tootlivtor i
N. oboe denier's advertisement.
Baltimore bas been elegantly defined as
the offspring of Action and love,
Krupp boo made £idly 20,000 guns of
large oalibre for the armian of Europe.
Utah Produced 7,107,503 ounces of silver
mat year, having a ries value of $5,233,965.
"Little white feathers filling the air,
idttlewhite feather.+, how came you tbsre7;',
'" WO came from the storm-birda balling on
They're shaking their white,wings up in the
'"Littlo white feathers, how fast your;
Little white feat bore, we love you sol
"We're awl t beeaw awe have worn. to do,
I hold up your too@ and we'll kites y� u true,"
It is computed that a year on the planet
Neptuna oenebaf@ of more than 60,000 of our
day s.
If a man gets up when the day breaks,
can he be slid to have a whole day balers
him I
There is Rabbling like bad 4uok to gab m
man about making a meatal inventory of his
The Swiss used the power of waberfalle to
run fifty-three electric plants and more than
1,000 dynamos.
Be careful c your language when balking
to the elevator bey ; he's apt to take you
up very quickly.
Great Bribala's seventeen batbleabips of
the first}' 011ie oust $54^000,000 and her en.
tire fleet about $175,000,000.
The outcome of a man's courtship now-
adays in largely dependent upon his in
Game ?
A Western paper says that brandy is good 1
for a toothache. Bub it Is difficult for a i
man to as smile" who bas a toothache.
Old Lady -My friend, are you a Chris- �I
tian ? Beggar -Well, mnm, no one has 1
ever accused me of werktn' on Sandsy.
Everybody knows that the sun has spots
on It, and yet memo people always expeab a
10 -year-old boy to be about perfect -
Ram's Horn.
The only way the great army of olorkm
can prevent the wamon from baking their
places as clerical assistants is to call in cler-
tool aeslebsnoe and call on the women.
The Poet's Wife -They say that poetry
is a drug on the market. The Poat-Non.
sense 1 If you'd ever sold any poetry and
bought any drugs you'd know the differ.
Welcnow that spring is coming, i
Y at from the streets to -dap
It looks as if it might be
.A century away.
"Jobton has pradaosd a comic opera
whish, he says, he thinks all the clergy
will commend." "Everything bighlymoral,
eh V "Yen. All the high kicks of the
ballet are directed at the heavy villain,"
"Now, my little children," said the Sun-
day School teacher, "' all of ;on be vary
still while I tell you about it -se still that
you can bear a pin drop." All was silence
till a little They shrieked out, " Let bar
drop P
"I'm an unlucky devil," tried the editor -
'[What's up now?' "Nothing; only
was thinking that if money grew on trees,
1'd be sure to catch the rheamathm and
wouldn't -be able to climb P
The deepest bele in the earth b one 6,5"68
feet in depth and about 3 inches in diameter,
In Western Silesha. It was bored for solen-
bifio purposes and will be extended until a
depth of nearly two miles is reached.
Teacher (in a physiology lessen) --The
next proosse In digestun Im called ohymifi- 1
cation. During this the feed is turned
around and around In the stomach. Tommy
Traddies-Piesse. sir? Is that what they
call the dense da ventre?
A Jar of COW Cream.
The basis of cold oresm to always mutton
tallow. You can gob this at the butobees,
and it you tell him what it is for he will
select some very fine tallow. Cat the tallow
Into bit@ and put it into a saucepan with.
out any water. Set the mancepan into a Jar
of boiling water, end let it remain until the
fat in thoroughly "tried" eut of the tallow.
Strain through a fine sieve, and while ib In
still warm stir In a beaspaon of the essence
of oampbor to every cap of tallow. Next a
tablespoon of your favorite perfume, and stir
until all in a sweet-smelling liquid. Beton e
It has had time to cool, pour in a little toilet
Jar and mot open the ice overnight. 1b will
keep indefinitely, and will be found one of
the beat remedies in the world for skin that
gets rough and "Winter -mere,"
g , Shy
to the ways of her household."
Yes, Solomon is right; that's what
the good housekeeper everywhere
does, but particularly in Can-
But her ways are not always
old ways. In fact she has dis-
carded many unsatisfactory old
trays. Vor instance, to -(Say she
iS^ using
the New Shortening, instead o
lard. And this is in itself a lrea
son why "she looketlt well" h
another sense, for She eats n(
lard to cause poor digestion ani
a worse complexion.
COTTOI,1�," is !Huth better
than lard for all cooking pun,
poses, as every one who has true
it declares. Have you tried it
or 1e everywhere.
I` sa race
Made only by
Wellington and Ann its.,
..,:i' J ,
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a _ - - z `.
o _+aa-.,
I I I . I . 11 .� Wh;Wo,
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. I I :
1. I. I
II ''. I I—— �, I . ..'�.i��M2
A � �� � I I 5���E!91 ,
Vastoria is Dr. Samuel Pit�eber"'s prescription for'Ylnutalnt�3
I 11
;land Cbildreno It coniailns neithor (Opium, Xorpldnc uor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantce3 is thirty years' use by
.7 111lons of Mothers. Castorila, destroys Worms and allao .
fI'everishnoss. Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Curd,
cares Damrrhgea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieJvaser
teething troubles, cares coixstipation and iiatulelie,y'. .
1. Castoria. assimilates the fool, regulates the stomach i
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casae
titorlai, is the, Children's Panacea tlae Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
11 I
"Castorls is an excellent medicine for cbil- "" Castoria is so well adapted to eh#ldren theq
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ane of its I recommend it assuperior toanyprescripU4a.
good effect upon their children." known to me."
Dir. G. C. OsGaon, H. A. Atagmrat, X. D.,. 1
Lowell, I4inss, 1 , — Oxford St„ I3rooklynI N. Y.
.' CgetorisIs the best remedy for children of " Our physicians in the obildren!s depart -
which I am ncquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi- .
far d'rstantvAieumothers will consider the real ence in their outside practice withCastoria,
interest of their children. and uso'Castoriala- ' and although we only have amapg our
stead ofthevariousquack nostrurnswhicharo medical supplies what is kaolin as regular
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess brat the
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with
agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it."
tho>ntopr^ernaturegraves." Ualrm HosrrrAL Azw DasPxNaAzx,
Dn- J. F. Kusscascos, Boston, RUM
Conway, Ar Ausna C. Surrn, Foes.,
The Centaur Co -parry, 'ii Murray St—t, Neer York City.
me Ecglleh or French, but he is such a
23lpltaii7(5Q STUDENT
W hen early spring was oold.
We sometimes cuppped on dewberrles,
�' ' A TOWS FUL E11 °
of hlsbario
Or slept ilmpng the hay.'
Taub p1t the fat mor's wives at eye
and pllbinal facie r
P , i hob while
Q*ujo Ont to &ares play
A French electrical paper gives the re -
technically ignorant of solenoo, he fully
The rare ad tunks-the dearold'tunes-
bslonging to the solar system -namely,
appreolytes it You can see now why the
, We co41d not starve for long,
Misr i3atera Lary 7Yaikfa of tr#e Great ehturon
literati fight so against the orbs and daianoeo
of the Wetb.
white mannan had itis violin,
And 1 my sweet old lova'song,
' '`-^=:A";rolgx-rKs in th.0 +Urloi�at-I'ratevts Mise'
«�,'y introduce railroads has the
The world has r�.yo gone well with us,,
tlen,aries -. Chtca moa'r aunt
groat babble o4 his life, cad he is just botgin-
ping to reap the fruits of v,atory. The ice
OOldur ou Giese down the lanes-
It long ago was done.
MOPTGI .the faisreobinR
L. h
has been broken. A road rums from Tient.
stn through the coal Sella of ffi ytng be the
But tliore wha wait for gold or: gear,
Nor houses and for kine,
rr,rungora w o ave ro• Groat Wall, and is beingbuilt thence into Kill youth s sweet spring grows brown'and sere
rgagtl visited Now All love and beauty, tine,
., y MAutchuria. Upward of 100 mita are in Will never ',now theo of h t
York, says a carrespon• operation, and, when nam ettd ib will be � e ear s
That mat without a tear
d-ni' is on American ' Whey, you lead but I our violin,
200 miler ,avg. Another reutci fi projsoted
g•,ntloman who had net from Tient*in mouth alongthe coast, And i a song, my dear.
1@#c Gretna since he went �� }rho most petverftrl o the Gbvornmenb Jwnrrs Wzilraoxlr RILEY.
there, more thou A Basrdi At Peking is the Beard of Censors, Torpedoes were invented by an American
q xarwr of a century which oomiste of old men stooped in the in 1777.
since, prior to his re- ideas of the past. They supervise all obbor
" J tarn to the land of his Government proceedings, and have uracil• Theta to no goniut in lifelike the genius
- btfh, He bao occupied for muay y{,ars the call bine of energy and activity.
war of veto, Da though in theory
:. 1, tar n
ti a of E sh in r(,tez and r
sl o i iva6e
� B Some b
g P S s mon ai
the EmpOror is a despot. tl:'bia Board was r bigger that they prrby, but
,secrebary to the gros+ Li Hung Chang, the 'met against the railroad. Then the great the biggest men sin b. 11
.Ti#me :Minister of Chi,o4. $time notes of hosts of pravinotal literati scabterad through The more honest man has the loam he
vanvermation with him will br, of interest to Cfalaa tOtONaw In its coming the Iwo of their affects the mire of a sa saint.
%he public, as buoy throw light an the preetdge. And the oommsn people hated the Tall me with whom thou art found
pormonalibp and I.olloy of Otte at thogianbo of thought, ler At maeaab a dinturbarrce of ,and I
,*a ape, though he le tint little kr,owa to will tell thee who thou art.
-the leading public of 8 naedca, Lt has peen THE BONr,9 OF THEIR FATHSU9. The work of a chef In a big babel roses•
eta the autafdaP world quite the head sold Reverence for the dead is the mosb pirosion. oarily covers a wide range. .
IrmDt sof affairs in Citing One* 1871. The ate of all China prejudices. The argument A pear man's trousers seldom draw tigh
;genarai trend and suyiownceof the aonverma- which dually eenq,rercri at Poking was the ever the region of his pocketbook.
-llalort aro given below : flab thab railways wasuid quadruple the
au What is the owlet pwstdoit of Li Hung dffioienoy of the army by the facility of can. The bomb emeralda found to the United
Cbsve, ander tha Chinese Gov, rnmaat?" eontrating 'is in case of Insuvreotion or States coma from North O:roliae.
"lb Is a little difficult to d find t^hat in a foreign war. The railroad ora hob' began, -Peaple are said to eat much more broad
ilwir words. In the first plane, he is the and is quite sure to go on, slowly, perhaps, in winter than they do in rummer.
Viceroy of Chihit in nor, #.erii China, a pre- but aureiy. The fear of a foreign debt was, Cab of the curious things about the
glace of moms 25,000,000,44 inhabitants, indeed, one strong reason a!xaln8b them. Gulf stream is that no whalam are found
VD -h fall cbarga of its ad:a,la.4ecration, and Lfs idsa is to build gradually, piece by in It.
TOWER ONJAFA AND DEATH. piooe,'with Chineme money, partly from bbe The wadding ring has at one time or
Itlsibll3a the most itxiportaut of all4he Pro- eabeorlptleagCh
Imperial tr. Oh, partlyinese capitaall hhagh steakas had bub another been worn en the.thumb and every
vinces, for Pckfi;lt, the imperitsl capital, is little autleb. The rich Ch•naman hat finger.
•%Item, and the ruLr in looped on as the Ira- feared the show of wealth, for it meant Wine is a mocker, bub the case Emperor
modists guardiarr of fha throw. But pro- forced contributions. Though there it no William sent Bismarck proved to be an ex-
-Ancial adwlnibbi a&; ten is ouly a small part such vmb aggrogation of ovpital there as otpblon.
:mf 3.4'e war*. H^, is the Ciitet Gland Secre- in London or New York, yet there is an im. The huntsman who brings home the
f.ry of State, and all io-.ign business el a mocs,N deal of wmaliabis money looked up in antlara proves that he has been able to gbh
adfplematle nature paeaem first through him. the Chinese Empire. It is Li's hope to tap a head of the game.
]'si'p assent or divappr»val noes a great way this hidden ra,servotr by giving ianvastment France danced the German once
4imssttiing than matr;or. E,eu ohm foreiga proper safeguards. was neves p9pular with the an once, but That
srtlnfatere who live ab Peking must transact CarliA'as �� were sink iter the ball y
their aff%ho' in large measure through him.
" Viceroy Ll doss the wank at a dozen "Large steel and iron rolling mills with When a young llon reaches the age of
ancon. He Is rise§ the Saporinteaeiant of 9.'rrade blaeb furnaces hove been eatabliebed at two years, It Is able to stra,nglie or pull
ao# North China, Di- a, or Gentral of the Rmkow en the Yangteze river. Coal and down a horse or an ex.
Veast Defence of the N�r,h, Admtniettator iron mines, of which China has vast de- Beethoven composed west of his beat
of the Imperial Nay), Rv, d the C,unnomder• polies of the beet quality, have been opent,& work with a beer mu at his elbow mad
In -Chief of the Army o1 North China. These Arsenals and deck yards are in operation. Went of it in a bear garden. �
lnnotions are naso mgr+ly nominml, but he Various companies for the manufacture of The hotel trust will probably nob be a o
naerolmn active and oritieai obarge. There mills, cotton, wool, grams, etc., are in process P y B
Is rsaarooly anything which encapea his eye, cif formation. The spirit of prasgress is unless the proprietor sees that yen have can-
-' and thema who blunder or negleat duty thoroughly alive and working. 01 course sid4raile baggage with you.
.aero quickly taliei to book. Ptobmbly no the maeses of people are not impregnated Every man who doesn't know anything
weaurn statemm,an works half so hard, but with it, bnd many of the literati are to op- about farming longs to move on a farm and
Is has tan extra.rdinary capacity for bust- position. But Li has a powerful and grow- get rich while taking life easy.
mem He to an old rasa ne%rly 74 years of Ing party behind him and moi;eyed men are A Gtorgla editor, In speaking of a rival,
ne. Hie person is tall anal bulky, and when beginning be range themtelve* by bis bide, mays : " A piece of charcoal would make a
a young man he msu,st h .ve bead It to also underateod that Prince C.um, the w1she mark on bin conscience 1"
GREAT PHYSICAL 87RHXGTJL father of the Emt,eror,^ and the E,espreed Honor bells as not to bib a man when he'd
dowager are In favor of the new dcpsrture.
Rein of active Citiaxsae d=scent, and this This, of esuree, means the osnturrouce o dawn, and dieoim w warns u be be careful
lana-roma#imaa beea made a handle by his the Emperor." chant hitting Lim when he fou'a down. e
;afnamtos, wha have treea to dir:oredlt him as " How, then, would jou mummariae the Russian Cauab ('noognito)-- If you divulge
'Ablayal to the Mara rob u Gawrarmeaat. Him actual resuba of the Vuerey's agitation far my name I abali force you to sallow your
algin Is a dewp yellow, and very mach plogream up to the present time I" words. Servant -Bub lam no ostrich.
wrinkled. His eyes are piarofbgly bright ." Ftretiy, there to an extensive and well Judge -You are fined $10 for contempt of
mind black, and always watch the person he organized and sound telegraph system, A court. Offeader-I say, judge, seeing the
iia apoahiag with as if they aveulri pea@trato ,portton of the army (that of Nerch China), tenbsmeab is mutual, why not call it draw?
to the very marroan of his thoughts The may 150.000 men, are well drilled in Euro- . The quail liberated in Rhode Island to
Stead is large and ceroma10610g, shaven in pean tactics, splendidly offroerad by Ger- multiply and become ase far thea o
front and adorned with a long gaei:e. A mans and P Y g p rta-
Ireavy wMto muwzao',c and tmpertA give amen are having a hard tame 'of it, and it
Rend-ruilitory Iook in hla tate. He drenmen Ann- PD-AvlTH mn BEST wlaAPONB is hardly likely that many of them will
liar plain, rloh garments of the Chinese 'ef modern war. A partien of the navy is survive the winter.
iuhl.oa. steel -armored, 12 in all, three of them being ' In South America :'Tourist --Could net
1. ,111,H is habits are very eimpla€, and he fol- 10,000 -ten oil beailes a large wooden game of tbeme disputes be nobbled by arbi.
lows Euraapartu fiishtr+n nasi diet at table, sad flotilla eeh. The navy is largely tr Alon? Native -Mare watts of time. We
though a spare eater. Ha rare touched 4iaered by Englishman. There are tour could finish ten revolutions In the time re-
Ariae, cad then only when he off4ra sham- mili ary and naval colleges with the ablest quired for one arbitration.
Magna 'bo a iuests whian is an uuvarying pr4somorm, besides the Tang -Wan -Kwan Ib won't do say good to pray for the
bw lt. It is to hit au*4.rs limy, perhaps, he College, Peking, wbiob is like ono of your South Sea Islander as long an you won't
-owes aria em^iumnca as a worker. He was grab tciaai ifio Nohoalr. far the education of speak to the man who' lives is the next
gaaralyzed about two years age, but k on- young Chim ao, house.
'tarely recovered now. 44 Then the railway oyobem has been in- MY BOY.
na I shon?d may tufkxible parpass acid the aogura±ed, and there are the various opera. Illy mind conceives vast schemes to span
courageof his con make* his obarac- ?,tens In mining and msinufacturtng of which
The nursery floor with railroad plan;
tat'IBtic 11ustiby. I Will ifllnitante this by as -I have spoken. This may seem atviis .He sails brave ships in chilcish play
Axaampls. Macre than ton years ago he moatured by American standards, but It is To Ceylon's Weaud fair Cathay;
a tremendous fact for China, The ball is No lana remote or unconfessed
mfleyrtad the sure to grow greably bigger as ib rolls, 1L'he Lies b'ae n fromo't his
a rnkv'srvg quest;
VTkBTEtiN I neCTta7A OF mt1flDIZ-txrz4' nd
Important thing of all is thab the country is His tiny -clad soldier's fierce command ;
xeruoh to the di guar of hie Woods. His awake from its lethargy. All this, in the His knights in tourney never fall,
nhlasf wife wan v ry i 1, and he oalted in Drs. main is ane be the vloete of Chihli, His prince must win the Holy Grail,
.Andrew Irsci'a eud Mackenzie ani Miss .4 ' y He'llWfowake
b beauundety
f th
a Ll is tea prnfonodly aeoapled with the >rlo'li wake the beauty of the wood.
:Il ard, one a f the mme:dical m.s.,tmarios. welfare of 400 000 000 people to care verya nd all the gianta' beads will fall
They were admitted to thy, very bedside of much about the few thousands in America Before his sounding bugle call t
ilaa,pO.toat, apr000eding i0terl{ atv,�rhmoe per no. He is, 1)awover, an a reiponslble The Impecunious—Ib is just as easy b
svitla Chinese trw%li ion. The,teeatmont was statesman keenly alorb to the love a girl with money as to love one with.
mnocet.aful, Several years Tatar Lady Li
keeeamp mortally ul, and +Ste doctors coutdeb DIGNITY OF IIIB COUNTRY out ib. The Helreea-Bub it ien'b me ossa to
,rave Icer, At this b to old sot oA friends of and thinks .that Chinese emigrants, even get her.
the 'viceroy raised a gro%b Eutory, and though bolongtng to the very lowest coolie A German doctor mays a ptomaine is
'brtaagbt almost resistless Ir;flli:nce to bear class, should not be unjustly treated. L1 is found in influenza patients, and is pre.
,on 'him. Bub he was as firm as a rook and not in favor of amigiabion and is not un- numably the cause of the disease and Greaten
continued to believe in western medicine. willing that It should be checked. Bub he the fever.
Jrtoy I;urod frim of bis Paralysis by oleo, pants it done on lines of common decency. Men who go into Ioaiety a great deal mel.
4r'iolty, and even to -46,7 he takes almost Him position to eminently osol-headed dom got married. They haven't enough
loylah delight in the use of the galvanic and ' reasonable. As for retalia- left after paying for carriages and flowers
battery, which he derola,,es more exhilrab- tion, there In no danger of It, I think, at to afford it.
log than obampagre. He has wablished a least at present, Of coarse no one could Rluhardson's "C.iarina Harlow*." which
free dispensary at Tieuein. The vioarey speak for the final action of a. BtAteeman contains more than one millien words, is
bol the whose motto Is to lob each contingency bake believed to be the Iengeat novel in the
XRZNEST INTELL-90TUAL t1IIBIOBITY oars of ibeelf." English language.
In regard to bho outrages against the
:f (e�ver'know, and takYs delight In swop -missionaries In China has not Li'm action When only nine years old Meyerbeer was
Iilvg I opinlens, ow I believe the American" been somewhat indifferent ? Ib scorns tome considered the best pianist in Barlin. His
I' ie now, with able mind#, especially that with his great weight In affairs he career as a musician began when he was an
thoea who can offer a fresh point of view. could have taken a more pronounood stand." Infant of two yearn:
}Phis is saying much whou you think of the " The vioeroy, you must clearly under- She -Did you pub the hob water bobble In
tremendaus pressure of work on him, which stand, could only exercise ,jurisdiction over the sleigh under the Boston girl's iamb? He,
!encroaches on every minutia of bime. Why 1 any outrages occurring In his own province. -Oh, yes; and when we gab back the
it is a common thing for him to' wouss hia He is friendly to the mfsoionarioa, becanns water was frozen solid.
of£cW houoebold and plunge into work at 2 he believes they help progress in China, but
a.m., three or four hours bat age eunrloo. He e9! aebte would not permit nim to Interfere We are generally ae carried sway by the
Is a -van of tron, almoen i ireleas In body and 4 1086 words of famous personages that we
brain. In addlbion to affairs of Spate and by word or dead in matters relating to never panes to refloot that the firab weivds
ilia local alfa d it the Pr Alrao f he is con- snatber prodlace, unless he were appointed of there same heroes were " goo,.gaa,. goo."
iamperial oommtemloner for the purp=les. As
numlly oafled out to review troops, toepeob a matter of Icternatienal e-mtroversy the Cora -How in it drab when m man writes
one famous e s star be e
a se ria very sella
mini rde nd ar n end watch m wrl
. pyo + a gneebien Weald only some to him by y y �e
osad admlaistrasbiva debacle, t,anemission imam the Toung-ll-yamun. another ? Ilierrlbb-Becaaso he devotes the
"• Weat as are the offiaea of Li, his stipend Lt'a attitude f m not mlenmdersbaod in Clalnm fart of hia life to telling no how he came to
Is comparatively small, and he does what writs ib
by the foreign residents.
Sae Is expected to des in order to sus- The Chinese under the drill and leader-. Barbara -Hew do you know Lit loon.
train iris ank. But for all this he Is ship of Ward sand Garden in the Talpiag gaged? She hadn't a ring, Belinda-
smadsra -•to boa oar man in spite of rebellion, eaewed aptendid fighting staff. No, tub she aboent-mindedly doeigns mono-
Itds I hsibits of life. WbOU you con- !they don's fear death, and will go any grams of her Initials all the time. ,and that
sdr?, at a man of such enormous power where under the right man. ^ But the ! moxas household linens.
nld safely do and yet refrain from ChiDnmaD, after all, Is essentially a man of 'a What'd that furniture dealer say when
icing,. you can moo why Ino is regarded peace, and bas me disposition to carry a you bold him that mirror be sent up was
amertg us ae the beau ideal of honer and chip on him shoulder. Leb us hope he will cracked?" ."Said he'd look into Ib."
OG koethat4Losil•lmporbaatthing for always remain me." a giLla is so sudden," she said, blushing
Is aountry In internal duvolopment ; that at the bender question. " I know it," he
Zhe Wasteel Advice, responded gallantly; 14 I never should have
.FNORNOUa RES01MOEs Or CRINk The New Pastor -My brother, I adjure done it if I had taken time to think
you to love our ocemleo, about It."
r+za almost untouched that war would be y y
mortsin to delay progress. He knows, too Col. Fend (of the Kentucky moonshine Either (to her �betrobbe d)—,Do learn to
,,43mb, wonderful an have been hili Improve distriot)-Can b do It, parson f Can't skate, George- I'm sure you would task
do it l lovely n
:meats to the Chinese 'army and navy v y o foe. George (young end rlsleg
yribblu the ]nab twenty years, the (Phe New Patter -Yon could ii you would andartaker)-Look lovely on ice Z Thank
�aanpdre to tar from being equal yet t o any try you. I in In to harry abeab that.
Jorelgn power in r-mr.king strength 1 Col. Feud--Impoinsible f Hsth't gob none B Aio-Dexo your minister alwm ■ bpi•
�a to love. Shot the last ono this mawnitt 1
ural that wry want prtabrbly end in Cnl• brace you so effusively? Kitty,
-- es; he
1. }sere defeat cad hamlliaiiern, ti~hab is the I thinks I'm In the infant clean gait, It'd very
roaeen why f hlus -submitted to the late Nowopaper misprints are often amusing. mnaoyteg, but he's me old. If it werea
French aggreso on in Slaw, The time is One of the fuunleAb I have lately seen ie the yoon er marl it would be diderenti. '
" �g
earning whorl Chitty will hold 'her own reerenoa to DKr. Hanwnn, lazy vicar cad I ' I have n;a abjeotioa, T'omaly, bo, your
wAnypaelfor, bub It to nob yet. IR sale tenor, §t. Fr ^rails Oi ,thedrai." That playing with the rich br,nker's son,'a said
'faho'meautin a tot China lend all- bar onar• p>tioter bad obviously near heard of a' the poor widowi 4aif he Is a Rood ba . Bab
*oa to making herself gnromb all house, by " Icy . vicar. `I I you don't toady be hirci, '66 ye a t?' A Stop,1b .
lk$ww*red T-04lgey. " Me and him play
olza ranks.ha,merit whorl they *errs t.
, blow!, ,
Only ane person In 16, 000romahes the ag
Of IOQ learn.
The crackle ,groat'whan It as mea to wind
Ing peopie up.
You are always sure to fwd tootlivtor i
N. oboe denier's advertisement.
Baltimore bas been elegantly defined as
the offspring of Action and love,
Krupp boo made £idly 20,000 guns of
large oalibre for the armian of Europe.
Utah Produced 7,107,503 ounces of silver
mat year, having a ries value of $5,233,965.
"Little white feathers filling the air,
idttlewhite feather.+, how came you tbsre7;',
'" WO came from the storm-birda balling on
They're shaking their white,wings up in the
'"Littlo white feathers, how fast your;
Little white feat bore, we love you sol
"We're awl t beeaw awe have worn. to do,
I hold up your too@ and we'll kites y� u true,"
It is computed that a year on the planet
Neptuna oenebaf@ of more than 60,000 of our
day s.
If a man gets up when the day breaks,
can he be slid to have a whole day balers
him I
There is Rabbling like bad 4uok to gab m
man about making a meatal inventory of his
The Swiss used the power of waberfalle to
run fifty-three electric plants and more than
1,000 dynamos.
Be careful c your language when balking
to the elevator bey ; he's apt to take you
up very quickly.
Great Bribala's seventeen batbleabips of
the first}' 011ie oust $54^000,000 and her en.
tire fleet about $175,000,000.
The outcome of a man's courtship now-
adays in largely dependent upon his in
Game ?
A Western paper says that brandy is good 1
for a toothache. Bub it Is difficult for a i
man to as smile" who bas a toothache.
Old Lady -My friend, are you a Chris- �I
tian ? Beggar -Well, mnm, no one has 1
ever accused me of werktn' on Sandsy.
Everybody knows that the sun has spots
on It, and yet memo people always expeab a
10 -year-old boy to be about perfect -
Ram's Horn.
The only way the great army of olorkm
can prevent the wamon from baking their
places as clerical assistants is to call in cler-
tool aeslebsnoe and call on the women.
The Poet's Wife -They say that poetry
is a drug on the market. The Poat-Non.
sense 1 If you'd ever sold any poetry and
bought any drugs you'd know the differ.
Welcnow that spring is coming, i
Y at from the streets to -dap
It looks as if it might be
.A century away.
"Jobton has pradaosd a comic opera
whish, he says, he thinks all the clergy
will commend." "Everything bighlymoral,
eh V "Yen. All the high kicks of the
ballet are directed at the heavy villain,"
"Now, my little children," said the Sun-
day School teacher, "' all of ;on be vary
still while I tell you about it -se still that
you can bear a pin drop." All was silence
till a little They shrieked out, " Let bar
drop P
"I'm an unlucky devil," tried the editor -
'[What's up now?' "Nothing; only
was thinking that if money grew on trees,
1'd be sure to catch the rheamathm and
wouldn't -be able to climb P
The deepest bele in the earth b one 6,5"68
feet in depth and about 3 inches in diameter,
In Western Silesha. It was bored for solen-
bifio purposes and will be extended until a
depth of nearly two miles is reached.
Teacher (in a physiology lessen) --The
next proosse In digestun Im called ohymifi- 1
cation. During this the feed is turned
around and around In the stomach. Tommy
Traddies-Piesse. sir? Is that what they
call the dense da ventre?
A Jar of COW Cream.
The basis of cold oresm to always mutton
tallow. You can gob this at the butobees,
and it you tell him what it is for he will
select some very fine tallow. Cat the tallow
Into bit@ and put it into a saucepan with.
out any water. Set the mancepan into a Jar
of boiling water, end let it remain until the
fat in thoroughly "tried" eut of the tallow.
Strain through a fine sieve, and while ib In
still warm stir In a beaspaon of the essence
of oampbor to every cap of tallow. Next a
tablespoon of your favorite perfume, and stir
until all in a sweet-smelling liquid. Beton e
It has had time to cool, pour in a little toilet
Jar and mot open the ice overnight. 1b will
keep indefinitely, and will be found one of
the beat remedies in the world for skin that
gets rough and "Winter -mere,"
g , Shy
to the ways of her household."
Yes, Solomon is right; that's what
the good housekeeper everywhere
does, but particularly in Can-
But her ways are not always
old ways. In fact she has dis-
carded many unsatisfactory old
trays. Vor instance, to -(Say she
iS^ using
the New Shortening, instead o
lard. And this is in itself a lrea
son why "she looketlt well" h
another sense, for She eats n(
lard to cause poor digestion ani
a worse complexion.
COTTOI,1�," is !Huth better
than lard for all cooking pun,
poses, as every one who has true
it declares. Have you tried it
or 1e everywhere.
I` sa race
Made only by
Wellington and Ann its.,
..,:i' J ,
_. _ ..
.. r a
a _ - - z `.
o _+aa-.,
I I I . I . 11 .� Wh;Wo,
. .. .
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In-- I I I1. :1
��� . I ,�, �. . .
. . .
. I I :
1. I. I
II ''. I I—— �, I . ..'�.i��M2
A � �� � I I 5���E!91 ,
Vastoria is Dr. Samuel Pit�eber"'s prescription for'Ylnutalnt�3
I 11
;land Cbildreno It coniailns neithor (Opium, Xorpldnc uor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantce3 is thirty years' use by
.7 111lons of Mothers. Castorila, destroys Worms and allao .
fI'everishnoss. Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Curd,
cares Damrrhgea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieJvaser
teething troubles, cares coixstipation and iiatulelie,y'. .
1. Castoria. assimilates the fool, regulates the stomach i
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casae
titorlai, is the, Children's Panacea tlae Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
11 I
"Castorls is an excellent medicine for cbil- "" Castoria is so well adapted to eh#ldren theq
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ane of its I recommend it assuperior toanyprescripU4a.
good effect upon their children." known to me."
Dir. G. C. OsGaon, H. A. Atagmrat, X. D.,. 1
Lowell, I4inss, 1 , — Oxford St„ I3rooklynI N. Y.
.' CgetorisIs the best remedy for children of " Our physicians in the obildren!s depart -
which I am ncquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi- .
far d'rstantvAieumothers will consider the real ence in their outside practice withCastoria,
interest of their children. and uso'Castoriala- ' and although we only have amapg our
stead ofthevariousquack nostrurnswhicharo medical supplies what is kaolin as regular
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess brat the
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with
agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it."
tho>ntopr^ernaturegraves." Ualrm HosrrrAL Azw DasPxNaAzx,
Dn- J. F. Kusscascos, Boston, RUM
Conway, Ar Ausna C. Surrn, Foes.,
The Centaur Co -parry, 'ii Murray St—t, Neer York City.
mark 600418 Plainly.
A well-known oboe dealer recently amid :
"I pub a plaoard on every line of goads Shat
will admit of It. I am careful to have the
letters plain and moat. I am sure that my
idea of this part of the businemn is a correct
one, for I have frequently observed ladies
exsmining goods which they would not have
noticed had not the card with the price
caught their aye." -Shoe and Lewher. twm
No longer Owls.
Jent-'They had been marrlod a month
before her father snspeoted ib.
Boer -What atonnxd him susplolons ?
Jets -.A big jump in the gas bill.
"What must precede 'baptism?" asked
the rector, whop oateohleing the Sunday
School. "A baby," exclaimed a brigbbboq,
with the alr of afre stetting a saylf-evident
truth. .
The editor who is always feeling the
paten of the people Is not, really Interested
In their beast -beats. Ib it his own airoula.
tion that he It looking after.
Ache theHEAD rto tbo*e
who buffer from thisdistressing complaUl#'
but fortimately their gobdneos Rage eigR
here, and those who once Ery diem vriE#
theft little pills valuable in aq miteyY
A. wilt a bo wIIl{n : to. o wfihouC
Dirt after , head
Is the bane of eo man lip at here is yrhaaro
we make our eroat ,oa Our pfiia atifo it
F.,: o
while othef+4 do Snot.
and viae XA"7A 114VE r Pit" arra v amailot
to take. O or ak
very enol' P t,WA rn
a d se. Z7ao 0
aro tri t vo as ' l�rmd d
_v s c � tr tat la ."
not gripe or par,ge, but by tbb& goale rection
please all who trice them. Ibr clays atti¢as gents;
Elva fol $i. l3oid evoryvrhalks, ar snubby succi
C1AAlrA 118D102iiA Cif., Ilazti Yodi.
Oi1S S1ST,ER YL►Nll4ro.
Ilher and ]By Whom Tinley Were Dla-
ExptrbmexU Ift6WIng Their Idabillly to
From the remotest antiquity ib has been
A French electrical paper gives the re -
recognized that there wore five planets
sults of experiments made by Mr. Dimitrie,
bslonging to the solar system -namely,
In which he subjected different pieces of
Meroury, Nanus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,
wood to the apatks frem a Holtz maahlue,
mays Prof. Ball In his 'Story of the
and found that they conducted quito dif.
HthyOU ." It is true that the physical
ferently ; oak gas eaeiiy pierced, while
relations of these globes to our system was
beech was quite resistlug ; the riebnare la
not correctly understood until comparatively
water eid nob seem to have any influence,
modern times. The movements of the
while the amount of oil centained was of
objects which bore these names seem, has=
great importance ; weeds contakftg starch
ever, to have Indicated, even to the smallest
and but tittle oil, like the oak and poplar,
type of abrervation, that these bodies
have much toms resistance than those c6n-
are to be placed in A wholly
tainting oil, like the batch ; pine contains
different category from the fixed
oil in the winter, but is very poor in oil in
stars, properly ss -called. It may be
the mummer, vAenit resists only as much am
Interesting to lobe that even Mercury,
the ozk ; by extracting the oil with other
which IN by far the most difficult of detee-
the woods are as easily pierced ae tbomecon-
Con of all the orbs, did not eteal a the pane-
taining starch ; tt ase containing ebarch are
tracing glance of some early discoverer,
leas easily pierced when living than when
whose name, and even that of the Rattedto
dead ; the bark and lite foliage in all the
which he belonged, are utterly lost in pre-
trees are poor conductors. The oonclutione
historic ages, It, may also be remarked
are in accordance with observations, 0s in a
that, so far an we are at ppresent aware, the
knowltdge of these flve was confined
certain case 150 asks were struck by light-
21 beech
Ring as against and 59 pine traa@s ;
to the various civilized nations of i me old
the danger of being struck am compared with
world. Ib would seem that the Aztecs of
beech to 5 for Norway pine, 33 for pine and
ancient Mexico bad not noticed any of the
48 for ea.
plaRets, eE.pr.11"liv,jf.e,npria-lo.-arti,7i�bde movementalef
Meronry, Saturn had nob,
so Ise as gave, attracted
When is the tomparabare like paper
their attention.
and ink ? When to is stationary (sta-
It will now be necessary to mention thab
the solar system, as we uadersbaud ib in
these days of large tolesoepea, in a vastly
What ebrafts are most difficult to navi-
more complex system of organimd move -
gats ? The straits of poverty.
meats than any presented to Kepler when
How ma ole be seabed so as to make
way fai
hie great labors were undertaken. Saturn
it napl
it others ? When they are
ban teen for a ore than 100 years deposed
not iced,
from the position it once 000up;ed as the
( When is a beggar unreasonable ? When
outermost of the known planets. Oatefde
yon glue him your hsn3 and he aske for
thab globe revolves the greatiplanet Unarms,
alms (arms).
which, ab a mean distance of 1,777 000,000
When is a regretted action like an ill -
of miles, performs its mighty revolution lam
monnered boy? Bpoanse it is rued (rude)
a period of 84 years. -It was reserved for
-youth's Companion,
William Herschel, wibh his home-made
refleotimg telescope, to bring the planet
,loon+ for Doubt.
Uranus 1 a light by him superb discovery in
Lige Hayes (revierwi ,g a recent lees In the
For the Japan of another half century it
community) -Yee, Deacon Skinner was
purby close, putty close; one of the riohemb
seemed an it Uranus was to be entitled to
the position that had been so long accorded (
men in the State, and yet I've heard tbab
he searched back two miles -for a nickel he
to Saburn, of circumscribing the limits of
dropped out of his hand,
cur system. But to 1846 Uranus was itself
Gabs Barnes-Tain'b as i
superseded. Suffice ib to say that Uranas
Uaole 81 Low -Wal, I Yleeve it.
indicated by its movements the existence of
Gabe Barnes -Oh, I know he 1051o'ted
some great orb still more remote. The
for it, but (with empbsitt) it Deacon Skinner
annals of astronomy present no more
ever gob his finger around a nickel it was
brilliant achievement than that by which
never dropped. '
Ls Varrier and Adams, guided solely by
sasoh indioabione as the movements of
Strangely, the street car traveIIer is the
Uranus afferded, were conducted to a
moat shocked when the also trio oatrent its
knowledge of the provide spot In the heavens
where a planet lay on which no human eye
A1100 0010.
had ever gazed. Neptune is the name of
—------ -"`-
ey vest orb so revealed ; it is entirely
banana the seeps of the castled eye. A
telescope Is required to show it, and then
the planet oppears like a star of about the11VER
eighth magnitude.
Napoleon, and the 'Gunner.
i`i S.
Ib was at the siege of Toulon that
Nspoleov, then a youth, first gave evidence
of that matchless military genius that, sub-
requently made him master of Continental
Europe. At that stage he seized a awab out
of the bands of a private soldier and pro -
needed to ram the charge home in a canner.
In doing this he to caught" the Itch from
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles
dent t bilious
O a ata f
state d the B Sten! Bn ala
the cannoneer. r r. So thoroughly was he In-
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness Dietr@es aaftair
feot ed that he never recovered, when
Emperor, his both* were as luxurious an
eating Pain in the Side, b c. Ytlhite chelrnaoet<
"mar success baa been shown in caghag
these of the moat efiiminate of the Roman
■ AftL
mark 600418 Plainly.
A well-known oboe dealer recently amid :
"I pub a plaoard on every line of goads Shat
will admit of It. I am careful to have the
letters plain and moat. I am sure that my
idea of this part of the businemn is a correct
one, for I have frequently observed ladies
exsmining goods which they would not have
noticed had not the card with the price
caught their aye." -Shoe and Lewher. twm
No longer Owls.
Jent-'They had been marrlod a month
before her father snspeoted ib.
Boer -What atonnxd him susplolons ?
Jets -.A big jump in the gas bill.
"What must precede 'baptism?" asked
the rector, whop oateohleing the Sunday
School. "A baby," exclaimed a brigbbboq,
with the alr of afre stetting a saylf-evident
truth. .
The editor who is always feeling the
paten of the people Is not, really Interested
In their beast -beats. Ib it his own airoula.
tion that he It looking after.
Ache theHEAD rto tbo*e
who buffer from thisdistressing complaUl#'
but fortimately their gobdneos Rage eigR
here, and those who once Ery diem vriE#
theft little pills valuable in aq miteyY
A. wilt a bo wIIl{n : to. o wfihouC
Dirt after , head
Is the bane of eo man lip at here is yrhaaro
we make our eroat ,oa Our pfiia atifo it
F.,: o
while othef+4 do Snot.
and viae XA"7A 114VE r Pit" arra v amailot
to take. O or ak
very enol' P t,WA rn
a d se. Z7ao 0
aro tri t vo as ' l�rmd d
_v s c � tr tat la ."
not gripe or par,ge, but by tbb& goale rection
please all who trice them. Ibr clays atti¢as gents;
Elva fol $i. l3oid evoryvrhalks, ar snubby succi
C1AAlrA 118D102iiA Cif., Ilazti Yodi.